The New Era, 1883-03-16, Page 3lork W
organ suddenly hushed, -and in's distant TME 111911OU ft REMS.
i , TO X . T WAST�60,19klg. 11ATRIST IF In JUle Worth
nor of �. the, church four fas'bio
h car
pably. soners nio -ly tga 'quently.the question arises in
Whey The'10 det Out,, How, fre
dressed'ladleB laind gentlerinen a6se atild "he 01 the Is' Needed tor a Spiting �ki
'Tri to the Par Went. *11ze . a . at W"ar"'Peg�,AL Paylug the heart, And bow bAw I Illin , g : - �brb., we to
Pang. And thiotis wliat they sibg God RA I A I Ue-'Woman Burat to neiath_xi��
is a spirit God is w oRirit; and tb�y that Times giVeo� the 'following 11�vht ot a Men lk I � , discuss the quesiiorY ou'As me4its,fok bbpe
�CHUAIGHES AND CLERGY. The Lou In View 'of the,approachiylg� immigiatibn fill is ever preselat,'atid holda forth same pros -
worship Him, and they that worship Him,, account of the- Dublin trii%18, and of the Season, the follo
Wing advice to immigraut§, A Winnipeg telegram of "Mbladay's 6 fid the �ngwer is reaola6cl
and tlye� that worPhip'Him must woi6hip so no when Kavanagh turned inform late pact, a never quite
a er6 which w6 clip from % number of -the Ed'. Pay§: To.dQy, being the last day for filing uh
Him in Spirit,qnd"Iry truth I ad solicitors' tob9tilged for, mo til sol�yed by the r'ealities of . the III
A Q442�er',S-vo-01111" of H -W Si -2: God is a Spirit,, The" c6uristo ap riton Bulletin of a few months ago will petitions protesting Afe, r�acialat local eleb� Corns are a optaimou ailmenti and
and they thaV worbbip,, Hirai- Goa is a t . be prisoners were in their places At the be fOUnd'Of Use:
Qc)irtducted. . I , I . , �� I I . 1- � -tions; the followjng'b av6 been filedi-Againat 4uee-tion also sug
Spirit; in Pit worship HL and the The in 'tending settl qeF3tg itself,' 19,tbere 110
14: they Must,: appointed hodr, While the �bench er must go 4ccording, Bur"alal , (Opp.), in Enyai�6n;. Attar V -this i qu6stioti tbare W
must worship: ship Him * his, still unac6upied, the to his ill pay- remedy a
piri an in oak were eaus and intentions, in,outfitting General Stinhorland in kadon anmver, Putylam's Ra r
ESBYTE�IIAN ELDER$HIP� truth ; for the -Father eeekstly Such; (tenor) waited in patient expectation,' and con- himself in Winnipeg, inless C a ]a t:i�
T4E PR or tiny . other point dowett Lavandrye; Tenant, tractor,' -'the great corn cure," -willgivial
for the'Father '(all, loud) seeketly snob,, versed Ly' Subject. fortherwest, where he leaves th -railway. (Mim),
P', t IM-,JAOrrIS; Martin (Opp.); in prompt and painless raliet. to danger at
rilptere is &'Japahem ospel Society in 2eeketh;sucb, Poesketly at all to woksbip Him.
9 At length t Crown counsel arrived, After having procured the necessary travel. or age a airje;*�Tacksqyy (Opp.),in Rock- failure.. Puffiam's Painless Ora kxtractot.
softly) God i tr2tes� Mr.' Keyes,� Q. C., d ing outfit'aiid ouppliew for the journ " wood;.and bell
San Fraudirtco with nearly fifbv�ffiembers. (Ver3 -a -Spirit;' (Waxing tfie agi an
ey, Opp.), in Springfield." .0; Polson & d r
j louder).God iqa spiriq and they; they 'Mr.,�Woodlock, took their seats, togetbe great care must be :o�. p op's., ]Kingston, Ont.
�The Bishop ot'Algow% left r kgri that, trabsport is, , It is
treported. ere�tha
-1iis diocese on Tburs�ltty last,.. thab%vorahip il,4 guld they they with � Bit. I C. O',Co6el, ',41ae unior- MagiB- provided 'for every potilid that. is to be Is" to sapp-3 I in 1. tea
asadcopto�j '.tiaLkc worship flia), mu-4�,*ors4ip, Hi tali Ly. � Every eight orlan itigidelitDeputy"Ministpr oftheJ �TISSU
trate, w6o' satblabe �ehbh but took no 6 huudrbq pounds Eltarioi,
worfbip tal (loud, yellendo) official part in tba Aoulmotion requires.. an ox, caft,"cover a d klaruess,, vibg�kqll eortatructive,the source in our tood
inquiry. ba . I . I .
control, of lauds t
a- aci f
s.then heard in
la call to the �astoratu (A the Shalbilra� ,In, THBY that 'worship Him ; laud they.; mu9t; w,' �the ock, halt a1b, c6stingpif an Average. 6100 a Wchfg; :11.tha,Awost. t 0. a arm in �V
Frinarose Churches. worsbip-Him'. (, , Is dl;a Ili aOftly) must.; burly policeinen blustered at each'tia.'O, a a settler has, the 'means it is..b6ttar iok� qu' it Ph )SVII mg )I nerve power, uf
6 8 arters, but.amonget those w a en
A ion of the Ne,6v Testa�
Ito): worship (WI) 'Him, � in 'spirit in alew minutes the prisoners were seexi him,topurobase in Winnipeg 'ail the: ryl6i-� the geeat4t satisfaction is eklyr6saed. comb! " iii, t a brain aud nerve gang is.
is 1j'the emergino, I from the*uderground PaBRAga chnuary, implerne'late, and household' fik-- A Iroya� Phosphate,. the iron of the blood, t be
-.inerit in Swedish ba publi hed�next ita.9itith j '(%)I but teilor) fok (al
art from,' Morris say§ rie Ca
Patber Pieeke�h Such; (bass) s8eketly hich,'Obdimiluicates with -the j iL All t'res he'r"equires. for:iramediate u g6u. far the ge' � 't
The Congregatioualist. says that p ractical softly)to woli Hibi, to worship; u Pei as olves Appear to,be quite'plaiitiful, judging , ly trier, of 1 o:k.� Dora ion 0
,eyb� in court Were turned upon them,Aiid W611 ". a year's supply of groceries and a from the �umber entrapped du!ring"the pat and I.rhatibli, - ia,tfie -body; Perlivila
ChriPitiail wark isoitirLi a exce)loptoolvet (sort'o dying away) in,hpirit'and in. it was. observed 'that the� positions of theN little choice Seed grain, and.briug it past month. 'A severe wii3te Bark, An ti -'malarial I an4 tonic. Wild 1A I 9.Abe concludiug cadences, r has had the arrys,
of thfOlOgi6tdt 4101113tg. more prominent �re chau'ged, that L s6me through himself., It would be chea er to effect nodyne ih irritabl, mucous', membrane of,
a softly died away Among tile vacant pews, werie absent who had stood with -them in Btomacly,,�,� compou'rided an''
Rev,Rr. selad-these. things by boa,,if theboatswer&. haunis in Search of food, Mast. Moirl
like " the, still, Small voi I ce "I kuldrig tly ad Is call� from tbe a former two' new cdm�yo ly to be, depended on. They can'generally all� Oftou has beeni�' successful, g, Cordial in.WHYELER'S PROS—
Ing An securing Y'A '* ___1P
u'drew' dh&uhl �St, Job been substituted'for' thoil.- fai PHATE S.,and,CALIS& is a ---I
IN as b.Y io aliffs of-, Sinai, webould not hel P wonder be puircha:Fed here, but the prices are': very -several,wolves by ynoallsi,of a -traV ipure y.
-,vbether :these � inuchAortured weeds ll�d �' The two Mullets,' wbo had been in the. 'high, and come hard on a -parson who has having also fallen a victim of misplaced physiological reEitcirlative in all f
ors o
dly visible in thE 'rything he need6 and hasllothirt corth ence.
The, old Con t at t,,Uh hL � PeCiAl ly if th 'd ''On Su4aay afternoon last 9, 'debility
C ally "xneahing,- a it 60, that front, were now har to bviv 6 a
bad tiny applica e al. a,settler is able to
meaning tiou to tb per- ground, :but Jos Brady .aB in thoplacp a
field; Coniz, Where: 'tba y an wolf wari: seen- within a rifI6 Po ho All,
formand -w 13 IP Which he occupied on the 1"150ccasidli, bring, a lig stove he. should. br�ylg it Saints' Church. 'jE;eeober for ot (4i is now dbed aL, a just added. Wh . tit'id or ly' i Sara- Berah ',a creditors appearefl-'da
' " ' ' ' ;. . Whil the town 00 itacill 'F 8 ' (Tu
in'spirit and in truth2' a 0 of *ithhim it there'have been none far. sale A Winnipeg telegram of last �court'atParisycAtbrda�. Theiclairiltbav:
a, Skating r' ; U k, Corporation, ha d h'
thetDublul d resigne_ is here solar. I urniture is,very dear liere� night's dabe sa . ys The 'S AsPizes t1a "a
a mount realtzedohy tha,elile �of he
Dr. S.oi)de'r,,v ble evailgelisi; The Pope mad Voliticlaills. lace,., to�. FiUbarris, but at'tha'eamet tithe itis not advisable to� Opened te � today,� Chief Justice - Wall- idwellery is, iiisufficiew ta Pay'the sum
a*hiq hAs, hbo ia nvwy df4he call itries Romig has. g any,un ask; it I try.
4-tof Europ Quebeq-dePi-pately t.6ays. hyyo�;n oathe cab4wids gs 11 Shin the Goat." brin I extra; oluali It, bridge PreMililIg.' The ciimi al docket loaned thereon.
Pt, is no.;Y III;, w6ik in. Cape Colarly,- I - , , : .. 11 . I - . ' b I
again spoken, in condemnation of 1 1 the group for a 6-10 cents a pound-, freiht, And the 10 cotia�68es three murder daseep one urg ary . . . ..............
d 2e Had An artisi`aiitalago� ff8ct bo§t
43outh Africa. interference :of It 61 a-el6c it ''Could, not bean btter done, 'for cents cau'lle bettbi Applied. for freightiiA'g �.nd a' Th
B 0 6ray in Political fewIll'ibor e.i a large Can gumption in its early stages iS�readilj
Richardson, (�f tions sure thIK ttM'O,' rim necessities, sual
I I Skin &she isforldly-cliliedby his friends, 1) I groceries or is Justice Dubuc ' III, ctfea by- the uAe 61 Dr., Pi Goldelk
When Rv�, The,Papai can "Sems, � , I , 1, civil cases. IV
the ZIet t Churob,.got, ina r-, box,"laerich di I D" ng&,
re dit,coly, Aimed "at .'Vicar -General looked at once a pontrst.and & counts I ipiplemerits. -Faryliture of conduct,the noryjaiy.businesS,, and Judge Me ica iscovery, thopgV, if the In
a h
nick a few Sundaye s,g�), -4ifO to t t 9 Caroll, of the Three RiveiH Dicces6 but 'part of ,Joe,',' who 'might �still %ve, be6i stool gild :sbeif variety will Answer very T36ylor the equtycam dicille sh ta C
s Are wasted nome
any�oyte witl well in - this, country for &'lew yearB1yet_ a7singlis eye daLi 6ce-that'itjs, .regard6d aS thb�Villairy of the piece but for
A.samp 6 Of ore taken from, the Winnipeg No ha wl pbsee�seB-
4 -entilry �qulilly.� intended'! for- tafle6ha, of I the, superior tit 6 t6that distilaction,nill 0 And healing influence till. scrofuloui,
At of th i cli, -a cially if a pers are limited. . Corisolidat&d Mine, Lake of the W.00db,'was
isface. To�
��4doraa axpeyi6ed viunvr0y.. tat _Ai6base, and for the' whole of his was stamped - also be diepeused 'recently tested, by ills Canada;� Assaying tuberculous aft
testa"Ini on Fitzhalfri T cooking istove can
ol� 'the Assay i the !the " Dis
only �250,00OJu)r forelgil yla%sioylsp� It rebellions lt tofy. 'following attett�pt to describe, his. f6ature� w6uld be, with on, 9, by bachelors,, Carl ;bowed c6very." Jo6 r
Pso, fThey As w pan)'i �, an P4
expendg 57-,500,000 throughout this 'Pkovit:tce.� - -It comes'lla aBtounding p age of Ohojwrites: "Tbe,Goldea is-
t� comPlate' A womaa� aartled Alibis Cram . er,- w io covery es positive y cure consumption,
the shape of a letter appeared tph have been all. knocked into
'Father (_,�yr, botogortarian Jesuit r wbichl is published iii. The Smallest,: and. cbeap6s 'I
tho French papers t is de; filiellaoSe of bettered priz'a hgbtLr farming outfi 113,
priest, itirr,odueed religion to avetaing� front, -01 t�pmsible is 'two omea all� lived by herself iti, it. near You'rig'14 as, ftfter,� trying, eN other itriedicine
Chicolgo, wheu India LI, o,ptitl Sime6 a t6c."Archballcp Of a,' will"' his eyes being almost Carta, or,:jf.posS1bIe,'
�a waggon,'harbesii foF 'Store, west Pi3aioff tbe'Rivei �Si� Audraw'e;- 'vsib, � this suece6ded.j`, Mi.: Z. T� Phols,
616sed, And his pose f enorth bf Winnipe
a le.vv da,y�: Quebeci k�dbet�'ou,t'byde,61&riz)g;tl�at]Eiii3 [attened out,'with only ert bi6uking. plaugh, set be bar- Cuthboir�; Gia-., writei old[eli
twenty Mile g, - was c The G
having-learned,p from -of it lelt"b mark the- Fpt-i (iro -a scythe, axe, -ni Aedical -Discov6ry' has
the �,0900911 .here it rows n are the balfit);, burned to a,cripp oil Haturday 4 Cured my gbt,the
'Theso �_661191ayap IOU.
that ctirta,�n elections w6re'tban. (.3rd"Feb- 'had been. Rideed,,, his� whole hoe rake, shovelandgr�syii call -fire -fr6 zn� �some' -Governbr H, �Stophens help I I r, h unz brouolaifiib-�
. t-.- -1 -1--- - ace I an i6th-tile Ri rip, w c use 0,
4u:tii-y-)_ -pl -varm
a erna pubis
-ortho f',
'd hi t tiother few 1) ith glass, an put
loves mion- huet g"rledi.-as an' d iiecemary on the t a 8 Id. by diaggists
the a Fe
c6butry, tl�erned it opportune'to writs 18� y as'& bear, B In a Od a ()Lltlai of ty DuriD6 the'laolaills 6i"Januar a
of Stranger., 'Cbvi young Oni f6r building a, Hhant And �ithiar.�,ptovl-' raArfug Idea than build 'Five intuates of the W a t rn' Lu
went, and that higwhole life
Grace so As
to b t 25 years of 1 age . with. blac ittlo' a y 8 an eigbtv-,.
ealbai of the el - e natic
��other k'I
In ergy i1nduly luterferiag. - ft On year or Money. to purchase, four cases. he city A, -S Vs�,,hava b4eh�fo�py
,ere. is ose AJyIum At baupt
theyaip:4' Adding tbar�- liizi . Eminence be. � Mustache and,of rathorrespatabla apeear. cha _aOi, i�
--them'with,'aud yyyonev�eiiouvh-to vur Be Url,-aggregatin 0.
spealief -zi, Ud,r3 the -tho-dock- T Ousaild-
e-more-1 "trecdKse;r -amuell botter' Start seven hundred an ei ' t
See ILI lie sprix t liArs:-'ana
YT 9 Posed 8011'riebodypIcIoed,poliscity in Yxi aait7w� �ee ar bccause� of a -letter, Written by',Vicai-den- tood Tibaotby Kelly than lii�ie-tetrtbi of the Eettl6rs hers bad. twen V.fLv acts in bes.,
who'loohd qui to a la(
t 6 a d't
great,d6al�sa��l old faiths i_,� new e'ral Caron as Omib�i;trator of, the Three, Of a cobntena�ce', but of"& reck. Nearly au cine cups; The �viotiials dropped Lea an
of them -have been under the I Dr. Noilson.waii last night elected by tbb In., esa ter taking'medici e.
The party oneylteriilg.tih�'dook didlil. �, health :officer for Inut f
need is old faiths. 1I new Rivers' dio a 'lessmanner, it' a heir City- Councii-I a
1jght6;":wb. i a as in. November, 1881,wiiiel necaswtyi a.' war in.g way,frobar in
Iet6rwAB y5ot conformable tohe instilic-ImaPif qea� aboub-t half . their ime in order to: With salary, of twelve,'lannolied
ested, but in a less degree, the defiant
Dr. Be 1 ngtiii, t I he new tiong ofthb- talread� 6y had.'at first assu I d,.bii�� pla Pierce'a Fwvarita sa
The g Holy See, on, the a 0 spirit which th me earn money to purchase those few. things dollars per mu'u'urn.
t comm was's rmarkable, trallsforin'ation, in- "vith most power ful yesiorativelo"Llic, 'also Com-
Printiate, of. - is liiiielited to., the bishops and clergy And yet they -are Succeeding.' But to. , Levadqu6;'the TurtlaMountaininurderer,
ir of a, Comm btar� of filp P�ovinae. valuable nervine proper
a His.ErLliueace.&es on iQ their demeanor when Kavanafgh I ascabded* succeed under'such tairculaystabops requires biulng� the most
pleaded guilty to-d*y- to mianslaughter.
toil fhebiwe by many remark: that � it is -to his kn8wlcdg he tz�blia to. 'give evidenbei against ties,_;-eipeei'ally adapted to t I
]fferthodigt a IWNe arcane of gumption, grit, a cl, The Crown li;ccpted 1he pleading" feeling
.y looked. aghast, an i � th M 6 f ffo froin'weak backt;
-f Ir reatBxitain. ut again abusing Tb, d n am can 1141011 an ergy�, alad unless a Settler- has a -throu car ar ies are a preHe insecure -h loss of witnesses had � at del
this, letter. of,th e� Tbra Riers.adadibistra- a'ad despair were betray6d.ia. Pvery looR' )16.8took of cons congestiomi 'Inflimbapation, or
these earn modi�ios a h d Ue trial, whs;TEeprisoner was enteneed 1� Why," li�kad �,Overn6so 'of herAittle eksl la , an 9 h�thev sometim s made effort to' 1 ha.had battai ladve'r.-siar'6 forEdm Lit deLth. Tberig is a' Strong, fee
charge, da,of �thoug a lillg of uIcbratiou';1 9'or.-nLurM
do Qd;d to give,us our, IQri and th , At he canu approve a mo 0 0 toL or from nerv'dugola in gic pains
a' different. "Awthe witness relaied�
d*I read 't: we ask for four action a blcul4t,ed' )roduce the most Seem If.any.considarable narribit' are mi; so riag6 f ti By druggists.
ar a jus acte.
UY2 '3' n'Eie- abderalky rak
or fl�b X a doployabloeffe ICr. -rave deftim eaire a mowing mac ii e�
d we you ly
want it "the s1tr �c a'Of peace and con- -a Itr t.lygld be included -in the outfit, aB'thiey, ]b cat from.1reland. Unlike Haverly,:Stats6n It as liever, pni�
the Agentious child. identified tV isbaers'whoin be named,
card among, i olles., lue conseq 1. uently �6untautic,es,refi'ebted in the doirk Save a gre as well -s labor.' -Re-�'. Isaac Nelson has intimatodbi� in- fixed'his na a t ' a y of bi th a a
At deal of time, in 6 in 6 6aft a r
67106 "J, the
A qualm Ot( ni�ter Asked aishopwith theduty Shadows which pustsed- acres in tbG Ai7brnall �stock of sirople on ge" cr�d Principles
h%rgesthe QaebecArchb
what he thou-A,,t c4 tv�osoys, h`6were they felt. Brad' . liter tention of shortl� relinquishing his seat�ity _.combinutiong,, And is ofDanki og k�owylr in any Waythat way,tieem dismay. which
r' ch. y Ally be for use bin the tiip; Personil ate- Pailiamblat for Mayo. averse to any such display., Orlably
P eii� er� repUed' I to him Vast this decision - of. Leo - so uttered a growl of hate and fury like that. very little liabIle" tq; siokue�s a I is n u cc rightoland I can it 1, George . lula sbo* ill. -his shop that alf:may keep With in: proper bdunds"i of�a wild goaBliben Kavanagh. Pointed Tb delitli: na Ifis"reeiden'ce
to �Iiagt,]Iat a little, atickin� Ral
'Window tbw-,-, bnt John his a I or therdwhenever I want to 1": -
Vl- Glyrill, Killurin, lot Daiiis Cana� F Clay,
ly . . - . t
the future,andgiv6 At oitee totbe Holy Sea birat and then buried.hia face in his hands, yello*-oifand psi ill r
s ohld Ila taken P.,P.,.Prebenoary of Toome.�,,
tbetobedienea Which they owo-`to� it. .Xp�ybsteoloyltbe,barof�tb dockwhilo.tbe_ in Case of sickness or- Accident '' A*good: r
Dyspppsla, liver oproplAint find' -kind ad
HaadCons ti a ar�ay,recentlystationed
Still nervous
orking 0 BUPPYOUCoarse,wakm clothfilig;abablart-� fres,tIOO gIVITIg KUCUessful
f his face indicated �tbb bl' V
�,,clal �y-
agitation and excitement uhdbr wli:fch lie kets sholIld exercised also, be taken,'TC ori u Eay, 0
A nder"011 11yume. selfAreatmerot� address Wo.� Id' Di
� 1 , . The account'. which that witne� li tevioal bl'thir y for
4oLeral Assembly labored.. u t- -Seven years
ala, a bo 6,1100-allteked e uffalo, Yy.
w"ther is liable t Medical Association, B
tb�e use Of" y 111terr,rt N bout the �gave of the movemelitsf the" be -baidtiummer, nd tiveo'lly live Uf lie was ):esidet Va
ou t new'� �ottrauje will h M
i"i r6a Churches, 9� Wry fare they did. their. cruel orb, and the coal, while i %V U the fall they tire, very, :The _Bo�ton` Common Council�: spent:
utbt ti w o0o lu 1882 for .1l.refreBhment andl car-'
by at; Is st, 19 S"'90'as rolite which they t6ok when th�ly, cold., 1�iiylp or,,cold �Veatbar On m3a prairie. N at fur years as: is river Sh
alatea., alk of,hilJii ab'in sta"O dremsilig, their escape, wag listented to) with breath-
iAs a sigti goocl feeling
between. witb perhaps very -little Woorl il�3 fltrL o"iffei- 13orl ri6 11 Lo. U&
tat tt�� doul,j aI; aan Nrlyiiii44extentasit,
iidnli, it mentions oFs irlteiest�'- toly A
religiguA a othing in tb -he a eneTal silence ol ,;erve'd thl6tfe: , Bpi�acbmaing and Wraugfi�g
teint from what it is in t� warin bousowah tt has 1.
ibt6 at
)Y bv, the audience wos Kudely'brok�Lit o�!
tbati� Bish8p of'Newda'stle 01- good fire. .11ONES' wild cattle' are pecil-' acres (if adjoining, tue, 'river were
FratiR Miller,,' Tly b3; fuch 60-:11aidnight Suppers are r-eegg-
invited real- Covered With water,
-SUPPOse,''W" s�on-_ Lo�; 11 You ar . vxpect sot abld �Vhelil 21 Matti* are, al lia M
Corifertelloa to be his L Scor-PlOr. 60. much (,'are: cliatri)t be taketh.. of Divid. Fe)atou-, Cooper, with occa�iobaily t
ni�lthirig �remark s and the memberB must ide
dealt of thoW, I " arid-l'You r fro In Fi fz-'
art'Ist UT118:Costurue:
t Lrris c-%rr;ageE akinL die oi Y'a
as folded aud-his face Cmrbolic adid,.ble StOne and castile E t);t B airing ton's, Hdspital� 1;ilia-
6wlao have' it" his should be take age cigars and, along. A few years ao
ap I die liethodist-Mission. 0 as . muffler, scow I upon 'the 71 the foot riok, froiirijariesrace3 er,
appeared as' r eiOptpers allows
Ned by &Iii ba,n . I A up thio j6Lket,
r6moL the stat'Lle itifted to lift4,'bav6 Wibue8s, from. the ook'. while.Dolatley, Who borax" the Mouth a7tuiiloyLeoE,ttre.IyaudIes of which struck in- 1�78'marlagad try'riole. aria
Rbom;Toroi 110, tLt ber agent to at leasbo: Whi . - DtL'of: I and tbo 33bard
now iie like Marble,' t- ed:EO low As bArdlY, witbi lineeed'. 'oil for use as , phvsi . :- I .. , - .
sa.i., fro it, crouch hita in the stomach- - It live
rl -V i,; irct Wanted for the but never b6foke bas cloth made t'o' e�t olily.5,3,900 warth, but; tho5, fi�ures
work in the next' v"i. These g to be visible. corn stare U) stop, 'C
'Mr. Mi al : II scourlDg, yel,
llet. ate I tha ollpiderable Sougatioij ba13 been cause(.) TIlFea Again.
openly), solve the problems low (,it! for gore 'ihoiflders and other in Killarney �by t eaguie aud I�oviboliiles
praise, and that i6 il6t right, for every, lye Shooting ofl,the,most. enytilat'theLaolh.
nD a, "wolblill knows 1 1, , I A VVUI FCCILt lille A-111LIOLU.. sWtsfliog", pills tarjo Cut 'or; raw places
connected, I n,i iiamoly, a, tbat,iw was f ShIW� vluable portion Of L6rd K�ita in ar's stud by. were ever conyleeted directivOr'idirect y.
ar etimer :to
possible surpiitis 61. . i I I ..; . , I L sulphur for. usain. china. 'of mange,' arl beli C* '6naie wl
de 'g�rl fbetpost6me which turng Mary into The been one of" utiug.ual U. Who" had' received is concocted
tiokfobacco to 1 des�roy pare Bitic verrhin., I;Iiii garn.ekeeper in- eve arey s evi
evA., who-'succacded, it, in- 'I 9perity.,for the o6ean,�Fit"m: 0 (4fi. yi proi strawaierl.i to 'do bo.: 'A paiF of valuable �for the purpo�o of implicatiog,- thni.'Land
It the feet of t le oxelt
taken ,cr6 iloi
crelim, ponies, and � four� handsome Leaggua in the -a lihely�to It, ijil shot and
roe a t
reeti ion; Berwipk,� has pb 6 1; 6 Y e 'd ihatibyrne p a ds
Principal D,,i, it, %be piastorate of exquisite Greek �tuait_ filig er har'ta;ll�' twerpya Eagland mad Arrierioa 'We shall. th V t 'h
t not; we�, llf�vo �r&asotl be fA-r art,,Or it t ey at ly I a dk.. o Q 6� i we"r a a I boViod lindentoo . . I i the rojind after the frost sqrne. thick IL 1, 11, -h've�r adif�i a Ihi8O
a'. leavIII(Iss sugges. WKollig i -!.*e a6sert that bui, eis as'tbo c,).d 8ho6iw; Iii Eoladoa,.a6tably ve o6barble. Tb i,.; on H let.
fer, MMIF.- Nil
4 (-.ffect in, prci. Alask�_ Servia, etc.;, ea�u . cach Son wi) )a a gues a,
ant Id is not' to
pair of sh The hiirdest tbin� in the wor a Cluing 'hex', sit to
hat from ��itb Illetal -voyage from ;els 000 to Y20 006 ticiarly ot, ers, t.11M 0
atrdsqme� small h(;r'ge ylailg Sihould feel that the lie toldabout your neighbor is.
soor 0 t a PC Var, by shirring arid,stayi profit.
Church, t 1.0us 'poll) ng half 6f Which is"
EUCce be' thke'n in -order to the if th
uSe L( just.tbe tfi6 truth.
RO�.A)r; EdUJOI,ds. He.has ref them.' spotH, slid' by. fmteiling The O'teg6ll will be ready for 'her. trl!� discussi
should reoitaire'it.. 6e�eially-oulythe dut- lutba midst of a out a
They, tell'6f an Ohi4'wC?raaq w,o is go, gentleman -rose 't iiter In
M portl6its to her body and legH,with trip about.mi summer,. and she is irltended Ih a settle the inno
ly )f� t a front feet u0ed-shoeti; as
gall tv, I
Mau 0' s"Yos (to -stand tV0 -groate8v wear.
wnceal6d barj&. W
you heir 0 excel in fipeathil fastest ah'ib it they la.vA tio� ilam Sbti� has .,nev6r bee
Not ofily wAs sho a statue when posed as:
rowling.aud All the'While becausei will' n6t . be much Irger than -the h have an ob6tlylittwe6ugh.
9 E requiias tbreo nafls; arid -no naitt a over 'the', excited disputailtA, be b6giiya
maible'ou the:p6dcetaI;t bu6 when. moving Alaskii, but her eugioes h".
It is �aid thict, TUrK, ecriffie ontl6mcb, all I V
as a;. says, 200
' s in be driven near tb 8 point of. Ue'� hoof.
pr Obso tu was, - than i3;000. ores m a-
xvO the tligo, every, tui do" per. less -powL Sh will t -t-v, nything so fond of'Americi, btrticl ��mdricayl se
require a ave a
that he never, ,�c�rvla feqtl� 4�tuesque. . Tbe'.c0stume secured We but one sorev�, he :WP . uri derstitnd Th I a
s ft mill.ute eem ezitr an h what you -
edou,o to, their-. feet; A� they are very liard. that in 46-h t, tW6--tTI5uy 0, Q-1126 in,
]Ingersoll get� 5500 ot $1,000 a night for- Meal? 6.ou�- of: � artistic about twe0y-four t a permanent'- rbsi- a 13sion was lost in I , 1, burst �6f liugiater.,
lf,Ciinadian :borses tare worked they natust New York &Ed become C
and beautiful Ilan, face, ne6k, larms 4-h cf betirly forty. lied liept sladd if,:t6e road is at �11 dry. ' If.,dent of that city 'A sure cure or' Apply a,str6zig
sulo be f t
Rev. writing from thb wars whitened; her wig wa, 'quite like y1tw6w6 boilersp,eacli six war a:
1he, loads are. not very, light it'is well to thd fuiry Opera 161anthe 'bitig -willow: ash6sAri gaK.
tstoorz), 'and her leet The Oregon" wili burn iubout, paet6 Of
�MAhodigt Mir��don at, Mirafl�yre�, Mexico; On, were in -stockings furnaces� aylextra awma or two a ot,ig. A t epoidiall�, pro8per6u
litted'each-separate'toe. : If she wore, _�twaqty -Pound "Ve , I I dr y iyob,beefi Arabrida,
'Tel ty in Lori -
Catholic afodt.: - -,-- it- bus
says, or tw� of w lea an arlinia, is Pick or uobieveda�gretifu populari
-am 11 rie 1 1,11 . t, Y . hd6rneat b4,drapery,. 'of grate per hour� bar conLiaLnptinn- in 11 find
me injure(l fact, th By": and yolt �Vl
an any
I 011c6 tjpOk.zI of. our it, was.ript elaOUg. .0 COLIC twonty'-four hours will,not bu n �-Liader aflL time tiad.L h" :eAf any wave- Your Teeth becomeo
there is wSpar 1) mal along it can have of the'previous wdihs,of 6ilbtirt and Sulli-
Ment Of her limbs., Sbet 'looked very 300 tons � mud, allov�irtg that, ew�h'iou -of fragrant make, t ]is Breatly of, all,
nLUbW is� to kee
in - and the Pla B
scho6hi,ealle'd nud g4vo me �56towardatbe the reeb withou'3E'delaymg the party -
ad8ome,'tbough a trifle: too bony and, COE61 6 V. it run -
repairs of the ulade� my'charg' a watei,,�wo find' 7-1 a and at�tbe,Sav6y Th�aatrei&ll through next d4,,tributed zimplug, the worthy y inind; the expcsqrf3 Of a portion of' that no, 2,700 tong of, se
pop I r;6f the oc;o'rog tion; Sure y ti Ileg s Just a li�tle too pftsq.�hrough bor�ebgines every. twen yrfoLbr
q hot Side below the aiiii WEL
liss Helcyl Blythe and, Mri
have to heiyo a Rbmau There has been eXbibit6d At erobmB of
a rm, though the pailtated by hours. a varr`K.:.LUU� fget square, to; hold -ell
-to the National 1-lealthBociety ft. novel dress arfi�ed;; in to Da: Saturday, havibg _il)r PILCeL �150 i 'the the reserriblance. -yla�rhla.-Cincinnati '.2,700 tons of water, . talurt be nearly:10 feet
deeptopiev6n,t the ate f
intended for the
'PI: eth air Position sin On ly a Faryinek bands.cla-, r rom running
If the tank of : visitqrs,burseB aa a to enter
gLiVall an jou ionce, in over the bdge� 6 dothertowh6hav Dati0itent" Bliss :Blythe was,complet6ly
L�o Xiii. b4A 0 S.. d w re .50 feet the rooms, suffering from Anfec- -wornout,theough the' Multiplicity of Onto
ChIcago goluare,the water would Stand 38fb6tlo
the Vatican to L600 all Mien from 5 "years,
inches deep'.1ti it.'. It tha water werb tiou4 diseases. !file glirmaut i4 of Mae-
�nigb(5 standw and lard travel, knd'iR now
of age and a:,' ther elementary Chicago stillkeeps up.soyyle�of its hintoslif glazed, inside and but, and inade a
supplied to for�' 66 Cubic ing a. mupblieeded rst prior to filli
'one day 'recently 'ther6 were a 8 earer� And with New York'ahgageylaent:. : Now' York And,
and supportedy him. tion_�-In:,, a an:yi, jt would �Ijpl6tely�J.O'OL Volop,th' W
s esta;blisL�(l
Tbis childfeD, who s9alg byrhusp* in Charlie' before one of the courts in thail'city, forty) 0" .par 21,000 iit:tulB. (I o cc ' ver the beacL Thus �oyll 'the, Boston mabagers are,he fiating W#h*,her
ho a i ad"ud -expoeeoi�a matter
tod plebet) of Poe
ftyId jeCi trwacd6ya_ otei divorce cases. The �Cfiicaao, courts, tor next Season
tq I u T 'i'l i I -A
panted byth�JIL ins ;%ndat tho'cou-_ however; �ra not AS lib6ral at� tbb� iornIerly of comparativrdl,�; little import -
t Io'I Patti has been, greatly impraSsed the
,'a 'a the Atlnti� -nol! birfar considered
elusion Of t'gave� Nvere,p and every bran or put, �hart tha wh,Aa ehip�s Arica, as these Can be eogily wasiled,with . -in of ty
Ow franciH* to' a ch _p Y 9 named
the PoIltifici'i 2 " ftbwitli married MG�Idoesn't-bve: ance di8infe6tanti-,. A not less importani Object N 7.o; young children
LMODR't cargo, an -blars. -separated oil a, whoa be distrib pporer� Sell t6 g gines land 611.. Asourain . g that ebo' VVetzlbr, re studyibg at tbe%Callqge et Posed to be affected 'by the,,use of. this f Musio'izi Cincinnati,' And wei' brotight,
maro wink' abath5 MaReri 20 knots an hour, Cornitting fractions, Prol 11 1 11, L ew partnerto matse new dress is'th'at by, its remova w all
Fiallay, 0., is terribl� tqr� up by the hu�t Around for At a girtute, the tbru r a a
to iscry;� Cleve land H�rh7d 2',028' feet per, i at of be r'jetiVeq the L Pick to her while on thertVeet6rit. tour.. She eboontric cowblot,of Evng-LIM JJI.Wober.' weare _room ibb.Clothes
sepw-7-that is to say, the force Pushing her
At it revival approached which ba:ve'been protected need not be kiaBed them enthusiastically, sapd,-Blye had
be most -to- 1. h6 �a read a Me hi alread, thiougb the water -will aynbu�lt to'. -and the dauget 'of,.-uh never heard - anythiltig, to. equal 1 it , fro'ba :�t ri
Mrs, M'. X�L ono be, ut Sao best, i the. ver 04 tons, or about as as 20'of the' changed, a4ad,'pr6ditited Tau children of their
spected and raid - I'll This being carried from bai.iso to -home or coin.
ment. -He carried a hard business Most powerful loctitino rva� engines, in , J - famozi� flitiliti for them.
municate to'susceptible p,
well thri,,ugh-j- And., died when otber fol -a aisOns M,public
6 England would exeet if all were pulline at PortraiitB of 11 professional �eaatiO
in liax ve
9!jois a blid'womt, Comedown, Were,going to reap the fruits. , A man'triust, biclePi is obviated. A tiaht case�for the bave,, ceae6d to in demand n
bar together.-Lo?tdoiz,Le?tgiizeci�.- be London; avll'ont of7her be �nclaa6d,iy is part of'the
aild take tba'a I It have ootir-A96,7to look athis life 86, audifiltik
Only the pokiiaits of aett�eses 'And n6tor-
is, Said�th() n�V ca;md- Very neai brealo- after he's dead and gone. nvolation. At the end" of the day, or as ious women 'have yyow� an active leale.
a often as May' be convenient, t1lo dress can
ing, rl�l iii It, row, A gbod, Solid bit a? wbrk lasts, i[, it's only C.-hinese agriculturiP63 who,m y notice Taking up the -phoi(,raply of A notorio'n's �NR&R :MsoNylultdl Ont., Dde. 14,,1881.
P,nytbij3g'unusu�l,tbaThiti-�-itl4 appearance
�'eg�ra to the it;.,v. laymg a'floor;, s6mebody"P; thc� better forft be Cleansed, with dis,iDfedta�ts. Further
`In I opoom made by sted to k, pro . action IS gi van by ii'� I Pimple actress, la,�ely mentioned hi a divorce case, I haveleen ailing for y"rg'with Bilip uEl. -
- being done besid,,�s are req.ue car ib form 'of iber aaY�'. nose and Dyspe�siaj,andlwas reduccA to
lilitailton, that. electiodiF to the man as does through tbe , soil' t
Mr. Lylp, of I mind the' fact that,,drillars fok oil in'Wash., respirator'. This. is Made . of two folds. of o -these now Mara; f&
the should be for torms and not a leatlitIg pbojo8rapbet �Aid the a
ba,�e itopiffit elot6n. Last all 1. 'weighed I
for life; jq ington -County, have penetrf�ic .g act, between W IS Placed w on Y
New York
Votitt . no-st sfc �orl_e be a an a layer Of m6dicated, Cotfob-woo) througa for obe 'of the Princess of Wales oi&ty-Erix poutl&.4. Ad induced ',to try
s a ��rbst,ll,gollag, all
a 11AVe tissure our 61a -bret the . , ... I onada harly 'ped among manufacturers ofNew Honesty isAho best policy, except When. ZOFksA by r.'Thomlioln the firm of 04'
y A strong'odor of. youu,�� h it already which 'the wearer�_,cab-,'byaatho though no
that; -11. Aq: good Ingla,12d, Pon. CA 09,b- Thomson Co.,' dqg, on, Alo� Contrary, it Wi and'theyareboing builtiyy�many be dateoted in the derrick, jutllnes ai�rik&.you for a I - i s, t4, of this place).
especially , it" 11.1) by juditaid!L18 cases iviJer6.1ho JaUbUye of s -ban: pass-, The respirAtbr has, tape any Acqu g
816613 perwit. There WOU1,
g ption often saves cash.
be a deal of Sprjlag� striza tie iound,theLears. Afteruse. and,�Mauy t
go hi.h Then a little dece ha"s action, such aH W118 tlihen by our own They are said to be a . conalaical, lyabdy,- t. Fight out of thirty ases,of, B bylonian a y now woman Ana weigh Ul poutida
ouse-c ealairig in'Cincifillati., After i. the- 1sWelled'. And. eiAir P
Aesembly. . T-& ollaI3 a was notimp'660d. 'safeland, free', fiorn that � vibration - which ly the us /antiqftifiew- recently forwtti'dbda to 1116 through the use of this new compound.
Ohio, Rival- ha' bad 6, 7s;�eep' tbiough the London Times.
on a ingle church, but -liberty' lborns, frapartL t& tall Btratures. An- .,at Story 69 a teriamentletrithii or four British Museum have just been opened "FoLtDRS
&R. f them to fix tho term be aci6ivity'of' ininae P6 ftax mill' on this Plan has. just, OV . Sarne �T � the 'jury and 'examined. Their contents. consist
aysthere ciin, be many cobwebs left. lierdicts of to -day brolt
itheir 61ders;'Wid. 'Fd far. the,hanovatloh has been �])Ipenbd Jamaica Boston. those of course air
k - I I And relating ger 0 oweveri ttbn .'or ine ome, m3pitellous f .8 wsy:Lresemble 6 in laril, Slaves, �te�
W rked Well. It is to oyally to tradle.and to pr6.
To extrset it) rom (it, milk no bioh
generation- con -
that very inany of our.ollurches.blive �voi;llon goods, dip tho spots in'�pirit. oft Will have to leave tho stage, tempo rarily on as'recorded� in the last eto� , Others itel
f the discretion granted them caount of;I11-heft'lih. Nebuchadnezzar; find
availed a , Pr�fy to the Xin&
no i%rid let. it for several Corning a poor lain on the �Iaib ly hb6zro of
buto the old a t 'In do, 's ver bed.all bight fished -up in impreWon 61!
office Lon the -part of older, boum; then rub ihoiougb)�' between the IttAkesa giraffe ab9lit.twonty y 0 f confirm the Biblical hands, 'and it- will, all di�appear'witbout recover'fro tl%, Pea dckn6ss of -an. ocean the moining, to the effect that he.-6ame to him as 9, great king. A nurnber bf'figilrea
Xdtp long Ago,, says the,Nei� Haven Pdlla� tL and etatuejt6sl are coittai tied in the
oyaga.- That is, tell a, 'g :1 1. .
of. the et,the. feeling all 'hisdealy by a blow ou' to of 1,ptinnoyliot
d from them I Gwltllou� donl)h t"Ontod diatit wa.vidilt -to hurch in' t, a city of� r texture which would 'seem that Dr 11
cbli;ylging either tbe.color o' the boad'L '' ises, an J
the wv�y down, and ton niore to'briiig itoll' Was given eitherbefore or after tho,drovvia. cl of rq)llopay, 111.1n,
moroe n tiny othov)M n g 'There b ad re fly the type at beauty iln.Babylon, as iin, hMMI, IL
weill"no Matter Ceu 'UP. lng� C fldstl)a
Yontll ;w ill never live to on Wonnstoinishing;Nvo
our marl'is bu stanillng eiti cophilly cur6a ty'wirb, noi
our. personal expttinatte itorbe, Without 'L'', The Philadelphia Pircss candidly believes rcSerlt day, was do
9-6 red in siness Seriously Affects his, ; , '
things to. gl6oldeii �s, aittl otlidrs to fgiy they keep themselves d4_breath' With morals. aided xb�; 3)(0 P1 15ho a,*ork dn thla (Nonso, bo venda
0 us hg�rt, with joyfuJI that the maloo sex of. this couu6y,:,Wi'II If, far idstahee, a shoemaer takeB ly inclined to "bh alargo Uottlo afhW wein(lOrful onto ft -Go to hl�y anxiety;. and wo felt ullusuallypolispostod to ercand inL ness. Too.
I'Ver ar loleg Are, def%cea though
Ay until man ba of '13i ki�'gdotLi consum�tho'epiidts Yaev6r bq real pre ug th& unto bimsolf two wives, nd the legal ques..
seek the' rbliof of prayer and praise in PA.% out, he intended for consignment to th2tilting IJr. All ULSURO .7
th, haiip And 139,y 11,thweet.$1, for sweet.� tion comes up as to Shall support
that while one in 9 liewdrohip. 'VVeho�ed'.tbitt,,tbei�ii�ia�er' arod'aft it, hgILeaVeS i Son r Oth . they
0 sires . bettbr 00' alupho i doing, others to do the if you have a boil roaafi a carrot And and �whiah discard, is it not true that vis pot, but' for, scale roll, tax
we could, and that we Mfgbt be able 'effect 4hill thifaking 1C poulti'6o of it. ' Il tb 0 boil is on t a din
vVby Should aman'Who,iornabad fix
,would be able to, express' ur de, 1',gir Phtlip �Oidheyl- cobbler he ought to stick tohe'law never reached it.' rchbifiihop
Ilyin of fact to T .2i Argd, $a lr it Ib's ner party ojoih,1h some he Model bly 9, 116r n lot him gfin an O'tlie Mr. XV!
ye; that the 0 bof Ma d bet . CON
totP;�- of Mali balled out suddably t I have ft pe,31tiv T, 'the System. be, Paid to be ','up a trao.�' 1. 11 . 'IL , a wornt kind 11lid'al
in tBot, t' *aonien (l.lndo0rJ,908tr6n0i16'm tuno�our repertoire is not t1ine vilart a.'ratia 18 'drawin d f til
Who have stood in the: midst of' a tqii- hero, sile.,tie, 11, Mr. X., IvIlat s the, 11C�'JiU61 bL tWoen ti , this John ltgbf I I tond TMYTIOTWGRS� rintliT,
'I, large. ' s Own and, Lis,neigh- Toronto editor, bas it, lengthy editorial lot h9; bro�B -bull U TIMATISE bft thUdirlolasip.
VVO hi 0
id b eon sitting in t _p I". a0 approatibig have tr t!
upld(�f6red pew And i,,,t the painte'd bot w h6,�b v be erty is honL OIA ilits-SLION. .1, .bar 0 t:o 0� SUITArer. 61YO RX r088 dnd,r, Q.-tidditbaA
ows, but a few, momaiitPf' wbenAll, led about six weeks Ago. in t he branchcp ])It, T, A� SLO UAI, 181 Pearl St., New YOT%
Win o�ff the gikewalk. , F, A n Abbe U,
was mat): of a lofty vegetable. caeChevy.
a a