The New Era, 1883-03-09, Page 1DIANNIBTG St SCOTT arristers Solici ors, CONVEVANCER,s,c. , Commissieners for Ontario and Manitoba. , OFFIVR BEAVER BLOC, CL1E1,Tal ,c CHRIS. DICKSDN, jr.I0Ok tOre, 7- VOL. 18. NO 10. EIL11S - $1.00 Pev-Ainitunez--- P I thea- • month, a atv , , Was present, and'this p , CITINTON, ONT. FRIDAY MARCH 9 1883. c IE'llriette16311ils14311efs-8"1411 in tliitisavYaisaisntaittYediOthOabtuafashelrigsoefri 'shlliledraIetecirE etv. Adv trtiOciatentO. H010SE' TO LET -That commodious brick House lately occupied by Mr. Morse. For tel -nos, ake., apply. to MANNING dk SCOTT, Barristers, kc. ' ,• FOR -SALE.-HEMLOCK and ' Tamarack. /or Tiea. Waterun. two boYa to work -on' farni-.----ApTdy-tle" BARKWELL, LendeslaPro. "110110Alt PIG FOR SERVICE. The sub - 11 scriber keeps for service at Ina farm, Lot concession Goderich township, a first- -class, Suffolk Boar. Tering, 75 cents, oash.- W. riAIITION.-l-Netice is hereby given that the V undersigned will not be.responsible for any. debts contracted in his name, without bis writ - tea authority. IT. LARSSON, Goderich town- ship. CARD or TrIANIES.-We have pleasure ,111 stating that The Confdderation Lifd As- • sociation, of ; Toronto, through Mr. Itienann ltfarnentG, District Agent, of Exeter, made a meet prompt and satisfaetory settlement under policy, -No, 8,856,: on the life of the late Reties Saunders, of this -Own, by paying the run amount of the claim without any delay and \ without any cost whatever. WILLIAM ELLIOTT, (HAS, ANDERSON', Executors. • "s, Listowell, Feb. 22. CLINTON TOWN .4(4E'NCY GRAND TRUNK. RAILWAY. .1,rateerd/ Tickets ean be • purchased to Manitoba Daluita• and all points west Local Tickets td all pOints,on the G.T.R.. and. G.W.P division. Toronto, Hamilton, Chatham; St. Thomas; ag! a/0,point on the combinedlinSs. Anyf n format i el , ?daps,' time &Ms, &te.; •freei?glifen application at lay oaCe i Tifoirrstur & Swifzun's H:ROdnal, Heavdr JAMES . THOMPSON,- . mown Agent, Clintoi . 1-10.1SE-Si LOTS FOR SALE TEE Frame Cottage and two lots oa the Huron Road, Clinton, planted with choice l'ruit ji, bearing, and small 'stable, property at present occupied by the undersigned, is offered for sale at a low price.. Possession first of May. JAS. H. COMBE. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. • , -WOE, saleor to rent, tw o houses south of the Giand Trunk, railway. one is- sniall. con- • taming rourreonrsovith good -Well on the pro• roises. The other contains about nine rooms, with good load and soft water andgood stable on. lthellot. 'Either the above will be le.t on rea- sonii,ble 'terms, or 'will 1)e -laid cheap, On terms td 'suit purchaser. -JOS. ALL-iNSON.• • FARM FOR SALE • By AucTioN, VER. J. C, JO11tE has received' instructiope .111 to'sell by•aue.tion on Thufredssy;,2.901 of Muireh•, esse, (mole premises, at 1 p.m„ that desirable farm', being' uorth 'half 6f' the north half of lot 13, con. 3. west WisWanesh,. contain - ming 50 acres., More or less. owthe. farm 'is a. frame barn and stable, a , gOod'concretc house:, and first-cla,3s orchti.i.a...: A entall 'rivulet runs' acrosth one corner ef the i'arni, it ia situated on a good graverroad- Within .2 miles of Dilugan- • immune about -the same from the Nile. Terms, .t1.00 oitclay of sale; $400.more•in ,terr days, , bal- ance secured by first mortgage with interest at • .6 percent per annum: sale at 1 o'clock. p.m. Londelioningli.. • . Taemas J. Bell,. •r ' 'Executor. AATA•NTElie- To 1,111,RvAllASE-ftbout forty VI young hens and four good Cows. Apply•to, JOHN.00RRELL; Clinton. • A 1'l]ACCOVATTANT''having s few b6urs per day, unoccupied, would bepglad to, hear ot any persomor firm who would be desirous Of engaging this services to keep their books or; writerthem up and 'f6nalte Out accounts for collection'. Address X. Y: Z. Clinton P.O. IIIIIIOIROILIFICKETS..issueti to aii.V part of . England; Scotland, Pralide. or Genesee, WH/XE ST.elen STE A _WHIP& .tgl'ATE LINE TtM,S'Hfl?S.' MONARCH LINE STEAMSHIPS. alailiiiag,.frone New. yorie otiee li veese Per rates And allinformatiortapply to : W. JACKSON, :CLINTON: - lissT STOCK • CY STRP G 'IN TOWN. PLATED WARE. WEST DESIGNS !Pal . CONTAINING SIX 011 SEVEN ROOMS, WITHIN five minutes walk -of :Town 'fall. Apply at this P1O13STER OATS. . . r HE,sttl?5ceiber...df_ers for sale tin; splendid variety, grown frim seSd which was imported from Massa- • chusetts in the spring, of 1881. They are 'S. white branched varletY7free lr.om rust' and smut, and very productive. Ilfarratitcd-free-troni-all-feul Seeds - A verage.yield from 50, to ,75 bushels per acre. Price 50 cents per bushe1 , '11. LANI/SBOROUG1I, • c 'Let 27, Con. 3, I.I.I.S.,,Ttiolcersinitti. E O, V A . • , . • . a' DENTIST, ci,iNToN-, Late of l'oroutt'6. 'Honor Graduate Royal Gol-' .".-lege of Dental Surgeon, has removed tette° ' All work. lirst-class. -Charge's nieflerate. oats Block, over W.Tayllot ft. on t STANLEY. • Seeetseres.-The total asessment for the township of Stanley for the year 1882 is, $1,- 750,314. The county rates, $3,064.56 ; town- ship rates, $3,500.63 ; school rates, $4,396,20; dog tax, $305. - Conesenels-The counneil met on the 3rd inst. ; all the membets present. The 'tender of the Seaforth Sun for township for 4883 was accepted, -it being the lowest. [The NEW ERA did not tender;] The acsount of T. G. Neelin for printing, for the year 1882, being $23,40, was ordered to be paid. Moved by Mr. Castle, eee.• by Mr. Douglas, that until the dispute between ,the collector and treas- urer be settled the Reeve hold the .collector's bonds. ---Carried. The Reeve was instructed to give an order to Wm. Carnie for $9.60 'for gravel in 1882. The sum of $12 was granted to Jane IVIcDonald as charity, she- beingin indigent circumstances. The .Reeve was in- structed to give orders to the persons inte• rested, for funeral expenses, medicines and other expenses, incurred by the death of the late '1'hos.KaY, an indigent person, amount of accounts being $1.8. Moved by Mr. Tor- rance; sec. by Mr. Dquglas, that the council act as a committee. to investigate the advis. ability of opening a road on the -rear of lets 3, 4 and 5 on the 4th con., and east side of lot 6 on S. B. By-law No: 1, appointing the township officers for 1883, and by-law No. 2, naming the salaries of the •respective officials were then read and signed. The council then adjourned to meet ,on -the first Saturday in April next, at one o'clock, p. m. • GEO STEWART' Clerk • _ nitueEF.IELD. ()DEESE .I'ACTolls. -A _meeting of the -pa- trons of the Bincetield 'Cheese Factory was held in Brucefield last Saturday, MarcliArd. The acceunt of last 'year's business was re- ceived with full satislaction. For the present season the business will be conducted by the energetic -proprietor Mr. Hugh IVIcOartney on he sam-e-donditions as last year. He draws the milk.and 'makes the cheese at the rate of Iser pound, VARNA. , GET'CING .1M11.11t..---We -an pleased to learn that Par. Sam. Turner, who is beerrseriously ilI-with plura pneumonia, is iecovering. • - . TYBEiOln fl,iYEB.-Mr. John Turner, of the Parr line, is laid up with typhoid tever. We hope to see tuna around again xn.a short tiine. STILL IN THE HOUSE, -Mr. Robb. Keys; of the 13abylon.line, who was severely -hurt by falling-frone a etack, is not yet able to leave • GOING EACK.--Mr. John Stinson, who has been visiting -his friends here, returned to Nevada last week. Mr. Henry Lyon, of Da- kota, and Mr. Wm. Foote,' of Nevada, who have been visiting friends here, intend to re. turn to their respective homes thjweek, - ozing Ilack to Cligion. .THE PHOTOGRAPHER, would respeetthify stitte that he 19 50111105 hack 11 .glinton to Make PhotograpliSbetter and cheaper than. ever. Negotiations ate now going- on for a stiltabls ' •pla.se, which Will be fitted- up and 'furnished le .thal most,itnprned dyke, so that the rapid Dry Plate pro.. cess can , be used to the het adyantageonaking the finest ' quality of Photos iiistantaneolialy:.' ,Those con. • tenmlating having work auto, will do well to' wait. for' the now Gallery, which it is expectedN' vill be ready in 6.,month firso., The folkiwing is a scheduld of nricea: Card Photos; ,full:fivnie, per ..dozdtt. .". per isaf dozen,- . "'.60 si• rZgnel be8t:,totality, Z.25. " ; " per h&lf (lozen, . . . . '.75 Co,binp? ,fiall flalcre, dozen... . , . ' per half dozh,,..05 1-1e46'11es, best owcililV, clo,zer . "- • per half dozen -1,--.. 1.00. 70 Plw/O.,;, ji,rst copy, . , , .. /00, " elnplieate, . . .50 of work, mitY be.relied oileaseh5. sebscriber desires to" bIlial till) mid establish 'a per- inanen t business. Onstoniers 24111 redeive every.atte7i- tiQ11, and may reSta.Ssured tbat nething 1)111. the 'best, 'uniform] will be used in all.departments. Tho age of --old_customers, ancl the.publiogendrally; i,S '- 9 speet.tully, r1iei1C5. SlallifaCti411 guaranteed. Wo W... WADE BELG/tAY.El. DiuisoNAL.=-Mr. Arcliy, Taylor has been visiting his' parents in Carrick, Bruce Co. GorNe I•VsT.---T. Roads •andJas. Robert- son left here on Thursday for Brandon, where they -intend to stop for sbine,time. SIcla%"--Mr. McLellan, whohivas one ,of the. "deputy -returning officers here,'has been very poorly since the fall 'he got. in Brussels. and performed the duties of his office, though.not fit to be out. •• .. • Cevv Losse--aTeast week Mr. John Coal's comis -bioke into his, granary and eat their fill et wheat and Other grain.,One of them, the' best he had, died from he effects. He would not have taken $60 for it. This is the ;third aniinal he has lost this' season, and it 'is pretty hard .o n him. Hon vas --Mr F'obt Forbee f the rdean Morris, is now repairing the luitise which: he Turchased.last fall, and •intencls-moving into - it in. the spring. There is, very little tieing in preparing for the buildings that will go up: here in the nilithilOr, though We expect a good _ . , 'Y'EgrEEANCE.--- The'good teinplars lodge here has been reauscitated after a lapse of two Years. . It had an addition of, 12- new 13/1.YRIELD. PEBSOlid.L.--MiOS Rutledge and sister, who •have been visiting friends at St. Mary's, have returned home. Rev. Mr. Baugh goes to Gederieh on Sun- day, (to supply for Rev. Mr. Wakefield) and his appointments will be filled by a local Riiivaa.-Special Services are -being held in the •Methodist church, here, which are well attended, several have already presented themselves as seekers of salvation, and nanch interest is being awakened. While the Tories here are niuch disappoint- ed at the result of the elections the Grits are, of course, as much elated. • If we could only reform the whole village it would be a neiehborhood are attacked while pinkeye. little paradise --in the summer at least. DEBT RifSED.-The Methodists of the Bay. field circuit have managed to pay off entirely the debt which for shease thine has rested , on the trustees, made, a personal° canvas of the Whichwas peid last week. This was exclus- ive of the $196 raised by means of the quilt. When'a debt of this kind e--.ists, there. is no- thing like wiping it off, to the acre. This • crop was se much in. . , • excess of any that we had ever raised on our farm, 60 miles south of this place, that we could hardly credit it. Mr, Silas Andrews, One of the oldest settlers in Ca- nada, stated that he had raised 801enshela of shelled corn to the acre close to: the ' town. Mr. Andrews now makes large qu an title. of sorghum- syrup ; he.was .one of the first to introduce sorghum into the . northern part of Canada.. The enterprise and 'prosperity of:the agriculturists and, others around Clinton may be held forth ' as showing what others might do. In ad- dition to the annual dinner, they haie estabslislied a spring and fall eilithltion, ,and an annual ,sate of pure-bred stock. They have gained a good nanie tor their II valuable horses. • We believe it was stated that four tuilliOn. dollars' worth of this , class of stock alone had . been exported : from this cottn ty. '(Huron.) They also . • claim that -there have been less failures he , the town of Clinton than in any other in Canada and that poverty is hardly kuoafte . I- ' • there., Thereare but few manufacturers ire, the principal being the large manu- factories of threshing machines, establish- I ed by Glasgow McPherson & Cee, knows]. :ell over Western Canada; a woollen mill a Calsin et factory ; Organ factory; planing .. nill; fanning. adll factsfry. and a large : - . 1 ' flour- mill. One of. the larges eale stables _he-, for horses is established here by Messrs, . ' -Rattenbury t.Z., lqooney. \V hen we were up .. , they had 160 horses on hand; he ship , „ to all parts, end buy and sell Suck as are' ,wanted ,t6 fill:orders froiri. Kten'ada • or the ' States r, they send very large,. mianbers to Manitoba. The 'con nti: v around Clinton. - i-bieksed IiVith` eicellent land; ilne-roads 'slid good watht, hnd the most pried crops - ere raised" with the best result's, „ 1t excels is growingecorineapplese swig:hum, winter . . . vheat,' and . in stock -raising. Exte • sive salt -works are* here also, enabling the farmers to procure salt chpap." EAST WAWANOSIlf. --DEER CAUGHT. -A deer was 'caught in Brown's millyard on Monday of last week; • it was seen in the vicinity, and several dogs persned it, bringing it to bay in the millyard, where it was caught by J. B. Coed. It died the effects of wounds sreheoeritvlysdafhtyerthaerddesomgfer. Peasowees.-Mr. McKay, at present at- tending the Clinton High echool, favored us with a visit last week. He couhrnt nor he would'nt stay away from here. C. F. Roche returned to Durham, after spending a very pleasant time in the 'vicinity. • • noteuEsviLLE. - PINIT...E'TL'L --A number of horses around this tlie, parknage here. Rov. Mr. Baugh, with, circuit, raising, in cash, the sum of $490, Tehteeitheeca.-A very largo andenthusies- tic'temperanee, meeting was held in the , town ;hall -on Wednesday -evening 'last -28th :ult. ITheaneeting was 'opened hy 'a Stirring pieoe by. the, choir; and prayer by •the Rev-, Mr. Baugh; after whichthe"„president, Rev. it. McCosh introduced the Rev. Mr. Patterson, who gave'a few apropriato remarks, when the Rev. W. MeDonfigh, of Clinton, was -intro- duced and - receifed with 'applause,' who, for I .about one hour 'and twenty minutes, etlY0-, • teazel' •earnestuesse clearness and ;newer; ,the great.' question Of, ternesTerance, by • which.' he, proaticad the deepest eonVi'etions ih the' °mind- of hisI audience;: in regard. to thd Ovilamf 'intern per. '1 anceea 'Conviction which filanifestect itself hi "tome sixty or seyentheigning the pledge. hir.. MoDona.gh' will long be affectionately rensem- iscend by the peopleof Bayfield. 'And we are sure .1.: ey at any time be mu c rejoice,c1 toee ad hear him 'again. ' ' ' • . , „ TEA Xtd. ----The MOSV s successful . tee meeting, and musi"cal entertainment that has ever 'been held in this village, 'both financially; and otherwise; -was heldin the town. hall. on Thursday eveninglest, underthe mistimes of the:Englieh. 'church; arid 'Under the Manag I ment of -the Rector, 'Lev. Mr. MeCoela to. wham- great credit vi..due for so successful- ineetifig ifl,"securing seek asplendid -choie aewas had, the Willis phurelt choir 91 Clin- ton, under the' leadership of Mr. .Te Jackson,s .jr.,, who scrhighly delighted our,people liete With their glees, quartettes, dnette, &c., 'which were highly aPprecfated,.and next,- the Won.: derful little neusical prodigy, Fairy Morgan, who is but e. tiny. Mite on the stage; 6-, yeitT's Of age, Mit possessing . a ',voice that ,is truly marvclouS.for one so yonng,Who sang several pieces and tendered some. comic' recitations 'that reecii.Mil a round of applauseIfrom every - cine present. .The speakers Of the :evening •were the Rev. Mr. Baugh of the Methodist, Ohorah and the Rev. N.Pattersou of Bayfield. •The forine.r neanYaOtheatil6tef-STatid-kahhita the 'andience in roars of laughter, who was' beginning tp think they were getting. More than-t1eeirii ete.ewheettneandeatartectean atpounted to 15, and was dulY donated to the little one .who so highly pl eaSed theme --Fairy Morgan. After a hearty Vote of thanks to the choir for ',their: esteemed music and to the:speakers; and last but not by any means.the•Ipaertheladieslm in the.foriner part of the entertainment -so well satisfied the inner man,- the ineeting'waS brought to a close by the singing of the na- tional anthem. .The .proceeds of thc:enter: .taineeent amounted to $70. ' members within two weeks., _ , ILLNESS. -Miss Ettie Goyim.'daughter of Mr. John Gevier, of the baseline, is ill of conjestiou of the lungs. She is" very weak, but we hope to see her around again in a few DE:Am-It is our painful duty to record the death of Mr. Wm. Willard, which °emir. red at -his father's •residence -in West Wawa - nosh on-thef..12nd Feb., at the age of 24 -years. Deceased, for the last few years, acted a* mail carrier between here and Fordyce. ilia par- ents have the sympathy of the rieighberhood in their sad bereavement, this being the Sec- ond son they have, consigned td tho tomb, during the last year. ELECTFONS.-'rhe election6 are paesed again, our •village was at the fever heat of excite- ment on that eventful evening. Having provided for the returns, the Reformers and Conservatives assembled in their respective rooms, awaiting the result of the campaign, with beating heart and bating breath. In the Reform rooms cheer after cheer greeted theannouneement, that A. M. Roes was elect- , , for. West Baron, while _a_ deep Silence reigned imthe Conservative rOoms when they were informed (in the lauguage of aaex-Reeve of West Wawanosh) the candidate was a free man: This-exTReeve was in -the habit of stat- ing,."I have two great troubles on my mind' viz,, the township and my fainily,'' neither \Vest Heron nor family . conk:Emit ToWNSILt P. --(7GOD:-CYES:• township, ;weighed 3 C011p10 of ,grade,calves few day's :since, that were onlY xiclay old, 'and -they turnedthe cale at 102 and 111, lbs. re- spectively. This is unnsually: goodweight. , , 'GONE hAcE:Our jova-1 frien,d Elliott, of this township, returned to Dakota on Tuesday, but cOntrary trial item which recently appeared in these colums he Went alone.. 'oria says "if' he comes hack next year something may happen.", Heis one, of the sterling -young Cannucks who is bound to grow with that country, and we .piedict that he will be a 'pretty wealthy man -before 'many Arrunigneb.--Joseph Lobb has apPreri ticed himself t� Mr. Win. Murch, ' here, to learn the blacksmithing. •That will be two eat of Mr. G. Lobb's three.sone that has learnt the trade 'with Mr. Meech. A Soeua.--ZA social will given. at the residence 01 ,514. H. Elford, on, Tuesday even- ing next, 13th inst., in aid of the C.M. .par- s.onage fund. A cordial invitation extended% to all. COLBORNE4 Poem -On, uesda,y, ,Feb. 20, •the. Wife of A. W.- Wilson, of a daughter, .10n Friday, Feb. 23, the wife of RTIVonliaeoet, of- a son. WO cannot boast of enjoying as man3r oyd- ter suppers, kissing parties, or cliarads as our friends of rl-,,oderieii township, but we o know that our young men ha.ncile more wood at sawing :bees:: • The • tern,porar,v bridge ae'ross the river et •-liolniesville; is holding - <Mt well; • 'The eice is, We iaidlielea,, as.'„firra some places its auy thrie'during winter. , •' • • ,f SUIZ22.1`;E'vrIN:0--P:RES..?INT • On 'al. -en ,lay evening, 'February 19th, the ' family' 'Of' •Mr. .14.Steepreceived a confpiete ;Berprise; by, the sudden arrival of over 6fty of tbeir'friends. ancl. acquaintances menibers ef the church at Cole's appointment; hor.iily' after, their ar- rival,'church, was niade -the' happY reCipient, of 'a Miss Alinniel Steep, ox•ganist 'of, said' beautiful writing desk' and work box cotribin- , ed, also a lady' pu se, accom anted by an addresea RS a mark at. the eeteern in' which ;she was ,held. . The folloWing address was- , , ,read by Mr. .tt . 'FloodahandIthe presenta- tion rade by Mr. P. Cole, leader of the. choir: To MISI STEEP. • . PEAR Tar3ehh--1.1.t.i's With .pleasithe V•I,e as- semble here to -night to avail oureelveS of:the ..opportunity Of eapreseing to you our apprecias tam of year services 'as Icirganiat •iiatbe 0.51. Chard's' at Cole's appointinent:'• Since yon- .undertoolv't,O•discharge the dn'ties'of the posi• tion, the eongregaion' have felt 'the value of theseasistatace yonagaire then]. ',' We attrilento to you; in a great degree' , the 'enceeSs of our choir, Owing to. the factthat you .have so, faithf ally and efficiently fulfilled yourengage. .with. them. We therefore feel it in. etunlient 'upon 1.18 to offer' you.'soree tangible: pzoof of the esteern in which you are held.' • It is, then, vsith pleasure we .prefient to yetihhis eseritingeclesheand ptirsei en behalf of the con SC1ENTIVIC AND .114TI2IIARY.SOCIETV , iBy our special reporter)' The society met oft Thursday evening last, after an adjournment of several weeks.- in the absence, of the Premier, Mi. Scott, who had been suddenly. calkas to Bayfield, aon busiiteSs of importance to the 'country, Mr. 'Newton announcecl•the new cabinet, which is Composed of 'gasses. Seott, Premier and ,Min. ister ef Juettee; Newton, Public Works; Wale ter' Manning, Finance; Connolly, Militia; Small, Postmaster 'General, and I. Taylor, Seeretary of State. I • ' •• ' The newly elected Governor t:4616ra' is the Rt. Iron. john Connolly, K. 0, B., C. O. D., Baron Eolinesyille, Earl of AleGillicuddy Reeks, cock•a-doodle-doo. •• ' lion. A. Armstrong was elected Speaket of ehe Hoese , by commen consent, and took the chair amid applause froin both eliles of the • -Or WAIIE' ,B,Res., SEA3A.'ItTli ' " TEA MEETINO.-The tee meeting iii the- ' •• • --•--' • I Presbyterian church, here, Wiac well attended. \TINTER ARRANGEIVIIMS. sae . . After replenishing the inner man in the Tem- ' ---- . .- : - perance hall, they assembled in the ehurch, Ar..41..AN LINE. the :Rev. Mr: Pritchard took the chair; . ow , •- and. the ,fellowilig •'• Rev'. gentlemen, viz., . • ., • INIe'ssrs. aiillyards Smith and Lougbead,. en- ' Ilt.'01CA 1., l,1 API:, ST EA3E81 Ic:re41 il tertained..the.audience..'.Mr.' llillyard stated , LIVEDEP0011---ux-Doma%Y— 1, that 100(1 -r the body and mind were the es. l sentialel good tea meetingetheit ten,eleney , ,, 'drie • nee. people Ilway. 'from hurtful SRORTEA' EST• Sand. associating them with the 'cleurelie ' Mr. Smith, with his_ hale inf,lilan tersoehirste a next mounted the platform, ' lo te at If.,Olvt, if come, and how may we•cons aerenee ever,,,',Saturtlay fr -weeks ironi Portlitbd, • , e aseses'sertelidatee o.t 1021081 ;I'Perseue wlsliing to seed na land /Ltd Sentland to say e; ' nada, (teddy; annient 10 11 41011 31 ilia ticket 19 not two, 5 toerage I? olseeng ors Ill(3‘ b.; DriStel;.Guesnatown, Derry, -,JI-Il10pw-a.44-044o-Li590po01, "FO rfli r (+ugh ti al: e t 0 and ov •A. - 0,' I'AT eatealter pointed' out our rela,, ' 'tither, also the erfect„our'ae-, don ouriellow beings. ',Mr. , of theafith ceetury" elos-' te. Piatered.,,Europe 3t -t46: IIRLDnfaCtIlre and t-th M ceza Ale, inventive genie and:telegraph. , gregation, hoping that yon may he long spared to act as organist, and •help the cause of tied in such a,sphere. • , - We are, youra:faithfully, PETER iC0' j.'Fiseonv, (he'behalf. o' the: cOngregation S teep' was 'taken entirely ,by surprise, and brieflyreplied in -very feeling terms. 'Short 'addreases were then given, by aeyeral, who eXpressecl, in eulogistic terries, her ability as organist, and the .pleasure it gave them in testifying to' her their appreciaticM, 'The -re- mainder' of.tlie evening was pleasantly '6rp10.1:1,e4.',f7 by.alle indulging in different kind's' of amuse- ineuts•aini•alsO a sumptumis repast,- until a' late.liour when all dispered' to their respect- .*afortli . OFFICIAL RETI,,FtN"' 'Beloit/ are tlie oflioiSl fleeures clie late election for Solith Huron,:- • 'Eolvrigniaa 'fowls' slid Yillages. • TuibkersrnijIi „ Irisborne Stephen It ay Stanley ---- TOWotit)nbui4,01,Dstri,s.- -Rev.:D..Ge Sutherland, of St. Thomas, (forinerl-y of Clintone)-ha'been asked to sEfiyli old take charge o,f Brunswick street. :church, Halifai, ler the ensuirig'year. • . If is expected thaVRDiT.T-Urea-Iaalf- GOdexich, and Rev.. A, Stewart will ex- change pultiits, on Sunday: I• Mr. Stewart' hasbeen suffering slightly from a sore ee, ; „ ; throat but hopes to be all. rieht 'before -1-"P "'"g4" -gthea for Sunday. 9 4 Rev, W. hleDorsagh. lectureS 'ins (lode- : Chrietian"werk," and eniVroladay evening • T°8vnsiull' rich to -night on , "Cant -in -Science- and ToWns• and Yinm :1q .Religion." On Sundayevening next he Oa' will prea,ch on "Methedist4Inion S he Will deliver -an addresi at the misSion- acrhyurrachee.tings .of the ,Seafortli Methodist At a reeent'neeethig of the official board of the Londesboro Methodist'. chtirch; it was unanimously eeSolvedatIo request Rev, Mr. Haneiltorrto reraftin' With them an- ethet Year, if his health evoilld permit it, arid in caee•he was not able U4 aceept, it resolution requesting Rev. Mr. Philp, Of Belgtaye, to take .charge of tlie.circhit Was unanimously passed. ' fit the O. M. Shinday school sense time ago' Mt. W. 0. Searle offered a prize Of a Volume of the Britigh-Weekniam Or 'Band of -Hope' Review; to,„anY Solar in , the school who Could recite, afteretWo weeks' preparation, 'the first twenty-six verses of the fifth chapter of St. Matthew's gospe), withont a Mistake, but When the time of recital came, no lese than, twenty-three Chihli:ea •won the ceyeted prize. That generoue gentleman was 110t in the least perplexed, hdweVerr but immediately �r- •dered i feeela iinportation of books. The parcel arrived last week, and on Stredey rafternoon, before the close of the school,' the Prizee were distributed, the following being 'the winners Taylor, Lena Fisher, Martha l'ratf, .Maggie Connolly, Millie Holince Eva Pashley norenee leleKown, Hattie Rosa Coates, Minnie Cante166, :Blanche Thrower, Annie Stewart, Clara Jenkins, Lydia Smith, M. J. Moore, Beet Fisher, Fred Piekett Samuel Taylor,' Johnnie Cooper, -Lewis Thrower, 'SAdriey Smith, Albeet.Moore. Hi, excellence then read. the . speech :froth the throne, , Which afineinices ft prohibitiOu bill, a tailWay bill, a Scheme for the forniation of a 1)omitlien Legislative Union, and reduc- ing the number of representatives to the House, a..rnea•aure doing away With the right of- action for breach of promise of marriage, and several other subjects of importance. , , The address in„teplyto'the speech from the throne was' adopted withoet dispassion, and the Government'not being prepared to intro. duce any Measure, the time of the sitting wa,a taken up by three 'minute speeches, upon subjects taken from the inexhaustible hat. Neat evening Mr, Walter Manning introduces the Prohibition bill. The pipplitive committee, ia obedienem toi irittretatione (kern the society, held. a Meeting on. Saturday- evenings, in Mr. Newton's' har- ness shother,The-ehineman was h000red with a seat On an•nfilce stool,iwhile the'prtihibition Cliatepion'seeght ,a eausdelv.reSting,place on a water tithe, other niernbers,eitilized. the weed :VOX/ W60;400611 ai,id mimic horses, I.tipoti Iii.VArieleethoisWete Nary gracefully perched. and ' ilite4r;a,„ 1 14picturesque geeep...a.... 4,4 lad ireitructione . from the 01' 4111 cliaall....4eatingLo_f_Ab.0 orn ii,s, Danl. decided upon holdieig iitiredatr)eVepind, 2911i inst., in the x„ r'l. fillc:,, Co.,iiadidultidepemUec nbeing 'the IWtoi..lisbUssion, . * ->, . , a 2 gO 1.2•8 ,E1 04,0.5 99 ... 35 • " 137 . 1.6 71: 108• 22 86 • 86, .52 34 461199 . 53 99 31 '68 97. 48 '32 e 77 51 15 .51 23. .. 11 26 3 57 80 49 69 3 74 , 67- 5 „ 79 e6 46 I 2 ._I 4 6 3 28 46 33 43 3 . 47 2423 97' 4'1 97 _ .51 -... , 40 10 35 54 3't 17 .. 52 29, 23 . :93 45 •53 43 97 ......54 2e 60 . 36 37 •'-74.7 22 '64 42 44 43 '29 68 - 44 86 .... 42 30 56 26- 37 52 15 --07 61 27 19 l962 1830 6,66 i,534., hIaherity for Biehop 139. It is said that the oldest Voter Who par- ticipated in the lete election lives in Am- herstburge and. thet he reeorded his vote for Mr, Balfour, the Refearn candidateshe--majories, or °eh His name is Hodgman he is 10(3 yeare of was id hii ‘dtrtoantrtierl ctai p naar)t iivget °off. sItc4eilg u et 01 s eooT -Godericlt Town 4 4. Goderich T' Colborne Ashfield ' 4 \V, Wawa]] °alb . the West are P-1.1 "5" '4 l5 .5,0 0.7 e, -, 4387 4404 45 . 431.1 - 347 2 38 50 :21_404' :447089 2 32 51 • 3 37 61 89, 2 4228 1 34523429,5 77 03 781 ' 69 . :3 11001153 713.272 .1.19:6... 2 1 47 55 "40 53 .69 67 • . -103 32 e5.2. 73 52 .... 63 49 48 39 57 13 2546•' 62 .., 2 31 '3 28 4 50 12 &();' 8.06 4 16 153 '• 56 40 .... • 4556 4.2 . 52 20 2061, 1894 319 154.2 -27 0 at a 5 " 4 E. WaisitnOsh,,, 1. f> -4- Turnborry Wingham 41 15 Hullett 'Clinton e Blyth " . The otheisil.returts for East uron laVO not yet Insen'received.