HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-03-02, Page 8. . . . . . . . . . Ii 4 - - - - - use in a sick-roon'' and there And jently touched baild wbicb. derfully erider smile for SO rtanttomm'ittees. The English sys-' March '2, 1883. clIrtainleas bad, big head All bandaged' lay 44y upon thq Coverlet With heYlipa. Mr. rugged a countenance. 1 "I thank you," 'be DOMINION PARLIAMENT ircloill # to. volved the appointineub of smallL the sufferer. The nurse beckoned bar. Watson Jay* perfeotly,itili, &,. lallghtBIIA16 thankyou heartily. Nrbapo�" on% playing round . his lips, I and when it passed' What was to follow pomInittoos of mail Apboially Chosen for, i rhe imewhait,n I- Hold his bead while I change Iiia pillow," heir, knowledge of matters' tote biought e Marie never knew, t Oh, the borr I or of the , fire, she said ; "he is so hot." Vo sooner bad awiiy�M�rie tboughthe'.B�'epili, 9nd SOkept for a discreet tap on the door interruptdd Rising bigh6r, drawing nigher- Mr. Watson felt the'touqh of Ma I rie' a hand very quiet., Some � ti Bad, bow lbulk the speaker, 1. followed b I y th I a appearafice of before Ibbro, and woik" was more sub- pyre, 9 L lue,! pag week. divided than with us, He, suggested the A great, hollow, blazing stenderly and firmlf slipped it under she could not tell; when he iousea her by It, Watson's man. Fenced by labyrinths of wire his cheek,thau be, feebly aying Buddenly—not as though he bad If you pleas6, Sir'," be said'in big gravel appointment of &,special Committee to con, Onwhicli-leapirig;pnoB expire I., opened his.0yes, OTAA, Feb.. 13.-�-Iri ills House of Cor.6. Bider the committee.' ystem of the House.: and flitted over': �moLia-to-day--Bille-we're-inir6du6bd -by-Mry -not-with- Z Ob.,'tlie bard and stony Styeet I lc`lrly`20 bg his f ace. 11 Ay I you aTe the right peraon,"� of d6lib66 is thbuglIt-11 You must , and *isheB to know if you call receive DaltonMcCatthy, respecting proca4ure� in system in its entirety, but to finding Bome. Only that forlorn, retreat : h blinding smoke and Mat whispered the hurse, who Was quietly Some one,. to take your olasoes now that him.!, orimi i iiial cases and other matters relating improvement on the. system n t' From t e i his House. h d feet, watching. 1, If y o rt, I should �iko you to ad o criminal lawi and for constituting' A Down a down.ahundre I r6 to! me Robbrta� 0 t I 6a Certainly, Sh�w� him in," Sit. John seemed inclined to postpone Until 6tb,arid d steady,And your nervesJu order nAbb or afternoon. I begin to replied Mr. Watson Court of Railway Commissioners. you may with A complete ohange� action in this regard till hex session, us in Earthen filrnaeo, at'its core, use." feel th mornin g heavily." of voice and manner,, uegtion, Sir iSohn replied Fligland'Parliament w, meIn reply to A q Blood red with hie it has in Store, III gliall endeavor to do so. ;:Do ag goingback to Fb Lapping blood and bissing!'�more I": yoI1, can Come Again when you send for tbatth6 Court was nbw;�c6uBideririg.the system of grand committem but by next. Who hall hear Above thy roar This untoward 'event completely 'upset not think I might continue to take the me,"' said Marie, rising with ati.odd, startled question of introducing 81 m6asure depriv- 'year they ow bow the cbwng I as ilig t would lib What shall be when life is War ? the ordinary- routine of, the Pelham Park morning claoBep, which are� the most feeling- at the Bound 'of nanae With whi'dif be: Supreme: Court of -&)I jurisdiction IstOp I There as bravo f1reman S I trAuse girls' school. important, and find some one -to Pill my she had been eofa,mili4k a few mc;ti'thB ago,i� over matters covered by ibo Civil made th�re.had Worked. He, acknowledged, The principal room was occupied by th( Cc I oJ6, of however, . the value of -Mr -Blake's eugges' On the dizzy'rXidg cross, place in the Afternoon, when' you 6ild She hoped- t -0 els"Pel before the visitor: the, Proince of Quebec. tion. Where a Stone can scarcely toss sufferLr, while every- one conne more ' , . I I seethe bearer of the cross cted with the need me entcred, but he, Came too quickly. In introduciDg a motiou� for correspon a- Mr. �C. H. -Tupper introduced a Bill to establishment was more - or less occupied 11 You must not'weir yourself �out,'� b ache'd the door it openea to slide And relating to the, disasi&s on, the -]Facing death and fronting lbas'l aAs Metric Is allow. the aniAlgiIniation ofAbe Bank of m- is pe , raorial - attendant ":a return ed, in aveak and weary tone. You, Saw it hi in. Alarie hraii4 partly ehi nd great' lakes, Mr. Daweon SP6ke at Pinc6 Edward , island with �tbe Uniou with bi Brotter Gaiman, take -our band . I I I I Give us more from Fatherland I sedate man of oppressive ret4pectability, Are loogiug ill'and fatigued." Hosankitito it, and the newcomer 6uteritig rapidly, did urping the necessity of greater precauti Bank�of Nova Sobtia.' The; Bill- W�%s', read TURNEI.. took the chief direction; subject o In ly. to the oilende, and this time eally togleepa -uot,eveu 6ee! her, Me, She stood -in the slia,, by'law against such disasters. k first time.. : Public , Bills for , various nurse. dow. I i I I Hon.Mr� McLchi�nj,Miiiister of Marine,. objects pass'ed the game stage', among them' A prini housekeeper from the patien P Ali ! my dear "Watson, this is indeed'& Said the akiention iift]I6 (lovertirrient had 'Mr-.' Cliarlton's Bill' to makeBeductiou a own,.residende came to -an d th jollies sad, . -Ibi,i� i in a I - -,ta 0 -you fro wi So it came about that Marie was install�d exclai ad'& Bm rt, well. oeen,:,6aIl6d 6see"InAtiers, and the and Soups, and fruits and cushionsiand ai3reiider. -and Chief attw�fiant, while,the -1 o . Id English gentleman, ld be taken. rime ;' Vr' McCarthy's Bill to. impose dibspod, typica Deceheary precautions wou conditions -upon railways and i express J3y heapp, of linen, and all the comforts which was almost leleased,from litr night-waich- who entered briA,ly with a set i,Imiabl,e shaile. CorLpaili6s and �tiier carriers by- land, the wealth 'can command. Ainild-ruan. iog. - Nor did she find. herholf as' In;Uch ihis[�eatld f.be.� wits -away iq.the :NOTICES., I 1. fixing their reBponsibility in the 'ease of U B 0 bag given! notice of big nered elderly.man-obe of the head clerks' woriie'd'b-y,�mall'gzii3OYanc�es h A ;'bt to- � goods *!while in their; As She ap&oached,i the i 'stituti6n h ' y ndr.McCarthy . � was struck by'th6 unwonted-ippearsuce of. 9 vG Tyrol when the ijew" reac . a me�t oug intention to introduce two bills one relat. or' damade 0 xious, Inquiries, beeri-expeated-3ii her peculiar 'arid rather to h ; And. i have' ing to carriers ou'limid and another respect- -came, ala daily - with an ave a quiet little holiday charge,; Mr. Robertson's (,Hamilton)' Bill animation Which: it presente&, as. its usual Mrs. Roper,. 'the travelled ai hafol - I could over aspect at this hour was dark aiid,doleiul but was n ot permitted to eee"the sufferer Anomalous posidnii.' t,., to provide. tot' the summary I trials of o for, more thAn a week. matron, was no doubt considerably huffed Really, now, you look hatter than I expect6d. in 9 the collection of seamelri's� wages. ert.in ' 'criminal dases� And 'to,: it espeoiallyat-the side toward thonarrow Mr.Farrowwill Ask whether it isAbe me'rid atreetolignified by the appellation of I" P i ,Tohimma�rie vontur6d 7 -to' address h at- and jealous t that "bit of a te�cher" How,,,in Heave;'� lit-ae, -did this accideri t a Criminal courts, d ' ' intentibm an one arplexed. ',gave ma of th a Government o recognize procedures in t1i ham 1E , ar -Bore p 13Y, happen ces of the volunteers of' -38. Unlock toAmend the Qonsolid6ted k self, for she Was She knew being'preferred before bar, and" servi all ldr.'Watson's the by, Mr. how vexed Mr., Watson would be when he hints on the Subject'. But Bl�fbre. he bid finlE bad speaking, Marie 1837 Thedoor.stood open, theentrancewas Mi. Landry will in quire it the . Govern- Railway -Act by removin- the Pieserit lit up, and:Marie could ame to know that the routine of the Behool, person at attendants and dependents Were had rush. ect away to the gelittiolo of her Own moot have Come to, any understandirig;ivith right of companies. o amalgamate orrmake See the -matro t conversation ViW gentleman, had bisenbroken. 11 Might it not be well," thoroughly under his itift,6tice and control . room, over wheim6d. � aismMy ea... She could in eager running arrangements she asked, after explaining her anxieties t th�jr;.ei.,t proprietors of"tbe U., 0. He was- a mdn who Could be Though she had'never, 0 while a dark brougham drawn:by a large 0 �nay_more. not be niata�keu. pal them ^ to Submit such cases to th Mr. 'WilkinB, the above4iseutioned Be ell '�b ore,� she relation to -the conatnidtin of a .,steady horse stood before -the entrance, clerk, approached and yet believed.in.. The men him- Governor'-ioCouncil. aof ferry heats to Ply between Quebec and the evotedt.oyet Delvign terminus of the Intercolonit behind which a four-whealer: .was'drawn would it not,be well to hire a room in the and woman in hisiservice were d re6ognize;l he 'd.Marie Sir Leonard Tilley brought up his resoluw. neighborhood, where could. conlinue to, afraid. of him ; his Will was law. Since he Fiaaeiic u_ at'j.t from the top of which W I guardian, Sir Compton's, grau St.. -Charles. ion regarding - the propoled loan'to �meet 1101d,t1l, OIMSBeB,2" a began to recover And be, more like: himself, five per cents falling y di WWhat b a.� 'happened?" his Uting A, b r1u;'iri, May, and on: has-WWg her, steps While This, seemed a good suggestion to r. he never, Addressed h- motion iii WaS.r0SOlVEd that the House —thoughugarie Marie observed that She was t an in.,the,toildl. Who -who CRIMINAL PROCEDURE AMENDMENT. Wilkins, who quite� entered'idio-MarielB her: by her Chrigtian Llauie'; that be, grew was Mr. Wata n? Probably an acquaint. should consider- it - . i u poinihitt ` on Tue6- 0 her heart On the. motion h 8 reading of bi beat with vague apprehension.. eo or the fit t iewB'in:the inatter, and appeared well -possibly Oh I Misg Thibaut," cried the V colder, and more formal; yet there Was" a friend of Guy Neville and f. matron ance n I 0 ing brighter and Voice Of' hi Bill to amend the ActB respecting procedure acqu i t6d'with his, ampi yer's plans and someth softer. in his 14 -to-'day a elder, brotkei. � If she Avowed her-' -crim*' al -,cases Mr. McCarthy P8 I am! so glad you Mr. Hessou, In, moving or t a Correa as ahe ran up the Ste wisheB. He therefore empowered Marie to 'and a pact, an Indefinable Change ' f6l.t�� . In f h have come I poor Mr. Watson !has �ad such 0-111OW­ --bound-to-do,wbat explained. that it Was proposed to 6'riact 'pondence -between the Dominion. 6,ove'i,n- i.- make Such arrangements as she could,'And lesedned her fear of him; and in Some e'?. ould theab'prou& ment and' the Goernments of,Outario And, would: become,of b,r I accident -I It is a distinct'inter- that every person eflarged with aw offene a dromdfu 'Quebec from Ist June, 1882, relaiing to tfie, vention of Providence illat1ho'was not she gladly availed h6iself of this meani of vague, unreasonable wpy,gave rise' t6 a sort cold', stern men, pronounce Sentence of con., wlio proposed to do so might give evidence keeping her clai. I? - I ifies toc�tbai. of hope, of she� knbv� not wbat� damnation upon, 12er ? What was to become - laud mp d, a 'id -the bonalulJo rovement fun ai killed -indeed his-�o;�ri behaV. This provision. --.---The Ubor thus- entailed, upon -her was. not- -,-- 'Certain ly-'the books he ,selected were not of her 2 On happened 2" d rum what has We Oh' how I ever; , Uld Only extend to petSOUS Ci�arg)ew Gove ent had hosen charged,.,with defay, only ;cbarice. t 0 ligli, 1ively"'or interekting-solevon,, theolOgic% She ­f-ert- her h in the Tbe-Otilita-' exciainak Rarie, feeling her turn Palo t. My, In Wit self isdi'mea 'her 'treatises, expositions on the most obFicure h in a nore. . It was also proposed friends nt ad wade payrnentsidbis, The liurse soon discovered 'that hio-�-the proieciion'of 4r. Watson. to d6 away with the right of-tbe icron to.. rio Goverome b and cold, for she : heartily - loved the stern h 0, the P Assistance v, AS most 'valuable- duri assageB of the.Old Testament, speculations She uld confide in him so soon FIB.he was and silent. man, 'with'whoin she'felt at wo Own county (Perth.), uid.fie supposed in he Could not nee SOB niglit, aB to the probable meaning, of,the Wildest er tale; but -s peremptorily challenge jurors, and to make _g@ �her�, r�esence seemed to, have a' ___Z JVA _.�qual tphear. h others, showing that they - bad alwa had that CT. -pro.v.ision,for--caseE�--w.here-thej.udge_w_tt Y, soothing effect uFo-n­­th—eP-RtRin­t;­a­n d -though- vi-si&n-E-ii�aR—everati-o-nEF-- ten W Eu she f i, Where is he d' upset him, and tbat'she , Cable to be present ays bf uld never be said to shirk Nurse Simpson co uld agitate an on the oP6ning'd "He' drove up in a ban' it 6;rd work to Mi _%Ud Assize Courts, Buich courts Should be con-' fund. He bad it or, gooci Authority that som' not fi've' her work, she had no ob ection to volunteer Was' muge' Ait till his Strength'was mor Co w minutes after youbad gone out; he,wanted. ow 6, man of Mr. Watson's Bidered big ad payments �had been made on this Account. help.: puzzle,t,o her h journed. This clause, Mr. nething'abobt strong practical, intellect could, bes�, he to see you -sot Mrs. Bushel, So it came to pass that Maria generally atiefied pletelyrestored before she could venture bv the Dornibion Government and rp" - McCarthy �Ays;: has been inserted At the ' dersto6d this Government i I think, for when 1 8 wa's� to disclose the short but eventful story of no aid' as this spent the first hours of the night by Mr. with such mentalljabulum. Surely it is euggestiori --of some Ontario judges who 9 ready at tursday you had probably gone to Tivoli -E gli h lhiridtlist po ner life. Th an altolg6ther, n 8 Sees, as. have been inconvenienced through neglect settle accounts, And that ills Watson s bodaide, while 'the nurse filum. Any time to Gardens, he said that would! be better, AS he' fault' of � tb this p6wer.of separating the active,fromithe of -Sheriffs, to formally, adjourn the delay -as t e Provincial Gov Om o4jee-Mia Btiabol also. He got `eh,.bdrately�,u fortablecbair� character, and Sir Leon bered in. an he wished t ElPecu court on the - failure of the . judge quite . ready. if - called upon, yet'.enjoying lative aids of his how C HAP ard Tilley said, there into the hansom again, and had not gone TER XXIX. had been delay.fr tim t ti' true he is I he -. tries . to live tip to his reli to. Attend. The Bill, however 'is' the I om I a o. me.beemuse �omplete repose. .. I �. P. ... the Provincial Treasurers were not ready five yards when tl4horBe began to rear and I gious ideal If every one were like him ame , &a that.: introduced - ast Session jural . , liVelock our little heroine i to pro6Lea tda Settlement.'. Th So ` how got its hind. leg over Then at eigh . The de ress on of the by Mr. Cameron, of H r' , a d refereed to a riecesFiary 5, and me as up, diei3i3ed,a'lert,-�laa�tily-Eiwallo-wing- what an irreproachable dreary.' World this nd hopelessness u on n I believe - the harhaBs broke, Statements had been laepared, axid'as soon a cup of - coffee before. Starting a , Select Committee., The committee the front. for'ber A �-now�'swcceeded,by. wicked and worthl the A Counts and then Wr.-Watson tried to got out, and , prd'vigioAM school-roorri, strengthened by egg to .'think: so," sighed feverish dread andexpectation., Although reported the Bill back with certain �amend- &8�the Provinces Were ready, iiverything',oeeme4 smashed- up together.. nowledge that she was doing her beat I . Aarie i6 herself'; As, She burned- over -'the Marie's knowledge of Guy N6vill.a'.i,corinec�' merits, and . Air. M6Cartbyhas take . a charge cou , Id be settled.. -The motion -Passed. ._the.k I nearly fainted for I - i166& A minue at- to - c arry- 6ut th'Wish66-16f-her-hirid benef�a� pages iof volamin6us.work oil _1b6PpIic%- tions And 11 Position WAS vague,' she wag of it AS ii.inended, although MrXarneion the door after hsgot into th6tab, and Be I intention to.re- 'a vi iori to late war i"th: b61�biothekwhorwas partner tor who lay silent and.belpless -tion of Nebuchadnez7ar a r a a has given Scottish Notes. saw it All. A lot of -people got round, and For though' evidently corisciouEr he'never history. H�d-Marie.'shnowledgeiaiidexperi- inthe-great firm of which. i�I&Mi.,FoSter introduce big Bill. Mr. McCarthy, how- Mr. Watsonw.a� catribdin her's in an awful On the anniverBary of.tbe poets:birtb the spoke for the -first week.., He seemed to enc s ould pr'ob%bly have' was'the head; and though it did not neces- a We sent for the' nearestAbet6r, . . i , vei,.has-got the start -"and may possibly Burns Monument in George Square, Glas� condition. added to her conjectures respecting a Wat� sarily; 1611o*� that , Mr..Watson..had Any recognize: Marie by the kind of faint, obtain credit for Mr. Cameron's laboi. . It gow elloup he escaped and he says, that it is mary -like worldi thatit might be more debo- personal acquaintance With b�r husband, -POSS Was. properly decorated With flowersl -his left. head shadowy Smile that sometimeo'glealned for son- III the danger of deiection'seeme IS ible that -the Bill may PASS this A indvemebt, bag been started in.6ree. as he b&B criodes at d di in, the poor weary eyes that rous, and yet�show more appalling aw session, though defeated I last year. A, pro.. contused, and -16 noc erection of a 'Memorial to fli i's "bruise 'all ove'ri and B"mor 'and more numerous mad' ar. Pondering anxiously oil her vis� I,, a d nen,t I I k'fbr the Strove to follow her, and: then closed Me if acuseB. Ing very ne io respectinif formal adjournment f 0 late'Dr. M,Cullocb. 1:6 iii pr6po86d, in addi.. when he found'who he was be1olegraphed the,effort was too much. positiori,'pooi Marie could see nothinglaut Do you not think,', dear gir," she 'said assize courts is -regarded as.wholly Buper� tion a monOrneut , over -the, valet; and the,valet brbugbt A great to , placing for big Thnight.6f.the :seventh da�'the nurse after reading for some time, struck'by the pailland difficulty around and before her fluous. doctor and a boBpital'uurae, and no end of himself. would he be really plad, ahad composed herself to Steep; and Marie, strained, far Away look in her listemr,s eyes'. AS to Guy grave, and a tablet hi, the vestibule of the thin 8 That Was hiln BpegkillgtO me ji �ain 2 'or would - i 6 not add to RAILWAY, COMMISSION, West Parish Church, to found.�a'Vurgaiy 9 having arranged the cabling and fearing the subject was not altohether to find her kg now -such a *a', steady,respongible man; -Mr. McCarthy. to -day, in trod riced his Bill� beaiing the name of the deceas'ad. I drink, the medicine, the guridry eteeteras good for him— do you not think that bi� perplexities ? Would it not have been but come in -come in I we.waiii every one's is o establish. a Court of Railway CommIS- -The reconstruction of the,Tay Bridge at t needed by the sick, Bat, down bi the bed; aometbing� differelit-Irom-.0is book would better and braver to ' have: &Waited L b help, for the place is. regularly turned on 3 _recuru on that terrible disaBt-ro'ui3 day of E11012ers, which was ie�d-a first titoe.,. This Dandels has now actually comirienced. one, and as ever, when' not actively employedi be better 'for you ? Freeman a isaygan of the Windows." beet . houghts,fl6w, back to the BweetneBs, charm I one a I had a chance of reading shame And humiliatiob,and, then insisted- is. the third- time, n attempt has been of the new see, piers bas�beeu founded and' ,What a miafQrtunb I"'cried Marie tears iIP9 on the-di'sBolution of their marriage --4f such mado to pass this measure and-'alr6ady; oy)inolers'ara in position to be suni f.r, this agony ofilie past. For the future She them At a friendla . house; -andthen they Coming to her -relief. �.,IQII,Ao you'think ngwareposeible? Had8henovput-tII6 representative6 of 9, number of re.il took little heed; the. bitterness which still deaJ with facts, not maie fancies like this." a this Way others. companies have arrived in the city io,iv6rk be -will die?" . '�ana'tbeb finighiDg stroke to bar husband's Ububles ? I of Aber&ldie is to be in the tartled The estate. is 1 pervaded the, present -left her nacourage to, Mr. Watson looked up,' a it,wowd 'up 09 tbat'there are gr .1�, How caul tell?. He in God's�handgil' position -to it, go avel look,forwArd.. Her meditatipils. *Wer� dis- Smiled a someiihat giiin.smile and when they met -Lif they ever me market .soon, and is'expecied to be pur. ---lnitron rather. crOSBIy; 06 doubtmrespectizig its passagEiAbisseaslioll., 6haed: by the'Quee returned.. -the turbed by, We- Bound, of at' oiwu­ na-ine -thiuk-you'rielf-Wis'ar than'the-loar-had-,and -h . e . n9t,resent. her conduct'? Yet, hadbe n -In--- th-6­115u—seof Comna6t]S to- n. Itboun.dawith.Bal-- only if he does, I Buppose the Institution: d against her 2, What reason hd& he t OriOUS man Who 4, A, 0 will be broke up, And you and I sent packind. faintly breathed; she turnad at once to the. lab has devoted years to Since speaker, much surprised,. AS Me Watson the Consideration of these depthe of- holy deceivabimself-for She had never deceive My among the, bills, �Jntroduced. were 'At the annual inbetirig of the West Come in - and have a cup of.tea ; there. is ' i bertson (Hamilton). to hadiiever in all their previous intercourse -writ," be said. him? Nevertheless, he � had - loved, her, 0126'� ll� Mr. , Ro good � one Still. in the pot." As � they tbobgh but for ashort time; t . his she could 6nable,tbose who ha6 doubts About the Scotland' Artillery Association Lieut..C61., cossedcalled, herby her Christian na oe. Pray do not . think -me presumptu..: -a person . al cid to give evidence Win. I Holmes, -M, P., Who'presided' , point existenceof ad the hall to the mat'voil'a B'tt'ug� 11 Marie I" ous,".oried Marie, coloring. I Probably my not donbt� She had read it.- in his eyes, I I i , in criminal cases ; one by' Mr. Came'rDn out�bat in pr6portiou,.,to! her pcpulation room they encountered a slight, dark, keen, Wi ambere " She returned softly. mind i6to6,alight and Shallow to apprecieLte and1eit t in th6,iouCfi of hishand the itative looking .1 I Even. tl I Ian Scotland-,haa nearly'twice -As author inau, who had j let I Bey W a, in the (Hur6ri) to provide','that persons 'Charged many Volun . I of' her room, she: blushed and wIt ors Shall- be competent its come 0 V I sball noli di�,, Marie," be ga d'v' such 'riting; but I feared itmusteary you, ut of -the school-room,f6llowedb pressuineof big IPS, h Inisdemean teers, and over twice 'as many Arti 'ry low, but tly. I 'begin" to feel alive or be too strong a Strain On your -attention.", solitude, isees- Another by -Mr-��Garuer6n�-,to the local doctor And a Btout woman of distind Volunteer I a _AsEA . gland. again." - That- is, you Ind it Wearisome,-, he treinbled as She, , recalled - thow Short and. W1 PC sover6&s6eoj in an,apron and cap-unmm. I trust --I beli' thrilling momerits.",' And suppose Abe had, make incest a crimaj and: one by, Mr. Cas.* eve, the good God will returned. 77-- takably the profeBsi6nalL , nurse. in effacing herself? What an grain for the prevention of fraud in relati6u 14ome Curious whings. spars you to us, dear whispered, Yes 1. very weariBorbe,'! ga-d � -M Oil the whole he 'has e8capedwouder- Awful fate'l never gain, to Efee'the face of, to boniractiInvotving the expenditure of A:family of- white negroes'.w.ith. yellow, tryingto her voice, 16r'she!�was frankly with a smile. "i full gentlem&D,,who was� pablio moneys.' kinky� bair llv'e'i in Oconee boun Y) greatly' moved. Then you must, Stop;" h' 'dtgr&vely.1 ally Lone She had lov�d or �nowu I Why,; ty, Ga. a sai i I brated Burgeon, as'he Walked toward I set th old:. The last-natood Bill makowlbe� giving or Mrs. Mary Austin, of Waghingt ol6 as a Stay With me,!I he returned, And again to. If ybu-Jike the '.book I Am she could now cry tor joy o in a pectirig died recently. � .'She had bee U the mother of 'pleased to read to you.", aunt �:who had net: Shown her overinuo:h oflering,bf money for influence re8 the door. . lThe �gia&Vdiffi wi I be to Cully 010804 IS eyes. keep off fever.;� he lung be tched night or. coast eratiorr- -while fill's a''.publi6 contract a miSdo-644cir_ And it forty-four -children. -'illo 'to heip the I Will' as long as ever you need me rness, 111oftenwished to speak toyouohthe' six gets of and - day.'� Who , hav yo yearnedJol'thr6 berielf int� 'Marie DQ- also makeshe receiver. of an money as trip ts- tone, � and 11,11 Bald Mr. Wati6fi By 'its provisions con. A' year nurse 2" She 0plied :in � the - Bame soft! question of Your fait vigne's arms.and 'sob out her sorrow'there ;guilty as the giver. young. girl, B- old,, of Bayou._ taking, his nerveless han& she'. Stroked -.it after a short pausei 'after checking Idarie. with- a grgatIotiging I , t ,,There are several w' Is, I tract broking' IS a misdemeanor punishable Torrebuunne;.La., has a' ligh * brown beard omenl'in the as - . th filial -tenderness. �biiahment_ who --might assist;'! Baid 'the, in her atterl2pt 6 recom by 9 fine' of not less thin 5100 or more two inches long and very, hea :..The rest 'of hb'night Passed ,in silence; he hand. 11 I. fear your Them, again, was she, not. doing Guy. vy except on ,�&otor, ,,or. he, might 'have�, a 'day and a d ' Mi by a wave' 'of great wroug'in thus concealing herself? and than $1�000, and by.'imprisonmerip for. 9, the,upper lip. re igious�o'piruons Are very unsettled; per- �night nurse expense, being, in this case no eBe ewwor agave ari6.fe,eBlfpCwer term'not less than one month or mor'than A 12 -year-old girl in Holmes county, ofutth arl I Cal and a gleam of hope. To be and in haps this may in . Some measure account wasi not a wrod� which every day Mean �five. months. Public efficers receiving MiFsi8'sippi, whoae.parents :a re 6bject. He has Milke'd for go I me one% name I d fee�­to be of value to sdin ulated � Ho.w was She.to extricatebereelf, as blacK -Mary., 0 9 one, and for.other Miseries." looney for assisting poisons in the tralisac. its native Africans, has ears cheeks only from the, conBc�q 8 own,. selfi�h, white that one her, benefactor, the friend .,.I m -,6f, -opinions are very nonce of 9 r I . .1 � I well, let hind have every possible aid y tion'of bubilless with the Government are apol nose, and the. color is spreading over. b ads -'gui Wei soothing inIty of misdemeanor, un her� whole body. left to.her�it it of unsettled on many'� Subjects-," returned Through all r'this tangle of thought one 'Marie withA Sigh, 11 especially on religion y in ant. �Co The'analeP6� a viviparous fish 6f eastern any way. said Marie, 15Y 'care, he needs it. A ' IP!, good her life cou ' Idnow promi�o, and, 'b lilil. , fine and imprisonm n, call help in� Ardently thanked God for this consolation. but I do not think they have affected'my idea �gr6w clearer and. more urgent the coming forwaidtiriaidly, p'r'a'y permit, me longer abe reflected. It was adesire-for tractors of public worhawho: subscribe, or Aoid, has 'a. Singular -eye. ' it � is' divided to be of use. Mt. Watson has beena bans- Mr. WatBon's Advice and assistance. Her givenioney towards the electibn.of a candi. horizontally into- two hemispherea y factor to'llie-an:&-perha s Iam'th Marie. :� The great care and skill lavished on the- !low can' yod, tell,? Religious �convic. Affection for bim-'her cobfidenoe in his Parliament ar6 b� seatio date for a n3four membraneousband. ' Each'half iA a perfect Will hindnbsB aud knowledge and high principle a �l't a misderuean6i;'Find are. organ of vision. patient Soon began to toll - Within a few tionli6a At the.root of everything. 180 gul The two � up h 'asked for 'days 'the feverish gymptome Iyad Strive to guide yo per,halves . ar I a A'Alif �eiy likely 1",returned the doctor. Lucie you let me, u right -b 'ad increased infinitely during their late 'liable to punishment� equally severe. long sighted, and thel ',two, lower., ones are almost cbruplat6ly abated, and Mr. W tson, my Tilley has given Tb6 great suigoon-looked At. her sharply. t, poor Child ? 'It may be given to me to Ave d4il 'intercourse.' She IoDged,y.6t dreaded I Sir -Leonard notice that ��near sighted. She .seems intelligent,". he sid. to t . he bough terrbly weak And your Soul alive. y Ono Y, vi, i,i M watching, was hiroself Again in the, sense of to not that she So much fearsY he Will move that the House iesolye itself -,In Spottsylvanift c irgipia, rs. ,I would gladly follc,w�your guidance," th . E I Lt . he-wbu Committee of the 0 nurse. Have YOU informed Mr. Watson's Id paf4' into a Whole t consider Ann Tolley,'aged 70 yeaks,', And apparently of W& affair 2" intelligence and und6rBtanding his positio. whisperecfMari6. ", 1 , see be* noble and big ob I ridemnaticn,- 1, � Sentence to formed partner I But I do not, Mh awfu condemning . bet .he following proposed -rosoIU6 . io . us n robust health, In- 0 .1, With returning strength 'and:clearneSehis eelf-'abbying your its is* return to the'llusband she IlMdleft and Seek . That it is expedient'to authorji&, the Governor I � edwag she He unfortunately 'out of town," �So, demands.on I arie'B time" incroaftd.� He think 1 should 'be-bAppiar. war I im 11.11 i etuined ��Ih 1 61 local M. ,I and'' for the 0 I: to think. to win,him, and to do fierduty, albeit 60]dl in'Couricil to xai8e by ivay of loan, iu�:ffdditiou to with the idea that She areap-re. 0 morning ,they o -no- ow --hi . a exa . c t w &ur, waghed, dressed, atid pre- seemed -gentler - and.-biighter. han hen in like you.,?. at'an early. moment t and! reluctantly --receive d,`l­ the Fiume no � remaiiiingunborrow6d ancl neg6 healthi though by no means guiltless of the Self-denying?" repeated Watson not. �:1 addrOBB, nqlqo�b6 to -morrow SUCh gum or FiUms , of ' money . as may be required pared �h&-nielf or, I I ;,. t . gepn Y , ostei Ahiye4, in erkuptedthe'�greatsur irritibility natural to convalescence.' heeding the rest of bar Sentence., I fear �,_pala; rather a long visit, and to.pay and dischaige the Canadian consolidatecl She began'to cook the breakfast and dropped Mr, n. her W --and yeUl � he M S'per cont. loan, raised under the 146b chapter Of,' dead 'btisinesB meri�'rnuBt always leave -One Afteinoon Marie � was met 6 I am gro ing self1i.ridulgent I If, .,,� doe r'Wat,6. was toovvlaary'afterWitrd to b of thesis return fkom her loro'Visional'sChool-room by went on dreamily,, as if -to hi the Consolidated Statutes of the late Province imse, -III,, r racks.;'they". 'cannot� Afford :to b6.out of r6adto or to converse, and the'followingday A ben7in Chicago, 6fused, 0 ovidb lie roun­d7ly-- the_Announ.cCm.E;iIt_, that Air.. WMtson had- not He Scripture itself Sayi is the.. C6ntichi, after deducting the amount,hold as a S. y 'ud � was im ly of the I Was Cbiefly Occupied -with Mi. Wilking, Sinking fund for paying off the same, tbe-me of rfor a brood of teu� chioi4ell Tl,pyr gave, been askingJor last, a patient' at whole fulfilling aw ?` I fear there nid day iut4reSt on Ibe sums so to be raited"by loanspot her great' trouble. She'flew'�o the top of a nine ever 'thing �depen.ds, on keeping. down , , noeL. 'y life. With the same result. 1,. But the.9ecc y bee abse has been moro. law tban� love in In to exceed 4,p6r c6nt,..pdr'6finum. fence one dayi put her head betwe6n the fever." after the stibAling appearance of Mr. Foster The great man inade a slight comprehen- "Where have you been?" be asked, Have -1, then, be�6n Pharisaical'? emitting iho pAbiout was woliderfuly!bet I ter, had In the . House of Commorke to. pickets Anddroppedoff, thereby cordmitting' directly She entered big room. -hurri6 hers�gubstitut� a. The ten. orphans Were a Opted b sive bow, and d into big brougham, mercy And Sympathy for ot 'Slept: well,- and was quite. anxious,to talk, day there were laid on the., table suicid mmediat - ely drove'6ff. I hav�el been 'giv I Ing the, afternoon ing, justice for 'equity? Muchliglit.seems 'the reports of the Inland Revenuo'D6part. A pullet only 0, few hich which i lessous-.!' tobe�read to -in abort, to be amidsedin months old: IIN For to -night, thatW' said the doctor to to come to . me, m Maria,, in this Bick ftny Way. Taking advantage of:this1avor- ment, of tbp dulteration of, Food, of never laid'an egg. Sliefetaking. care of the -­�-the nurse Iyou�will take, entire charge. I'Sitdown,'�.he sq,ld,m6requieitlyi, "I I hav*e judged too much and loved too little naition of things, the nurseaskeX Weights and Measures, of the Public Works familywithas much Skill as a,ibligh.old ,want to Ask you many tbindB; I -Bee I are and so have not won the love'of those 1 liv 'a able co To-m6rro'w ask 'what assistance you leave to absent herself for a couple, of De0itmenti of the Secretaryof Seate,jand hen'cQuld display. in the gi.rIs'gchbol-room,,1 hd I fear this. !hours, and-lefther. charge in Miss Thibaut'g' of Indian Affairs. requir a., - ----- .611 shall let you.know,` she returned unfortunate,, accident, has broken up'the "But all" lov; you, mt.' WMtSOD", mucli confi , dence in,that Mr. I Beaty, Chaikinan of the . Standing as working so well.!' carp, professing, Effects of-Dicton ]Liabillity to infection. With severe composure this young school which w Y, 8 Wa Chfilin A capAbility Oiderp Committee,. Presented 'their first exelairned -Marie ; �1,only . We Are afraid to Marie explained as obortly And clearly,iis ,he* -to let yourself a ` young lad e'ss,, I an report, and 1119y i -rof east,. of' Munich, has been. perBon'l--M keen look At it I' You ou�ht moved that tbe: time for ric4v- P esebr r your oi ake.your (To be continued.) ing petiticina for P xterided making experimentson animals with view undertake to come to and 'fro, and ca'rry * e asuroB whicb,-with Mt vngoodn6s; inore. You. in riv�ate'Bills be e on . t my orders, we''will do well eno 1! Wilkins' Banctioni she had adopted. A look life bard when it ought to'be joyous."" e6nnection -which Ug4. I . I -to the Ist of 'March. Mr.'Blalie. p between diet and liability to 'infection. At 11 And, I am -� sureli.- said -the matron of profound satisfaction overspread his' �,Whot&ughtyouallthia? AfilhumMia JTJljU8JC..&ND IJV�IJJE JI)IMAIII.A. out th� disadvantage of having this motion Pi '' ' better than ,to be ae s fie Jistelied=" Wilkins is a good i 'or,, � t h moved fori as A inoculated ously, "I desire no,� nature is A treaeh�rbus thing; -it mu6tbd f a extension of time, the trials he has made on rate I with the� poison of cattle distemper, be_ and,faitbful Bervaut, and 1 would Bay the crushed and kep� in check I The we'aliness whe I#,, matter of course every session, US it led, spent -in the Service, of ou I r excallent Pate I o I n sariae of you, only, that- I w0illd not apply of the fleall.is iriourable if for a moment we to P600C -taking no 'n.0tic,e of'the, firat de'rnonstned the fact,'says the La&t, that and. employer." needful," returned :the 'term , 86vant one who-,-," he relax the­self-watcbfulness necessary to neW, P"sion Play�," is in xebeargal 'ifie�auimAIB which had, been fed on vege I t. pauge&-su-Me-faiy. . I .. , C rbadthatthe: 111V19terial limitation. the present limit Was tOL) 1-�hallseDd for you'if, keepthelleart pure.. How hardtoregam in Now York. We Take off your ontent to be 'your Ahe footing 16�t I" t4p company api Short -two weeks after the opcinivg� of able diet were quickl� Attacked by, the ' the rofessional -nurse. to Ar,e 1, But I am q6ite,c of pears to, be good nop she continued v "And � erVant_yOur faith art of the Virgi,h Mani is Played by 'a Parliament let the tiijoe be extended, and disbage, whild those wbich had been fed ex-, CIA's I should like, full useful 'servant if I What. a dreary faith I Surely' you ­The�_p I Pme yo I urig Jewess, who Heems t6be. Whatever limit wiis fixed -6f.tho.' come to tbe''Pab" Only caril" returned Maria, the tears make our Ftitber in Heav6li a terrible task. hand, upon no one elusively on, meat reBistecl'the effects to know if you are the per he asked for; eyes perfectly suited to it. ` The- Satome danceB should bwmffered � tio'excleed it except. for 'inoculation. In recording this fact'a lead. son springing to her you have been my 'master. Do not you think He would be as good cause, ;SiF31in Concurred I in th is ing journal, in connection with,, the', ostL ith ' tire Bimplicity.--Tho. if so; you may be useful an b are My only fri�iid I" well please d if we did our work wbioh He Ily�aDa. view,'and. said � he thought three or even -Con a Well, I kill sure you are highly favored, Mr. Watson wassilentfor a moment has given ub to do heartily, helped all Oil grace riat,has'a good baritone Voice And titi � tital leather trade) Attributes to the- Ose he matron, -As the llighipu unusiih! merit of distinct,' kiurieiA. -be greater amount of vegetable diet, in�tbe observed krs..�Ropei, t has the four �W,eeha after the opening Should and then said very low, but distinctly..," Be �Vo can help,'and:-'Ieft the purifying of our The :reconsideration of the shape of broad', beer, etc., tulitin by Wobil� nurse turned and walked t6wArd:thegick- in6,andwhou IL�4m_ ysilt again, for. I beartstd Him2 ' Think what discomfort nding ordeiF6 in i well 'sorters-b�tween-gaturda,"rjd-M6ud�ay"-tjae--, in jxL tion. �eph and onedf the Ma.1, i. were Well, allowed. this regaufa W&E st6l �od ill grant me a1dither' enough Agpe, and though they; like tbe rest room with, a stop wonderfully light and, feal the good G a soreness And mental misery W&WOuld the its 't�o greator-frequency, of case's of outbreak *and of,the sologingere, seemed to be' Am worthy a ri I n of ve-arifthow-nnuoih-hinder-y -4661-1 ateuro, of, disease aukin�g IWe will all do ounbesh "I, , said Marie; 'as "EEC _7a Should _On-th6.-,u�oiibn-of-.Sit.,Johu.-Blued.onalcI _thO Aggravation that and perhaps there May-'- be better. and I know.,I ought ,not 6 ar�ue with one so 4 U If her out -door natural Ability. Many .of tb6 grincipal for concurrence in the report of the Special. period. she ran -Btaira.to put o 0 you'and myself?" -i-ind better than myself, yet I tt . . ..... ... dress'. brightei'daye befor much wi'66 obaractere-tbe .Co' inted to Strike the_Stand�_ wretuened Marie� 'mved by -an inust tell out my thoughts." �%Mi e�,appo I __A'Mioihigan woman 61panea A carpet Herodious and Pontiuq Pilatc for instance ing .OmmitteeB, Mr. Blako:dallcid Attention mpulse she could hot account for, or resist. I'We.'may help' such other," ret�rn d- with a mixture largely made up'of � cliloro. The-solloo'Vro6in on tl Ad Dt etriployod in the east, tio' thei form.' While eng'aged in the work F,be is geound-floor 12 to the re6ustion in niimb�'rg ofthe lleml5er-' pyerything As Been asy.ou Mr.' Watson, gravely: " You .sugge�tl the -Were ii, r was been appropriated to tke ill -tel merit remains doubtful. ­ The' chorus, J&Sured of ship of theflu6liio Accounts Committee. He overpowered by the drug, and,Wbuld doubt- _ed on entering with slow re strob possibilitybf much happiness, (late I believe dld net object to that reduction, but desired -haps mistakes.", I . . . do. Yef-And you say' I -am especially in the female Voices, is w les61ahve died had not a domestic found h6i is rt ties, as you c �and noiseless step�, A beating heart, and, 0 AS f6oped very earnestly at bar t ient that ,it should be coribidered only experl and removed the da�geroue'cowpound. r. k 16v"ed? I never Supposed it fi6ssible." ra i iried,And will no doubt render effil anxious eyes, Marie Was' struck by tile. ex rag I I I � I The orchestra numbers About mentM f6r'the present- -session, 'so fliat, if' 't a -resff Sion stole over big . If Ali, yes f ii:is quite,possible. I love you. service. ,it was found to,w9r I k to the disdviintage of from bei side her as Blie 6y P�cstfate on the aSur&nC6 . " L thirty.", __.�_i_yOU_wiILA f 'floor. a m(W here of. the Opposition he .1 naig9t Ask ba a d comfortless"Apartinent, �.Curtaijjis 'Wait till yo -Eave I n say -to bad teen hung before the i�d6we, and he said �,11 and will" 801��tlly .,fear you. Bub,hince you I am strong enough to bear." have, suffered i� , bee6`AbleL to,b6lp, I"': R recently died year L was 6V. la- homeaiek, in', House Were �ery large, and on in her 03rd, Turkey carp6t,lai'd on the Aoor, all'oluring 'all , ibly touched by tha rare yod�avar-sd- little, I seem,to love you India, He Write L a friend that both- aidoB - th friend of Southey abol ,the --wife' of., the four or five hours of' ber'absence;`a "n'e xpreBB In re had - more than they ah t I'd Marie Spoke wjth ticl tlip"uiff-ticiver Warmed a-4oiarer part of the could' properly do' � to��-. .,to. Thomas Stothard. Sha bad been PegiSed t n a? so's OW 0 yvard b�r by this co Clong table covered' with All kinds of' miscal- 0 der au I a -a Child. t' , , P S fcontal�od if L t wo f Atern, �el man', bent her head) dor /of a lit r 06rth'o Crust tAmerica. their d�jieS L r re by Scott, and She had seen'John Ramble I he 1%uscus ar 0 10 could 'possibly to 0 9 on t a