HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-03-09, Page 7f. r DAILY: ARRIVING. 000WORTH OF otch =Irish Tweed or;,teds, Serge GEST Your 8I'1iINC:- SUI'1 NOW 4. i :Irnrnense stock to select from. V110 NEVER FAILS: 'I'0 (IVE 'SATISI+'ACTION, IS STILI..01TR CU'r'lLI;. Prices away "down.• • L� 1Stoeli. of IJRESS 000 g Newt -Patterns. Low Price;: . flack and Colored .A.9,(1-everytliing usually kept in a first-class. Dry Croods.Tlouso, • :SPRING & SUMMER ..H m • l trade in other departments lI 117Cre`lSlll BOOTS �, SHO W SO. u S r St k w ll gtYP SPFCI � than l 'hill! � al o s, d t pr>�ce ''i f l' l) • GROpULL CERIES. r STOCK • • g compels us for Want �' room to go out of.SHOES and :CROCKERY r ', OFFER OUR WHOLE .'STOCK 01' ;.C'EIlSP 4� GLASSWARE. E or GOODS AT_COST. :.:jreat:; `R • • Clillton. • FOR FEBRUARY.. • • v. :asiig to dispose of tke •balance of`our WINTER GOODS before;thearrival• of our •ft ins' oc ;'we i AL 'BARGATNSit1. 1�- OL :-BL;.ANKETS.. • ._TE.AVY WOOL. TWE EDS. SHIRTS and'DRAW NIRS.. _PIr ;in and Fancy.WIN-CIES.; 1:ai ? and Farley FLA_ `NllT �i�I;S ti�o�tl1' otDei.GQODS at cost to clea io tv goods .nnd bought froti :the.•best Dress Goods llonse lit Ontario,, '�• 117 r-T%I1�►.:JiEL.' CTL '�1 f1I 111 G•.r C1 I.:fling made to order, in English,.Scotch and aanadian goods,, from; $2.50 to $5 per suit i.ess regular '' prices. :_AtiC'S, .0 . ]R�' ►: tSir ' `I4, 1 , (.1-1 1). its BOOTS & SKS i isrt wholesale. OL � CrQC 4 : . • �..,.---77-TiT', N Flit ll l a t 1 N''H15 i F4t,V 1,1'� 1 , 'r. - i .r- • ,��ne wantingw.bar_gains for'cash, will p� l as we are bound to sell c' 'fG'ood s , den,s c Block; All -wit' St OUR LETTER BOX. METHODIST' " UNION.. Ta tlae Editor of the Clinton New Ere. DEArt •SIP, -Your Independent correspond- ent is becoming outrageous and extravagant in the rich display of my character aiad church standing ; he employs the Seaforth Sun to shed a ray of lighteven on my political -stand- ing, by saying that "if I; was a Tory (which, I beg to say. I am not) and' he a Grit, your columns would be open for all replies•"Not sa- tisfied',yet, his thirsty soul seeks refreshment in an explosion of sextant], through the col- umns of the News -Record. I suppose he thinks he canhide behind an assumed name, and_ fire off: any amount, , of abusive squibe. through that channel. T hadno idea that. thereon, so many advantages tobe gained in an a ';a„ ed name before, just see how he notes e 'ery point in character. Now, if I wished to expose character, yen 1 have not theperson by name, blit . l think that any one who would bemean himself by being present at.a meeting called expressly for church members, takes notes correctly and in- correctly, as best he can to suit his purposes, and crouching behind an assumed. name, flies to public print to exligse to the public the do- ings that only concerned church members- now what shall T sayy? that such a person;is' worse than a sneak ? He says that he won- ders.that 1 dare open my mouth to mention anything about taking that -vote. 1 must say that if"I:had known. that Independent occu- pied the standing he does' in society, I might not have dared . to waste ink in a contro-1 versy with him. 'I thought, on first sight, that 1 would reply, but, on reading it the second time I thought 1 "would.treat it and all such squibs in the future as the'man treated the skunk that crossed his •path—treat them with contempt. JAMES STEVENS.'. Goderich Township, March 7, 1883. TIIAT :SINGULAR SUIT _ 1'o the Editor of t1te Clintoli New Lha., BORN. • 1llurnoLLANn;—At Coloreds. Spriugs,,,,holo gado, U.S. on the' 24th I+.eb., 1883, the wife of Mr. C. V. Mulholland, • o,f`•e son, Mrs. Mu1)iolland.is a sister of 1�1rs. J. P. Martin, of this town. • DiEai..—In Clinton, on the 27th Feb., the Wife of Mr. Geo. Diehl, jr.,•of a daughter. Mol iiyiE.—In .Stapleton, -.on --toe ath • inst. the wife of, Mr, Jas. McIntyre, of a son. MARRIED. Dt emop=S'rL\va.wt?—In Clinton, by the Rev. A. Stewttit, on the 2nd inst., Mr. Hugh Dunlop, of Goderich. township; to Miss Irate Stewart, of Clinton. LE&n,—BALL.-_At the': residence of the bride's. father, on February 25th, by the Rev. J. Gray, Mr. Edmund Lear,. to Miss Hannah Maria Ball,°all of .Huliett.' DIED. • •QitoLL.—In Clinton; on the 2nd inst., Norma Violet,• daughter of Mr, John Croft, aged 1` year, 5, months and six days, .PeaneeK.—In Kincardine, on the 3rd inst:, Frances, eldest daughter of Mr. Geo., Pea- cock, formerly of; Hullett, aged 34 years. Sale Re;;3stei FRit, 1T,• MARGII 9 'r'arm stock, etc., of Mr. John Johnston, lot 34, 1st con, Stanley. • °WANTED;: A GO01) OENERAT'SLRVANT GIRL. II4 he t . wages. t1(�ply at S\\ARTS HOTEL, C1:ntun MONEYTO LEND. asiroNEY to Ientlat (I and ci .Per cent lL ux•ator ft nds. SL AC1LR•& (5RTO\ Barrister.. Grnlei•ich. ' BOARDERS ,WANTED. t . IR —Now that your r ' DLA t S ,, .calcis will 1LARRIPD COtiPf,E, Or• several :;Ingle 'gmrtie-` have time to read something besides polities, A' ineu can obtain good hoard and accommodation I would beg space) to slake a reply and eon- rt ,lI1tS \v1IITE;,MAN'S,• in the rear of the Model tradietion to the effusion of J II L. 0." WI, in "'fool, Clinton:' the .News -Record ,and the evidence •of 1Ir. T i 4 .r, Cooper before the Judge. With' reference to.. IN OZ ZUL 10 D1J 1 .u,S. the letter in which he states tbat.l said 1 11ad -- no that evoninn ' k,L parties indebted to •the estate of \1i•., JOTIN matey }ie says what.' .not P,ItUNSDON are requested t0 pa} the tune tii -] had.L'eceivrc1 SjOihat-afternoon;-t'ff'irder,tgiieii,.without..delat', and'ccve costs.. but it tv.f5 .aparate from, ,that which 1 lost: It. AllA Ia, Assignee. He al yo,,eays that°.L Could' not give a right de- Feb. ]a• " tin l.nridenboro, scripts 'a;`; of.'the 'bill, but 1 told him it was neither''a new or much- worn bill. , But it, is unnecessary for Me to go over-all the untrue stated'ents he makes, ,. but will just give the following certificate ficim• Mr. S,teep, to prove) that what lie stated in his evidence with reference to that; gentleman who he definitely described in ,answer to Mr. 1'iartt, is not. BOARDERS .Wt11�TTED'. TIIE'¢ur>serllier has rciio ecl tier bearding house to 1.tATTI NI3IJRY STREET,•two doors from 'Albert; where She can accommodate.a number. Made ho:imesa,' who will room together, taken at $2.50 pet week. •Salt` ableaccommodation .'MRS CALL, Clinton. borne out by. the 'facts, and the other „gentle- ' HOUSE TO �iE11]rh; a d u n' a onveni v l -situ to . ho rsc. o ,Rat: 1• c e t y tenbury Street, west of the. 0. M. Church. containiug,slx rooms, with good well and- other conveniences to rent on moderate terms. Ap- ply atthis office, or to MISS CHURCHILL,., man,, 4lr:Huntor; whom he said demanded. the money, informed me, before several'parties in Mr.II.Cantelen's shop, thatIle never demanded i.t,as his was an American bill.' Before 1 entered the suit took the best means' in mypower �f teal securing o peaceably the bill, lint when p Y � I found that such means would .net put me in possession of• tt, I did not. feel like being tieateci'unjustly, and therefore resorted to toe law to compel its return, and'now that" has been done 1 only wish to place myself right before My•ftllow'citizens ind, hope .this state melt will do so=— -• I, Henry Steep; of the township or •(.;,,dc.: rich, in the county of Huron, do hereby cer- tify that l never claimed., from Wm. 1{. Coop- er, jr., the five' dollar bill' found by said 'Cooper, on • the first day` of January. last, ."in the Bible Christian church, on said day. That when told, by said Cooper that the bill founcl by him was found in the 'Bible Chris- tian chnrch, 1 at once) replied it was not mine. and I dicl'not demand it,,:having lost a live dollar til oh 'the first day of January last, and having seen the notice. of finding 'in the. Niro E tlr, I mentioned to: Cooper that I hail lost a five dollar -bill on that day,: but diel not demand the one found by hrnr. Canton, l e • _, , S8.,. • Rita ti 5 LEI?. In conclusion, -1 would just Sal,' that I hope ;tile "..Scribbler" will. become a better' man before lie bocomes the son in-law of ,t more worthy'man than he." March, 7, 188:h V, u," CAN:Pt: ON.: INSPECTOR'S NOTICE. ''oo L1 persons desiring License for. the ensuingyear,. -'A are notified th it their application must be in the hams of the Inspector', on or before the First` day of neNt SPLP11EN YATES, (ioderi.h, Ed). 224,139.3 - License Inspector. rc(.)1i+�\Td Two etoret in the' Carson.. l lack,- . ',Refits ' low.:. ':`pply to • • .ij.t_.i \NTNG :& SCOTT • Also, the store owned b}+'Mr..,:G„1T: Wright, lately occupied'by•Alr.'73ny?ey:' HE BOOT MAKER. DPALER IN ALL KINDS OF Men, roinen and :Children's floors Sil�rt . Spring' Stock well assorted, an complete ... i n all -departments. ALL GOODS SOLD GHE_4P I+OP� CAST{ c: CRUICKSHANI\, BRICK 'i�L0C I%, U.I�IN ' ii3 1 1� OSTER 73E1ITLEY, HO'! OGlt kPtI 1'1:x• BEAVER BLQC'IK,' CLINTON. 'Further announcement"nex GRANT'S GREATranmEsizoomzezew weer.: This variety ivas a.‘vardetl ruel Diploma at the :Provincial Exhibition held :, in I\ingstoxL last call. FARMERS CALI„ AND SEE.. !Ta r trrr YI,t tt KERNEi., I'VLTi OI` Ir'1:,f?U.:I3. SOLE AGENTS FOR CLINTON. . s.1'i1I7T�I E11. f iUD subscriber will ..continue, rhe 'business 1 -formerly carried on by. the Titan of Newton & Dennis, and'hopee to r'eceive'd continuation:_ •i t the Iibcra'l patron. ee heretoforo.cnloyed. F AILWAY TIME •OARD. -HARNESSALE `KINDsrw” Trains 'Gave Clinton as follows r:- . t TRUNKS ` .VALISES. . l 1.A' Ti :'TRUE. RAH -MAT; AT; ;NV HTl'S COMBS &.C. Going last, j Going West; 6.15 a,w. express • I 8,43 e.m'. mixed S 45,a•m mixed ( 1.17 p.m, express 1.17 p.m. e>_press' (i 1 r p.m- mixed 3.50 tarn.. mixed .1. 9.9(1 p.m. express' r P1.Ar 'wt5TIErt'. 1tAIL\F.t7..• Going North.' •1 Going Sontb.. 30 a.m.. express 1 •8.20 a.m. express__..._ ts 6.10 a:nr. express "3,50 p.m.express Priiees wlwiiys reasonable,. W. L. NEWTON, CLIIN'1'0\;:: TITUS ' WHITE, to sccurl BARGAIIS. ALL DESCIRIPTIO1,S O1{' 811'8.; Youth's-, Ladios, :hisses_ 8ilM Childrell's . Boots and 8110ES. . ENTIRELY EL:I NL SPRING STOCK. IMMENSE VAILIETI". LOWEST- PRICES VISITOILS WELCOME. NO TROUBLE"TO SHOW "GOODS. " IN GREAT VARIETY. CALL AND SEE THEM BEFORN' PURCI{ASING ELSEWHERE. OUR STOCK OF HEAVY & LIGHT HARNESS IS COMPLETE Trunks and valises for the`111illion. Georgian flay Shingles always on hand• a r THE'UTSUAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH Imps • The l tigrest' stock and -•Most beautiful desigiis ever brought into this County`, Ill. 1111:h,-CanadanAmer1ca� WALb P8P-ERS.- 11i�a1 f,llc c]u tpOst: 11'1?m tilci (.Ont x10110' t to •1 he most rap, tisiY-e r .11. Si,\IPSO1. !Among ;Illi ;`ail i•iias. ' Ip Id. Turnip 84 Sorghum Seeds hanlc, linten. IrrOTIMMAD rice >,ria Block.; Clinton: 1fAS '0I'I NE1)' G 1' 1rr,�l TO IV Din:G STORE,' AI.li 1,'1 Si'.;' Cf.irl'rON. A ',Ll-ND1D ASS0ttTx\1ENT. O Ilolidity Goods, c0risistin7 of C:liristnias Candy the latest designs, Toys and Novelties at reasonable dices. • 1lito gratall and Photo. Albums, Bibles.. . Picture 1 rare always in stock or }rade to order Li DIES•. OWN HAIR nladg ilp' lv>i 1717,1- T('1e.: STOVES.—itlaving bought a stock of Stoves outside of'tho association, on very ad- vantageous terms, I ani now prepared to offer Conini\o STovsn at a largo percentage under the usual, price. TEARVEST TOOLS. Scythes, Saabs, Wheat, Barley and TtayForks, Scythe) Stones, hakes, Cradles, Harvest Gloves, Cradle Fingers, &c, TIN WARE. --A full assortment of Tinwaro in all its branhes. Also 'Love (oosst GRANITE WARE.—Just arrived, an assortment of'1'w ( 1`Ga's, Cerr•Si Toric Ana P. sr,itv_ma c .: Irate. Ware:. EIEST (IASI( PRICE I'Ati. •, E.EIlD1�5, sII1PSK�rT�a•. It"1fi , .