HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-03-30, Page 3r
-- "aa ; -
IVIaarch ,30 loo 3.
. ...., .:.. -to-morrow.
by the waY. Tot' maat Bead ,him ,lit cheek
I suppose I may etay here ?
and I lame are angiya"
before I entertain it ebottld like to have
some conversation with,yona' .
, ,, ., . ._ .
• Here the 'aoor openeaa. and 'entee ' Sir,
Frederic. Compton,. triumphantly, radiant,
leading the young heirase, who though *
tear glietened•on her long eyelashes, looked
. -
• a .
The Garment. o'n. i' • Me , And Wo.
; mer-A.ContratAtect, a
.. . I ..
Johnson's. Ar.odyite Linimiant
ExternSIUSe) Will
, ,. •
whe.Gir.4y..eut, Lone Land.
r " I wniader'd aione and 'afar ' 7 ,
On the ine of the-north, and my eye
' Wee caught by the blase of a titer. .
Thatabot through the pitilees elcy. .
, ,. , .
-The coldness of death wasrbelow,
The titillnese of death in the .air, •
Save that over the witd Waste. of snow
. . -Tim wolf pour'd his howl of deepair ; .abroad,a,nd
And stricken and WearY I trod, , ,
S.evce daring to gaze inte space .if
. --Tilrthe pitiful mercy of God .
Came faxing in tears On nay fake. .Ifornia,
But the meteor had pass'd and wee gone
'whither'? In vaia' shall I seek 2
' I stand in the dread night aione,, ,
. Atia_the ymee_of...nay_soul.61-tivesta.speai-00;.:.00,_063,......_..4„_.............-a-aes,--_,.-___'......a.„
But it filtersand falls back 1:Inane/Ken
And dies likethe wo1f howl alar, .-;, : -without'
: '.
The God -lights of life are au breiten,
And I am a wreck. like the eter. ' .
. --0Ood Words.
- ' " ' '
you pot
-I fetip you have taken My breath
, ..,
away ; yo4 yaung ladma are se emancipated
nowadays : ' But yotawantxefreshrneata . I
, , ,
will ring-.". .
' "'I ;should like a euta of tea," -returned
Miss Deasiam "We had an early dinner
at .Canterbury ; Lady Charles thought it a
, .,.. ,
samara sto have visited dozens .cif doves
pass,by our own beautiful oath°.
dral, eo I Bina not .at all hungry.",
"Have ou:' heard anything of Sir Fred,
exit, ?"! 'asked Mr. Foster; with much inter-
",Nothing .wh.e,tever eincie we.. parted in
Paris. '' We heard he had gone to Norway.";
" A ridiculous expedition in nay Opipion."
.. A. Mr . Foster ' s :'staapise and ' almost
volition on -Ins part, - MS War
settled down as an -inmate in,, -his gloomy
though luxurious house - nor did her Pres.
- - - • ' -
Bence incommode him in any way. '
demutely•pleaeed. . . .
_ .
u What 1 you here, my dear air?' cried
Sir' Frederic. " just : in time. . Here as
your dutiful ward, and your equally,obeda
r . , .
. ,
, •
Woman'a clothing, nowlidaye, : is too
. . . ... . . .. . .
inettintantanaly relieve theme ter-
tibia- disease:a • and Will poeitive•ly
cure num' 'Cases Oat Often. anaoarnittierathat Will save Many lives, stinefree laY naa% 'Don't
tlelay atataitiat. BediteatiOn ie better thataaare. L S. ,tIONTISON & CO. Boa ' ' alas
, , , ,TON, . _ 11..
ent grandson; c.onae ta, beg your: blesmiag.
heavy, tae optima of the British meda
' least
Neville .1 dear bey! I am •the happiest fel-
cal profession, or at of part : of it. ,
ladies have
: • • . , .
int ' the Treatment
low in exietence. Mita Dalviane-amy dear
Marie --has deigned tofoigivetand overlook
oualolrmoyima istakes,.: and'take,meaor better Mr...
"Eh 1 God bless my .acAll!.my dear boy,
you don't pay ,so. -Come here, my child; '
. . . _
-to Miss' 'Delvigne-" God bless yea..Bless
ane,..1. thought_ you hadgonecif( to Norway
at a ;tangent ;. and it's all right' now s no
more mistakes?_••••• • ,, • - ! , , .
, "'Ne " --fear of "anything 1 . But, my dear
grand dad yeuv'e a- premise to fulfil- , You
-promised that the day ',I was married to
Mies Delvigne, you'd take Neville into the
Sines taken. to uleters, , over ,ArAme
coats, felt !,eltirts, felt : hats, • they, have :
., upontht itfilifiii i in ilius Ir. iVoe4s 4 !t 'IO The contended,.rjpdon. ,
-.LOncet is down on sealskin ,..eaeqiiee, fur., ,trt'el,neet
lined dolmans and quilted silk' cieeulars., ;
but these, et Bene tens, are leas
able in the Matter Of .weight .the+la BelTe of -reliance
the aiticlenAitialitietitibtled: ' A NeW'''YOrk 'the
reporteri wa weighed' awn aft
eadnese at the remarhe Made by the Dazed, '
went to sorne /3readwayehops and weighed '
the-a,rticles , named belovaswith .tlae result .
appended: - : • .
ITUIC8 ot Diph.
, Iberia. '.
' MaCzarteryaki,..M.D., Of Stockton, Cali-
writes as followif to the London
: 'During a Prolonged residence -in
the interior of China I: hecaine acquainted
wasahathe fact that. the Cffineee place great
:during epidemics' of diplathena on
-internal ffse oafreala juitai3- onitneS and
he of tfruit, itself, , which they contemns In
enormous quantitiea,. in every conceivable
form -as lemonade, with native spirits,. cat
in -slices, etosa-during of this dread-
. . . . • :
entikt4, .
: ,
4 a' '
• •-- .
_ . . . .
.: '..rscs WAY Or LIFE.
. , ., ' '
The warrior frowned; and ,,pressed his temples
' Enough " he cried ." away with love -away t"--
: • . •
A boy from.play by fondest kiss beguiled, ' ,
"Mother, I'll love thee ever i'.' spake the child.
A maiden gazed into the night sky Wide-
" Oh, I will_love hyn when- he • oint'isi" the
sighed. , . : • , , •
These three Moved on along' the way of life : ,
a .
kfair face lured.the soldiei from his strife,- ' .
upon a tomb, wee carved the sweet child's name,-
The lover to the maiden never came. . .:
' --Ione Vance Cheney tit the mane century.
- •
a The greater of- her time Was spent
. , . ,..
with her dear friead DIrs. Guy Neville.
• • . •
They helped -each other in waiting on and
. __
petting Mr. Watson, and it mist be Cara
biased, in "'Tailing Guy. They enjoyed
walkin'g and shopping in .the crisp, autuni.
na. _ a
La 8 • they playedovei agaia their school
. .....• .
duets, and made Neville- laugh, with their
remibiacenoes. of sehool politics. Still
there Was h slight pensive depression per
' . .
vading Miss Delvigne's manner strain
t thoughtl• that puzzled her
, ., , .
eaade her itheasy. .- - . - •Fred
.. me. Feaseeoaarst eseeting,witli Marie was '
of triumph and laughter • to his
. ''
ful disease, with apparently most success-
bank as a partner, and, Mies" Delvigne, for
friendship's saae, will fix an early day." .
" Not so fast, Fied. I But, as I did say
something about the miatter, and my partner
has espoused your view of the metal will
tell what I do. agree tia• that if on making
. • . ., . .
'himself acquainted with the routine of. the
business, .Captain Neville would., like :to
become a bankisr ,he-sliall be a junior part-
ner, Mr: Neville Watson placinga210:000;
. , ,
as•MattaNeaillaliforturie Mahe concirn., Eh,
2" • • • . , . .. ,
• * a • • • a .
Up with the •curtainfor the last tableau:
w,ontsn's atituksTs. '
,. . . , ,
. Weight. •
Sealskin - dolmans . 6, pounds !
,Fur;litted "
•. circulars. 6 • " -
giriialarmoBseaeceques " . 4 e '
ki " .
Plush " ” , ti ..` '
Velvetand Moth saeque , • 6
" ••• . teaeas GAABLENTS. r ,
.. . .
. - sa-a- -a-- - - -• - . ': • Vg•e*lat• -
-Daaaaasaaretas:iili!per .. .. ., .. . .. . .. ...,... .. . . 20..poundfi
• 15 .„
-Winter overcoat ' ' .. 8 .
Ligater a ....ea-a...ea...a -: 6 • ' ".
Suits average ' 6 " , '
a ' " :
fill resnits, it hardly ever failing to effect a
•laure. The , Chitiese consider it a specific,•
and will, in ease of 'need, do anything to
obtain a aupply. Since I have 'come back
to CalifOrnia, as also in .Louisiamt, .I have
used limes and their juiced 'in 'my practiae
as a Physioia;n with .most succeesful-reenIts • And
in , cases of "diphtheria, ' eyed in, the most • asimuistaTiNE
' desperate, eases. AS80011 an I-takia• charge "all the
•of a case of diphtherisaar order limes to he aaar•GaAl--SelatTICa,
administered 9.. s freely its possible; in, any complaints
manner the pfttiOnt Mtn be. prevailed upon
to take them, espeoially in the form of hot .
lemonade, sweetened with white sugar- or . WemitinlIndall
co'inplaints'ef a,Rheturiatic
'is not a sovereign
that flesh is heir to,',-loat
of Rheumatic nature: . •
. ..
--7".. • . '
fr°111 1111".;. W.' S'
FOR . .
rernedy for
for NE
. la
- -
: •
' WiriCI,:'' ' -
. . __,...*...._ ,...
a source
TEM GROWTH- 01,--A=LIEY. .„ -wardeeasaaseadeepised---Frenolrafeacheaasso-
When I was a maiden of sweet Sixteen, ,
- Eposed ass. daughter of.,J1 Jersey dean'; •
a. a wonted Bereas flannels and,Yisited tie poor.
And dreamed of the glories of a bridal teur ;--
I dreamed of those glories so inceesantly •
a That now 1 amain-actress:ea the fu•st degree. ' .
-. . , .
' • . .•. .
My,dreains*ere realized ; to town Iname,
Determined society, shouldlearn mY mime ;
I attenaeti, dinner -parties; routs and/Ills,- '•
And spent my winters in baronial halts ;- .
Ispent ray winters ,so successfully. • \ -
What now I am an actress of -the first'degree.. ..
• • ' a . : . -• :
, . „. . . „ • .
The gossips helped nie, and-Whiapeted tales,
Of tender attentionsfrom the,,Prinee Of ,Wales';.
Iwearao powder; end can always:blush,: . \
But somehow I csould aever ,nsake the gossme
• „ hush 1 , .• _ • ' ' • ' . • -\.
I failed to keep them silent so succesefully• • , ..
' That now I am an actress of the first degree.
• a . . . : .
. . ,
suddenly installed as mistress of hia.part,
neeti house -a -a partner whose. force of char-
.aetee made aim dobinderably the old gen,.
tleman's master -met him ooeetuitater,.nasa
. . . . . .
. ,mii3„ Neville was, in' her favorite costume
of black silkeandatinialoyed in writing once.
. . . . ,, ,
more tia. Sir 'Frederic Compton' :and Mise
s , „a._ , „ _ ' ,
laelvigne,,loolppg :very pale and depressed,.
sat beside here pietendin.g ,to work. The
stiff "stolidity- one bachelor's drawing .i•oem
- • , - , , -.. . . .,-•
was soinawhat toned down- by ;
. • . ,
tion of work boxes Writing 'books, and
belongings Of Mrea:Neville. • . . - .
Mt Watain : was propPed in an' eadya
' . a .. . . ,
chair -the coanaposiare of -exhaustionrathei
\than that of 'mind, stilling,his gannt, stern
.. , . ., . . •
race. .•. . a' - .. .- • .
, -,A-stastefullyafurnislie-d sdiritag ao-cim---- fa
Cap,taipariota Mr. Neville's, elegant though
unassuming..villa, in the new and improving
neighborhood op Notting •Hill ; the :table is
spread; with, fault and .flowets; and -Sir
Frederic • and Lady , Compton,. 7 and Mas
Neville Whitson are tile gueits :of our:Old.
.friends. ' : . . - • • ; ' •
.. . • _ . , , . , . .a a ..
It is June, some six years after the,olose.
of our last scene.; the perfume of mignena
ett and clematis domes' through the on'
- e -- .-- • - . .- - -, .. . 7 .. ."'".
French windows , - • ,.
.. . . ..„ ,
The a iron gray mana'ccinsidentblygrayer'
than ,yvhe1a, we •firet eave hianeholda a little
lair:attired:girl Of thiee Years' onhis-ktree-
, , , _____ ,.._ .
a tiny graceful thing with,lustroue, beseechs.
ing., dark eyes -wondrously dark, ,- to be
, . . :
-s.uit'aeheaiat .-7 . : ....... ..... .-,,,....“,-.,
= The ' weight of the' felt ' 816rt 414d..tb..8.
lady s ulster are. not , given- here, but if we
take tke :weight ef any ot tke geeaa in the :
abo.veliet end add, three te five for
nderclothing we shall -still find that the
u . . . • -
. clothes of' ft, lady, fully clad .foravalking, de '
'not weigh , any more than sa gentlemap's•
Sayre ulster alone - Still ' beta? il ' ;tithes
•., . a• s , Y••• .„ .. . •
mented skirts.werojoand which Weighed.
fiana Etto li pounds; and a ball dress p,rita
' ' 11 '' . I '- • - -d ,t , :
:masa y composed, o ssatin an, plush,. was
estimated at 42 pounds. New York physi-
chins, Male' said teriial&dieeredit the theory
sef. -fernier y,eare that the weigliCof,ercithitig
. upon the hips, is injurious and that there-
:tote all clothing should be suspended from
:Jimmy or cnit iti,slices with 'powdered white
sugar.' Hesides.limejuice.(Whicti.I suppose ' A, gri°1"1", r'," lun'hamefit:aa "' :•
.acits by imparting an eXCeSS of oxygen to . ' Bri:-,Wrt.'0,ap,..0\rit,,.July.ZSrlEii.
edt.etb,e,raerllay •ifor. event. forma- J. N. •Snatteantana,.Esq., st, catharines. ". •
'D S -I take l' ' bearing-'teitj
tion ofd 'bee altaiost a EAR ma- • p .asure in.
• • : • - : : : mciesaro the effieaey,Of your Rheurnatifie. -
!Tema() effect. on disease) • -..1- Prescribe
' • spnng I was completely disabled with Rhea
:whatever drug maybe, indicated to „relieve . • - .- • . • .. • •
tism and , tried various remedies,,bs.the, CItC.; ROL
symptoms tie .thesi develop :and impart finally heard of your care., Rpm -Chased andlitilia.
' a ree _ o. es o i ,di e ee e _. a, ceaap _
' th ' b ttl - 1 -r and t ff t d . latii
strengthaabsra appropriate • ?stimulants and
, a a return of the 'distant"
taourislament. ' - : • • care, for i have not h
• - . . • : smea • Yours truly, , .., ...,
. ..
• Shaving what a,Iiiring. ' . .
. '
Signora Helen DeGeorge ..Ides a it,
female. •• a • .SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, ,
barber from Smyrna,: Asia; has locatedln • ". . •• ' r ". ' ' • „ • . " ,_ .
New York, Where she sliaves ladies with '. a The Ithenmatint ' Manufacturing '. tle. ,
string,- :She -takes one end da linen thread ' - - : . : •
between her • .teeth, and a with • a- peculiar . ST. ,,CA.THARINESc ONT.
accompanied y ,suc Baec saaan as e_
d b Ja_i_ - 1 k - a li
plays with his Watch -basin and ' clings to
him with andefinable, sympatheticlove,
Vi, 10 cap inn a e or •
' h• h nothing • ' • 't t 'explain.' •
the. shoulders. Inay perianis it ie eon, _ . _ _ .. _ - - - - - - -- • -- ---a•-e -e-h-s-d- ---------- ' • .
.....___a____ . . . . - -- .- . a - -,- , seesaw motion of both ham 8 he rea J. 'Winer dic Co., WhOleattle kaginkte,
tended, thc, hips are better able to bear tne. is paseed.oaer the surface to be denuded, , - ' • • ,..
• weight that the shoulders are pressure on-• the hair being 'caught in little loops' in the - .. 'llamilton.
the tatter tends' to • cans& stooping, thud - •
,. , d t b' A• -
' thread and- snatohe out y the -roots.. . a
' I grew so famous that the alma° press
Gushed colunans covet my ateafest,dress ;
My beauty. was„trumpeted hroad by Faroe, . .
Andthe toilet advertising people used my ;name ;
•They used my name in a way so tree ' , ,
That now I am an actress o f, the first degree:
Now, ladies all, wherever yen inay be, -
If you want to rise to the top of the tree,
IFyour souls are not fettered by doniestic cares
sail teaeh you how to climb Ambition's stairs ;
Put your photographed fe.ze.t wh.ere every one
may see,- • : - • .
And you may all be actresses of .higla degree..
• ' ' "a-
• When Mr. Foster was announcedeMr.s.
Neville- rose, to meet him with the...paha
self .' s . ' n Of assiired' oeition 'The
pe seem . an p . .
.,--- 'd-
. old gentlemanietabewildered at the change; .
aut • the : sinsple.::good-haeeding of " Guy
Nevile's wife emahatically " put 'Min in his
.... . . a . a , . _
placei - ... : • -
' He bowed; and took -herahafid-witia-ari
attempted,compliment, which Mae receifsed.
th • ' mile a and then •he
wi an indulgents , ..
'occupied himself with his partner. But
;here he could not get rid of Ditteie ; ler.- if
- ".Dear iincire,a said Dirs. Guy Neville,
is looking
- . .
. t act'
con .r mg thebreathing space- -antiana only two or three at most are , caught at a' D. V, N. t..-1.3. 1.43.
clueing Mugco
. ',mplaints. But we don
• t
who handsomer than ever, ." we
must not let you :spoil that little one SO
. .„ a . . „, , , . .
much . • • a. , . •
The by kisie
, tinseathe operation is not palatal.. She d„,,. A wEtR .1 ci . "n a , •
believe in a -man ... discarding ,su.apenders; says brunettes have ,to be shaven once a 4i-466E41y iftiii-C.fracea.Y .rddi(!ersaiie Tisastriit171-. 0:
and lettiag.his trousera, whose pockets are. mouth and • blondes every three' weeks.. 'Etuatista, Melee.
Weighty, with keys, pocket knife, Silver •
uncle only replied presphig a,
Men's .beards are too stiff to be treated in • • aeeas,-
on the -little -head, eitery fair. ouil of Which
' d t' la- than ' Ilth a wealth the
was dearer o him an, a e wea in e
coffers of Foster az Co. - ..- . : - - •
' a My little Marie will spoil uncay by and
chaage-.8,ria perhaps; if he is an Anierigan, this Way Herbusiness is growing. so rap -
a .walIet or..ei pistol iielis rear hip pocket- - idly a a
- a . • . • . that ta e expects to have to eon d back
. depend uporthis waist the band of which • -• ' a •
- - .. • a - to Asia for an...assistant. .
' he pulled tight ia7upea hialiver efother .
!J 1 11
• ' -
-. • ' , " , :
LOOTi BEFORE 1011'. :IE,V.
. . .
' '
,. •
lira. Watson wanted a paper, or a -quota-
the p1•3ricesvouerilint, orany kind
tion fre.nat h
Masa Neville as he 'always' tertned his
by; when he ii, a weak olcamanwhiCla will
atatioon, :Pompton," •he added- for since
your grandfather's 'death,. Ihave felt the.
business .too enalich•foi. me ; but I have a
good successor. I never thought that an
ex dragoon would make 'so wide awake a
banker, Guy 1" ' ' ' .- ' • -.- '' ' •
• " That inetamorphOse is due to, you; Mrs.
.Neyille," said Sir Fredertai . "a .. ... . , .
" What -a' row they are ' making," said
. „ ,
al . , , : al Y „ . .
'tat organs. - All then'ships are.note uall •
paoraitiept„ and all Calmat .60 readily' do
When y,bu visit lemr 71.797eauNt;* Yoriccity, slava
without ,susrenders. • . . ,, . : • - a ' baggage expressage and oarnage.'hiro and, stop
There . is otie, pointa „ upon Whiche city t the. 0.Ropposite
a. -AND UNION HOTEE, , Grand
; - entral Depot' Elegant .rooms, fitted tip ..at.. a-
Physicians eoacur, says the Scientificalmerz- C .
can, pamely, the advantage of well -Mader cost of .one mill -led -dollars, reduced to $1 and
„ upwards ' per daY. :" Euroneaia. plan. Elevator
' . .. .
and. well fitting . eat:tsetse a' If well boned 'Restaurant supplied with ..betit.; •Horse earl&
e prevent the tightest elaxabands from stages and elevated railroads to all depots
thee , , _ . ,.
Pressing ia, upon tae vital patte';• but when F Tes can live better. for. less money at the
GaramnidlUnion Hotel than at any other first-class.
old they becohae tnjurious; as i the end of hotel n the 'city. . . - .
the broken - ' - - •
0.., ,
4' •
1 t OIL
, _.--
1 TA s
V' I. '
, •
, ri
' ..h'
lly' Itlfrs:,.itiantler..,.
, .
' Ths only link wanting. in tti chain Of
„. happy cireunastances was the presence'
' ' -
of, or aome.comniunication frem, Sir Fred
"Ono Compton. - . -: ; • ; • , ' ' .. .
• When he had parted :with Neville in •
Paris, he was in a etate • of dea,ression and
ill-humor:very unusual With him: ' He was
infinitely. disgusted with , himself for. the
series of blunders• by ashiab. he imagined
he had lost his cause With Deliss•Delvigne:;:
he was forever debating whether he should
try to forget her or race across half Europe:
tO overtake ' her . in the ' Tyrol and ,try his
• • ' -
, .
young sister•in-law With fonffrespect. ' .
. • All parties; bytaiiit. emesdrit, appeared to
bury the past • in• • oblivion', and. even the
future was not mentioned partly because
the present was so delicious, pertlyabecalise
the iron gray brother , must, not be die
tuabetla a • , . • , .. . '
' With the mental Of this hitter
•persone,ge; Out storyhag not to doathouga
we would fain display themaaahauthora Of
course, being able to discern theta' canflicte
which are (fortunately for the dignity of
human nature) froth other eyes:,
Neaille. Watson's; battles with himself;
howeaet, would have done hine-no diseredit,
and . though. gaiety Shaken. by . the contest;
he aiiirtied -forth 'both. sword'. and S shields
Guy, tieing to leek at a couple of ohildien,
who, .with their attendants, Were making
.press and some - . . , ,•
a:tweed, , . , ., :, . ,
e'er students o the
tim•es penetrate tae flesh." A lady phyeipiaki, b!. Intruaag , . .. ._,_'pr
in New York•Wri tee badly fittbag ' to ' the tomb of Garibaldi at
'Is:' :.- • :.1111; .„ • •
the garden ring , with shouts ,of glee -
one, a large boned„ blueeyed, tawny haired
hay of about five, was tollizig a:slight, active,
that corsets , .unwersites , , .
's announced' to have -been ar-
ena broken produce great. suffertng, Capre.ro, i .
' among:pcior.gialia, And Dr. 'Naafi eptsae,of . ranged for the Easter holidays .,
hospital liver ' • "
,, , , : , .
. Eleittie• Appliances. are sent on 30 Days' Tail.
black haired imp, a year y.otingert an him,.,.
self, over and over on the grass, in site
the exertions of a dignified nurse, • : . • ••
• . al hOpe, they. will always be friends,"
" '
said Lady •Compton, -who. had grown- softer
and more. sentinaental , 'game her 'marriage.'
a case where ei woman
as a , • _. . s . • 1-,a
almenst cut .in two by • wearing skirts tight ' Mixama A.eziossaart often lack vigor.... This
around her Waist; with Whip 'net doisets. .cap be teetered . by that • great brain and
Men's theory of wonien's - dress, however, nerve food; -known ha aDfack's : Magnetio
icine Read, tbe advertisement in an-,
are . apt. to be, fauita, bectaase, not. drawn Med . ... ,, . . ..
•• from , experience.. , Female , doctorsandother eolumn of to day 8 paper. . •
; , e
wno. are suffering !truck. Nauv,OuS DNImu'rE,
, . LOST:VITALITY, LACIC or Nauru Ponca AIKO .
stmoit, weenveareessee..atodelltheseaaliserat
crania CATTSE.S. li f d I te mete -
Speedy re e ea comp e . .
graadest discovej o; tho NinetoentIrceaUtry ' .
chance once more. • . .. . ,
Being all at • sea as to What to do with
. . . .
the rest Of his leave, he alined.. some
acquaintances who weregoing teahave a;
look at Stockholmandsome of the Nerwite '
. . .,
gian fiords; .and . although' be ,had sent • to ,
Neville an address where letters inigbt.'
'a teach himno answer came to bus friead's , ;into.
announcement of his goad fortune and hap.; -
piness. ' a . ; • - - , ' -. . • , .
Marie suggested that. he.; must be , cora
stantly moving about and had forgotten to
ask for letters ; but she was evidentla mix-
.ious for tidings of him, authgenerallyasked '
whi1e-1ns. whole' nature seemedan---aellesed
and purified by the sten:nib:at thus cleared
his -moral atmosphere : ' ' a • - -
." He has. had a fe-fri rote .sharke," said cid
Mr. Foster.' confidentiallye- to "'his head
'clerk ; "never knew a man go . altered
'shoeldn't be surprised new it he sank,
•tt. regular' invalid., and fell ,00mpletely
into the - hands acd. that little designing
Frenchwoman. ., , . , . • a
. Nevertheless; Neville; Watson- -slowly
-gained strength ..- . a ' , - ,ailed
:Some days 'after the interview we have ,,.
dethribed, • aa . Miss- Deivigne and Marie
. "He is tee much for your tittle fellow,.
Lady ,Compton," said Nevilleelaughing, " a
ee/leJ , . . Y .dd
ble women- in each country are more ' • '
"whispered•the han man to
likely than the' Lancet ta determine what . " Brace up, ... „ g a ,
'fellow he
Bendatencofcrillas ratedriumphletfroo. A ,
- ' .1.- ea .
nauf4 teach hum fair phsyaa. , . : .
should or should not be worn. • ., the poor whose hempen, cravat -..-..... ae....
to . .
was;aajtistin,a. " Tesait's -easy for ' •
a Better stills; deaf Guy," isaid Marie
slyly_" Teach • him ' to look -before he
leaps V:" - . • •
' '
A Skin of B t
eau y . is a Oy
Latta' from. Ireland. - -. say that was the grim reply, ," becauee
- - • -• - you're a suspetider 1" ,' ' . ..
A. package,- containing sii ounces •of dsitatt- ORIENTAL CREAM • OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER
.' , .ITISE • END.
. . - ,.
nate and addressed Lord Lieutenant a , • ' - - •
. .SiaaRbbert J':Phillimore has resigned the • - Purifies as won am Beautifieu the Shin,
Su:rings, tor Old. Age.. .
No an. eel vie . o
. N e d'es' that it is •se t make
provision:for old age,' but we are not .at all
agreed as to the kind of revision it is beet
' . - . P
- ' . . ''.-..
to lay ID. Certainl we ehalawasat a • little
in the allyatehob post -• ••• • . . • -: :a - . - • • " • 'Remove.o
h 1.3
as . been found
Judgeship of the Brutish Admiralty . uoust . • ' Tan;Piroples
. The .Present Mayoi of Stigii has resolved . Mre. Langtry met with, a . :Most enthu-• ea ,F ree it I ea,
•aa e;
. , . , • . Meta raticisett
h ' • dinner'- ' f th Siaatic reception in 'Tofontoi a She , was • re-
on puns asing .. a • serviee. • or . e , , . . . ,. , . , . w ,and every
after each act. ... ...,-,.• • .; e :blemish o n
Town. Hall, which: he intends' presenting to ° ,
. • -The-Port--HopeaTimes, :alluding to •the, . „, .4, .,beatity,
theCorporation.. . , ' a e' della •dtiteo:.'
Timid- Porter,. duff F, /
a destitute-Yrd aat --"---.-ind -"ill •
h -,,0 -m n Is.; ee ea-
e t •' es save tnone b all meansi..
sorry ai, , y, , a y, y , , ., . .
But an old man needs j mat that •,particular
• • - '
afelaally , - .
7: .1t -iii• ro o-se-d-tO-eStttblislr aan-extensivea a - ae sase.„ • flora It halt
_ .. • -abSconsion,of
P. ' Pd• t - t ' - -"' north f - the 'winner ; of the : 1115 000 -prize - - in.. the ,' a stood.the test
drainage .. is ne In the . nor o , , e .. . , . , ; . , -a
o enny, opening .e counties , . . • ..., y a of thirty
County'' f Silk ; ' ' ' th.'' London Mttery says.: a Dave got• wind of , a ., . 1,years,'''and. la
' ' ' "h'r '
when letters- reached.. her husband; "la:
. , . .
there anything from-Sia,Feederic?" . •
Meantime., Miss Delviette -besieged • ber.
atiar.dianawithrsentreatiessattiabeabreught, _.,..,4Zieentetedatsith_
batik, that she might rejoice with her friends, '
But -on tins. point- Mr., Foster 'wee uncle- r
aided. -, - • • ; '.; , " r ' • - - . .• '
Of course all possible . danger fronaNeville.
. was over.. Yet the benign old • gentleman" '
was a: little puzzled. what Id de with- ads
• She absolately.ref 'mod to return to Mies
Redoubt, 'and it Was avikward and freebie,'
• some to look'. for- a new . abode,' as her
•minority would ternanate in• six 'months,
Neville were at laticheon, Sir 'Fred.'money,'for
-eric Compton ' was Most • 'unexpectedly
, • , a
annoanceda ' . " , . • • - ' a
' ' h- '. l_f k' 1 ea t
Amara • -rats a:a ea . a sass
ensile. • ..... •- .- . . . • •
• "Well, Mts. Natalie, I did not tet Guy's.
letter till three weeks after it,was:written,
• ' - • •
and .thea I broke •away from • the fellows I
Was with-; I longed 10 900 and,nongratalatea
you al" travelled night. ahd day,. and heie I-
' ' ' • •
" And why tae aeirce, then you go
off 00 that Norwegian .efieurificitaa or,lied
Neville, shaaingatheyottna.•Barcipet's. aand"
With- hearty atiordialityae a a•,_,,e,,.,ai,atmews
. . ,
kind -of, Btrength.which young men aremost
---_____„.._as ......._ . ,
• apt to waste Many -many a foolish youeg fellow
will throw away . on a holiday...a certain-
. a • , ,
a • al
amount of nerveu,s. energy wheals is •wi
irever feel Want of be is .16.- and
he - ..:h much h 11. want ' it! 'It i
, t ° °W: m 9
h WI bel 8
curlew, put..true, , t at, a tt e , o c am-
pagne at 20Will intensify. the rheamatasna-
- ,, 1 , . .as,
at threescore It is a feet that oaertasking
the eY?.!' at I. t the id' of
spe,ctecieadat .40EZy 'Irdc'eosBri'.6ta(I e We - aa- se
• , s ., , the detectives being alter him and.was, too
of Tipperary and Queen.e... . , ., . . _ , ___, .,, , ' 1. a . ,sci • 'harixtleett
„ -
Th 250- • 1 '1 ft -G 1 -Mats-week asnatPa
e • gm ta who e a waY a , or.atheme,...11e_hayee_te....M.Yati_altallaa s ' , weIaslo,:it•te,
his little lie ' : ' '" .-
for New Hampshire are under a year's en: : . . p , and ' skipped. , , • : . , ha sure,. the
Neverthelesa, as Go anaa et the world •:-. ,preparat i e a'
a eaneet With mill owners there • who pay d k la
a g. . . ., . . . . . 1 aseaa, 'as :is proper,*
fOrevermore wasievera the devils may a .a. a:eta
tapir expenses eyer. Several hundred - , . . . . , _ ,,,,, a a_ -a • 'made Accept
irlsavantedath come. - • • - a . • . ' : • Seem:to. de, so the thopghts of ;the best Msa ' t. . , counter
' ' ' ' ' • • 'Mit of sinailen name. The _distinguished...Dr: Er.
‘g Private Foxasell, 55th Boder.• Regiment; minds alwaya became the . last apeman ' ea
. A, Sayre' aaid•to- a !may of : he.lutut toil (a taatienip
(1.- - Newry,h h Id the fift : society.. Triith is ever bona in a manger, " Ase oh lasties,ibi/l'use Mara /reennfinerld 'Gear -
stationed in stre hoids y _ . .. . • . . . ., . . . ._,J, . . , , , , .
'•. ' ' lap ef Ireland lately ran but at al -compensated by living till it bee awl s. cream the least harmful of all -the Ski*
wiles,chatopiens 1, . , _ , . , . . , , ,. . . , , t. ,,, ,
0 b ill' 11 last Et's outfi-
"f Mtn - Hostievor 11001 to Drewry, a dietance , .all,fools for its ,lungdona,-,•Emeason. . . , PrTalicti, 2072 ;, • : lat..
every day.neAlS'O'rowuldre Subtile remove
of nine Miles, in 48111: 82s. ' , . ' • : - ' - . • •.' A.' good story is told about 'Mazainls suusatieus hair.: without injury to thenkia.,
,s :t.0' a •n- Of 'he -111 '
young rea, eer. _ ., e
Is 'afc.11' g holds 8. good -tr.'
' their el: age .t,1 .,.. maxim
" Waste it,
reaarel call Ith, a 6 money . . no
t not. ' It is the :greatest • mistake to
wan. , , - s -.
suppose that o .• he awsoan
violation'• '.--1/ 1 • f health
. - • ...,:, ...
can eseape Its penalty.: - ature forgives na
.. .
810' j?C) error ; she 1" te.off the ' offender for
,, ,.,...2._.
Otie recent' Sabbath alig,ht One of Lord While the 'notorioug•Italiaie agitatcir Witsin ; -ham, Ms B: T,. GOURAUD, Sole prop, 48 Road
Ardilabia'a bailiffs Was attacked: by. two: London he went out one day. with an Eng sal, :
ao .'"'sgaie by afflar egaiffsaand -Fancy' -6IMfis
Men on the bigh,way, a short distance from lish friend and bought a. lot .of rusty Old De'alerd throughout Utble 0', S., •,Camtda and
the scene ;of the murder' of the Huddys "• swords and pistols.' a What On 'earth are Europe.. Also found:in .:N. Y. City, at P.. fl.
e . , : . . .
(I- s • left -for. dead :Hie lajuriee •: are you -going to do -With" -theml•a• -asked the' Manyn, Stern's, Ehtichs, Ridley'a and other
,ava • . . • , ,.,i , - „,.._ Fancy Goods Dealers. r.•-.. Beware ot base insits.
- very dangeteus, and he is not expected to Britishers":Nothing at ail,, replied .inaz- tions..' $1,000 Reward for arrest and proof Of tear
:recover. ' ' ' •• . , . • ' . - 'zini ; "-Quit when , the police bear .of my one sellaig the seine.. ' .. - ' • .
- ' ' '
and be had lioped. to -get : threugh that
period; with Mts. Colman liela, pa.rtly by,
. ,
a ptolonged tear in•. the tenth- of Italy,
• partly by a visit to Saratoga Lodges ... -.
A new difficulty had arisen' to .vex the
venerable Foster. ear. Cotenian's eldest
• •
Son a' young .0xopiaa, - thietitened,ta ann-
such •a: fellow 2'.aaaa, .•
." Daiss ,Delvignel'', exclaiineasSir Fieda.
erio, coloriag ; a I "lid. not 'eipect to.haae
a • .
the pleasure or seeing you heae. ' • .
- If---you-prefer sit; , I'll go away,,a ehe
'retained, .with. sada' undieguised-,pettlance
• : ' - - - ' e
that :both -Neville • and Marie 'burst out
• fifty, ears sometimes, butabe catches him
Pkofessor ' Charles M d Id' •LL D 11 • telegramswill be sent everywhere, .
ao ona , . • . ., pure ase, -
t71 -a -t, da-aralliat the u halament aist.
a : , 8 . an . ,
d' howThe feels• - it
when; Just-whereran just , -. '
• a week in your'own'.
died inHelfast on February. 25tha Ele-wita mid not el kiag or qinfeei will Bleep quietly. town Terms and
$6.P outfit. free. " Addree :13.HALLETT, dc Ce
bora near Edinbarga, ia .181e, and gialu:' tonight." And the Italian chuok tea. - ' .Poitland Maine • , 1 • . , '
• ' ' ' " •
CM' b h U • ' 't - - ' I 1847.h• - ' . ' ' - ' - ' a • '
the travelling-, paity-a a- -telt :p,abasaintera
estieg . yoath, in ' single-breasted coat,- of
teethetic ideaa, and picturetque piety; w'no
. ' • ' ' ' ' '
wished to. eater holy owlets,. In short,. a
-Most dangerous abater:M. the family combi-
nation And all ibis time that preybking,
, • .
yet beloved, and almost revered, grandson,
Sir Frederic Compton had chosen, to ban-
ish himself into inaoceseehle regions, where
. he was altogether. mit of tap eunninge; It
. wae tbo contra,dictory .. Perhaps, oil the
' Whole, it . would . be as• well for Marie Del- ,
. vigne to return a yet it- Was trOublesOnie
and costly to egad' fat' . her. He, Mr. Foe
•ter, could not, expect any' •of the .Coleman
party to break ,their plans and disarrange
their tear for his eake. ! ' . - , .
While he pondered these things in a very
' testy mood, as he sat alone after :ainnea
one day about a week-sirace the doncluriion
ening; heathen •61-a--botate explanationa -8
-" YOU must be tionsiderably.'etupefied by
- ' ' • ----- • - ' r .
your. Scandinavian ' rambles, my dear fel
low," iatertuptecl . Neville, ..a -if, yOuditi riot
know the vary most, likely
. , . .
Nt1S8Delvigne yeas with us.a - • .
' Sir Frederic leinglied, heeitaitedeana -then
-egad : , ' , • s : , . '
' "'Well, if I were riot afraid taiiitaaeo, per-
, .., .. ., , • . '
hatatI did." • , , • , ..., • - a • '
. a How did you•like Sweden'?" oaelfea.Miss
Dervigneaqiiickla.a. and ,aftea ealittle vague
talk she left tae room . a ., . • .. ' "
" Ata, Neville" cried Sir Fiedetiose",what
an unlacka fellow I am! you -See she can'tbear
me, ancl.ILI am wild • about " her. ' . Isn't it
too bad?' and •I protest there vire lots Of
girls would, think Me •8 ,fiide young • man
oinough,". be coacludedewith 'a, ruefulaitand.".
t. Save u forold-but save know-
met' • . P. , . . age . •
ledge ; .8ave the . recollection of, good and
a e a
ated 111 urg ., niverta y. n , ... 8 ysztffialza nits , . . , ,
w all) • . . • , , . -
PC de 3-- • t I" ' '' ' ' and' tire
no, e e ocen easu,ree p
.. _.
other' Orietital lanuguages iu. Edinburgh 2 a -"'"'''•aZ-7/W-Aat WEI-Eat* %,-71Z-'6"aassaa. • '
a ea , ,p .
thoughtssave s' save Mae. 'Savea
rich.stores• of. that -kind of 'wealth waich
. ,.'-r?
time eaamo. aminis ; nor, e:
' 6 il' ' 'h ' : : death tak ' awayof,
University; Which, chair - he resigned in •
1848 I 1840 ' • ' t d Professor'
, n • : Oe was -appeal e ,
Latin- in„,Queen'eCollege, BeHalfwit, and in
, e was tams erre
th ',"P .11 ' ' •• 1.1 t f d to
e o owing
P '
v „It,
era a
, .
Id a
. , . a ..• a...a...as...a ,• . ,
• ' ' '
Tree Salvation A.rsity trorce. .
, ,. ' - . • ' , , .
. Aascene at taSalvation Army ineetina in
Canada is thus officially' reported One
year , ,
•the Greek' chair, which he filled! until 1877-8;
When, in ' consequande 'of bliradaess., . he
reeigneda ' ' . ' s • '
EnclOrsecIby the 'Pam -mu acataama orafirecarat
, : , , ,. . .. , . „
/ cansed,by IndiscratiOn at Exposere. Hotel Dieu
. •• ... .
, . .
brdther says a Malriends, I have been con.
verted foar. years.but On
, ' self - examination.
tanight I .fieva there is soitiething Wrong iii
the rigging. (Shot from . a" sister) ; Try .if
it is. not lower down than the . rigging.,
(Another elioto.) 'Try .under, the hatchet's,
the heart The brother says, pray . for 'me,
y friendee----All-kneelassonds-PraYssa-lairde
put his tiagiug rigat ; -another, Lord search
illarryi gni wit:Deceased. Wile's Sler a
• . • _, , • . .. . . • . -
•. • ' •
•• The pyaboters- of : the :marriage'. with 'a'
• deceased Wife'e Salter movement are. about :
to present '. to • Mr. Gladstone -, an album 7
beautifully boiled, .in which' :th,ea have ,
placed all the information desirable for the .
--Brinae-aaialsteisee--theasubjseteaancluaiega k•
that of the'attittidebf the Liberal party un tI.
' 61 '
7 ..,,- -c.
,4 ,aa •-a:
,a.,, A b,'
IP 4
ltil ,,,,k,
A , . ,'‘zgy, 4
,51 ,-
. -_,...:... 3.,es,,,-.
. , . . , .. ,
HOSpitttl, -Paris, .Tmatment. Positive. Cure .in
• . . •
one- to 'three days: ,Local. Treatment, only
' .
requir' ed.„ ' N'Zriiii'ffeliiie "'doses .of Cubebs or
Copaiba. , .. , • , . .
Pr1ce81.50,Inclucling Binh ,Syringe. Sold by .„
Druggists, or sent i'ree by inail.. securely .sealed
OE receipt of price;, Descriptive Treaties. free .
AOplication -AMERIP AN AGENTS " 03" iaBDI
CLNE CO., 'Windsor,' Out, Sold,by all Druggists
of our raer-ahapter,• tiis. meditations were
. interrupted. ba taloniapealhathe Inapt door
belle. which was. followed, - after a ' few.
tranutee, by the opening of the dining -room
door and the announcement .by the solemn
butler, of "Mies Delvigniaa -. '
Mr. roster started to his feet as his ward
entered; his promident feeling Was relief
, ,
that his doubts and. hesitation ,were, chile
. brought to an end. ' . .,' ' , : . .
"Thus is ,quite • an • unexpected ,pleasure,
my dear 1 really eatotaialaing 1. • Why, how
in the world have yea. hitapaged; eh, 8,nd
Mrs. Coleman,, did the come with yeti?". "
" No replied Miss- D,elvigrie, beginning
to unfasten her iraaelliag.cloak, and smiling
at her guardian's bewilderinent. She wae
looking .pale and 'worn, but seemed very
composed and at her :ealfe. - tallo. •Thave
come With ' some . very 'pleasant 'English.,
lb, ' 1.l.
, people whom we have been traye ing
.ot laugh. .." Do you thunk Mrs. Neaille, the
- will evercome round?" . ' . -,•
, ' " Oh l I' would not offer an (Opinion,"
"returned, ala,rie, demurely. •." Why do yon
not,,ask her yourself?" • .. •
" Bo I did once.- ' YetastaY 1 No I did'nte
. -
1 said. she Dallst be disgusted with me, or.
sornething to that effeet, and ithe . did. not
contradict me." • • '• .a. : - . '
. ‘‘ Pooh, man," Cried 'Neville a "aorat be.
eo easily pat ,off r . GO now 'I date .say she
is in, the drawing-rodna alone. Ask her
straightforward, and piat an endioalluncera
tainties". .. - ' ' " • '.-. ', ' as - ' ,
. "It's a tremendous effort -eh ? , Give. me.
the, sherry!" ' ' . - ' - • ... - •
Efe drained a baisaper,eitelaiming, "Heaeat
suacessi" and hastily left the. roord.. . ,
" 1 trust it will all • go .right," ifaid Mre.
Neville to her husband, analously ; " but elle
s a 1 e.peou mr. . .- • -
1 . nu . r " ' - . • '
his • heart ' and .put him • right :under the
hatches awhile; a Load ' serape
regard to it. Mr.. tidstOxiiii is 1014 of all : N'----.........._
the Liberal assooiations who have approved a
•-a-----a " • •
, , .
hirakeel; if he don't sail well; after that he
can't blanie the Lead or. his mate, ' either."
-. . - - ------'••---sss. -- - • . .
. it,. and, finally, isreferred to. his cown .
speeches on the subject Some of the
bishops are reported to have reeeminended ,
. • i
ao s
g' .1%, J '4. + - t
' ' t
li .. a
. ,
. It is said b ' those WIM leave made tbena •
7' . .
d ' t .' th t
selves acquainted with goo scene y, a
fewer ladies than civet before euffer f toni
form:f heart• 'cl. •
any o. iseatsp,
I . And the severer of INDIGESTIots.
their clergy to paeach against the measure, , a !taa_aa) small pamphlet OD the above mot distressing
, ,
while the Nonconfornsist alergy will -preach ! Maladies and -their coMplote cures Post pfree,
- a . , a.a. , • ... ., , . centi inetanaps. Isy- ...R. "KING, Ea., STAFF
for it. 'elm struggie ;promises, , to be un- : FOR , TEE. '
• RCEGEON, ROYAL NAVY, I'N9.?.,_/_,N33,,,
Usually hot tais. year. ' . ' , , G BOX 3.ili.
, ... _ . •
By ORGANS APPlY t9 ItICII4alg"wkri Letitia at•NT '•
KIDNE1S RER AK0 101111t 0 ,_,:....
, :
' 'children's
. -, :. . ..
. -asOne of thegems of a enter-
tainrneat at Providence wasthe appearance
cif:three performers of the mature age of 3
4' years who a earecl as ' toadstools
and , PP , .. . , .
With ip
It isbot a luck word, this earnei•mpoissia•1 '. ' '. : ' . J.Q.. on ail i' rya
ble; gaod comes to thase that have' it so' . TELE BEST BLOOD Jr u It ao,ErC It• watoter, Made EaS'y
often in tlieir mouths; ' ' : ' • ' '' ' ' • • ' '• • '' ' •• : • The New -improved' .
There. is only one way •by which any aISCRSO can a ,
Mr• G R.o:ss Maerry'. bwehnaitie!vedr, abte' s ' ," IIGNARCH LIGHTNING
harg'h Academy bhye
a surprising natuattruees.' of ettect an
lagenio,ua costume.' They recited the -fol.
'lowing poem.: • .
a Three little toadttools, don't You' see
- Just.aa tunnin as we ectribe.... ,
. . , ere 3. we comee on,
' -*I al ' from? ay a 't know '
.., .Ed.iT• dtichael, acauuhseo-r-
Itats been appointed, Rector. of the. Dundee, Iatnmd ayh-
1 ities of the day declare that pearly eyery•diaeaseeAllasr__„_447'7" Is thaehanpeit' and besi
Hugh School at, a 'salary of £600 per annum., is caused by deranged.kidnov s or livei, To rester a "sstimJitams, A tor sixteen, years 01
' ' . ' ' these therefore .tho only way, hi, which :health r s .., toe- can savt logsflast madam
• Professor Swing, in a recent sermon to, ,>-
, , e -n be Secured Here is where. Watfiner",,, Salo t,-- ... . ...• . Neat art test trial,' sem
, ilurc as ac levet i e gre p . . , ostal: for Illoatratect CatalOgue 'contalnit. teatime*.
'hie Claidago co ' ' ' n ' a ' fi ' 'h'' '' 1 't ' at re utation 'It aCts
, _ _ , , , ngregation, • said : . a: T a
Chureth of this' century is better than thel 1 kand. VIII particulars. .a.ccnivirs wA.NTEEID.
dhectiy,: upon the kidneys and livoi and by p ac- arotafirkaaing.Saw Co..163 Esuidelph St..chioasta
• • - • ing theMt• 311 a healthy condition drives disease, . ., . , , ,
• _:_t,i_Pree's.froin do aa_me_place violets_grow.
' - What' are weaload for? Just tekeep 1.
itain.froin the mosses when day e'eep. ,
- Whore are we going? ,Ola, nay soul .• . "
Wid all de flowers in a groat bug bole •
.. .
----An extraordinary ,healtaaaure conies
froth GilroYaCal. A tantidtha of, that phase,
, ... ,
whose constitution, had been hurt . by too
much devotion to the .piebe ai,,,,c1 tile -pallet,
bag, was indueed, by. her mother to eagage
, in ,hunting. equirrela; the reward offered
, .. , ,
_ - - -a , .i dlarintln=rsystena-r-4'or-all-Iiittner-Liver,
perhaps the moral'laye of 'Cliriet .te. .better : and Urinary tibubles;i, fgaPtill9ad:nrcrfnlialsidei:i
understood notathap .it was on the banks, orders, of, Women; . a .,, . ioafiramodyaana aa
of the Jordan." • . ,. , teoubies generatty. tist g
f postore. imitatiOns and .
t ' cl • week
-At a recent dinnekat the Maneion . .coecootio s said to be jus RR goo... , ,
: ' ' ' ' - ' ' betas -ask for Warner's: Sato...51.11t- Storxt•
_House, in, Lon,don, three foreign Consule ror Pas, , .; . : , ..--. , , - , -
were present, vshomtbe Lord Mayorwiehed 67411.1T lid' lora and.of
,., . ea , .
to honor hy,drinkingtheir healtha. Ile ao-' or.sa e ra- troubles.
cerdingly : dirdoterl , the .. ster to toastmaster f 0. IL WARNIGH elk CO, than
. • .
announce the health of the three padserit • ' -. , :, .. : y ' London E0...-
Ont • Rochester .a.• .;.,- go 55o
Consuls. He, however, rniataking . the To.rante, .. , . .. . a...
IQ- 0,Uffil 1 bT TEI-tES TIN•Gt
. , , .... , • , , , ,
d f
Frcira Morning to , morning an , rom
'to Week THE.SUN prints a 'continued
: : . , ,
of the lives.oLreal men and women
s . . . .., . a. . ,
their deeds plans loves nates ana
This 'story is more interestint
any romance • that., was ever' deVised
, P , • , - -
a month, or 86.50 a year; • Sunday. p
, Charles St. Sohn. , They'. were - suddenly
recalled to London, and , as you had never
answered my last letter, I toOk silenee for
,coneeht, and started.. With tallith. Mrs.
Coleman had left be ter a :day or; tWo to
aisit Renee shrine for ',place- cof pilgrimage
wttit her son. • He is' treznendanslyaingh-
church, gait° in the steeple,: so.I.just took
nay ow.n eonsentand'here I ana.". •
. " But where -did you •find funds for ,s0
long and expeasive aajoatney?" 'flaked Mr.
Foster . stillovcii ere . . • , . ' - -
. "Oh' I Lord Oharlea, paid everything, and
Neville foadla....---- . . • . .. , , . ' '•
• Seine - half an hoar aftet ,lire Foster
atrived to see Mr. Watson, 'aade-having
exchanged ' salutations with 'Captain and
Mrs, Neville, expeeseed a wish to speak to,
the fornatia bn hie descent' frOm liis par,t,
• .
ner'a rOom. Marie and Neville -therefore,
waited • very patientty; and at length .the
. old gentlnian game in with a portentous
expreasion. ,of eountenano,e, and began an
, . , ,
harangue. somewhat solemnly: ; _„
. "Captain Neville,'your brother has. been
, making a proposition to me, about which,
being 10 cents each scalp. ,Laift.week he
slaughtered. 85. squiriete and, the , outdoor
exerciae demanded 18 restoring her health.
wordse-gave out the followipg,l. a The Lord
'Mayor drinks the health oE the ,3. per cents
OititsOli.'''' ' . '
. . , . , , . . , s , 1 pages),, 81.20 per year ; • Weekly ,(8 ,pagea)
TM'!" . CM .por day at home. amp es • SI 00 per year . I. W. Enowni,
ttpv .03,,$411/ $6 'free. Address' Eitinflott. di , : ' , . 7. ' .. ,
, Publisher, Now..City.
i".....61.r,',4 1,/sitiou' York