HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-04-06, Page 8terly irre-
Ou Boa t u point,
close personal inspectio�iu, altbougWhe was
601'tal Wily 9114'd 9k Dentist tor 61111n,t1j.1.
out of this labyriutli in�tead."
K-0 (Ae"I
From e
by no, means, entitioa to do this by
c w hpubli are
11 The way' out lies, xight before your.
of view.
What tile xaaodivo worta.,
rhe Lights 01
of bi4 office.
nott6ostrlw,JrA iibarlkiva legfpegu� tio,14'
face. Be m man au&, Summon dil till your I
I poetical �ot of, �ha baby
of the
At the drawitle-room held at Bucking-,
harn Palace the Queen wore a, dreBB and!
The way was lotig tinil, weiry,
rlilo,,,s hol&e,
where the tif count'
)concHrued; and tt Wal
energies forth witb. Quicklyaliddetermin.
edly, break the chain tb t has hitherto New Yor�, Rerald,
- 4
—podtry among the 8creaulB
nursery I' ex0wilab the acute keadei,jump.
train ol black Moire antique and eatin,'
But g t1lavtly they 6troue,
A coi&. ,
ry lad
at T station a6d itifluoijua k1bi01L safely
Aria u
V) earth ;- you o, H M, Izird, an artist
bound you to ie L we tilis to. Jot. i6 appeared
yourself and your future., career, &a well as befo�e
in Pleas
In& t�c his ooncluSions.' Ab,3u-d I
Tile re'13 nothing of the Sort `.n reml,,' life.
rume6witli strich fearberb and jet, and:
tri 0
a d by�ikcoroneb�,
the beavy road.
Tirei;ht was dark and stormy,
venture upon N
__ It to under6eaxid how he
the Court of Commou
Antoinette, u6leog you would iubultiler by Kage Van Brunt and it jur,'yeaterolmy
Bottles and rattles , wet, uiour,h and bald,
of Inr Majesty also wore, it'
_,,Bqt-bliibe of h they.'
T�r shipin6-in the U:t
Q ( stance,
I wa4,-easv
ow s-etk'by nodoublad diligelice'to
tiny further demonatratiou 0 t your regard. as'plaintiff in a suit for §5,000 ciminkge
when ou nave freed yourself, then go
toietblug and�turijbijug', squembi and
Squallo your 'poetical baby -'for you,
Decklaca, br000lies and earrings,
dimmolid6, the Ribbon and: ka of' tho
:The Lights bf London. lay.
0 gleam lug lamps Of Londo thmtigem the city p
make amends fo pardonable;
'liaence that bad delayed 1138 diticuver�
.Aild agmilist 'Dr. John, Westbay, a dentist, whom
with Joe toy Italy., Tiicj�oiur ney,ie impera- he charges with having fractured, her jaw-
when you see itnear'eliough—.aud hearit!"
Order of the Garter, the Orders of vjctorla� I
brown 1 � I
0 Ligll�s of London
ueg I
d udy caw,ed the
for, aya,,and aripore
tive upon you for the coix4,letion of your -bone while he was at�empting, to extract a
And Suit ma be. But would poetry
and Albert, t)io Crijwn of India, Louise, of
What fortunes lie within you,
loss the money. BOt all this was
7�7 -
BtudxeRi arid if ycur-�own t -co th marcli 5th I Is
be left in the- world it we watched only ill a-
ruissia, St. Omtheri , ine of Russia, tbe-Spau.:
, , I
fpy, nei ther did be nor
adequate "to defrayiug tlic txPeiiae, Mind Dr. WWbay in hni�aoiswer sa . yA, -that
meatier dettkilj of life a ndour�ibwly scanned
es 00 colers and e S�Axe-
1�ithif Ed
V Is load,
expended -v�ili_LY
the rather inefficient- police buccee d- ` fi d-
in the
m�e mr-y—orut- service;, t"Co in et� decide quickly." Mee, Izaid'galled upon him, intending to
Is deob�dad, almoat dictatorial manner have He '1he
poor humIntR?
Many r0ks, e ri So verses.
-fi&v itb fo� the
Coburg mud Gotha Family Order he��
Princess of Wales wore a dress. of dar
One:day a mmii�andwoman
Orept down a country.ioad.
9 Lk �trace of the missing sun -1 offibiall-
-prkpoarg 'of th'e treasurt,r. It
- . ...... two teeth extracted. says
f his frien d bh--no d6litim, - rtbrined 'witli . care:au'd
operatiou was pe
Wbloome-littl�e,,straugers--.--They,-bave -even-
_green velvet..over a_-jupe. of- dwrk--greelb.....
They tibu6bt'their native village,
or -private Sly put
that lie must have Pr6vl('u
diction, and was'llot wauliug in its impres- kill., He dooieii, that �her j*wbone Was
a' ddressed the , small -dimpled thing with
br6cade embossed with gold, and. volants of
Heartbroken from the fray;
-)!at, sbbiiug� still behind,the'll,
it, a pijjo�.-of Safety, mid was oil the.
Sion on the young painter, who cla,�pstd fractur bd or Ell'at he caused the 11 plug," to
hia-hands as uhqugb� in extremity of trou- 'throat.
Solemn h a
�,Iiues, and aptiatropliised - it wit
grave Sense, of,its tubure rank 'and ftrtuep.
lace faStaned: with bunches of
carnations ; corsage and train I to, corzes� I
The Lights of Londo n lay.
0 cruel latropa of Londox), if tears your light could
point, of evadai� by fli-ht; a C IBd0verY
became iaevit6ble, ��h6u the fate he
Slip down:: her: , He says that the
ble. "I There is only too much truth in 'bee 6h he atiompte(i to: extract were lb�'city
Th . ey UaV6 by a 'stretch 'of imagiioiatioib�
poL4 Head dmm-a tlari'oh diamonds'
' 'I
[d,weep their, 0 Lights of
Merited overtook him. In proof of t is�
what you say but Gertrude I Gertrude I dec been in that
myed condition
Kial-11t, had
oa,)l me cows, scold me, as Much as
hung over tU'cmdle, with vague pruise of
I cherubs and nee, and treated the
feathers and veil. Ornamentc�di
lamon. ds,
ai� . d the I verpooldiamond'crosB. Oidera�
-the furlough hiob-was to. cover his diSap-
. - I—— r
!Sfnce-, -had-lit
in the first in can
you for -1 Y ears pkeviouB to! the
.- Choose, ragile,
cherub to classical lare and names that for
-Victoria a1fd Alb�rt, tbe,Crown of India, sti.
miready. obtained, andhistrunkastood ready
of his dwelling. Count-
its UnhaPPY-UnhaPPY through MY iu$tru- t� at it could. not be":emQved from the', Jaw
tality." I
men -without' being' broken, mud that uqt.wifh_
-belong enough to
cholitsthe child'. ,.To a Slepipipg� Infant 11
-Catherine-of Rudi3la.and..th6Daaitih--Fainily.�
Order,�_ Princess Christian wore- a trkk�,
packedLin tile -hall
ArnAu registered tbb do 3ilibaition which be
With w -movement of,extreme impatiqnce Eta Lding. his best, endeavors the tooth :was
8,11d Lines to an Infant " are' often ull
and corFage of 'brown velvet � tbd
hmd given in the begin: Ding, and this wouti d
d, back hi 6 a broken 6�ff`belo'
Harman pushe a a at il sprung vv the surface of th
reading, though the author's Dame may
have been in,itii The ver: iftie
traiii trimmed with silver Sox fur., over a,
petticoat , of viel-or satin, bmiadsom Y
N'o"v e. I%'
-sisted from any
up the affair. People dc
The unfortunate
to �bis feet. but no greater inj cry �or pain I wis hifli6ted
Well, that bein 'the casoi, I'll act in in the� is i1sually lucl-�ent
gistat -day. y
bInts the Among
-iDapoli"ble Btatelinsss.
draped with H 11
onito, lace. . Aemoldress-m,
further iuvbstig�tio
man was.buried in all pos bible privacy, and
-Your place, All, I there comes in the, removal of! teeth., Dr. Wes�iiay
the of Gsiorge Macdonald there are a
-tiara of turquoise and diELmoiads, fektherg
ith her child left
his widow the city,
juHb-in time." 'further -dhdrges 'th�t� Mrs. Izard, after the
: t lo'?" cried
what do mean, o ,
few simply The Baby.". They
are. short enough to quote, and are both
and . Ornaments-tulquoise and'
diamonds. Orders-ibe Victoi ria and
, a would , -be
where beroefdrtl a Btigm
The little property
you opatratiou, did Dot : take proper care her,
of Eli�tene, in bor or.
o J�W, aud neglected- tolhave thobroken fra'g-,
playful and sweet
Allier t, the Crown.of India, St.'Catherine
itffixed to her name..
1, by ber-husband I pledged as secu-
posacesei .
Cut the knot that you,�dOIilimir_-`bf 100S- rn�tkts 6f the dec%,�ed 6;,ila removed: 'and
didy,.ucowbfroin,1babVdcEkr? . I
Whe`6 eevery�vbereiutahere. !
Out of tt,
of 618i th'
Portuguese, the -xe-I e
-Cb!g ,tdGtbiha Family Ord Sa
ar, the'PrusL.
f rLffl 6 -begin--
jpg] Good moriiin I Nettie,'deur.t! coruplained if 1 8y did
Where did you get your eyes so blue?
for Care �.of the- ick and-
hour. Not a, word of it �escmped, for the
door St even of the' anteroom, were 3108ed-
.1 I --'- r. the amount embezzled, was
ning,10 cove
forfeited, of cburae,.and �rewitb
To be continuoid.) exist, were the resul5ofiler own nel�
Out Of tLIO'likib5 USI )As ibi _)u,,h
8 your forehbad'siMj�th and hiph?
- the Order of Louise- of Prussia - Wounded
er, o. ilis conference,
-As w result, howev'' f
the Lady of St6rufold made known her
as matter
e, . dad the dramm-at -least, in so far as the
WIRE P It 01 N U-4 C, il, N 0. rs. Izlo,rd,had pr*
eviQuBly � testified �as it..
A soft hand stroked it as I went by.
Nhat makes your chL,-9h like a wa v�llit(t 1-0
saw something betf6r thark,any ne knows.
and the Order, �of St. John of Jerusalem'
Princess Beatrice wore a bodice and train
intention of on the morrow, and
4 nine -Ak witI1668 litifore' trial and her exavAl ,
nation so be. Fliled vil
-a that tb):ee�cor�nered smile of bliss?
Three angels gave me at once a ki�s.
of PcmpadoAr� satin'tri'muned with shaded
rilaos, the petticoat d'Ar gentin lace over
requested that her grandson (who all this
y Usterday was. not materially different from'
N*hore di, i you,get that coral ear'),
salmon Satin. Headd�ess-feathers, veil
tilne had not left he�), might accompany
her oLi her journey. She inbisted that tile
t1amt deposition. She stated that! she went:
(Contegipor�ry.Revibw.) 'to the doutor's office with her friend, Miss
Godbpoke,anditeme',outto hear.-
Where did you get those. arms and ban s
'and diamoiidbtars-. Her Royal Elighlae8s'
brooch.laod earrings
liveliness oUthe' would disturb his
pnly, Eugehe, Make up your mind
w series of , undula no Gray. She Bat in the dental rjba'i*r and Dr.
ot0SbiDg.m, bi
came -dear little thidgs'�
Of diamond's a�nil7the Orders of Victoria and I �
mother, mlid that it pulde be best for. him,'
to be separated frow her, until'she had
bil at of ep. ou will ruiu your
prospect� by "this everlasting doubt ajid,
ranges abutting on Mbunt Hertucnd with,mu Wef,tbay pub it ,',plugi" in ber.rhouth., � She
E ugli�h.touriet who hiaking merry at lost OOI180i0UBl)eB6 after the gas had -been.
HOW eiid,tha�r all first come to bb you -2
Albert, the Crown of Iudja, the Pbrtu-u bad
a-pol the Sm�e-Cobur� and.Gothi'Famil
entirely recovered from' her recent illness.
th' -utterly admiuist6red,'�bht when she I had partially
b%rreu appearance of ' the
GodX I . I . .
.0 us, ya, I r: 9
J�ht to i You t 11�e
- . I Y
The Couub re-echoed- his. mother -in,
Tile young 6� WhOln'tI1686 ' words
11 promi�-ed Imid." lt trirp�ed out, ho�vsve�, regained her senHes'shij heard. Dr. We8pbwy
�Qolike, , I
Gott thought about you, and so I am herb.
la;w's opinion, but his wi(e seemed shocked
propopal. She -would h6t have ber
Were, rNifed lit S 120
and,said in a bona of
I m I bmvo broken it 1" allof-t a" ah
that his ubtempted wil, served to sba�'pev ul
ur obs.ervatiou at 0,11 the Lit the plag down her throat;
and we four . A tI
the poet-Iauremte,pqVIisbed
I Vise ot st thXla_Vt4
darling--hur oDly s6n-ta.ke from .Let.
She called it kitual hjudness to deprive her.
roess: " I should just like to 8ee,.y6u1n Lbe
same predioaineno� when you wotl',d')emr
my, he doutor'! 11bbe is
cues 6('5eii God I" i
bauds. A tow,miles further on wo� came to 0110h�iil-g-" Ile PLAgbed me back in tb a
and t4tthe
a new volu of alUids
WaSdLedicateol't o his baby grmndsouw-g6ldeu
haired Ally, crazy With laughter and bubble.
116ogsbn a girl give her an uurulv Ictok,
of her 'ODIY &Jl�soltktion -durring
sickriess-but in
that. it war by tic means suoh easy
thing. to decide.'.'
'Rasheiya yards stll floqris' chair,"'Haid Urk�, pulle-d- the, plug'
V�bere th6vikos It
Now t ne,
li�t the flow'er �f a year -and a hiili is thi
ike a Low ith a board over her face. Y on
take the gentlest cow in�Lhe world :find
weary dB,y§ (if her
Mother and buabm�d, usually so ikadul&nti,
When �on the one side
on such terraces; arid -we had no diffioul,ty otit in a coraer
ICILlei6ti I of bbe-rooni, walked out of' the
ill coming to the col that the bare
0 little bloss'om, 6.milne'and mine Of Whi(i,
Glorious P06t,.who uev6r hast writtien a liu�,
&,board owr.be� fcO, and turn bar out Ili.
ypo�(. in carrying t
-01I ...
hole ftuture aud outhe other to,
my, w I I
hipe�of ., ' .
_time b&a,worD room
Lau,,bldor the'name at U16 be ad of my verse.i�r
. � I T thilib
a pasture, and'she gets 'the reputation of
. L ,
b,-irig 'sind
point�wlth a stra-liga'an d mc pre en-si IS
sternness, and the weak, without
0 a out' i b
have any questi u . b. but,
with "the: 7, 1u-,her;depo&itiou Mrs.
she ku ew her
vine,, the highest erriblem of.pros erity,aud . jaw was�f�aciqredl because,
thou -never be-wrongdol.,by.the.name-that.
unruly, yen would � sw ear a he
would jump fences arid- trouble,
k. used, alms! t
Self-reliance, and lor. o the
dictmt-i*-o--u*'-o�f-o'blat3rs,' -was finally foredol'to
rega-rd.it as a case of, himple necessity, mud
a- I 11. I
act accor lug Y. . .
)y. Similar ierrades war noticed -by tilie Suffered- iner-s8ant pain''aud bee
i( I
ihe br� , Albert Little, had 'told
� The, words about � the glorius,..pofit who'
'never 'written
you :would ja&-givd so much for herby -11.0
only f r beef.`. It is so with a girl.' If It'
9 a a
Even tlkough a heart. Should be broken
Dralib and Paimer Ili Desdrt.of Judem,
far from any modern civilization: -It, herl:bo- Sbe. was: sik'fo ramorith;herj&w
ha� a line remind us that
ibie i4a fr6o�fa6nt alluf4onhen child-loviug,
wears her hair high �n ber forehead, or
Accordingly the next, morning. 6, tiavelr
1. , I I
ling�eartiw�e Stood before the door.' Obtille
n cousequbuce.
PsbavF, 'do not oall tbiriga byso tragic
to inter that because, a- place iB.Ideao late wus-baudaged with -rags:;. she, was llo.t� able
i'Ways to eat iii-ead or.meat for twelityieight days
the lit
poeta',gp6ak'of' tie ones. _Macaulay,
brushed back even has frizzes,and- has
-good' ook, you will �6 your b6tiona dollar
was deeply distressed by this enforced'
�iid, bursting
amathe. T he .ictims of disappointed lby��.
heafts bp
bow it n�ust,.mlovays have been., 11�
remain,.so.' �The Arab historiat 'tells -us -Mra.,-.Iz9rd also testifiecd tbat
ri,,htly,pbs�rve�7-vViifle,410ting that siogular
I 1
Power Ili children 13y which, in their play�
� u hat, and,'y6u feel that -she is its good il,a
and thmt, When She tellp�he.r
separation from her son, into
tears, 8 be'pr'eBSed him again all �agam: 0
who die of broken may very,,
touching' to 'read of in hovels; but have no
Salah -ed -Din; befo plants,
that re the battle of w, portraits, plaques. and Screen*
E ttL I ell.- In LMay,folloWilig the operation had on) '
a in,,set fire to the forests, and tbuE Y
kbr in8ttj uc;B', � they can imagine.'thpmse ves
I .. .; � .
kings or'qu%na, 8;dgels or�fairias, prisoners
gold, YOUL19
ro-an tbit�sh�,'Ioves him �the�6 is Do Ais
I . .1
her heart; but even now the, boy -aid not
belie his si gubir native. 'It is true that
exi9tenobe iii.real life and'a simple maidell"
such,asdB the girl you ate.eligaged to, is
finished work 'that she had beg h
circled the Crusaders' with A sea of flame; jLl��. vP
� iu�-the :Or Slx-W eeksibefortaherteeth weret taken out.
orpolicemoa&j ana act as if.tbeyi.eally were
count op -it, no giggling back; but take.,ifie
Btma girl wit�ii her fiont'llair b'dnged � au'a
his little. lips'tremblL d, but no -tears. came
not going, f herslf, you
Now there is somrcely � a shrub
neighborhood. In wamdering through that THEI$TORY CV.�A Sl'i,,CTATOR�
So, thm are your oi�y poets."
Longfellow has. said of older children that
w be*u she looks at you.you feel ju,st: a's
into his eyes; pala�ind quiet, he Submitted
to the caresges of Aiia 'until the
may depend.' She will �Shed a few tears
&er ur'16Bs, as a Matter of couso,' yo but
sacred . Ian . d, ove r which - tha* cresceu t . Dow Miss�May Grayj the next wituii�s, said
bey are better. thaii'ali ballads ever saidor
*for 11
1hough, she, would, book, &D you caWt
0-h asm.folboef.imapiri, took thmt
Count, at lait growing impaitienti took h
from her
will get . over it, and after'& reasonable. while.
mrry-Some worthy citizen. cf,W W ho
at- the numboaf of' th
waves, one is at she accompanied Mrs. Izard :td the
ruins'.that artud. the laiidticab�l and- show, office Of. Dr: Westbay, (in the . night' of the.
Song, they arer iving:'.poeme-su
the rest- are dea;d-.'!-Andef�aVery little-
makes a young han feel as -though he would
8 ad
-ss-she wa ti -:1imud--and:
,,,, ir
He al to' his grs�udmotber; and
will betterI; and make herliappier
what must once have bo��eu �-the natural operation r. John r WeStbay 'conducted:
f t- . , . .
er ility of. the couritry% Wbenbe'bae.come the nd Miss* Gray eat in a chair
operation ai
ebild-wilose rattle and -bells had Suggested
the romar ice 'of the r�giiiva of octal. 'and
�_ .
foot" so she cou an't get out of the PaSture.
vvith� ba
A, with� ba may try to be.good
upon be di him a1arbwell
g � Over to r give
kiss, inaltmlolsturk pectedfy.witihapAssion
than you could ever 0
Huah;Herman, if-yon'plemse V' cried
? Is tbe.'blight, natural and
Change .� ill front of hith.,; shet'saw t4e..do
-en -cause - Y 11430x-
or ait, br ol b'
What! dyl those
girl ga and 4wh
true, but it is awful b-ard Work; on She
ate'refusall frous the child; There was an
horrsir. in! his sudden, recoil
Eagene, passionately.. You do not know!
'r '
ai�d thatis why you h a
mv, always,
p adi:niniswr th g
a R�s, airkd,6avir. him put�the
. derlt.il, and' a!r6ticiibI �circnmsts,rie6m which.
pJpg aXrs.Izard'a:moutb. It was awoo�den
tiredralre with eupl)liautlo6k9,r
Aud voice more Issautifui than a poet's books,
Or murmuring sound.of water me it flows;
oo at,hereelf in the glass. bill Beeis the
quart . er ofan, J Says to
frona The paternal embrace .which,by no
berved : by the� C
been unjust -tor hen."
May be -so. I have, 'a know,&
May Doubtlessemch plug.'! and had lab String attacheid. ro.it
ruin . has its tale, hf horror, but all tratte atter these prelimnari6p the doctor fast_
in tile same poem there ire soribe ex'qui.
fa d�ng' ti
hers aro 8 they wallit. to
I ookout,forme. She thinks sh-els, all right,.
meaus pusiied Li U unt.
A dark cloud -ather6d )upon LiFi brow, and,
o5 you
decided ant pathy' eveqtbitig low lid
d , ,
'IY r th hn gave It'ftr
tbeirdiaiitrudtioiitor8laia.�i6ra and"Pecimi ,,d tile pincers on he too
to the blighting slid de8c, presence 6f "I
Site interpre.tatiG
�hs,cf baby manner's mud
c ' US,tonas.,�For in stance, tliat oup.tom which
ut-6he is co Sta ritly doing that .Which a
say;' word,� 'he -sei74 both,
without ing a
hands the ,hild, and them
contracted ; but'witert-W.comes to
a man's order to -drag him down
pull; the doc6r-said� have r
it ;"
thick, �bbetle'
the, Tusk.' 'That short, krs.'Iz�rd, was`fdst" regaining �c'misciput'-
, -
we should call theinnocelu'ri absiir,�ce.
girt who wearK her hair brushed b kild
hi k
11 ever i in of doing�,I.Tbob3l)" girl
of pressiug
tightly in his own, dre%w� him' toWardlaim
tots ownlevel�theu. it becomes positively
r '. , I . I
browed, handy.,legged ba0e Man, that. He he doctor put"'t - pincers on h-
ma ytouri,,ts.firidb(�("LiLLrrdiDg.,,IseTurkit3iI -
of, rumnllo�rs� etnbairaosing,: uhauHwer-
-able �tare'of the .. I
ittle stranger: in our
I yr, I
bolong.t6 church, and try,to pdt.ou�a
with the, roughness.
This did� not' rdsigt;, bat;L
. b, _, f' 1 ,, I " "
ate u to ale..
�no reply orihiiee Word S..
secondtime� an& in the Struggle the
offic�ml.,! He and his� ancestors li�ve ruled, I)JUgr �'.Waat I do wn her threat -; the
worl (I
plous loot, ;*hen the hymn is ein re
'ind! the But she. look 'out frouY beli
although he fierve grasp of vile father's
bund must have him, Ile showed no.
spoke -w Ili fill ean! e -i -A -P -D e&a.' He -jutiiped up.;
ed, to the window,' &nd,.with his fore.
the, land'..since .1517. A' -.Wilberforce In G,od. I She N choking a no1puttiog
A-hilger down Mrs..Izard's 0im �t
a Tik led
'it 'the..
Like one who iii'a foi�ejm 14ind
Some sourcitof, voiiL er and 8urpri
bangs,reide.Wise, at Some iheLk -mld lowfy get his - mitidqla
tryi, lig-to
sign of pain, but bit his little lipB.to r
head glasti, lookc'&out
preus6d against thE
11 W
at Shadow 6t. 9h do w, for' good. arid.ihrt�w floor
:rqle.' T,he',T'rks,
When Lie takea:' n the. quick.
obe, thus ;of
hur,and,it- Will breakr mall up, a�d he
and assumed such 'a u exbression of resolute-
that his su,ddenly relrj�sed him,
into the -Which, .,spread out before.
him1wall the',de*y fre�biies�:of a ne
I ' ,liethor iq Made such ,,t ikoi,,,e,'. said the wdvpe8H�
im� their PAgan 9t 11 thar, I thought it was a great b q, toa
mud questioi to'the band
U ing beiV
More �e �vork, v% an d�eaming of
Won't know whether he is' Singing
�Charge'to Keep I Have " or- She a �a
pu�hioi him' The'glanc6 whi&h he
m6ining.: Th sun sbota's, wafol'and bright
pashave only appea ad OU tile' after the operationt the do6torleft the room'
w -to. de'sitrom: No fmocial or , , .
:the time to come -be Iosps eta i,t'oi
D Y The bang r girl plaee:hor
d ini, owever, -a darte tit h,' h ma frightfull Y
meria,cing that Lady Sterafeld put.out, tier
into -tho ord,fashiGped'. pavilion,,� Whi6h
belonged t pt th the,half
o tb 8
�erlt y and ey.-
V� It lu C h a ()Dft7sed
divilizod art oveg ally hing to fine, T trk
i a f z�fterward the. dot�LqK�
aw Dil"!GS _s_.
-re%litiiis,in Seeing theajolHs.real meanings
ballgS down (JU e. it -of the th bUo,may
"ahead tit her. durif-io, the �rnorning: pray6r,
oiotbc:t1n�iy-to,w%rd her gra6d6hiia.,
efm6ed, decbr anous of its ceilings r -and �
h-orogressi�e abaLi�ment al.1d d"
ec"Y- son, also a,deot)8r,, crio�n
That hea:p efLStonesJu Which Von tbe'� floor. in
�: ijel.L'ab tile Zll;u dust �StLwd,
be good, 'but
Adalbert I"
Thi Hceuei - �betw&en fatligr and son bald
Wa 1.8 gilded I and rich y carved.
f u Ov9re'. WIM Tace I ]Tr -go-
sp(ID0, wished the mud
of temples .-and 'eh, Where. tcad bf8e6t16 could MY
hoots lurks;
will be too tialit'aiid i��qbe bitchse; around
I G a -eye-wi Be a i-emte-the-p;ii1_oU , , IL__I1
)ied few'-, ieconds mnd been
occu'i . 1 . , I I
flowered damabR,; it Shone full, too,
-the., -for' the time
owl' lzarof;: when Br. r6t efl `0
url.i ,
once' a the rooid hi, io hi (U, htk I
I its V�IIV09
tnorui'lbg kun!over the back,6f the pow, �au'd
6�e will ldatch� ill f
t a eye 0 -a In an
observed by IJODe_ibf Abe bystanders.
bbi..Dg on tile Sol,
two volin then, who,
bein oul., mselves alone heria..� 1ho'
as pure, iyoji Granted fha,th6 iStimility , W, busniet,ii t,o d6it;', the v
ab the touch
q i a )i,bal
t� Me as
_mt8 tol tile right, ho,i, tryiDa
As the Servant the Count With a
o n e leaned agttilb��t -the window,
�i)eitber _I -creed uor ritual - y 0, it had., the operation, took
eve ffi� it ol,Rb-ap.ed, form,' 'a, thew, and Jza,rd
766ver Ilia face with one hand while be t`ries.
Smiling facei ofter9d "Ilia mothar.-iuJaw his
w as. t831 Eclad Blende r I a ape' With a face
haDdom 6,,
red tarribl nrilte ew that b,olil
Sin 3,h.t prosperit�l to it's o0s, blood and face bf,tcarne diticoloi,et to
I r
to keo�ptbe off bhe'porntide on his hair
with' the r other, andr -his intere�t in -the
Do not g,�IiVO, b'(') h i H
frQjyj tile Very fir8t� There was 9, oIld
The fiz8toiy of tii.At ruin is tl:I6,lbi�_. eoks sboicoulif. eRtnothiug but. ovef Qe.,t.
t6r (.f a tL ind Buch"thr6ughobut, the 'I't
ilt . >1 T a . in �,,-u
4.111 lyg-hdd� I
prL,�yeris-ky�6ekedint'b.a.cookf�d hat' T66.
Wife. we tire 0DI ller,mau to
8 La'. n
rld -0 a.s.
ful. charin in his feature W ip
" , , , soup mUd j�fl�, th L P,
L W Li�s W, 1:1 I 0
Its prosperity'col to. its' dekrue-
4 . liliae.'. .: ,
banging'of o, girIL,8 hair chanoeg' the whole
-live v vith-hia krandmother�'wlicre! I lie I
116,lmrge L dark eyea
tlip cloilds_upo'n' his brow, beitilleiiing.
tend�dlier had to fuo�d her NOt�l
I161i�:, The ln�oilent'Turk' re4tr -ad'b' no
I y Sp( on.,
" ' " L ' *j
The gives a Hketch of
nature of tit 0 a be 64
an com'
�A a gun hich is not loadpol� r You taker: a
aid otl
A bitter Sir I these words,
the- stre)d�th o c 'Wagiad'w. ithin,
ub opnnd
fro -kers tblefrwt
binBio6s4 t t a Li'liz,beth
t. Y OU
piature o 4 vallgellti'6 --"d - bang -Ver.
eiVeS, CED�,mn ht*thi Sam
in the a So InDo d
time a mealmig directed r to L�idy Von
ahis -mp�ea ran is more
bating.. An abundancti 'of, 'rich hair
tb labor. �Oppressi6 yen lie Little, lib
w.6 i a `d� -a , Nor6hwe9t land
rui.at poop e., o.w would Mrs. Van' ott
llcit ned-the- sate a j�ciild -an
W op or
to'-th6 contour of iV
- Loan mad the Cliristians;- gomded.:to,: at-adeil during i'i et
d eas;�fp;h H dl�,,cove:kb�
specul66pa, The yodug,laily i, id a visit
the aiiegea %le pisiacber, loo�k ith b' er
�il Doi
well�sbaped h eB
Hj8L;1 Companion hiud liWe �6r nothiog;.
followed submiasion on promise'o, 1,
, r f forgi�e- ait a 0 -W ra
' , F
e'urnlug &S or-, tme ago The
hair banued'?r is a
It Ju t. the saine with
bo� nice, plena S1111day
-8. "-yet a
,,..I hold.tuyBeif'responaible -for What'I tk
low He WmA t;im 11
t,hJmL tb_,t aS Ib _Y�
abou a, a
built, With verVrirr -egWar ea.
8, u
ness. . The Chria tittla S rrender8d ti� eijL ture jaw be her e in bq,nd&g6H,L
arr-ps, and the, flaahing cimitar of falain aud, to refibve bar, pain, adtili6i�t6red Dar-
f 7 a �S M I so) %beth Lindsay, 9f,
Jil� Her_
catk__rcp6&t_'�Q0 r verses of
the N47 Test, ameni, and cat his bair
ntoruly charge.
A fe w Minutes latr tile 1ravallers were
but Strongly
turse, We ureofly,- have been
that ' Uld
f 11' upon. the defencelesa, place 00 10s.
' 0 1 t
became.lo, ruin id h6rriirs-too foul'to n ar- When ed by Mr. Bow
father wi Is a poor Cariadi�n farther, with a�
1�rgefamil'. Sb b'g.9)eaIDlng a livreli-
y 0
a clilpFer, and he looks,like' Tu�.Wllaou.
semted in their carriage. The Count, who,
called�ugly, had it. not been or his lo.tv
I 11.1 . � I
rate. the doe or. was (JUe,.',tlro ued'at laiig�h P..b6ut
hood as a, school teabloer�tbeu. tried bodk-
0,133pattied th.em.to the door', now bowed
finely L arched'. brow, that gave character,
the causes and resulu) of j�wbprj� fractures,
ke6piD-,, aiiii. �ubbEquclitly' undertook the
all(' W'
himBelf (,ft, whilte from an open window
po-ox Aoui�6AB 4aved thend a' tearful
arid obrigin,lity,Lto,bis. whole
-His �keen; gray eyes looked out Into''the:
but he'irttiisted that.MrS. Tzq;rd �j wbonp
Wolloal"d Work.
]lad' li�ed fractured without a doubt.
nillimary 'bU6illeSS, ill She a& ad
In J,
:to after seven years' ard work. � Thou
(Jewish Chronie,16�)
iti'a d
a ber;YrSurroun' I'emaxkable mys
As the cmrria�d rolled out of the gatew . ay, I
W9r c'ear, Y and
for a , Yol1Z)g man of four and wenWhIle
a4itiazy-coloundium -'PrL.L W-�ibrpW corrotiormt�d Dr.
which though impoi3slble of solution; MsofOf
it Little. He t1b%t be
tbeL _tha,J-VViaL, -
-Lady Sternfeld dreW, a, long r breatb, and�
iliesharply dlined lines about,hisruouth
I �Ui4
ian't best to give up :Oil thel 29rh of May, 1882 atr
'I zaidq jtW ,
latter,towu she invested �175:in two
a a
I ofs. Returning. to 0 u'dw,:Bher Stild'ent
woL�jan outiing off'th6ir hair and donning a
W3 . g . on tlielrWarriage. The stubborn a
took the boy in her arms USL warmly as if
c��,rresponuBd,to. the same.* : There -wad' a
While Seated in roy office -tbe'o�hcr day: Dn Little's ffi 6. The jaw wits uudoubt-
. I
ber Stock and returned to Fargo in 1880, and
beren6e to thiA ciistotnBuggestedthe ploe�OL
she bad Just saved him, from Some imnii-
look here (if energy And. decision, fitted foi,
trying to.coilvince miyse�lf that a liti well
bought sixteen acres !f6r:� is
tb a gloomy story which concludes the
bent danger. , The little follow. bid I
on bar sholilder, and th61oiigpent-up
one of I -iper Years, but A look of.cold-
nesa - and � bitterness, that deprived the
told was almoat �ms goo& as 9, Shabbily I6,400,'r.,which,
aibssedtruth, -a lady.,with Much back,hair, DI I IYIIO�TIIAY't ,.$TO BY.
0,)JE)d the Lindsay' ad6ition to Par-
"J&vs, bf'Barnilw.�': I vela iu.-tlie liresent
tears c,tuje at last and he ,fvept violently.
a -of all yo tfifbipess, and many'
countenalic u
, I I
mud false te)z afapped m,Aud-il' uired if I- DrArohn Weetbay Was the firsC,kvitueas
in hiB,uwlib.bhallf� '. go.
her for th
go,', � Men Iau�hed at a risk she
ran. She. dre�V out her plan of lots mud
day the custom is still observedby the ultra,-.
orthodox., The 'effects :of the custbm�are
The d,.,�aluation and Suicide of±remsur6r
Brand lij-d mad a' most duiisual corlb:66m
a; time, made it seem almost iep�Nive.:
The Youngman Hat at his ease,L comfibita
were riesent. told h6rAfiat a large share testifiad'tbEt4ve had
d tiat for Irt-
-was th been a; practicing, an -in' V -eight
of me ere, but that the thinking
employed' Seoretatv Hun6�a son as. suri
aupposedto give a clue to its origin. There
ti6n in that Small '6iiimiiiunity., ' wbe.r6
bly ensconced in, an to -
-tion,'prificipally was�� Beata& -it so ar slpot years ; on the i5igbt�of March 51.h; �1882i� he
veyor., all expenses she
-Inves W,er
-cleared, oD. t a Hecofid t'114
was' undoubtedly too much *reason in the,
Mid -die Ages -for the Jevv esses,to� be eager,to
seldom anyolijug extraordinary ever occur-
al, ss
his excited friend in qui6t, most ii�r6le
tones, but in Spite 'of this quietne",*mnd
gath,ering'tresh Bp6ctra. calculated hat ex tracted a Second! molar from Mrs. 1z%id'B
We Id be.,a stunner, but she didn't,stun�i) lower jatv..and aftempled, to extract a u
audin five years' bad ni ade110,000 on the
make themselves as tiliMtractke as poesi.
The Speech,. of the - old 6ffioer to .,the'
:thle. negligence of his manner, therii'wma.
I".-Is'tbete enough of you here to.grasip a wi8dom-tootb, but'! it broke off",; her teeth
htHt in�6atmeu6. Last shelbclu4ht
it Grand Forks,� Dakota; Which fiveyearB
ble. cuB60M. of cutting off -the hair
f the br'ide on the �' wedding day IS
alictor'liad represented the opinion of m
large of the neighborhood. Brand
Something ,qecidedly 1nkpkesBive-; in � his
whole, beaming -an uncorli 46ious dignity,
into a, ere very. hilY get ; the 11 plug which' he
no d was about olba -mud one'- half Inches�
t to 6iu8h-.
ago was onlya, Hudson's Ra, trading post,.
d i , tb - Tal . in . ud. ccord-
not mentione in tl�
had the reputation''of bainEy a re.artof the
thai, was Wholly licking in.L who, as
the -chair long and -about boven-eigliths of all inch in
200 acres for� �f 25,000. . :She has since sold
than on e- third of her purchase, and,
Ing to Misbnmh�.Kattibo`th (,vii � 6), it'is coil-
om ior murrie I d wo D
trury'to Jewish 06st :,mi,
utmost iutegrity,� a pattern- of fidelity mud'
he 1�aned, gracefully against tb�e caselhell
windoov;- it
Ye'R, 6ne said 1, i - 16 diarnoter ; he,'did'not eu6ceed in gettihg'rid
lit not
of.,all the iiScibrWtooth and alid.'itornwhat
cleared all eniieS �or We whole tract, of:-
ex P.
to appear in a street with head uhcov-
consciefltiousnbs.� H� is eitreme vigil�nce�
to note the 91-ightest, failure in- duty� on the
of the,' gazing wistfully the"
:clouds, May have'ureaented in interesting,
en Ough to lill'okis. out� anything b6vy-lik�
the t�)eory of dynamics." -Iib remembers of4tB condition -he.. believes it
land. Tile xe,it, 'is Worth t I least �55,000.
Mies Lindsay is it young.woman of medium
erea, , Oub�'of Modesty the custom as
�also observed in the house', and in order ito
part bf'the'younger oMoera had occaSi6n,
but certainly figure'.
ipquirbd�,. as she began, to "'ever doul.d have been drttwii�,wit being, I
W`el+�' she -bout
the tooth bAdly c mt.yed
fine head, j6t black hair, an-, ,
remove, t6wpo$sibility of yielding , o temp
ally made him an enomy� but Dot'one bad
A momentary'pause ensu6d,�w h ioh�
unbuttou hie r wb at of womab,a,, cruHhed; -was ;
doctor sitiol lie'did 1 the: very best he �couhi,
�;ery clear, 1pierci g eye, reriarmbl -y Sltation
the lamir-Herving Do longer iis �1:1
ever dreamiqd of imi:tutib"g.'such a tfiiri� to
J 11js boneSt V as p overbid. Put'
Heiman suddenly Juterru p ted with� this'
a U'estion:
Work TI,
"AlaH!" trausposingly, women ),,)a denied 6ttipinitically that there was
poh.seob'ad. amd of a doz,liberat6! judgment,
ly elno'�stratcd by busi'ness
alld' has Sure A
ornameeit,,but bejug_m,superflupus,weig�t
'on the hamd-waB eritirsify inA off, Accord.
couff, there be aii�
attirei of the javv b
* P.
Henry E. the defenu -11
11 ,
-i-ag-to.Mis�b4all thei cuttina off
criminality?. There"wasconfeB�ibn there
was suicide; th'id'lp6ke loudly elpoug.b.
But bad become Sums
A'deep Eigh and. a wave of t he band,
were tfia�only' answer that be-obts,ined.
",Do still love her TI
!.,No I seriously now," She exclaimed, .11 I . I . a my, son of an
iwa'rAtib do acme great work, so P�S' to leave �and Dr, Frediriand HmBbrouck both ebtifle
bt they"htid eiamiil�d I 11".
til U t w
of time.' " ' Mra. �
perw-hnlder and t I axpayer of Dakota ter-
the. hair is considered a Mont,
which the busbapd,could veto in Case of
wliat of"the e'mbez-
his wife b a Nazarite. -Some few'.
zled ?
I'worabip her."
there' as do,fraoiture.
A,h, ye§," al oquized an d W
a' A . I , . I
lieve -tbat th�.'cdBtoni dates from t ' ry,
he, ve
No one could tell., There hun� a dee p
toArd.'she is only too ghid to receive
. , . I I A Sealed verdict was order(d. The
You scatter traclos-forey,ernjoi:e '
earliest times, and they found their opm-
Myst "ry Vat tbowIrcylu--affir, likely Lever
your worf,hip. But, how is this ? - Do you
-LL --
But leave the heel inarks toward y $i 200.
br.:AbernethX',,tbd,ceIbbrated physician,
ion . the, allusion theretil'id Dauter-
to be �Ieared up, as the onlyliuman being
beliewi that my, proud' coumi a Would submit.
What 1111mbeir do.'You
the, mode��'
who could th -kow any lighti on it had gone
to 'have an tie Vill age
A Nibbling Uaby Sisal -ft.
apatient.detail-a long account of,,�,tio=
pr =for taking y, captive wOME6111'fOr
to his long account. The invebtigation
brought nothing furtber'to light, - and the
maiden' Sea rival ?. Lock out, if she shibuld
some day learn the truth.. That is a rock
Two's mad a half slUd She,- blu4hi ugly,
Shark4'? 1. have often seen larga Schools
drawi g One foot out.:ot sight as' a rund.
A woman, knowing bernAbv Is love of the.
laiiiinic,'having bur&d bar hand;;called at
wife the text says Then tbou�, shatt
bring her ho.me to thine house, ilid she
bare facts rernained,;ss they w6e,� -
well fitted,to sliattel� all'your hopes�,'
ofthem. They Would advance to'within.
tu itle does ,bia% ead but�you are trifling -op
f. fe6t of moallitl would t)[isn'Bt a:idl
his li6u§6.- Slidwiii-a' him her haind -She I I
�hull Shave 'her bead
It har'l beety custom u
%ry for t,he tr6ma �er
Eugoub looked ! down with saddened
with Line I , I am strong, loving and i
lools at we iliU,ppareut wonder,
I I .
said 11 A burm" 1,1 A pou quietly
to limud,over moothly':to C'�unt Arnau;
and I lortly, to throw My aner�16.6 Into some tit
trying to make otit libmaner sfraugq
a B�ered t1e, Jearned doctor. The tie t
In Balfast,jreland, the,otherlday, M r
from the public treasury, Lhefunds roqairod
for - the Chamberlains '.and lordA of the
,,,11,!Iope6,1,y Dare I cherish them ?. Of
fam as I ato ' without name o I r
gt doing bu
eat work,'and be to maii� They are u
creature di,ey were gazing at.
day, , she returned allil B�id
41 Continue the poultice," replied, Dr. A.
'George,Alfrod Ki7liy;ofthe Szifvatib
6onds'of matrim i��
privy council of his Sbreae Highlbe8s.
fortime-do: you really'lleliee that the,
most o6wardiy fiall, however,' and: the/
sli,;b.16st Income a on I Day part wouldfrigliten
In a week She made'lier ast call, and her,
Capt. Margaret. Coatsworthy, of m
The lm�t t- ime that'.thi's 'instalment had
become due it, hm�'not been paid,'but pro-
Countess �ou Arnat cau ever gain her own
consent to 'sacrifice hoir raD'k and noble
hng lady of. the adjectives wm. tbemaway. Aa,lwd'Eirepiiiriiigt.hesebooner
'depot '8he&eia
was lelb�bheibe(l to� three words.,:
I'Voill;, 76ur fee?." ;1� Nothing," said the.
cotps�' After the cMirite',had ttl1an pl�ce,
office, they 4
miBed after ' an indulgence of. eight.dayg.
name in -order 'to become tile 4ifii of an
on the platform recently, in Kingston one day I felt Some-
.d,,..stiug a wistful glance across th ing ivibla � mv left-hand midal
g a thing tamperb
physician. You rthSt.
George's o
To this Count Arnau agreed at first,�but
fields,, sighed. wearily, It It' is. just filige )ui;d a baby shark I
r. Lookingi I fo:
woman -I e ver saw.'-HaryltJ r s , azoir.'
a p eati�d aremimy, the public being
beg to, grow auspb3ious on hearing that'
A 8areastid Bi)iile played upon Heiman's
really horridly awfully memn' that�,s Itch evidently t6o'youiig to leave its maternal,
'd.1 ted (12 cents) a head.� Two 11
Brand' on the plea of pressing private busi-
lovely fun. on parent, tyying to 111-bble it. -Diver iPhila-
F, "hionable Young lit of: No
, and
a d over the couple r
n688,bad obtainodleave of allgence,aVolwas
Why, if:,�ooirare not.confident;�pon this
smooth ice Should be: deatroyed by the
Yorkj Sane aims -an ,who 'ape
Bingin-I, praying and m%ny volleys of hills.
on the point of.m4kingaJiburney.' This1ad
-it does. not become e to, promise
poiiat, ? ' in
hate I ful glare of scorching sun.'!
Sito 1 d
the British, b in the'r.dress, are calle
luahs', tile prosiding'M ajor Antiouloced that
led to a private inquiry on the at6 of the
dbunt vesulting:"ila'a threat of immediate
Success. But," �aM6d`bei, derisi�;Iy, it
strikes me that you�,Ilmve' every reason to
'The latest idgm in, car cons0AP_tkQh_i0_ I 4dy-'
ligib art is in
41 dudes." We doli't sea much -economy in
41 Xaj or Kirby.and wife bivi
Ing ildhome; a
eX911MVdticli into, the aff'sli rB of the exche'.
count upon her favor, hod,
Igg6Sted ill'. R, WOMAWS 'letter to an In- But, Prodepsor, how came- you to o f,
dianapolis �pftpek. � it is 4, to' fit up a car b Pkof6mor-"Abf I Will.
the new name. title:, idiots,
contains only ono�
I be taken up for them."
A St. Louis butcher has -eloped with a
quer. Tfien, c�nie the co fession of the
erlmhb�j, -,�ho had evidbatly come prepared
to her, run little- risk of a refusal. But on
thiSverYaccount.you:b�tifit mmke.upyour�
Mrs, Smit T'
with different -heights of nbatb, having, sa tell you.. Mada'me'' Smit she come to'nae
-,,�Yes lie �arrying so much
neighbor's Wife. Something should be done
to 98palmlig o pity, I
take hzois own' life, -.d '-I- of' in
'Mind.without delay.- What isAo be done?
lone-balt-the, space of the coach clear ; coy er and obt, pay' -i Vint my daughter to'�sing so
bagg�,go�isan&vVful,nni8t��o,'aud,.it costs
CeSirried from i6
w ith,these butchers. A butcher who will
ob �utitonaer �5ca�6
bsse:o�; detection.' I , , I
What is your decision.?"
the floor with. inexpensive ru here red a
w 'I' bigW W11seg BroWn, and shofly Ia. one
pileto have i depot
a 0, a pound for beef
ObansUArnau had fohli* ith bent -all 4iq
With 9, geSture ofd�apmir, E ugene a
babies may'roll mud stretob. b.. as migeil,ywvsay as deid.fs notAng low in' her
depot -, but then, you kn3w, the railroads
and than walk off with maws - rib
enefgies to the inieStigation of �, the case.'
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tbkow.bimaelf into a chair.
on their home carpets." Patent not Y�� f.. 11 I a my Moes Smit she haf a tow
lied for.
allotv a man to carry 150 pouinfi, &i
likes toge't
follow hotbel ItO torhim
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should b'geound in' one ofiB own pf�u
He 19id vident hands upon a the papers
Do not tort ure me with your queStions,'
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