HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-04-06, Page 4*1.1,4 W( have --Pay Wiseman...
7,xhibit oil new fiats- W. Jltek on,'
Three cutters ,eniploy etl-TLos. Jackson.
',Photographic exhibit -Pastor S I3uyley.
Colonization storrh-13o c
7r'e>ualoteacherwanted- W.11.IIina. '
Tiaoroufihbred Uurham bull-Richartl Carter
..proteetion-xdanulul•; & Scott.
Auction:$ale she •tlrort,s-It. Haile;{ -
Auction sale;,e&L1 estate, -13. Stevens.
Combination ivery-Joliu J, Taylor.
Chancery stale -Beane! .a Norton.
The Reformers of Clinton may well be
proud of the `magnificent success which
crowned their efforts to unite the differ-
ent parts of the county in a grand ban
quet, on Thursday evening last. A5 will
*Seen from our extended, report, repre
sentativeswere present from all the three
Rfdinf No doubt bad the roads been
in a; little better condition, a still larger?
number would have availed themselves of
tb,e_opportm y. ta., niet owe Provincial',
leader. The enthusiastic reception given'
FR1DAY, APRIL 6, -1883.to the three local members inset have
tt' iiiiythiri.g more was heeded to coa-
vincu'farnrOs that -7111e lnotective.policy.
of the cotuitry was' especially di'reeted.
.igainst their interests, it may now be
seen in the changes- of thetar:i,2' that Jigs
just been made by the 'Ottawa authorities,
they having'-l;laced, on the free list suoh-
articles as attar of roses,.egates,''rubies,
pearl's, sapphires, emeralds, garnet;, opals,
etc., and'redtreed the:- uttoans„'c�uGies :ori
a number of other•articies'tbataroaln est
as unknow; n and unused ,by the great mass
of the community as the above nared
jewels,_' and tl ey.heye raised the duties
on all' -kinds of farm implements .front 25
per cent. to 35 per cent. It certainly
- should not require this imposition- of `an
• increased burden to awake them from the
delusion that they are being ,benefitted,
and their inter,ests!fostered by thenationai
-policy;: As we are 1iviri in a rural com-.
munity, an1 our patron nru'nly derive
their living from. the soil it iS oi r duty
to loon. rfter their i;iterests 'and utter a
satisfied them that they have the mid -
donee of the people they represent; and if
any, other evidence than the election of
rep_inell) eie..tee<sr>_ppor-t_ hint -was i•.e-...
quired by \fr. Mewat, to assure hint that.
the ihear•t of Huron beate tie to Reform;
he d it in the ovation be and lIcon. Mr.
that:is being done tlrem. i
Up; to the .present moment not a soli-
'tary article ,that farmers' produce in this
section has peen enhanced invette, or'by_
which he Sts ,enriched, • by the national.
=policy, seXeepting corn; and the duty union
that, instead. of benefitting fanners .as a
body, it is quite the reverse, as it is greatly
needed” in the stall feeding of cattle for
the English'rc rket: The p,rosperity;:of,
the Country• wholly depends 'upon the
\abundance of the crops. and the increase
of steep; and it hi inconsequence of the
largeness of the former and the high price
'obta,ineste for the latter: in: foreign coun-
tries, that Canada has:,enjoyed a good de-
gree of Prosperity during the past four or
five year, -
The.inereasod duties on farm imple-
inents is net (likely to'enhadce tate price
of them in the older settled! sections. to
any.ap: reciable extent, as the market is
already supplied by home manufacturers,
_but- the the northwest, who, if
any one; o.ughtto receive the: protection
oi':, the government from :extortion,' will
. have to. ay l;ileiter prices= literally; be
robbed of their hard earplugs. Our reacl-
�'-t-fP 'thaoiCcc, s o1slearec
'ers��her� in�rv.uo ,e]
implements, but many`of them hale sons,
brothers, cousins and other -relatives and
friends' in the north west, and they should
receive the sympathy of those:better
ated. -Nye-urge n,ll, even -those who are
the most strongly in lave- of protection,
"to look deeply into this: matter, and see
.the evil effects'' that. _are ,beingproduced
Hardyreceiied.' `lheinnovationsmade
in the admission of the' ladies, and the
absence o1'all intoxicating liquors, were
departures 'which all men of.gond 'sense
_and morals will, approve.' Tlhe;Speeches;
were entirely in keeping with the rest of
the{hanquet,rtnd were models of clearness,
brevity ttnd eloquence 'After doing so
wellaro one,we thinkwill deny that the
Reformers ',of town are entitled to all
praise arid -:a little;juetifiable pride.
The people of Ontario have been re-
peatedly cautioned the -wily en-
croachments of the crafty .Dominion 1're--
mier,_but to a great -chest these warnings
have been ;disregarded.. If they do not.
speedily !awake to the danger, which
threaten them, it will -he foiled, when
to late toapplya remedy, that the Pro-
vince of Ontario will'sufler.i+rreparable in-
jury. Sir John` isbound to.obtain control.
of Ontario, if possible, andsis not gpine t�."
be -pr uticrdee vl'hut : _means 1)9 . cul:l toys
By the act of confederation the Province.
\vas supposed t.o enjby certain pti-vi]eges
. of self goveru,neit, but be is doing his ut-
most to wisest these from us.' Marry more
than Liberals now ask the question "would
it riot be better for Outario'to cecedefrom
confederation than. beabjectto the tyran-
nous rule of an unscrupulous politician ?"
That we are approachingniomentous
crisis in the History of the Province is
inore.than apparent. It-woiild be a sad
thing for Ontario -w re she to pass, from
the control' 'of of -M, -r. 31owat`to, that of Sir
John and his reckless followers.We have
no -fear of it so long as fair means only
are used tp accomplish this, but we freely
admit a feeling of uneasiness at the pros--
pective result, o ben the whole unbridled
corrupt power. the Dominion Govern-
ment is brought to -bear on it. .If the Pro-
vince is to be savedt.its people must awake
from their fancied security: -
ALARMJNII' i'NCRZ4,1 [;'O r 1'UIli.1G,`
The rapid ui:ei erse of the cost of tli.e
government, of: the country, is a matter
that seriously'riffects-;tate• interest of;all,
and should; therefore, receive that consid-
eration of all to the extent that its impor-
• tance demands,-for.the, country 'is `not'so
ropnloils and Wealthy As to bear these in -
V c reased.e�peusr s. without iletrimcnt to its
prosperity and comfort. That they are
increasing there is no possibility, of deny=
'tug for ;tare ,go`-srnirient admits it, incl
gives only .v;ery `flimsy, excuses for iit . Du-
ring the past P: tr•lla.nientary term the con-
trollable-exmensesi have;been increased to
the .extent of $2;264,503; and ;where it. .has
gone is not always clear,: as often money
11as been expended in.waysthattheyknew
the. ceuntry would not sanction,' and Hien
•charged•to some other aeceunt, such as the
expendituri, of $9,000. In the fitting up of
a Pullman car .for .the. Governor's trip' to
the Northw16st, :arid then charged to the
a 1edi.i.cear etieneef flag tttinnda
ailwoS • Tlie'incre.i
be seen.inceveral 1epartmento as fellows:
postal, $87,000 ; public work!,- $500,000 ;
Indi,in's frOm$424,503 to $1;183,600 and
in others at the same ratio. A shorttiuio
ago Canada could boast of being -the light-
est taxed country in America, but thaten-
viable position is iib ,longer enjoyed by
her, for notwitstanding the very expen-
sive war that the ''United= States lately
passed through,, she=enjoys a ,lighter tax-
ation by 51'ai'head than Canada:: A tithe
willcome ivheel this oppressive taxation
can •no, longer: be borne, anal a change et"
Will t.;alce place --ill find
an empty exchequer and a `bugh pile of
debts to discharge -in economizing and
curtailing expenses and salaries they
create enemies .and opP d' allositiou, and
kinds of falsehoods andslander will he
_hurled against them; -which credulous pcio-
piewill give'ear perfect repetition
rrN istr l of buterceent d tte .. `that Ili -is
eleould take place stneng un edubat'e l e -
pie is greatly to be deplored.•
=lir .Reformers' of East 'H•uron: should'
be prepared`to in et the. protest ..that has
been entered; as it:show ld-he=by a:conn-
ter petition. If.report be true, 11Tr.'Hays'
hands are not as clean as they, shoulcl'be.
SU FAR rwsSyry' election petitions'
have mien fyled—thirteen<against Refor-
mers and seven against Conservatives, and
a; dozen more will be put in before the"
time year
expires. It'rFill be about 'the
1900 before:the courts get rid of what pe-
titions are on hand if any funds, are left. :.
--- • o -.
-Slit Joi N A. has'exercised his prero
gat_,ive, and `'refuses to allow the Orange
bill of incorporation-;to;hay.e .its .second:
reading. Perhaps 'this may be-, the best -
thing that .could happen,: but ft shoUl
show_ the.Oiangenien what little confi-
dence they can piece in 'hie prctes'sions of
sympathy with the order.
A. YOUNG. man of New York State, was
requestedby his wife to draw i2,000,o.fher
money froni the. bank and, the . • o sseesrou
of so muchmoneusent him crazy. 'Such
aninstance; ns threw r _mever: known _ u
-among"thhceditorial r_fraternity,theirwives �-
cith.ernot having that amount deposited
or.not willing to trust them. .•
he stock of over01 000 will -be of
fered at . a' tremendous discount
' Nper
FIFTEEN cent - on all cash pur-
ch:ases under $10, and QTWEINITY
cent on purchases over th' • t ainount.-
d are hand,with' the exce. i.on.:.of Six Cases of Dress
11 our Neter Goods' e to�� ...
Goods, Ex.. S.:5.Caspian,. which are expected this week. 46 Cases New
oods this season. This sto is as it has been for years, the best
_ ex-
ponent -of Standard and Fa �onab1eDress Goods, outside the cities
THE, Mail'a3sumes-that if the Governor
‘were 'to dismiss the'' 11IOWat°;Government,
and another appeal be made to the
people, "the Crrits'.would not have. the
heart to contest a third of the Constituen-
cies."" Tho-'ll1ail vould,.l:ike to believe
that statenient itself, but it: -does not, ;all'
the .;same.. 'Anel if ariy constituencies
eboirld happen to, be. opened Up by the.
.courts; it will findthat the."Grits".possess
stronger' hearts than it pretends' to give
diem credit for.
'-"`I 1.. 1- 4). aseetssertede-that he Bele
gates to the late Reform Convention at
Toronto had their expenses paid by the
Local Government. We not only can
give this a fiat contradiction,but truth-
fully say that the Government deem not
spend money illegitimately to manufacture
support, if it did there is someprobability--
that tve, together with the' other ro•form
journals in =towns and villages 'through-
put: theProvince w.ouhl' het_ a, portion of
it, -but not a dollar more is paid to them
than is paid to OOi servativo papers,'whioh,
ie just the price of their subscription-. In
stead of delegates being paid expenses,
wo beard one delegate say be thought a -
contribution froth them would bo request=
ed to aid in Meeting the necessary oxpen-
ses oI' the , gathering,but ribthrtit, of the,
(rind wris"done, the !opal rnCrnbers of the
.Harty laying hall rent, -&c; TI10 publioa-
tlo . of these falsehoods:000140:1 irein i;di-
,atel contradicted- is gr:rdiitrllq (19anoral-
read tr,
iinM the country,ibr rnany-thrrf ru..l
easertiou never eee'tlrr eon trail inti i iii, 011,E
others, who wir,h 16 believe the falsehood,
eeelleaetheyeteeil or hear, the. t -e ntr,tlii't loin,
say that they have ae r0mb richt le bee'
1,evc the ass rtion;ne the contrndi+llittn,
mid, thus the tirtnor11li✓ing i,rooc'y gonia 011.
• e ve r r' to ark. in fti
That ot�r rices ma a rio rn o �e ei uia�e,
our larger De` artme �s �a not be out ;off'.
mention . pf some-a�' � � Y �
� i . lines in Oottons
We have secured the b gg est ,
Ducks, Denims, Shirtings, Prints, to be found
anywhere. All bought after . the late tumble in
This' is =a strop hot of ours. g The-. oods--�shot d
be seen. They'baffle:: description. _ :We hold the
shown in Clinton.
ct�a�n ever h
finest cele.
1 ct 1` om.
aver 41sTE HtTNDRED PIECES to �e e
In this department alone, weare the largest em-
ployers of labor in -Clinton, and :.at the present
time are turning out more work than all firms in
town combined. What is the. reason ? The reg-
so.n�s�� we�l�e;e A,.d�on le
the s
• our -competi-
tors, lower prices, and ,keep,
c�ocl�-subi -o-- -he disco mi
era hvin 0. the neighboringtownslie
tur °
ket� ��111 be 0 ever � urch°a�er�� � � �. ..
.�'p . .
'went Dollar•s..
Cliaton.; � March, 188a.
Butler and Eitakenas cash.