HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-03-16, Page 27� ............ I(r nt unexpected mercies toacknowleiga; and tha shivered ather touch, find she wiShea living in Detroit for fty years, iiar4 lur -had - ' - t' ' I I Mar 83. has been alightly'reatl0sa, 'and looking "A'IMACE SUIT ch Yowil take iome beibg�mt 14o. 101' Ca,t me a0ee ou are right! Moray is indeed, tvica bleEl., in ilia pareet ignocepep lor all their sakes about; I think he wants Vou.,� y t� forshe jelf7she y place a bit, orilt you2 though you Yesterday morning Gavin' and big aitornei, sed'. I am wonderfully relieviod y being, that She hmd�rxxut him firs d him., look.:ms if you,ought'tLo be in the doctor's Mr. Nichols,valled there to gea.Mrs., Marsh, at peace witk my, brotheri but it littl 0 IUr. �OU'd have love, ty hands youkeel, and.9, te)egritipble despatuh received yekit6r-� prised that he has not beetr,,hera t,j day.' Yet was.there, not 4 Shadow of infidell -Discowry of a Wbaud,%086 histelice, -aU Xo�ii pizaa, mali miseiia succurrere d��co.11 Marie could "Ot Command hel� Voice-, to toi�mra Guy in allthis regretful tbudeep,�ss. am only tired"" � said Marie with. a day MtalitlOb ' n �iVOS account �f the Bad w, to reveal all to b o how:'bSk heart leaped at the* I lem w. a oboo.1-roorn Wks. [lid Been Denied. Itmppeaes amliWe'amile. "Th 9 Not, unverSQ4 in suffering,, I learn to succor the replyi Ought she not no A I' will stay with, pleasure. It ist. health fok' jwreiched."—Viegil. "her, benefactor? Sheought, she must; bat .tiDg'biM! Once more -event o Bay good. Opprbssive t2ly bag been in WeakiImed st Cie is beefrtem,"ia it :66 b, By 5, GBAFT01j. `iv to'begin, how to find words?'how t' by for evei, ot once more gladdening her is timel III many yeats,land on occont!t'of at age and ho 0 many family afflicitions 1wd ToSt Vitality HE& thou ne'er drained the, bitter bu ' hergelf for her reserve, herivaut of eyes with thb, Sight of the I f It IS; here is.Mr. Roberts with"t Mother 8,i, p excuse orm anol ace 'Death of the, Wandemr's. h a&Wmited'aninstant -t time ago -i3h to ber'Lhsid been the Worthiest dwell- Mario took t a cup, a r-o*nted With,H on. GaVID"P. That mortals all must taste on earth ponflAonoein'her ecellent,,her 2 whi I . 11 . I I i I 9 both of body! �wd mind. A sbot
Has riot thy-mul in anguish mban'ed, C6 'f ers she loot bet favorite - Hoij ,Mr. Wate6h talked On with Unusual chedr- a foi'a chivalrous spirit I t Ii thonmrse had gone, and shawasi alone And, Weeping,'banished thoughts of mirth ? I I W, I ing "a that Itnightly-looking soldier with 'the, sufferar.' Them gf�b- softly' drew Some of the romantic partidularg of a When thou Oisti lay thy dear one lo fulneBs, diverging from the, gubiect of his - 1P.1d yet Was riot tbv4eart nigh broken then 2 'in mistake for nCharles,dead for rmiijy Wbeii brother to many'other's corin6ciedwith.hs had: stolen her the Sake of near thabed and met the dAp, dark eyesi remarhable i stiit,� William ",a J Yet each Triust I ose his dearest loved- *hich were r�ised with SwiBtful expression WaddiDghaM is plaintiff, and, the two callers tapped th,� i1gor, yester- �Gq,� soirow wiiii thy fellow-= I platisi benevolent Land personal; and still the money he thought She possessed and -day, it *aa opened by a On. )'condUo bd hearing, what ho said, dared to' insult -her with the -accusation of,an of �wLi of wearin'ess�'to here. Marie dingliam defendant' have, heretofore 'bedu` ,t,WaSLI she Stood tin: instant pubilished -, in , the-' * GZ<ibe-,DeRao�yat. r. a b w me theinto a r6cm Wfiere tLti' er a s q Bought'st Ambition's throne? onid impogition base ,arefacad. lFor- could not Speak. (Id Judy wa Or slavea or riches or formight ? sought in �ain for the words'which reai exi seate'dj- She' rose to rcc4ve� but at notcome'. Atlaugih overwhelmedbyihe give us bur trespasses as we' forgive tbem� ute and Still, the - cup, in bet hand' and Waddingliam has been 'a' ' id� t of t. M o OrStrove and strained to win tne race, 21, , . I . 1 � I L the.same m6rhent sbe bar loot Tb bethe first -to lead the senHoof a terribl' ciiHia impending, ovei that trespass agaiuBt us hen her ankie 9 t ty on one headwas suddenly Lduis alultiB life, and I's tb '�b .. Bar of ibg out 'With'this prayer upon her Iip§ ohs sank gre t *a Itb, bein .in An& as thins hand waalon the prize, completely relieved.; for th Smile so kind,' a 'k d ould be�uttexly helpless r, it th an are. p, dropped Rate hurled th hot, ILI which she w epu a a a wo, rt So tenddi, 'go "PorteZ ofL -91obe-P as to Despaii's dark don a lPx3g'quxverIDg Sigh ascaped'her. at last to gleo�, only t6be"roused in a few bright,., spread ovar..the uf- rOD1 6300,000 to MONO. About 4 year dead. A tile Mt kindly wdrds rehindled'hope-a-' ad v,\Aegil Go speak them to thy fellow-mem! It Struck am attentive ear., 4x@. Watson houIrs-by the nurse With the a . tartliiig news' faror�g. face,: that Marie knew She wag for- ago Mr. �'Waddlngbia establigh' croit called. 'on Mr. W�ddi6'gb.m last night PELUB( at'. given,- tl sid 'I hrlearned that,he hfid beon infoxi'mod 'of 3d, and turning his head on the pi low, that Mr. Watson was in a ragip a iat she as re -adopted;' and even, re once a MexJi0o, Mo., an 9f V i bad fought, afterward institated the suit far divoree-., the mournful result of his Mst thouixot known Oppressfoals weight ? looked ear ,So you had Mi.; I, llat,ber� beneiacto aft,brilo's call lit,
Ineatly at her. 11 Marie;" he Said better get Up, as better'shill, t He Or heaxd the taunting laugh and jeer ? 14 a the flesh and the� It appisars that he'niet his�wi Or didat thou give thy love to one suddenly imperiously. take' away 'the h ll,want all the help I can: got. the �ood fight, mud'routed, is for the firSt the'house of'Gavin's moib6r. . Mr. Wad W4o turned it intQ loathin.- fetix shade from theJamp. evil. Nevertheless slid feared to disturb time in St ]Louis about, thirty, jyeara� ago. d 'dingham'said he bad roceived * a!'despatch She mechanically will'be trying to� gret out of bad next. 1 We ftom -)rming him of the obeyed. have sent offfor thedoctor.' thisoblueEl'Of hini by utteiing a word. She Tentiired to She was then known r I H.� Paulium 'Mr. Nichols inii RY scorn? Or did,inilifferenc6 as Write thee 11 unloved " with-heroold pen a i�qlaimed'huBkily, HIS ore' a 'man has stroke tho'hand noxt.her gently, and then' Hulett. They were�mtirried.om thi eventi antl )as deeply 'iegreticd the, occur ]a ris brothers and busimese, bef This hast th= felt ? Thus others feel- hil bas balfdot over Such a smash up ae he has 'she belit the cup� to him, and helped him to i:of -August, 1859. Thoplaiiatiff4leges'thm rence of gueb a Had affair. As to the divorce Go,'corixforb then th� fallow-niiin! the*full lightlell Upon her,� I ,:what ev Suit . a dxPreE the b d he was, �eat it; 06at had 4uite- -gh h iied great c,%3fidence in a. befmli u- YOU,? .' You have gone Ough, had. Ikriawhowitwould� e;'an B. onto. When, he. ortly-afier marrying her he �diecovdied Jud a ia;vor, ii:(IdMated that Yes, I have lost the lo�ired,- the dear.! so e trial since I,saw you yesterday.. oing on so ban a y have wept thebitter tear I 9 beautiful, OUIY no"One would finished he.murimured 'very low, I t k thiit his xvifes r puts, was not,eniiieli tbeg� on' iii bih f6rthi§ r easbu defendant ad oticaffy hisfortune's darkest hour- Come here Ill : he. continued hol8ing out'his beed me. Here I hake's your dies . Bing gown., y6a,!l and W�tdli,64 bervith an anxious look., eaXisfactory,-aud l4e.lefibetij ,pra �'Jvanuph6pe: p ased I of, : successfully opp 8 had HeIveknown and felt the'Tempter's: �qyrer- thin; boxiy� hand. IlTell me your griefs, Come along do." as she intived to atsible onAhe other side of having lived witli her less than a year. O ing 'fie d on proven beyond doubt that 11,11iH -wji%,gI!uS. differ- th� room, an'expressionof content replacing Shew.ent tc resfole in P6ultney, 'Vt where, XsOnging for File i c He Ing or tWehtyrfour' ours the terrible fever. iti &a she retu' i4eat by the amord4,g .,ko. tty now. that I know y6dr, h tied to her old the 4116dations, led was, B is own Unhapyiness I I n v eo,t on- . ent] r - I I . marriage to�hei'wms nec6ssarily- d' h' I he Said very H 3... he I en I nature' as perfiapa� yim, Scarce: lin . o*. your- Arid' deliriuma held the newly', re4overe bedside.. T, or 'We . ail y, ms� ., �qtiegtioLable I& thbligti he reiniftedAO Ia9 rne a -gr"p., TheZootorli h ir, for*overtwexxt OaSelf; from what I should havb'doixie'a few patientlnjh6ii burhing d n not ray brother ietu y years,, �100'pr m months past; speak t ad surgeon were, all equally'plizI: 'A Short tiime4o he ac6idexitally1d'iBoo lmel�llin I" I nurse, mi ri; zled, as,hitlrbrio-'lie had mmae,such gatIB_ ME N(OILVIWEST. WU LEAP cannot," said side ,T,�dear Mi. Watson spering I am greatly surprised Marie Ill that at the: time -he b6t )Iab, had TEGEUB1, , ESIN Gavin ORE y bericold hind'into his, faotory'brogresii Some family quarrel is �anotber husband. L 'one Cliarles IR. tla'e. W1 tone; while she put at the . I � Why— nulOeg-cr. iiave to., x*ay stood motio probably bottom this eiciia-: 9 He Must be sent for. - You must be still liviug�, for alf 6f,whiah reasons he I I �i
Iand nlesi 'beside hirri. IlIcan- I n - - B�r M-r,is. Allpxabideir. tf , . ment," pbservq4,the Surgeon, tothe doctoxi . u ited, i trwill'be the best. fbryou, for him-:- prays'for*a divorce.. F ney A, not;"yet.t'erels,nothing lef or',mebutto C " , t ItIrro I"He talks -coutinuallv of his!brother, and oll"Irtaiffly IDuring the month of January tb I come. for him. 8 p ain- quit6,equal to hear -an expositio tell you all, aud1be words won' 11 Mario still in a Voice. hoarse " with, cali him to:do: ju ice and make atone- Do not distuib'youriself,'% Said Marie tiff took depositiono ia Detroft to Drove A 'Winal' eiorjeppon6e�Lt writes your affairs' if You 011686101611 them. If W peg urgently in -,�eed of mar- lost in your desire to.Wokk, emotion, iLyou knew. all I feel for you, inent. :Than his religious or a is a.ver-y- persuasively. . ,'I sin 'so, grateful - to you Ier�prbvious marria'ge In hat city, �b�out: innipeg, I is you are in earx I s �Iment in hia a az I L I J
would� hot besi 3very.i. 46agerqu uditio'n. The for your forgivenesu-'for �the interest.you the your 1845, to CharleoR. G tate to confide is tbat She
r ;%n� Y9t gairdeus, bitt the prob to bdild'up Your f6 tunes, 1. am not'indis- you estab 'U." thlUg-tohVe - for 'I , can forgive you every- nurse. tells MeL he, raved much of some till sh6W in me, that I promise to be.guided also depoBitions in �PoUltney, L Vt., to will have to continue imp6rting' vege B -of defe�dati while she F . OBO O� a P yo an as" awfUl'oleadly Bin for wbiefi L 40 do whatQver you bid I me. :I!egaih theii Ahl arig', 'bad I such a wow theirii':was no' by YOU' Does ligh the reputation tables, untilthe r thing. I I I UBI L' om'Imer mtent �yciu resided in.thmt town. .�T mi ony''taken' A gent Oman w _jOf but' abo5ut interference 'you crossed My, sens an , prying, as I 'probably InI Youth, bow diffee-I Instead , of: flying' forgiveness,, Still -he cartainly.is I aeoiro
d pthat,co he tpsti as.
Guy Neville would olit-my life, would have beeril You h a-ve 'arid stroDker; this evening. I think he' Will yej go as You are cmicerne'dl--But I., at these two that L entering upon the bu fax is tc. theileffe,04 t6ilS me that tuive'ablia a- Year ago,,he w out Very. clearly �Uu,uf , �:, � . 1. . . R:'�P`avlm, wb6 �he has-b6en, I to. every roat nstate office i " I' 11 througli.'.`,,'� Guy, ; �;here can he, 60 ? am much. dis� about i opedbd a new world pbbope, of To I , 11U. .. . is.prosaint position, and Bho*ed-thatf The Second, night after', turbed abo'ut'Guy WHS, then 26 Y�axiw of. age, an il.Padlima jbe, city andl n
into hi I . 9 . r And he L, did. dbldjoy,tome. I'm _rifIe7-Ieftjh6-had-at-Ieast- Ijijffi7 7Hjj1_ il!6�&fWiand but though a can pro-' �-vo-w--al*,,-t'o---w"-a-'r'd'--da-y-br-a-ia�k -a ett, about H,mved foget 4rie a as man �Ieart himself from'dabt by the _1GRH':I_fi�ve1hat trust in, you, ber t, uiet. sleep, wbich,, she watched in a .amdI,wife. 'tbey-were Supposed . to have cure any quanti Y Whicli, 'is' waitable, the �'need of.y�u, which urges',mie to.risk 'ifito.m q' atthere was:& f6tter-iii Robeitsil hands, which of'W3 commission, 'The conversation raw her giintlyto, him, wbile.sho- COi Might explain 6ily'a absence 2 She longed ',been -marrid �eople' ,�who . kno* Orice-orrentaiisprobibito hL a been Had state of min&aImo aHe 6, again turiae&� , oxi the lost but'N6ville thexxxornisnts as ibey dropp64,AWELY 'them then testify, that they. irecogn ad' -asked Wo"an acre f(ir, h',Alf�broken Igazad at him with eyes suddenly dilat to readit herself; but would it harm. hot- 1Z hild " �irftuth-at-, the,p it - 4 , I. . , I
dBfeelings-t has. ated: -land _Ien�:,miles_ oi Fq� was re loan as r�T award . gar -h -_ -_ - V - _. her; � it Was Aoo,sore a subject, moreover. R now, unexpected terror. 11 Arie, 0 carce da'ri n g an "knowing buttoo wall the rea2o h scarce of, res mough surpris the is last her, Maas her say -i always i quietly, " I saw has 'been usked� �40 an aere .rentall 'd 11� Olt , force 'Within her'.thoug ilies of Haub., , t, fo r miles out 116.
ea to fludhimselfconvers.' andthe str6aik.fiarefi-fabe softened ' to - hope,,- �pqqtivo fam None of the the. a Y, Hay . u lit up with a wonderful glow --l' I. ought Of patiehi'e.r;Iapse; kxxd',iVhy,b witnegseo. however,. were bleicibearties. mpr nearly ft.lettet,,ad' a marriage, . t perhaps to'have only a faihbr'B �tend6rncHa State*waB so much worse, tbau tii6 first, dressed to you iu---�m Captain timony to the actu: I � aladl: no Personally , I - know. five . : Man who It_ any rupture'.of their, unusually now."' rocord was'founa. It appears thEtfabortiy are' willing to go into the oa more, feeling that if;I indee fried ly tone, lie Wag L xie'v� for one go fairmhol young, but fhave d, be �sudc.umbqd,:. it Nev'il,le!6 writing with 1to'berits just rtheless n9t,Ai0_ dear, more . passionate, More—" Would L have. beeii her -want of truth i and . IlRing,"�exclaimed]ffr- Wateon,in louder, after this period GavinWandered eastward; gap, any chance,'of: making it bui sueh posed to dwell upon his tonderer embtionis is k h'w.ih" cried candor thoit hilled, him. � �Ho . w I could she, fiem6r. accents , than' he' limil Yet nSed. and being caugh t -i a am act of �grand lar- H:usb, for'h prices as these will oicte
wouads to so critical an eye. h misfortune befell. . bar RiDg t c I an Y was Beat to the Auburn p6niteinth '&ill place- �7 000 c- -b Was asked ,uor d is play his, M, is', a droxi or. oosing ier -tongue. endure life, if -this Wice-for, For one Emn Suppose ffieu," asked.- the elder, ss' , a' I I You must not She sank ,on .But� God was.: merciful t.her. youth -her Marie m6chanic6lly'obeyeA., '�I trust I for three years. While' be, was, in prison, tbe other'day, the vendov,.4 appraising the,' Neville rw'ie to depart, -1 suppo§e, you dis, hot knees bdside!him,1 and�pre"iug her innocence - and as she watched aud �Imy_Od, h0c ilot done -,wrODg' i*u telling you, this,"', big wife wient to the badi'mid he became 'a improVeMeDtH mt-$2,500.., Wiie.u, the, in tend- cover this poor girl, whit would. ..you wishl YJ rid that beUherk re very quarter 0 all., she, sai� Sort 6f,.�wunieret,.'s(irviLig�'sbortI hereaft6ir iDg vurobas6r visited I:6 place be found W your wif br6i o1i the ha i,,whispored, atsob. slunibe d., E Ii'midly. 't Jon. liave eni tonitiary dilapid aL d' to take her a de Jacto? or' rapidly bat.moBt 11DUr'a quiet' was so Mach gained against' done ell and wisely," hd a termin tbb C.Vlarbus, O., p, few acke�Wr'ptca'Hdly broheoih te, des ai . A a �F break Your. M -giiay, Orme had- failed. in an arriage ?,,for. I suppoBS�Wch a brother t � last' the fitHt bold, blu Ishea a ir cbumterfeiting.� more. ceremony, be set aSide u d,)fiav ' i ': been in',a� F6 . r! th�6�, pa;i faw years There� WAS a dea& silenc7e. Md .1 felt light egan to Steal, thiougli the chinks in Iev6r for' want -of intelligenca -respecting A lamily 'mid -. acquaintalices ' have attempt to. bu , ra d6wn, ti,nd � Htubie roughly I., Should be en d rely , uided by, her WoLbo rB--tbtee him fbil his thrown toget'hor,"Unfit far th� �bah,er�of'amy Ithe grasg on her sbe oul t 6Hhutters.1,, u hour -t U sets," as the max eLtcred and entirely lost 8ightj at III and wishas -in Abe matter ;' returned Guy, ad passed,' -and-:9till he mother, wbo - had, riot a I Be . U. him miimal,� :even a,hog. A years' 'lease t.to chose.,, acar.cel.y.bear it iind then Sudderd 'ft appr6ached hiraj ! bring m4 my letters," r�,bb*!r atiffly�: i She "'S iiie iiigb hope -began to dawn in Marie's Tho man hesitated and looked at Marie. for ' thirty Yet She Slowly kosefricini'lier kneeH, am ith I fe and Lrs, supp&dd him , dead� could iiob..be �got fi -Miles of the" She has, no doubt,": said Mr. Watson, a,1eai heart vc�ntured to look at her hearimit the dawning day. Do as I tell you," resumed his master: In r o ll these I damaging city, either'becauffe every. expects- th %imaginiug that Guy waS influenced by a harn �exxtdrs a g6neial di,Jty to corne'alon�j bisI because he brother -i a sleepH*. siliI'l.she ��bi6p6F,ed to. -the imperiously. 11 1, only want one Qf'them,, chargea Bld� Wadding SiMpla Sense Of le thinkina Ijiisti6e, kind litt He_wa"4f.kHtJy pale aDd had turD6a1 nurs who came to relieve her at.aoveii.' ' but I Must select it, myself." 'a h rd to hold his hoit, aR perma- :Uha 'passion and ' tenderness t1fat ,were Id nW., She alleges in er sibewer thatsbp� cannot affo I le feared for one Well, I (10, declare 1, I begin to believe Roberts'with evident raluctaiiee went was never married to.Ch�arles R�lGavin, hub �xxent "'VeStWenti`4 U11"T si.1oh 'cl'r'cu'm his face to ffie, wall.' : kaxi hiddenin his Guy,Itrust obediatfee to.:..6rdrB,.`aud quickly, that' a, cousin: of , hers, i1who greatly -'re, istances"it is'safe to .av tiwt, �Vii:inipeggers sezD�ble ler, hambc' Martha-Tane i:iaH-- will �hmv I to. cOntiot�e dmom6n� that The he will get throi fle H be- away in:.' yorl will put ti'p at'�aiy ' P ri n agonize. 'H h b - ' I tba� returned with a sm�ll pile" "these Me, Wat d I the 1) I big hite 1ps,move, msoif in ,as a eon quie at for ad a Lad ' their Thank you rep ied amt e, One wfio� married GaviD.. vegetable's and paying fancy prices. Captai 'I it prayer. then he slowly turned to time �11 Son burned o�er iwi�h:Li feeble hands, a king, was, h ta , t1l)a NeaAt firSt he moaned and muttered, but Room a '"rom the other AS to the,teatimony acdcarningliher habits __ 4, yqu put ii -in He 'h ' gain, and itting his'eyes�olxl w elected., his brother- caverns of hopelOss gloorm tb6y looked! He -gradually geaw.quietqr. He has.had quite lette , Ro' of 8. Mi Thi- of life she, Hiinply avers that the witxxesses� so friendlv a fashion, I will accept your rs. -1-Youmaygo said in deep, hollow to Do,, four hourBI Bleep.11 baut will read this to m&.11. ewornlaleely� t hThe Earl of Airlie W Ho servin oiffer.' 11; wa�hmvo-the jixture� to �'Welll you, bad better go. and get sOU10: I had better no ss,idMarie,, ',In the. Mean ti ume:: -Mr. Wad d ingba 9 1, Do so," said Mr., Watson. RobartS," ein81, I regime he continued,' as his, Mau 'entered, in obedi- thirik of; and evil tongues tb,,gu'a'rd &dajI1st,, rest DOW. with his at, the 106i IlLlhsitrs; in:the
His soon me they were,iadoriel,�nd shrinking been busy for several Months in� endeavors oia the task. LOn 013. He paused, cloead I is. E!YBH. indeed I do a, r Most, probably Captain tb dlscqver. �be whereabouta of Charies R. Bm6t1ndio,3,.h%B'arriv0.d 1i �d eno,� to bia Summons, il I want you to go Maria earnestly.-, 'I I caft htay,till You have' Neville would I ; there �Gavinl if feared lie had fainted. 1. I 11 I
not like- -Me to Bel t Advertise men is, were , ames B.uc"u Fittie b4h; in: over to Ecolaii-ton. Square, 4 and lot Mrs. h d1our bra k.- . b I I I . . .,
�,Il have, killed-youl'? tihiS� wlA8pered, am:go,mixious a see, 113,no uowMgw otit.maycontain." printed extensively throughout the country;, -CorHkill, St.,Coornbs, bet�ii�eii,1780axxd John.sou that Captain Nevilleisgoi.ag I 11 , I . I I . . . 11 You have a right to read you he'. received 6 latter�' OVerrul6d by the lf�ai of oallir4i in any wit -4 ow, be will &wake." to ake, �,ouie Stay there, and o arrange 11 " . 1. � I r husban,d'B Abolut.two weekil, M0. dmil'olied in Buchoxbstm�n,�Abefdeen� Well if v9u are sure will not be too lttere," returned Mr. Watson, with dated Shreveport, signed by' Charles stire� the'other da at he require nothing' T who won I Id, yt It is �,tted, - mass to this trying, scena.. more this my 4fe'f6r,,yoii Ill lich...for yo"U,� 'etc, etc�; and th6 nurse. of big old giiainese; do.pot-thiuk . it 'R. Gavin,: sayino ttImt ihe *Was 1 Htill alive, Wki a 103 N eA�16 Of age, bur tb6 more probable, afterXAOULI,�ytlu cam go at' once. is, miss give He raised his, hand a moment with a not unwillipgjy�rstired. will t ihi6glto w�und You; Hit any and asking. wh&t_w'�s wante-ol.of him. Gavin date bi 1788.11 Thiba,ut in the--bouSa? If. disengaged,' I � 1. � cou film S�ny_ f 11 Still tbio'sleeper �alept on tranquilly, his ritte. T !mmH en -and r.. and 'has beeu-in St- ()Ot__ stern Warning gesture', and then" it B� k6bw its cout Its, was at cribs seat fo Owing to the reporfed onthreak shoula like her to read �w.hen Captain aihelplessly on the. cover] eLL;, and he art'eU_ lir"thirig quiet' and ar, the very .not ChOOS&I 'L h for several d4s,, though� his pre-- and -mouth disease in E all,vas." I I ,eft at nurse. oto Roberts to read. 'Louis dit�burgh� the Aber- N6010L I . . il . my regal seucewab kept rather quiet. Mondaywas BEL newof. ]ui's hand me it on, th ority tire tc�.probibittbe ,I -will inquire, ia 'the sedate dean -L.oal. Auth Marlefiiiw.toi administer it, and thene cated- relaxation %rid repose... Still Marie .Thus exhorted and. commanded,; Marie tbH4 day�sbt for the &Ari -pg of further depo- I iutrad , no ti.., of cattle f 111 Y other valet, who left the room. 1688 UQeMpIoygd,'dawnii:ig �qemHd to rally a little. The op�ortunity_ Bat motion hope- ovened the eUX'elope With a trembling heart,' sitiona in -behalf of the, plaintiff, and do-, county -except OikuHy arjd's� th, AletvitimQ-thebrother s par . te,d, with In ore is -not -to be lost," he said; making a strong disperSing tha� 'thick blackriesB f6 duly motitie& to' be: I d. of mi comp,relicumion and good will au� add; faint, feeling,: of terror oppreHAin admit had be6iI4 The bon. ioi.tbe u1j;vergities mind; a o Offort ov&1ainaself. , "We are 916116 ;:Elva Settled down over her heart, hot ber., It: was' d%tedfOur,d%ys bt I L I ek, and:: hand attlie officc�of 11. Mi NichlUourth. 'Glasg and than they 1md' ev r kn wa. before.. . The. ur, Vora now other th6.ugh�s,��ga�i�t6.,suggest..t. , he 6w Aberdeen 4, and-disposed,to universal we YO on.. of this", B t,'r Dge-'stary."' In- -Wa�684011 ' (-)'WB---- and. Olive etreets�'. I The . pur0.ose:of..-Mr his 0 Waddin one was Softene Axid Mari I gathering -f . selves. _ , I I is rce, as :tiho rc� urn-fromsbeing� - __att6rnay._'_wag_ to., kindliness by.'the deIic1oua,-,indesciib%bIe- I- 1�__ — gua ud iB -able resume hi's cee ed,,b roken to give.1 6 talls Guy? Whetiwould Ing..M'e, surpii e duties I ju �o eye n warmth which -,b ad: sprung up in his heart . , . 6 . gan b Y'. .:a, 'she H' You I f6ut-ld sarue information awmit" a ., the defence by' tbH: , imoduic ."i jt� k d bei tbward -One ge'utle, huMble, ypp at U .)is reappear? a. might come to.morr6w- zli of b nbappy bistoryi At rid hihompeli m6jto-Rtaitfar,9oubba;Mp-. tion of Gavinl' ama,: according to tli� .tiialthe Sig t of Paz fig dWeltw6hemently on the td7day-in amhomi7llr iwO-aDd Ahen a ton, as I b�lie�e may- there ndi.simpe, account given, their success 4n.-tbis'respebt' y.restor6d, childi mBlie was to.hi., and ofx��,,�,��Ij.re The mirried' �y. 'i, what ber.future would clew to �tho object of my sear �ret' was � mo9t -the aca-perrmeated-Overy thought -ev I Hey )aing glauce wo Id tellbe complete.,- : The pWntiff mid *,,gf I.- _ -, . U 'his: " - ,and Oil reproached -wit'u",dece . ..... a oseevouagain's,131 is attorneys, han-of, 6 tal 0- id Mr. imed to impul�o.-Th'e otber,.orushed and heaterl, ptioa, and eminestly e=el muc not ro C re ur'ii befoi P 8 a a' implored her listemer to'.'sava her f m the blachnass of'darkness or ever. The one. may ba�sorne days before I t to town. e'10,olclock. At ib at hour. the defend� the, great J'oy --,,-f autqgrgpfi� to the ground by �ha � Sense -of'i defeat, by. db write big, tu. collectors. But Mi, Waddy, to- Plies to -9ciousuess, that on him lay sba ' h6se fortunes ih6_'had-ibrAO_ delivered was �the borro. of being,"reluc- Islands. '1�mtAs_we pplioujiOD8 from iliq
the terrible,cop beiug rettirnba on the habda� of supreme evillrom which' she prayed to be.' I may possibly- have to'visit the Channel ant entered with her attorney, an ere a Lai I wit a - 414.ng,'an luriocen a c0DHt the < of perhaps r a )an nd -I to take the nagreed my first duty as scene intensely dramatic i4ni its A6i4ails cently been the mean am of honor is to discover an reinstate enamed. '.Mrs. Waddiligharm, wh� is a well,, blamleHa, life, through his selfish Schemes Bof ruiniag.'- tantly received and compellec : ,' printed cmd, as follows I,,be 0 aud culbab , Is ant ot self-restraint. And, YOUI mst I lose L YOU too?" she pogition,pf an unloved wife.. "the UmbmppyL' h nee ofthe reseied woivaD,i. seemingly -1 about. 45 , gir,),'.'W. qse iauora. ucknowieddo' the receipt of 3 �)Ur note. L, 'I _�Y Eoberta. returned'. to, smy' that MiBS Thi- Bobbed at the end of b.erBtory. flcawyou world in lead her into Sine painful. and ),says of age, though. older, and - cf. small receive L So man, .V applii.
ever forgive the I species of dea difficult yIosicion; I iru, 9t I shall find. you, 'and , Shabel . fl'mr�, came into �� the baut' waa not 'I'll, tile hOUFe'. And then MrI. Watson's second recovery dated from Y character that I ibly comply ave prac I ticed on, vou? 'Oh if nearly well on tay'retain,iand will corpe to room with a SMil&rjn her face, and entirely can riot , r Ossu his- master'e; rand; leaving that,-refie6libid i but the ild excite- Wit�hyour-, ro�quest. I regr6t My inability, a r ad the ShaTne :arid sliri6kinig that held . me, man Rciouq' of the �rap that had been aid pa Man in a CohditiohL of -irritable ver was euccecided',by'-eitreme, yqu'directly I arrive AS to Myself, I�haVe uncon to: aff�ist you'aud a ra, yo,I) 14 B truly, � A' that t of,fo' L , 'I , I _Gavim s standiog�agHinsttho S.L tatweakness a: glrJO litt 00 anything. our ' B teal diocontent, vi�ry disc�Mfltirid in the sileur"- the impossibility of confessing and my 61 coca a most Is hoc for lier.. W W-,&DDTi'!, , to,Ljh % - I I l I had been' taken'Upi and thmmi Aside I Gu -k XEV1W9." ' wall kud' facing. the dobr. '. When the. wh(Y put it all down a xcitement of . , I ti�ad fro L , L I 'Under tilat: ma,hugbandwboa'!, t Ile I lam 1( no Marie's voice neaily-11fokb down as She woman who�iB to have been hi wifio, si�eiag'his bother. Marie was afraid to go Dear hii1a:, and he Thompsoii.staps hm'�c aloea to a: Stab -
Want Me I L If you knew ii-ilthe, bitterness, did not aprear to have asked for her; �,t� uttered So dear �mnd so familiar. thirty: ago, but w Om be bad riot li,h' mu ob'arvmt6ry: oili Novig. �At . I -a It was quite dusk when Marie stole b this l?tter ? T .1 . I I � 'L ' : I :
tbiho ing6itution,'i6o worn out With axixiety� the'despair that hilve opprossed me, you She, louged t6'be friends with him again,'I What Iwagi She: to gather from a seen for ever a quarter ofa''century,.entered tneetitig recently held iLl over orm YOU it iu`her'school-kirl phrase o- Tber6.wag no word of ave L or te 0 fly in the which Sir',"YVlimal d, - i �'v would. not cast,M6 fe I ndernessin the d orway,-bti looked her direc and. emotilin o know Clearly what She was ,.You h . mve:-6rred, sorel'V, or red In.' -li)gy.*! SbeAoleat intervals h2twhisraoin 't7-0mIY a "IiSebf duty, of honor; I 'He had face, but gave, no elga of iiecogui tion. She ory be *set up tbe're"'aud about. Showent�tci:.visitgr.�WLLts6n,.who o5�!if.Hho, fiaj� that' an 'obBervat as too tired to Speak much -, she aus%vbr ad wittl to learn how he-was'and to'Ulp nurse, but, n a in betelling me. 9,11 at fiest'll, hi returned little �h;pe:olf au�thing' --Was li.siife the gazedJt Iii for a inomebb, a, it deep gravity. Yo.u. muHt,�. 86- -yourself, slid infitinot. blighted ? andwhqthek be found: hor'or not, suddenly been confronted b'aln apparition, y WS few questions sh, b 'Id Smiled a mechanical lV61y'kept; out of his sight'. -Itis eatimated'that tbe.nbceH8tLr - 'stagger. al Ing smile when be said Significantly that he had been Saved, S L he was moht restless am . ol, Una Would cost �10,000', the itiStxuorientA 55iOOO, - 6w D�mclx would tbereb� have h" 'd _ -a- h may If, would it be equally devoid of CO er- an San a air,, an I L . L I light? V6ry bitter was:tfi. wave of thought ing toward a corner of the. OfthiH had a friendly interview with his biother, Yet trust me: till. 1 ill not i6xisake you.". Mr..Wat'gom turned -against her, what- was 0OmV6IUt10 room, called out d othermatters �10;0010, more. ter a a a), doctrines hac1 not Ocid the, eb ns 6 tbne�, 0251000,thore has already be�,m 'subscribed her (NI%rie His voice Shook, and he'resuma& af t,,fieto do?. -In, this w Fort,t6leacb;' that slowly stirred"the of� her� in 'francti i ChaileS I! -I B I' InOtnexii,4 �Jlause; "YOU, too, havalbeiia a kept Silence, She Must not Charles P and them the Govern.' he �iam of $6,000. Aid been pr4aciliga. to him in v4i' Then She to keep order,,, was klin6st beyondl. her' brain ; but sh foil ou the dgirpot a . Sorely Sinxxed'� ag net; we must try and . vex or contradict the, -man whom she had' 'hysterical fit. . VV%tjj was' d in h readL to him, so mechanically,, with go much repair, the past." Strength; she -had, a terrible hysterical If er eel- memt like beep Bought in vain� t ohs must already cost-Bo.deat. an&after being revived She, loo,ked' 'As Erl � f �W d "Lord 0 I ermySS,,fAb un . omscious pathos,in the voice, which wag 'Bml� 'dear Mr.' Watson kindest;. a' at times ths, -Meanthme Mr. Wafson, after 96 M'entla ;acTly AcarcelY,audible:L ti Icho succeeds 'to an - i ea fo ' rtune. evidently tunedt Home: Strain of sadnesS I h r agony, and attempt, at Seem- Mo truest friend, you will, riot foroe;.pe to I -thou lit, exeldi'med; "'And ther&' 'is, no. tones, l, I,.bougbt he Gavin Stand Fie did not recognize, that at lug-':Yet'&g%im her 'native,go6d seri'ae, the 9 From his -be" Will U.Will not, force him frorn ''h IV6 am incotuo� of 156 900 �,Veii annpm. dioinissed, ber"with 11hindly word,' I ,.Poor return to ' :Guy I yo' quiet force 'of her ebaractor, onabled berAd addreas where I could telegraph! Inaust there all the.�'time, ;�iih his an( a deri mititakenddeas of ju�tiee to take me, back send and'aseertain wfiattfiey know about bebind'his' ba�k I Staring -at his wife, but Iphild, you b ave. been doing o6,mu ah; go,go rally amdzheep,fist fioi'd of ber'oelf control. T e: eBumea comprise 61 acres. -in -Slender bond The day -but one after Mr'.'Watson had help us rather to break the him at his'lxote'li" saying not-& wOrd. His stolid' face'.
to rest; to -morrow.'". will talk of. m.wy when the the eastern � division of Glo.tiodsterphire, that links'Us.6t taken a turixt'lor the' better-'aDd days are Do you. indeed think of sending for betrayed no em0ioa. Whatever. which. the present ' Lord � WoIrn�-sB: repro. YOUL ages, it, bill 'do n,11 cried Marie, unable lady was led, away -be:. coolly! reinar.ked ment:fromI841tol.847,thel do n . know what y6ti say, child Iind; arid. lmder� -pi' 86r Mr. Watso sented in Pailic, turning 86 stern and.Redrehing glance upon circumstanc6s Such as Marie'g-abej on- to suppres's berterror. Ohl stop I' Think .11 That'5 bar.'! 116'WaS �'thaxx P�"t upon the Wbm71HB. family Own, arL CHAPTER XXN. L auotb her. Do You, thou - Do 1onger love this countered Roberts, Mr. Wlb' of how terrible it would: be to condemn US. stariaand his ',depoBition proce0de,d:. The A d&Y elapsed dur"ing whioh.,nothing wits �man�your hug;baild'?" L tson'A man, both to h16-long,unh, appiness 'I, :Tell me, entire forenoon wm'o cupiqd initakingbiB property. in the euttance'liall On-. bar return to the C I In a.pertaia, ScOfebV le -a heard or Biian, of Captaim,Nevill�. Mari I could -I do I," cried Marie'L elagp,mg, school-ro'om. Howdd6gMi_ .. w6uldit not be p6iiHible-would.it not"be teSiiamony, Which Was giien In mimute' illj.J4�, one day t Shoemaker tahiDg a', Wix, son Spain, endured. a moirtyrdota of doubt,. unear-, . her p6or trembling 8 Y. to.dmy ?" she asked. help'- us. to break the 'very pligh.t. A&mil, but which may'be reduced to a leather into his , boiI,'The faiiity. and despair during those long Yet beait to him from the first, and though I He is going on� Diebly; returned bond -that links US, AT!& Set your be I other pAgra-Vb,'t6 the effelet that he'iecogui;i�ed tyo otitil passing b . y:I I = PrIll Dneli Of tb6 J)IaCe swift bo � a Since his sudden pmr�lyzin feel at times thrills of indignatio� ag�ihst, -in roor--for , himself,- -while-be,-was -thus eDgRged, said to him ar fog a ',very Steady, tho`7d6faixdaU r Appearance. She felt that the moment him for the.'wrbng he did me in, thought, I Wuml, who had.'odemid drom th6 first to milbampered bym, W is Urs.*,Waddinghanx, as Paulina Nothing like 'leather,, I h, VI ife he does not cannot known i t Ingj1hol Hulett,W omh roarriedinDetroij,LJfiOh.,, action had'oome ; yet 4ow to %'dt a could. never can cease to'. regret him., -it L3 this recognize something Buperior love 21, h' e 110h; By fine thing,liomther IV 11 , wit in, arie. I viot telL that Would make life insupportable 11 h he -doctor thinks he may see 'Mr. HOW do You know that?" asked: Mr. on the.25th of Septenaber, 1845, t6 ofriciat. retorted this bootor, ".but the." raw bidii,pays Mr. Wat46a's afternoon -had been taken: himi, when -when hoZid not want W -1 hope 1. So, son, t her. IMe. ilkitiS,to-day.' I am sure W t I 'looking keenly a itig Minister being1lia. Rev. W-1 C. Night, th,.d,,tr, better.", up by a louder visit than usual froth the A low mean broke fr6in-her heater's lips.. foe cheEe Otte 4 I feet it" Said' Marie' unconscious-, of of what chufch'hoc6uld not is 11' to confet the Victor loeave me,'.' lie said,; I bdusb L be alone';" rs oughblo be 66611 to. M08t ed cot', He The Queen is' great Surgeon.' '.who had -declared , his I are iaarked private;"' and beshoe'd Several the big � tear's that welle�'up and sl6wly� lived with her � aboilt two yemrs.� She had -CrOSSUpon Lieutenant Wliliwin Mor;daunt patient to be going on r6mixiihablywelli as" But is it well r safe whchtle: held on a small 0 6 rolied down her cheek., Ii And oti, . t6q; acted, badly, and they bad sepa I ratedi and 110 a ala) h th� , Is with dwhrH, of , the 2nd - Batta, * n also by an intervj6w-�'viih'hir, confidential I Inust 1; no 'IIealied 11 11. . �e_ to very a-th, you not emd�can y�n noti sieby hot fruous 'kerce resolution. Then he hold out on., � , a - wri I g and' a can -his , a madb Marie turn red &D d, tter that duty, honor,.& Sense of. w 'for tbirty-five yeaR. ' They clerk: It was therefoib dusk before Marie, le hat he &d. never bravery during' 4 the bmttie'of Tel-6112ebir &MOL his'chatactaii, urgb'thie Tubsday/moning was c6u ireabived the dredded, Summons to the Hick liand'again, and rclasping it, in'both pale and thrill,liArough 9,11 her veins, as gh owes. to Ilia n bomdi�orcad. in leading 9, RArty of IS, men to Storm a here h mearoh f - rme 2 I I ad' ance inau's room. isaed ih*rev�iiently. daresiyl were we forced Harmed in, Gavin s. --iose-examinatiob, and I
41' inbered lioWo; oftem � she had beHitatibil Q redoubt, �Veuteiiamt"Rdwa) 'Turae was fig) �oor lonely child,'?'. 'he murmured ititiffAbe lftnap�and arkang� broi and trembled to 'open, missieg Written in together. again. lie would not be rude or- strong efforb- was made to break down his ofhiB party, rushiHa aloneinito the battery, aofte6S a -to ihg th6'shade, when MaiiW entered and keftly have faitb-hmv6 hope I ' I 'Will "the same hand amd� a d" *t- herself. cruel; but ob I he would kill me with kin-d-ly testimony, but be &.ovcd,'t6 be allgoo 'v' killing the artillery offic'er in arid ,wrisbo'cithe patient god eVening, asking at b6'yqur friend always. :60 l,'to-mgrrow Tb6ro wwradmists, I king Guy :�Tiiville% big, indiffbience and wdlObred tolokaxxce.� Ali I mass, and the testimony as taken, by, the �W&8 himself 'knocked down. by a gu. the Same time how'ba felt. to-worrow we will plan. , Now leave me I'd even 'ead it you g,re 'my, friehd-�-if ou ever oared for 'notary would go Lto Hbow that he could not bold baligraphy., �. She� odu r with a ramm6r,. and only iei 'by the �Jatxwal)y wall', thank God Ill he waut.to be alomav4th-God.?l . tal disturbance' in the hasty 11 Pr' acei,, me Rparii me, , - I 4 . . b- � - men IV the xmiHery,of such s'fate.' well be mistaken in his i ntificD, i tion of the, timely arrival, of.jhiae, men of-, Is- regl-, "turned. 11 1, see that Sir James is Bur- And Marie. stole' noiselessly away;, her with a thick, otooked,'Aash under it", which Made�" he 'returned! Slowly, feebly woman. ment rised Pit my " progress. 4ri fDct,,l imagine libadbant, her breath bushed bY that vague I ross the top. you excite your�elf'too much;' I believe The Most 9011B&tiOIImI,,9S Wall 'as Molan- wag sarawlbd�ac sh4l rise renewed1com this Hick bad." i6deseribable &we which few can, resist� Miss?" continu6dRob it to -be'not only � Your bounden duty, but choly; apisodo,ofihis 6xtraordiu9iy domo"�' Young ladie� on tbe'eve of IS WVHn I' I I o -tie. dra . Mo, bia yet to ))a recorded. it was 4 4 sibly improSsed it 'beat - chance -01 'happiness t stated, now givei. 11 Bpinst�r dinnero,z t I trust said Marie Softly. they See another 'vi Otte. The 'doctor Seemed to' think'Mr. YOU -a Noverthelesg�,-Sir,!! said nurse, prepar. hi's6mia-unseen a uml preseacie. WatBOWM!g4�r I; the better of b together. You love ihiS man; i'60,13hin-, -tli6ittenti6n6ipWintiff'q,attorn6yto place whVehfamilefriondo6nlyot6..exiteitained.�' pirit eing�read rto. bra 1-11 1: WOiiId not'Make Mario thouah, Aft d and! try to ob. h Have the ro ken the vehemence with which ouhaeek to' th&dfendant on the Stan I Vrileuj all the guests &to also' on t a eve too bol on' YOU try to liateii too hard. hdr beffig by, t�ia trying sceme,�could hardly "Ilwillgo; I will ftskmurne," returned (6VOfdhim; andbe".obl couldba-livewAh. tmin ber,admigoion under oath that she was of marriage,"we I, . hould'tbink omidL if ofine to 'drop off,� to Sleep believe in the Sense, of relief She e,Xpetiened So fair lawfully wedded to' Charles R. qavin, and W Mmiej her eybs:fillffig at his words. Never you, Marie, and not love you -you regmrd� �IiI6 a banquet as aliollow, mockery, IS__I out Eo%dH,!JuSt now that all had beenconfestiod. Shib.cared ugmiWwotild she read to hum out of tbat'� a -ad good I Arid he did fall in? I;vei its it is had never been divorced from him� but it mn . d, gigh� for the presHn ce of , v. wan's, hat -dJramry-bua1�ok-mrguo-n; -religion fashion, with you. He 'Was discovered that Bbe had returns(' to and, e, itt to throw glamour of might, xtafl is -r _tbI _, -IM-7 That, is, ex.,actly and now.-,thAt he i8a U —on * Mwda was what I 'do not feel friend and bbudfactor, hare )is Would riot suffer her near hirmt - .Oh Spoke 13130,�Vigo�diy, but I thi.kTaci i-peuts fr wasoulinity OvAr the 1eaHt inclined to a 6," observed Mi. Watson, with knev� her; in her true colors and did not , foia Daniel � to- Idt the thick black thmt �lxeartily.11 practicable. To, leave no further doubt on . .. 1: - __ 6 �&,.Mr. - don't ilt( 'do no I I% p1basant,sildilo, a�B the door closed behind �IiL her, afIa'felt ajregh strength. hung before eri before her Mar PrAy t gpegk�too much 11-implored'L ...the-qudstion f -the. ptevio.uji-imarri ll�Nb;ll said.Yogg; tobeathe sp6mkorr. Reither to mar to rej el 'j'6- -fellow talking about a Mine but so' goiid---�so , atirong-that, ho. 'She rosolvbd� h6wev6t 'to take courac;6 Mario, half d6traotdd Ill, fear I ard,, -N oh�als Itft for Detroit Tuesday 'iv uld obom oufmiiunt the strabigo,w6a . 11, 'd "propure, additional testimony, if not the I know that, Ho long aB be is running doWn, 0 1 ee 118SPI and Make the first ii effort to aHcer- unlucky to both of You. I Will ind HeJoa L aVIU1WI CHB'ed, In' OCJLIlij]g it tain how:Sba at him, somebody else, lie isn't running adwame:, "I ho6'pe you ard not feeling, faverish,"L he bad sa nearly colif r I cod 'With her. good,- her dear Strive to be w ise', and actual recoid. k G' i I L 'L" -or th ughit Of the stern face Iffiend. find itwas Emit of tho h said Marie', os She Sought f a big book Wept lolig-and the it trip theto.tol bg,'vo An eastern mere ant'Who never adver �To be continued something of the delicious. self -With -the Warmest, tenderest gympa- :over , $1,500 W dutingdom lived there in 1845. Gaviri's,mather� UrBv,, in, his store the.otheii day.' It is tbough�' . I . I , . , ddutifib& 66 the 0
on Datii6l 11 all g6ft and gloWingL in fi�a affection for her. him i harles.R.4aViii Who Used was foundlying dead on ftb6 couute ..,No I rather agaia out iti of returning -bemItfi4 I have much to, tbk.� She, felt how 'and and noble a, II am guis I m6glaa y6u bave cotne,� county; Pennslviuia, IaB�yeai in'bounties Mary Maraii, she having, b6 tbo body had , Wn theio for, Several, W;nk -40e�dq -tho, r -orm 14 He, (I time, ail old Is.ay ,of -before being d, God. for," 66 bo tiuu'd fe lit imp I1X a many' natu y uggoilf Visa Thib%II6,li hispered !he uurge: or killing,hipRks and 0*164, . C 1*x-- _h d w II... .... ... ...... .. . ..... .... .. . ....... L