HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-04-06, Page 57- ,'I, his fate he� defeat with theleit He hoped they would be eible tolay bare the one professing himself Germa�j� could. u Id U taken the Riaing frum him. (,RA* 1 1,S'8PF1QIF1C WEDICIND. ,gracu poseible. rtitood,bowever, lie �'cretworkiugs �of Tory, agents in some of the The groat English I T it Xj'; r M was not to be permitted to retain bi Lut-lielta, kind his believed tile revelation Dii. SLOAN, Of Blytb spokeialt-he'able re. tt��cdy. a I falling Coro for So- ale�,�It tuin. �0.",Itdi M i distuibed. Ile could, tiotwithstandi hock the,unoral souse of the couitnuu- preseritatives of Hilton in the Houee of Coin, ORTGAGES,!, NbTES Prot�-st erItCj'ed,.afflrm that since h ity, even as tilt- Pacific scandal bad aliciolied In 0 to its making special reference t� Mr. K C. AND OTHER seat in Ilarlivirrituit iis representative' f the nation, and lie wotilet not be hurprii�ed. if 'Campron. He counst llcd his he�' arers to com. aand all disi� -as unaware directly or indirectly I a similar effect, upon future �lectioljs should ti., . nron, lic: %N bine all their, legitimate torces�all Securitbds, Purthased. Sequence of sil)f- of 11huge aS tile loss of g itimat e be the res There w 14�,-e pnichasable the I]Isebf ille, a itIfillelIC08 to ill I ex ult. as a:, Uisupport Reformer and Reform princip el, tva Of fivettenLe, to assist in securing his le element In every comintrid!y. It was unior; Speakirigof the efforts of, the ToT �pvess, lid U 0 N T E, Y A N al'The thribei � thL turn. , lie 1jelieved that the heart of Outari,� tutnafely so in ours. - limits of tire de ele eailjp�l�x it the mto_Ction began W. r wall Bfill true to Libevalism,.,and lie did net Kortliwest had.beeu used ",is a vast, bribery Toronto INI.ail bad been or�a pra0d systematic of vi,4iwi, prowatuce old Ltgc, and roolurly other thritliZ it strange, in view of the fact that the fund., COLI.Its Would reveal the lie. He felt almost ihamed ey before that; isarlity or eoziburription and a preclaium A of sti-eligill, of1he D;miniou I ru'th, if tile apetits of this cotru.0ion did not this audienee that lie hatt tlecd� of read. Full -partttularg in cult pamphlet, whiclit frooli all jntrI8,of 1 W6,Cooytirlsll.T. had been ptit forth to 6cure tire defeat of the, fly the country, or the truth, could not be gof na it-. Bai four years IjsjIC!e ","I'd fleeY jilail to every one, TheSpe, -ur. They, is sold b .,ists at I I per package, a , r , y , I I I I ad I it a , t - beensecarell. ln,view Or Policy was air overl;bad�vll le.1irthe National w6fila b*6jrb t al I drugg of1be the o 6 fougbt over again anti -now or slx packages for or wil ;)d ViCt I be sont by nutil On: it - i sue in the late as �the time to begin.prelIaration— -eeipt orthe'nionv by- addireliNing the reqult@ of the-rfoiy GoverrimeiitAyy Quo- contest- althou0i file OotatjQ G(,vernmetrt beii,aummed up, in art impoveri;ihed treasury, by Mr. Co., Toroikto, uWy TOE 01, VER ha(Vno.rjj(lreAo,do with,thts question than THL Sold E. Holmes; 'of tire Nn,%v HitA, �Dil r6sponded A, r ituxiliux oN."i:%. fflr�ixt rk ctorB of he Munioipal-Couricil.�, . Groea.�and unblash. it was perhaps Singular tlia:t the'ele to by M of t' N �E misrepresotitat,ious, too, wera used to to �li,xpos�tor, and I ''I I I -H ALTH I'SWEALTH Olitaribbd not st6oul together as o66 man in en waverit) . fyiends, yet despi I te, file. McGillicuddy, of tile Signal. theltoeoutetforthe to,rritoria. and pro stl ell 1,1 h ORAU Villoial rights of the Province. The' verdict ilsstrength of the Tile toast of fbe liallieR 'was rV-HE Inwill dislivit o Qi)r statQ.- ded to by Mesar I a Horace Pitisttor'itud j -L formerly Carried oil by rundered was pot represeritotive, of the, ejlec-� in spite of tile fact thait Dontrinion iB.q I. or .1, ­ & it v�bell Ave Say that Ito Moral 5110C ssful m6wat-, it) fitting Ot the 111i6ral to"It, to , man instances, but a result aeblev-. put ill tile front and lolcal*jssues kept Tile Hot). e beretufore en.loyed- Cut by ille� itimatii and dish(itiorable. as poss;ble ill the r(,,4r,. de�pite� wholesale* -,Ind terms, proposed tho health of �the -'ella, vyrus level- held in. the call' ty irmall iting naisrtl)re.qE�utzitioiiii,d�spito tile shame- Mayor F6y I ester, %,Ile bri�fly replied thereto -A. Bisuo-r, A. P. P.j was proud of I bf Huron than tbe.buuqu�t ivnoil Thursday n, 1.use, 6f])�orninioyl funds, lie %vas proud to after which the banqwt 'was! brought to, HARTNES.S, ALL, KIND's the as�etnblage and the ropeption ac- eveuiug-last, in the town. ball, cliliton, in have the ent Italic LltlClal)Ce Of tile' people 'Of' close with rou'��ii)g chiBers for the jLocal tneryi. E A M Lit hini, He wa proud of the consistent p 0qtario—­,1v1o%yat shall not go.',' eat rio horlor of CC!. , M. Ross, Thos. GibsOn, and recoid of the-flurvile despitethe per-- Onta Chleering) And Mo%vat wo2t go, dem*pite all Blalw and mak-erizie. Wegila Neryo fuol fArain Treattilierit, a gv inflnenebi ptitto 'Work all over tire (41 5 an teedsplacj flc'fbr.h Ysteria ity by- the Tory ice put Forward against- party.to.win t1ij viotbry 166 it aria. I a , s now., 11 rVOUR neurlgia,l nervous prbstrattoZ1%Z- wembers for the 'county. In every,respect-- bilyl so:lou`� the 16c -s of 0 t from Ile had had Tories in tile vicini I toi ed by'the uAc of alcohol, wakefulness, erital depres.; in tbu ailiplo' and mchercba Spreatj",itir the ty of Exetvr ho had'taieh'a $5 bribe. ller valued holle6t.-and econorpic.al administration ' sioul, softlin-tru, of the brain; reultitut: fit insanity 4 1 hei, aff� et cheering.) leading to ruisery, decay aitil death, premature old'aW, its. (Eut� I husiasti MONRY.Tt,) LEND IN LAiiGr R SMALL tile orations, it, the iltt: nolince­ iri tile speech- to vote, for biui if he'%vould give then) S3. a loss I* po�'cr in ciner sex, involuntup P aused by over-cxertjofl� of tfiol�l'll ]]ad the S5 i'n their A. S. H.1xjtDY si'd the ffitt�erin� sutxi� on good mortgt��e seciarity, moderate and.siperynatorrh(ea, c I I . , U , 1 the -brain, sel in te order, aDdlin 'fact ill ate ofiriterest, H. RAL hint U.1 He. denounceq tile, infautoll; gerr% mandoting his Chief aud himsel fj.0 poll this- X W11 cure rucont ames� Each box c6latairis bne lnoj,tWu f Of�thct eTierytbing, the affair was It uomplptt� SUC of the horons, vrid touched oil the itet that as t I trettrilent. 101tic dollar a slx boxes for Ryedst- at Gove I'll filon I, was: indeed 'a Compensation, L T OF LANDS� IN 'H'UI1( N FC D SALE 13Y We rejoice- tho�,�more oil thi's altbon,,h Nlowat Iiiid the po - wer to red, A. the at fheoffice IULI .19TON'. lars ; sent by riiMl propaid'on reecipt of price., W. tributo ho, Ila(] Dot ti-efl it, ; He had bee"n c for tile 114fil �battle through which, during t1l e tocau71 rsigned.. H. HALE., giiarELlitee six boxes to eure any Nvith each cir-, eliic 1"e-porlsibility of tile rested on�tire- Ila der received ;)y us for ix boxes, acciurx;l with five Wised it slavish �tipp6rter. of- Nir. goitT )y n tile R-ef* I ji,,ht pvry '.time, felt aituost liko caubrcing the wholeaudienoe H. DOWSLEY Al. C. R. S� ENGLAND oinjersof Clint .,'and the *lie e havitig voted. str I 't, WAI ILJ I jp -AL JL -tCoLto refund the money if tile treatment'.doe*; not ij� D Physician, Sur�eon. etc. Clffio�e suit resideuce tty� I i (It orly fcjr thiq but for the great ect a Cure., Glia, y by.4.�H­ Co ,,4 -to -ad. -it-tfint-bii li�d votedpro rantues )burden ancl expenre hae be it Xt *0189n,a Banl(, inaiket square Clinton. j)rugui 0U,to roct of s ent for orit. john westit Cal;, Y. il had liie4u achieved in the three .. p frQin -flie- m-. `r altogether Oro- stn iht and so Ionit.afi the policy 1 ' ' Y TAPSCOTT'IrST -hake, hands' wj proprietors, Termite: vitious for suph a d 'Str, ioni is the roads Of 10r. arld'ifis Government wait agill Hurone, atleast he�,uoght tit APPLETON­OFFICE�AT IIESIDPNCE t.)Irst,�hovoruble, eljergetie, 6conomical tflem �meta Oxittirio�sti-cot,eliutoLi,olwp6�it6 the Errgli�b %vere breaking 'up good for tile phoiically, there.Werc,dif ficutti", I tti -- Citurcla. Entranceby-sido gate. thelleSe a and i.ii. the inferesis f`� the' Pio'vineq, its Is p It DOMINIOWHAIR RESTORER, wbeeling or sleighing hilt never nof the, othet ropositio aw3iblice gathered together, and fully �peojlle, lie wfmld eollt�,Dlle to vote stritigh'i-, for lie saw that a lar%ge iiuiyjbi-,r of hislietirere- large YOUNG; M. B., f(IRADUAIIJ�; TOT101TO t have eat down to din rie.r. The ball auli,he hall every co'lifid'ence that South Hurqu bellinged to ihe fair'sn. They had certainly 0. UniversityJI'lly6iiIian. Surtzol,or� at UOi&, AYES kicklev -y. -(�u h:ad done Mr. Mautling's, three doorg Cst he 'ieralicranoc, keeiin bair fresh and naruml it Is not.offqyo�ivc ro�r 4was ino6t tasteful] decorated, ivilh rippro approve his, red(lrd. rd a noble But 0' four, in itsellecta,but ca�saritaudrefregh y P itself jIIqtiC6AntIiiim;eIij(;tio3 am'it hfts�offen yall tiLendeaboro', 11.1t., �B, got no by Mr, C. F. At4hley, lbt�� I - . p -Alp, ollod gstune, beau,ty and - it �elmottce C k. %VAS aeeorde.d 96 linetit the past; Sit�aking of Mr. 11tallop, the so in bis own illimitable style, aiid '� Sin,- r 'p Cherry Pe t L 01" eceptioll.. ..He was es Giblaily pl-asild it. flrnvE.�OFFICE RATTi�NliiURY ST.— Item t-ck tile hair.. It promotes luxurious g- rom, e said lie %va,4 a.mu'who in his bilecohes preniature.deoik, wob't o," 9 floy,oli �olid for'good to I; -ladies proslent, aria' reg' `8 eilst ("K e v. ce so many retiLd Murray Block, two,dnor No other complairius, are so icsidions fit their ak� 0, 1 .11, - Ill the Hotlse'alwayoi�ainled, -1W — - - - 'Rulo Hone I :dIrectly -at tile trana. opri t Hall, -the CYO 'and gel-WrlIlly hit if. Ile yeferred 'OfFen hot 8 6 payl. P R 1.0, E CE N T gs: none 0 -theydid n-ot take-more-netivis, iu ter lit in' Iluron'S tZeet,.0liol ton. Lack as tboge;tfreeting the throafrd. luil tGovemment and the riames- of I lie I)Olit* al i qt e- itf.the dny.'� Ic 8 9 �so trilled with by the majority of sufferers; TIm ewriplitricut. lealders in both houses, and,tlie meylibers:jor ly torms, OHN METCALFE, Vleterbutry Si��e frQiii the ACthispoinbtlief.ron., Oliver Movi"al; and %%-Ito halfou-tit and wou so we�rdinary'cottgh.or cold, reBultiridpethaps from I -on. Aci:oss, ills platform was� stratcheld, The result. -Royal: College of Veterinary, Sur-evus of Engltord. triding or uticongoious�expoiiurej I its often but ft the Hot), A: .- Hardy eritpred, the room, and it) Etist Hurou: mii,,ht be r—n C( largoletter'le, -e, re ied, 'he attended to at on beginning of fatal sickness. AYLI we, ceived round after round- :of all- te u's Cilisnair -all %v iie the.words B b V I val C f theli ttet" t: " A d'eterulined effort RAB'Dwice,. 4he end of tb6'h el 11 the large ,tudience risingid tbeir feet was vatinted throng proven its ef5ellcy, in arforty, Iit t an- ring -le �ff - oil frour tli�- N-coars',jight witfl! thro � RT, GjiADUA'lh OF, ITED1 at and' lung diseases" alat p�qrqrlce to the. 4OUT-Ij Ile Or ofV DCAL Departraciv icEoila Ui&O-siti j6jonto�for be taken in all cases wiibout delay, Mr. rcos�j, resuming, tbe-thirtl -Refb 11 t' it failed- of My mer)y of thC Ilospita)s told N slibul . a all off to tile li,�st. advtrn6�6 Seven tables 'the fu'iI of the hall, �v�re erocte&atid, t ino'ChAt the count.� of Huron had refur -R, elOf ab!e-;t;1 debla- 'orono r for th o potinty o f 11'am n. B Q n t. A"Terrible C'011gll r Cuted. i D oil ii, Ile Solid G wiig-6II ey solid Obbral pha-laux to thu.'Ontario-Parlia. it) 010 I -ion 0, be. �un "'In 18,57 1 took It Lheoccasio, a One. a Fe, woul(T, itide 1wly 11 Ilk' IV I'LL I'A21 8, B. A., m. B., o ft 'A L U, A'2� Autigs. I bad a terrible couili, and pamse�d nigliv on t.416 pliiLforrn foDr tho glie�St& and I ve:re redneed'in iurrlbLr�, but I( all oil, tile con- 11. � , h after night without sleep.* - Die doctors gave nio -Toronto of thedoll,-geofl1hy' let b in zt,�l Pild energy tilleut, HL piyke on results of lip. -1 tried atReformers. Vy 'iciativ Mold Sturgeons, ()tit. OFFICE &,H1','S1DRNCr, th� 'uf:.AL I. 1 a tile lto eitictiuns arol the tire relieved rayllings; atfo ed they in ournerical for e, 11 li : houflei forlinerb octitipied by D�. Alluat iitrolct' virldei It �et obb, who. cer- iit Ifor the of yuy� streiigth� +ainly highest; jwltiso for his lthat tile b4d won the rest necess, e3 Ity the COlitill1abkNISM Of tll 1`1�0�ORAL ri-periyui:- of the orm majority- lin'd nent becamgo the, Uolf core effected, I n). new 62 yer10 It. MRS. BLACIK,�TOXLE, P Tile late local election %vqs tilt, hale your ee'Lilt Iiiat Lit, i h u 1,110 first-clags in Cial 1, thou jjberttl in(l f";r coijg�llttflal loll it), not'a beiweeii Mr. t%j" at'a�ua' 11jr. 1ALoC�ronjlLr,,savqd Inc. 11ORA CX,FAlIZ1l;1QTllJ, 21,01 Ig I W A" t -'July 15, Asai6ted kindly by iiiiinber o W I- IV tFactOrr. 'N; I, C s of the town, lit,, -was Cut htMNlacheoz" (111. tfiowi:� One arl Mj, ii r editil. le 1, rqup� crIR TrLl. 6. N1 r in ontario-on'the o '0 4? 36bi0dr to Blljljjl�` C�' 1892, 'and 1he most' fastichous*Coliltijind 'no ll mi'll of unit thor,�for npp;ibllr - I . i -- " I � - �N , . * - " While Ili the country last ivilitej yny, littii must be very invoil able iyrte�pit and upright life. All thL latter were .ided and backed -ill) by all'tho grati fi Col. Ihe would dic Arent -.t the complillients.6 that Sir -John 8,13 -t ­ , : Pil'isienn N �, su, RGID On f whi 11 it 01*0 �Alliy_.O'S:4, Sir c0epsful mary, hilt fL�w' ailliservatVep woltid. all0oliver a Isoinct 1 of Lowel-Civaada,aud Qro�ihcin I Licaou. Obabove al H.lifii to.. V, R -1 L L venture.0 claim that'he waq an honest poli. Tire �,nate itst-lf-�-tliat ugnst'b(,, Was ftd'� SARUM Cneititv a boule q AXIA Ills efforts, FDR -,vays kept in the house,. .11�blsii`s triedIll small, Towards 7'ckii0oc1c the hall t, fill tip, tl6i.an� ' He could -4irded �111 belie've it Would, hve bpen a -eiii1eime,—The builditig forxu;rj� by Mr it think if it I erpewit 3, rapi md, adjouraild 11 - aud to bur delight it) less tb=* and measure *Q19,t c6jjl'cj* N t M balf 111) hour little patient wa� breathing cas-� l0lo pro- be I, -.is putely the� 9�'i Thedoictorsaid (;hat ided, called the tisscmbld-�. to at wp�ii- of Conspryatives save the Ntinnl Peili�, ae li�lii.ntcd out that tile Any the Blood. troakers. and c�v _g "l, y1a 11 IFTF anin, use,for 20 years,ont titla, 7 our,g a I titudt *he. large. .11 view-oUthe e rl� t as aro 1 un the table "The Rev'.' Mr. tlateliford the dn,mm6rcial hori76o- aIPLItal Offi JR19 proved-tobo V-1 th e day were foortict ro;ij in 'the D -.,I uate. le­best� 'prepa rat io i n 0161 _P,�,f he'lloyal market for SICIR EADAC1. 'West 1. an"ftl L Surg ons hall tid 'by (ti)untly' ill, the battle Nfr. [Vi., PAIN 159 ill St,, York, A'ly 16, -jLs1r(3d the blessing astirp could net yet be, sat - y any. d. 'i �Vao,�ervej. I parled D.b.e Via torim Block, �Albert THE SIDF Olt --BACk. IJVER� 1,40 w; 6on of the itsedAylLill.scl,�',�A',I'-I�-PI-CrC6ltA.L,.ilI I� v. In ilia ir'Clialiallt dewincia who. timplished its proit . Clinton here lie ill coum�tantly,bojn atteridance; family for several do no hesitate to Amongst thos inealls to e entions. PLAINT, PIMPLES ON TTIK,17AC-re Hr. iih t- �ul g-e-st, a' tlie )0minion Government w -and !Z�ev-ezt ef -�icedjhe following protu�renb and bora liter heard par,d to perf�6raa at"aryoporation corolloolell 6 it tl2,6 for couglj.� in the �ato ellection Hardy. pni ted out -Dejltjol�ry.. Tooth Chat'arisai frora a � Disordered L.�qer or an' pr 0 tthers Measure impioper'or wron# lie. had na ger. with impure blood. ThousandSLof our best 'jq ryulatidered the alf,hnb,,h her the A;iorant character: of :,roaalgarn,.or.other fl Lake che,Nvoaknos, nay keb I � I . I . ; I Item bole to fullset,. OMCe Open n 3pople take it and give:.it'to their,:ehir. 0.1, S. the Couservative c antilp "I had tile opportunity 6f 0oirill so., lie the Oatforin updri..whic ran. Ylillst I ?esqlIC6 it daily. Those P. 110 success" RoSS, M,; P� , I Col party %verit befo th anil � , . ' �x t �ac orsupport'rinder the old� condi- ;e 13. p, Ople. he port who use ribebirnmend it to othem. afwrtryirl� lsoil I'd . .11. A. D. ish o 1), V - tis, a Yellow Dock.14orrolu- cu�cd bv lit, of 01,171011tV FLCTOR.�. -epp' the. they blid, j­66eived Could "not surely be iattri arill in -Cherry, StIllinsia. 1 111 IVAL D �ions It, v�aq'far �etter be should 1, r�RoPtR,riE8 FR SALE, wild btlt�ed to; lXid yne, a:n' elio, 'a fras, Wixifergreen,. a record of the party Vn-i,' e poll tvhich they had 0 C) -1v point, d tA the ener etic efforts �'e e no n . valurtllk? azlvi I -of 'Aynirs T,. tile polL. , fe r6grett�r.d. that a largpr triola -r ana Can-, r CnE1ZztvTFC!roI�,kI,, ,is 1 (10 that but -if-, t riot, It t delleate congtitution� w 0, 1 a tile Mdwat t the that the moinpoi halong since h2v.9 dicit fr�,m one, is. ontract t(, han(t over Ontario to the r,*D ING LOT�'fc� ediclues in use for, i . . I I VALUA 13,1,1' It mone, ofth 1m in troubles all 6'. b stake ilid'not; ItilIen te SultalJ10 for IiriVfttO RlIgultin�'thdl3ovre of -the counftry� -He had n (I d splorne nierrib6i-S vifio wouli) sold by )oryzlh',6 ff ul tile thret 6ilurl -Solil at one dolla a 06 if �66 L b No case of .9,11 a ecion l(eefer' II , .: IIA TV, r,(or a otpel, :0 that pal:ty fe hlds& iberalq evey%-all'wed i4bou)(1 �bottes fortIve dolla- existswIlIcheanixot bgreatlyrelleved by the We -on,, focincl them to warn) theit Bets w t 1. 1 -�,',',LUABLE T 6se who� cannot Obtain of hich was,'doutI T lt-of Wo -'t Hill ol AvEiVs ClIFERY and itwillaliaW; him guilty cif wrotig doi Oil I- their may cure the disese is wot a] ready beyond thO l0 It they hd leen, lictoiio,`U8, he would leLOT:70r, SALE I it tl tli is to ow W at they %vere-going to 0 -1, 1, %vithdrawal of their Conti nee, cf be sourld t' f -if at till, ine, o, A majoi V owat's tbla� if 'by tftpir nexi. 0 r'dulb3fl, 11 titter nic f1hat M ft�lt that hol-p-alld in this.ca ' - Ei tBe USe tAWH Its r �,DPA C. Ayet Co., Lowell,,, asle�:�- :of Nleieut-io illy reference to the T� Ja I 1A Sold 6y all belolind-votill-il to cont�rruei ill 1); 'Tyb.lt. so doep Ill foreas a we"iior:i;q:widc -is a' "ich urch 'door, but �,T.0 ET . T. WLn. jatil� th �Wt t6 w 'it 8 mailu itY, fit 03191, not 'it HOUSE &LOTSFOR, SALE accorded 010. for Roht. 10 � 1 .1 � euough,4rod would serve. For,the motuento' REA T ittt n ooil, the Jai.ires Turnbtill,t�ti' -iliem�" e, Ihnrose 0 C -fT tHearne, J a.8. )Cott,: ltit ack8iul J the; to and Sl red - 0. in ef� I lit U., Ice. c low 1111ft-1:01111 OMBF 1) actji!esof� whih h' had b�6 guilty kleljch that Coll qfrittlellev, 1W Speaking of the combin- eCte- ;"tho teproSeD tiltiVeS of. that tiou Ind cospirc of Govern Ivul:, Proticif" they. knew what repoi-6. id No, ',at "It ag L inst Ali 0"t. 8A TO R, E r. LE QR tary,:; C , -on li-a(l beellAoing lie siid or of., chat], a � a is OP, or t,6 rent, t" 0 110111eA )II It Uthe T C. uty of Rut 'number 'it as. Rdbillsoli, Ali Mite bell; M. been. delta in Qtt�N6 but ho was �Pp --fh-'jj— oll, tit toast wirr) e et� -H rimpoed tire yinises Dancy,�8­916an, fsa'ic It great object 6 14 to Wallace, J. L. Atkins, T: M. L - ' t: :lQ,: IXtr ill L�twl �1 1). oil Capt. Ifyall, A. r I 1 11 -brin'.-aboirt rt�. ,I h 61 ri V oil tire lot Eithor thu ill I 1!013�i,�toij ilit; t An rigi t , (! %1' r, w h "w into 011taYio it) tile tl� 0. a ill n 1) Ybuii,; R. B" �Tv JOS. cof utilre its lie li;id in th,� 'Past A N. I and ScGtt ohn -Aforrik,,, tA I cl 1. Wills tile one,great %%- OUSAOU --Sir lie 00sted. offfroar 06,iva' �,Sands, J"as. t'(.�wart. said he'liad th thank 11M E R 110110 foi 0,it ow, J. 11TO011 the most"heartily foi-the inn�er in whicii to Tbronf6 a6'd to Rull-IL"'llt'LA. UoAiii.Ll,,, 1 . I ber. 'they."Itad roe , oivCd tbe t6aleit. Ile, , j6inedwitb Tory Coriieyitibn- -Ent the eff6rt Lad 10 a ' J. John Atli; rj ulis, 1'. 'at 'olioupied Ilk Vir, Nv. I,. Y, it arraugJIn 9 t�.l on it Ile it-allitable por po- OjIjm6jtC, i�lj bmbori!). 1B,olter- I doiny honox to their local- members. Tl' at] ba -en xviinesg �V - CU10, J',� Wig6 cd them not'only as id Connect] 'te it clitinps ed for valo oil reasou'al)16 fertile, Fo*nr: r onts L s vens. ill Jame tiends. litics. Lfea�18 Ch9 ilqvhr fitairsi a,luftill-ce 'till. Good CC I la 1, arld ai I Cot, V(�'n Jell Ce, SOLE AG` ENTS. F 0 R CU. N 7 ON. .Soutilcorull;le, , pru g; W. the �rbt-tiraa they bad boon returned leau, hloussean, Sulallor6liard on the lot. For partioiiNiv ap'pj31 D. Jackgon, John Jas. Colli't,wright, toliftr[janient, Thp�61ebtors Of Fluron bad Charge (Apfol�use�) fO accomplish tire same to' 1kri*.'j. 9. Loclapab ende.in (lidsetnen t; riii�wljz; the it' 0 tleaj�oro, Dec. 26. imli; Thos sI Trealier; co�fid 'afid [.lad placed thLm Uat in On mbitinrj�' f8h, John,, T H OS.' WFI111I.E. M9, 't4 tj,C Of the poll�ngain 'and again. . 'I'll ..If 'was' to. 1)Q It e i� 11 a Ile Chart 13 b 116 pill. F 'SALE.'L ell, t John Afrisall" I no a n work.,- The AM. FOR., M It. i�jal -of the A offors lot- BAle 1,hC -u! SiOR= Xj, ill'ing bi�, Brtiw'nibg fore, hub they had'a' sufficiently large ma g 1 c had, gouc out I C NJ, `%vand. Xr. Hardy OCE .1. 'J'ANI,YY —Dona)( Frltzer;, 1: 0. majority to on the� government with then 114ded toille uninipeachul mand ullim- �qll[E TR r �J� Lot 50, -L. TucUrs6iith, of 471 td, -jr Why they hAd not pea6hable 11606�d,cj tile Governw6nt ricy, and ry 0 soil which is. 6rectea to'good bank with pert - i - uEnLeniimi. Jis All�' but five. ilolla6s eand free of W6 State of �r I C LT RA '�A-. Elcoa-t­ were now enoloavoring to sicM o),�y as it "'vas ton years ago tile flag WhiCh Btllirlt,& in itgood o acres of c n logit i -EN 1) a marcl� 'Upon them by enter it), a number, bf, R,formers in tit(,, blW_d Bj,yijI.—Dr. Sloan, Ifug). d Qaarrie, J, t tF6f liVIll be gold. oil re b ,;a�oryab'e pt it stock Or recent patents Pura all un'tilliet: 0 If 'IT ENS jN, St. And f th' moineif. o possible efl6rt was being Hilart-4 6'.0 pCop! 0 placed it BX-yFiEil4­Jnhri Lssoli', llT hotin soiL to wrest tile �g bvernmen from. them, by fii Ell IARK� FOR A�U B,Rusiits TO I 1 T -SPON 1; & ltge 6ck of inearI8 or furil, ISTOdl,tfbt soma rl)eiv electioni- 7 Tj NIL, R y �6 j'ej`y ell 0' )d tile ddr s sparkled tbrov,hout -with"baracte prote4s, at Mr. 11il dy's fill 611 P MoLeap 4ould be the result of tilest, s f -VL' offers.ior �,ale thr 1 .1 e Corn "fL�'ftl1lable fan"' iy:of the gove�nment would be posed of .10, 79, a.nd 80, in � thel lifititlan of f tho 'Llincloir dve�tisev MqjOrii , le Sit 1',epresentritives 0 Sti ' lhitil; af OQ�Upietl­ fully' an T I lit Globe', Grit), G-Odeticli Sitia I,' Sea. I ed wthout a doubt. - They d,id not, require 1 [­ of Gladerich, 6ofittining C �81218 'at reduced rates, P 1 -1 Y 10 1 A N.S E S 'ft I PI 0 '4 N Ait� fart hour in dohvei�y. 06 g' fis seat 16 220 aer.". The. land a pod I. to,of cult; this increase oil the c re of efficiency, ;, the,) al� a Ivatioul ceifite tic -Ately cornpound'ed with cti I atelt. is to 0 acres own with 80 11 11 (l iCuce broke forbi ill to ti�ru Jorth Expositor, an Werr" l . $0 1) 1, to n t. It ad , a t I Cast a' ma j,61 i yy o f 11 i 11 ut'll ly, e ti ff, Cheering. �r- Well watered and well forced. -To g odl orchaids, carry on the gov were, ihauy othc�s cie 13 t� to ernmen.t. It will large franic dwalling houe, and thice �) ob�l barris— The Tfiii farinjt �vtuated,bnc tiallo frijin whose names we'did hol, Thogather reaso I nable to suppose that. in view of thel Tllp toast ll w as, th at rf the above lots will be mold t4gether or iicpnr'�tel,'to suit r toritorial and other important is8noi- membors of the LegiBlative Assembly, cou.- �ajrohalrs.­ Terms emy. For particulars'apply to IIEIIST 'AND DRUGGIST,. ONT. 111LI, was thorouphly and eill. 9 pled with'the n4mos of Thos. Ballantyn 6 ANNINO 'AL.SQOTT Solicit 61'3h cuier6d into tile 1�06- coyttest,.�he �e'm ;)rS, to the braced all PaYts 0( the coiynty.� , . ill, ormilent iw�jority wi5ald have'been� inbrPaseo, 'P, I>. fiir Sorith Perth; D. Ha, ex-Nlc C; ..'ol li ijjuov�Qou wag madeirt the Nd . tilision itliltead of be bye.-Ciections wele, P, P�jor North Perth: jS' tile .1 NTYI ,;-r -tit -0 4111 I'lle P, - Tire 1:oform pAtty wa F'O It SALE. 1, to, U eal, 8 jadiC8 wilo �all cardod but one. "ROPER E e t jdacei Mn. BALLA, NI xpreliged Ijj'8 p 1, atnen. Tloy gracbd a ytfi�c with it,,, "l, given to tile q wOII'CVitjQCd oil portion of two lldlrti`�l 'y'litio great Convwntitin lit Torbutojl I 1 1 being proe6ti to the membeeg r11HAT for IlarOD,On- tile spi6ndid victory. lachie X "CUplold by, Albert, iturrilitil. ro.iryis, good y enjov the proceediaLY4, It certainly improves grelltest� pul.tical ci,tivenfion ever field in Cil, the defort - t of Mr. Hay grirden. 11cry-us totile ton(, of natin ThLn why was tile majovi'tV d core din" in Av lie I 6ver'y Apply to Amrmr or tile' de, of and we they th6mbbitan itIlbeti ptit in use lit ord6r to i0jieve 1% 0) 'so r inirept.esontati7da had k,�SO, CPl',T L AT P. N DO N. rurl'of to IlLaolne it �rrli)ye A* t116 oi iti*,n but, vh� j �'Ilille ol 11 , soin;0 ,0 it -Ill in- -Hii'rlid notiolony iVative victory: Ho floped all olec- Cli 17 b, iv oll I d - reveal ill I es, Q'C _ toxicati g IIi,fiflnellees. by ictly temperance p11,61ill Tho Itarty ri�,,htly'so or not lie sty wh�cli Ilic elefeat of flay, hilul )con tbat its I 11 P'o Ij I i f 8 , t 0 1 . Py'd. tip to�, isctW, y a,tivip f tile i)eopj C V Th� horti, V'tis i.11a. t, v(u callacif did not nia be c 1 1 '�' hild SPLEND ly I'V1111 bing a (I lillo Who lia'q been' and tuosi dangerous in thoes of at I)r)lll iiinil Lot cr�rqiptifiu jll�l it ty h was �i inaticr for gib5c4ibolr r4ers for of (Vol, )ritttl -of Ontario it) hil"Clillro (10111A ,is flit Local Governineut. That regret tile offorts. IOver 160 acres 6' 60,60. Anti all Aft'.), tllensllal drank,., lladv:aoit, and Various r tile to and �e ot dualvation, 01 p lit forill 1.) to edbrafie ill 6 111, Oil J OurTilival tho ciectote unduly, and tills. Al People ill Correct polit'ical arl" a good fronne two frmno l)1.ln)4 ill e To r of fire itr If tlle� III lit; fi,mil contractor -slid eveIn r moqctl"T uSed to tile uttuo ty E h' ROBB h tod ge t it. j, 9 tile soblo, I In flu poltion Of rurillin, tbr�llgh Clio 8itllille inilbs frolu %V6re Coribori,ritivo, 1,11011k.cil 'Ill L, Whi; the �d t or -41 , I L�e tit a julto roll t. olle of ilIILE(� ated bv uiarie.!lijut by th<dr own not illogiiii t 0 adl'IN"t(ff it to d lip, L i I I C ho best favulain tile 7- , I falely and used by 'tho griaid' sellemployM, tile vei&C6 �f the Coustiftiell: t 'L 8(�) tj of RSL It Jtrefefj-h,.'-:'RB did d' frru lit North re beg, on w 1. CmOn , t� an 11 refemha thoiru we d I eenny had been rise n' W fornia, of� bribiory, They not olaiin tfi.,t muchf�on I ontru1stell lol� Cy whomi�hey lawdulf1h, anq to, : '� per Ils h ail I v6pted- lie' tation. in I. fis.dr VqB I vllolq (if 1-0 o I I e nildeir thei; ays o but 8o'dtionniil, fcelijig been - aroued to g qln 0 to r b0osbilt lyo tile Rilling st, hini, 116 0, Ito n, ;r