HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-04-06, Page 3THE NICHOLS N DIVORC�. HE CWHA A011THWEST. ,L)L- 6 Unusual. Experlloce of an jkn;' Aw E,�WLJE !it this bountm TZRINARY EVA I evi. says that rawtof thd-Norkeavid Cattle Po L�Tdlh 1, vial and Itoadm—Native Privierx lia iVA nut.. The Deteuce Ketorc the, Senate can Gentlentan and It& VaInable that Sherldan's a wo ess't'rash., He says only a �'Uaby�K C-11-Alro. 11bba—A Ltycl3r Zephir 19low., Awn Condition �,bw- ens ders are abdon like Short- Only a be AIL 11111ilding. (Amqri&an CorresP6ridelob London Bug., Press.) condi. by's grave-� L " I ilutely pulypid. tioti Rowders. Sarno foot q two at libe,most r 'Be, Val- Of stax-da;sied sod, One of the Ii -�Illiyrs of �tbe season HUSBAND. The origin, growth and 'final e,ucceRs of hable,,, Noth. a 4ea- Yet I think Ood Visited Bird'e Hig, Wau., last Saturday, any enterprise are cauHes for the gea,,UGt Ing, on earth -MA �E,'HE� i�� 11 oo al bOL One 11 A n 0 b ta a'd a s pat ch s ay a The N lobolson 'j P sold JKnows whaVillat little cost. A� I . Alh§on bad : jqtt cumpleted.a barn, L ther,relating to public everywlim, or 4014. publiclbterest,� wha I)HOrce Commit Be of the Senate met jul3jitutious Or private.voutur he CO." ��I by 30 feet in Hizid"whicil, tuoillei L 68, Only'a-bali�'�3 grave— %oibe,oatbuiIdiiAgi, r,14 biizzird picked u to,day. western 000firient has been et4pecially Strange: bow we mean and fret p marked, by examples V a little face and carried Home forty ftieb from ita origi- Mr., acdougall, for the Yes 'ondLnt, of', this, Un,ture, and .,That Was here ouch a space— nal site, makilig a, cumplere WrElOk of the moved that the PatitIp be aletni"'ed Oil we are glad to rs4ord' one which is Ho Oh, more I str I ange, Could One forget. buildiag. the d of collu�,ion, iusuffidieuE proof -ljromment " -to be of univor�al interest. 'rou. to - -- - 9116w the 311' . urderer of '11telpless.Chifilren Only a b6by's grave— that,.d.1 ry bad been committed. Several ears since M;c� , H. �H. fvkr .A car ioaa of material arrived in Bran- Ar.-nic-a—unry, — Did we meapure grief by this reStUlOg 111L160(ttleSter, c4. -X,, teowme&warel "'r don last week from' Against the Alleged, seiuce F ew tears were shed " ' 1"g t action r bfbili, that what he suppobed was An irou cons 't mewhat 3urprising to what an ex. On our baby dead�,- harged on which were '-wife.'� ti tent teen COnfiued:-a ' 'a u wa d" 'In pri Oil wi oming rapi I know hoW they fell on this. sid, howtwer, El-Aat bh,� car W" y,'uD ermined Attar consultation the. c,)mwittee dis- heav running soma, �-f -8 and that sonaebbibg� of a Mysterious d6mo6tiowtirg differelithilids of apimaIa. 13 a�baby'� grave— WCA a ab ut fourteen ic�i sod the rootlon.L This pract)d h!A8 p6ThKb-H- -- b tons. L nature-seeffied to bebapping his vitals: At e p, never . Ban more 4 Nvill'th6littie life 6o iduch Rosetta Nicholson' wild of Peter Nichol- filat, the Were I . - I IT ! . M : BQCCOssfully� developed than at, the Staite I . T 1460M IndiQtttionH slight, can- , oosmal I Tile j Manitoba' Pr:oviUc-1%1 Gave�nment' !son i tfien called.' Shosaidbefore bar Reison at Concord, where there are Joan For Bis-diadom; sisting, prin6ipally of frequent head.. Are Vr9pArIng Whose lsingdeui is made of ench wendation8 to'.the marriage I her parents ' moved' from Mar- -dull pains in various j parts who in a nunaber oE instances derive gFeat aches', lassitude, comiort fro, in L t1_16 Companionship Dominion Goernmet , to. h�ve - the Act quette to BrucaMineb, where.Bho first saw . of tile body, upaccount ble', jot dif. Yet oft ma Proyin ial roads ouFh� that while RHEUMAT' Only a baby's &ave— el%tillg to amended Ad Ilet-r"Nichols a. She'vvas14LyeAra of'age ffterit species of animals, And who, y Nve come and sit P, a 0 Mlld�OML�40LMI UaUge&. He th that all citizeha may be treated alike. As when the awa� mLtny.�A.J.onelv.hour.bytraiiaingv�ona, .-By the little stone y removed: to' Bruce Mi perhaps these-,oy.Epp�.9,raii.,,w,ere�.tLie result- t law no t6'Hilijforit. exists it. discrLInitlates,Agaisi. �A commenced ' to w hile cefis, to pprform different -and: � avd thent but little atten, III We are nearer certkidWttl6ig ;*h6 hBve uot-,i3ecu'red their pay addresses h old, 9 tricksi At, the preiiiuut time one of the THE GREAT CURE Folt It 0 tion, but they increased and finally became patents.. , The object' is 0 fiave the law second or third year after going! to aimrmii)g. Consultation with two"pf6mi- ruosti noted ClOriVION !I) the institution h&B 'Changed, .. ih'whou A Lr6ar d 'is run through -Bruce Mines, he proposed marriage. They a, pet M'Ousd w6idh he I has caught and TRE WEEK"S CHERCH allwnere, of land, whether or not' liVed at Bruce Mines for three y nent physicians revealed the fact that he a fidetion ears and Was suffering from all acute attack of traiced to Whirl a smAl wheel.-wrranged on accorded then ov they' possess patents, may 'be the sain'e, p0incillie as A squirrel cage is. RHE U 'M ad -toL kmrribv�lle MATIS
I ind6rollity. rl off kidney disease, � and to Bay -that he, was, aqua ort � will - also be 'Nicholso visited- that& ',bherej wild was I Aneflael: &is two whart rate which he has L�6test eWS frol`n Widee�vread alarmed would be only to partibblly expr6aB And all complaints of a Rheulnatld nature, made to secure §5 per 'acy e for land as pro: finally I accepted as 'her lids4and. , The -the -toled-4ntohis-oeH-,fed and --so- completely his -feelings. Under F?HE,UM4 el . NE is ' not ver eglrV d for
0hristeridom. p�iated, iri6tea&of �1:.50,ab �t present- marriage took place in T6rbnto;t :Tile domesticated that they. will go through a a,th. ilig th�tf em attention of the physicians, however, he s �ir for A ImB,bL giving tn6 name Of non. James Couple Want to Bruce, mines, wbere two failed to improve, and i : n fact grew t'gllt-YOP a performance.in his cell when IRALGIA, [SCIATICA, RHEUMAXISM. and n worse d "`Pwrlts Of Rheumatic naturt. '11 S- he L Blight-f-ro-IjIT16-8 By carry iti A—SURE CU E , AFTER THE SUNDAY DINNER-�v Torrington Spencer Lidsto e:was arrested claildreta w Nicholson, qOutfultly. His sy'ff-ptoms at this time theyarebidden'doso. Others have trinb —11T. HAT'?, ecently in London' on a obargq of obta�ih - After a few year once there -was were most serious., T �R There are 4,000 000 Methodists in� the �oloor of Customs at Pxiu first obseryed increased and pocket' to�, ps, Ing money Under false potenbe,3. -He: �afd appoin Led Gollo And from the workeho ce United St�.tes. Arthur'B Lauding- �"d removed which he -had' ha was, comiiaissiop,zd by the Gov Frolu'lTArs. N. It. Pawling, wfle.ot one of finally became intense. What orig jually nd. become greatly attached. to, them., Protestant L Epigoobal hither. Air the latter place Another Addi- Thb,traine'll-pet cauKry of Jesse Pom L a ' roy, j thlai,geo,t lFraji 4;�rqpwe,.4 in.. th c Three prbutineitt of Canada to ascertain the names of Mann- t w -ere -,simple. pains became . -the greatest' churches in Philadelphia areL Without rec- faCturars of artists' fnin England, tion was,expected to The-family-,':Iout-owig agony. Occasio�al headaches and a lack the' bo�'fiend, has was a i %okinA5,of civveoln, out. eand by meaus of his poeius .6 for to Nioh6ls6n's bruel � treatment . therewas fine' singer, and Jasoo grieves very much oil to, secut of energy eventually resulted in the, paitis The jubilee fund of, the Congregational thoge WhoL advertised 'a, vast amoun t of no arrival. truce Mines there Was an and hoirors which only siaoli tr�oubles- can accoilrit of the.bird's deatli,jor, in, solitary N. Sl�Tloll�LAND, ESQ., Union of England and Wales i§ njw over business'from the li� ative princesnd others espionage oil her by,her'lausban'd, wid.by briDg� Tt Was at'tbis critical'time that he c6tifinem.ellb,.-he II&B.been. mpah cheered. b Ont., y in Maitoba. On t anthe singing. Herlow'expects his .mother DIDAR M-1 aul, Much pleased to benble to 51'000'000- Ilese representations hisformorwife's mother setting tbechil- Mr. Haldom, a London furijiture,, d *He was heard, -of 9,, � tropical itiforill you of the niarked improvement in theL Oren to watch Ali bon actions. t - 1�0 --- - -will bring or' Hand codd�tioa of*my wife since slTe" has used the The movement started so -me -time ago to reputed 0 va us in �-Furhi i r Ili L .him :�auother canary.. &tL consented to have a poe - m I in,'Lidetollb's very -cruel fo hat., and even hicked bar sooll� a Huewardda tile hospital depart,,' '-Rheuu�atide' do. away, -with .Berl'moxis funerals is en- Btai'r8 Lth � f6UjL ti 8 , troublesl - He liad.little taith in its power, LondonLd,", a d ab A,. specimen ',of' the down� the ree :or- in S. I it has Heyaral-pet canaries, arid' 'For uInvak& of foul- YC41-B U a L n thing . else met One Of she has been unable but rescilved,'to try it, �'A .9 --without ,couraged-Ri many places. occmioii� the treatment she to leave he� c1lail �janc&;, the 8JU Any' way, relieve him—.He . . 6 11 On 'One aul- rained"to e� rewwrkable greater par of. the time her ba cis. feetand '-The N0raVtan-9'%yv*bhaA a received waH.- so serios seemed to -in a t t e ne,of the e; beca much -istorte(L aud-aimo�i Him 'fore whom 3h farnittike vendqr, therefore cease 1ing he in dici' degree, A c ' olored. Convict, formarly A'well known waiter in one of'the leadiDg Bos'tbij whilaber'sufferings from ainbave has not paid its debts1aB no bUY Dx like doetftl'fa�il sick &bed. After,thoir-removal to Prince right to hole of m�inother'sxooms% 11 beien coustAnt and.freque I ntly excrucia L t . ing. flowerg,for decorative purposes. S w ding th6 crublWcolibiilped. aaotor�, began he.uBe of -the Article refer h iels, Who pcoullieB strong cell," one. e8t n" LH, short sp 0 Four bottles 6f.your prepakatiou � have'driven Oix oue� occasion at' breakfast he said.be redL-io And ;Was awa.a ill.a very a, -ace. A Russian llr who has travelled' (leaded in propagating Pigeons in a peculiar The case was remanded 'to on b -r. awa;y her pain, yegto -ad slee�, aii(I'L,by re uciug� it Is a- of time that it was greatlybeilefitting'hia I d around the world �Aay,s th& English-speadk�' wbald disfigtire-her',for life, 'and. � threw a He co�ntinuadj its use faithfull. "Way., The window of his cell opetia into thes,welliug�aboub,.boT joints,. have j so much L� to furnish proof that he reakfagb plat�"afher, striking bar ic� the :resul - t� became'parfac� - ly cured, h as,. been . one. 'the prison y , and" oil . this win impro-ve&t1la action of her joints that she can Ing -reople have taken the lead everywliere. Hou. J. T. S, b y and. as a ard, dbNV'he was� an agent of the &hadian Government,,, heaa-and Ott, now feed herselT at the table and be carried from a ising her to faint. He gave no f, the most Active mail in America ever pladod I br,ea1crumbEi uutil he trapped a, room to room without suffering pin. Thebene- One butidr d years ago there were,180 and thlit there: were princes,, native And reason for'su"CJh conduct beyond Baying that O of pig I eobs. He afterwards caught fittohel,has been wonderful; and 'should A Methodists 'in the. couterence, bdiiJUds-'oL Since Bud picture of perfect otherwise, in MalliVob.A. it she left him he would' disfi-ura �har so threem'ore it, the same way, chpped their dease now Ishould stillf-el, tbat�,L 0, great oblige.- Philadelphia.� Nw t"re are over. 50,000, health. tion, rests upou:us for your hindness in bringing, that she could not get'.'anotber mau� Had' wi I ugs,� andthey-have become so thojoughlk tbi6re - lief within . a j ur 1 rom A beautiful --Window, intended as , 9, ffl thers, From in Social Standpoint. Mr; WarlieiN expekidDee caused him t.a memorial of theiluite--Rev, Cairlon Hugh she not quickly turned her.. L head � it would horoughly and most Carefully' investigate, domeHiieAted that thev have built a nest � I bopC,JioweV.ei, to find. CV012 91 te 13U dy. have struck her in the� face. [The scar, of - Mppy and fortunate little woman at underneath,hig bed, �na . At present ba,ve from t4e, use of the rains' it of horn I and as 6. result e -discovered hat the ma- . I T lily Pearson, 'a to be placed at thb east 'ond a, who. never felt called' u a h6woun'd was found in the.w6mab"B head three youug�*doves which they have,rear6d r �oar pen to write jarity-of.doinmon-.-diseaseii�coulcl. . . ....... . ...... -N, WL -------- 77-; -by as. a -the'.pttpers-in---y.ouir--.-,-IifeTdo� -111-6dicalLeX pert the south side of''St.� U:66rae!s=Cha al,� � IN Jine--for, a. trwoea in, tiieir,origin to disorders of the kidneys Oi�� of' pigeorig- okT ac realize, what all eniable lot 'is -'yours ? If �stayed. at'hoi6e :ihat day and dressed'the. Was this one the� darkey. has named after his North ail, Macleod-, falls Qf,.� ra;ther glutt�n.* for nothing else, because itlaever, o' or liver'.. 'Phis a �kev.elatioa so stard- SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS." cours, to, wound. Oc� different bo'casionshe ordered iug ;in. its nature that ;B. . a a - duty to Wife, And dlL.Ahelrest have name§.� I-16 he'r'to q�ittfie house,. pro- regularly f�6di ous Presloyorian, preacher who -used to .y - on, tbab the flotsam.and-jetsam of conver- ind'he' secreted humanity Mr. Warner felt icdpelle� to 18. own 1P u iuring Co. look at the dinner 8�fbre.sa'ing 116 Reumatine n fac . I y geace, and - sation, the'beauties 6f� nature, the flying of in the Custom House., The evening Ilowance. L !'The OtbQr 'Convicts 'felt 'very if it N�jB aL good 'One began, Bountiful a bird against the4ind,,-the' bit of wisdo make known* 6 file world the great means in after be thre �CATII by',7biob lie, had been saved; , Up to that ST. ARINES w the plate. at,het she, want to much disappointed-b'cadso the large num.
'Ta6vah. if I ba are, dropped quaintly fiom.the lips of. A child, bad "rlLyl feeling sick,,'and . did not rise I , time noreased at the bqrof-dovas�formerlykept at: the'. prison b il�yr, "A be threw a dish Cent. eACh year f0i'Lthe it" kidneyr diseaseshad i not, 0 Lord,. v,prbily t th of thy' are each And algood matenrial: to� be BailkL the l3ex P' wars killed And the thatched doVecote re. J. Wi er, Co., rate of 25 per &at in �m . ercies." woven into your Weekly or monthly of tea grounds, in tier f�de'to 'ge't her, out half score,of years, and were still' largely moved. � At one time a number of domesti-' 11111anal budget.', Thb: lion. A colporteuc wag once can- writing habit., (be. glad of bed.�,, The.eldo8t boy (who' was 'there) cated,HkitilksWere kept in the, prison yard, his-r6li- thab - it - - Ater ova on th6 With the end i(� View versing, with, ail Iffiricis mati.on, I is not yours) , is - otherwise. dashed a pail, of' cold w r b er nd1bey Were, cared: lor'by the 'coilvicts. above describad, however, Mr. Wainer' giousAuties. Said'Lhe-"'Do you'attend one 'gets to 'be ever- on. Alto al6rtl' half bbe same morning. . The provisions he had . . I dy There tire now namer6u.s cat6 - in, di,fferent D. C,: N. JIA� 14.:. S3. began, preparing nd sellin- the � rains ,church regularly Oh, he ; Inever'go, wolisciously': too- and everything that one carted. to the Custom House were thB-flour, n, and if A, person..wishes, U th6-� demaii a- . parts"6f the: riso to chur* but I I allers make it a'p,int to bears iH'menta scized-upoh for future sugar and all'the necessiaries.of life. 'The. sinab which time t get the fil-will'of EL Convict be. only needs ').0 per day, at home SampieB worth Lik' th' bi a s 'Which goda��irlg here for it has been remourkab1c. n' all the, 5 free. Addxess T 'tend, all the funerals. They j'e5t as use., , a a follow 'bewent,toDuluthIleavingber to.. molil�t his " -cat' , These, animals .8 INs6N ay hi*tory.6f the'world here is no instance On Portland soluzzli, and thar isn't no herlectionij and therein the spring sunsnine,� catching at-hornewith'the children.. She, bad him record, where so groat a,demand has beau always disappear 'from: view when visitors a brii t hood thread, or a shred'of, wool, or -bound 6ver-to.keep thc-peaceifori BX',Btina for com"e-to. the prison, for they always, know a The Bishop of OKford seni�bo the �chdrch one Year, W L lop oUhay,,,whueeith,'t'o build -heir L It Wit as that At' present; -i ardens in his diocese A-circul%r ind went t6live at the oneen's Hotel. Ale -W .of in oje6aion af, , a, , b , t , t ., hi , lor'alfi 1 as a h 'L. to, we of the 1 joli�uaiiatic pr terwar s got er , o re urn -to . is home, quiries, amoug. D6es your rinary organ' E L nd for L think dothihg�inadyertent or inapliropriata, Where they lived abouCsix months, fititil officiating' clergyman preach'the - gpsp.@, dneore in thff land. Were TIKEPICINCJE 01F WALES,. Which we may blend� into our, modest Auglist, 18,76. After herieturnthings ran carriage con- Iand is his. 'conversation and the -.It for BOY ak 'fictitious 'One, sigtent therewith:?" The! . churcliwarden iabric8. So much by�.:Wav'of preface, if not stuouthly Ior two or tbree'dZys, wbdn he. in ort�,Iitiyl from kidney troubles would now. -11,�W]-Ilobblvg wlthlahe,C.ernian F vitimlars-. He, L '61 Apology..' A6dow,for,wb4tr.on6.darh- said they njust- p�rt if 6b a did � D o b wi bh. be as great as ever, but. stati I st�do� show ot Aili" Illig I m. Wallingford . replied preaches e A N �iv :th� gospe 1, biit. does not k6bpL a , 6&rrI ag I a ved woman said to bgr 'neighb�or,'in the 'draw her complaint 'against. him. She that for the vastlew. yem`r� thI46'hils'bee'la public:coueyauce which 'Accommodated a ss did DR.. refused to do so, and bappine Uot a arked decre -his. The pastor of. the Wearesville�L(PA�) throng of pasHeugejB reignL in the house He often 'Used iuBUIt_ ase of dHaths fro in The Prince. of Wale dedShe had completely effaced herself for her. ELH� rged Of d1seaHea,2alt tough the teudeucy.tow�arOL intention and'I"t Week tho'cougragation Heleobed his Ling violence towards U her. -je.Bon, i SL Blocher HUB Ave L -kidney tr6ublek is as great as -ever through-- her ddughters.'� Evrything, iBdone-.:-to:- to -le Zhitu, Which :she did, --going 10 which be' chief, ur dolmans, I suocessor---by:.-6h�acd.-�i6--til:e-foilowi-na-- 0 Helan Land Julia, and Mrs. fathek's,takirig her children With hor. 'He ut the entire Unitd States. The theory� 60rr�.spondlng to- theIr",cimeon uniforin, millarier : The names of, the 'caudiditkes Bern just refuged to allow thBi children't therefore, by which, Mr, Warner:advanced k.Supers6ded : It' don't � 8 0 go with her which has hitherto wanted. this picturesque were announced and as many' books as� Las been -proven the correct.one'' by reason addition. The.ce.lebrated L Vienna. piMuter, V right to me that I a mother,should be kept 'until sbe had signed a thoLdecretise, of m6rtalit��Hbo�inby Gov- V6n there Are caxididates� were. placed -in it altogether in the'lla'ckground.". him from all liabili ty for d6bis,'eto: 'and ngeh;;iB 'buiy-:�on a'portrait of the row. One,of these ooks contained a blip ernm-ent 1�rinca, room of- the Bluclier Ob said':,the�! sweet -looking lady to made Au,agreement,to give money �to �U�-; o drew it W " JJLj L Not Ion g'after. pre8en ting -this' medicine. HUHHAis, od 't t of paper; and' tbe'eandidate will. ho his was ad. eH'sed, self denial s port the -children. The cousidera i6a.wa� for ;Which the artist'will receive was the Beliocted public Mt.'Wt6ruer intro- �easy to 'mothers. What is a mother's life' ',fqOO a v Robert Maitland,- being- ber D,000 thulers� Tba.Prince has intimated aduc6d ib inno' Eu liver Germany to AFT R
on . re . Ion . s' BEE A E:: A K1. 0 AFT There are elev' "; ligi . oeieties' ill anyway, but a sacrifice all-throtigh ?" trustee.' liz, gave her $56 before she giand' - KiOney and his intentiriw-of returning'to Wil]nipeg;L Man,; difficulties, as yoU,Lkb()W, are very prev?),Ieu the now and'lively-,city.of t attend tbe graxid imperial Autumn miwaceu-. Elb'ctric A�,panceq -ara sent on 30 Days' Triiii. - I Had with the first speaker. It don't, He continued to pay this. for't'wo years, wiub� larpeLy., to th & -w ','ffii a a ent7 Cl, 7 5j� the Ul In a61JC6 0 -Fourth Corps. 1,� Tb6 n QUO. Li t�e earlylifstory of. t a Juliws, brigbt,� bea,utiful,' bawfiching. the La'tlding:, and'! -wits, to find by the ff froin Nnftvous Drin&TT, Tb6 sae results, however, which p in' )f,' HO are SU enn I try the udsou I ay om-paay ado though they i ve ( VV.alQs" (�,Iie Berlin Lor.res'poildenp, LOST,VITMAT7, ACK Or
n I , �mq�mndmll those d1se6sesi �nay . be,, should step to ble in Am r" H, �i the fcontin 12 'h ll -t-. -wf4rb oticca a Lo were o be. the 11 is, 'Very 1011, grants of ILand to the various churches, Pro- selfioli absor-ption, anVmo�o- �lIoiloeL fin oly furnished. -reemeL Ld don a 0E I ftoiu,AiVsFs and 13' b III b -he found 'iflLail eqt a in Eu ',�The prilud. of hav'higbeeo made a Prussian field 1113R AcSTM �noc testant iind Catholic. The4e la��s wBre po)iza 6e beat'ibill aal dborc rope. idy relieC and 0ornpleto resto- 6,U Why a, 11 nypt )er w�bs rawn up y w ic r ry V!, practically alueless � tlien The lo�IeSfj �oin- �200 a �he lait. for bar ille des Is ove 9 t L o ra�medy quer6d ills diseaHe' ati off loonal�CIDUVIJOODGUARAN figure, is wea�in father's 'it, LLI'Ar�hal, - ai�,d on 'Sunday evening - he ap- lib,Njneteenth g St'-ga. "tca I may seern,- this t peare'd at dinner in the Palaee for the first andatoneeto Catholic Church has been ihe ine`�Bb' �old, dresses, reading..old books 6r� U innd After exit for Detrot gres, 2ddress one at -h a a icli h RjL become So popil lie nuilorni medicine wb� ar ill - . I nato aZv� now valued at all, eeeiilg few. fri6ndH,, and. livin aLhum. to e'ar'n her living. There she b9d a room time in which was pre- j1% I EL 9 IVIARSH tbeLU nited Statebae nevei been introduced him b Y the' EmL'Peror.. 1u. IS 0,00 drumJile of, routiue,'�cbieflv enlivened by 'Rlioda� Dan aeuted to at After Ard8 she, I 11 h, 'aL house. into Canada ttl&t tbEr tt t a- press iere, bas -,pot yet The Boston Ccr�eHpiadelit of. the Inde- Noah'ii rented Mr.'. oburob and'ebild Oil ips'Blooks, mPeYt,nenc . a. 'Indeed it� is�nob right, and boarded with he large ah6uh� . of c6l�nhlg:from the takell An li� Otfce of �this bi-li bLQuo4 to the K. 81 2, a day. at home easily Made fiendent says that v�jbile Rev. Phill r,.an .were with, her up, to ' a 'a �,O,tb;ofield : okon , 'IV
prince WIliCh r nte all eXtenalon ouAtA o. AddresB TIA.UE d6ihaud:prev is Hp of in military. no: Of chanced to fall Helon and JuTis, fla�biug liko'butter ies the,time sbe left Detioi for Ottawa. Miss ha -Are L a L r ' OU tLof easrs. in with jWO 'Ame'rhcau minis ers, W 0, he .'�Bulllly. morhirl� , of you-th, would be Welearn, however, t 6ies a 'Wftaili aim a u- in stature,: tb a ght".. t do- have just ootal�lished a Ca`iidian lo' noelf,'w mot 11 U -long, a 're� like bit ere migh'y men I to a joy"thair warm and cosy home a friend, but she,(the ras�ondent) f�uew. the,' O� the -if-tlLa-y-tp-Lt-tiiat-thev--wer6 -responsible for as. there to act as a Hpy� I on�h I er -§Up'' rrembered, that A i s t)l'e oustow bere to h at 8 xiscaswho is appo u at.oile, woman w nd' far,on any, one i' ted to.a t a onotouyo their. moth plying the dem. A CURE GUARANTEED. thouBand po�uuds.,! It happened. that one actions. Aliss Daniels SAWL a child on the -B kd6k67 to' be -col: b is a establishment, the proprietor Of hFor -self-denial is' easy indeed i6 a.riBal acjauk�ft� he hold � iii,ldisown country. P PX igratulated. oil t pir Ion 9.r to u xince It ; I I I �A "RETIC MEDIC. 14 the 8 for instance, who left the Prus- loo)sed bim- over and ;aid he had no bathing noother.Tiorathe houi wbenher naturefirs social Btanding of Messrs. Ii. ;ilnj6d presence in the ci y.afid lid"nes H.Varfi6r & Co. -in the United States is army holding thi rank of major, was over-bri ith the tidal rapture which of'the two. It. was even . hinted that. the suit large', enou'gh for hi.m, Presently, witb.. 4 'MA K. full b.ani, Is second to that of no. bouse With created a.general (tberank Jae holds in the out Any - preconcerted Arrangement, a .sweeps -floodod into the hear -that relations 'of:Nicholson a 8 a acquainted. -The wall, known a. received' a re ilghsh- e6rvice) wheb� h Spirit an mixlutdB the h' d h' --of-fi�e6hilIg I a , ud'. whob p ' I I b -9- a I rifth, Ji6w6uld arryh6i. Mio.Ni7eti-olson-de d ment` 'on the second of the trio arrived, aud.' in. &Je* cradles a�-b�,be,-through�the-w.ear-y.--w.atchio�-�-,�wprb- ced- 11-A 7 o -Iib'aral t ir , :on w Use Appearance h Public rriage !of the Princess 'a wautB & the Suhih A I T- the proprietor fled. mumps and weasles, on . through school "Y improper conduct, and said she was ,,, contributing to th and Under the above-mentione'd . law RL NER E F06. daySL and vaOL ati , ori'days And -a . cutting days, Ll Ow' the Prince as during the.v6llow feverleridemic; a. d of of ror�0141 jv�ud note and Feniale i F rom paticalars published in'tbe apan tr�in,� 'tolLearn her living honestly', while Htrc.40miaal. o6ur' field rnarshal�.- Togitiely-&Ureg --try ng to bound, her' Be: Would-be made pears hAt�the,-BuddhiEi't,priesis�in itbe mother's life- is c uredLL- Out and -given- �atte were -made 1 atL Rocheat i; 14��Y:, aV,an trio 1 6 L Observatory a WOOL M Loss of Brain Fo*or;9exual Frog- that co have comm encea,an. agitation, soanly for lier'obildren. So' it should' down. tration eNigbt SWe[Lte, Spermatorrhrea�,Leucon be it! a sense. expense of. nearly 4100,000, and encourag-- Inevery child the mother The committee then adjourned., Befir's "I'laroiving Ice., arrenness,� Seminal , Weakness and against the oblig�ation both at celibacy and It roBtojeo,SC of All. L Hkclusiv�ly :V6gebArian is hot youth,:And each Von abd.dAugh- Ing the. advancerneut--of science� by 'the rPrJHJaRL�, diet. , It is,. reuev� Ganoril Loss, of Power.' generous expenditure of money -an 'prizes. J. Rae tells'the following'Btory in Nitturc, TonaarfdV-igbr-to the- atatd that a graiiamieetingof reptesenta_ L tar is an addi tiolli to the home wealth. L' 10.1 I O.A.11 tatil 'which were . given h . im organs.V�R--Witb each,oid6r for VwELVE Padk&g6a 'But Home otycu m6thers� to whom I &tn g. L for comebaiy and meteoric 'disco ' veries, areL the circumstances of With, flVeL tiveRfr6rathe various,sects-is.-innounced -, iereig"no -asa equre, ritileSS, a d1o'llars, we will I Our to be held' iQCUBSL the talking� cart;� . y. Ur' 9611!-B�cri known to the O�iirewor'ld,.'auitl mark 'him by an eye, v d the money' if the at L Ko Very - truthful and. A'111pa Written GuhrauteeLto,rdfun L aHaii to d 0 ce L So gambler or 9, -, square gambling bell'i'ii the as one of the leading patrons of n e'of honest kequitnaux OfL Repulse �Bay. -t Lie thd-1 Advisability of removirig VHX far , that y6u forget 'that h ..He ret4m6pt does not effect a cure. It ati6us and L r'V' LL6ity Of New York,`aud very f: W OUtBid`6 of this day. - Success Buch ''as has been said: "I and,tw'6, or three other Innuit CfiehPeMt.a6a1, 1114-st Uedicirie in - the rnarke� i '�Pampblet sent fy, needless restrictions upon the liberty of anY life Of '!YOu'r,,own �bi,h - you it said Mr. J. 11.-'Staulay � at Chickering L houge'L and of 'so'hi-h "'-we're attempting to approach Home walrus rasponsibl6toGo You� � d achiev6d by this an 3e by mail to an address. Sold: _at Yer .boxor1-A.:boxe4:fCr the, 13PeD Your �Friday� 011y'L rioUs bv..dru ggiSto uddhiHtpriesthood. SoMb136CtS,I't . 1*8 'Are and 136, j6bkJeAHIy; vening, 1U' It eotilre�- On order;'iB wh morito and deserved,-- ice (jloHei �-to - the 1 82150'. in i ad t - , race Pt 'a Added, have alr,;ady� taken the initiative in yg :"L #� I PUB &.01 on anablers, or Hpw,GanibleisWin,�' As -the -strong, current, in in, if the year's of your., s childhood .an evideueff - hat,' he did and while it is. phanometlel,. it'i� none the water, kept open by.,., Oney. these matters', and it would seem children' t not speak of the. greato'st - Value -to - the entire, Fox.:s Pha"el.,Aa We. w6re getting near 6 .,Anclog ".am"ello 1111eillelne Co. that you bhve,'to elaoticityj he resources; f the lecturer ann6bnded,tbat a. ggists every.w4er their example haa proved too much or I. :We,q6ru-c9ntiuent. :saw, that a large white -bear was before U Id by all dru tl�eir more-aBeeti6brathi' no health left W spare'b'y the time tbey�are his experience aB EL Astribler,extended over 'ill Most Stealthy grown up. You so devote your 8kill and He had the f more than twebtv �ye6rs After the- Sunday. dinner, �wbat ? a]Fl IVA rs., Jlauxtry 14 llvir%b-n�- 'in annar� high ridge of ice; immediateli it- all, depends. A "PekSou.L jri:jS he contitined , W taleuts'tobe material side of the house �i P., I.r I I, le r so th,ose" Mrs. Latigtr 'a husband is a- queer sort : Above wh6r6 the walrus was lying th I on whose bra 'that You�fiave no iimiB to keep, the' o u-tside, of the fraternity They hi L '�Haized a mass of ice in his reared wearie'd wibli-intellectuttl work duilug the. Ow current of the worl&s: thoug'h't, or to gr is fa Inan".' �uid Count B6zontaj me., paws, Be nervous system ia,,eilosed intaileCtUally With' YOUj 's orri every -week, or, Whd claim that a . ucker,! b biTuHaif.on his; hind leg r a u an' _ a And th exv the' ice i 6 young people 1'4odj, ska's h 8band "t6 a -knot of fri ds.. And the severer f6rp�,s Of INbidESTION giou L 8 ey�' with' great force to the strain, of,buHineas or pr6fessio nal Alft'lly a good woman suffers her- ieli- and . that . New . York 1 the H t� , I on ille )dead of, a-baff-
. the : W " Wben,I was la ii Loudon-th . small pamphlet on the, above,,modt didtiess*hig' life, ought'to sleep withiwan b6ur,orsoarter greatest place in arid for them. . were tell- L sprang down upon inaladies,and their complete ctu�eb' post free, :life to,, droop an&.1anguish', . because ) Are called Ing a srange Btory in the -clubs about him his S-duday diunet-if he� can. - It is sur'pr, There, are what ski a gamblers ,
is� , . . 11 1 '8 if,!� The Esquimaux then ran up., speared cents in ot&mps� -By R. , in her thb�ghblesB , which very.. funny. �Lang ' RbyAt NAVY, ENGTANb. tg� how riiuch the giving up 9 but I can Assure you-Iffiat those termed wa -try owns RGrON, the bw'and fouild.the walrua:all'but dead every' every, are ' gaimiolers'--are ten'times worse. pothe property ill Ireland, And t -appears Apply to 191CIIAISIA K&IN4;, sox. 3*6 brain will Work 'if the,habit of,a Sunday force. t a the daily a York'. liei'ald a' year ago stated. "that his agent -wrote, him saying that the both -Animals. I,should add WINIDSOIL OINT. ramnaut of nervous �6bq, N W nap be 'once formed. - Niour will take to rrmutw�--demand t at,itio;Yst WOB00,00 anuua y to-suppor advantageof it Iu 0 ICY lutely, no opportuniy left for Hitting at tki threatened to resort to.the.'Bli6ig, I- left -pawed." as Bhe does of the nigbtl'y sleep, and ddh' straet. In the city: of g..c . -FIF6P. 8 E BR-FlEDE IRS TH r a brokers of Wall to'secqre.theyn. Mr. Lan ry Beized pen beat to make up lost time, 'Peoplei -on Ilie, INIaster's feet. Society our cities, New,.Yoik, there are'at7. least 10,000 I " — I M -ecei ad instructions front given UP F36 wholly tO'thO young as it WaS a and paper and wrote back ais follows X ftic#t Ani0ralid" Newo., s'ilbsariber has � v other hand, whose week of toil ic abiefl gamblers,,wbo, spend on an av'�rkge, of' tra to sell, at"'Fairview Farm'j,L few 'years ago� ., In fact, . there can, be. no DearSir:'You. nAy say to my tenants Ail,% physical, may well give their minds activity see - ial euccesA where only tliborudity ofea . rly 52000 a,,year.. Add the reuts":of �tbe that any threats to sb - A San Vrancisco,telegram Says.: Vote St,ruo� 3 pifles west'bf Mont!real, Call While their' bodies are resting., Two He . r-� ga;�bling &Ils,with the' winnings of the: out you -will never Ilan advices 'State that ;the, subjebt of, on 4tE Apnlx� NEXT, lim-stack a youth appears -on the'scene; agr -0coole intinbidil,te mlj... Quepr consolation foz the Inter himported, horse'll&Z& py mons and thie _a four hours of solid rHad. gamble�s�, Bay �20,000,000'� more I ag colonial free - trade has been' i6vived. . Pofation (t)Ao beet horse on file Island). Also who bring to the froi t the tact, the � ; clot f ant, *68n,t I it is aco -061in, Chieftain, Sj)ortsmau and the iug are a real rest; to Some on Sunday, -while ,I.tb, knowl 000 000 in all. This money as from 1 omplished federation I is expected young S,49 a edge th6y-have gaihod the'poor and middling claisres. There' are. to follow. ly. 'Pull �PedigrceaL'will be sent,on to. others-Buch adoursO Amounts, to a Post-, through the' years, must 1§101-vad ot Ccpros)�. ing. S'nildayiS laliugle in a city to thentidersigned. tii7e ah A day Of' a sbaia a� le Bt 50,000,men and boys Ail this Vj.c Heavy rains are r eported throngbout Vic- h un AlWAX. H, Alll�.tCDI�,'Atictionbor.. rest, no , t th I gatheriog, if it is to be wifty, who . genbld� each contributing 6n an -Houolulu 'advices.. state that three torig. In ' the western portioli much a day of work, keligious or other wise. IbiB,adayof repose, not for e-khBU8'.1 brilliant and, Attractive, The�. mothers averageWo annually forth support of died thosand.1,'Hquare miles of the -08t, damage has leen:� done by, floods. There must be in the van, and tl3e daughters, tion. Bab what the dogmatistson onasid the vilosti.and inost�hardcined class of dei2sel,�.p(ipulatedpartioliof,th'e'.kiiigdoLlh, bavo been -frightful thunderstorms with' NE 1\1ILT10N Of: tile 0 a beflAs. their.. age, a., liftI6, in the,Bbeltering. , ret�IIOH'otl the face earth " T96 have been B6arched for lepers, with a .View gales And hail id, Queensland ;� the crop6, An d the illiberal liberals. on th-o other Are. b 'WSEX" " apt to overlook is the fact that all meri.do, a 9' dow,'if e are to' have the ideal social explained in d6taii the'methods by. -of aBderttiillftig, whether there is a,general .a"re destroyed, Arld many' sheep have been THE SUN"" life grAwing out of -the ideal hdine life. 'I which the' dealers � in - g"bling dens msprbmd' of. leprosy. 'Twenty-eight. n Deoidedoplilloug exptoo4od in languagdthg� hot rest alike a6y more than they labor n ver ative killed. i�be undbrstood-;Abe pxompteSt, ftillo]A,ond at lie, Helena Cal alike, andwhat,ma help, kill fond of t Certain of a,"sum-thing. and ten,foreign lepers were found. There, most accurate intelligence 'of whatever in the y one. May 1 likethelir their! Vivacy, their esprit. I . .. I � I . 'i , linporavin ;.I.. L , , . I Are ten 4oreign lepers at the leper settle- wide world, is worth attention. That is wliat another. n t�du 'Visit or leave Now Yorn: city, Have everybody is Bure to -find in any, adith)n of THE But I do not�'Iiko their want of coi�iidera* ment at, Molokai, most of,whom. contracted Who t'on for mother -it she ia, paths, little At L,iverpool, Maroh9th, a 6iiw of -baggage expressage And cirlage hire, arid BkON ubscripti6n: DAiLy (4 pagoB)i by wail ,,-4�The three plit ttees�under which Jeft ethe,L.disease by lideitioustleBB., I&IIAND UZ, 'S' TJON. at the Davia HurronAeied. to the squad of Michi- , old4ashion6d, a little, tired, a little diffi�dent thOuBaud, gtifneas'. ..voted by .the under- roomn, fitted 'oil at a. pages), (.�40.perybar; WrnxLy 9,11, and- -aud-6ightened-fil-the' �. blaze of their splen�' writers ofthat city`�'was given, to the cap.' The first state ball of the season as cost of'ono milliori dollars, keduced1o, 81 and Very K'L g6n 'cavalry were etruck�-by-lightnin 9mi -loving daughters taiii and draw of the steamship. Quebec, in upwards por� day.:, �European plan.. - Elevator 1.� AN111 Publisher N w Y rk City.' shivered- intb theraens not'. long ago dor,.� True and, tenderly given at Dtibliu Castle lagtL Week,, the R6ataurautauppliod,withtbe best. HdraboaTFS C. 'a How Jeff would have grabbed up his skirts wi ll never, be contented to lot motheks efface of the:' maliu�r in , whibb they guestsmumbeiipg 'over 1,200.L The whole stages and, elevated railroadH L to depots, - 1. all theliaselves even 'though aelf,donial had safely navigated the vessel into Liver. siii6 of s"tatepartmefits was ihrowii open, Families can,livb boft6l- for, less moh'qy'at the a weelt inyour own town. Terms and'$ HAhT,JE,!Ti &, ()a an edifthis ad appened-whil�he*as Grand Union Hotel than at any ot] his easy mater'nal duty.' With bar rudder broken. Captain both the Pat'rick's Hall an!d Throne Room vainly trying t'6 -hide his boots beneath V outfit free. Addr,es il. I hotel n the city. Portland Maine Mbmb� who,had command of the steamer petticoats eighteen years ago I being devoted to the dancers. Viceroyalty� A tin 1'. I'm oingt a masquerade ball this Ilow: 601iug�--thq pic400ke . t at was presented with' -Lot whose privileges, like. tbosa� of royalty, thing in the, spor g Ino Is 0 ork� � � hdrels'nothiug half: include aninvarbion of the naluraf.or6r of the parlor prize And it,,Will soon, The wo 0 nd I *6ntan Appropriate dress," If it be true that 11 i rsteases fweahnaHs,exhaustiOnB he 130L sweet in life 'as level B young dream," ; eaidto,the-cogiumer. "What is y�'ur -Thd reigning beauty''6f Ireland is a it things, does not receive, bat is"ree6ved, by Undoubtedly, be rage among the, ititt6tency, arid alI diseases and weaktie'sse business?" Ah f Belfast, pill -girl. Crowds, itAs saido our- is equally trixe,that there is nothing half so RB,911016ts cl:n' State Occasion% wealthy llblood&!'�New Haven Ve0i8te7-.L of the gencratiVe OrgauB can be cured, bv Then you'd better pub,on a pair,of pumps round the mill'diily'to see lier' aB she takes awful'ag aii ol(f"Nud' Wokn-o k, Mdg, 6 fit love's night e4 as a wat4rfalt:11 her,deparutie� Ur.'and Mro. Kendal cannot yj'lli "me, ac tH� and go disguie A b h y t Sh
der. atK NS LA