The New Era, 1883-03-16, Page 4Pa,OT *IV eiti5entolt $.. Yprng hats—W. Juekson. Saint Patrick—Pay:& Wiseman. Stock complete—T: Jackson. .A,rrivals—Oraib, M-acwhirter & Co. Lets tolease-•W. C. Searle. 'Houseto rent Mrs.: J. Steep:_ Tenders wanted J, Cornish. Seed stole - �7avis, . Governess wanted,—J..Ransford. Bard; epi ,e—John A. Naftel. Clinton . IIAIZD TIMES CO.tllNG. The following'items ars taken from a oing-le' issue of the a Toronto News. They are ,but a-repetition.of what has appeared in these columns, but.coming,from such a strong N.P. supporter and Government organ as the even- ing ven ing offsprin8 of the Mail, are suggestive, to say the least: If bard times are eoming, and heavy stocks of winter goods are going to be carried over what has become of that won= de'i•ful panacea for., all busines troubles, the N. P. ? Here aro the items ';eatthey are a truthf1 foreoast:of coining events, no Com- mercial man will dispute :- • The beat wholesale men are not pushing their sales' this spring. Too, much paper `coming back' for extension. - • FRIDAY. 'MARCH 1s,' 188,3. 1 • TE1IC LICENSE LAW. -Some strong temperance puplicationa are .becoreingvery uneasy over tits possibility of e1)ominion Jerre ation in iravor of less stringent - regulations towards honor dealing; that they :have some grounds for these fears cannot be denied, as a :paragraph 'in the 'Governor's ppeech, at the opening of parliament,,promis- ,;ed the introduction of a bill .of, $hat :nature„ 1• -and lately, whenever any changes have bees .made in the cabinet, nien'connected with the liquor interests, . like I Mesera • Carling•• and • Smith, have been given seats' therein, and, -false John A. in his Yorkvilie speech, promis- ed it. Notwithstanding these -semi -commit- ',. tals to the meaeurthere ae good reasons to believe that the s6asion ttel'1 pass without :any', thing being done that Will affect the liquor: < business. In the first place, government 'haw made no preparation for a' bill,'and'now that the House -has been in session about five weeks. =.a large committee•has been appointed ,to ex-. amine into and report upon the question; that their report, if made at all, willbe adverse to • interfering with -a matter that • can better 'be attended to by the local legielatdres 'ia most likely, as that committee well knows that the ;peopleare becoining more and more disposed to have those things -that: relate to •their local affairs under their own manage- ment, and, also; that. that body of men who are looked upon as, especially` delegated to look after the rnoral interests of the oommun.. ity-the clergy—are opposed to any :clange in the direction indicated, and no petitions of any account halve been] sent in asking for the e'hange, S1V,P DLE'etS AND•, TIIE1R VICTIM. It may not• be that ,breaches. 'of trust, and 'I swindles bythose who have the handling of money and valuables that , belong to other' people, are now more numerous than at any, previous period, ,but we cannot -help hat think that; for extent,•completoness.of plan and suo; • cess never before' were• they equalled: 'Scarce- . ly a day pasecs'now•bat what seine huge de tt . .. falcation, forgery, or other epeoies of robbery -is is' fnade public,: and we are informed in the :,same paragraph that the ;perpetrator of the nwindle has succeeded', in making good his ea- '" cape. The latest that has been discovered is that of Emmett O'Neill, a Schen•ectady broker, who recently failed, having fled, was found to' haver victimized parties .at '.Sclienectody and c Dnanosburgh out of let less, than $250,000.` • .. .::IIaving the handling (of his :father's estate, and being presumably'i wealthy, he was:elect• bed director, of .the Schenectady Bank. From the.books of the bank he 'learned -that ,many farmers of Duanesburgh had"funds to invest: .He 'obtained .poss`essi in of.'their money . on plausible: representations, and gave as security forged mortgagee: W'1'here.further promf was. asked he .would even forge assignments .-of mortgages,;including the County: Clerk's cert tifica,te and copy of'the record.; r Ile also forg- • 'ed notes. Nearly every person in Daanes- burgh who had honey is a victim : In, Schen, ectadythelosersarecountedbythesnores, Hiw mother and sisters are_left penniless.. Before_ leaving Scheneetady'.on the .midnight .train. O'Neill, taking a diplidied dollar greenback in his hand went from ,store to store asking to have it changed No one could change it; • and he borrowed a. 'few • dollars from. each store -keeper. ••He victimized ov•er twenty re- sidents at' this gaineai He went to New -York, •",- where it is Bald that: he made an unsusoess_ fiif attempt to raise $20,000 on forged securi- ties. . It is believed he has gone. to Europe..' His wife, two daughters;'and son are still in .' Schenectady. The suffering and• mortification caused by this rascal's..preceeding can' never he told, and by no possible moans can he ever; undo the evil he has done,: even if at any future moment in his career$e repents, of his crime, and a•feeling of doubt and suspicion is engen dered that othe•rs are only awaiting an oppor- tnnitq of following in:his steps, so that-coofi- dence in one another -is more and more under- mined till:soareely ono can- be trusted.' T'hrs is not a pleasant pietnre to contemplate, after the Iengthy and energetic labors of the nume- rous and various -bodies -of moral reformers many among whom,- boast. of the "advances, znnde in virtne, enlightenment and fraternity,,' Take care. It will take but little to bring on a great financial crash this spring. In the fall—well, inthe fall look out. The News -hat several times taken occasion: to remark that 1883 will witness hard times. Permit us to repeatthe remark with emphasis.' The Manitoba :bubble is broken; Many Ontario men who ;bad no rifeness to specu- late will also be' financially broken before many moons have waxed and waned. Heavy stocks of winter goods will have to_ be carried oyer the summer by country mer chants; and many, country merchants will have to'bo'carried' over the warm spell by wholesale men. , THE English crop prospects are decidedly gloomy, and it looks aa, if nine out of every ten of the -farmers there will be bankrupt next fall. . .v ♦moi �.. - .. Aeroraaa of the'Phoenix Park murderers is- alleged salleged to -have turnell up in Milwaukee There will soon be as many murderers dis- covered as there were of the original hatchets with which George Washington smote. till'.cherry A;F& wER down east named Yost lately. committed suicidebecause he eduld' not amass '$100,000., The world is just as well with-' Out him. " Mon who won't hold out'a'day or two longer for a' trifle of tliis kind, are better, out of existence. Tan London Free Press; is in favor of bien- nial sessions of theLocal Legislature. Before dioussing the propriety or otherwise of such a course, will 'our cotem tell us if it would mantain, the same position, providing the Conservatives werein power, and the Re•, former'' out. Wa• HAVE contended for years that wife. batersrshoud be flogged, as a punishment for their ;crime, and Mr: Wood, of Brook- ville, has introdu'oed a bill • into the House, with that end in view. We don't suppose Mr. Wood ever read the Nzw ERA, but it encourages us to see,•that', our opiaious:are being aoted upon. WE often boast, as Canadians, of our oda- national progress and *advancement, but there . is a phase of mei al progress wherein the Ame- ricana can,heat ns every Mme"s;, I at is in re- ferenco to temperancd. There is amore heal- thy; total•a}idtinence sentiment in almost every, • state of the -Union than can be found any` where in Canada, and the comparison is any. thing but flattering to us. A cess of considerable interest, and of po culler oharactor will ° shortly come up .for trial at Atlanta, Ga, Somo time • ago the' much -abused Chlorine took up their abode at that place,_but...a_nnmber_.of..:hoodlume,�e garding them as intruders, drove thein opt of .,.,,.,,.:.the -neighborhood and destroyed their proper- - ty. The Chinese not iiistitntesuittorecover. $115,000 damages,'', and if they get: justice they will recover it. Tna Dominion Government have settled, in the. House at least, that, a returning officer' may declare elected whichever candidate he likes, without reference to a majority of votes. What a pity they had not discussed this prior to the Looal Elections 'then the returning:of fieers might have declared every Reformer elected, and thus got rid of the Opposition al together. Tam 'WOMEN 'of.Toronto, 'at least those who hold property in their own right, are agitat- ing in favor of:woman suffrage, Wand their claims appear to'receive a certain amount of eonaideration. ,Some may be diepoaed to smile at the idea.- Of women ever becoming voters, but it is quits within the range of possibilities that they may yet exercise the right to vote onthe sante conditions as the male" members of, society,and when they ;do,`' we incline to the belief that elections will be more fairly conducted TAE Mail lately: stated that there was not a particle of annexation sentiment to be found in Canada!' .Even at the risk of being cal1i; ed an, annexationist, we must differ with the Mail, for a very largo' number in different parts of the Province are favorable to com- mercial annexation, though opposed to a po- litical union.' o-liticalunion.' If the Mail were to sendi re- porter'fromone end of Ontario to the other, to find out the views of people generally on this subject, we Venture to assert that the in- formation gleaned would' startle it. a s na Qttawa Fres Press, is authority for the . statement that eertain.senators and members of parliament, who seem to think they are not sufficiently remunerated for their services du- ring the parliamentary term, have started' a' rannd. robin, sailing upon the Government to increase the indemnity from $1,000 ,to $1,500 per session. This is nothing less than an organized rail by the 'representatives of the people to plunder the -treasury, and, if carried out should meet with the coudemna• tion it•deserves: Trim spocial committee "ap,poruted to con- sider Mr. Casgrain's Bill providing for the provention of fraud in the - letting of public' contracts met on Monday. Theyatrnck out the clause which provided that money should not be received by any person with the viewto- inftuencing an election'or.toobtain advantage in the lotting of any .public contract. ith, this amendment the committee will "report favorably. Masers. Rykert, Tupper, Arnyot and Girouard were the members of the• coni;, mitten who voted to strikeout the olaase, all governtuent supporters,• and all having been at one time or other charged with bribery. The simple quoetioiti is, ,is this 'righteous legisla- tion, and are snob mon worthyof,the support +of true patriots 2 : It is (pito evident they I new lm_potency of alittio money in election' times and where to get it, 7f. Canadians are willing to be bonghtt and Bold, like men inia slave pen, they deserve to be made hewers of wood and drawers • of water for .the natntel'. term of their laves; YET T ARRIVE, ler Jaspfaun e a,b0AT goocls: ie etOiae'. e a stie defeOYi'1 (? ion .All :aclases .: o ` o7t`t®n 40-... Woollen oods sTp..-7.t;.....:00..,..., ow a very d- ` cli e •.:)and.- : large rnar . holders of old. goods wi.11 1be- u... a,a-bie .H,. to suecessfially: c�a . p.ete• for. •he spring :•trade. our stool : `efore iur11e0 a CZ.31reC1SV' March 16, 1882 *b