HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-03-09, Page 5• KEEP YOUR FEET .WARM AND alt' I3eftler*' 1 9 DRY AROUND THE COUNTY. 0 The expenditures of the Township of Tack- ersmith.for the past year were $11,000, A little boy named Cerro], fel]�int9 a water', tanll. at Seaforth and was nearly drowned last,: week... . As TILE frosts of widter vanish uuder the cal- oric influence of the BUR'S Lays, so does Bright's Disease, Dropsy, >3tone.in the Kidneys and Bladder, and Inflamation of the kleneys, leave the body, upon the administration of DR. VAN BUREN'S KIDNEYGrim. , Sold fry all druggists. Mr. Christian. Gritl'has sold his farm of 87.` AN AN:swER WANTED. "- Can any one bring us a case of Sidney or Liver Complaint' that Electric Bitters will' not, speedily .cure? Wo say they ;eau not, as thousands of eases lready permanently cured and who are dail recommending Electric Bitters, will prove." .Bright's Disease, Dia: betesi Weak ]ask, or any urinary. complaint (prickly cured, . They purify the bleed, re.. gulate the bowels, and act directly on theldis. eased parts, Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at 50 c, a bottle by Watts dt Co. acres near Dashwood, to Mr. Wm. Snell for the sum of $t,500, V VM1r A ION ii RYA 1SES; GhasMcPhee has bought the front 50 acres from , Patrick ;Gallagher, lot No. -5, F. D. 9th con. Colborne, for $2,200. IETJRON STREET, . CLINTON.!. f Boots and Shoes for .tide Fall: and Winter 17rade is ,new complete, ;and for duality andetyle cannot be excelled. � the arks. very {1(� (� j� iu e M ^` • 1 U �UU� A�R�• lU 1.11. s�eclaltl�s are to ha��le ry � le ,,And to sell "them at the lowest possible prices. cent discount for cash. TASLOR & SON,Coats Block, Clinton. RG-A1NS' J. S. Wetherell, wilting from Winnipeg, says : "I can saomore about Phosphatine now than when I saw you Ia'st in Toronto. bly health is; much improved, and I am free from headaches- -or-any-other-aches;=having only used two and a half bottles ,of your Phosphatine. For sale by all druggists. ; Mr. :Jas. Kerr; of McKillop, for 30 years a resident of the county, died last week., He was president of the Mutual Insurance Co, Mr; Robert•• 12et111ister _o£_Hay,_ rel eptly; purchased from Mr'. ,John "McKay'; of -Tucker,- smith a' fine three year old Durham bull, for which he paid,$150. •_ Now-'rllnTtbereas a rolittibkj remedy for kid- ney troubles, half the terrors attached to these complaints oave been removed. For.tineletall.: be thankful, and to Da. VAN BUREWS 'KIDNEY CURE award. all praise for having thus removed a• hitherto., considered fatal disease from our path It was never kno yn. to fait. Soldby ale druggists.' •' On, Sunday morning , .a child aged four months and twelve days,'heiongieg to Win.. .Mitchell,. of \\ ingliain, was foetid dead in bed' by its mothers side,' Cause of ,leath id uii "known. u Ir, J:imes \Vatt; of Brus els, whose- saw • 4 A.b 1 mill \in as burnt a taw days ago, does of in,E,xtrai choice for '6Q eeai>r . Vomit's Slices, l and upwards. it cos I�ooTS SHOES isEN's MOH BOOTS, good, .i2.25.. 1 EA SETS, X2.25. ,j;1 GI T .2 .• to t r" & �lassw"art ( LASS 5E a p Crockery • _teu:i to rebuild •his mill,' and has sold his stock of logs, in .all about :350,000 feet, to - W. E. Vanstcue. TIIE.-iliatoIY" of medicine • no preparation. ]las received such universal commendation for the alleviation it aftorde, -end the petinanent cure lteffects in klduey-diseases, as.D`R. VAN BUREN'S KInNI Y CURE. Its action in tbcse•dis- tressn g complaints is simply wonderful. Sold by all druggists - Mr.' E;. Christie, who at one tine kept the 'Commercial)livery- Seaforth; :has -traded his hotel in Exeter, tbe-Mansion House, for a' farm of 50 acres, lot .13 13, Sth con. Usborne. Besides this excellent land he gets the stock .and a considerable sum of money to boot.. • G. W..Mingny,' Parkdale, Toronto; writes: "lfy, wife had several very severe attabka of• cramps in the stomach. Hearing of Dr. Austin's •Phosphatuie, and; its pleasantness to ;talfe,; I. gave her two bot.] s.-o11d, elle"has' not' lead an attack since, and her horlth le smock imps rived." For sa e, ya c auFgts s. B 4 _ U Bu C oalr Ufi,lut1s. WANT TWO THOUSAND BARRELS OF FALL AND WINTER a l: -"bc i< will "" ' A. les•for-3yhichahehiglloet markeLprice N I pP , APPLES WANTED --n Don't .ell without seeing p$ TiHOMPSODT &' SWITZER. - CLINToN, Sept., 1882. C ENTR. , T I b lI 1 t ..STORE- .. fStanley,:has Thomas Dine a e o now Mr.d 1 BUMP HREY'S HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES, CUTIOUlt�_;TIEMi•;DIES, - KENDALL'S :SPAVIN, CURE:.:'- �' to • t • ' I'Ld •s'ok t lOell e t in stock o 1. • And all the'recent patens k p Stock of WIRE . HAIR. •BRUSHLS-, TOILET Si I S S1'ON.CES, A large - PERFUMERY, &q. ;'• ,Cheap:.: At ed ced rates. PHYSICIANS' PIITSCRII'II't)�-S-and-faunl3 CELLULOID TRUSSES a r u i ei'� to accnratelY compounded with care and despatch. ' ec p Q. JA1V]F' • _ t��ii'VIB UH.EMIST, AND,'DRUGGIST, CLI -41ON, ON'I% R. W. EMERSON,. P, ROP'R, The subscriber.would intimate to the general P-fluliirth`at; hriviifeloase7t-the-abovo establish mont,lle Is prepared to supply them with good. conveyances at reasonable rates. Good, 'reli- able horses, stylish and comfortable cutters, and everything in, first-class order. Sleighing parties, commercial men and others, accommo- dated on the most reasonable terms. Clinton, Dee. 20, 18$2.• . . tOOOPR'S FOR CIRE P^GIR,OCLRIES- Crockery, Glassware, &c. �n. PCPVL,IIE D6 LO-NDES8OROIJ ARRIVING DAILY. TTl ries � Prints, l3eatltiful designs,- fast colors, and A 1 quality. (atmotil and.Cornmeal �.1��a Is on htind, � , is , `2 Cases DUCKS9 Its- N IES .. COJ�1ONIA.OES, ,I-teav r, 1 eliablt; got cls. I' be i otlllct :of th.c'`be5�. llliils rll . J h l Cafa•(la, SLSO -tty's telebratod -English 8rokfast . 8acoa, Long Clear Bacon, Sugar Caretl.Ilams; And -. �'o, 1.; LARD.': At rices whichcannot. be:t 1 , pbe teluit}r,u:: HIS 60 C. TEA A SPECIALTY SOLE AGENT FOR t. i o n P L L G Sv TEIOMAS COO.PEF, 1L13ERT S1'ItEET, CLINTON Ve e -table got:;settled' down 'on the farm of the—late Skeein Blair, whieh<be purchased, Mr. Dint- dale is the owner • of two hundred "acres of .the choicest. land',in'the county. .A. few years ago; itlr.Diusdale wasa laboring.man and work ed for some of the older farmers on the Lon- don road, .yet rInmei people Will any there' is n0 money to iii ma - is in Ontario. Sirs DRYDEN `She knows lier.man and when you rant and swear, can draw you to her with a single Miter:" But=laannetbe beautiful hair to • „have such power ; and beautiful hnir-can be en stired by the use of CiNOALESE HAIR RENEWER: Solt; at 50 cts. by all druggists., - .+:- •. 'Manitoba (ot'respou►dence. ._: ILONDE9nouo, MAN: ., 1'883.• '. To the Lettitrot'the elinton Z ew'Ere. - ,isIAnnisn.—At the'resideneo of the bride's' fattier, Thos. Ady, Esq., by the' Rev. 3. W. Bell, Mr. Thos. ,Sandercock,' to Miss :Emma, Ary, all of Londesboro, Manitoba. • There was an unusually large "crowd as- seiibied at -the residence .of :Mr. Thomas Ady'' Esq.., on Wednesday last, evidently interest- ed in tbe,marriage'ceremony; of Emma Ady and Thos. Sandercock. The ladies were on the. qac Tine' to note every particular. concern., ing-he bride's dress, &o., while the'other per= tion of the assembly., whose manly bosoms twculd scorn. to :beat -with " curisity, did not 'fail -to observe with care every detail •^.i`he;', bride Looked pretty and ,-sweet, Wird went through the trying otdeaLnery nicely; xshile_l the groom- looked as though he was in the most painftlitlosition.possibe.though;b'ravely,'I endeavoring to remain stoical. to the last or: die -in -the attempt, which, it needless to say, ', he did hot; .At etbe 'close : of the, ceremony -.= --numerous :friends,_, press _forward to tender . congratnlattons- to the 'happy • couple:;They- all sat heyal1'sat downto; a magnificent spread, and the rest of the evening was spent in social games and .talk till air retired to their, }douses at a reasonable.iiour. • Last spring Londesboro could beast .of . 'eight bachelors, aud' now onlytwo remain, and, if reports be true, one of. them.• intends changing his mode 'of life soon,' and •:the' fol lowing_tvill tell for the. other c- ' of '9 VIS 'S• W®Adlj There is a young bachelor in this place, Who has some.whiskers on his face,; He continually talks,, of getting a wife, But bashfulness only adds misery to life: IIesays whenever he with.the girls does chat, His foreheads entirely covered with sweat ; -.However, he's anxiously wanting to 1ped, Some beautiful lass with blue eves iu her head._ , in -reference to, property, he has! plenty of that, Possessing homestead ,pre_emptiou, and horses' • to match, - _ Five pigs, one heifer,' ten hens and a dog, .nd lately ,lie drew to his•.11bmesteatt some. 'logs. "' :. But then he, himselfA isboth handsome and tall, — And, to every appearance, -not lazy at all, Black Mali•, high forehead, 'brown eyes SIId big 0080, And lookswell'when, dressed: in his best suit of clothes, . Now he desires .to`change his tnode;oflife, And think§ very seriously of taking a wife, Whenever ho finds ono loving and true, I• -re intends" saying, let us be one and not two. So now dear .friends, 'if yen know where there le Ono Who will steadily cli1)g to Minn as time roils Just address your directions to box No. two. Iluttanville iPO., and he will.n.e'er forget you. A LIFE SAVING .l'itESENT. blr.• - M. E. Allison, lintel -imam, Sxtivecl his life' by a simple Tnal l<bttle of.11r, 's New Discovery,.'for Consumption, nausea him to procure a large bottle, 4 lately cured him, when, Doctors, +ate 'atrd ev'erything 'else -had ; na, Bronchitis, ' Hoarseness,. nd dill Throat and Lung dis teed to cube: Trial'I3otties Drug Store.. Large • Sicilia • n . i the nl-t -1itir ttiou,perfectlyit lapted to"c;uro i i of th. i), ffudth ii t -i - t Seg P e{ L 1 �} CCeeBftllrC t 1e ,I faded.or gray hair its naturaltua) calor, Irwth, and yout,11fu1beauty. 11 hasLailmany t,ut none have so fully met ill -the re- u.i, u,ents needul tar the-,proper-;tieatinent-pf-; ',i li i,;r and settip. • r) A1 1'' II 1R psi r 0 1 it has iftf vor,: and spread its Panne :dud. I: ilr..,,a to every t ts1•tcr of the globe. 3 , ciui attributCd.16.tiut sine .,1 r ktire,j'al/ibne7tt rlj 15. pro'ntin, u ILrinieters: haveoft'enheeusitrpriseuatthe'. 1 l f order's from (,;mote countries, \there lril a ler: made a»cffort for its introductipri. Ila; use; for A bortiinte of:'IIAai.'s •II.i11t 1,.,_, acs t .;,ani (full in'i ](ores: the crsonal e...lt.... },-..,I ,.f front . ch zoic � the scalp frons all im- ptusties, etues' t 11 liumois, fever, rand dryness; and •thus prevents ,baldness. It -stimulates the' u eakenctt gl ands; and enables .Beta to chill ;SO - wit d a'ilew alai t'igorous'growth. The effects of this article are of transient, lika those- of also holo .preparaticns,but remain a long time, 1ehieh males its use a matter of cconomy. BUCTcINGH.AM'S DYE ion inn , WHISKERS' ids ui e the beard to a natural breed, or black, as desired. It produces a permanent color that will not wash away. Consisting of a single preparation, aration, 1t is'applied tiviihout. trouble. PREPA1:El)• M. P;:. HALL & CO., Nashua:N.11; 11;.. sold by all Dealers in 'Medicines. FOR ALL THE. FORMS • Scrofulous liercurial,,.and• Blood Disorders, tie best'retnedy, because the most. searching„ and thorough blood pw.ifier, 10 Ayer's Sarsaaparilla bold by all -Druggists.; $$1, six bottles, $3.. ,42 2 ;1 aks;ire I'��t�6ir. l 6alr VJhiteCoilou, 4 CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. Tilsit goods iia\ e .till }leer: purchased` at'. t- i'y .close prices eash;-.inti-i`=ill'be-of ei-ed at. it slight 'dv ince.- .... I a a.determined to cleaj- the balance t)f my Winter Stock, and am;_offei n - tt at piic.Es that cannot fail to,plea-se the purchaser: l Parties going=to 11'I� nitoa,_binion tido. fieri t:o liispee inn- tock --- = - is will give Special iinlucei'neiits_' to parties ' . sry Il Ill. ] i >! 11:L]1 ?. � C � l e 1.189: O Decrtlt�ti 1l.i1.,,1>rlti in 13LANKE7.S & ViVD1+,lftCi�Q_1i11NGr . 40 r Fe--bruary 22 1883. RT.TGGIS' lbc�t•f, Strue�-'tiianit,t>lt>i . The public will 'find our• stock of medicines complete, warrantedagil:f une and: of the best quality. TOILET SOAPS, :PErct+UtuERY,:SIi0I LDER BBfi 10ES,Tit'U.S,SI Si,S 'ONGES,'- AND r1LT KINDS 0E I)I.U(,GISTs'. Si?NI)RLES ITS L:.YLT,l ]'CTP'i EN A FIRST: CLASS, BRITG STORE. We are now offering Special Inducements for cash' ^� while stock taking. rent reductions in- Millinery Great' reductions 'iiia Mantles. Front reductions; in 'F'Lrs. Great .red.uctions in Hosiery. rea:t rednot�ion '' m F'a ncy. Goods. ,TWO `DOORS`NORTH OF„ TNOMPSON and SWIT':ZER'S, R. BEESLEY- Beaver Block Minton: Ut1iCAGO,ROCKI L.f1 D&i�AUiPfUi]Y e ,03 theattention of travelers, to the central poA- 100' of i-100'of jig. lime, connecting. the Etat and the West ittho shortestroute, and carrying passongere, h .u•t change of ears, between C.ticago'o,id Tian- , ,,a City, Council Elutfs, L5oven'worth Atchison,'. il utneupolis hod St, Paul. It. connects in Union. It pCtSwitt,,.nILtho pprinei»al lines of road tact Teen I00 Atlantrie land ttie Pacifle Oceanii."•Ste equip=„ meet hi nnrl v'aled an d magna lomat being; composed of Most Comfortable and :Beautiful Day( Coaches, M is n bisalt Berton Reclining Chair Lara,. Piin man's L n o0arThetnliI8UTnloo Sleeping Cars,..n 110 Best ' w q Cars 01 the Worli2-. Miter" T.rai00 b t .r au f tiieit;o 3AcieZ sours hive} Fnnts. Pi 1 ... 1 0 00 0 0laient 0 and Sdissneiipulie and st, nil ri1 `,o •8'othotot "ALBERT LEA ROUTE.'° iv and Di%eet Line, via Seneca and Stnnka-. 8c - 11au re ently_bcen opened between Richmond, Rottolk Srcwi.iort 1oWs, Chrtttanooga;'Atlanta, Aft " gust a; lnaliville'Iouisville, Lexington, Cincinnati, anclianapchi and L•ifayotte, and Amalra Mouneup- olnl buil t Panl'and intermodiato points Ail ;_+"t,rqugn Pass ngers Travel on Soot Express' Ti< r to furl sale at till principal 2'isket otneeein- tlinU1ited, etotes .a-urCanada. • a,0 „o e checked thro,fgh and - ratedof fare ni- a Jhr, 1mv ins, competitors Haat; offer ios0advall-- -r K^r, ,.... . • ootAllod information, got the Mage and Loki.- 1 l OC/C /PLANO f0111YE, Office or address'; E .DoHtV, nor: il't. ! Phos, 5. Where is the best place to deal this year for WILY WITH. lts_'tieeps the fie ensral stack in town. 'Everything Fresh. iii' '13, t; ie (roceir,. �� l!ittra t;iFxrot, 1�'y, d%:l nto1 '