HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-04-06, Page 7t. the. r .riding up ,le. going .on a,t the.. ho Makes.: Your Boots? parts of count b_ .rgain'`s .all. art - - �evple-.c®��.n� from � to seca�re� some of the:This- is no, Six Weeks Petty Discount Sale. The Bi srness is to be wound up. The goods to be sold, anti OUR PRICES ARE FAR BELOW what you can get goods at elsewhere. TICKSHA]NK, THE- FOOT MAK R.: DEALER IN ALL MINDS OF __... lien, ' omen and Children's Roots & Shit s. Spring . Stock well,. assorted1 complete -in al] departments. All, GOODS SOLD OII'AP FOR CASIT C. Ci U1.CK,SYIANE 11:.I C)IL_ PL(1t :li . C1.1;1:1'•f!�##�. 1- at work executing orders already coming gn, and preparing for our Grand Opening, which will take place sometime during the month . of April, when we intend making the finest .;display .Clinton ever witnessed. e st f ssistaints/ Already working, night ° and day to keep up to' the orders hich are com- ing in so rapider. Every, Garment uaranteed. les GB i .IN aIA S'at. 2r t r dd'zeii. Cottons: of all kinds at 11/.Iill prices, All goods marked in plain 1. ain gyres. ESTATE ' JOHN 101X+ENS, >CLINTON. NIA INICVIE` vormserraassamane saEa�;&sAY� Beaver Block, • Clinton, i11.3tb. :a n1 The public are cordially invited to call and- examine nd-examine our display of work. • csz CO OHE1V.ISIS DRUG- I TS :.A1ber.ttlr�t�et, The public Sill' find :oar stock. of"ntedicitTea complete, warranted genuine, and 01, •• ' the best'quality, TOILET:SOAPS,;PI11 I`UMERYi"SHOULDi R:BRAGES, TRUSSES; SPONGES, A?\DALL. BINDS' 01 DRUGGISTS' SL1',rn�IES USUALLY KEPT IN A 1IRST:•CI,:1SS• DhLG. STOI:I:. D A V' OF st-O-O ; flo n tli vey befit Seed-kIouses'Of the eoul try, embracing every description of CLOVER, TIMOTHY, TURNIP; &c, ;VEGETA and FLOWER R STEDs,`` Garden Tools. SILAS Prices -the low&, v'AVrI'S Ilardwiire, Seed and i'iti'` Clinton. W II AS OPENED i3P 1./EXT 000e, co \YATT3' DP,trc 'STOItx , ALBERT A SLLM)LD ASSORTMENT Of Holiday Goocls, conBlsting of Christmas Cards the lat.estdesibuo, 'Toys and ;Novelties -at reasonable prices.. ; Au.te- grs phx alicl photo Albums, l lble :' Cl 1N'CON.:. Piettarr Fraiue% always ;i11 stock .9r ntltde, to order' LADIRa UWN 'TIAlft tttddr. ORIVy Ssilr Register• ITilotU i lo. on the and th en 8 inst., the wife of Mr, John Thompson of a daughter. IvriwarA.Ectr.—At. Portage la Prairie, on the 15th March, tho wife of Mr. E.Newmarch,. formerly of Clinton, of a son, 'CO I INTOJ AMA'itI(1L`A'A,. lilttirsday,`-April {i, 1553. Wheat, scot .- - -.fi0 93. White wheat; Siring, Oats, Barley, Peas, . Potatoes, i utter. Eggs,. S. _ !IAN',: ' tfies, Sheep pelts , Lamb skins, l°nrk, • a f oef,. • Clover, 'Timothy,. -t 0 90 a 0 91' - �iJ 9 Op 0• 3.8 . a 0 40 0 45, a Ct 60 0 68,''a .•0. 70. 500 'a 550 0 35' a o 56 0 1 `. a ) 7 t 13 0 13 aa' 01 800 a <90�0• 6 o0 "iv (l • .0 0.50 -ti, 075 0 75 a 100 • 300,a 8,2C /5.50 .st 8 00' 7 00 a 7 O. t ,00 ..a 2• 40. 'It,sti, rn5 Amin 1C --Farm stock,T of .amen Cottle, lot 50, eon, 5,'7Jullett, at 1 ,F"lolvti Jn, Auct, NIDA ' RIE D: Coct,Y.oUt:tt--1;I.e��.�. 7n` SIalville Chni:ch, Brussels, on Wednesday March 28th, by Rev. John Ross, B. A„ Mr. .James Henry Colclough,'of the township of'Goderich,• : to Itdiss Margaret Hanna, daughter of George _ tiv SMtrlt—ar,=r. .—On tho Sial inst., at the Prekbyterian' Manse,; Lruceheld, by the John. Ross, Mr. J)onald ,Smith,. to Mise Ann,; second daughter of the \Volker," till' of Stanley. • S'±rarir,-StrirrA Rn. --At the residence of the i �hrtlest t'e � h r on the >rta to t, r�.Tte a l thev ,s. Mr. Matthew. Arr, John G. Steep, to Kate,' -.-second--daughter of blr..Jacob Sheppard, alt of Goderieh township. llowstrr,0luiton on the:31st of 11Sgtch„ Glnn A.b;new, second on of Dr. Dowsley, • hiNaLll in Clinton,"ott the `tnd inst,•Mcs, Sophim 1Pinkle, egeil i`f years, • DAILY _�RRIV:IN G. _n RT English, Scotoh4lrish- T �oatr�gs, Worsteds, Serges, F The undersigned has :opened out BANK tc1 Gr,:r ,veal: Sh1 INcf Stirr `Now. .I rn nse stock to select froin,: llo,•'r ph [Alis 'rO (iv,L S1 'r1sJ'A',T (.LION, LS STILh OL1� .(. 1 •PTFI?.; Prices away down. New Patterns.. Lo -v. Prices: 1(ck and C'. lore L 9 And everything usually kept 111 a first-elass Thy Goods House.. SPRING,•° SUMMER HATS -DN TIE WAY°. pi i<. " sitRVCiiiRI ES. Otir incrcasinr, trade in otheFd;eliartments-compels us fo.i: tioant, of roo ', 1x1 to 'go olrt.of ��OOi�'� � STYUES and CRUCKEnY, & GL,ASSWARE.' •1 J 'of4T,1r .:OUP. WHOLE. -SToltilr'. Or 'III•E$F Goon 1 Tosr.r. -44 •Cottsisting_:o 0 Deady -made Clothing, Hats and Caps. Gents and Ladies Furnishings, &c. 111 his old stand, Albert Street, _Clinton, xt door to Watts' Drug Store These, goods are all fresh, and•.a grea man of themnew � b M y imported direct from the manufacturers; and Have been bougl at''about`half price for cash; and l � Ili sot . ' 1 1 I i, �. o 1 a�dlEss{)1Prioci, rTbg stck Must..be, cleale. d out in Short time as �E c•have tio vacate the remises bythe nekt Month. Parties, in w p ant.. of Genuine Bargains will do well tohcall' early and secilre,solne o _:. these, as the goods .must be sold:' B:n t forget place !or Chap Gocil All fire invited to call and comparopric e,5. 'No trouble to show goods: .IGE: Clinton) 1[al:01,-188$,. 1