HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-03-09, Page 10week''MJosh,. Cole r ` 'ordeLLsrr i'gr thirty sutta• if. clothieceivedng, fro.. tan Whitemouth; Mar:nitoba. Good enough. Clinton un- • •• (, was the only town i n the co un- - that gave a Reform majerity last week. yy at the people here � We always claimed. that , p h , were ahead'ofthose of any town in the countyand this bears out. our claim. .• , Mx. A. E. BEEAtER, for some time as - here has been ap- pointed - aietant xailwny agent, p ointed station agent at Ripley, for which p place he left this week. He is a cour- • ', teens and attentive official. - Who will take hislace here is not yet known. p ON Saturday evening, Amy, youngest of Mr. James Howson dab hter met with , ._g an ugly accident. She w.a taking home a little friend on a hand sleigh, when a struck her, cutting a ' ,.,passing-teamgash and inflicting other painful an her headb 1, injuries. , • AN ,ADVERTISER.—At the Forester's supper, held last week, we were introduced 'to Mi Robb, of Clinton, but we diad' known him longere that as Robb; the grocer, who advertises in thejNrw ER1. ]ilythrReview.-[Just see 1 ow; a man be - I co es`known bythe use of printers ink. P?] Couirra BAC.; —Mr.. David Erwin, :of - • the:Central Hotel, Blyth, has ;leased his:r liotel-tesa Mr: Johnston; from-neanTor-on-- to, ana•intends'moving back to .Clinton t id as''ho has. speared a suitable; o res ep, x i cts to take an- agency, house. ,hie expects e �' _ Y for Patterson Bros., implement manufac-. / . _ turer's. / • REcENTLY Dr: Reeve was called to visit a patient in Goderich township. When h reached the railway bridge' at Holmes - o e so deep a it was evil e the water beneath • 1, / • from the thaw that he was compelled. to. leave his horse there, then walk three miles -and-backs ---That =was -in ed icaleattene • dance under 'difficulties. , ON Fairasa afternoon, just as the 3-5 7 , train was leaving the station, a --lady • ailic f one of the cars and / caught the r g ,o -” attempted to' get on. She missed her• foot- • ng,.and was dragged some distancce be-, - fere sh.e was relieved from her dangerous'. position. People should know better than to get on a train when in motion. se COUNCIL VAoANOY.—By the resigns- -' .:: : I r -viac n :. -i - trop of14lr. Jt 0 se a ca cy in the conn crl is: created for St. John's Ward.. The Only name we have heard mentioned as a likely candidate therefor isthat of Mr. F. Rumball, who would make an excellent representative. If he is willing to accept. the position, he should go inby acclama- tion.. The Mayor will shortly issue his warrant for the election. ENCOUNTERED A BLizZAIiD.-Mr. Jas. Howson (son of J. Howson, of this place,) • recently had au unpleasant experience duringone of the famous blizzards of: the northwest. Leaving hisfarm out on/the prairie for Regina, he was caught in the blinding storm, and fearing unless he reached' a place of' shelter, he would lose' his life, he made desperate fforts to push on, reaching, .considerably fatigued, an abandoned shanty. Here he found an old stove, and made preparations tostart a fire, but found he had. no snatches. As. the storm continued he had. no choice but to remain in the shanty,; and he;spent 'the night trying to keep warm the best he could. 'When morning dawned, and the storm had ceased, he found .he was only a short distance from the town: Honest NoTi d -Mr, James Stevens, of.. the base line, last week bought'a span of young horses from Mr. Campbell, of Stan- . .ley, paying'therefor the sum of $450. Mr. Merry ':Mason, ::of the .base line, lately bought a young tears near Wingham, :at x850: Mr. John Mason, reeve:ofHullett, is imparting two snore stallions -from Scots, Sand_—_oueissa_threenan ttbe_ither a_t•No_ year old; and as he buys' nothing' but the hest, they :will ,bea good addition to; the. stock of the county. On Saturday Mr. J. Shipley sold a team for the sum of. $500. Although horses are supposed to be high in price, one was knocked down at auction on the market, on Saturday, for $10 ; it, was neither a thoroughbred nor'a colt; two "years ago the same horse was sold by aiie- tion fora80. Mr. R. W. Emersonwas last week offered, but refused, $250 for his epan of mules, in London. Mr. Robert Beacom, of Goderich township,; boasts of possessing the finest ".Accidental" horse in the county, ; it it a two-year old entire colt, and. is said to be a perfect beauty.-- Mr, eauty.=Mn John Shipley -bought steam yester-•- day from Mr. J. Gentle, l�incardine,'at high .figure Messrs. Doherty and Gib - binge have bought a team of splendid driving, horses of Mr. ;Houghton of Sea' forth ; they are a well matched team,- Mr. Thos. Welsh; Goderich township, sold a team of. 3 -yr. . old, colts, in harness, to Mr. Shipley, for the sum of $150. • • 1'itoi'ri.rn Y Cirri` c. Ls. -Ms. H. Joyner FAIn.'s MILT, is now fitted up with steam heating pipes. Ten *degrees below zero were recorded here, on, Tuesday night. Dr, Williame has .leen chosen assistant superintendent of the Methodist Sabbath School; in place of the late John Hodgens THE CANE. JOURNAL is the name of a monthly to be issued in Clinton, by Mr. S, J. Andrews, to advocate sorghum grow- ing and syrup making. THE farm` belonging to the late James So ithcombe, in Hullett, put up at`atiction on Wednesday, was not sold. All the stock wentat good prices. •MEssns. J. Callender, .J. Craib;.Thos.' Jackson.-J".-feigartin, Miss Chidley and Miss Ovens, all of this place, were regis-; tered at Toronto hotels, on Tuesday. 'ON Tuesda .the ern le ees__of Ja'ckson's TailoringEstablishment presented Mr. Chas. Race' with a,'gold ring, on the oc- casion of the completion of his term -of apprenticeship, and his advancement to t " position of of the work room • P b THE Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone. Company is an institution'; lately 'organ- ized in the west, of which Mr. A. J. Pat- tison (brother of.Mr. A. 0. Pattison, sta- tion master,'=Clinton) has been appointed manager,; with headquarters at Ogden, Utah. It is reported that the Reformers of town intend proceeding against one two parties, under section 168, of the• election act, ,for=illegal .voting on .the 27th I eb ; That some here were guilty under this section is more than surmised. The pen- alty _therefor enalty_therefor isa fine of $200. THE employees: of the Clinton" Flour Mill were found, on Wednesday morning, g , to present.' rather a bedraggled and dis- sipated -appearance,' which, on investiga- tion„proved to be the effects of an exces- sive indulgence in an oyster, feed, at the mill, on the previous evening. AcciDENT.—At the sale of Thorough- bred stock on the farm of Mr. Dickson, Tuekersmith, on Wednesday, a seri- ous accident • happened by a roan -getting-kicked-in- -the head-- by- a -horse, frons the effects of which it is feared lie wid-l=nut-recover - `Tlr`e storm 'of: Tuesday. and Wednesday Y again, stopped up ,the railroads for a time. The snow plow made three trips between. Stratford and Goderich on Wednesday, -to open the road, and trains, are .running.. 'on this branch as usual. The.: Loudon, Buren & Bruce has- had no traid since Tuesday, but will likely be open-; to -day. --' 0DDFEiiOWSHIPe-The:26ttt of tiprrh is the sixtieth anniversary of the 'estab- lishment:of9ddfelIowship in America, and a great many lodges are making pre paratlons to observe the 'same- in some special manner. Here a committee.. has been appointed, which is trying to make arrangements for the holding of a concert under the auspices of the order. No de- tails have been arranged; however. . FATAL ACCIDENT.—Parties from this town were witnesses of a shocking acci- dent'that occured at Ripley, (a short dis- tance from ;Lucknow) on Saturday. night. A short distance from the villager on the - railroad, is a bridge -tender's' house, which is occupied by an : employee; only part of: thetime, his family living in the vil- lage. His wife had been out to,the house on. Saturday' and, returning to the village under the influence of liquor, lay down on the track, and was struck by a train„ the driver of which saw her but was not able to stop in time. She was almost in- stantly killed, one foot being severed from her ''body: HURON LivE STOCK ASSOCIATION.-: The annual meeting of this Association will be held at the Commercial Hotel; here, 'on Saturday, -the 17th inst.,,'tt one' p.m. Not only those who are members of the Association are expected to be'pre- sent, but we would like to see every farm- er interested in live stock there. .The As- sociation is new an;.established. :institit-: tion,, and that it has, beenthe means of, bi:if gging;the-superior-lire-'stn cls of=-Hu.ran moreprominently: before the public, none will questiOn. Much good to the farmers has therefore resulted from it. Much snore vvoulst result if a larger number of stock raisers threw in their, influence here- with. The Association's chief object isto benefit the farmer. Let there be, then, a lamer attendance than ever, at this meet- ing next eet-ing.next .week — Y. P.C.;�V: A. -=The Executive Coni mittee of the Art, Exhibition just closed,. beg to•tender those who so kindly leaned-. articles for: exhibition, theiiLbest thanks. The` exhibition was a cotpplete "success in every way. The ladies who had charge, were .ndefatigable-in' their:: endeavors to_ bring the institution to a successful issue, and deserve great prase for their services •s® ungrudgingly given. 'The total re ceips -after-payment-of all—eepenses--are- `x120, which will be judreiouslydistributed. ,from time to time amongst the pd'or.. No appropriation is' made until after personal' enquiry by the charitable committee of. the association. There are a few• articles' for which no .owner can be found; and has bought the house and 101 01.1 ;:Victoria they 'have been left with Mr.:l'ashley at street, -.below the railroad, from' 'Mt ni Wm. ( the Salt Eoos; awaiting the, Fenton, for the sun. of 5200. cell` of those Who hate missed them .from their collections. ENDLN(. Tir:r, Sr:.LSU\.—Disc :of those, pleasant entertainment] whiglt so effect- uallyGrelieve the monotony of'l'ife, was herd en Friday evening last under the auspices of thee" Owls." • It was- the, intention to have a short tramp to `communes with, but the state of the snow hardly jzermitted it. Messrs. Doheiity & (ribbings• haying very ki:ndly loaned the use of 'their store, it, together with;tbe C. S A. rooms formed a suite of apartments,, is by the doors at c, the back they , in loth be• throw n into ora The C.'S A. • front office Yenned 'a leuegi'ng'and.:smoking room ; the Board Roons formed it capital stripper room, and i). & G's stone, bayingbeen cleared of all encumbrances and the floor well waxed, forineda.splendid room for den eine. A inegnificentspreadwas,fuenished bythe, lady membersofthe. Club, •which, judging frop•tbe manner the edibles .utero deniol- f so ished, was Highly appreciated; by all i ri.`131tcllitoi e ori time pinteo,-debOTO S;in led by, Mr. Blackstone.oh the violin, fur- nislied: good inspiriting niitSie, to the w Sweet strains of liicli .dancing was' kept up -to the wee 'sine' hours.:; There were quite a cumber prese?it, visitors froirn,Soa- --ari for la Fxoterd_ Lendom.2tilaa_illg.„been invited., All were, u noeanimous in pro- uncing the first attempt h1'the ” Owls'' ata• ball, as agreat' succe'�s. - Mr. James Miller hateeold the half of Irrslarge stable on Albert Street ,(1 to Mr, 'E. Crawford who. intends tp Mere it to,,his lot about (iftyyards south Mr: J. H. COmbc has bou;htrthe brick :house and two lots of Mr. J. Sheppard, on Raglan Street, paying therefor Mie sum•of $2,200. It is a splendid private residence. Mr. Samuel Thrower Tins'sold'his house and lot on Mary Street,to Mr.:Hy. Cole. Mr. John Aliller has sold :t small.house And lot 310, James Street, to Mr Fed: •Follan ,,' at $350. . . ' • . .M ._r..Atlee., W.lieatle_y;ha sold :::ti couple. of lots in_ Gordon Survey; below the Irl Vey, to Mr Nelson GTlevti at 1150.• 1 R. IIS ..STESe,xs-has sola' a quarter acre •lot on Rattenbury` streets, (north of - the planing mil));te Mr. 1,V•,. Clufl, for °the sure of" $20f} Mr. W: J Paisley hes 'sold the property he bought l rst week of 3I7 '1 w,nsencl,., to k.ii-_Jam'os-Scott, l,twger'_.at en advisee& of abent $100 • Whtit's the metnin o many inarried young men buying 1I 'rouses in town ? • . Mr. Hy, Steep; ol• .Goclerich to vnsltip, leas bought the frame house of Mr. James •MeCarttiey, oar Mary Street, (hr $7.000, ifs.°cures agood bargain Mr,, Steep. -siert nels4eis,niev,eeiento-teseasi e;stieide- Jettyse ing his farin to be worked by hisyoungcst son whoit•a,,ifreports ' ie true,•w'ill not re- . ntsingle tong.. • -4" 1'0lvki Coun,C11, _ The regular meeting gf~ the cenncil was held on Monday evening. The report of the 'ivance Committee recommending paymept-;of thefollowing' accounts, was read —W.'J. Paisley, qrs, salary, $112.50, collecting. taxes, $5pn re- pairing g egpairing. roads, wood fore; hall, meal's for, •tramps, $5,64; charity :-W.Devine;vrood • $7.75; Mrs. Green, wood, .•, .5A`; Mrs. Taylor: wood, $3; Mrs. Nirnmops, remis- e for � S 40 • digging_ av sign of taxes, '� ,grave Mrs. Abbott and child, $3.60; Silas Pratt qrs., salary, $18.75 ; J. Rigout, insurance cif hall;,$20 ; G. Diehl: coffin for Mrs. Abbot, $2.50.; Miller & 'Tedford, bla'ck- fur- ther 'Committee sm'thin 9.25; -.Charity account, -$6:50. Received' ; from W. Dennison, weigh clerk, for 12 days ending Feb. 18, $12.33.: Mr. J. Morse tendered' his resignation as councillor for St. John's Ward, which was accepted. Nov ed b Conn. Thom son• sec. by' Coun. Searle that this Council ''desire to, express its high appreciation of Mr. Jacob Morse„who has been a' councillor of our town for the past two years, having found him to be a man of sterling and true prin- ples,weregret his removal from thisCoun- cil and town, and "lope that his future may be bright and happy in his new home in the west:=Carried. . Council adjourned to meet on thel9tle. , e d Fon a few days fears were entertaiued of the recovery of Mr. P. Motaren, but we,are pleased to annotincc that he aS now considered out'of danger; Puny. Lessens. — Eight • immigrants were last; year sent from Toronto to Cling ton, by free passes. Marbles -little boy. --nuisance. Several .thaws have been ex- perienced during the week also several freezes. The charges on out -going freight at Clinton station, for the month of Feb- ruary, amounted to over $-1,000, while the passenger receipts were over $2,000. How many months will go by before the Coun- cil will take action about opening up Isaac Street, dein seine way trying to re medy the daily detention of teams at the Bayfield 'read ; if there were any votes to be made by it, the matter would be at-- -tended to prettyqurck. --' 11a§t-week otie5f Mr.Pattison's' children,- station agent, was dangerously -ill, but -ewe a`re-pleased to say, has recovered. It was lir. Bowers who painted Thompson & Switzer's `sign -not Mr. Copp. The cottage occupied by Mr. Beemer, ou Huron Street, has been rented to Mrs, Greig, - of .Pickering, who moves here in a short time. ': Desirable houses don't remain empty long in this lively town. The town seemed like 'a bee hive on • who Sartun clay 1 traveller vv o c®anted `the pitch liol e-ou one 'of `'the roads near;' Isere, for 1i lidless said there was exactly' 124 ; this shows the road to” have beeir, nearly all hole. Some of. the Tories in town take their defeat hard ;'they haven't. the 'requisite grace to take it manfully. The `Doherty Organ Co. are rushing business: this year ; one would' think they could not finish their articles lineally better than they have: been iii the habit of doing, but they claim to be turning out a better fin ished organ than ever before. A gentle- man who.drove,up from,Seaforth. on Sae turday afternoon' stated that there was! three times as much business going on here as there. A great deal of the grain delivered here this winter has come from below ,iurioh. If business keeps improv - bag as it has for the past year or two, our esteemed postmaster will be, under the necessity of enlarging his premises; or building new ; the goyernment'should: put i a good post office here and make. Clinton the distributing point t I.a h ? gp rhe whole county, We. wish the ub is to know that no platter what prices,, s =ens avers ani htl attendance at the�. .: Reagin , , oom, during February, was 15: Ila • tlolla Ul I�IColY11ts T11 be of'ered b an house r l?� xt 1. co i d y y y The nexthohda will be (sod Frtda the trade which falls on the 23rd test. Sunday neat; • 11 is the day fixed for Wiggins' great storm, when a terrible upheave] will take place —that is if the storm arrives on time, but we don't believe itill w MrH .Tindall of Thorold, is visiting his brother J. Pent- land ent land Tindall. The Clinton,. Literary "'So- ciety has received an, invitation from %the Garfield Society to hold a friendly debate at an early day. Most people will be glad when the winter is ever. for it has, been a severe one ; up to date there has been four months' sleighing, any number of snow storms and steady cold almost unbearable. Farmers outside of the county are evi- dently beginning to realize the value of salt as a fertilizer; over seventy car loads having been ordered from the Canada Salt Association since the first of March. The Clinton Woollen Mills is apparently a splendid matrimonial; agency, nolessthan four of the female operatives therein ''em- ployed, having been married -inside of a -year.; now this announcement has .been made public, we suppose the proprietors will be besieged by females-seektng-em ployment. A person, claiming to be a tinsmith from Seaforth, : wanted to rent this week thepremises used as .the ::Cus teriisoffice. Some of the sold by the load,' on the market, has gone as high as - $6 a cord ; this is dreadful, for those who have to buy.Messrs. Thos. Jackson, jr., and fairy Morgan, sing at a' couple ofeon- certs'east ef'Toronto next week; their fame' as :vocalists is spreading far and wide. It looks odd .to read in sortie of our eastern exchanges about the present appearance of the sidewalks, while up • here many of:. them are lying. beneath four feet of snow. A dog belonging to Mr. E hinsley, known among the boys as "the oldest inhabitant," was_shot on._Tuesday._Oven.towards=.:the- lake shore` the roads and fields arealmost bare of snow. ; As soon ae' the weather be- comes suitable for travelling Mr. Lorne Wilkie (son of Dir. J. T. Wilkie) will leave here: either fer' Fort Benton or Bil- lings, Montana territory, and open a den- tal office in whichever place offers the best inducements..:Mrs.W. C. Searle has. our thanks for some beautiful grapes, as fresh as if just picked from the vine Mr. R. Irwin intends to enlarge his storehouse, by _buildingtee the vacant space between, the two buildings he now uses. Mr. ; W. C., Searle has an article in the March, number of the Canadian Horticulturist; relating to the growth of different varie- ties of fruit in this latitude,and giving the difficulties experienced in raisingsome of them A gentleman who was looking at his fall wheat the other day, says that it is quite green and fresh looking. Messrs. Tedford & Stephenson have the contract for the.framework of 111r.,W..Butler's new house en the 'l6th con., and Mr. John Elliott the mason work. E flI 0 POSITIO1 TO MZT TEE N D WILL DO IT ! REMEMBER, our stock -1S ,NEW and bought o. BEST TERMS it isossible. for, an house to 1 p Y o the notconfine ourpurchases to,the r `nt ' 0 0 o market; tend to every lace in' the Dom`olz:'when P n ,g g bought frons, FIRST A: T-� Ill) Thise ... will s ison consist -of a'"larger r'7--ariety. and batter gyral P.:,. -than. any seasonheretofore.. ,etofol e. ; . Now don o forget s t. intendt:fi h teverr inch o, road. �1N --arbound-to-give- people � d- os e e oubn t-o-� vee- AS�H eo e G CC�oC any other store, . no,, m atte r they they are ._.rzorwhere e Y ll; FOR Doo A1, I-VVING 13.AIIL By ...next , week ,we will novve , 01,11. eo npiete when' n`e.okaody �w:hhcotald c➢i >IlJL 1J��11��'� the?, 111'menclous "'.ci7,oc? d i r''"S.b • r ,(1`,sestt eS etaslifi :ln'l`'`'wr`)..S These Goods' acre the :eheagwest . ever offered, and should -be seen' .• I.)y eve y one purchasing. clhasin g : hr .'Jae shy l e . i 3,lTE y .. OTTi.ER • HO SE LN-11.OW 00 .• "i'tlE FAMOUS H -E c1;06C$To • .__ rii,ttorii mei.,