HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-03-09, Page 3WWI - 414110110410 "W tJVTaich ontbB, ending December .31st, 1882, operations, under their charter, and Are and the countries to which exp ENT. orted, et6l. conatiuctillg a railway, and forming an� DOMINION P A."RLIAM Crowlit X� of the swellish I A Statement of expenses u�der the Cn- approach t6 the proposed railway bridge IY ]Intel Held King Mr Art
hur Q'Connor, M. P.' hiii bOO4 sug Act f b fore Ila- over the. St. Lawrence. River, near Mon- of the SandwichIshM called to the Bar at middle Temple, Lori on. itol owslaid a onds It the royal progra arried'out anTHum WrEK,lu the House of Corn- ment, t6-day�, 'The third volume of the treal. and praying for power to issue b mine was c On January 24ih, Dr, Henry Langstaff, [This pXactical little song, andloborus c census re I p I ort iS.,mdw in the. handsof the- upoii such railway. Ralakatia was crowned king of the'Saud., After a lengthened illness, explited'at �his sungby littlegirls, in the 1� Mthbou-Gllrdov," with mons to -day, beford,thd regular busineas printers, distributed in advance wich. Islands at. Hon A, Bill, introduced byMr, Wells, amendw olulu -on -Monday, with, -lit
appropriate.ni vements.1' bad commenced,. Mr;; ca'meibit, of Huron of ilia It �_ rb i once
110 Vill coctiain returns', of ingthe Ontario & Qubbeit Railway Com-, impoeingoteremonies. Abrand-Hewqrown," aid Ccinng;gg -jAibst, Athlone. call6dattentionto' the double re r ity of unveiling the Celtio First your irim.s turn to ad all providei, that, Such company made by Paris jewellers regardless of c9st,4 The oteremb Choruw:) ulilwi mooth must be immovable pr6perty mud shipping y:i Km�'s County, Prince Edward 'Bland""He by residents of �4eh district; ... up?iewrls"of le3hayl heave power to Amalgamate. with the wag.ordered for the Occasion, and prepara-� Rus� anairon6 disagIreat Crosi created in the' dld'-churobyard of paid tbat both ii�tnberg bad'�.eerl Dpnore over the gi�ve 4of *1g. Reynolds land and area bfiand occupied; animals Credit Valley Ruilway Company at all tions for Adivic andmilitafy'dem6natiation of thd lust ment y were mailb oil a sea a ook-'plalpel uary -6r' �0131yoriew -entitled.-to i rid v andbothbad tahbu;�thelir Bbats,-Wthough line n 2i t and animal products; produotp- of, forest, point On, Ghe loned Is b6fiftifi E uro Th(mg as 78 t a, oto fle and fisheries; railway, within the County of' Yor The �ourt. the naw'kilig is a t ordu ' re& On Jaituary.146h,'the remains. 01 the' lZia 6 etXW,by I;. Slide aMT t, moved that --clerk of the -Crown in mineral prodgetB, k. : . ".
It ' t Chance -mi)rr6w aud industries. � Some,pro I gress, has been Ontario Quebec Com Any ars, also Hawaiian, and is a fine a ci all of is" wife 'of �Mr., George Harl M ry,bio direeled:t6l Attend 'to' P ey Kirk' , ex- X.,
made in. the, compilation of the Second empowered to make running arrangemeiats racb. Rels tall, broad. a out eia an ! for Louth� were, I�id -to iest'in the family with � reports of �ihe� Deputy � Returning- burial ground at volume. "There are i3ow iorby-five pereon� on the Canada Southe n,= Grby.& muscular. Hie �omplexion.b&s a warm,, Clogheiillead.: the 616th, �o loft and whito Man, and,',other documents riblatingtQ I I . I I 1 riali.or&k Oj awl Press away' engaged in, the 1 "Work of 'cob�vilatioxi, and 'Bruce-9nd Atlantic, N rn Rail. olive and big features dt#resa g _T �,hat:ele'otion. The Speaker -presented t 0ii'the table time bOLt'ghti: lthe expendituredurtrig th lid his youth'he received. &� tuted by'.,6eorge- Ill., 1783. -Twenty-two d i of Chief SuBticaTaliner; of Prince @ ye pu census good humor. aAaccount wag as follows: good education, and- years. of exp'qrienc . e knighte besidee the goveieign aud the Lord Edward Island, declaring P; A.Aqqiutyr6 THE, ]HIMP)MESS 11 - travel have given him a diploniatic' Lieutenant of its� numbe Crease pk wrinil uat �.t�� that Pr6vlucls. Remuneration and, tra�elling expenserk of a d I _ ,, "?, , elictedlor.R'ink's County in tile] poliab. He sp6aks"English with accuracy, chief officers ................... ...... $3,464, 6 a4nmissioners and enumerators.., .......... 69W neviewhis the Errork ot 1,061" Nape. On Jauuary 24h'. William John Fitzpat- .... .. bf, I t , S, 60 1"' 16. testy toincorporate the Central Bank Officers and'em lIJ10 39:878 arid�witb courteous gruee of gesture. HiW Fitzwilliarn square, Dubliu, .............. ............ 11pond Widow and laer Receitt vlats' Printing ........... ..., .......... .......... 6,513 fondness for jewellery,last beiges soud regal
neiby gr.williams.,to o Froince. d Por tauesborough, -was sworn ty of Long- \575 t. .,�Witgt.Shee'riff foi't-he Every piece, bon freege w1k .................. ............ display ia:sImost',-s p4osion., The little'
provide that pormanani building�sociedos miscella ous ........ I ............... It
ne . . . 1 .6ki file London TMth says that the P rds the royal' Wor ' away, 'Wor aw eltentures of other c which gua ford. muetballu awhileto�air_ may invest.in d orgera- uzi3ptoss array,of 60 � men 7 9yl Eugenia would have acted: more wisely had Pa ow tbis,.to their c6stifor many' tionsastvellSF3,otmutioipAlities. Itireply Total ........ I .............................. :�� aol�:Oe, X11 -ne" Limerick C otnty Hunt had just ihe4 remadned-in England'itistead of going irksome drill have", they. been. com- W'M�. Bourbesa� SirLaonsrd Tilley Stated Mi. Blake will move for copies of corres- left Bahingrane station f6r the covers, when -6naby one, Then o 11d, Ov1r,tc,LFr&ilcd.' She began.life as a Pratt PbIled td. Perform at th6 wish of their royal rut away I, t w I ween any members of the y
that changes in, ill Irilatid Reven(te laws gudnote bet' wi it was found that the ground was thickly d'Victualler yc"g, lady andering ill. her er -moth master. Ralakalua is' no* 46� and Hday' The, Now i e ironm done,, strowu :with P
of the
regarding Catiadisin tobacco1a leaf 9�ould ent and, any License oisob, aiid that. Six b wear his crown for -years to come appy sly I Happy day I be - announced when ihti Budget was 0 eon behalf of any organization of 81 Oil "grope. 'As empress, she gave' ba6d a ackwerenstantl or any n
Petitions, P f rulers in the Sandie an iticSI'advioe to, the emperor arid I - IleignS 0 h lal dal houndawdrei ying. - 'The p y -St kicWs for lftroh. brought down. On the question relating LioenssAVictualerB, %'lid of all igtoned � re alled: 'by any to -hir, diitcovery by Captal c -6-e-, woma Julie Boisy6ri memorials or resb ut" baq\\tdv6- o1n mAliners'; for -she! Sluce, it I long � presented te dgyat t counselled -Pruagioln. war, 'a Cook, when the '.inhabitants were givailup,' A number 'of Belfast merchants have U Ut"IALILCK. 'coi3vioted ofhe murder suoh1person on the subjectof legislation the, France of a child in' Mon uil.1 taken Steps 'to raise capit#tor the estab- made or 11 h to caunibalism,bave not been voryvanq ill fashion. Since she: that- the Government , hat. or4ored' an Mi. Foster will 'move for a statement hast I lishment of a. direct line of powerful steam� treal, being Put, Sir John. Macdonald Stated aftectiag the sale (if liquors.- e'Would IL14e. to, , ftellre t he has behaved with The grandfather of the present monur& those erel to the Ui dignity; and even inost oppos, as hal ii� IS41 for the !ale caprice bei liGba States, having, thpir� 0611C investigatioil, and �that a report - had been showing I.- The quantities of 'distilled and, oil to 01 peigOuiGg hi Two last. Steamers O Alger in, "apapatch says' intimate Made, whieb was now under consideration. fermented liquors,- under the . different the of tho'Bonapartes ope day irtdulg6d in a wife.' u6adquart�sra in Be] f cannot withfibld , their Sympathy fr�m the u4slilo, the predecessor of Kalakaita, was about, 4�0010 tons burthell are to be at once Irli of Prince. Bismarck. a member of Among thepapers moved for were se,,�eral agbaes evewinthe trade r6turns,. imported too fond of American whi liberally acquired. visit in by'Mr. Blake -covering the, Nprth St. ailliku;ient" paid the Charlcellor� a we coal into and taken for consumption in 0anada woman wh It lb t a husband, a, son, amd, The attendattea at the'Lord Lieutenant's au'd -tb a, a throne. tilt what by passing., shjipst,� and' the sick room a few days -ago, Sports land leagea, It6rcolopiall Claims Cc m1mig- frona 1868 to 1882, both years included in the tiame� of wcn�` supplied io'birn bnv6i 1 Satio I U. -of, whlch� �the d6ri-lia -now th * It deitiaaies finally succumbed: to its �,ttacks. A - the levee at-bublin Casile, on JaiAuary 30th, long,q pcinca gin,`�Teporta rehitmg�� to the 4allow'anocz vale4e- of -the "me. aud -this- duty paid a She to, do, , \,wi , t a of France ? a sShe wag tways on bact terms very belainniuK of reign IK'alakaum found was for 'many, years . bac �:had tha�llarger share, and the, chief points proposed to be piaid to 'riohnufacturera of' thereon. .2. Quantities of dlistilled�and . -far. �4bfcb We contained in what f6llOW4,: cartain ,goodii� required' by the Canada; meted liquors under different ' . with Jerome Nal� Olson when hot -E on imself surrointcled by trouble on all sides. persona' irQut .6,11 parta- of the country nameogiven Rail , I re , turns� of Custots -in ffie.1pland Re died, although, aceprdi the law of'the apparently taking of the' occa- 4, Idli not out of all reas 'on 'that, le Aould isicific way:; venue returns, manufac- The electioa� for a successor to Lunali * to he. tred in Canada, aud taken for coosump. in w�" tify �theirldyalty land adhesion
Bottidhoj, i te, convales- seizreglor the fiscal year IS82, and for t -empire, Jerome Napole( , ag the heii 6 fell,",;to thle ' native assembly, which was Sion to. tea divided in its pref�vedce between Q66 SITA is away,, nd I musi keep last Si showing the fines collected tidii therein -by Provinces -, the value of the the throne,' s�heid her ;beat Ab invalidate ou t6- law aiadi Order. Mr. O'Sullivah, the . Eat, Burch this law. by .urging his, Eton to the widow Of a lormer monarch,' of Cork, was knighted., ottimg old oind sick,' And the mauiter*. la� which. the fines were Same wid duty same (36itteStit, And Emmv, to my bel I We are g paid therson. for the me 'one. more 'of'. ea and;aare- not a di a exp angles ttf� the C. F.. R years. 3.- The,amount of material used lid tiW pre�ent' king. The 'latter was sk to 'be bil own�- masters isposed of thi in o bdbo \purlierousll French prieteladers. 'And on what declared, -elected ;' but 1party spirit and davote * ourgelvesto the ultivation' of 0pratnissiorl .; papers relating to the -frauds 'brewing.and distilling- alooliolic liquors in ran 0PJ81% BOALT. -Our garden. or he-care',of our owu'affairs. Customs by,:evasion., of the clause the geveral.PToincea of Canada dtiring1be Becaug,e.her Son, a poor laid under e -an& high therel. wor6.,.aharges. that thb Onto legislatorsad been bribed in the,interest Australia I cannot expr6sd how desirous I Am' to go Mth ,aspect to grinding'in4 bond.; pal same -years. :twlenty, had left the crown to 4�6i ALJourney,trons Valitorn re-lathig to the aUsperiSion'of the Imperial , Mr. Robertson'(Shelburne) will mo -Napoleon's son. Tbe"Pretensions vj�,ihc -of the foreign'element. 'The adherents �6f� LAucces.fittly Acc�otnllished. ff for, a few clays and re6t, after the cot e r in by heredit of my l6very'�day life; Extradition.,Act withiri0singda. a return slabising the :amountLp Boliapartis to rule Frdiidd fusion and taimoil, --------- S us ertoug wi -ave, it th will tile lf'I could h shouW The'gut�ject ot.-tha-proposed. heW'Loan-'the-apprlopriati6 a �o 1-50,000- I- desoentwero� really . ere , . starts Francisco ill anopen' �\`assembly held its Hil A paty ot� 7 - Who e: year excep -,wi eJ 0 Y. on Sir Leonard Tilley's motioh't i session to aid in th devblopm6h S, out this culminating. abaurdit ons burden for Australia. t, If le�, beat of., three: i, 8 no ene or a 1 bad. Engliell-niarinis smns-from inen, e In -Qomm'ittee _84 it- _j66 j�amounts-padd-t - -0 in ago' ver bef I ore. )ught to; �14Q into Committee.. _fiSber o. - ago per merican childr n-'and-grAnd:qhildren-, -.We-( �-w&r4in the harbor, lauded, extinguished live for them by rights, and I aba Prevented Leoiaar& T a xlaiDed that the loan *a6 veissel, I and their name's, the n mes of per. StoiiWnu Enui I n";by Electrict. tife,nia . Lines, d id r. 'Th let eriduiance, ne- , ill y 6 a g? ' feat We lat art re - stored� o a a e EiOnS�appqin I. Why, the neit made- in 1-860 of Y,6,446,637 totonsolidate a ted: to i distribute the same, aiccoropli.he wife eceived sidespatch
cok a -toy life el' described an� electric abpar, op p ace, nF �Ar th, s -from doing so. [I'- IV -of -an leng el y _,1874 fro a. r atheir componsatidni opies of'all instrub-... a'tus for-closing-the-va e ;ine �and- t o bria 12 him y -councillor Or, other will Portion of the debt existing. This wis a e2rdsly �io;that`eff c morning how the' -five Per read me a report in the cent. loan,, and was pAy,ablb at will tions given to a h o persousitatodiBtribit- thereby-gioppiog it., This apal in X-merica. p sYoun �Iddle aCe��, . 6 old men, suffer-
lHe a id ater the ni.glivs: lipadencle-connected- nillis at mb raof nyfa;miIY'a ofGo�srinmentin tWenty-five years The. iDgof fizitol and all corresp 7 'ing from-n6twous, d6bi�lity---and -kindred- rest,alia then-Abere- will be So much'time term",Woul-"Xpire'-��6-16-"g-n-u�-ry-j "Dundee in Se land. desciibing'the has now Ken"i ihis. ce"try a yeAi. After .:We6knessea, should Send two sarzips for ?-E'mperor is a motion of Mi. Beatyiphairman of tbe, 0 y saved again. - Thil Drve GIT &` cut desired authority� to 0 Apparatus at work.- the'Dundee A��eriiscr,;,tQ�rolling over a great part of the States .man as be in. this last misfor. issue four per -cent. ebentures for the' 'Standing Or.de - rsCommittee, the time -for says,: , " Thi large treatise, giv Ing treatment. we.could huge engine'in Manhiatta . n , he �wastsafelylhous6d,in November in win- Woild's' Die , pensary Medical Association,. tune -that has befallen him. 'Not one of Us. balance not coveree, by .'th6,. Sinking Fund Presenting Priva .t.,e, Bills. was extended to' Works (Colonel 4 Sandemartle), working at and he'' Y. d gentle. accumulated,,' which amounted to :X1,38I I l2ilhMaich. from -p and d, ."tertoluaiten At Bridgeport; Conn., BuffAl . O: X- all has the narves'Of. the august ol 600.to.1700 horse ower rivirig.a, r mai that as long as work'isi 325. sterling, leaving a not - bEkls,110e Of', . Hon. A. B Caron, Mirtiet' laag e nod there over since. His ll man. I inigbt as ei of Militia, fly wheel of about,ifiirty- five tons, -weight 1 -demanded of. him It 'has X5j065;3l0. , Candian -,securitiles ae introduced a Bill'to-consolidat6 and'a Say thaf-at no timeehloe his airival'hore has Every young man e no nerves. slid formerly took two. minutes to come to rest it is our luck that'tbe Emperor ne'ver' now go c h 'lor that the Acts relating to the milltia;. Jumbo -shown, anything but the most docilej that he should not care a button for, hisi: thought holders . would Mr.Robertsitaiatroduceds, . Bill'to declare after th6 steam had been ta;hen off; ; Thi - a I �a�ndl kind disposition. 11b has. grown in likes and dialikeg, but Should do what Molike'i",All right''and bApparatus 'hasibeent, fitt6dto,it, aud�thel�l breaks down; that 8 I I ' ought to lt�el done;;in spite of : any i'sagilee- ivili g. big, willing to re -invest even at I per' it a misdemeanor to leave gliProt oted a m6re�.proportionwbly `tban� any other Kameke 1 We a Ian a Sal a up Ao anything. es made ic. the, . ponderogs engine is now-4-brctught up in -elephant ever received, having increased in, ableuess. The lesson .of self-deriial is, far are not much go"Od. Sbutething is, the And the,London agents had -under. apertur ice of any navigable -hi�ty seconds. .'To see, this ugel.fl. p , 6 . werful, It' t it inust atter -us always, so fhE A when we takeli to excha ve per �ents. � for foure *later. in ale In ee ."weight ofes"ton and gitibed beyond-aby ot er in impor %ties. in with aj6gtic piece of in h; ety, the 'a i6pe,r grow. old we are incessantly on ill :half * per cent. commission on. tha Mr.� Curran, when moving for, a retura o tea over Seven iltbhes. l e a pe in Al fraed H b sitea sjga�n.:Snd'agiifi� elookout at� f of power for a largo rang& of w6rks, a] most .9 for. aw opportunit- to get away. . The exchanges- made up 'to the tiiirie f the certain Persons in the, employ of the Cus- berome. 'quite. auclimaed,- and' immediately brought to a,,� Standstill by the, a remar"ItI . 6 f6i the baby' V. Prmiar, . B61fal(), N.,Y.,: Dear' eternal wish for repose becomes a sort of expiry.of the. loan. As thip'o.peration would' tome Department.in the city of, Montreal, niei6 toebing of a buition'sit the fa-dild of va . Dr. R'- rid of ta-:6 some time, lie thp6ght it-desdrable, to spo?ie of the hadship of conipelling . I - . � ; . -f ; ' When. seen Juinbo 'wiis` su'r-, . Sir,�I have - advised many. ladies to try ailment,'and I for one cannot get' em- the bnilding,is animpilegsive illustration o rd of plenty 'Of 0 8 a§:SOQD, as Possible, ployeegwho ha.Tbben 'in� Q'a Service BOU10 the easy control f enormous force by y 9; e tw�nty-nint other, your 1�'Favcirjte Prescription',, an ever' thig. 6ilment, � tilt I got ut nev� debenture 0 round 11 . A. n, if, rny� and what coul.0 not be'exchanged could be time to undergo an examinati elet6litilips, a;boie wboitil ,he towetled',several iiee it fait'to do'more 'than you ad�ertise. other sufferings� to grumble' over. i* and hoped ,iselyordered arrangeinents.To mill owners c ' - You I '' �- m R 9,S to takep. -loan , feet-' -Mr.' Bainum Sas that. h4`is' 'du- is � tru y, career had stopped short of a councillor I .o - n the market go i - --tha.t-the-G.o.v6rinment-wou,ld.,make the� f, tile "PLr,tus A put fi _.'Th6' 0 SI it cm, a due amount,to be i Sailed ti i2sof.,sUch P* the utl Ity 0 ap a, iU bd stant,ly in'receipt of letters from persons in street; nd ioiildbafe"lbftj6yp6stlox)gago� AsifliS,, Wild plbr�90118 pernianent without . . " I I id.- . I
evident."- in I.ala condemned to.' spend mv a4s in the wasXl6j446,000. Haheldoutthehopethelt beingexamined. Sir -Hector Laugel the mclst tendeninotilirloo, �:Wilhslmstilas , xhers I it, mighibe ti) - issue -,.it t eve- - * that the, Civil Service Act in& -old unibo;" s�udthat �ackages, Thestateb2entithatIbe P�in6 se,tho Street of allA n de provision: ot:a 1pebfinch� about�,� dear a of Wales arrive'dontad a, cakes and. swbet., -is lower rate than 4 per cent. Ineply to Mr. for employees in �ihis�posit bonbon 43,00,630 in debt shows 'that be' have bated from my youth. Ido.no.tthink ion, -and that: the f Ot in,�. the. Reichstag lake, Sr Leonard' Tilley said that �Ahe',xamination they, were,reuired to ,submit A righteous judgmnt,,which is the more labats to -ba gi vlen to him. Jumbo's daily putting very muc aside, for a I Shall' ever set' o tIffiStS Of tWOL bales of hay,; half a'bax, reiguy satisfactory from the Jact that -it is Bur-. food! co ithout excharige would pot be effected by, piivate to, "a e6lliey get on Splendidly w very easy. pr,,,,g, was rendered a -few days, ago, n arrangement with the hoiderg of the Mr. Sliakdsp -:rel�eaeh �f,potatbes, earrots�brau and- ro6ts, It you Alto, billions, ta' eare-compbit bd that British ke Dr.,. Pierce's Vir inia. Just before Christmas -a youn n debentur6s,- umbia received; o -share of the' apprq- ets," the original t�,,Why,, the I pire machine is in first. prose t but 'b_v Advertise. Col n 9 9, and sixty :gallons, of waiter. .11 we,iaome- -pleasant Purgative Pell man named James Lucas procuro&Heveral irri a little whiskey when: Mr, Ofall druggists'.
rate working,oider, and I am so glad there ment and t6rider, Mr.' 'Blake inquired priation for emigration., ga; times givo 1 Little.Liver is, no quarrelling just now. . if some inter� wheilier Sir Leonard Tilley ',had con- Mr.. Cochrane, thought, aid should.. be Ilona of wbighey in the town of Covington Barlturn ismot aroutid," Said for. the Avowed purpose -of --otelebt: tha were going oll, ind IJ, idered the question of reducing the sink� 6xteuded to s,,_Pr9per class atIng if a. burned child 'dreads the ire why minable disbute with a regal debauch. Ing, Premid,ent 4" h rth does a Should have to. -grieve- and feel angry About-, ling fund as suggeeted%y bfe-Ricbard Caff. emigrate -to the a dres'of the, Pacific. Tile. u.r,. person who has; beeii'einged bv rmeksieBsious. lle�Mr.Blak4) ind striesof British, Wh it, I do believe -it would be All, ov�_er with- wrikht, in fo, an t day dame he pro coded-, to carry Pesident' Arthur.,leigha 250, pounds., Cupi&e. torch so ot� "nV_c_..a__Iiuger.i Columbia could. Absorb la4iiinaber of i ' pgj� the program e to the Is er. hile he He looks the picture of halth slid has regard for the old flame ale. , My� present '_ �ilerit is. older than presumed that -the, b6il,ds in which' the a-considerab and several companions- were. guzzling the I never'failed to go through aAbirteen-course ilost People thi;�k. , Tho� 'doctors bave' sinking fund had been invested hadbeen theworking class.� �One immigrant from always said iheie was n remium. .'Thia Sit Looi�ard, the,Eastern Provinces, was, in his estima-' whisk*ey,,a boy, of 12: years � fell nto 'their dinner aa� expeditio-daly and with S good ot the least danger;. bought at.a �p iialiplilies's . . --tiiin worth moreL :'Clutcheg, idordirig them the means Of kav- an t,and Mr' Blake i to the Province than. a. appetite &a.. Anybody. Yet the cor. Hadeen eat tp,00nsist of "unrepented but ph, the, pain J suffer sometimes V I. Tilley-fidmitted to,be, a fac run up .1 a p I a I rp . endibular went Oil! to poiiit out that in that case the. thousand Chintege."�, ing., Some l, fun." They bribed J�iln to,! respondents Say hat he is low* spirited assure you I could Pleasure tind if this be true can it be wall when it 60mesl on. 'But it only comes staft'ller. tbeainking 'fund was the, better. Mr-.'Fpsiter -said that be.had looked,lover drink,, Lucas administering the WhiBll that he ' doeszi't expect to live out big - te rm, . , I ,
and�bolding him up-'whill6he. gulped 'do truthfully said the repentance al-wayB, occasicifialy,; then it suddenly aesoff, He asked, aliao. whether the' ub bet of issu- the literature of. ills Emigration Depart- wP that he seeing like a matipreoccupied with boy then sank digtibgs,ing thoughts. Some of thege:enter� comes to� late. We, can I msiatioz� in', this ii2g conscils,.had been considered by ilia in fiv it was in",different, form' the.last: of three pints. The 'return. 'lang naccou fand I forget, all -About it; And live in the a s audin 'to th& floor,, and I connection the: dase:of, iniiny thousand who ver Just you Finance - a r; Sir Leoubrd but,. the impression. bg Ott lit for, this � by r. .hope that it will n Mii to SevelLucaq as 3us can mak, e or ong, years -an reralrom corns, t( swore . a provision was m Ade for an insdeuport him -by, lits� P011691 -was tbat-tho I . ing out the Prosidenf"to be morbidly ad, who ere induced to' 'use that great call soon, expired 311 them in the Reichstag to , do ill.fbeY 'Ali ----- ---- llt'b . OUS. conyieted of murder in the, second degree superstitious. -discuBs" issue df:'that kind should it be ;deemed Dominion .01'Cabada mas created of Mani. can to prevent useless the death 'of Minister. 'cure, PutitarrNi. _.dorn Ex. id'sentenced to nine years at hard labor airtless The Emperor: notices e'lvsr�thitig, And. .Advisable by the Goverriment. The reso- toba, the and the Alton, to&ther with other omens, they,sa , =or, altil -wit4-lbB�uB,iial-.-Aati�factor,y- it is* one duty,to . sp . are 11 him �ae uch as Intion . pasiedi ''and 9, Billbaged' up'64,:it Townships. *� The 61d Provi In ill I e State 'has shELken his nerves., Onia coiltespondent, in i 1 1!4 . , uceB,, were, -however - ------ _results,,.rapidit, Possible. ':It is true. be Is in better.16alth', introduced and iead a first time, .slrno�t'entiiely ignored by da;rhly.-�hiiits-'-gt--,gf�6thei real of�pain, 4nd --Happiness. -66 6 , dvoring tom uce immigrant o come He says: ". Th re ng -_ -- - - -", a---- 6 biids,that cair messages, .... than any.-of--us-,-butbb is-mucb�older els6i - -In-moving -for 1�10 Girl'sPrayer.t
y loeA: surprises. You ciin purcha Ara -611B u ill necks,,written by Mine; Rumor, nothing the, navigation of Eludscm B�y,�Mr� Dason -A I ' -'-- X ffi6fid t a' is abouta little &14 sbout,heir as both by rid he has deserved . to exp.brience 6� 6xod us, ha dh investing in � Piitit am's �Painless Corn E 0 bi tV what' makes - him comfortable and spoke at soine lbngtb, pointing' out Ifisit going on, - fr ni the. east to and if Ye-aTs ctld� She � had, been got ready -for are darkening the air and. , whispering evil tractor. .. N. C. Pol on, & CO.. this great inland �sea was now a centre of* e n6b,taken, to I ma a -up I oom things�abou t) in the j6kr Kiitgatoti, Ont.: happj.� It The grekt6slb Radicals 'looked B k bed and when her aunt went into th6'r bim�(tha Presiden man_tbey_� gla� -:great interest, for. ilailways� to it w�re pro- the loss, the Dominion,. would Suffer from to sa3 7 good-nighi She found the -little one of 'the listener. , There is Ev tremendous upon the' vamelifitible-ofd_' 13, i�_pin the middle of - the, most excited which it was h6ped'-would afford the a . ay.g4eKprayqra., This,is-what shesaid sc.audAI:&bout. to be'lldeveloped, wbich would' ble.! Womayconsider him a model in 'cheaper and quicker, communication with Sir John &donald re �d b not pr6bably have beppened had Arthur' R. GEORGE SEYMOUR, OF UTICA,� rab grette t eabsonce� Now'I lay me down W sleep; I urope than any other. route. He pointed of ths-. Minister of Agriculture, but_ihe all things," I pray the Lord my.soul to keep married either of the vVomen who Jilted N.Y., says: 11 1 have used- a- If L'Shouid, die. bieford I wakol-, er's; Elixir, of-1`166pliiq�tbs and C I Mon of emigration would, be, - I 11 . I . .. - ,,
out that for n&ny years fishing vessela whol '. quef hlrn� last Season." 'What oil earth -ddoa a isa,09
Dress a . nd" go ro the� House -during, tle set,- quite exteusive13 ma arge. bad, n6t into- the Bay 'when :'the brought. befo a6re'a though struck heri and after paus this mean? in my practice- ' i I ' he , - ; ". What a cases for W ich it is � reciont A itt a gir appeaied at thet- infant school, Straits. weral.-opel,_ prosecuting, the Seal 'Bion,'sl,d, w.ould'have an opportunity of iDg a.. moment she added j humber, of h* C, At Wartborough, England, olile day' DO& and, during- -the soasou� enunciating tile p,olicy, of tile Gbvernmc here would be im this house P, X%e. Zlect mended,.- and I am �hap�y �tb sts, itt rumpuB t ri tilihi. fin . d'it a rer to that I long ago, in a dress which", bad � a She hen re tbe,-doncludinlihe of nedy. of grsat ;value and effi� narrow when, the Strait6i'weroclosiad, and reLurdirig regarding it. The �migration fund had pleated . Ebonite is in important material to the, ciency as A ionic in the treatment o i the prayer wid,46iambled'into bed.��'Ithiica f flounce. at the bottom, thereupon s6uth when the break-up occuil This 'hitherto been expanded in aiding persom .electrical maziufact�irerj -but it - has - the oilrottio-diseases. sit w a it alts - from:the . older 'countries to. emigrate to th o door was . Shut in her : face, AhowedAh` if a - 1 the'Str anIdnot Jouinal. defect of losing its insulating pq,Feg., under becausa forsooth , the , flounce offended in'tho Bay, itself that difficulties to navi- Can:R-da. If an Province wishe I d to attra I let lh_Tfie �surlface deta-' Large quantities 6f:velvetA are- a it.from, against the' . rule: that' infants usI gatioii wpre found, "He dilated 'at lengtb� emi.grantsto WwAs,thd oluty,cf, its: dov. -T.heKq are scimed,things as Old as, the iorates, And hence it is iounA, Advisable to 12 come to sebool il Deat Aplain in -their upon I the Vast' wi6slth Iccaeolup in Hudson. ernment to take :measures to make its bills anyhow," 'Said, ol&'1116 Reuben. r E pglapd to -Paterson to be,dN ed. -liebp every 'delicate' electrical, apparatus 'in 711bir W. Hempel, B' The childwaB cold to go home And Biy, Arid the disfijOt,enrioundixig it. Cod, respurces 'He Witht Are tbe301t�.'a.�kea his neice. They. dres WA the dak oull in the: Government of British tell her mother thar, the1lounce hiust -.be% -812AL Salmon and- Bay, fidt a are,� the ,valley§ betwee�u 'em, child," chemist states, that, the best � Way to pro- other had idea of itself. Valuable minerals, especially mica Columbia, had, done 'anything I t i.Aofemuly nBwoidd the' ld man; ieatis A Le'a�liqg'Loiidon Phyn-, removed ; but ihe'm � 110 0 Promote vent I's I to, keep the vulmt establialles an spoiling the dressi and So bet worthy 'hnE;-' and plumbago, 'were 'found. on its Shores, 'emigration to their Province. The Domin. I , , ;, : , id in Sure,. ,sai �a corifloling old lady, o%nised rubber, in an atmosphere of petro- 0.1lice in'New York i ban John 00,006 by Bon 'never dririks anythizij At Ileum. , Hard rubber articles, "he also Balobin, laborer, was apd fine � agiliculturail situated ion� Government had gral 2�,o hat L itsishorei4 arid.onjbe riversil'olm' and:�,525l;000000, to make nighti,: becaiisebo!a always go thirsty in ill EPILEPTIC FITS': iesently haled before 'the uatice on the 'near lug acres of land a stateg,,may be:rendered supple, by coping cllarge�of,'neglectilig. to'gend his . child to into it. 'The. value of tbis,yast es, and, Briiish. Columbia, 'as a� field of morning. themill an. atwo'spheile of! all )Phide of school'.. In the end it was decided that the. disirictsutrou'riding Was fields for enter, emigration, 'and he'did itoithink tbatinuch carbon.- Dr. Ab.'Magorolc Oita'of k When you fret, slid fume at the, 'p-'ett'y elatty of Epilopsyi haalwithout doubt t d defendant must . either take off the ' prisew�g refetred'to in glowing terms by more could' be dons in thAt direction until, ills Of lifei 'remember- 'that the In the course of'& lecture at Leeds on ;,,i6reens'eati)apan�otber-living ysl6lan. 33lbsuccoss has sigiply beon.stunblihng; 4o Vu heard of cases ol`- flounce il� .or find n Mr. D,awson; who N% as louldlyapplauded on tbe'� Canada Pacific -Rail om. '"Techilical'Appli6ation of Electricity," ovot tzo Tearot spinding su dennilly cured by lilih, He, Another- school,' and: o way.. was '. 0 which go round. without -declared-- -resuming-hiB-seat.. creaking' las�t the or' itucker Appeal -the-oduicational-detiartment plated. haH pub 1sh%d a work%on this d1soase,.3vh1ch he sends pngest.- Profeess stated that Some d, i Y124-. 'wtthalargo ottlo of tits wondorful ouro Me to ally; sur, tfiatitbad'itopowbrtointerfere with the. Mr. Royal,,m'ember for . Prove�iohgr, in a Mr: Kirmey, a6plored the Some One a bleciric, machines converted not less wrales of voluntary Schools. It, is, , unfortu. spe!ch . of. �, some L length dwelt upon the exodu's from -Nova S'cotia and New Bruns- uggests 4amitious keyholes. 'M'3' The idea; is not �a bad,' pop. Th� only ill... 97 �per cent. of the work --put into AB.AIESD OL.H. ift 06 John st.l. Now �Tork -He hoped -that'the bounty givou4b them into'electric energ nate that the child' Bhould� ha' a lost ab saving of, aikan i ce to Europe. by way'of wick. don we'ban see to it is ilia some mulch achooliDg, bu , t there is 'consolation in Hudson Bay, and in . R.'prophotio flight flabermerl would keep some of the youl6g :objec t men, y. when they come rolling borne. in the morn. Amnnny " and you will fin knowing that a check has been Put on. the anticipated the. time when Cazaaa would men. at home 'who were in the habit of, Juaiihics In 31a jioba. Use Th incest With �the Ing a road for,britol.', lampa un n they were hey. wing extract ',from' a letter 'Twill ragrant mak6tho 1�reath of all,' rightful extravagance of tbe-Balchilifamily, have other'Maritime Pr -1 ir goii b loyment. The exodus lild inist in unlocking the Street, Your Teeth becomeslas pearls'; n the matter of wearing apparel., ports on the vast Sea 6�f -He was so great that in one , part of -Nova, der ilia impreasio' The follo holes. Milt in. thiB bity from a hoped soon to see the time whert'immigrants Scotia'there w6ib one hundredand fift received, by a gentlem : Boys, women, mein. And �irlb. y friend now. in Manitoba may. be, relied on As A. Crank In Meeting. would come by this route,, Saing time and farms for sale. A society held lately'beon The baby rolls upon the floor, true p I eop e A clergyman in"Wyl6hevill I e,,Va,., pr6ach-�; MODey to themselves and making it certain fq)njed in Nova Scotia; the object of which Kicks uphis tiuy feet,- A-nd'poRes his toes into his mouth-,, complain of this winter As,bebig a stormy th At come to Canada, which was v� to encourage emigre, ing upon the Prodigal,'Son, had 9, some- lid tion to Nova, Thus making both'ends meet,, And terribly told one So far and here in what startlifig Pot, the case! when. they dme iltrough.the ScotK and 4 at,the Government experience. A young man ,9i)e&,th I . I . Emerson they pray for little snow, dread, States,, mainy being in.duced to remain. -in would colitribift&to its funds. The dog, attached to a tinpall, ill the audience, imagining that reference GoleahowlingdowntboBtrect, iDg. another flood. � Bgsiness for 96me time thatcountry. Mr. Blake aiiecte was inside to himself, arose, and levelling d thw attention "of the And, as be madly bites his tail, has been dead'here, and quite aumber, of revolver at the preach, Sir'Solm Macdonald, opeaking 'on ilia. Government to the fact that there were no He maketb both onds meet. or, declared that he occurred ; but hey ire no same subjectv amid. men: of 60th'and maps Showing - tbb 11ocal the. Pacific. ........... would.ahoob'unless the oqeusive remailks worse off than their Winnip Position had undertaken- the' ent�rprxso of Rib or he allooation The -butcher slayd the pepiive pig, ag neighbors., u 'This incide n Winnipeg I , took, lit might IL UUU AMUU Clits of his eare and feet, vVere di4coutin' ed. One of the largest,atores i udsom Bay., to,tbe Canada Pailue Rallwa And grindethem in a sausage big-� building Ahe r ys 'to H be ad y ill on an average last week �10 per day, And auced as a, warning to,,'Preacher;of -hat f U,nofficial correspondence was now gQl)u Thus maldlig-lboth ends meet. this latitude but for tile fact t one of the largest fur--houseB took 35 cents.'. jpi,�ily_ou 'between Sir Alexander Galt �and t rl Be, upper produced a malp on I, sup pose Qbioago4 Man to r this, latitude ad not seem to be sufl a, -this, they expect daily'to come o an, end, A meitive.-to Apply any pulpit didoriations to itish Admiralt It wn the location of the rail- a party from Michigan, 111here are,-plouity- and the dullness is attributed in a largo 'themselves.-, , Ze oc)-operat-ion of, the Inj�iari sit at, ther showing. the otaawl millg in your Sbate.11,'-Tbe`man of'..meagu e to the, t ible cold. People are r � err !`Should "� therevas, hopeful and are. looking fo the coming: of in making M,eurvey lot th landswas being Mi eplied : good prospects'of success, t nt. why" hliplliglku n Mine. Janal health ha �is gettl �' 80 : full Or � sawl' Mr. B arpee will (I milig that *.on can hardly meet a man there of all.olaims. 'concert will'be" Maurice Grau'g French presenteld. for giriber Of im igiatts with rpitib'n two fingers on A 'hand." An& A Wagner ompany materials used for sbipbuildi Dominion- �durin sticking rip �&' Paw I on which was a I Single the. Academy of- Music, Xew'York, have been very Successful in Mexico. "t ending. June 30th, 1882, 882, t6.settle finger;,bo'quietly Added$ I've shook bands 'Ey1r.day, March.. 5th. 'The programme A Riissian tranalati6it of'�i.Faugt i' bas_.'_rt��nibs ending Dacerilb I er, 3 with 6m rbyself.11 will bonBliat of Wagner's music only. � Mine. been'given wi stlecess-st St. Retereburg. All particulars'; (2) For' a B person probably�'aing, and revenue.allia working expen,s arc�likd an unabrollm'with a 'brook handle. Damrosch conduct an oroffiestra of 160 u �816uiat Railway acorubd for, ed 4 They �ard always hanging around in out -of. piedesi a am itig; hallway] '�-Among ill "d riositiehof the recendy' Many Sink, it each ' ;ear'ending' Decem and Are iiever to be found e ur )to an early grave by not the the, se�- and -,when, they are, w6uted..", published 11 Indian Can�guii I? are the, State. -giving, immediate attention t4 , sligbb _;Simiiar, to the annual : State reto-L -ments-that-in-Oiade-�nd-the-Northwe5 that; Wit] t .bctil g h, whic ' cou it be stopped 'in t 0 by itidrg,% 3,000 � 11 11n, . -a-Ra -ill P bl, 2 his ire to bit expeditious, '-Pulmonib Syrup For E6 r I etorn showing 1 hd once AeE Usual d614 Provincep: there Are 1,100 g6 the goo of bri Wfatar's Lienbea st'convi6ted murderer to ballad si ers,� 83 gamblers, .97.,.suake- ing stock purchased for �� t e In be hanged, and 'dismissed , him � without a P10,G00 dancers, 4 story-tellars, 4 -Railway during'tho, year enclin ar, 1882 customary And important- formula. The PdotA and'7 thieves. 31st, 16'82, giving each kindof �r clerk reminded him ofthe omisaloti. Ali, -4 of 'Quite, 'so," exolaimed'the nothek: 11 I'thought," Said be to 6 getitle. all(!, stating, *bother under�� iln Me. judge; a tyes. .otbbrwlse,%�knd other, details ; .7 1 d 'of, -Soorcl- back. .'Prisonor at the man in.-coinpany,",!�l,you--to'ld,!'me 1hat- Tom 636-thouffav B�, essago 6worst turn showingtbe quantity 60f t Mandl I . I I 11, o etrw, 18 M,',,4nff, b aficAred, lfideW ventera ball!"T bog, you Pardon, ay the" Lord' `Wilgqn's�lover had gone off?" "Ohlyes '17, 1 w it M --bitd rom eacl I por I forgo to 4 VALUABLE TSE)LTISHn Mal disease, thlit I wal anlid"T 0 nor LrS RA'
at' n Nova'sootl to-aal �have- inerey on your, soul. Remove,, the. repijeathe latter, - I did 86, but tip toga an fitifflirer, Give"Ex mm and P; O� addy6aa. rl oil vi 0 year ending Junlu 80t L 8 itieuded p 'a or,* jidlev.7 Next'aase P, mention that,he had gone oft along, th,iv� n�l,T. A. SLO UK, l6l roal St., Now Vol h" 02., a Z oil
m adbe t of