HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-03-30, Page 124 7. 4 is. F It C, 0' E 1`114 119T, "WHO STUCK BILLY �FITTERSON ILONANW., AANDIONIft EVERIENCE AND T11 CX.&NS 8A.T. Collision,XletIvelvat the Itallway Repoi,tar SAx LrAxono, Qal. An kgcd Wonain oo laxituordinary mait; of 'Ilia il,rri, 1: �s, the 111hililiftaidilind Wife Rt!-nnited aftei a Xxy Pa. Iand the Societ Editor literalistic Strikeirle Daugh Dr. R.V. PmEcu,, Buffalo, lVainian's Argimment. A Cairo (Egypt) letter says the False N, Y.: Dear 11� - :­ Agcouni at a. Weddlatic. lizi Bussey Propltet has been the cause of four, hun'- Sir,—I 'have employed your 11 Pleasant Py :P. 33AIM. In 1366 Frank Lee, and The railroad reporter,'with a map 6pjead ..Purgative Pellets,, in my practice for the were married in Troy, N., Y. Four years dred wotperi 'being divorced Outside it was c'Irear !cold and, The Franklin Register has discovered last four years. I now use no other albera., and before him, was busily engaged 'building the later' lie went to New York in, search of husbauds,.andAurif3gthq past tbreeyear,i tive or catbartIc medicines in all..chrohic Inside on the! hearth wasl the brightwoolil flre, last link of 6 road which was to comieci the wko struck Billy Patterson. MrXiatterson, era loy-enli '.While there and undpir the he has become the, filthei of over' ud ,ry. ouligedappil iu1tsgl,lw' roads, farming a., 'the fathek at hime. , Bonaparte, was a fill? fifty chil. derangements of the nd� alked of is an the mail to hire W. alad'tbe,G. 0. H. xquor,h,e enlisted,and was sent dren. Ile has ac#ired such' aseeridAncy tomacb,. liver. and" 0 thq'seed and soil'all 6 lariffiig da�s, grand trunk jinaL Baltimorteati.. VpOil Ons'o jai bowels. I Isnow of nothing hisboys and girls an eir pleasant Ways; between, the imptortoint w Y to Arizona; About tw� Years he Was gver-the sterner sex'that ills injuia,.hus- that equals a a C while Mr. Patterson was Lin Fra kli -look- � or Them. 'd points of A. and Z" the T 6e I t local tiafil the -Mrs. Lee, banoB ave begun, 'to I reLmarry their MILLrt,, -D. While low in h r rocicing.khair-by Ing, after his pii0perty'! a, general - io ake prisoner b.y of -which would � pay operating expenses, occurred who -fouiid. ample a t 'In Ideal Collar divorced wives, and now consider the senti. fixed Charges, 5 per cent. quarterly divi among the be h he Their mothei- sat se-,ving withbusy ski I- - t I Ys, in Aic . Factory, ape a letter saying mentalitypr flirtation betweon the P There was fall of Crimson snow at ere.,vFere sto6hingsa lil� oats and fro with all oactisforial Lcrip issue to became involved. i In the'confusion, indeed the head of'Big I's to that her husband �had, been killed. Soon and their own spouses as 9, rophal end, holde�181 of Preferred pap ev.' While thus' some one struck Mr. Patterson a trementl recently, tier needle %yorked with a right good will, 4f�erwards she mairied kerrit Cody, of favor. w vered the ground to the depyh iso o on atthe door, and then engaged, the society editor tuined in'bis ous bT6*, and this so AnOred him that he halfanilich. Whenmelted West Troy. When Leeregmined his liberty �thel water wag he wrote to his qtber;:who did'not-deem V kr.E. as red as blood. p lor was-crawded -with eagernion., �-,wal#�&d-�-through--,ther�-crowdi i -In Chair, pulled down big corsage, and said -4 Are You�much Of a ladies' Mall.? stentorian tones, 1, Who �Btruck J�ijfy Pgat-- e teraott?" 'Mr. it advisable, to tell Mrs. Cody that her, first fi-Alaven 12vat Born , ed to Death in a SkantY. "Tboy-wantedLaxy-ho must notref,i i�atterson� I was a larg and ONSTITUTIONS BROKEN DOWN 'The party' on every good man had s.T.im, Me ? Yes, I am ; 'always 0`ja,� time husband was..alivq. In another letter to Antitthe-club had-go6 most important news, although I may not 'look it," said the:ra C il. t�.nd under the circum. ]its mother, Le' A Deadwood (D. T,) despatch datea yes- with with: fatty degeneration Of the a advised, h6r to keep the, Which they must . discuss or be mucli to road reporter very Calmly. At one time stances no one among the!fighters appeared t�rday (Sunday)' Hood & SCOWS' heart, iver� and blame desi!nous of holding himself respqpsible,, fact of his being alive a secret. He then hidnAyF, from, the use Of And EL stren I ger rn�glft well have thought I WaEl` EL regular sta,;ndard- gauge, stoel-rail, went -to Caliiornia,� where.., he made money lodgiuk at , BroWnvillB, WOOd Camp, aoexbaustion'bf . IiEd,�iTtM forces, from bat the country hall been both sold and btorlb-ballast.owell, but at late yeErs,j�bSIVI The inquiry passed into, a by-wbrd, nd terMlDIIS of the Black Hills.. and I�ort' the use ofitobocco- i ritability ati&-fe 1 Dsiring to bee his Mother &gaiu hecame I r Uncoupled from that sort -even to,,. this day tlie inquiry call be -Pierre Railroad, wits ]burned a �-b�s of the .. ....... .. of biisiness,.and East, Arriving, in Troy"last. nervous, system,.from thcoff6dts have been'tiliming on a different line.V Aieard, , ,,Who stitrok­ Billy. Patterson ?" in Jtomes 'Ch-al'Iners, Thomas Tike., R..C.. of -strychnine-; impaired;."lalaWtion 'and loss Theft Larry stood -up with all anxious look ther told him that 'his wife had sepa- le 'allaboutl Peter Hansou,'A. Do you think you could relieve me to- The original Billy[ pursued ille'inquir with sec�nd busband'oll account �Vr -lit, Levvia of.'eilclrigy� �frbim the Use of qpiulla, anil ... ... .. ....... ButLizz, rated from her Far you see, good frie'rids,'tis a bitterniplit, astonishing -vig fe, Harvey Wdoil,W.11. Andre' , nervous and physical prostratiou from any. nighii of a recherche affair among the or, ]but without avail, and at of his ill-treatment'and Was living with her Terinecklif ws, hhi And husbands are far better in tbAul out de -1&7 4` deatli, Curiously enough, inserted a dlwghtei. Repr6seating himself as a Atimino'litree, Fred.. T.,Peter's noo, have a physio ogica, "Well, Iiiistress, you can't iluderstand the case" (,turns, Cretins, and �,lo Cbasl. and" form of int6m�ptelia But we want t4e'right =an in the right plade�." tout ensemble.of the� soiree CISLUSe in his will setting apart 51,000 to be Samdel Hays were bUriled-to deutb. Four refatora�jve sawing machine agent, Lee called on his buil a , VEEELI�,R'S PHOS' I - think I call, if tbere�s . ti: --paid to the person who should give to his others were seriously i Me in';ciluree of con ersaion iJured. The, dneP, THATES and CAL'ISAYA that -will re- daughter,eaud Then Lizzie looked up with a gracious smile-- make the transfer without misfsing dormec- heirs or executor the uam�e of the man Who I l'I agree with you, friends, and vii tell you told her he had heart 'well, acquairited with was one storey, with a loft, Where tbenien. pair the wasted tissues- and' inaintain the -struck him. Tli6 fight in X organs. which Billy 'her father. opt, accessible - b If, V`719�8 functional activity of the Vi al why,; t oxt ni;-IYt be called a-ain and 11 y a Th' U -a on time s the ddhoue- Patterson was struck occurred ill 178.3, and by thirty loaggers,bat last Y6 "ll b I - , u Tis a principle full ofrare good sense, 1'i 'A 'us An& exactly suits both Larry and 1, 8tranjethaijust'100years'after m ale himself known to his. wi a. , it night onlyi fifteen"were �lh the house.. -A lady school iiecher o � I . ment. It's the Marriage,of 061. D'Oille's it is Passing') affecdll�'�oene followed, Lee and his wife f New Troy6 Only tbisis-fhe vaylstat� ffe-bas6: a put -iii forthereward. W11 -go &Cullfornia rl,a few di� Tiaere was one window in the loft, but only' Mich., propel led 'hers 'four on -a The right man� misters, intild right place daughter. --Pay 'striet- aUention to it, a' claim should b lea husband�at home in�tbe And yet a, correspondent of, the Register says ayS. four badly bur6d. men werd' saved by' hand car' and them --tivalked three miles on evening'!" bride'sostUmo and writo,up a*dciailed 7 dwicciption.ofit.11, that such is the � case. �i Mrs. Jennie 6; jumping. Two'of these iblusthavetbeir the snow crust to attend a t6iie-herb"' insti- The railroad ravorter took' COVAly, of Athol,, X. Y.,� da; ughter of Goo' ';]Blow tute, only t They bowed toAhe wife with a candid smile, out hiv linen Ile . av S. logo amputated. The fire is supposed to we otherR,preeent and And one of them itlaswered, Men never wold rgQ . i- a find't' from the b- it,�re W.. Tillarton, fias� written to the Ordin ary Yes, sirl'� continued the Texan, wiping have originated from killdlings left near the - d roam duster ottom of his es6 I yet she,was: noi iscour 'd age if till of us.had snch'a pleasant wife, borroweda.cliew.of tobacco from .-the pbli. 6f Franklin County, claiming ill his mustache and Contemplating ille M6b-' stalls. Peters aleut on the:gic�ndl floor, 000. She states 'that ishe.is "I legacy 01, u five feet of the door, but the flames, If all (if usllid such a,cheerful bome; . invalid, And Larrydould be neither happyr(orright :tical, reports and started for the, resi- 51, tana man thoughtfully� sir,� a Texas claildhooe.1,j ssU -a's con - sider. tl rP read so rapidly that I dence of Col -Arnon_, titio,ivedd great need of the norther i Comeback laden witli. the joys. if he left his wife and hi's h6me to-lialght, b,oihe. ing, aged. and. infirm, �tl6d in ch -as is re-akded, ito'could �illdt bsettlie 3y. In 1783 Mont I�obicea-uext-iuorniug was, the following ,her father was quite a at has Been it ill full opera,. The 'bodies f the elev6w �vic are tim f,,f able -by thenath t- , I suiesf that driiam 0 0 1 a when sweet Larry stooped low tohi wife'8 pretty face: Last.' night'a large - Zumbar� of high YOUDg, Mall, and being iia i great, � fear f r. obarred beyond recogni ion., e es 11 s 1. Patterson fled - the. country ab anticipation garnished with'bright st hu Dear little wollaiii), s iseAnd so ti'lle. joints blc�cklded the. reali ' derics' of . Cc once ' and Is is callaited lo beat a. Montana bliz- Yon have madeout 0a 7wmost excellent ease; never heard of the reward a the future as it, stretched ut before Us. ID'Oille to witness. the . marriago.-of his r - r leg*aOY, SbO zar� inquired the 'man' from -the North,- Wig 'for s. There's daytime foi- duty of every;llind, - -, he has ofteilhea ' -His puni ebi should now be con6id- Only thopleaRures: stored up for its entered lovely daughter, J6buiie Baptikite, ,to the says 9 rdher father speak -West, whetting his knife* on his'lloot and shm And you 'nay be sure you'l�ill alWaYS find, Hom - John Quin"y Je �n . 8 juu. I Co 1 1. of the fight and �the- blow he' ga�e Mr'-. [y much -interested' in, the inarra- er6d�V6:anor endorsed. -his piophecies, tie the heart the']. :Rut.as we gro��v �Old6ro 40 Your, husband at blame i the evening I apparent] line and another coeB the awakeuin- ' It D'Oillq was getia�ral rnuilitger. of: the Patterson. and the �fierce anaer of the latte, 'tive of h' paiilon.� tht� two Make Bi - funera byr� of The humb f Is com all their almanacs w to t You should be li�otibled, not in lhearE�,,but. -entire guest Hy4tem, and Itita 'his. hea'd- Filhirton's"hand was dis- It'are- ' "re0liladl the. Texany-ftol6mrily. he Government feet, -,`with qu�Lrters estilbli , shed in the dinin rel., -ad tosE , by, !that it is cal,lat6d should call irl,'and burti them both. 'Good- '14 make life, jointed by'the blow, and'was so save =lls ld thpy� Eon. Olivei m6wat is 63,.Yea�rs�of age. f , b. , , � '' � ( . aM prepar miserable, go to illonearest dru-, store and Una injured that it remained A useless member 4; beat anything.that blows. er I've 1JY6, Wiggins., -Farewell; Vetwor. Your Sir John is 68� room,' ollly� le t iii post and the Strang by -a bottle of pu�naln,� Cot 'E ytrilctor, e.: to the d� of his death.. As the tacts 'orther carry a stone wall twenty' are numbere , �Yoni notoriety,"your tit sideboard where the getitilemen ere It she seen a, n days d Lieut. -Col. Andrew Stuart, commanding liluent gives Correspond soexactly with ked 'it 'up, u E.tpositor. sure, mfe" and painless 'corn cure," ly 4de tracked for repairs, tor � .,thd facts. Mil and set down 1, 9 �ss-is go a UB , Pic efulut you will he quickly relieved, ad hap - he 8th Royal Rifles (Qu66c)Js dead. of the casei. the 'correspondent prissutrie through the parlors ou'a'trip of inspection. withou displacing� a �dornick I Seen it ,Wiggins says that this storm which was -ri 'an Y' 'p atil. � - i ever after� b -ht ireceive -the-legacy cton' ri Studav and Still-- our An Athens deep& c, �saya o nor a t---Mrs��Cuvel, a myself. . Outlet I Been one tha�t turned k6c ou ��d f6r -Friday, douros., the weli, known Greek statesman, is U :� . - ( ay- N.C. POIsOn.&' CO,, Kingston, props. the guest' po6l and superintendent of. tho* itho t,,delay. 1 :,U appeorchard [upside down, and the. i came on time, but, it was not seen in - .! I I ' . . � I 'ly Been it i t 1, 1, er th-w iteighborbood..' Has, anyboc. dead. If,, service, an'd spen o .,most of b mail bad to dig out1his harvest.. Auffthat A. r — - ML Irom earlyjudi8p Y0u,.NG m suffering 'time fixing, th -of. a norther', either . ....... Wiggins he lisp. Raderi-Baden despatch 'says PrinCIL adivifiiouti of tb�! _Supp�_ flons,'laci of biain-and­ic'erve force, Mack?s ur8es an the, 'is co Dg stgrgi fi--i . . .. I ­ I I Or. i to their py "Magu6tic d ened upon this .--by _ - L - I W. _pret!y.pqw�p; u- At na6eting-beldAn atial Man but they heavenly: bodxes. igg�ins, -Vid6ntly Ile, a -yer, lsq iti-anot at :has t -dead,, was, in onceded the. onp. : . I " . I Column' supplie� this want and thus cures fact', a, Mllltir:pl�iform, Westinghouse- it was agreed t,04aise R5,000 to coustru�t' don't m..the no spe,dl�l studied the m6oii'Z r much or Ile ou d It is stated ithi- if 1iF3 health Will permit 1 1, � Cittwile I I .! I -t of' *lien all othor,prepmatiolls fail. brake a 0 j a -mateorologica , b � a y oil Bell Strunger,"continued, the Texan, Wling not imagine.tbat the'�little, N a pecession. Us 'a sery tor� UN,rch blow a -and udah P. ecept ail Erigli8h before.th arrival of the reverend -conductor kntothetrap,lllstranger� Ise6h a.Texa§ Saturday Sunday. was really the, Judgeship. w 0 wil - 'to pull thabell-cord.far the inatri- I Pr I 116b6tson, ! the -istoriti . -, Was northeii�69tch1he fi,'�st shaloo (if all . &rth' h 'it , greatest gtbiva of 'the cel-ftury—N.' Y. 011AE'N wo VA D- V 'FE. b,; Mr. George B. Tilson,'of Tilsonbur, monial'triLia, Col, Dbille',IL4t the side- buried -in Greyfriars' churchyard, and a quake 'and carry. it right over our, town lerald. Were women iallowed to vote, evdiy onio of the oldest residents 'af.tbat place,' d d board and started up a I �'e'f6re that � quaM� could get a grip an 'The iff the'dand- who -has use : ie grade with a, heavy� handsome maus6l�um �vaa ere;iod a Dr. Piero on Friday last. over his ale load, and in colasellilidnee slipped an eccon- remains.. lb -is near the :place known as where I Speedl speed I Why, stranger, I healthy persons; and many of them: are of 11 Favorite P­resc:rpbion" would veto it to The ramor�that Mr. Jaru�a Beaty *aatt6i tric andame into the parlor iulming-on one the 11 Covetiqiters, , P - . i " . I . 'a norher hatch a �mortga�a they �reffect, Upou risoq. seen dut1h a violent temper. When be an, unfailing remedy for the di�tiasbs be appointed adge of the County of Yotk side,. but was flagged down. in time to pre-, a's littild orcet,�and that mortgage -was' their ow --collaiiet* and what -it has cost pec They -have exciting scones occa�ionally� in Ill n uliartet-hersex�- Bv.d ggj��a. 'N. ZY aru "Ir lu nar IIL is positively dallied. vent'hiB. J amminglis'leadlig tit through a at meetin,gs. due before the man nicked himself cut'll. them to stay-Mbore, consuming '.-alcohol. Cardross Parochial- Board. Mr-� W. J., Whibp� al d 1 est I bay.window.' The colonel"'m St6PP1139 to he otheir, day 'the, Chairman, Mt.. � John ill 6 Mu d I" whenthey might have been,at sea, catch I i . lig Lady, '.�.lbertha and Lady Maud Ilamil-t fill his t�nk too ofteiii,lost the right of: Way -11, u, 9, " ll -will be to: haquiro,, son of 'Richa rd White, Qf'the Montreal . . . Be called "Mr. lcWillia h I "Didn't tbink.ithey went so fish, their,firs.t impulse ton wexe`married in Wesminster. Abbey. 'And did not wittless,the ceremony. .,a puppy;" and a Ga�ette, has g0po to Europe,- where he ill' thre , at6u6i o send hi's obse 7 rVed the Montana than,with an omm: for Wigg I imi , &n*d Wharf. they learn i6fiat ai ih�e same iime'to Lord Bl&ndford ud It a That's 'Pretty fair I go wilderness Lord Lansdowne. While the former in .spend a,year. ,The. bride� aslend or beauty, Wag dressed ous� milaneBB. 1. , Wiggins has not fled to the spitimingot the"Window," atch Mr. Engli J. Macdonald; in a flowirlg� -iobe_ de. -cham"bre- of yellow- and 1-thinka great1deal ol money,c,ould be but has, remailae.d'i.p Ottiim and is has terminaled, after Years, of nai son dfAhe Pro . . What Is known as the.0 Aberdeen Ritutil- A . . uparti . ngithena.nortlia�rs into'our nry it out, i is"to - be fea;red that tb6y will gery"nalfa ti,ated bobi�:aet. muslin a Is, ecru, looped.,up ma a byii divorce, the �latter has proved exceptionally' miter, who is at a visit "t isti case." reiacladd its fiiaal stage lately, the. at, ihb sides with a' pleinpallour partB for little breathing. lid a deputation to Wiggins happy. * The failuroof his.Iiish rents bsss places when we Be Ottawa, will, it Is' said,7_We& 7one ihe 'Piesbytery cotning to a finding that the \ha,�e a on that he atAeaBt ha6 been 'visited by k of blue grenadine and fichusi 6f.-.0uaenAnn.e blizzard' lobliged:`Lord La'nsdowne to live in a very fair daughters- of Toront:) ore returning to do'ct�in�i. sidtemdutB aftribuidd to . Mr. gimp., The dt&&s Wits cut oh-aii incline; of '"Does �blizzirds go fiibter*ib�n that?l' tornado of`unprec�dented vioI6nce, and to diJEerc."ut style to*lh&t in which he began to -Witinipeg. I ; in the I'ang'L1l,06,. IiV Cooper are not' such as to wairaut judi- forty-eight degrees crosa the F�houlders and inquired 'the NWantoa to ki ' ek" in' akfj to ailifest to -him tl�a;t` e-aft6r1lis marria�ge, and -to let his towia, cia inquiry., - , I : Mr. D..P. Bellattis, the well-known leather 6arried -. around Under the left arm. The himself for not letting tbe.'Mo'gitanla� Man of. the late'Lord-Brougham, li'the thuiide'rsl house to, Lord ebary., - at these are RO D merchant of Uontreibl, dropped a6a&inhis bbs Amoag*th6 subscripti s to miak6 up the am of tho. fair briao w4,s lilannounted p Ion get his work in first. of heaven tire sometimes heard to roll in, not troubles which m;- ahlippyruarilagi, office oil Saturday mornilig. As leaves a with a trestle-woth of Louis XIV. lace, and Peddie defalcatious with the Dissenting o nited Bd up I uIl d filled i . a with I never seen bu� one tbata��'b t ' Ito oice f, -an. u wife,ani -time children. her, Wjibtwas B'Urjao misters Widow'.Fund are J. &T. Coats,. 066, mi'll a 'an hou r" re' i d the klonta.u'a data M dieal D&c!,�,ery" pl Dn Pierce's "Gol a The Quartcrly Board ofheQueen S treet artificitil flowers, made 6y,see.ral aisley�,91�1000; John- CiArk,'Paisley, D250, m4n.careleBsly. I)b llot,!er :ill' bear aliv roore ab6ub the Ints become I so thoroughly establiHbcd in Metboduit Church, Toronto; has unani­ narr6w-ga*ug6Ahortl.hILH of r6d trimmig, all d- Stewart Clark., Paislev,'E250. What��EieerYied Ito be the matter with i,.. of: '( da until ubije fa.vor�tlaat'were it n6t for the forget- mously reqd6stgd the return of Dr. Hunker which iried'around unit c,3ntered 'at a. As tba.ritsult'of tLaxecerib railway Btl`ke Iii�m 9"! asked the! We., absimliale the. . - . 101 1 8 Own' ?1ad for ts 'teople it wou , Id, , I�o� be. necessary. ri V. ueert tilln"5 of as Choir pastor foi a third y�ar.' commonterynin,al polint on tije (if. her., sarCft6tLf&ajI to call � ai�entioll' to i1s.power to cure eon - i Down tb,.) front tbel�robe'wai,; Bri Concpauiat;. have vv'a al Ion,, �time eforewe.c6ulAflud. trow The mbz/le of rt ri,ty- �hotguu in th(S Mt, Adam HudBpefli, �'O� C., of Lindsay, --of.,tho lungs b'07' b sumptiou p of buff serge,, lie frow 'Montan, but halAi, Fenian'. idvaider, is 7bich� is Beroftlia fiag -baen appointed Deputy Judge of the -�d .( .. . I . I 8 eve ral, very I'm pof tant botii ce ssiou s to their on,, continue I I -s; 'as eruptionIi, gad other �.blood, disease ..... by nilmerouii Jvedefs of.cos ly am . ployees, partionlirly as to fI 'll �vheu'he'goIii a 13 U oub u g blo�,cberl County Court th'e� t Ing 11% Y too coi,osfip, be, Amerie'a' C7 pimples, Ulcerv:.and,.i the hours of labor. U4111pt6i - .11 , I'll and w�Lsu't going ol�er 10b miles t� 61G'ago absence of the Judge of.tbat court-..,.. fez Inerin � a new a, , 11 C0S§fUlJY bOUSUMMated, and the first,annual, we -got n to whattrdabled; I - Rev. D. G.,Srn'itb has! In the High Cburt of �'Jagtici�r Ellin - Treturned to -King- twill be. aiter) with iuterti�it." . I I n, from St - Jobn repor a b: rgh', on February i9ttill, Jarnes Sith, Was� "a -dam audda.-the Tax,. T.r Thereisorte thhigaboutMuencbhausell, Bto to take, the � pastorate U In Word mfoher �­arived 'yeady to fight, and tin Ll B 0 �suali t�retitso.,o nas'theLondon of St. Andre w*'B Chur'ch, to which place bie aliim Archibald , Thoruae,' agod'. 10 year8'. that says a Philadelphia pilper',- to. 'his' ciadiC aul st�temrpt(�d io Col -am In land. Na,'he was trying to h nihenton the courr a �is,givell until May -to ouglaH, ivaLi found, The Bilion _loev�r tiied� -to �he a-*e9ther has received a call. He lblifemi, Ri belo nging I Casile D gone -professional :London. beautv bo has .: ' : ty of hadi-ig Murdered J dnorther of yours along know it (if- I, rop to give his decision. His salary, � will -be 'Mr.. E, - Walsh ne, t bat. W6xfo-d 91 ie same norther, 'calse I se.Qu �th6- tAhon..to.tb'e.,stiZgn arld.waq.a%tbat mot . ....... f'o-the ot Smi� dramatic -Thd childreii ill orle ol the city schools $2,500 per: autium. -was-re'aased from Was , tL an' the: 291h Nove,mber, by sha6tiwl hitu mortgago'sbicking out'n is. ear.,t4 Ju New YorhJulfilli Mr. C. E. Tolmle, who for a long time a: 0 b And then'tbey went ab'dt -,.,bU when the ment. ',The learned A:ugustiis'Sala �wert) recently abkea to write, a. As the Bar) of 2tl�ath was crossing � be ­v�as s'laten-ced ba� ailgell in' Ayr 0 past has been freight . agent of the G, Tj R. sTxedt in Dublin, he w83 down by Dlice got there th �embodyiiig the word ,capillary. . pe, gir a0son on 12b M P( a Montana man wos, atteropt ' ed without muc: I saccess to trace w rote tic .6ss mt the 1 ill this City,- will.. tah ay, and Blistaned a 611 tb a J 'stewAr't, better jguoN . vii t I o the a little. abead.�­_Piolohlyn Eagle.' its Ltylnoi�gy,,aria then contented' billasbit sailed I, the Mr. Hyndman's place fill London.on. th* Rev. P, r.. ;ibing itA,mooron4 and aoncaFillarY," and when asked what'�he'mdant, a head. by same line. Mr. Hyridman has accepted world as devii3ed wiche . d Rug: rue. in the: States, Mr.Lzibatich . ere, the -Mr. W. Stevelleon, for 40 Years manager arlian 10 make, up. the' deficiency in tilt) triumphantly pointed -out 'the w�,Td i the poiftion recently,beld by'Mr. Barr 'on tookilold Webstcr'� of illu N(i.rth�rii.Bank',�tt,Dow.noatiic]K, d. , ; . IlbilolclIst; of.l.16ijactil Truth tipxtl A A old a rotiods I . 1. 1 � : -the Blue Line. fallin- roveuu6 go� eacon, Was going ill' 0. vcssel.' r a This be lormu 0 ia.,zerIn df.� f it. concluded'Ah, d 6pped down �e'd the ot I her day :.while lated'7at. :& 'congr-egittional Fort a collacticn� for the oburchi and 'ran ring the arik� i 36211ifig irorni ente ttbe­.�,word -Did,,itever occur to you y. olomon- William reogntly.. , He suggested that i� upon a; t0ugh,customer in -Bill Jou&a. gypsy 1he, remainS Of Mr." �ames. 3 aglance, mAdel the,t6'marl�iLI)6iitt�jei!6,bE:a 'nothing" arry,; should,. �bo �ut on �11' had�.6oii beell to'cbUrch.for,years,: and when e* new under, fact, was There is but on Bpose`oC Wig. brother 'ma;de . knon bis lerrand sul"Ll as� ash e 4 the stin ti. )rsach lon'�er,thall blilf. the., doson - -0 p-oll _*ho�j . I I , to, 1388towupoir;tbe womanle -is 'abo�A�to that his numerbuo,wive8 arld�wibcbes,kcpt a soiree orators 6- -lie. .'dee me giving anything, Come, as anl his Nve�� ric. iiy f 'hour,. and h gi lift most SUCCeeRf overcome his A New hjutibg io'him about aving,riew boun�to;. oil onj In Law f speak olVe m III William, gi� red t;��t was him. This was relic6t0ornetery. for i�ron_eilL' something," autbority, ilisists �that the 'word is axd he merely rbumill effectually done in L d some ELI expense.o )ringing,over to , Isn't the Yor f I 'My D60 years Tbe tot Cinit do Jt., . I , illago, in the case of a famous qu�ck�almauac TlKi coca guess 31&4 bill -the 6-tage in Ne,,v� York, by Chan- 'Make the�a:,beilfeve tIl' t�e fall -st in malierwho ii6edA,) pre complicity it, itntielf .,of - i so, bur, am b to give, a a ten tous things, wealibeiwise and oth6rwis lsscm� in speakin I nytb'ng"' fram "I in his of- alli d hat6 ba, not yet be n stuck all. a, t4e,Pboanix :Park murders; - amounts to Mine. Nil 9 0 1. N -1t, to Cpooh I I know better. Tou MuBt tter rea - the: forayearto come.. A 'wag wrote and it, give Well, 1"t it NY as,th ell a loc al pbrasd.used. On Rideau Hall: where she. is �no b u than that." �91 - to deberibe�.the beautiful Youijg leading journal, published, this weather. mentioned ail -money, and 1', anii r. B;, a in, _ot- kin g!� C6 incident illustmti�o of t its then I ovie too iliuch 1S.1 Incill W 0 Were,glVprj4 to naftking at Used -(juack's obituary&. Ilis'.death-by suicide- at M "a di'all."at Ldle' '%Vb io .1' ,Ab.1 But h his rd�idebce The other day, at' the ripi� old hindnepis of, he Princess:, Lot Ih an justlbef6re 1 am gn 00 IN iiis lodgings was. seli forth' -with minAte, you : owe . heaven. a, larger debt to be called. sheep!s e�,cis' at Youn �pttrticulars. In vain . -a­go-of-8-Fye*ars. :The deceitsed took 'an d. she, was oil the'Pa.cific asinvited IMPTION' id tljn prop at, pro- the etreets,P Theaerj� 'to dinner by Hot Royal Eighiieiis, and' its I have AfOltivc �OmUy Tortbe aboVedlianale; test through the thaA he- w acdvapart�s,6 the general of 1874;., tba,n You owe any one That's true; ord is pr�bablv of.very litt'i nse thousands of cases or thewortit ItInd and ol aff not. aV,61:iion of the w stajldjn� nave been eured. Indeed, 0. strong is finv fal I she had- to :keep this. li­dm�- d6&)u, butIle ain t pu ing me Ah - dead. The editora pion6unced his 6a'rdisl "I In re _h N�ti6ui . Ll 6 a; n (1, I'd a t ta�, a. diately r� c9fisequence to Ah6 lad. who -has excited 11I.IrgetIlcacy, tilae I will seed.TWO BOTTUM on her. a rival -at San Frai,ldsco,' balan6e'of 0, wante Il -,E TREATISE on tills dltwa�L*i r6igration nsive' tbis�iuvos lga ion, and Vithout, doubt she tog-horwIth a VA,LUA13r to be forgeries -by pretenders wh ls.,Assuming. suoh' exte te b to-yintriorer. I . . she had ilot, time to -dresi' en gi 9�?w T. A., sLo , uLm, i al: Pearl Sb,, N ow Ylorl?. Buccee� to the qu . acik's%lia m"e''and sboes. proportions ill"the - County�.Mayo th�tlthe if she can5t define I but woutin.a,'Fim travelling dKess 0 n AI :Ij6hdori set. F�ll �bp.tII6 SUEZ 1 77�- The people who had, belie A A hi )to.' 'Company have �iesolved she� Tur"IT,orks Comil el ve . lit, is I ' her' arrival at the ncesk".1lote found' exa:ra 'Is to, the re8t'Q1, the world. , Her - a J 11 pecowily ad6pid Use TFABLIULY" and YOU Will filld' osend, a tba;t the 'latter, with Characteristic Col,- pocketbook �was "�siolen in a crowd, 'arid, ollecies now believed in Ilia vessel to B mullet to P Canal ompalay ave Urianim (Is . adhe was its from' 'that time', 'take a�wa`y',tbp dmig�rauts from that Union. sideration, wos attfre& in, si Walkin recently., referred to bilorn Your Teeth becomes as pearls.; forward G il)stead'oL calling t4clicemail, she Called a -ors with'a view, of enlargina 'Twill: ' rant ake'the-Breath 61 ford -eiisuall tdialany.fami- baviqg known'thai Mme. Nil�son'coulcjot cab, drove to nearest, t Boys"women"M 6 sreat diAress' bas, hefiag oy direct ii6s. ju consequence' of: the. moving bog at �legraph 0:05ce, - . il'And gir r in thus: Bta a. for 210 i's apacity. incl�de Baslick Castlerea.� 'Numbers have apM; stoppedi ik'of the chiLOMP-1 Ot the neaalyrnent -'of a, -chequ� ion Of the west bat the. eliva any! possible' discomfort she AT F-rep(-DtLt bLt6 are 1,five. judges in Brag beem driv.94- from- their libmes. by the- whichi with soine small chalip was all t 5ort Said ; forma�tion of lend over 70-Vice:Chancellor Bacon4,.&t. on, acdount 6f fl;. breach ol out r port ofl quid.' peat utd encroachmetit:'of the semi-li tbat'-tha pune ined, and drove al, ba.4ifi:at'Poi t 'L Said; 4 ived there Mani once to the bank. 'Wheri sh6'arri the sm 11' 'oil' thiuki that Mr Justice 4 Which i�dov'ed alniost 'With the rapidity Of Mme. Christina: Nilss the passage of 9, Bitter., Y, an sbe.found a policeman explaining- to an canal be - ,Phil imore, 73 Mr.' reni,% audjhey are 'how w men a -widening of tbe� .a its owing cur e& lookingi young man that he etie' 152 pin �thiS country, she thin b, "Lre US -must walt -a whil6i 'as they, expected a lad twe en S a'd Z �hd Kilom The late Lord Cha�dellois.St; Lbonards and Lord Chancellor SelborDe,; adiftle, ov6r 70, Ame 0 re beantiftil. The I astonish foil -nal -over the- Cc p a ofan CIO' not As' Ile will waib threc,kear'� i� prison. f':the basi TeWffk,.Lnd the annuat of' olish d a I '' I I Y'� doubling of the Ismailia Station ; d6openitig .... ... ... Cord �tw�rd-pkteiless,,ag thel 1 7 ClIaticery in admirable mental Vigor at the, t bas.,cost William Staf 15,000 to much, 0 0 .0 r gentlemen, but they,are 'more :chividr The Itillians; have a prayer wich roads , Continuance of tham"onry -,vork.. the cotil' ages respectively of 80' and 69 and tba "�sta thi"I �eas bemarried. But mittea think these works Vvill be 'adequate: -devotion to,the women 'at 74olind Irish Lord Chaned1lor Plimloett ?1ary AndekBon �NvM, ol�ten in London and exhibit their tbo doubling of the prosen -or Lord Chiiif, Justico.Lefroy at 91. That 6 fr6m the bottom of their.hearts. if_1 marry, I pra� that I -in, V_ ot.,- be fo� irainc, 'But. - 0 1 am deceived, I V174Y j0,000,000 tbnl3. In anticipa I deceived. h however, May no I youligeAt jud ej izi E ogland noW are On pril l9tb, Nilsson au'd, Patti Bailin still greater file tbini,- hanow I ut if I kiww'm Of a roase, Judges Cave and Bowen,,'48 and 47 resoLo, t host am. ship Gallia, for'Europe", The.,Princo of Wales has. been create Ipray'ibatfmay�be able 66 laughatAlle. ill bo-px�p a—tewlilob cannot be, tivel I I I - . I . dient,lat.atfa yl. . . I : I :, I I . iald'Marsbal of the the yetfixed to take into consideration the ideal An,exchatli�b speaks'of the',l hotel of whole affair." Du.' Lun.LimNo' CleIrk of the Board' -of �future.­ annel, paral al, Wall, if,tltay have h6tels there,, at the Prinbesa'Theatrej Man. Health, of.. St. - Lais, .,hj,g found Ill a:mau is a looLand Knows 1�,. Do is The ball6' dchanne), Lit it strikes us there v�ill.be alively demand comparatiliely- ll�,rmlegB but cheater, - in- which 11 ibbie' 'are A-v�enty-43Ix io, tiaepresen'i ()tie. Such asecoll cholera rava:ged tba and in fL, dern �ir 6 , th lit, 1849 r 11r&'e's6&pes.-7J11ro three,quaiters of,ita troubles ollbuk human ladies; now b6eii,for' til -e-1 -as foll y Mac: in �,Vtliuld, lilvolva I 1866, and was, each time preceded, by V'rV Col ' al doulter,of the Tnnessee Le-isla, ife are catised who are not aware with tbe small S i wan lamp. Each lady hov�`aver, ie�o us f6r on high water in the Mississip 'As anoth up, �sides tbo. coirp�nBafion fore. a B, mall flower. 'tolaced on b( a--ri-erhoad. mtery, seen, I the land for tur6, wea�rs his hair like a, woulan, the of the fact' carries a lamp 11 h ClIbi -to-his-W Z r severiteeti,years has pa9sL Buell it chanlel', ab.cl for. y 0 t d-tweilty. ybars Yer side a yom g ad f tw6.- of w the a�oi�ge weight hich ia,one ad a ent of the statiotisat the ports.. It ou'l durinr & Elicited, deb�ta, 'in the the refusAto marry 6 Man 6f fiftv aym, House, not be� astonished if diseme becomes g nor another. t it must 0' yWhose, apg bowas balf 7p6un rx the pidemic again summerb Bu� neither one thin ds. He m as. too- old for' it husband, a h.ter was Beaumetz deRcrilb-os the uses of powdered'. b6 added, he says, that bnfore-the. cholera The facetions Murk Twain' sal'A tbe Is and too, So t oyed made its appearance in the' West it each iting about sbien -recently marridd was- asked by an old borse 11 a, new- nimt-preparation empl :sgulathing very fascint ee— 'You ---- - ­ I- .. -, � mm -06a 't CoUgra4tU own as the artifloi dowhood idlac.1 Whether She la ve4 you sue o o It' I hitve�been E g late her ii wiiil;t is kri al alimen years with,Bilidua� un- ! I nd L_ as Vent. -kes, y IJ 'the mck. . lb'iB' obtltined by drying Commouiy free from it. t=6 for such triflilj�,; investments, of —Soaquiu Millw� recited t� a lady upon the'e answered,. tation of aness an reduced to a I : . who ash , at 'temperature yspepsia a w A ()illy f act. , : �ppon the whole, it, is very Chopped" hoisell more s�kelo:tori; Last1oll I wei6.lie —Nickel wag so-called by the Saon copper bad invited hiin'to bar house*some of. his true je'mole Iiiatog er gddeman,'bub Of 12)0 9" . and fih= reducig it a The. great H v d. gray in eig millers ',who found it�,mixed andel Festival of 1883will erses. "How beautifull" sh�e , 9'ai powder.. It is htv-Alxipounzls.� I was induced to try with coppert, then there's aye D, 56moibing." to an -impalpable (of the firra of 0, -as YovisA by'Mr. Thomson -be held at�th6 CryAt9 PaIdeb, Lond6ii, on Why 6Qn't you pi color ar d has ail odor li�re pate de fbie gi and us iti.bothered them dubbed it '" drab- tint your po�try somo� 18bb, ?!' Then, sa3 -�-The -g�eat_staln must h5v's been Co., df dgg c6pppr,,, iiick6l in detman meai, June l3till Wtlij 20tht' Sir Michael times, Mr. Miller' 7B the pr9noutices it Very 120111719 ling, Thomson, L% listo, oi this place) bg 9, drab f'th' t St -61-6 or hussy, It waTs Nbria to be albew Me . tal C S all w h 0 d Ill T6aq1i`. said big words as 9,,paper o, � 9, slm� now ail 9'14(1 nthatil sq.,ys'that a 2. w W ycu�old'cRlf tilrely pe . Oman and Weigh 124 pounds by Crotistadt iUL'1TA_a:nd the process of tice. 1857, .%vill rcgulinell.19'old an�went rapidly'llomo. t'l 1-17iestAttimacbsftrei3aid onuse of this now Compound, U 'r a ioug �t V by tb a nickel- plating wag-discliOvered b Isaac —Boys and girlq,�bdwardl 'AtNebiuka hay.m�w'aud talust ba a be6ublow uD I eaum' their functions and appetite there was no'step-ladder f0r1t tq, a �.da,ms, of Boston, in 18-11. alivery msn,�.was'eiiad because the the wind, as ns, 'C,�RoLtlqv, he London &Irrky anlil iVavy Gazette ekyia: 'City retu'rbi.. I aCrown4 : wife 61 'at. R.. G. 1116libes. are authorized to state that the�Duke hono which bola'( let to a --young ero r' and the —A patent.offlooman'says- t'v'ometils in couple to climb, iip- antions run chiefly to prdvi I a itt�y I for OF' Eainburgh has n6 to'Alspose of ra' away and -tbrew them 'out ''of the', —It is no, longer oper in Boston to Tim German lid the Luthat celebrd- v I pkInce will bothattO emergencies. AsrloL-instan66 'I iion at Eiselb6n. 070 ith� of -No�erliber A.f_4 on( a" 1311- -y interest lit the Grarjd� sleigh'; but he prov.d'.b"'the p alliti's say 11 Those who Gnots must jprby. the be,1C Tr I" L I , Ill with Indig, tubber tubes �Whic'h- May be llachy of Saa�e-Cobllrg, iwr has he any Own tostfii:iody�that a� strugle kisF4 pip6r.11 The sweet" girl say, -The fourth centenary -of tbebFth of blown up as a life Itenbion of.entert6bining farthei proposals aF accid6rit,ancUthio jui:3�� T11080 IvIlo, ihdUIgeJn.,.terpaCh( e,p ace I the Cause of th6 h 'I for 916chret of preserver at sea; and eaufli61"Of the a s ippery 011 be ob�e -PELE-OTIC ITS. f all blame ation are. under obligation to-remurlerate. pr ' ant injury fioul failing on ill 0 �'t'h'silbjedV' acquitted the fiorselo ore rve(l ev the violffiist.'�� wh6ree is said, who amolig, Or'piiddillg th'6 Shifts of,�drbsses, xet IV Hidewalk Tylarga ath6rl the actress whose —It woI Bayard, more ne4e6igiy2al�y Viscountes I fell tl�e :aE"v is to'bb i),. Ail. W110 inal'ies-a fine, _""L -_ _the drosses froin clirigitIg 'too closely to,the a tabF6 wh ecancelled on account of, her sickness, repartee to a patronizing 'remark: 11 Are Combefthero � the cola- lie Unveiling by f.rhossi dotted.'wiih reIll Commemorated �ill,be t illy 31 Vill g pllyslelan. limbs 6-a a Wind tile TJ ate' offirt to the G'Giinaun, Mr.. Wildo? 11 she sigted of a, carvel 0 r I,as rinqy been astonieping';-w llftvo llpnra oi day,. is very seriously iiI at nite St a you,g primrose S. 'rose V, b-' I of' mper6r, of a Bt1tUG Of MRlitill L tl 6 In g 811 cossfil )y cilrlitl by I)hn. It- Mr--ftndMr�,JobnMdo'rdon arbbaTinga Boston, -with prieuxii ast askedth6uight o1hisle'atureini Wnsbing, ii the c6nir6 all � ilia Toronto Presby- it (In tills Ito send, on!%, L AttbO meeting of wondeviinleuro Woe to ltaylllir- n Qf�,pb dticho Of ery o asVery Pleaeunt, seaBion of � travel in Europe. there aB a�'66nsultatio yg� , -on, Yes',"' draWled the 11 if my MOS8, upon whichilihs a gold l5pergue filled Are- If e�d by little b ,n Tuesday Rev. jilot f the They aTet linw, at, Ni��e al'A COD' .1 Ito eritical point h as bel4u­ 10 to 0 the of Modeftfor 0 �V ' fth'orhDge8,,r0 prlrcroses� The Gage of the table MbtedfOr isitto the Holy [Lana Tl y are euoyP pti5,ged bu.t,' call give 0 11613itive ar : 'r, Mb)Y 0 ith'ivy.' Go n e l A��e ing excellent heitibb. revardib,, her recovery. ture 6e It t ai and frarned r F-7 . . ........... ......... +