HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-04-06, Page 6Spring and Summer
p R�
ssort-rrien t;
Trunks and valises, large stock, very chem
6_ per._ cent discount for cash.
W. TAYLOR `& SON, Coats Block, Clinton:..
�eS of Boots, and
Spring '��11
pair u � to 2,50. Men's
ri 1,�1 per �t
Women's Boots °ailgln� from � p � 1. , .. _ '--
2'per pair.. `Prunellas from f1:0�_ alp•kva1(:1.-
t�,t►iters and Bels; � �
Call' early and Secure good bargains,'
TEA ua.lztities, of 3 lb. _. We still sell.: lar, -a quantities
some dealers' 50 cent Tea:
Mrs, Nicholson, 4th con.-af Tuekeramith,
for nearly 40 years a resideut of Huron, died
at the age of 84, laist week.
_ '14Ir. Robt. Coleman, of Seaforth 19 the poi -
senor of a very valueble core, It had seven
calves in -six years.
Mr. Hugh Love, Hills Green, had, sold 'one
of hie young heavy draught imported :stallions
for the sum of $1,500, to Bowe gentleman in I
the-toweship of Stephen.
"Why ahould;:a man Whose blood is /Warm •
rvitltln Ric titre Lie erandetre cut in alabaster'I
Or let bet hair grow -rusty,- semi tan dthiri when'
"CIA(1ALMALr RICNtiw'kx" will.ruake itl, ,grow the
feaster. For sale by all druggists. •
:: Mr, Simon Young has Sold his farm on: the
Huron Road, Hullett, near Seefortb, to 'Mr.
Christopher Dale, for 'about $0„000.. The
farm contains 100 acres: Mr. Young intends
to retire from farming.
Previous to her departure for Manitoba
Mies Nettle,. who fora long time has been a
teacher in the Harlock Sabbath School, was
presented by the teachersaud-pupila ofthe
school withan address and a valuable watch
and ebaior •
Ayer's Sarsaparilla; being' highly coneen
Crated, requires a smaller dose, and is More
effective, dose for dose, -than any other_ blood
medicine.. It is. the” cheapest, because the
,best' Quality 'and not gdantity should be
s -
rtt;tii'an, March, 1&•.
14�[PSO ! SVitITZER.
New Maple Sugar.AP few
Fresh Oranges.:IlAe torts
NOW Ti-JAr tbere is a ro11ab1e reme iy fol• kid-
ney troubles, half the terrors attsehed to these
comptaiuts oavo been remed ior_thislet all
be thankful, and ti)' DR VAN I31.tliti li KIUNET
Cr all award all' ppraise eiir haTing,thilsremoved,
a hitherto considered fatal disease from our
G�rrath. It was waver known to full, 'Sold by all
`jruggists. l
leitrick McKenna of the 7th coni of Iilorrie,•'
sold:hie farm•containing_9.0 acres to a young
Titan named Wilkinson, of same tow.nahip; for
s scion and
I. tuts s'imm diate os o
$33 00 ie e o p
MrMcKenna will'relnoye to Bruseees.
Ata wood bee M Morris, a few,:days ago
John •Stenveusen :and Henry A,lcoek cut a
Elock;ciff _A green—map1 clog• measuring -1e
ieches.in diameter, in the remarkable short
time 429 seconds, by the Watehe The saw
used wase " Lance tooth."
THLl history of _ medicine u0 preltaratiou'
Baa received such universi.t commendation for
the alleviation it affords, and the; permanent
ogre .tt:effects in kedeey diserieese. as: Da. Vas
BUREN'a.X1DNPT (iURC. Its action in:;these dig•
treesing complaints Is simply weed'erful. Sold
Uy all druggists,
11r. Rubinson; el Waikertown, bought the
farm known ,as -the Wright Farm, near Gerrie,
on thee 21st inet•,at a mortgage sale, for $2,.
800. He soldit•sinee to Mr. .'Douglass, of
the 17th'jlon., for $3,150, :Gine, making a gain.
fn four days of: $350.
Ayers 1'illi ccure eeneli,t>a,tion,, heel:ey'e the
appetite, promote digestion, .restore" healthy
action, 'amt regulate every, function. They
are pleasaut to take, gentle in their operation
yet therougheerri'ehiog, end _ew.elful in stile
sing rtiseaac
-"my.wife had .•sevetai very sevire'atabka•of
a, lw-S ru G. W tdt 2 lhlal :reroute, write
Tins p . p .
cramps inthe stomaolc- 1leari ngof;Dr.Austtu'e t r , T. r'
'i'hosphatlue,: and' its .nisei .antneas• to take, I SA L L, ' }i!L A� U �+ t� (': l : ' E ER'';
Excited 'Vboneaudre
ell over the teed are going 'into ecstasy
over Dr, King's New Diseuverydfor consump-
tion, Their unlooked for recovery by the
timely use of this great life saving remedy,
oauses them to go nearly wild in its 'praise,.
It is guaranteed to, positively''curie Severs
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, Bron-
chitis, .Hoarseness, Lose of voice, or any af-
fection of the Throat and Lungs. Triad bot-
tles free at Watts & Co's., Drug Store. Large
size $1. -
The vote of the Quarterly. Boards of the
MethodistOherchof(;`drnada._on the question
of methodist Union shows that 014 -Boards'
have adopted .the basis ,of Union, and 81.
Beard are evenly divided. The analysis of.
the total vote is: as follows :—Torouto'Confer
ence,•211 yeas, 16 nays,3 ties; Loudon Con-
'ference, 207 yeas, 22 nays, 1 -tie ;I Montreal
Conference, 107 yeas, 27 nays,•4 ties; 'Nova
Scotia Conference, 37 yeas, 12 ;nays, 1 tie;
New Brunswick Conference, 48 yeas, 2 , nays,
1 tie ; Newfonniiland Conference, I4 'yeas, 2
PRIVATE FONPB, to land "on Farm
$40,w Property, at Iuwest inters t, Apply to
• C. A. ,IIAR'1"T, Solicitor, dcc.•
Clinton Aug, 24, 1881. Perrin's'Block,
PCPELAR 11111 COEDS lluhJXll,
MONFY to lend at C.and 're . per cent. Private t :.
fitu,ls. S12AOE11 at011'rON, Barrister •.
1s Tun
BevllA •La�ee; Turtle ,Miounta,�n
Au4i'liouse iliver.'Cutioutry.,
Tributary to the United States T aud.oittee :(t
Sectional map -and full parte':ti relmefleil Tree
to anyaddress, by m'
•'Ir.'F. alt 'ALLI
(-teepe t T .a et l a '.A 'i.nr
a r t
-`p -lumps a Manitoba �E.
�t• toll Ca �� �
r p_
28 E. Front Street., kororttC.
$500 R E W RD
We will pay the telrot•e''reward for' any case of liver ;
complaint, dyspepsia, sick Headache,' indigestion, con-
stipatii»n.or eoytivenese we cannot cure wlth.Weet's
.Vegetable Liver pills; when the directions-n:re strictly
compiled with.: They are purely vegetable, and never
fail to give eatisfacaton, Sugar o, at,ed large boxes,
containing 110 pills, 21 Bents. For sale.by all Druggists.
Beware of counterfeits and imitations, I The genuine
manufactured only by .Tehh 0. Weet4 ('o., , the pill
makers," 81 & 32 King St. East, Toronto, Ont. -Free
ARRIV ' ( :1)A.ILl .
OP.JIN"Et2) T:3Is' Wim;
ses Prints,
.(iealltiflll llc <rll-; `I'a t ccilul, and A. •;I:
H,eavy,.reliable good , - 'l'}le, l rodnct of the hest mills
Ca na0a.;
• II
talcs IV
I��Ic WliilclGll,��
_l T
These of ds have all been purchased l�t•'.it;'r1''close rrarieay �
cash and will be offered at .i. slight advance.
1 aur determined to. cleat the balance of r v1° inter .'tock
am offering it at prices that fail to )lease the .jr h
cl cannot1 � C l)ll E 1RT3�.
Parties going to i!lanitoba should not fail: to inspect ri» ;let(aa&.
trial package sent by •m:eil'pirelauf on.-ru:alPt of a three •
-purchasing in la>Erge. uonlillies
... eel( et Il rg.i:iii Si in 'ILA iii 7''S.& TN 1)i ld()Y'1ft'TT14.'1N
ohn �ItcGarva,
:-gases Iter_tsro,bottloe, and Rho has" iuo0 hath an
rsince:, nn Improved."'
Eor sale he alt deniers -Lists. :
Mrs. Henry' Holland, a restdentjof Ashfield,
for oter'S1 years,;cllerl lest Wednesday, aged
, 67 yeais'and t} months ':: About a, year, ago
shinst With injuries :.through .the running
away of a'team,-throwingherout, She never
fury recovered, ;and has suffered ` mach ht
and l�4; Llai s, attack e��, and ber h lit la u;
h eel) .11l Ar Ltt iti_- . _ ..
Good fresh Mangold, Turnip & .Sorghum' Seeds
:uiin h•annc,- Linton -,-
ALBERT•.STRE1 T., T (') 17]15 !1•1)..
eklrttarr "2 1-!tt i,
()P1MSitf..tbC 'rUn'll 1Ia11�
Very Choice Lard, •Hams'.& Bacon
rntecvaie sewn.. For sale at l.ot.e•,t l ii(u.,
-As Ttlii frosts or itrilter v:iniell under the eat- taa'C:se ped fir Patin FFro+havr :
1 olio inflaeuee of the Nun's rays, so doeaBright's
I 5t21�
--i Disease,-Dropsy-t-Stoue-ln--t•bo-Kidneye-and- • , ,..-'
1 Bladdereaud Inilametlon: of the kterteye, leave Mitsui; April .4; 1st'S:.. , •
�'jthe body upon the administration, lofo D. le VA
BC1ir,_e's li1DNIT Cu11e, 8 -old by till .druggists.— ' - p R
ilt:Dll:aid t Cauchlihreds o property GO O �OO-4
of iilr.'Donald liiohauchlin of 3rforris, were U
sold thins.week k to tho'follgw'ugperties:---,-One
113 year, old cow and calf -to John Berry; -of IU1
McKillop, at 8k00 one 2 'year old: heifer' to (' ;�
1 John fill, of C'irey'; at $'i0 ; one year' oil heifer 1, �I�ijr1' GttOCE RIF
i to Bobt.lioltues, of Morras, -at $7,0. A flee
year old caw was heught is at ir150.
No liousrr0OLID should he aonsiderod eowpiotc
trltkuut :i 1roLtlo of DR a f Boxrta's
CtiYY°1-attrttre'-oro�eett It -t! tht ozriyurnedy,
1 .thatwill positively, Permanently and promptly
i cure all tonna oP•eiders dipeaises ;';9nld by -all
dru tate, -
j'��,..;< lur sly attended meeting of:..ateterniees:
was.hieleeti the• temperance hall, eVintrop;'for
tine purpose of -organizing a Peform.club, In-
' , tluential Ref ereiera f i eueall -parts of -McKillop,
autl,sevete1 free ad,joining,townaleips, were
•present. - It wee'uuanimoualy agreed to de -
.l ,4igeate the avcaety " The. McKillop- Reform
Club." The cotasei'tutiou of the cluli..etnpodioa
the prinoiplea of the: 1l-eferiu party, and the
gaainteiiai:rg. of the rights aucl prieilegee
are hel0 sabred` 80 every :elector.,,'-,`
J. b. yeetherenl, writi1» Troup Wriiurycn a;iys
a "I. eau tae !lore .aunt Photpbe Elle now dean
wheu I saw yon last re Termite. Iffy health 1s
much Imp1rroved and Ian free from, headache*
or any, other aches; having only usH41 two and
half -bottloa of.;vonr CkIepblaltnp.; T'or .sa•le..1,y
On Friday evening the hnbed-of'.A:fes3rs.:.
'Anus alld Georgo'rttoKay, Zed can, of Tuck•
eramith,'was buret. The'fire;originated Alp
• stajra,and in supposed to have been oaused by
11001e cern husks coining; -in contact wltkULo
heatedl cteye -Lyo)(!. itIrs, oKay; bare
been seriously ill for:several- nulnths, Was
eefely eyrie yed'te tire lions• Of i'dr,' Jarnos
McLean, and all tate other inerhbera of the
family were kindly eared for i Tie dames
Spread eo tepidly that'nearly ci'eyything was
destroyed, inoluding titre; ;clotlliug,•etee,
There was ,119,. indict iaaoo...
Says DRYOBI, s "She knows her 0)00 1(1(0 Wlee,l
• you rant and micas Den draw eel' her welt
_ singl'e"horst:" BetitelfusitFSeb'titetltifittliale t3
have such powerj; and boautlful Bair call bo er1
shred by the wet ofeixolrisatHAI a RM MN' IOW
!eh.' at 60 oto, by ell druggists.
The Clinton.Newa.11ecord in itei lost issue.
makes . the strange assertion that " 'Nest
heron is not, by any meune; a Safe (_'Grit ton.
afituencyi" Not. safe : ' Itlooht as if ear co -
temporary 11a(1 not; yet recovered froth the
eeleote of its defeat in February fast. Why,
at the last election notwithstanding the de -
termini d eefor'te roade•by the i G'ondervative
party to carry the tiding,—notwithstanding•
they brought out the strongest :candidate they
could get "toopposc.Mr. lose, the electors 'of,
West •iffuron Planed that g11az enrarn et the
Beed of the-poil: by it -majority 'of' 1(58, Cor
,cotemporarywill find that it will lit, :e long-
time before West Huron goes back on the
principles of Reform and goor honest Govern-
ment, -and roterns-a Couservatil o member to;
the:f,ncel Il'fiuse,—W1l3g igen.filmes
i% Utostlug to nil Mankiwl
In these times when aur Newspapsiil are
Heeded with patent reedioino.olivortisenlezita,'
it is gratifying to know what tel procure that
svif.cortainly cure you. if you_ ere Billions,
blood o'4'01 order, Liver inadtir<s, or genes.
rally debilitated, there is nathiug in the world
that will cure yen so quickly as laectrio Bit-
-1 i tars. ''They are: a blceeiag to' all mankind, •
and ean be hied ;for ,only fifty eel)ti zi'bottte of,
Watts and Co.
Baeklee • A rritea wive
The gr�eatceet
1 medical wonder 'of 1114 11'..1
Ytranrautecl to epocdlly euro ;Perris, l runes,
Cut., Ulcers, Salt liheunt, li'Cver Sores, (''411 -
sera, Piles, -Chilblains, Corns, wetter, Clap
ped Hands, and -all skin eruptions, 'gun .rafitcod •
to tare in every 'fnstinr;e, or money ref nutlet]
:bii•vents e'er i►cs Per sale by \1'•attS '& •C1..
Crockery, • Glassware, &c,
Otli,u i�al (� c CQrilinea1
l L g n
Petty's oalerited English BDi4kf-4
,torn (Hear Sr,rio,:°'Ca,Pii'l10in,,
r1irf .:'r'c,.::✓ LARD,
. t ,L���.,:•'�/ 1 i r.niifoE 1n- Leal -.3 1n 1.,-1,
ka,1.t 1' 4.01:
ll i>tl►>I'it�' �aGE4'`i'ti.`Il(' OA
fedee/Y7 1L.>,•
Vegetable Sicilian
All • RENEWERt�.
was the prepar•atioa pelefvttly adapted to cure
diseases of ilio scalp, aad the aril sru.cesefei roe
Storer of fall aft or grayhaie % its natural'color,
growth, and yoetlrfu1 beauty. 1t los had nuany.
inritat6r8, tint none 1uive so fuliyrnot fill the re-
ctuir'omcnts.,needful for the proper treatment of
the hair and scalp, .li.t r,r 11 Hem It stiWER hes'
steadily grown le favor, ,and spread Its fain axil
ueel'glncsa to eters quarter of the' globe ^, ;1(8 uri
Za allelsil pinkie yrs eamdl ottributLd f0414d-t/u
cauaC tnrcirlire,15illriti$dltaf,rlSg,,knlr fs.
Tice pr-iprio£ors hate often be4u•st rprised at the
vocalic. iif` 016008 front remote countries, where
• ills lent inciler'.aade an Wert for itsintro(luction.
110: 054i.fora u abort time of I4AmL'3 (111)1
tiateliwite efeeieterfally unp ecce the personat
tippealeiree. It elsahsea eleekeele from' all lire
'purities, Certs all btunore, fever, ,Ind .dryness,
1016 thes p16801111 t c dnea4, It stimulates tine.
v{ealroned glands, arid one -files to •pushg'latrd9, ani onahlels.tliel l to push' for, '
. ward' a new met vigcr00s growth, '')'Lo ofleete of, ,
this article Ore nbt,trnusionl•,like rho:se:of talee-
• bolic.:picperntieineeet'tcanain along it:mewhich
nuckea its ttsp .y attar of, ekoreeny. ,
BttOIT Tq•13AM'S • DYE
.. ORS"rria
1r iii i!tc(n,rr.the beerd:tea nut pal lirottrh ire'
0861101106.It prodocos a {sea nont solei
'that e 111 tust veiee 0, se e eeiettty& nla
pert nra tion, it"rs 'p fid ithetit tl')ilii
ttl 1
•PT'1 l' tiItT:TI 13Y .
.ft:. i'. H.A.f4T,trO., N:tr3hno," Y.H.
14oldd'by all Dealers in tEO(teines.
itcro(izlatla, t:[et ctlr'i111, bud
Blood Discirdor's,
ttte ifest remedy, because the most
Searching' and tNoeceigla blood-
puritler, is
Beaver:: Block, C1into'�i:,
i r �,1;5t.rrP`PTO 4 0r'•
[�u : YO llI1i" Lith Mise dnd111�C I'6ll'S : BO 1• llft
l,,NTr1cLT1"•Nkal' 6PRIh1 ST(JCl(.' 1 1M4] ";1t' "tVA7llrl..s.'LOWEe1 �fllfttiSi
VISITORS, 1't i*i.Cl)11L. \ii TielD i111,1i.'1'O 511.+_)1}'
AL AND. Silk: t'llr,_u Willer/Bee -
Ri:3R.G11.ASINe h.l�S'g\ rmil-i:.
T�CItt1F _EAV�I::k.IGNT�
1Pnil�arll b'�t'
t d lie, for tRli11.,.
e •••1'lIt Mei L il1Sth IJ'1 1101.11 144 I11T-t-�s-�t• T -
}3,1;ye`it: 0101b'a1l(l'114061.'l.(•.,tltflkyd t(( '1�11� (�vt't 1,1')110tt•'ill(''0)�
thin`coinit`., 1)[
■ APO the Clb : 'Prom ;...' _r . , �,
Ayers 5arsaparrllaA P��Q>at•, ; 1 � tilt: ,tt}1-tllll(iFt�. tri
geld tq AU ?3r(tyyht! ; 11, •trt.49ttivf,1:+
t' le
005t:,-:( X1)e IMIl "4
Li sr)l11'S•(}'1,