HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-03-16, Page 6RAILWAY TIME CARD, -411d othn (E B9NE'y oAm�P'BE,WFF, "Ay's SPECIFIC MEDICINE, u4s. r 'I The great w oaty Chicago Correspowleitte,,F I l - TNADV Ave Clitito *,'ktlfolloWS,.� 1 6-, I I TRADE MARK� lie aMONEY TO i LEND IN,LARGE OR SMAI medy. 'An un. OITY --PARBER:S�l OPPOSITE failing cure for Be, 0 WITNESSED ORTGAG'Et, NOT., RELIGI US MATTERS AS Oli,tND TRUNK RAILWAY. sums 01190od mortgage Security, we t M ESP: JOP, minalweatlauess,ite. ate.of intereet. 0. 114B, (Uhinten. HE P CLINTON., OST OFFICE Going East. Gi�fn'g Weat. AND OTHER potency, IN T11E,GREAT CITY 'Or, TH,E1 WEST. torrhom, and all dis- 6.15 a.m ress -8.45 eases that follow a.,v exp A L-T OF, LANDS IN HURON FOR SALEf BY e 8 (B� R. lilathson, ex -editor of Ole; NEW ERA-) 8.45a.m mixed L17 P.M. expres GoodSecurities Purizhased. Hill, al, 1'1� av�xravibfim Jag p6oirtg,, &c�, attencled to asequence of 9 J.M. the Canada Company, allaye Eta U a t , the office, 9 abiisg as the J' I Oss 1.17 P.m; expresa mxeheundeiaigned. A. HALE, 61intorac zllvnk�?�yi tilli!Tersoal Pr, UO N V E Y A N:'C, I N G. 910 the L"Clitog f 0i n New E? 9.50 p.m. mixed 9. 0 0 lassitude, pairi fit DzAn $ip,�According to promise I prar 4REAT WirSTERN RXILwAY, Office"dresidd-ircie px�emattire,old ago, and many other diseases Pi5yislon% arik, allarket square, Clinton. Nv18SI. ITort Going South. H.' DOWSLEY, r. D., BXL C. R-S., EXGLAffD Bdore TakiAn D 'W. W,FRRAN: , the back, dimness ceed. to giye Some notes ilu'regai d to this' re ile,kt o vision, Gol that lead to insanity or cein,�Jarnptioxx said'& premature —OFFICE—AT RESID rav Z?rFull particulara� in our parap6lot, which --7 city, 9 30 sa.0i 8 2.6 fat.uq.'expresa trasts wbere good and evil are brotigh in to _DR,APPLETON. dc�i,o to Bend ireo'by mail to pyery,one. Thcfipe� P i 6.10 2i.m. expreSS 3.60 p, m. express on Ontario Star clinton,cagpositetho Ell cifle Meaffei which is truly a city of viol I ent UgN �oxxtact�; where the good Are ve y good' Church. Eratar.."t gligh ne is sold by. 9,11 druggifits at tl per package close ce y aide gate. Having the'utmost confidence in its superiority over 11, r six packnges for t5, or I ill, bi sent by mail on, le- and the bad extremely bid. ; Where, on the all others, and after thousinds of tests of the ruost Celpt of the Illon4j, by addressing Lord's side, are ranged oburohes:and minis- PROPERTIES,,F .: ClUBALE;' O YQUNGr,,4� B- (QRAD*JATE OF TORONTO complicated rialSeverest cases we could find, we feel TusGR.AT Co., Torciato, Ont, JbeL und 11-- . Alchill, Surgevxx,,&e fled in offering to or 1 ters by It reds, but saloons,by the th4 Universityi)ph .;realdeaocoat justi NW-6ne Thousand Dollars IdlPya.�Idrug8Jsts­ cast­of_tho� L MHE subadriber,will rile bu�ixxess Mancing% threo,doors� 261upratice for any Case of coughs, colds, sore throat, influeriIIa, Fands. . 'A few.dayB ago -the e�axgeiical fa�r- hfiirseiaxlsg; bronchitis, consitimption in its early stages, -a- forinerl-7 carried on by ili6 firra"of Nbwton LA :101� SALE. d f th . une as ot-vice and-,1ta al H diseises of the throa Dexat Conti 11ati L ping cough, and all a t And at ' ELA L T,H1 I S' W EALTH, arr"re a 0 ope of the lilb6ral'patrouge! heretofore enion rapt �rxj ed I Sale four wiles from BEE VE.— OFFICE, RATTENBURY ST. IU1648, except asthma, for which we only claim relief, yod., I It RALN J� If Logether.and 'are tak' I"a V DR- that we can't oune with Wpst's Cough Syrup, wheat "a 'to forlia, a� union -390 oil La',iy dooro east of, Hodgcuo, ea- Ing easures tents. 76 ai�rea bu�li. Murray Block, two taken according, to directiow. Stimple bottles 25 and Against the-enem.,V, 150 dlergymen have trance. Resictenee, Opposite 'the' Temperance . Hall, 50 cents ; large bottles one 'dollar. Genuin r ppers Huron Street, Clinton.* Of L ricehours, 8 6,m. to 6 p.m. only in blue. Sold by- all druz.-1st9­ or a - HARNES S LL- ICINDS. already united. A few'monthe ago,'I bslieve,7' )rcgB a, receipt of price. 'John C.. well Berit: by'ex t &,Co. s, & TRUN KS;, VALISES about J,000 clergymen And la�-workera ficin. LOT FOR SALE. RS. WHTTY, '.11FACHER, OF 3JUSIC., PUPILS " U1111, St.L Out. ,For sale at Combo's differ a attended at their own realidence,ifnaille6flary, Ro- Druz� Ttorc I � �— Q � &C. exit Ilortionia of the' Northwest hold ::" RIPS 41011 verition- here, and laid-lbeir heads togeth­ VALUABLE BUILDING. LOT for, sale lkeftr sidence, John Robertuon?s, flurou, Stredt, Clinton. I talc c I elit pil new method taught �if desired. or ow . -t-o-�eatback�,il)e.1-iiingitidp:p.tibfidel- -A re of the town. liultable fox Terms CaSY6. ity. IS, ecomlixg 4 -.power, TOHN 11El'CALFE, Veterinary Surgcoli, froul the ,*ices lih;,Ivays, reasonall, e. The lay -worker b A . I RTT, T ie6L ' ' ' - JOHNSTONY TISIDALL 01 A t E 'SNerve Bn reattracrit, at guar-' and his sery a are (.ver.ywhere �in: demand. Ro3.al College of Vote'ritiary $ur,geons of England, rC.wost, Indeed a Successful evangelist ha's u'lluore en,- ­�ALTJAtLE 'fel,,raph 1=clies attended to at � 'Ice. OnIm" A�,;L) anteed,�pecific for fits, 'L.L IT RIO STREET, QLINTO"I., E W, TON rieuralgla, headactio, nervous prostrtion Calls-, viable position often than a,d�til.arly, station- L 1 B A N.K�E R of alcohol, wakefillness, �taezitid depres- LOT,FOR SALE. ed by the ii�, ed ministcr. ll be raceds.'is a %N;�11-thumbea . I : . I I .. I in SiOD, softening of the b) %in, in insaiiit� , d It. STA�LBPRY; CBADUAE, OF ,THE Ama)j 'on faveri e paSsages, a book 1"UTENBURYi leading to inisery, decay and death, preitiature'old ag;o, 4 bible, 'especially t I j- -for sale fliat Splendid barreun 5 OfL r offers elsflv,TorOntQ,f6r L asgospel hymns, an-eirilest na'anner and de'. itaildiiag lot on Huron Strect, diri�e-tly oplio-' y of the Hospitals and YorlI ,es,, pct�ver in either SOX, itif;perinatorrlibea, caused by ri;-Lor-exertloll. of wer, �ivery, and his Success If he has tliL Coinin6relal 'Hotel, v'ith a frontage of 66r-u�r for tllo- Cqullf� of lluroll,BtiyflcId, Out. A GENERAL BANIiINGBUSINESS. 111ilj�flc SOId:xJI most reasonable te'rials. Tlmoyadvariced on and Notesolhand; th'e,braiii,'self-abuseoroi,ei�-iiidtilgeiiQe. Oneb6xWiLl a melodious v6icei so,m�ch I In us t. cure recent cases. Each boXL contins one Inoilth's J,01IN JA.CKSON, - QlllltOI3, U IV�.,VILLIAMS, 'B.A.; 1d.B.,GRADUA'XR Or ,1�,rafts iJouej payablo ali,�,ar,at all the offic"'Bof the treatment, r a bo.�'or six Lboxes f; � fire (lol- moved here at, s J;ank otCtinade., New York exchange: One doll, OL o seen , it Audiences �.ioronto b Jars Sent by nlailL prepaid We 6 tp n receipt of price r,quares and parks,- by that simpl YI. of sicians and Surgeons, Ont., Oil"ICEA REBI.D1lNCF' the all lit ftll� 8014, ,PRO5qT ATENTXON PID 'to COL ]EX, WIIE-� t-,�: 1PAL-'V gillarantee six, btl��Oq' to case; With eacil Or- L r, OR SALE. howle formerly occupied by, Dr. Reovej Albert, street L, clioN and the United States. 'd6r received b -boxes - aocoirt I pa,i preaching which appeals tothe'lic,l and by Lis for six led with QN;O Clinton. axl& money 0 send tllef)UrZai`�Or Irritten �,ufix.arl- hymns of all affectional character. :5ALE NOTES BOUGHT�ftt'Olase rates, U'to � procqre from ' your of . L ilot of l'ots 6 and 7i Utifon Road. Conae�sion� Y TAPSUOTT'S t6e Wrefund th6 men y if tbo.treatinent doe'S ect a cure. es issued Conibe The Y. M. 0. A. is d*oill'.-I I believe, a reat Township ofGaRrich,.each containing about 75 Berea -it. & MRS. BLACKSTONE, tea6hers of Voozil find Gmtrantee for the young an, 14 advise. aa turaps. There it) suit tbo*br,rrowqlr.'.All,tnarketable se'e;,i work here tnd mostly free front it oariOr, gale a4ent for OIhltQn,,Ont., Jo Wet 'go low f Bold' - L ' . , . -,any young man conling to this,city, with its tire oit the'preinises good frone diit-buildings, a fifCale gan,� Factory. 1�.. 13—Siliill, oral 11-. tR lirpprwtors� Toronto. maily allurements Of 'Vic . O' and , its . dubious ao,',a Iieod bearfng orchard,-hrld it nel,eri-failiii, Violin Le,836114glyell. DOMINION HAIR RESTOR SVring creek. The abovefarin is s�itllated oil the Baran Clinton, Fell. 16, ISS2. BAKI-,E Efts Oi? T Fir'. moral toile on Sunday to u nite Iwitlitbigsoci y. tIt keel tiral it is�riot offe nsive kior et eitlidr or ill 'For f rtber�pard It. DT L&BOU is Imir L-esh and nat HIS Beaver Block, all) stairs, iiext door �to the rikht, L 011 hs Opelical all oflieD in the fX TDR ES 9' A L.T� I D -Y DEPO,§.TTS injUriOLIS.111 its efecsbt;tlplea,sal I itnd refre3llilll- - it dita—rooria 100tureS, b,). to A36 JL OUTL' give prompt atteiii i J. P.�TISDALL T. A.-'GALR. and tone­beautY evening c asses in common brauches of'study, JOI Nr ilm slid Am to all'triattelsrequir,11,14 A.,TOHNSTO- iiglit an ds.qa� "es to be I oft at lylit. I J)hollography; g, 'idea good Jo I.,; _Elo . ra I It prorn6tcs.lux ro th ahil to assist. Hurdn Street' ISDALL, anager. I provent,, prerna ture dcc�xy. s,.and friendp moral aSsociatioll 11 OUSE &LOTS mu SALEL.B�oBLIt'rSo' ±iair V wor him to employment, all,for live dollars a year., B. HUFFMAN, -P NGIIANI Ila lots , 96 11m, P R 1'C E 510 CENTS rPHL Vtainc Coltilge n(l' two of yoath, leinber of: such A Ilurcill Clititoll, li�ataltcal with. tilloico ALaga�t, N ornber,"Fabroary -find May, for tile '])air. -rva find lreslil S IANO TUNFR, N111 '6uld not like to know t late of vChriton'quitrterlyli absent sodwas an interestOd-11 ndJoh n M- C br l, ri;,il ])to it color -f tilt ill'balaring and siall stallici ifro'perty at of tunizig� Pianos rgans� and the' an institution. m6d, js,ofr6red 4alno, Prices lolv. nay light my hns;. believe, stmak serat Ily tho Illialcil!, ITFACTURER, _el The Salvation At PoSaoBsi6lifli"itofMy. tioiisfroiii-thecoLintryatteiidedtol)ronil)t.ly. 85-y SALT- I A N� (Y hair be COAIJBL--� I I I ..L I I . 1. I tn axe -1 ­ .: h8. 'R. Co m' b ei Aoe t JAS.1 h --been oft "I'L though not baldness A ND DI IN' Fopflned to -the -weA side, and beyond creat-, r%.R. WORTHINGTON','PHYSICIAN SURGEON f _S of tbo liair cuoseekeys, f 0 RE NT. Imgl�Ibmo ainuserneir# aniong 1­�,OR. SALE OR' fit has )ao r �i%ta andCorcluoif6a: tboC6lJxJtyafHuron.L Officoand nd di�dl "d say that it may not lie c -Some OR -sale or to rent, It% o tit of the HIS AND PROVISIOS t been li6 al of.� I Should but k to i Adapted to rea` h GROCE to WbOL F residance,—ThG building fornierl� otioupiell'by Mr nectilifir to the As In mimic warfare is 11, neces a 0 ritild'T ru it k -rfri I wa.�. One -is ulll; c011- Hur6al stl I -Oct.. 'ALBERT STREE Ty, is the pre- tion, but on the whole,1 b­01f6v'e 6at much taining �our rooms with gbod inises 'Th& other o'cantaine- a�olitL nine roolfl' Clinton, Jan. 10,1871. a Opp�site the Town III lit he Oil nor.dilb,, reuders tho hid I,. sof t ti is (lone by such -r a nd.g barn a burlesqu eand traves 'With �ood hurd And Soft wate ood Stahl t(I illiparts anity. (3 will, be let ou'rea - 46ry Chi ty upon, uhriati onthelot, EititertheLaboV )Ice Lard,.' Hams 444con C 'CARTWLRIGHT & Son, Sulaclnj'N 10 Graduate Of tliallbyal' College pwest. Thorp are miss' us Ot various kiaidS got -lip Bortable terms; orwill Lbe sold cheap, on! terial - S., For sale at I froiii A in (I glerent quarters of theL tijtyj� gen6rally the to suit purchaser.- JOS, ALLIN§ON.' of � Dental" Surg6ons*. of .0 nta' rio, has ash paid foi- Firm Products. A rougher the bett 9:R. 0, t:t short tinie I bepairial nerly bld. ower III er for mission pur- hedr66r"'inAh'bNiotorIa Block, Albert '. Street' L ti: or of 111AA,it 11 poses. Hogan, a 2 a. refomed-pagilia "Hil fo rL S aLl pe where he vrfll con�tatxtly U� in attendance, 6t ikaid.preparedto perform cieri,operation conuectc1 prfaffill, is,LONJDE61IORO� y has lield nightly meetings, assisIted by his withDentiatry. Teeth extilitied, or filled with gold, C7r hea&oti.bar wife ft -t hich,niany of his former, low Asso- amalgam, orother filling material. tkitificial. teeth uut.,.- rp,HATI,%vell-built, sub�tauti�:,I:iii�lcoiiifort,,tljle from one t6 a fallget Offleas Open on T fo v t it ol,voar ri ay a �JOHNISTON-'y ciates,ree6ved benefit. . Col.:Geb. 1, inserted JL house, � at pi-eselat occupied by L. F id ' and 8&6irday's.: a reformed -garlibler, has ca ?ried on for y6ars Ouillaxottovill the erma� �.Fou�. rooms -A RAII. Vloolt is most icial. in re ll)� Sell' Jew down and kitchen down Fit ira� arld three u% Good XONEY. TO- LIE highly benef liar aid, all conveniences; hard and sof a er 'S A,RSLA PA R I L L for tile hall I of.it Mission, which has been dd for e'ale oil reascuabile. t F S the Pacific Garden 1 a his qrom vicious li�es- . Clarke. frenly, tell Small ochard oil the, lot. For particular apply, HIC und6rAgned bogs to inform his otiatomers �FOR—L, lilvIo�l'o:OX -1 IJIS6 �poritil . Its itr,l, MONLY,TO LEND, ON REAL T -th public gone oil hand I- an�l inakes own experience. He was a' hotel' gambler, to REV.- J. S. LOCIIEAD� rall that lie has no, hill . . , L "�y an([ soft. .061tsiting Of 1,4 also a sure cure, for Not oradeaboro, Dec.! 26. 1882. oN ;o ieforii� 'lie was eyed AT'LOWEST RATES. very large stock 0, and on his resolving. t tho 11repardtiun"Ovor by the saints with xas.mue 1 susp , iel I o . n as, oa�ul OR i . And for Puri yifig the Blood, �'It has been in�us6 fo� 20 yearq,'a . earl 0 a PLO, I roved to I)IO t1i of Tarsus waSL'by the' ebriStifinS -befo": SALE':: C' RIDOUT; NL [L �k' SU Mile- FAr tT of tho F'AR N1 �Y & Trout V e best -prepliration 'be had proved his sin6erity by his life.L.Clark-1 inarket for SICK HEADA-CRL, THE'.SIDE OR and'wife w6re reduced to a'very low 6bb. Ile , rrrl'E b,,rilor offers for salc:theL son", lit"' of Blils. of - B�ICK­ LIVER, Boston Fe'b, 6 JS86: Ve'r MONEY TO. LOAN.— -L� Lotlii), L.R.S.,.Tuckersmith, consistirig of 47j- TlIE 1`.S.Cr �videncd of the work to do' rom the re.- could get 110 honest acres, oil i�bleh 'is erected a,good bfi.nj barn, witiv PLAINT,' IMPLE. Iused C DYSPEPSIA, 'and' all t �VpLr..6� � -' SO N"I A I I been 000�PRIVATE FUNDS, to lend ble t6 spectable.portion of the cominunity, who felt wells, All but five .'acres clearaid'and Irce' of $40 that arise t roil! A' Lifs�rxlered L 4ru incredulous at his mrvellous chbLuge dhe, tunips� In a good state of, cultivatiom 16 a6rals of Property; at'16west'interest.'- Apply to intpui-el'blood. � Thous Iit Inat- C.. A., HARTT, Solicitor &,c lai'hich will be sold at the IoNvost rowuncrative rates'. ends of our biis�- ali'appen Sci faill wheat. Lgii'late 'Only a haile, 'from' the gi dare not iii,his con ence re0it to Ilia tormer of Clinton. Ivill be�sailxl oil reasonable Grins. Clintoly, Aug. 24, 188�. PerrillsBlo'c'k. le taka it, stud ve it, to ch i I ter or to inin;ster.q,. gri 'rO -an , a are - lami. "JOHNL:STI] Phy.i(:it,�i§.prescri6oLitdailY. Those Y inmode of life. Willit, am vl; f t N T110S. (�OOPEP nr. . . PHENSU r f tlic, publie." le *housakouc6, worannienWittoothei tll,l -in the face, bait Still �he clu�iigl Ni-ith :nob It'ismade fr6m'Yelloav Do6k,11ondu IS sIILjn� f tenacity Of purpose, findus I in Answer to b E Cheri-S—Stilling 1' C� 'v -; I T, . I `�, 1 ( I -1 � J $, 2 ',� � , elion,. Sassafras-, Wiilteriio�,It h Oj JILIN, 11, J. I ff praferS for aid he relates that on' CouiJUg out it � .� other well-kn6wri. valuable and I of his house ond morJaiI141when big affairs had t thilmod I as,,rowill- r11HE ill Herbs, Iti§strIctly-v6getable, and J�IL he saw wth of. JL situated.farria, IC)o rank gro )scriber Off ers T sale that converilon , lily Oil E velry �estriptioll of' �ri ip rti N abit or"I ARM FOR, SALE -INSURANO aeche'd It clitliax, Goacribli. Township, riot hurt the most delicate constitution� st, lot 37,:7t a can. It is one,&f the best medicines in use for Oppotl aiid it 3ic%v growth comincriccd, 'itrid in muslaroams, and the thought occurred to hinia �4 acrOs,'bn which'there.is a frame house, EST'.RAT E S. ith"O"ittaillill-g AT LOW, e -ulating the -Bowe lvitil S,hoLit Ila R is -antillu&l to and is city.—He_ -born and �hea; 83 acrOs, olc%redi and under good fence 7D �'EE IT A.T i I� is Sold L by it. it has and cultivatt6n, ww&ter6d,'2J- acres good orchard: RIDOUT­ClIt:Ao.,i CALL,AN lull responsible'druggists odid so ,it a hi -11 priee;, anatfor time -a Terms eaay:'Illncss of proprietor reason for, selling. Coo PER. & M,L no dollar.for a quart bottle� oi� Eiz dail y of the' f uangus'1el5ti them in "Lppl bL for f1ve; dollam y` at tlib.LN Ew rRA office or J. Howson, Clinton, a Iy as It taken p by that pbil- or address the proprietor, �'t Galt. Those who, cannot obtain a . bottle of . ii I L � lie N�fts thell 1 y L , , _I, 6 al.Well, (Afte� will' G this-rnediciale froma, their druggist im 11110reds of s ,it al.i to anthropist, John Y. F om.tbd send us, one dollar, and we will se Of L FOP " 'ill" their 'Ila 011s. NL C. A. have named Fitrwell Hall,*) and OXtL 0 "Ic the most, of its mluo�. to,thell ae, Sent to Colorado, Where he adem6ne yL' 'both FARI�l SALIE, toiners for the L O� 1039.0=T for hilns,��lf and1y1r. AT?5 to hitilwace thtat in cloillieditill Nviih thei etor -aG SECURITY, AT O�N r D Co., OWell ''MaS6­ ljLf6'xxx)d noaaarls eto the ca: use of' �iig- Soil- L .A�er & Ilot; 11 and lifalf of lot M r1iii-on Roo'd, Q,odae- eat the Gran.d Trunk flalliml SiOD��. 11ftl)y Ellebliliqt6boos con d lt� axoted VOS. 1'O 17j)y , 'r '%I, &TW Co., �Agf "I 11 ton or ich ,us les them a !U rich towns1iip, (if -tile old' 13 ewater I tif ti,ino and space permittCd. containing IS[ to atover to exe Ito all' rk in thol. — ------- 'Clio Y. M. C. A. even 'dLeVotea 'SOLD e fforts' 10 acres of pine, 'COTT, i"If�.Nvith Some hard &.S It good dwellitig' L I 'L T C v N� to:tlle c�,angelizatii)13-c,f-tLie',H6athent minee,i? Wood- dr6s of awheat,' 30 xlw� Stable o x 30, y6un, Iol­hoxtsa,��goc­ Tit— olrelia-rd anal I. was: liluch. int d S atheir lien they- th'tough't one week night w 0 lei I gtif of tile , e ,th W, r � , , . were haviag a social tiln their teapbers. Terms inodertitc, nd material furnished t t ii,frocal ilpor). - All lot est ta�tice, and lit.'reasoviable rates. ply on itlio,proinls� Thnir faces beamed with happiness 111 by 1'�ttA�r to ITOLMESVILLB P.O. AC RES MEE" 1.1m 8" If one bere cannot 1i Jid fl�, Social and religi.. -IN CALBICK A--rWc tys keep oil hand first-class, SHINGLES fastidious. 1 14*13 L 4 - . I u tfie &DRUG ISTS. t JOL C. HE] M I G oils botne he in st be, --T of LIME,L which will be I al: B-oburch, jDL e He canhave a broad church the 'AL 11"ART11: FOR E evils 1j,nike, Tifirtle Xonntsa it., the �-�iroiv church '.or the ethical culture� And 'Monse River Conntry., church And if tbe,,e do, not satialy him . lie et dcrijigiietl offei-s.for sale that valuable faraf 'A� NORTH DAKOTA, lb can drop itat.. the. I 'self -Savi.6rp"' church, a so., OMaidand THE-31OLSONS BANK, h L!IICC.Y1]01I Of the Tov cialistic organivation. Then he !can 6ar"the 4Godcrl6h, contiii I tlie[1fifted' 5tates Lii6nd office at Tributa y to i - 220 1,110 ill of Ualtivatioll, Inorpewated by Aeb of Our: Sto,61C �of Gospel of the Book of Wormon expotinded KOT k The inedi�ines Complete arriliked ' nulhle, a, U of.:, 40 Nvith fall lvh6at, 80.aOVesi seodcd,doWij. GRAND FORKS DA W—ell to the only drawback is that INIbrinonits'llit in Chii r,,f �tnd wl'fe�ljc6d. or ,c fraiac hotige :laid three good barns. ectionalinap ,and full particulri'malled, free CAPITA cago is stripped -6f the polygataing feture, lar, :Si but where diyorce is ad cheap,and'aaa Thiii niil'o,tro'nlL'I'lolllld."Ville., The to.aray,addr,asa­bV uit "Hi F. XcNA- H haps this is to'great matter. Tlie.otberday, rtcl��--tai a L , ', , ACES y; : perf MONTREAL. Toil ET SOAPS! I TERN�, LDtR Bpt above l4s,�vill bcsbid together or E,AD OFFCE P.Eru) Ttirins omy. , For particular; apply to General. Travel ln,�, Agent� IND� 6F,1AUG0IS1S,' ;StNDRIE9 USVA-LfY-,KEP however a judge here.'refused an old dame of ll Solicitors, Clititoa,orto the THOMAS 1A'OPKAM ......... President, a er ninety,year-old' JOHN n. .11: R. MOLSON Vice -Pres. a T C RU% STOE E. SPOUS6 St IN seveilty divorce from li' I. or. L '. I LAss, D comforting her with- WOLF.ERSTAN THOMAS, Gencral'X6arlog L I � L � 11 � . . I i I 1. I 'L I L . 11 . I I a 8,11 ElIeLwoUld ��t fre"M the FOR SALK;-OR.' TO. R EINTLY Notes s Court of. Heaven, which' never erred in itg decisions. OArlMormons style themselves'the azid el"diange 9 Si ii%ted to file "Reconstructed churc� L la of Latter Saints north caot:of the'lligb School, 'T �RB J C 0 ras-0 bieribcr offers for sale tbreo'ix�res of and arid r a Yoting-andbis, Seat 66: and 66. Very desirable location for �'CE TRAL ,''D'RUG 64 epudiatii.Brighan resiXeu,"s. be sold separately or to4o'ther. . Are E -MB Eli L well. fenced, and have an fassw "S - �OSITS. t MPARr"Y's 110 N1 E EDItS ' CUTIC 1A REMZDIE�,,� revelations. rtment of choice fruit T AdOWLD 09 DE M Spiritualists or "SpiritiAs",are hum treo.-5 thcriioxa� Will also seM or 16aliethe hotasie,fiow H OPAMIC 'RE U a ,d mediurnaandebairvoyauts fl6urisb�� occupied by himself, oa the cornalro James a reet. � It bid, 'S . SPAVIN QiJBU. n here f, t* M F, KENDALL., tol:'rnicr.- on their own note.% With 11 a ed It b '�nts kept in to order.- I)Bdi,oc;iii�*,,s'ittiiig,rdoiri, dining room, sin tch a remarkable lad hom; I went t6llear 6nii , a nd, Clod, laile 11 cyr ItAr ne' atial Nvinter kiteh'cn,.and other c6ravairtitinces. one or more iihlorstrs; No ratertgag6're.qWrial is �e- A121 all t e recent pat stock, or �rqeured Sunday.evouing—Mrs. Atxn6lbora Richiriond JOHN ,10SLIN. JEWCILL 10 , —who lectured in Fairb'�xxk's HAD., The lee- JIi. E R, Ike., : : ­" �� ­.* ­ E Ri C� It, : NOES, )SR E ture w s free "with the exception of. a small, MARKET, CLINTO , N 1� Of WI Y llxrd 15RrWE,5, TOILET StTS, a contributionLof. a ditne tolbe.ji(Iket PR.N-,er eller, at F OR SALE. PERF, VNIERY ar PERTIES y eal),. the door, " anal'the large andi�ne'was respect7 I whore lie.keep,S 6, saileetaer rtment of $500 REWARD! able and ordoily� and Seemed g6norall�,to eft. We.will pqLy the alaove rcivard for any case of liver, CELLULOft) TRUSSES at, reduced raie. PRESCTUP,TIO'N�S id f aarail� lecomplaint, dyspops I t ly COM ter with ferver into the Work.of tile e.fenlng. by Albert. WATC�ES, CLOCIM JEWFLLERY, SIL J(ER_ indigestion, con- ' ; I I .mxabaII.L!SOVCJJ recalls, good receipts aiccura e ou 11�ded with care ana.� Pcspatoli.'�. The lady, �ratller.stouit auc,l � fair�,not ra�indrk' IiLimp; first-clasH garden, Terms 8tipation or costiyene8s we cannot cure *ith West�s he looking, eye Apply to Awillnr VLIIIALL, Or the ably intellectual Vgetable Liyer pilis, wben-the directions are atrictlY� a deoply set :,in Oj��. , Two run of' 1,Wbi6lit'we will sell at reasonable rates. cornpliedith. They I are purely vegetable, and never 9 fail td giVe Batisfacato'n., Sug-fai ber head, And in her: whole� aplivery calm� and C's I 1111ST 51 LL, AT 13 AN D Other 4ated, larg� boxes,, two if callitaining 30, pills, 25cetitq,:, For sale by,all Drug ists., seemingly nalim Adlu�at' aiC HE, MIST AND IMIJOGIST pressione I'd t Boware of c6untalrfeits Brad' Irritations;* to gentline in her attire, neither self asserting, or shrink. -,0j Repativirag of, every descriptioll promptly a mantif-ictured only,bi, ohn C. West & Co., " the pill ance-as one paiSSive And M AIN N 1.1�r C tended to, and all work warranted' '81 & 82 King St.' East, Toronto, Ont. rrba ing, but to All appear, sMakers; Tt .. .. ...... ... trial -package rais�ii pre id oil -tec.qipt of a t -acted up6ii by Sonic ex raneoun foree, BI-DI)-L-rCC Ispeakor commenced by fall invo'cation of pray- 7 S PLE N D I D� FA RM fo r 9 A Ll: f`atrxt6n,:NovAS8" . riava gue indefiniteriL poetic diction, but throughotik by At sale llj� t" 4 at ileryaded lin -L ofJ at Na lam -and After a hymn of t j _13 in the -11th. ccnoxi,4siain kit It Lillett, c CreS OlLcr&d-and Same hiiia6ter as the prayer,�sho c6 ceil-195acre, ER, her loctui al, which 8116 chaimed to'be deliver�d alld stfitb of cultivation.,; 01 -00(i Traloo house, two franio under 1ho infition-&bf the spirit- tathe kto 2. That largo:dricl 01iminodiotti fl-airto t,ludge of New York, a fainous every variety wNvaterod C —6 lot. � SituatO72�i iiiilcq fricoirLon-, licar the G. `iV. Station latel occui)ied by the -Town of Clinton. atior. agent. Has wa I i t pArlor, (finhij room eight' bed. itulist. The subject , S'Criniiiial J,aw nirining "Pit ly thr miles f roin the the lan�ufigo waSL real 0 rooms,- kitchen; pantry,'&o, Hard 'Aud, 'and the quit6 conVeiiient, This IS one of vere thoughts:nIagnificerilb, "V11cra J, el'osed my whcatiarnili in the cotitity.of Huron, FLU1, LI 1� T N. andsoft lici0fil,-. SUItOd fo� it seemed as V Some States - inaari'of waster A1.46. . � to' rent I a oo I (I fart I it of. I 00 oro, I !u NoPili STOrvE It large family M, aVS0 '�ition. Appiy to the OWIlell, MR. G. BMTLEY, Or to eyes Ora boarding-Iiouse;,'1LBt6Iy finished -laid, i good 0 oll- n,� was deliverin'g-Axis thought's before a bench of PreM6 jxxd�JIS.L FrOin first to -last this tone Torans.atid particulft!rs oii THOS. STEVENSON.' .3. Lot 82 Mary StieOt 71 was 'maintained. ' After lth6bli4r hymn into his new MOre slence) Nvith ret Cotta�6:af towns ior the Nov, Z3, 1832� Loadesboro 11.0. Having rrio�ed kitchen ,,�Ood Nvoll anil I)Litl'p audience was relltiosted to!su, t "gesb some ople an impromptu p iWCjPP0SI for and I thought I TE TIE[E 'TOWN., h6tcl 15ropertj lctorhv SCrcot, 4L + Would give the Irldv I while, FARM ]FOR 'SA'LE Clinton; as Lane's Hotel, now o0pupibalby hie. 8 ­, tos of -Otis frien1i in linton -­Offi� - f- Jig oli �Bcg%JW ­ , . , - I 1. I ­(4,op ,tax, coaalyri§il�k ra 0 Oil 10 By xlano I(r 13Y AUC' ON, ouelots, &c. low teS C CTJRkI.L That elegant er brou"lit bito' therne, and for about lift6(i" 'I harecivinstructions IlLirpra Street, Clinical, formerly held by" -J. a. Miller, -f-ris eN f Furrilti ro,ofall kindS, Mach as besid� me called out "labor 'At a superior Colln oil once the -q Tbe lanvest stock id'most beatitiftil desil Imured b I . L In . I or. N w I oil the Picialises,L p.m,j tllxlt� now tio'bupled by Mr. John P� Martin. this coan in out a volume of labu to sell' by auctioll on"rlitursda"V, '20til of BEDROOM PARLOR' SETS ' ty'," !'7. TAot 21 oil Huroti,st, with house now Alf. of tlic 1)6rtll,: lateit, )n) 01, IN'. Tl� station 'agent.; lso avehalf of -16t 13, Con'. 3. 't 006upied by 1)1�, SlrnS( .f pre-arritti,-enicrat. warlos 1, 06-11 [fail,- lot --40 oil Street, abutting oil tb`c above lot -The ea Moro, or less, On the farria 15,a or myself- I - tarlrl Sta B to forin his own coneJusions. rail Ie b, ble. A ocid Coacroto houge;, - �icksrin, or to. lho t; the 25usplLaid jildgwont. But � I might go o lilt T.&t rivulet runs B otNo. 845 oil Mary Str6c Toran n "forever and yso 'a ifrook WALL P A? U., EDSTE, ADS, Sf DEBOXI' DS ' forev 0 corner of thn Wl 8 I` this topie'Land 111USt tholr6foi� r 6 e road -vithiii 2� JoiIC8 of, atla f u 1.11 i"I'ing , llomo iri o�6�11il&d Mr. �Vin, 6ftl1k. TIM L�11)1�Alid abOut the, sann6 which lie will sell at the lowest living f�ipfiu - roolps nd, ollL story; has back a -7 1 " , �'a t 0 ; an ore, Iti, , I I "I" ­ -­ ­­­ ­­­­­ -­ , I or arId llopdul or L��a fu an IIjil -Huron Stfaq, 1,11 (3 ell CIL 1'. El-Ulli U11C, k;VI1I1IIUIIU0U LU LIIU IliUZ)l, 9 meantime I viSll you anc your left CTS ,store Bacl dNvc rig, oil lot 18, invited to 0XII Mitt $00 �Or thOtIl oprosperous voyago in'lif 011t per ll; I y 1, A: , llaiin4t. 6 6 U IV' Appl,�-.t you IS re t)c' f I' .1 iN � W.'11. Sf INIPSON. .114 ofzc1l�III;T) 9'1!,,, Voli. 28tb. I ItNT,6, Tfca�on StroOt, Mint -;n OlinC io, il 6,