HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-03-23, Page 1'APOOGY ludu We are compelled to� crave t Sol" if ot goince,d our reatlers C�ce Tbetit 13PA-VLR Ii 0NDYN b been i,o blockade to- dt� ay w: V l?1per, but it arvIf other buSif:I6 s ITIUCII s an en, ]I aye be e JIL -S 0 N IS. NO .12 :CLINTON, ONT�, FRIDAY iil�,RCTI 23,1883. 1113. 11OLPIES loss nd inconvenience a8 ive �tllroui ip, 1. 211 Ia - $1.50 Per AiainkuFn Puiblishers., or III e 0' if e J, SANLL BRUSSELS. VARNA. con�ectcd xvitb� the y� UIT.IL 09 vu 1, 100� 11 very arg i 'Aing of the Reformer 121f. Fred. Gx6eli froill Michi- I Ali;. Peter WD o u g�ll, son of Mr. ohri e mo f E, t Huro �ollrllearty.syffipathy. was S this o it lit held ' i n. th o Central an, fdrt I'O.R'E TO REN,w, on Huron stree d' vWtju-4�is relations and friends oil tile Hotel, Brussels, oil Tuesday., �fr. T. Stia iMii near this, village ConU, chigii t 51311roller's utcuails-for Apply to r "I'll -11, TOMM 'CHUg? CH 0 9 anley. chant, 'President, occupied. the Chair.. bas b6ughflI�1-diW-"2Ili thfrd coil. St 1-1 inlend JL M w6re ltuade by a large ',to move, (-here at once ehas been in poor 116- Af I-: Ri cc is'a it n bu ed HOUi RENT--�A house, with 4 roo"I's rs. Will. Smith, number of delegates on srjbject5-ofimo�ort- Al r. Morrow took po*g'session of Air; Se- ne in a tea raeoting t Hert-ill tl ivith good WS04 ljole. beaIt,h'f6r.soDetjm:e­-b so far recovered ahce to � the Reformers of this Ri dfxig-. corll's store last Thursday. evemirig, A able to 014 her son real- -WhileY �ud Jos.. Step II!yeoInireareptcaubepaid Ili work. Big to bd Air. Thos: Glbs6n, Al. PL' P;, ws present Messrs. A. henson good chance fox- it wAil who Wants APP'�r dence, Mr. Don. Smith, to that of her � $ oil S"ndav mornlilp W C, W. WILLIAMS, JR., Maitland com­quar- and poke''for Some time. �'Retuxnjng left for* M ichigau:on Tuesday. daughter Mrs. 1). McGregor. offi, er Arm ong made a Speech, and re_ ter-OfLa ln�i Str Oeffver Scrrilon, and ill EXE, TE11. i.111011 - that he li'ad hid deu � fioni tbe officials so the ev�niug bis,pronalsed sa IsVINGHA111. , Blatchfoi ne % 1. i .1 L 0 Let� N'AP. -A a. puillated' the slanderous statements made Mr, ' Greo. ar 'Exeter, thodist U.nion. peL elug Serve iV 1, a SuIllinollS cscAl�r­ little girl had as to eSC b ith hfii,es Road) his one of' 'the large FEP, PTN fS j3OCK: I very narrow escape from.being rullL Over will Ile leld ill tile �11 I Qo t t G, to 'Let�=PrNojc�sSTELET� L JUL , I rbgarding a recount the bal- b erd8 of cattle that ca'� be fo u 11 (I in the this Cr, riday) ht t 1Ie*LjSijal by a, tea Monday noon. She as, at- I .. . 110 had n I,(, d f vicinity -numbering tipwards of'150 head'. be lleld� in tqt.� Two Cottages"d quarter cre lot li . r 0 J�oi*6JIL6 110 tion hou) -if rch empting to cross immediately in fr: lit of 16ts oft'to - , een aven Ili ' ' Ali Gibgon 11, b CLL IP15. The., C, ApplYto , 11), L , S. Ch ,ii It adslipp ly I I . ling under� the %nd, as' - r, - a 'of' the" -tai It. C. BRE61EL t 110 tea e(l, f, I far s 'lie ],-.new, by over last,I�eek ised,$2000for Uarcll22,,1883. horses' fct. t and tl' new 'At meeting es ForciLgU 6unt'has -op- otteir deb I& bui,ldhig , Alission' Society of forty majority.. 'As the red di iif +;I � Ahe I �-" L of lEbe Q U ped through, ,protest is tlked of but it shed, by sabscription Th, 15 AN vVednesday nig e ednesday,11ra A., Stewili Iecto'd -Pl .-Jni Ti e. Rri away. tearn ,en , s , I co 1rie., I't t�as re L season, on lit. Nd tY 1) 1 FA RAI Will l5rob ably' d I lienced in Iy President,- Mrs. T Ill to r, fse the n6c.eszar n'ger -ime offic The salt block at.Exe' finisbe'd And 7P Si( Fair,' iYin oilNew �elerk at T.,., t 6� 111, fColl. df Monday. A ACRES,_heing lot -�I, ill''tho itend t -o be& -ioo g,00il r- rien a flull6tt.' There Is oil the Af s. D6itz,, of'Gii is yisi f. �COLBOI;�,NE. re of Salt t.once'. Tile revival Service s in pr(,1gressi at Uiet -A epi Byro Bible,Chrls :House and Orchard, a good nd Btfibw in town atation waited UpollL ti;e. n and osteli of to acres Jj fall Whet. , Fo isiire oil the pretilises. L Ri gh fL Bishop Hellmuth, re tlh'el S TATarkliam, Out,, recently. 6d itikhtly bv^ .large cbrigregatiding,ad. in reasin W1016tt, Alaxeh.qla, 1883 1!autls ir�uble 'oil Tuesday. The bank- "Cabin F arm the residenae of .-their tb�e i Icresl in tbeni'is rapidly g)01.t not jletr�ly solne tidle, 'Past of. rjipt stock of A, G. Macdoliald Nvas Jdst f,� t he r. - Hey rej Inuell r. F. Sim lt, Mu�ch good is week sold fo.patties here, at, 69'cents, oil snow out east as here. t t* th `ip fo r Is a Ion agent t life fur. -CONFECTIOVERY. tile C1011kr." I i I . . WljL ratherin- from the world. 11 BREAD & A,per§on traiii has been re�movd'to 11lamilton cre bo 9 'dvt tek on gsunies the.dutl"'6f oie -�-lllst.wc On Sundav Rev, Dr. Rice, resi ont f% Tf et isoui I osi, y i i i tile lately by.J; said '.' Well Gode'ricii'does look -to he i ill l�cre . neq, 46 - v . I , (1 I1j'E b;� 'ex L - I . t , the Goneral Coi 1% -t the New 8,2% -iafliep �wlxero And Vi I I YkelI On hall d it Fel('-ot stoelo: of. hred A hieetini, was held on ted'' condition;' TIOre a dflApid sernli ill - tile Alethodist h a V em, lip d in coube so to, bd-diily one or tb.jt(jo: a;*1ittle boy son to ' rgan.jze a branch at, ill, 'Ilia the I Willims' I �ehdlf of inter sts i- Ail Bi 61 0 was yun over"b slefffli ICl rob. 22j 1.98-2: -11 EZ -S. T. DUXLOP. il)iarket; looks c church. -'His delivory is'6gy.an t tj r, I r nd,for elocu'ploll 1.1'3 a y . 11 as _ 1111110C I Ine'-t Monclav, f_j 13 11 ry thn a Criiie e _d _ I is fani 9 ,-is d ]lit loaded ivid ows an prop al, wibe held d;! ' --- -- y (Jed More - P I� , I - I - i o L 1) idelice of N. I -es The CLIO- to t rm i,s -'emarks o -6 L If It c, o it ect r. D. Der has purc sed Feb from tl L�:q., ill aid r tb e pal nae fund. b.rating 66ix recent victory by.aFba4,uet al Stibi r'1883, 0,01oej� Lno - 1). r of -horef-6 th fo r.i)oo of _110111 d be a "Azrieul'tural nd AIAL8L Assoch Z? Iwhi n toil, on the and Confined t ey e W in 't bred short honn Durbm 2 "If is a , .1 ol P g. the Li cl I v; wt _ .100�, a tboro; h' will come off' i Olin w re haZ of insurin t loss 0 ally-ui rstoo(l still 9thin'st. Tile C s 0 I) interestiD 1, agaills r ilcoidt�ut by the UT i 15 USU I th. fo 1. b fI Cal f o ve r for the SU1111 tlICn iIle of it r6e� is 1111PI olle-from the �ompjete 0 c� de� th.6re,was mucb. .11, u� Of . - -1 - I probabl r, ov r. ill be Ild' tfiO ti other busines. IV. J. SUANNON Y� e W termified efforts* mrde, to Xi:kest.at lest consid&ration. -le al -o deTiv MoKillop, March 2-2. IFS3. dre' I to't , !i actical Ss d it e to this peii onts nhrly cquilill- ri, tie f tff� t;m? to P I" . 9.10== "In cc,,,,. the Young Pooplels Aid s d oa� 0 iezi( �,iy �cvei.iing. pices of- blington v�lio hAdAeased -I I r. E, V- a 1, -Ill iecord -is H li�verki in the on� ' For three Leneral electiolls,ill 'Suc- upon aH, ITOusO ltcfY 00011plOd b3l Al For aid $100 L flay by tb e Rev. Win. - -& t MAI '�60T'.r, 6ftbeffirnittfre,4fter." - ]), -n ed � solidly Liberal i tho 12th llppj3l� to I NNT-NG h ad. to Cession, it -has retui It r utElie of ie U It: ili Se -he Ontario Asscmbly;,and bi:hd,the qnd disapii All d ROL] i Winn t Tile' lecture, disgra eftil� gerrynIlli s a I) inu d to witbq. ;but f6k ",the C t es, the 11, well atten ed, nd was listened, er of' 1872i an( the Still moLl DEMLOOK raptL attent -e'disaj,acefu l'o tie of Sl,rom -In G &�! tile U.ainarack. for Ties. 16a tbi6ughout� 'ThIS wortfiy ? L. . I the wife of'Mr, A. -n, work ort fmirn- M r. lecturer proLycol-atl0rough of-hi�; '88!2 1 it wduld have Sent men of�the f� boro; tfi stripe frolir all its ridiri to th .C. o I., of a daughter� -rate. ahodst,eburclij e m., e'Hou, firSt, -01 n in e Afelt su bj ect �h inifested. a, happy fa C, nL.tbe Sa' -C (�OOK.� Il clilitoil� ou ti in e or, pregenting the abBtruse pri lobe. ins�­� 0 abbath. Ile' lectured 'i Z, I w it i -I G IF 0 R ?§ E Ii I CIE. Th suli. ire of y. ev t akQ' clda'rl �Cllllrch on ThursdA enizig,, sub,ject, science, so as oult. B( her y - �AN.i.iit�i-esting'eei'ellloDy at �wr! keeps 461. se'llvieb at. )118� fari Lot :;2, Ilth iloncession (.4oacrieli'lownsfill), a flrsf- and pro sll ided 'by his audien cc'. e residence of 1 n-jeminlast: M A 1. R'JL��- iD 'It tb6 i of Prottestanti Nlr. Saunders, o Bohr.'- preh-el theill how hypothetical are, last eveiiiiig,' when Mr. C W. COLCLOUG,1U. 01.1 Friday eVelliti ft' farelVell social time'sh Sciences . .... ... a in ii r n Staff, was,finited in 1 bridels. t gi J� 6�'' toL. the Rev. Mr. Henderson-, tile f6undationg on. 'which ei be of tile Su iiother on tile -14th 4�r. who.is to leav e tor a orest ab It. L Sto I- iAU'ir1ON.-W6tj0­js gl'�i L)lat. I'lle notiCtwij ate bul '. His represehtations' of 6aili in marriage to Miss Annie Prat, dailighter ot cotti. qf A�hficld to A Saili rling X-) undorsigned,will notbe re4i)onsibleforany Qtiite a u-iiiiii of this, religlon. Nvere fu 11 r ,of, instruction It I 'Air. Sihis Pratt,, of oeareri con- .:friends ;vere present and. they amus6rh6ut,.and -kept his lie mail iniony wasTerfolImod' by title. Rev. A- althority. If.. LA CLe"derjell toIN'll- vulsed with At the- 'lo Scenlod to er�jqy theillSOlVegrIvel c ze of.the: Clrk, groomsman werd Ljo�soN, The fliankg W.as givell, ATIr villialm r6run and: Alfr6d ecture a oil the 21-s t' C O' ippropritely the bridesmaids t e'Misses Flint. M D�nagh` -to 'which -be: h j ". TjEo' i . eived' until. April J�T, or crot,.fion ot Mof. �Ili Alaitlafid .occasion waa h.onored by"i d6ublIa eng both 0 V, .. I ., I of iluilatt. hool seetioh No 2, Rullet For H.j,,,, _oil Lt ie'.1 and E (tie -C I 7th idst., b� Elie -th e -ticillais apply"to ny of the both �wilhe �sic. at residen'es of th6 uncle of th. i brider I T( pal CODERICH TOWNSHI P Itullett, ATdreIr 12, 18831 . CORXISIT� e fathe ofthabridegro I Rev., J.Thilp, at the residblice-cif tile bli and th x oni respect- Mr. David P ou C 0 iyely� At the fatter r6sidence a' large robin his I f 16Lli I r s�,; o 0 fl;., 11 �1- father, Turnbull, Turtlo t, Alaultobli, L nbut tile, Cold l)jasta still continue j �Wo.children Yery ill oflInueftioia. - al _ to Rati Streets,contitining,seven roon's,ati lcr`27 Assembled and a most enjoyabI6 iL I C K-S'- 0 th a to hear that. the wife - of =111aly' spent in:tripp 'g�tjje ]i fala,� CHRIS. D a, good a, vogolshed and stable, Ail o: indic tions� v ery, IlUe M iI Thos. Trick ofthe Byl ow, ed reSid U60, in.good order. The lot (!outalhs one of! AprinU I eid ioad who a, . of slight At cut. stic until the i�,ee sina' hour,; art 'of �t�nd and is filled with ofthechoicosit 'es I I i7d . ;_ 01M busy,Uiclhiji wl ulyill,is now recovering t C Ill th it i t thb er7lzl- avr og ri ge, oIa. .Ill j good edaela the Th lumbermen are n has been da�ngero Nva.s. time to sepal gritulations I were �showercd Upon the it li renii For further I ter they,bave-takon out.a. large amount of Hall''r '11tIrcaae 1* E q., nthli aild Airs by 01'e I' ly to, T. 13 aill, WE.I., 102, I"Oli M*r - J. AV TAT oil 61 Ild h Ja.de dys in Lucknow 1.�St er yoli Ile B ok SO' bet. inter there was ficlency iner a fe, w W 0 iton, Couple 'without Stilit, ol 'nially ill "'t, �f Iof snow for, liatilinc, ;. thig, e "niplaint shes indulged in for their futIll"e Wel is, tof):111li anj of' fare. . Sonje 11, -7 MC * s ;p�irciiased it to t )e- I at 6ho vc, idence olin Cox 111A me pre.qcn were I or$ R el Gill the Bear, of the line, i n tends to es from.Mk.JArri'eq Elliott,, Goderich. towedi ani6n'-- Gther 01i -fr i)f the bride' -sl xinole,j).i las� oldcls;jby ilia 1j. OT 8 FQT' LEA SE,i b V t O�'N, a S T os.! os -d' df Wi lip, at. q i_j V, -iends 'in the dificre t those lruu:her brick-yrd this year. made lue We lope, I e groill's fi n 0 01" -sia Stow, of -Eh. ,j00 OOOL Ali BI) sed of' P r T I i it 6 o i - i 3 e. r I A I 1) r t aa vear aijil will I aye �Qod silcc� 11 Up th C 091CCIS:in the i nnip elg San at th llo I,- -Alr'. j�RObt; -SplLlllg sj'jy IL WES Altl) 6f.the br;( llr�o .. � , lel,g 1uaDtityL!,,,t,,1 Ie n as t a �li, rfj," 0 f. C o:11 Si 4, CLINTON. TOWN oay 6 ti� rtlye, .......... .. Abl 6 left I ttion for b U )Out,, With tll( 11 A N 'of I oads of stocli:,' - :-(I I 1" 06 CuL . . ........ 0, f ­­­ �I­ L �l , L L 10 i�l i 1) g 0 is boys gAiYa tarnei 12'tc­�s lippe( . Y. --&Ln "­ g-boy,�, _Un 'r tho Iout to Issi Mr. jas. NviLtinglia,111. G orrel I T Goi�elf, I -o took D to I I ; j a a arj:Ij ey, -he ch'ano Ia cc, f the be if C J-oslin V,irdon: Andcr�,' itaho, -ally on S' I -n' I-IiS T- -(Iscomb to Nn d fa t unc ay met Ing, daynght lie i if!, � -6 '(]do]' -but- � I -1 l) le bov;. t6ok po e arents tile of the k� Cox, r �, . , S , 1), A"'t , W., �t oSe .jyjIo men creral o the fair ones g Oling N% durin, ol, jl�b f tpl�jt in ason, purqh 1.1 t left were -,u orrion altogether spo lIt 0 Irn ye an ov�tcr J.0 In 'y ve Eli inte hiv.. qSd a� ry erl,f Y. lzllollt)i,�aitd- '24 dit nd . lipaii: luh6 factory, K Xi ey artile (I�Lj, 1�' d W rpA1130, ffToront,., IlitmiltonChathain St Thom&q' k t John Tay rrii- t t :aIld, . (I - or hilTTloiptoIltbo,c:onil)liioclli(ibs; :1). I ock h it:appevs that unnlachinery7t� be in rearlipeog.. for e trao n't lorrellfr ni-Clhlton�-' W i f6.117 fili Lo cAllistor, �Iife, iLdd t 6111 7 Ing prhr. Ical I N'011 11 I0 Allt db�wo-ll here. Aolks 41i�jjp rag] Mel] tS A A.1 E S TTI -I OATIP S bt, I tute, 01 ;,q I'limin 6 W jiteviol ly Afr, I Cq r to 3&gtjLj6j thi, V111" -our III- ong and 'D. 11a n t 0GR,A 0 t6l, y il;t to 'pl, , , ' gdr..1nL_t le ring The young iman. wbose. tl I U r... opera- 11 ()n th. e ",tvent.ittil m().rjlj6g it, �'oiftjj IDoysen Robort, a d W JACKSON icy woC r p _ i, �11 r., M. on. t �i6t tell' 0 alld� 1� ary 05. , 4. i . 6f lie Ityllich will lie fittelf. ftWaielle Ili the de an'�atiack' .]a y's -finpr. Wa ��.�n ox, S fill 1'eforlia oy�tei s , tew, , an , d lie de-voui of 1) -hell! Cali bd' fact Ic: ri i YOU heei. I-2 e bit off; b1i 0 t' Ile,' fownsbip The Fron,Al l oes! the ) [lite. t le t r.,. ft; Would eq f 0. P�n :0 - I t , ', bon t I 0 c - bal D'�afiness, nn6st cjuftiit�� of 10SO Coll- s.lii bp� ng Ween t)� artist.; Iq depict sbehil, lvh6n� A _ aIA -the B4ft to,ful'ther j lure u nd - ll (lisearas of-tho a (I, i t V�� Iu 66in L V"Irly_ in '6 r 13; a ical 'r 'a It mwith ?)r 80. Tile t" may' f th R I &P RL ri �a aD,y dofi.`-t agai vis Cris, 3 get InstittIto y On *?Lab Yoqd b C'T th o�.! ( eil M (I of the�l IlIotathetrej It It t_, this 10, ti le an&- at anito; Vy devotind theii, w i .off tbe-:trick Aurin-, the ni6,l lure 'ii4 sIT4411 ;T The �Saerec Coiicer� hold.un k ri(�iii l6th chased,fr(inl 111. )V, 'T� 13' ivq,, incoli as it Port a 131, -T"117 1i) t� fi! I i d t Ii Ir6limil, 5c Im. e;' f)f) in tile: Meffiodisit ehu ]I cto, i yas�IL hu6t, Cliion, tile' sploildl bull, Thilirsday Aright-.' Alessr,4� es, tablished.for,th grand : su J)oforp tlio -on nd . I e an ccea"'. arlonir time Duko af 1"'Imurst'2nd, from of ap�oi'ntcd houil I [�j 0 . ofilffiefiCed .11 . I 0) I so U X TA TE LINE fo�l Elmbur�t olf-the' tribo� "-of AfCD0lliitI(l, 6f` I has boiin brou�,ht Ira -d coil ina �d inble ill t, e Lo'llock in ti'liti Is 11 am Was 11 about by elise after ense b'ei;)g carod b� them, h4erd o curable ivaq Crowded to the cloor.. ported I IWhich has been Pr6n6tiiiced iti, �Yotllar /-00 the build ate I It'll Trom ( 4: ' ", % ;-1 I - r n ittytoll ol� ing. tbeallelve The, b orth )8t; Li It vorli N; 1bel I rielli nit ill N'llYforce. 1.1 71 ddr irnte-i mil ill hifill-mation i%Ppl sobscribor dtt,Mrti� �o bvild tip find it the able leadership o'CAr, bull t at 0 U-0'bre�d It, rhahandle an The 14?tter !1j)j)e:Lr0(l I It the, �ioii, andway root ai]Sttr(j(j the, (,�Rt WL -6( I .. . It,T�11�lc to"I'lle Ing-, is Superior Ulbbe deleetwtion, , anyth, will be oseA ill illi redings and xc6itatiomq ore 'it di tErest erltileatme)15 and if of old omwrpois, and tjjj� pill) Ily It a beaul,iJ I daO 11 i� ii� Qircuhtr. before iti;e2 ably-ellogen:4 and ivell did 1p earo of fl) nan: not- toft to �igbt/' Signed by. 'one" R. addreiised to are the F MUIR S0,11 W. W, lasters of sfiborordiilai� G�aneg and citi. A elite ofthe 0 excellent effect by Misses TTell-. Socainy.-Coimitlerabib ill- e Sal faAlillillll 00, j it deison and Harrison, of Weatfield. Ler"t i im' thi� com-' Thomb le Circular is p litterly t '111 tel! atiLonal' pit iliAhed In L readi jig Lk. Every 6oulevr da �,o�e and of tbesenstioii'; god inut. y Ill our literary' socie Header' T�- y Messrs, Fr i ol ay cofnp,�uy typ6 tb�t -it iti bl-d1v W01111 AN'X) of0oderich,e: olt-woraoitation b, -the hall 'is 6wded STOCK stock I Renderzon and flogarth als GLoderich, is c a u I.6 6f hew naiii on: notice. -But there i's Or 13 piailli, P,ii are, T"E fille(i 6lit'a ray ofJoreign taent MR Biriaby Wjl- March 9th A deVate was held' hving'f6r polle, to cll, th6'attent,16n of the 1.1krilaiiig VIOLIN TR NG& �xAle , nNh1ch the most community folt; lest they,, h"ould be b a :1,601 ery or inten in �ii; 1petallco. ?" fow, pa- to bi-foi ohn �nd (I iscussod � triotic mnT�n this circul r it is '1'alma(re an( no- :The j,(',1ob1t, thaf-the, S'. ssociation wholosale Salt iO 1)8 a our, highly cist6euied qcliool: Sollu: Beconi taking by the at tbe. ,it, 1,15 to I�'O, 97 1 02 in -lood'sAiridnof -gave. 11-n excellent display of -ratoricill 10 't br], - Tbis Is'. a inisi,epiesen FINE PLATED WARE. -qreditably- represented- Louv- talon t, over the tion, T, is no", being sold d�. el -rd t ll 0 ;5 6, 60 er is at 16dal't,1611t. llit "i llte� In issibil R. J for 1,25' 'to' per, durbig which lllte6 were as"ic d tbrolloll n fay,or nLjn I Kall 9 - - - -,-. , 0 10 8 ------- - ------ �ffl --marri6d and single, -was ceht�rp& brl. wh i6h ig paid by 115, I so w ow to pro discussed Albert And&gon led'tho NEWEST 0,ESIGNS i N, fro: tile rest,'the,c'ollim6n eiise 15 I'0 and Louis led the is sufficellt to hiii swNlo in tb IA rid and Scotland' f'o a n'y ally pi toluWay town fri Ch. our, Spirit8 wer(" 'oboolied by married lit' 1, Fill, clorlo sneweli backed up,,by bible I00 00 lviying JEWELLER, Y, blol�-Ot is not rl�bA, but, not the :,subject receivgd �a tern 60 a 111,50 s At aiiii hour, suppo 8tooragol?u9son9prs at -o bool(btl 6 T�olixilo (la"dw 19 Thnkimy you or thc-, 11 f.- '�heo� pelts tei'minat-; thorough' tho -very 0 50, 'i 0 hrd i oil n -g-- -i—nan, Mr. P. Cole, decided. Ibi, T am, your obedient RANSFORD, Boa The society has blialleppil the li ' J 01Hx' - 60 , R .00 f'Commong P4 )a e, , 'T.fSON A&CI C h T 1 go ("On �(i I b 6 ilav T-11 w 9 P PA Sec. Call.; 0 1'r6ceeds, $07�U: P Clove), 7 06. 7 60 -'�Iliat f6w� entertainitientslia 0 bcon�heldhi ife� v Repairlhk 40he y. 1. It tl�is Villge. 'which more''hi�hly 4;' - fon House o t, t, '4, 9 y lfte� sho, 7,