HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-04-06, Page 2IT, IIf IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIble to refute the charges raisea in favor of the 3,2 pounds. etandard d 'S ACCIDENT Ia b a wiling out Of the petals an HE QUEEN red. a matter of fi. net for oats. This he consioie A.Pril 6" 188' MINION,, PARLIAMENT, ISir John Macdonald wanted to know -if Fly "'mall importance to. wealtbk BOUPI'll QUAIXII Xr, Casey, would have an army Rent Her Ma'Josty'sInjuries 'More Serious thar." tb majority a% whom- did tur Oulisquy-tteraM Begins? No ",at sea V both Boxes were bri lian.tiy arrayed. Mr, 9.4- the grain, but turried
Brockholst Cutting, as Blue Beard. wore a First Reported. The 6Bt motion made in -the' House- it into ,beef, pork, milk and THE VANDERBILT BALL --ters-cldbeturned off 'except �by process dress:oI and flil'Ver cloth with blue of Commoas w6s, presented bvMr. WbiteI; Mr. Casey suggesiea that process -poor man, bbliged"', Bilk, tights, and gray Is It bat with blue and of Hastings, to introduce a Bill to incor- of law. I cheese ; but to the of law might just as well have, beep �em- to sell his grain, he. bold this high Btandard gray�plumeii. -he�oungDdkFDe&6rpey INTERSE XCITEMENT IN- BRITAIN. parate the'Loal Orange Association— of' '7019yed'it QolAppelle or Begins as on- u�eu to be-Jownright robbery. . Tia -6e bordering: Dazzlin Display of Viamonds court.dress of Louis XV. of Plum. A London c%blegram I says,: T he irijurieB i A� Lost " who had aettled'witla bon fide intention of States-tfie 3� Ibs. statidard prova, iled, ab�d, wore a thAmerica. Cties :of d Dresses. velvet, embroidered with � Bt6ei rubies and receiyed by the :Queen on SafurdiI by greeted the motion as Boon as it -was read, the Qu'Appelle Valley Com-.' to batabliallI Rame-in Canada, would be 0
lirI wi ' th the color,called orushed'ptrawT hlippitig�lport �-t . he staitI the. Palace at which were mingled with .aboute, of - a. . He accepted Sir olm's, a, matter . elf, great convenience. . Mr, The buttOng -were made at, real . I 11 Carried." When the Speaker put the . and the.motion carried. � . stigan replied big only argument being, barry. Windsor LOW turn put more serious than a...d.1 ent 00. -d, and sapphires, and ihei" posed., It s belived that aMr. I Blake asked about � the estimates that no petitiona'b' diamonds, r,tkb;e w g1t firat sup ad been received by the A GORGEOUS RESIDENCE EN FETE. ith feath motion the Speaker decided in favor of th chapeau. was. of vLlvet, trimmed W Rho ill be confined tabor, room game time. yeds, and, the Bill was read a first time. PrOM1136A last Weak, and Sit John Macdona dovernment in r favor ,of the change of JLB th�eacoident the Queon, took a ride, On 09 question' being Put whanthe Bill c that they would be laid art the at this was. the J iI Mr. Herbert Waa6worth appeared: After _aid state I standard, In fa' irst timp., Don,Juan in white satih, slashed,and,puffed Ou'rdtu puing to 'leave th' Bhould be read a second time, voices on both table tolmoriow or Wednesday.'. He stated 'he had heardof it. 'Mr. Pickard declared Quadrilles Dancied irt. vea�y QiAeel, w and � attain e ith black.velvat, aad embroidered with g , old' carri. she'! was ianable �to do sa, aides criea - To-miarrow." Mr.' White also :..tiat inbtea4 of aski'-bg axi Easter thattbe lumbermen in;'New Bru`�swick'l Louis at,, aurnment from Wedriet,day to. T
Clews ap�eard as, attendants had to'carry her to bor moved formally thut'the Bill be retd a.- adjo bought otttfi, by hundred,'weig4t, III Ing - - d. = u"day It
X.V. in chocolate aold.jiaV R�i�i A This A special', despatali '"fiiiin -New York U r. Wright room. 'Flerphysibigs -found the knee geoUbd time to',morrow. In amend 811t' night1fe] would-extabd tb6tmo to Wedues- three bushebII I the hundred. - Btate� dr�eg lo-' - firrie, this Mr. Cqursul moved the, six ih6lathp' Stanford in %'c6u'rt L the
_";ya--Tb-e-fwocSr _-_-7___ I . 11 � I of valy, w6dile fied. The Queen to day afterlso,on, meno was repeated by'Mc. Pope, Minister 0 V. t,.wi
night by', Mr. and Mrs.. W. K. Vander I bilt of gray Eatin, and Mr J.,'S.taw 181constandy attended by a, full 'corps of boiH iioh'wmH at" witb*.corjfIictiDg dri6s The- ougeadjournedatl220. of, Sgriculture, but, of, course, was objepted in their new house in f Louis XV, of blue' _,; g i 1! Carrit,d Lost," 1k C%11 in the mem- Iwa's the most bri I Iliant ford , court dress a royal,physicianh, and evt4iry -effort 1IIi be to by Mr. Irvine as baying nothing to, d&- slid pictureaque �eilteirtainmont - eve satin. Mr. Ahratw.S. Bewittappeared! as made to� confine thel swolling , There is.. berB.II' � Ttie Spei,iloer was about. to put the r,given with �the question 'of the, legal standard im.Now York. The bongo Itself seen as it Xing Lear� and DEB, costumes, of his three 'much uniasin,iss. �h motion of East Toronto, In t e Commons to�day, Mr Mulock weight. ?At. Taylor Paid he had bougilt a" daughters,attracted much attebtlou. M -o I gougtiouD, the city cou� ion- abonid Was that, night under a bltze of light, g L 88 peI the condition' of., �Iie Quatri. and bUggeAed that Home ex,plapat moved for leave -to whildraw his Bill. to. gteaj.�eai of grain, and had never heard . kindled into splendor everywhere by masses Sallie Hewitt's dress, as ' a Periia, prinvegs,' crowds �stand. about the buliiI,um pj�ceb be., vivell. before membiIIII 'were prev it railways P(.Oliuu, except . by' complaints' made :by the' f�,rltI '.The. g. and -Goverlibr-Glinetat 6f flowers and, a In6ving tbrong of was embroidered by hand. 'The 'younge8D eagerly watotau mg for news. call�d upon to v,,te. � Mr. , WiI t f the ADandard'in, Ontario -was 34 pounds, and,in the �, i I; ,r) I oat varied and ma-ijificent, costumes. 'Miss a- Piqture�que Dutch Great nuu.,b6ra of bu�iy"�ess �men'� bye protesvtd that, in the cour�e offoukeen in Coun �n the grouu�f that Sir 0har.es Montreal 34pounds. The dall�was lost, In T ra�aideu. Mr. 4 in this Houl, lie knew uf �no> ease , -upper � had promised to. iucoip6rittol its was alktting framework for a; succession posted up notices at their places of business. sebblof, without a veto. Bull gone to the otpictures, heterogeneous and incongruous arose of White satin''trillamed i ml�ily, ir clubs, buiia, -wilfire-a Bill had ar vrovigions in the Generak Railway,Aett,his colored 6atin blodks,', the wiI being lilade -Mass to .await �news amotion t,t� thie k6ugo. Is i's it' �FBsion. I- 'Carried,by conseiii. - The� House in detail, yetin. their general effect daizilog antelep.vaph' o entirely of, such bIcI .a'rid' the vest bi�iiig,� -or-, h6uo,9t, ii i b jntellipn�; is it impartial?" lie Went into coijamittee oil the,Bill relating to MBBING e.dewispapt�rabave��dl bent qt)e6al A7 Vi
and' attractive: , T� CA R. The guests on arriving found themselves of black satin. Miss, L��farge a�jl�ed. Is it_tbo� trentilaLur, I suorild uIssaLd Llauki6g. Aft6rsowe discusigiou to Windsor II ba. the h6u. movee of this resolu- on the,riphior queiitionR raiBea.,by the Bill,. in a grand ball, sixty4ive feet long and Diana, in 9, w4it6 satin bdfce�aud drooFy, pl�etto arrangements for bUllf-tiLIS. The 1-1 cc" v6 fPo m sin me tioll 11-3plyinIg to On. ol�iostioli he tho*subj�evt a6 warmly discussed. before— Ecandalotis tvIrenty feet . wide. , The floor -is - of broidered With silver, the veliticoat Bouse of p rlil nt is crowded, aod'Lhe Scenes, Fightingand Shoutine
broide! a esIb�iita,'and streeti in man�. Naga � are ; , blocked by de.61areil it tyrannical, ut' just, the propoeed probi e use.by polished stone, and the coiliog is paneled in. red in Bilver.sthrs and, P uumarly. bitionof th in an��nglish ChOrch. Oak, Over ;it high - wahiscoating, of sione with'drapery of tiger'skin. laboring 'people, who, 1avr'. kiocked, -off ougl t th rww.era ono d king lie th , i e, �3gh.'13OL68t arl private bankers of such names as obaic I I . :A. disgraceful scene has -been witnesee& The -work in, their faill-mindpd �meu in,thi,4 House of Commons hous&," , etc —iogain came.up. , r FiI e an-miety, to keep we)) il� T4 - at richly oary d.are aptiqueltalian tapestries. in hlygiand' tbe,Churdb of 9ofy Trinity,. biit is annotinced to have been over Fj�q,00Q: formed, It,iH not beli' be Bill to .be brought t1eas I �ka who' -bad led the opboeltiou to the Out of this hall to the rigIA rises thogrand eyed by'those having to allow t 1 rM Bordlbley. ' Some ' days.ago the Bishop of pf "atiori'tbat the ati ;mb previously.- d that stairway,'Wilich is one of the fiif6st sees access and authentic info' before, the cousider on of tbe� House. B. ill OLk his pc propose .1he Diocese served Mk.� Earaghb ith,&, When uiembarShad. Been theBill' y snail The Q � . '- i �� . formal at -Holy upeb's iiijuries�Lreu,bfiolLitel.y-'.dangeio*us. andhadhad it should be provided that'an
of, Work of: ��bs 'kind in.,the world; t� ibere is ilriive BEL' h - , h d if the not iiaii time o consider it, if t By oun , any staiirwaypecuplesa,��ac�tbirty�feet in themselves, br. r I fear, , thing mig t be use words 6kp6i.. It square, 4: tat. 2, Still Qitaierer 'wroug'witb,it � br-wiih the society'for who se' ited " "were added to 'the name. I Sit Trinity, t el living was ofteied to nok" the:structure of the stairway being of the Qpeer 119eelaiiont' bwing� to hot advanced and domewhat e accepted by the Rev, 'H. Allati-Watits" O bh, which. ould be quite, Leonard Till Sunderland h Imest Caen stone delicately carved. tots delicat? . �Icmdiuloh of tem for bki RED it- Was'intend elf, lie 'w' y .6bjected'that.this would n Saturday last by the ladies -illing. to submit to this decision'61 the i6qui complex clauses regulating Due On Stinday morning t., e,.new 'were drawn a' A New York telegram says:.- A cox-6Der'S 1300ce time has been dangerous, that -com- Is 'of the quadrill_,B. 'to inquestrejardilig'a baby tI to b 0 aad, matter of pri 'Vicar uuderwelit tbe� iutroducD,ory�'P.rocesa. in charge a.ve plicatious crowd But. Hout4e. Members f OraugeAsspoiatioas II d Print va banks. roun Ing' 'h great There was a great. -the order in: which tboylbeen po e arise, Th a tbat Ill. ibe'llouse bad: always sought toromote Mr. Biake'suggested I that the prefix " pri. of reading biaisellf,in,'
decide isoilo& I'd to',�a. queer revelation di . t e. bulletin was, ab 1 crowd in the -churchyard, and the adjacen't, 0 lid Id, hot make it out,- go - harmony not the, slightest objection had vate or�. affix 11 unincorporated," should should be �'d'ftnceol, it� being previously 'to -day. Tfie�doroner f6uutf that,the I, tbohio,in'thb rear cou Btre6tB -were filled With a uoi,I mob bile Ol hounted or been raised to. Bills -affecting Roman be. of the same size as the rest of the ram strong -v ced. Yuan t a pile of ev agreed tba&.tbe ball should be opened by was thaadopted childof Mrs. Pard6. Mre� .9, the church-W'01s crowded. 'I "' ediately 'aibo) lo, i il terests. He' explain ad the'Bill, "nallI iSir Leon ard Tilleylurther,61&cited THE UOBBY,11ORSE Pardo told'him a curious story of trvffid� in, baving'koueq and cried out the ititelli�, . msbowing-the danger arising from vier ma e: his. appearance in the vestry- babies. Seyerg�l, months ago, she said, III ge�ce. When the man motioned 4o make,; to IJ6 simply for the purpose .,of giving that' cag( the �c6stumos Were red huntit g coal a, a ea_tb_�_e ng nam I e'had become more -be. �wgs -served with - a protest by One of bought a baby from Mrs. Page, of 5gsuliiVall hio-uBt utt - nlix-o-orpwol, afruost Orangemen as an association powerItu hold the use of's wro the rituali9t 'church ariI objeciipg, to, war men praii�rtv. hadomanded. only fair play— numerous. since notice, of. the till had been white ,, satin vests, Batili kniati. -street, for �5.. -She foilitol tbat.tlib child Axclusively. composed of Ull sresence on the kround.t at he breeches and. white satin - stockings. The snothealthy', and -returned it toMrs� covered, and,was still. The �,bullotin pro- I British fair pla.�—for'thege in6n, as for all -given; Mr. -Fairbanks- asked to have the P h lad as a a a and We, . classes of the community was disposed to dog, a the ceg arid hiePose, at the' vident: d6pression. and he held it a �exaeptiou he�-saggeSted made, in favor of - Itth, , . I I" ".. Ili— Bar be WAB; nee upsp . 9 regu ar .ry i w r r d- hunting coats ne time saying that a d d 'a mst a 2hi fthii-pariR B&I skirts,, elegantly embroidered. Tho7 I ' i
-$10 for a healthy black-eyed Lnliit.��Tbe.Qiioen's physiciangaubborize, shilme for a gentleman,who,claimed to be, a those who bad b6guri bus ness under the e'ted,, dre . sses I were in .,the-, style 'of Louis XIV.. willing,to.pay the statomort iwa Her I ff courteous Frenchman, or, indeed, for any ob ibatioit able' paimes. Oil entbring,the gree giri baby. Mrs. ajesty is in no ir Leonard Tilley
most brilliailt quadrille of � the Pose promised to find her with a Btorm of hisses, and. loud- drieei of Perhaps the One, and, on, October 30th, I showed �bei' danger but� tn�aiy, 'however, be, man, a present aiii6ka,motiou as was now .6n'c*e inoe,objected:that if the clause 'was. The'riaemberg- of the old chair-' evening as the apera'bouffe organized, by I -before th . e -House. introduced, at 'all ft must . b' Traitor. 11.1 It. spited Mrs. a a mldo b another`child. Pardo, and cortoe'd for an indefinite time to h r room, took up a; position at the end of th church Mrs. Fernando Yzdag -Queeh'is muffeiftig r. Cdursol r ever she gave 'MiI Hlitmah Hayward, who It is understood that the eplied tiliat.he had n applicK816 to all' Mr.,.Charlton thought and�,were loudest fu the uproarious Vanderbilt. The Ittolies were srrayod � as repreRe quite as m B-b d1har, a -man could not call his busi- twin state in four different colors—yallow, itted herself as, the mothor.6f the nab from' ex ausuion ' produced done anything unmanly in his, life, that he 'it bar fostations. , When 'the, vicar ascended the,. child �1 eturp, tEe baby a by takin'g thec r injury, for . had.never allowed any, man to make such poss by'�a ikame that- properly, deticribed it, d,, and. -am'id O., She got'In 'r long rids. a:fter, he blue, mauve and white., act, in ., ich r . aI Ray -in . it e went and urged Mr. Fairbanks! -proposition as pulpit-he.wa - s pale and agitate. receipt and contr bi M' the purpose of disa.bdging the public id', an a3cusation against him; ad Zile Babel of Bound 'bis.voice 'was scarcely'
Among the bundreda.of -the chiiaI' tbat"she, was hurt, "' On, "If. it were said outside ibcAJouse I. rn'eating.all The objecti.6lis of. the* Govern- ard rosigned%all.claim to This audible;'. He begaiii-by sa Ing that,he hoped. was the con from the consequ9twes of, the woun'd itself:' would resent it." . Mr. Wallace, of -Wes� III Mr. O'BrierI Muskoka, R, Gov... y
AND UNIQU COSTUMER tract those momberoothi6edtogregation who had,, This fortitude is a theme of universal com. York argued. that if Mr. C6uisol!s ill tenti6n ernment supp6rter,'stroDgly, favored Mr. aOot� This �is to c�rtify that I; Hannah 'Leonard Tilldy,at attendedthe opening service with the,oib- few will ao6,oy some idea 6f the scene as.. Hyward,give 333y child for. adoption to M, rs. men, t, the working I people seemlig-to gloky Was to prevent acrimony "and. bitternetis II6 Fairbanks' idea, and. Sir ject of dreaun I �4,& distur 6&uce 'would become it presented itself at midnight when'.tho. Eiidtua PoI that she rI keel) it IoI b6K ow bad4aken the'wrong way to achieve his last consemtedi., and.' the amendment was in talkilig about the bravery of the Queon. quiet and peit,ceable�worghippers; Dbrisi�,e,, hall, the grand stairway an --t a spacious SheherebyiI to l6ve, ch6ileb, provi,je for. 2.80P.rri bu:lleti I as annoubc . Is that object.' Mr. Hector Cameron Ei polke' in thuch made to the Bill'that the words "Dot is rekirig:.:comfortably. The D 6 sa*,me, stram,' warmth, incorp U houldfarever y 8 outs Preece aparIbme�ts w�re-throi3�6cl'viit�;�fiim6,ted�.andpiotecti�4i�dact.a�mpai,eLt.s aughter. and uEseeml L, ded d I fierey agree to to to�h h and with so , in� crated " Hho Id, follow the -name
0, from variousparts, of the building an1 the
tj no inquiry or tiI grOUPS., -for iari cou:cerned. 1gtve-rhy.child,withn physiwanaoia�iip to have corloluer�d,all the bbiiwuse� po"Bill *�,Ls th wh outulilesiIi there wi-barevi6r uged� The Bill was passed as ters o,tthe vicar Were go Qged
ilt:a'p' 'migh I t prove Dpon6losopI was somthink bob- it that amendi -the supper tbati Mrs. Vanderb peared'ag a VaiSetiap will and desire, the cause.bei6g rriydnaI elements which so, iniquitcus.'a nHouse . puteudmPrits to Sol WAIII), ion between the'two.-ParlieB. e6mb(I it e by Cabariel.'. lite BAN�TAII HAY 1. 11 11 ji�t 'Pariiament-Would riot.allo'w it* even to �'beI 'were agreed to -Bill.- ordered, to. a collis r ml4nIgb6 �&,I states t princess, from 2L plot A" deiskir t was of.whife and.yell6w brocade; The baby throve: Socp7, after that M, 1, Ir.'Scrivei spoke. tan d fOr t imminent. 'un d: to Windso t a Queen still confine , , r considered. A' in - favor' of �hirdreadipg� o -morrow..: The diiief of Police. �Wbo was presen't, rs and Idaves'we a lit. Pard&-htiol"trouble.'with lit r!� knee. T I lie ) I . the figures of flowe -Mrs. Pose she allowing tile Bill to go to the rbad- Mr.'106thdril-'s bill fortbe punislimerit of. ii,,p Clistle by tbe swelling of. be with a force of ple ushed Iiiii wav among heads h 'Id. Tiyo weeks ago on.Wednesdaya; 0 po6tj Ing. Oil t e genera 'Prilielp e lirioid.in gold, white', and iridiscoint. t 8 Oil' journey to �borne Hou,se, IiIi8 been h I the hatizwoutld seduction calne up for the coiigideratiQll of� the rival sections �and eittreat6d' lbeip, to and the light blue satin train was Fill. colored girl.nAm'ad Sarah canI the house.. po'stpolled teninbrairily. lfor� 'Majesty's 'bb:'disdOurteous to gelitletriall wklodn- knostiolm ents mado',.in, committe� of the Oman and- was an gaged as a servant, Shewarn6d getieral heal traduced it, to who'r'nio passing I he I paid 8, I � Mr. Charlton, - in I . press , utivg tlie- observesomething like de6eucy in a Place Ibroidered in gold and. -lined With R th is vood. who e. red. AlmoBt the entire lengtb� of ill Sarah against Mr_,Pose, 'but afterward compliment f6r the.longth and value-ot hig miatter to tbe"House, pointed ou4-�Dh. t e Of worshipi, As -the vicar proceeded big 6 train ]e LiI forming a large gilgpected-tfi� gi�l was' in Mrs.' Pose's e voice was drowned by fits of coughing and was caught up it at rx a, Ic laxtw(lt servicesag" membidr 'of Pa;rliam6ut, u.c imoortautelause of the bill (that. against hile Rome
I - other coucerted'inteiruptions, puff. Thaviaist was ofbluli satin covered PIP- Oia Monday, last, after eating ome bf it to those! whose,' iiiterestB were peductionuader promise of ui%rriage)�had the most. syatellaa�ic disturbiars evoked lorpidery.-, The dresa..:Was-cut_� crackers, condensed paili and beef tba: Aw4axmirxittlon SoCif-ty Viri. affectoid. been strpeli,6ut In, committee. � The yeag gold am PfP- xt-sp-eliker, A' Irded- I but- bursts - of isifif ' lid square in� th6 neck, and the flowing sleeves I ild �Iiikened. grag ��W cas6l Burns ef�Glou'wa:_ a - EI had not then--.-beearecQ
miliotr piece of "gag"' fratlI Were of' transparent gold * tissue. Her thatuight and left the b6use. Mrs. Pardo, the Dl.aaft� tot, �N, B., who seconded � Mr. Couraill's its he'-fl0lieved a- number of the rnej�;bers covere4 ice I ut says she saidi at. going In a -wee lo.�9 u lI uien�ls. motion-, 'explaitled that be . also had been had changed their opinions since:then and tomime, which, was followed - by. coun, 4netian cap Was with magnif a V would rieB of i" Shut .'up 1" a�iic% - IGo to D,t,: have �oui.� bab�., - nor - �'our - store I H — 11! . I
�)ewels', the- m0st,noticeablb being a peacock WO Ths.JPieeniah's Journa'11 does not believe moved by- a desire to avoid discussion-. . e as111 ay case he believed the public , -: Messrs. F.arileft an& Sexton will attend the, 'on- botw beii.iterestied in kuow�,Dtg what members' On':fluishing. 'lifs,'formal task 6fre'aditig, in many colored:gems.' , , I 1. .' . On Wodnedt,,y the' I died drew a distincti eon thig and othr O� who received the I Dr. Ddr. vVI - Philade I �'. - is I t a . bru'ptly the, Lady Mar;deyille�' a OP8y 1) IPlA& 0011VOIltiOD. re guo ts Ila an aut, 't _Bills ; that,th wa, o,we I lidown there vve and'wba;t ere noi iii *fa,�or` of. social ' pulpit and:tbe proceediI 7a broukht
With Mrs. Vande' urrie in morrowI at the. Inquest traffic tbe cd8e,oi Nugent and twelve; other -could be DO.di�_-'courtesy in throwing it but reform of this kind, he would take steps t o rbilt, Were a',post d to' a termination, : The, mob lerbil�. Her dress.. ba.bies will- be iliquired into. - It is si]iidthat thisstage,. �1t ailquite.evideritto him make'thiskuown.'. Ile moved,.. there Core,. then contrast with M�s,Vanc of lie Armagh: Assa86inktio.ii at rushed 6utsid _�Waa_dopiad_ fro ria--a-picture. - 8yLVata d yke,-of... _11� I ocieDieB. in the'ci.ty give out'. babies Society was-caled a also thatthiswas a� m0ter for the to6al ThatIllel bill be -referred, back to the com. a to join theie com. Yera_s t the Belfast kss3zs with the; on rolw� '-_�-Though--tho- m- clau'se-agwinst-stiduqtion- -
a. inc6ss d. Croix.. The petticoat. -was of Ip4,Niog t o-nursea to -day. -Tho �he-w(_; �ffd �-ta-dl- with to be fe]d ittecto bav6 bbb mobbi Pd VI&A sa'tin, embroiders& in jet._ The bod� y.the month, -and th�),t in..some caseg the 1I that'tbe Vociety was e4tubli�b�d by society interested in the Bill did not"w6rk ituderpromiseoif markiage re-introdu7ced.' and train were ofbla.ck volyet, orriamented babies,are'sold by!tbe nueges,'w . ho prc affist individuals, lirected Cameron, of Hairoil,-6xpressed Rome police formed a compact pliialanx.. to es6ort DO one Barfis, who � caule 'from America lig Th yet 44 was the dlergyptan to 'it place of 5afety. d diffidullb t' I bsIy for the, pu�rpose, and after Burns DO in 8
with heavy. jet embrolder�Ii � The ress . y: in get ing tboijr� pay frorn, tbe 6xpre 0111, particulai-de mi ation.�'Mr �surpriae thai abill like this, affecting the vicar placed-bimsel-C in the'.1middle'of. his. d large Puied, Vandyke slee4�es. and an -societies by Presenting' a borr,o,�od bub to. Tu��eilit,b8came dir'ec- =tr..9 declared that be. was- no.t'au 1critlI law., should be allow6 , d to pass bit returned' OAmeriawk body. guard amid a' tuntult at groans and. itiarhense standing collar of V611eti�n lce,� the 06 Fitton the, first of:each month. tor -of the he Oran��eman'and never, expected to'be one, .,'without. a word. from the leaders of the the- Bleeves, b . Ring turned up -with lace. awal-am ated EI societies on tho'con ti-. but every subject, bad, a to: potitioill -.I I G-6-vernmet:I 'Be showever that shouts. Some � of his �upporters cheered, bim and, pressed Mrlwisrd't6 assist the police� was crowieA II.I Into one, organization for'liourdoriu, and to vote th6 Bill dow"n, at this �gtage the The, whole with_ a black -&" Would considei thIII an in clearing tb'e-pawsage.. The.molifollowed 7&336,ke hat and dib6ping. plumes, turned IllagiAtrates, agents and 1a6li'lowniars' ReemEFd to him much.like refusing to list6u pen. q6stiori, as ' they did nearly every, tile . -. an&hig body g , uar I d,,howliDg, and . I I I . vicar
vast mahinery of evo lid-, to :the other -that had sea sp, and up at one.j3ide, find: blazing with jewels. A, r It to, ii; petition ;. prege,,C64. b before the Hou pushing. �therq �entlema,a defilice.- Set. going b the Hou Mr 11H kill. spoke at *ould- divide 't Pon it. He, reviewed Sir eaAde'spatch from Rom I c( o th, inill , that "John. Maddoriald's arguren It a, against the, a - re .another, Duke'do i�uiso P says Ir Ja . wee, rnemberB: ��of..� this monster league,;,, )risideralol long eI a, .1 91 demonstratiop.a;was rnade�; and t, , was, A itizen Or t 'b they. _oRented tile to ille.0b.'rumitt6e. 'of yelandi"black truDkB,I`a�yellow doublet �dan6y BiddlId Copej � au . werican received. orders in B fell while a Catholic 1i ms'elf.he repr !Bill When ittvas sent 3edmed �iiecessary�:to h,.avo si n her -6f- in 'Cotswold. !�-dged to carry out even with pi5tol, M081 ltra-Protestaiib:, ti. W I h uld f6ad to um were coils ituency in the� be a Ist that t e Bill we policomeh outside thohouseto,protect-it, land, presente fi-e-as not I - Ong —agge-r --I —7 latiiYg 2 -�order of St;.Michael -Bus. a—to _111is IV511 Ing �tlie_ of men ; ud, that it,' -was gold, witla'',tbe ,o�dy4amM6. M�i age; niurdorsN,�ere`--dec ided_uponl�_an - i -he bill t6 'go to i an mnova ion; 3rd,' that it would drive F-T-lrge surn a i� he-- e6bud .reading. Ile i
on, an wit a w it a' f7MOLY 4or"t).Te--Cattlio ts a d am a�,
pouded,.6h vCbrt�bk'ribb ky, go a i wig, black velvet - shoes. �ud silver buckles� Schools of Rains, has created the f tbi 'hoirible oloilspi 0 8, racy were even %r Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt appeared as hiin a Marquis. indicated., Ass itssin a'ti op '11burish ed aud OLAU�b w ere perfectly indifferent -as to 'charcesibrought agairiat them.., He pointed of a more diAg-raceful.cli i scD.er Louis' X -VI. I 6 a babit De Cour I . and The antropoetro iss, mAchibe h*�enfed murder' stalked thiou I i1h the . NO'& t a the �Oxange Society wasincor, od,b..t%fl� there, weto-other crimes,now in the than iult I he, Ih'e, force of: p IIwhether . olice, ac6u . Red. iaaulb was dopbled., ,but.,. neveribeless, se'veral, 11- LiieId by I an, Italian. " It Is used in clothing an b: 'h6ri �tho MowM cal free fights . bobls� place. Catcalls: �' were breed es of (jolored,brocade tri d Baid"by the Governmeilt t 'at. P. S 'porttI or, not, , find end such ELB, Indecent as wrongs wl d a waist.. eqiippirig a soldier.- A: hundred It All dau -will be ore' agilibs girls under 12 yea,ri
th silver Spagne, ab. Government of'keeping this question bef B -of age, etc., ind ulged, in fro6a.the, obalmeric'enietti,.and resedn',trimmed real silver soldiers were clothed and equipped by:ItB � Tbe,poljoie possess acitie'tohe explosion the 'poople t1ild:,.thus causing a constant III likely thaft tbis. to] lead, to vi Iaf, were' us6 in I 'blackmailing, yet no su . ch -pretence. would the car oil: ii� ' ne'arin in the pulpit Wa 'F The s�ochings,shoes and h es,g than sm hour. in tile df�e� of 'the Local Government unpleasanDrioss. His doahpgqWitb,Otapg&--' greet6d,with t �'Wrr� of. howls. i�evoral 'of of reseda. He Woke a jabot and ruffles of Owing, to the nomination: of Polish men had- led bial to respect . them, and t ' induce[Parliament to repeaFth6se B Board on Thu.rsdiiiy...' A Woman' observed 0 the i0lops, wiiiah hliI been retarded by us ' ' It -,Or�b 'have conbiderati6n fe' M.Robertson, of rin,gletI -were' turned out":.and-'to and a-aiamoaa word_ Vo r their vi6wg,aud a
— - - , r , and: ' tIi§.fuIly..qqi ed the, appeaxandb of a rush of - rou-b; ;tb6 alturch'.doors. hntie. motion, iepdatin4sirrobn Tyt�cdonald2s- t er- an W 11 e not ti I I comm�ittirig 1imseX toJ,,th6 lers. dof�no Ins ti� erbiif,appeared as GO e clompa'.- T ctric )igbt," in satin I tritamed Avith, bel n tending that K r.
h016, Consistory wll not.be & until March infernal macbin,e adainstl the buildibig. It 110 saw'no,obj,ectlo� to allQ5ving them to ar �hq
-6 n m`6 12tb` ' !- ;' .; . I , 0 propett I y un , . . w , couched in' very conciliatory Jldia nd� I be pl�ade. I 'it Id" Camer8li's illustrations did'Dob apply. , On: diarn6nds', and with� fl� n5ligniffa is expected ail'arre der proper, restrictions. ab will soon language,wag frequently,ii.iterrupte&.with head-dress. Thii - Pope lately received 6 16.6xivan At any rate, he argued, it would be unfair, bba -Prof. Foker, a mos't Offensive i6mwrMi fi'uch its at G Mra.,:Cordelffis Vanderbilt Ivas aocar 'delegation friglited with Papoir's peiive. Be, FoitilrvV it, to tb6 blil out - withoiit � at least, ctyeru�neut �supportp'r, K9�9_0_ I b MIUIDg 1 6 p.r r. J ":Wbeo is t - he harlequinade. coming, on ?"
vioallir he Crime to Peach. --- I u8e-od. e U regretted the suspen- Hairl uchl tbe-same thing as 'Me. Hawking I iD* tbo'blif arce� coming oil T, paniod by bar child so exq reilolunon to the Go-- ack-, -to Sun erlaud ren,-apparelad -7'Oue 'as a expressed his tl�mpathy witil,a. na'tion', t 01yis'lons. t_m Dawson mended, D rose in. ith a;�satin overdress of firmly'Cl,; ioli Dd �favorble �onsidLr 'tfeD of" the ko' leaves, El wall.4,ofgteen satill, and a, Rion of diplobitaie relatictisi between the A�cor6porjdenit Wrifea:,Agantleman c6u. in f6wo�r ithe ground tb�t 'tbia provision auI When lit. the f wi 1 -1 to .1 get, Extra Pre.6autioriB bad beell I Y 6r -WIlit- ITY, `fia' - B h 1-0.i p e , I t e ent of that ll63IIeolwitll'Dublin� Custle told ine a �,00fl ueSty, atid as flI`'-----0hu'rob and the' Goveiuva 1�6well, lwas it mere act of commotiI he
h6iid-d s��fl e ff'gTi T�Tr ,
the vicar awa� FoAy 6� 'fifty u r r o tvas ip,a rr t wh�n of PunisbaI over" the bouquet- holder` , another as'. S.inbad the republic� �ho in whi011, the Dublin deteu- or in 6tating� tha emen were f6kni d 'I . a � in ioe to affor
82 d n J�axarj,,iigh �to a was Sailer, in. -white.satri�.breetl-bes a vilite' The Pop b 9 4 huccee, pill ic Passa-e but. by au� irreH story of� a witted t ti�tj "Illy induchig in"i I tv: B41 to this �j JeEL a o Hcoub re a - wb6 ' coul
0 his preseicol do . .1.1 chemiiiett;6,� a* flying . jacket embroidered 'in Patty: Of puasiaD farluers belonging to the be&)r�ie au: inforher, The , autbo rittie bly of olk Canada the six mouths' b6ist: ballloterredfroi'a'i tbecoturnitiBion of a istible rush' 9 I . the Id, and Tudiish, shoes u I :1 third as: a Greek,Charch.�' A 1`61i8h -priest told, moved-boforeI Bill came to at 6econd- -is. He- held also that it would go a for a long that �Kavantigli baol asserious - crin down the churchyard amid all ludeticribabl(�. litt 6 centurioli, in light blue' bead. that they. had 'expressed a gfeat diI , -le spoke to correct so,66-idoa th thes' i , I I �
e to drivem the car, and 11 Skin -tile. -G' 't" Alto e excusei � for a whose HIS. 0% Reett ot of a ditemOrit. embroidered coat, wiffi, waistcoat And 'see him. "They w'erp Ilona E k4teriboslay c wilic" onle members Beamed to entertain, tors.drdauOhDars Were ruin ed to, take the' broodbes'6f wbille satiil�.bead-embroidereol and .'witli their recdp- itria all the prisohers being'separate, with. that die Bill was up for'itia second, reading 111W into their bv.vn hands., The JInse Me don, they, drew, their beedii% from bh&ir,. uchance of cornroluaica1i �w question of, 'principle. was to be divided!. and Mr. dhrltoplis.t a;imeridalisllt C4,APK1-,I w991P, S7 in roses and d ies; oil one with tbe hen ?, 9 was carriod-Yeas"01% 713.- Miss Adm. Smith Wore, as a, peacock" a poCketB sold Pope''to bless tb6i ther, the, dj�qujeliing, idea': was circulate decided. The question simply was whet6r atcoort4,01 Oita, the Wet, 1. t f �p'k:blue gatiu=the walab Toy'convereed freely with him thrbugh an the House yvag, willing to c6usier the Bill -III committee tbe'Icla'111818' W'd"S Passed; ex� amolig. them that 'every other' man, was and 'as it was'o ly'Do allo; g to 0 ac'eapte. as, it' W an P, c6roposed of ied pe�cooks'� breasts', with 'a interpreter and after b c t Provision; :that marriage or oiut8:oLDbe p6acoclocapand h Theirain-&iidtbe asked his �Ieiisjrj no One of the'Princi citizersto-,own I�roportyas iisd of.-inarriage-,-7migh '-6 whia Isilld1cwtb' tbaif,tlI i,�on all tb ' eir relatiVes. � I Y, �, I giation of 16�al, 6 pron t - in e6vered. with -Cie NaR'cl'- pa tooi�tol in C�utt as -a bar to ciloviption, was, Jegsi�n' hy and . �61d Ifro'lI the' dress were the The death,of Cardinal ldrI detective arranged to Call at, tile ,a Aodiety he colli see, -he reason, why I " t Injury rom ' the peacock feathers.. A,similkr-costitme, wa's inefito Morass ison, and., wb6sT, should not at least ri�daiye theodplIlJol on motion "r:,&cCArtby, and. Wibh:,the wembei;.' 'will, approximitte M:Pe'r cont. of.'�� Pr 8 Bra- iiy Mrs.: B'ucb %nan Wintbro bon, leaves another lv�mbilcy in the S'Ackeoll' rm, he to6k '"n of the House. Be was wltiiig.t6lliave collcurience of Mr. dbarltou, FAruck out. W tio the total crop.. in ratbbr:'& confidential wan- -in- reports--6[fb�wi t r -w 6- r6 706116f,,67 gb T`5:r—e—m3-w 'The biii,7,�i�4--ic4p.-oited-o�,ce--more-ti-nd rl e bee; 6
Mrs, Sewi'd7� WN eTF, xr�. mv- 13 given, ner and- walked'"r7l, _.11 -do Il in, ilno� of the 0 waa reserved n .patto b� 6e if i ffie rfailis 'or' p tbe'HoiIRbMt--Hactor Cameron wanter to frow. over 20cou�o ties in'111i ''big, ndian Rioter, wore, &6 a boruet, a brilliant waist one. of �ivhic� RI live -ferende with. rivile�es of a
u yery frieudly rsation.- a yellow Ratio, ith a brown velvet srConsistory of Decembor 1880. nt of, �Whl`dh be had f C 4'r - �Kavaukb was boing brought, rI to rHawkins or intelligent iritr()'J�co an amendme Kentucky, Tennesee, is8ouri, auze.wings. a ta io. � He quo ted a I 1111 sea and, and brown 'g" . ., This dres ag dinal: Federico- Giovaiibi GiusefTe Cble9- along one of the corridors, when thaviorder ROman Catholics, of 013 spoketh at'ti, former reading of the bill, pro- od Teiag show that in i uri rZ�rRi�resoritina a Wasp tips" Schwarl7enborg :is th paralleled by anothe 6 Only' hViDt I*o 6f him stopped; loiI if aploid'entiv Olt-bolic frierld'of on Ividing I that- the corroborative evidence Kansas tbe condition is good, the acreage �Of purple 'and black gold gau ze, with ordinal'create d by Gregory XVI. Of the at, til Rx lbi by, the bill'allould"be made iully equal to last year, n I the damage He e Oiildow_ and led th6prluOiP1eB Of the Order p ned. to a d 'h6rizontml stripes of black and yellow, �nd. remainder, 41 were creadby'Pius-ax btention to his Lornrade him, said- he-undbrstood lbeill to be Eimply' to apply to all bi rge. Mr. far' uo.grbater than usual. ToimesBe6,and . a &Deb" of tile clift fara transparetit gold tisbue over�dreas. 'A and,20 by�Leo Xf1l. in friendly ioterc6u'rse in the yard, adding He thaItilght it lCharlift oppo8eol blie motion odthe'gro�,rld Illinois:'give dial bead dress was' imported for this. Cardinal. Maniling is expected here af would� be dit"courtesy Do a, lrgo and reapectz that its effect would be to make it uecwsisa,ry,::�IL)dialI the )titter, sboW` a . 011� ape for ti at I "Shin! "was making a clean breast of - e co§tuffiej-wltb,antei3rb of diamonds. lel,� Easter, to settle the elecidoh �f his coadju. An bibtli tfbe' lnucllt�ced able body'of . men to throw the Bill, out st to Prove the charge altogether, iridepend nt siderable damae frorn Hessian fly and'. low gloves Btriped with black. were worn: tor 'tio a, dfi -?s evidence. After Focus dis- cold woathe�. Texas ireportsara good as apparently already JeHignicted in the,- ..big, reuaillb�s bbiIi atag W6mau
f Bi'hop Vil, ghati He. is 'also to .;his powe to'give all'tbe informa The, vote w . as taken, - �when_Coursol's OUSIbion,' Mr. White (Cardw0),, moved the fai as they g6,','tI -with it. Person 0 s U. hole plot was: fronrI other sources I, is; and thus tho W ti was defeated by .89 ydas. to 9-1 UtI adj.ou'rnment of the d the inem- learned the'6ondiCion, is, generally good, A remarkable costume: was that of� the appear as a witntigs in a great case wlilcb discovored. motio ebate that The motion for - the Fiec6nd,� te Ram. yiill be, heard by the.Propagauda." _ : 1 . .co6et., which ro'lisistedlof black and or adiog b6ks III havd,%upp'portunity toconider N�ftb.a fair prospect, foI full croD. F40ulvaia., U a the-am�ndmori which wtO II to on porte,alipw there iB a -very laige an�ount of
w was carried- by the sa e di i coldred.satin. embroidered by babd in gold m M_ corn.
stars".gold threads idbilingg through'the Death 0i'm sion. 'the un0rBtatioling that. t46'bill should not last yeur's' 'cro�-fil the bai�r, wfiich�was worn Incas nd Kwing Tho'Bill *ali're0l second- th . ale, lo�edtgipla'oeI,on the orders of the duy. A_Aospli`toh�ftom -Topeia', W h'ere-the StiI ANo* York IThe doliith 1'eableggram says The. trial Mr,,basey; d Mr. Wood's (Brockville) bill agaiust wife. Milleib Bociation'.is in 8614sion, a,%
With a, �digmond . star. 'A neclilace at di%- move for papers, relating -to- r 'tile, Of Mrg, Van DHr Linde Brfi:Le�hoff, aged 'of Joe Brady for , pitjaipation 'in. , the the locatiog.of- tile Oak- of df � b6atin'44ag read a R conoltirne ai)(I roferr' d ys 8 Government e millers oxpieBs1be'Opinion 'that the wheat
monds was- also Worn.. 101 years and 21,da�B,is ftn�qunced to -day. ilcid� comwit"DIse. Suomi i6fouii brospeiiitig of.the� tat are ve'ry favorable, Miss Work, as Joan 61 Are, wo�t ',White Pliconix Parli ibiffoldrd is fixed, for A_P�ril the, Yorthweat, -Territories - and beadquar. Ito, I' sp She died at'ibe resideneb of -her', c aug'Alari loull., C .The rest of,tbe prisoners to b6 tried Data Mounted Police at R I egina, etc.. �for p . liI were carried, and a DuTber hinii crape, embroidgred in'silver fleur de ,In lie jeld Iand Predict, with* good jveatbor the y
lye with a cuirass, helmet and gauntlets of for t4ftt crime and the � assault oir Juror liaturitIly be.suppoeud 30;000,'OpOto 4010 000�buahzlg.
Mrs Hubbel; of Now York. pri'vate1Wl1-9KIIT*bd to stand, Thi isappariBnfly'ipgo�d��ealth until' 1 the ordLII aud�a,I Sir CharlesTup- solid silver mail.; tbo� bodice, leggibI and` hoff Wt a , Field will be after,�vards tried, singly. A that the Gove"rilment, wolI secure a P ace few olays'aao.' She leaves Q1 deaceridanto, hundred and forty plooligrantshave Ioft,Con-,' on the river,..and a Place of natural ad 4 moled adjourti'mant. Mr. Blake-" IVs Mr, and M rs. George. S. Knight have t 0 r anddilught6r foi , 'a , .1. , b sIlooB being . of a . ;eel oil ib�, %nd ihe:spu ":, a of The decassed was a I great -gr P n,A TeF_ " . . I � -1. . 8 ; "I � T h
in a America.� In the trial of tgges, none of which siesilpe' 'I E1611 welhase to do., Mr. peaker. .8 decided to make a iour of t a world. f Pbili Peterson Sdbu I wh Nugelit and. twelve other members of the tosAe6s. !motion wag,-cairr-led and the. House. gI LV and reoge I ctyure wife enn�bow, it is, Miss Edith' Fish appeared 'as IN�al(l 0 P y at,. a emi- Alitoine'tte,, in a cardinal and siKer brobade grated from Holland to Arnerica,'iu 1650 Armagh'. Asbas I sination -Society �on the 'Dr. Orton,' irI saidAhat 'he had journe�.,' d�dea - lobeaper than to be 'all the time Overn or,,, of liakrge of colispirac g a' ndress,covered with jewels, and a painted He was the founder and .first tq murder at BelfaWf, visited. Raging, at the time of the lowest. Mr. ir�ine, "of New ]Brunswick, moved gvfb g she Was 8OMOh0W different. to conn � wiater,in Pile of 'Bones dkeek, and even at Jor a, cii�rnmfttee of iY61vllole to amend the I be . abet of 'V'elvet.' P�rinkenhbffi of'Revolutionary, fame. I all Counsel for Wit sought so W D'Oyly Carte- hai 'engaged, MattheW Miss Bessie Webb appeared as - there ' as one' Weighte'arid Measures.Act by changing the Mine. Le p \John Devloyj James, tbat,time . W and 9, half million, lay, evening ]&at sh 12 Arl ' laid for a..Iec-tuire tour in th Diable 'i u I I s. red satin dress with a black ueed a a terb&'ned A,dpath and' P� J. Sheridan with the gallons of water passed down that crack in statid�rjd weight of a, bi!IBIlel of oats from I try
several, of bar gra,uA.-ehildren with rec6lleo: 34 to 32 po . lands, 6,n d timothy Read from 48 exteellson. he said )promoted aon- twe ty four hours. He claimed thategina ,a # ll -i"ito-45-poauds.�- -On,,.-t-hiB-m(;,tion-ar-brief-but- entire dress trininfed with demon fringe, :13viracy: �gye I(evolutionary heroes. d -%vitb the' headsand sp6IK6 strongly.against'the Prisoners. The region in the, Whole Northwest. . The sec. �Jivoly Aiso9saiOn &rose. , Mr. III sup. tion of thb Czails approaching cor9nation,
a fringe ornamento borne of little demons. The ' dre'ss, can- ijut� found.'a veidi6t at- guilty against tion Ofland in which Lieueanti-Governor: parted. his'indtion--by w state in 6 nt based ob* ThAqueation of the rePreseutatib,0' at the , .51. , , George Edgar Fawcett is enO�ilgid' on a Nugent 9fid hi� follow pi�iaoners. Dowdiley was eaid'to be, interested he eati. his �owti eitperience:' tbat the standard Pope is under c*ideratlon,` glad. jbv I' tra;stea with, the,coBturne o iBs Butler, a 0 V68 that n64' Roman
'Duncan, aB " Mary, Mary, Q'Il'ite Contrary," new comedy of Awerican�soalefiy. -mated to be. not less than and a halt � bushol.,would not contain 34 pounds of data great difficulty,'O's of'Regina. In closing, �Ilor, 481. p6unds of timotilyi, llq�. noticil& ibatholi6 person 60takB any part �in 1 ills A, brodade,pabier Worit,ov6r,a'yellow satin Lord Palmerston,'during his ls,%t &ttolk Even the :Milesfrora the city iii big ty of that the 'ceremony. Iply foets f , on Via' bar ecauge -he bore 'skirt, the. dres's beipg trimilaili1not a ofj1he elaimod Playfully to England ejoi�ae. Wy B testimony to'.the, populari A0� , of 1879 had been pagaod.with "'with silver bells in ok! -shell' I�utw4h but Will,' instead, 'Rand lme ids gont' ex t Die, my'de&r- doctbO she b as always r �� �ood 0 �a, Virtue tieuteliant-Govetti(c Dowdfidy , I'll The Ivery i3lilgbt discussion, OP y ,a voice- list rI d co a 8 I adviser b 'n. -bbin mp, ro little maids, all fili'm row," a series of hand. had no. doubt that gentle. of Mr. Honda,, of Maskin'-.091. autograph letter to t& E a II at'. last t it'is its ow n roWar _N, Y. Jeleg7
Tb th in d ra"J. I , g 91 thi k of doiD �iorthwe8t, and 9 IL