HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-03-30, Page 4';two ePecitrltiFs -;l'ay ,C 1Visenran. pun bats \1T Jackson J xeol9,ot--Z'etstet chi .11a lov:. __ Sprrnl;inrl'lrnc.ty--lt .5ey�hs:V: aVew.Goodi;-- Thgtrrpson &, Fr itzcr. Bankrupt stoups -6.. 11. Wric,ht. Boots and shoes, -.W. Taylor ct{ son. Manitoba oxuurtioos—JnneR "1'hocnpsom Car spare wvantec'r--'.Ni:w Eat office: Laud for sale—John JoGnstont Brooch folihd \'r'.\v. Er ofti.te. Land rollers --I{. Adams.` QUO it LEG iittti't1ON. The Quebec Government, having be- Dole suspicious of the threirts of Sir John A:, -with -regard to the license question,. has taken the first opportunity to _make preparations for shielding themselves flow' any loss, should he interfere in themat- ter, and accordingly, on Saturday last, Treasurer Wurtelc introduced before the House a bill, which was forthwith put through its difibrent stages, to amend the o rn' � d c License.' t1ct. JJo explained ,that � �� � � + ' �• it vv:ts' a declaratory measure o the. e�il'ect Quebe that the various license duties and fees FRIDAY. , 1)1ARU is 0, is&«: imposed by the Proviicial Government ,were. not iritpcsed fur the purpose of re;tt-I lafing the liquor traillu, but with a v'iery ` "II 0, A.'I' iti VST' eu ! toraise a revenue for the requirements at Not satisfied with th'result ef•tlte ver- the Province, and that it was IIe(tesSitsriet, diet given at -the polls on the. 17th oast. by the doubts raised as to the power, of ntontli, the. Opposition pa}>ers,. un+,,cr chi the Vrovinccs it, th-e in"ttcr, in the c:r5e of rection of•_ Sir•.Johir fire 'trying to more Itu sell v. tite;Queen,' is well as by the heaven ;ancl.e-arth in the tu d.ix teceditli hope tie t.t some- p osiieut that' there •n.ight er.;ttt,gl'1 i o1 thing w'ill.ttu=na}i ltlre.rc,la}�'lIr:.3\ ow.attbe legislation on the sullleol'at Ott•;a may be oustecl this sc.sSion. Ile added that ` personally all} ' -1C 0..0,01;1 he eiiteti aitieti no (doubt vv,l uttev er as to tie perfect constitutionality of the Quo - bee. Lieehse uo-bee-Lieehte Act, hut it was desirable,' to. provide against the pos5ibilil,y-ol the'Ij':i'o wince losing a.revenuethat aiuotuttecl• to $256,000 Iast iretr, and whieh:::he esti•rnat ed' at ,$2130;000 during the present year The penalties fcr infraction of the Act, aro to be. imposed, not ler selling'liquor: vrithout, a license, but for, neglecting to payrthe Provincial duty.: . fu the tlebtrte that,follovved, i11r,Robert off, tire late traastrrer„ eapresscd hili his place. The 0ttatvtt : reo'I'ress anti- mates that; the Lieut -(governor of Ontario will he asked to clisinisS the 1lfinistry, but such ari exereitie ofprerne'otive would raise a..stornr that Would forever settle do fate — of the Tory, party .in, Ontario. ' There are no grounds upon which Such.' aa course could be pursued, • and Vie, question very ninth if' such a'inovenlent would":rer:eirc_ the support of any but Ultra toriet Ec ler ving; to the,''latter, the.-Toi•onto Telo- ren, ((1<insel Vativc) lrank:ly Says:- ,n. [<>]t'rt will not hesitate to do any lief that'. the :f -ton inion 1'arliatui ul 'find. think hog=everunp,eoodeutetd,.intiisanxi no right to interfere. with the r wrnu;g of ety t{, "crusi, the Grits." The only -int- 1 cit:or licenses by the 7'revince•;. po ih1e lea. urs about t11e present sepsa- tion is this:• That. the. disnrrssal'of the " avail:. ATory 'Cabinet cunoteist unless supported by the in jority .of. the - new House, '.there .would,be:: i>n•1e eaeuse in having a fresh electiou.were therea pros itect o1''it benefitting the U,pposition, btit. appear antes aro not eneoura ing in that way ; indeed',tlier:e,iit reason to •believe' that another campaign would 11elp • the Liberals now that the tactics of their op ponents•bzive been exposedi The 'Telegram •significhuti adds that: ' "Politicians sornetimes play desperate a;ameS iii their deterlllinatlon to :'secure bower. Ts there about to be a deeperate game playedin Ontario? Ve shall see.'•' 1"f Sir John peisistg in 'this high, -hand_ ed and unparalleled course towords this- province, hinprovince, ho Will., he, apt; to diye•.it to, one of two extretilcs-rebellion'or with, drawal front confederation -and so- far•as the latter is concerned, we.believe Ontario wouldbe better r;(1'if she aero out of lit. I'be Olobc, 1 .rs,i c, <l the dismissal' of the :lf ni;t y, argues that Sir inhn's only chance Of sue e.it it,: by piirchasl ccf members or -unseating some Ot them, and it very properly gtiligc,s these: chances as exceeding]y slim. '.The ineurbcrs :Ott- t.,he ,� Reforarr side of'the ;lIouseare not the kind. of men that eau be ptfic hatted, and if the Opposition rely on. the support of such men as Neelon'ancl Gillies they nrav'jaSt as certainly' count on hose, .Gibson or will those- aper's that wore upholding Sit loll.tr ii', liis_taiarl>eri.nS lvtt'a--thio <lue.tiirti; 11'00' S21%` .Quebec is 'now. in advance of 'Oa Lay i'o xn its .0pptvsitio On to Oftarv.t'e yen croaeiu41'eu-t Blinn 1:11x_ lights ; of "tire 'p velect ;.:and a it holds, in it.:, l;;tnd.;'tlrc• reins of power;.itis,iotlil ell tit at S17,16111:1 wilt do':anytlriug to' provoke i •., 5u its t,, lose. its good -writ . lv is cannot see that the Globe has Lost any of its }xestige under the new m tna "e mcut es Was predicted of rt;'r.aiaire we be=- Neve•' several improver:nents have -taken place which make it more :teceptablC 'to the majority of readers. Soute of the heaviest' failures that have occttrred for years -took place at Montreal this wetic,:.vdhen three wholesale houses closed up, and even some of:the Tory -pa- pers- are crying out with itlarnt at the.. prospect of a .financial crisis, and predict asevca•e crash -not hater'thau the full., All; ••these tblugs-were to be stopped' under the user. -bended but 3ittic,accomplished • [r te. tnuourieetlon\ghat appeals good authority that i r (`has. `tripper will take the position _o high .'Ootnulissioner to Eaglauul. ' It is also .stated that be Will couip;but ass:one of file principal share - 1 hd theS d. • t t. U . , r,a ers.au yn rca e; a tosris , said to']lavoheld since its formation, and a scandalous. one. for any ininister of •,tlio'' crown to occupy. Bishop, 11 eats were t xrrieu by corrupt~•' — means, are certainly make aro objection • to I he bast .1ltiddl•eees.;Schoc• :Inspector, • their being protested, 'but we think no Conservative who may have obtained his return by corrupt means, should be allow- ed -to -enjoy- undieputed--possession„of,'-his seat, - d:f protests are to be entered, treat both alike. A telegram from Ottawa in- t imateS u-timates that protesting is the" line of ac- tion on, which the Opposition expect ta advance, the necessary funks having been 'Supplie.l_ from some source' at the -capital.— The war cry ii ' gig tr n hieing, t}til n up. "Mowat -must ;o," but the re •et,ho'ett sen timent of the Premier Province is that the children well informed on the subject. 'Mowat must go,' for some time. yet. - ,'The Mail claims; that among other eon- ((I';' A floating, para;raptstates find, `•`one stituencies carried by the use of : money, 1 thousand carload irnips were reeeiv- - find, -reran :rd-dies-totth teachers of Perth. county, reconliuended thein to introduce • ar,temperance•text boor. into the school. lVe agree With -the idea, but the difiictiltp is the bringing of additional studies before the children, which .are already too ...nti- merots., .If anything • can be 'done, no matter- hoiv imperfectly,. to. te•ich the'• young the adti•antages of temperance. it should meet with encouragement from all interested in national progress... Temper ansa is -beeoming the burning question of the day, and it will .do 'no harm to have THE OLD. ESTABLISHED FIRM OF WILL BE CARRIEDC " IT` . ITTUJ .,E r' WHO-WILOPEN THE CA :PATy *N BY ANT i e stock of - r 0 ; IF E: e cent o� - c4en t oma. purchases over tint I a Dunt. All our New Goods are to hand, with the exception of Six, Oases of Dress (roods Ex:. S. Caspian, S„ a an which are expected this� weed. 46 _.: � Cases New - Goods this season. This: stock is as it has been .f®r years,the best ems. ponent� of Standard and. Fashionable Dress Goods,outside the cities That our prices may be known to be genuine, wegive mar private mark in full Were the three :klusr>ns. This will• ie news, k , even to Tories. The statement`is utterly. and entirely devoid•of truth, and ',if pre tests are entered. in auv 'of theNc. i•idi,nn% we have no fear as to theresult, - I:erv.1d-1) 1It rr:e, of London, preach= ed a.sermori on undit', on "T,otteries, and while he condemned gambling in all its forms, hc, arg.nerl that the present pro- secutions of ticket holders in the Masonic 1,ottery was unjust, because 'the 'parties_ concerned did no know they were break- ing. any law." Ministers.ari•supposed to set a good example to others in the com- munity, and are expected•to say nothing but coutmon sense'," (tltotii�h they do not 1 1Vo arc exiieedin;ly obliged to all those always do so,) but thus quotation. does not''. who lxa,ve been in the:habit of sending us s of ti ed in New York this:nionth,from Canada:,•- Now this thiut has tobe stopped. Thosei turtrips must b'e'cousunied at home: Flaw we not the N. 1',' to' give uth the home market., alien•why, ship their" to New York. ,Some :weak rn aided People tell us that "it pays, to send them outof-the: country," but, adopting the.xernacul'ar• of'the- Tory- sturnp epeaker,"that's all rot.'' And even. if it:does pay, is.it patriotic that we shoiild help the American Union in this outrage ous fashion...,Besides, dont, the producer pay theduty going into' the States? This ::Matter ri ii ..be brought before the, atten- tion of the goVernnient instanter TO OUR C,ORRE!iPONI)EN1`S.. indicate a proper poiitrou for ,t minister to occupy. It is tantainount to condon- ing a crime on the gUestion,rble..-.ground -that the criminal did ,not --know- the :lave,. Accept this -reasoning of Mr. Hunter's as' a precedent and seewhat effectt'vvotld have on the crinrival (l'lsec; generally iiresent fission tsr the Douunioln Parliament hits: already costs.the eetintry, shout .,N.tr'�n., .13,00A and what rias }>.oerx done 2', neli.ti solitary'thj ){ . A lot of wind has, been blown ofli—:itei•J.iapi onbotlx•.sidet of the iIorrse----but---tlrc•-:;govertrmot t . is to blame for this. It should have 114d moa sures retrdy to proceed With can the meet- ing of the House, instead of `coin.jrelli ig members to be present simply for, the pm;}',ose of drnwiflg.thrir Salaries. items, and ays helping to makee the N1v Lni-the interesting local paper it is. Ve sb all_ -be glad if they will eon tinne their work as correspondents, bather- ing up. every item of interest and sending in aaw.often as .corrveneut—thou more fie quest the better. As son as the supply or en. :velo >es, etc. is exhausted; ask us for , more. • We notion that sometimes a 8 et, • stamp is use'd'-and-the envelope sealed. \Vhore tv:' eoirespondent does not desire ibis notes to be read at the post 'office wherethey aro mailed, he need simply seal the flap of the envelope to the copy insido, and itis just as private ,as .if. he envelope wars sealed,,' While the cost of • nlailiug Would -only be. a: cent.Every ' body is at liberty to. be_a correspondent.. - We want all.the items we can'get , G1 oto WI= i\, -A-IC= __ l\TO A mention of some of. our larger Departments may no naent n .�� P Y- We have : secured the biggest lines in Oottons, Ducks, Denims, Shia tangs, Prints, to be found anywhere. All bought after the late tumble.in �.w,g prices. This is a stronghold old of ours. gh u S The goods •should be seen. They baffle ffle descri tion..We hold the finest selection ever shown in Clinton: me be 1.:. e :out of ace:_ Repeater :041-10.)(0.01 eve ONE-H1�iVDRED-P�ECESto select fr--oto. or iig i)epartrn 1 In: this department alone, we ;are the ;largest em- ployers of labor in Clinto and at the - present time are turning out more work than all rms. in town combined. What is the reason • The i ea son is --=-we : keep "double the stock of our tomp eti- tors, lever° prices, and keep T. K. ANDERSON,., AS CUTTER`: ams of goo l s hey disco 1 i• To customers living ; in the . neighboring • Tic et.will��be gi.ven to every u:re�.� ,r e�° �� �° �amounts ss=1r � v� '� err. : t oll tr.s , , SALE ITAS BE B.utter • and Eggs THE M&ch, 1.883•