HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-03-02, Page 6-7- ing,much of a chance at Illy jal 8 hande. PROPERTi I ES FOR SA, I LE. chici-o Corres eftee. gro(0004al and o0er (94iidp. BONEY CAMPBELL� We are a busy'people here and there is some CACRES FREE IN LARGE OR SMAI afftatus,nrthei Whiolhaffects all with a`d9- ONEY TO LEND ji E 32 site to rush into work when they come within LOT FOR,SALE. 04 mortgage security, moderate CATY BARBER SPOP, OPPOSIT IN Ti1r. riomas,on g H. HALF, Chinton, tHE POST OFFICE;-CLINTO.N. Devils Lake. Taittle I u iita�ltui ItEMINESCENCES OF CLINT E Chicago. . By the aof i.� ON. BY R. the charmedpircle o: way, VALUABLE BUILDING LOT for sale near Mr. Editor, I had nearly forgotten to ask Attie central of t443 town. suitable for ll�ivate Antl Mouse River Country, MATfIESON, EX -E DIT011, OF THE what had become .of my 'ingenious friend residence. L­fT OF LA.NbS �IN )aURON FOR SALE BY ., site . rided td he olfico� I NEW EIIA. Peter: Orant? Ishestill "boomitig"his.hay-' C—A AR111 Atha Canada Compsay, may be aeon %tt Blair dressitig, han poollig, & NORTH DAKOTA, Tributary to the United States. tandtofflee at "00' FORFEIT. fork inthe wilds of Cantral'Africa? , Shoo VALUABLE ... . H. DOWSLEY, M. D., M. C, R. S. F NGI,AND 9 GRAND FORK, S, DAKOTA. rquir readers deBire,'I might, ina Ititure issue g the utmost copflolonce ill its superiority over DPhysiciall, Surgeon, etc.' Office and residenoia §eCtilimal map arid full parti give''My ideas oil Chicago, ,or continue my LOT F .0 It S AX X next biolsou's,Bank, market square, Clinton. all others, and after thoussuds'of :test to any Address, by culars mailed fr . ce To the Ediior qJ*the reminisences. in the Meantime I am glad t) 8 of tlie� illost I complicated and severot cliges we c()itld find, vye feel H, F. McNifiTy ht se'e the NEW ERA so well sustained' and so I Est t�,.t splendid Justified in oftering to forfeit Ono Thoustind Dollars DYAR Snt,—The postman has just �roug bseribi )po- R. APPLE TON*�OFFICE­AT RESIDENCE Tal �behing Agent, 1,kllding lot- oerdire Don Ontario a G611L me a Copy of the Nrw ERA, bearing date t ably conducted, nd wish'ybu and your read- T ce, ctly 0`1 for any case of coughs, col4s, sore throat, in-flueliza, a treet� Clinton, opposite the Engli�b ties - he ite I front Church. Entmance by side gate. hoitrsol s, bronchit!4,,cou�uuiptlon iiiit� a the Commercial. Hotel with a, ake, of whooping cough, �alid all diseases of the, throat art 16th inst., and I rise from the perusaI.of it era alt happiness and prosp6ri�y. Willhos(Il 1 I yuitoh 11. 'with rec ilectiomi of the hitppy days in which. I Y6uts; resp�clflllly JOHN' ACKSON, Clinton. except "a'th ilia, for Nvhiuli vo, ) "lily, clai relief, YOUNG, M. B., (GRADUATE 01� TdtONTO that we can't cure with �Vest's C(ugh Syrup,, Vybell 28 E, r9at tree 0 0-Univeralty,)PItyiditia ampleblittles,25and I guided the helm of the saine,'journal during, ItOBERT TUESO&. Chicago Xcb, 21,3t,.1883, 314,Orchard 6t. 0 R, SALE. Mr. Mauning's, three doors east of the Tomperanse 50!bonts; large bottles one',dollar. Genuine wrappers three eventf ul years. FARM Hall, Leudeab6ro Out. I read eagerly the locil news, a�pd you have rWe arequite sure that durreader will,be only in bhlc� Sold bv all idrui�,-ists at* sent Ili- L ap.res oil receipt-of'prico. Joint C, ivast Co., 81 & a tolerably full budget, ailit-,'scanned that glad to hae Bru ier Matheson continue his, Parts of Lots No. 6 tind 7, Huron RoliA Concession, iD, St. East, Terrill, o;� qn�. Conibe's inwre8ting part, the advertising Col-,,. 09do ich, each, contailifng about 75 acres REEVE— OFFICE, RATTENBU4Y7-ST.�' I - D51urray Block, two doorg east of, Hodgens' Drug, Store i ,a it arly re and inoiltlyfrlle from Itu all clear nips There tran umns, which conveyed to Me even 06 befter, of relniuiseuce4" or,as a t, nre iiedg(,ccl'fraiiidout-builifti�p,;tfr7ame 11 as 'MinionCou,(;Halsam I are oil - to p Resilence, Opp - osite the Temperance idea of the position of'mattorg in Clinton than' 'slid trust that time will premit him to ronew- lio.usa�, aa go bearing orchard, and a never -failing Droll. Street 8 Clinton. Office hours, to 6 p.ill. tile neWa items, I Couldn't regis t tlie,desire hjs'aoiluaiatince�'with the people of, this see, springe, ii�i( The above fami is ituated onthelluron ohn'McGarval The roiat lung remedy is also. a -Valuable anti a Lo,kij Iniles from Araybepurchased R§. N)IHTTT, TEACHER or B�USIC. PUPILS dote to -croup. Quilin'. Wallington st� tu convey to Yoh and your readers.some of tion, by this Mcal[18.-ED� NEW ERA. a 'tq -or it� . )lie blocl .. .,For further pit - rth�- Alattend d;atthoiro;wnresIdouco,i R nl$ apply to URER �Qir $ arq triecessary. a Brart says-10.0ne of my children was the teeming thoughts that crowded upon tile . ., I . i " 4idenbe d Riao,� �'Johu, Roberts on'u, Ituron Street ' Clinton SALT INIA,NTUFACT, siezed With all alarming atts ck of croup� as that as I ptaiused the Paper, arid I esteem it a pri ter J%01HN' IdDQUV Clinton. 71 w niethod tau � if 'desired. 'gh child got black.in the face I was frightened,and -law,. even if the renewal be anfurwho vilege again to rei AND DEALER IN Y. up-xt.neiglib or's Englis OJIN METCALFE, Veterinary Surgeon 'from hand me a J)ottle of transitory and fleeting, soulo'connection be- Sa''uta Cfuz Letter. �' % ., �11 1, �; I / J it vat �'in I "I'll, a I College of erin rice AND _Dowi4ion 'C',oiig1i Bals atween my8elf and the readais of a journal.to ticapatches attended to at"Once; OF IN L am, whom I Ministered weekly from luguatt-1869, whicb. BI 3en- uain-g for -sore r. English had ly to April, .1872, du.ring wbich,period I made r 01-6tuilt. subtanti;qand comfortitble ALMIZT�STRE ET, 111L�s. Lgavemy C1,11d a dose which �ave lul- A F ENV NOTES ABOTJT SA.N TA C Z r DR- STANBURY,, GIIADUATE OF THE kEDI met iatd relief; soon after I gave another and many warm and, I trust, lasting friendships. house,, at preaelit ocuupiKI,,I,y Mr, A', -L 6AtDep4rtmentof�'ictoriaUuiversity,,Toroito,tw, Oppositti the Town The period'when I conducted the..Nrw ERA .COUNTY' CALIFORNIA. 011imette, Ili the villago ot Londesqoro, I 'a offer- in a 8hortitinie my ch-ild was all'right and at --NOVIork play. I sent-filor a bottle to keel) in, the.. tiouse, nable�*terills ro merly.o he Hospitals and Dimpensaries, ed for eale- on reaso ur rooms I t� was to me, at. least, a meniorable ne, as I I I Good Cor6u�efo a,114 t Iroc: r the County of Haroli,11ayfleld,,Ont. and kitben down stairs, ventured upon the task with enthilaitipm and VefLy Cholde Lard, Hanis aoon as,I believe'it was th inearts of saving inoy,'.' 0ellaraud all conveniences, hard and adf, watc "I Price 25 cents., ell Ill's life. hope, perhaps not sufficiently tempered b �V. WILLIAMS, B. A., M. -Ii., GRADUATE F Small orchard on the lot. '!For partietilav vly,� , OF' or, ,at Iowa t pri y of the College 61 Phy xperience. However that may be to 9EV.J.S_l1.6CHE R.To.ronto University; membei Prodiletr 8.1 TAPSCOTT d,- �,CO,., age or e paid for Fartin Londeaboro, D C. 20. 1882. .�icians andStirgeona, Ont. OFFicE'& REslDzxcx t43 by the sea h6dAe C. 1. :- ? , " . I 11 i V of Uf(` some of my happiest days were spent in,,Clin- Sill -This quiet hiclo ci formerlyoccup��a by Dr. Ra�ove,.�Albert streel; 'Chnit6tii; pril 4, ton, and life is at.best but a mingled stri6am! contains �aboUt 5,000 -inh itantal; and is ruz COULI Y. cal and 1109. teachers of Nlo as med offerg for sale thm I t well-aituated ill S lanes, in -my case at least, Its mild and and great , I I , . I b A ..'11OUSE'FOR: SALE'. of alternate pain and, pleasure, of joys and oC t sorrows, with the ba C Ili my.eonduct Street, near Ori, surable. �fckr 'it -and T uun.' . Strec( at present N- R -Singing, Cla, bathing faCilLti( it the corner,if Nfar� 4s now formilig, a6f the NEW ERA 0110 idea bad sole possession - , _ .? it hi a ii�vy tvI,6-8tory, franic,, I Lea N 'Van* justy tou-the en 'able'name of 't the occupie'd by harialC -FISH F1 I h ver, N f with four rooms and two closets down Stairs, and five �61! Me, which was to do some service, if e t. th I I so small, in upbuilding and developing the ewport 0 the A � is seaso 11 rooins up,stairs, well fim�hcdln every repect. Half-, of.theyea� It is,. ell known resort become�s �aere lot, gopfd table, hard and soft wateri good collar R. DILLABOU I uts ope I tied in ofllcaf� it nied be .0,ojuforra Ili . s custox I ners and moral and material intereSt of,the ;1 I I tfie 1:1 i�. till derig GROFULA �-,communit I which so liberally suppor6d the 0 I. &son, and and sto undation beneath the house. Will bei U r a the right 'now, on I rather� dull f t is the rainy se irs, next door. t T tile pllbli� genera ly, that lie has land a' ; I sold on reasonable terms. and ill give prom'p attstati6n toall niattejsroquiriu� very'large stock 9f.No.,I Fi8h.,:coilfilisting of 0 Bbb� bf and all ti�i-cforlous Erysipelaq, y ARTNEY m ny 0 Its Nt t in 9 a, to be left 4kt* 31K.JollN� Eingw�lrrlkl,Ttilllois, Car-, �,NE%v ERA as their local organ. The period tlany, Of. the Liblic works sus�end I opura M C his assistance long or tiale, or if - carried on, work Clinton R6 1k liI it, 1rri ti oil a of 1110 Skill, a anuritig the Nov. 30,1882, in which my incumbency of thaNEW .14,ItA cover- ERTRAWA .1 Lao Supen'r White Fish Ciout -are the direct result of it inipur stqto 'of was (juite an eventful one. 1n 1871 a fewer h % HUFFMA"T. Pi .-ER, IVINGHAM, general lection to . ok place, - as just. eleven, An im 6rtant in ustr in this qoutity �is FAIRR.FOR SA,JLE., lati- ua terly- in� years after another similar bt�rugglo is tians- t- h 9 n' so itl �is carri d I - -A:o­ --0'-Vemb­ ugult. N eff-, Februar a i( or a mr- To Qure diese diseases the 11111!4 Ito I71 su sari er e- uf tu 0 . . o8e oftuning'Pianos and a 3 n � ril . . 1-1 , er, far iia�. iliel outh half of i.l4pthe piring, and in this history t6 ro- on 'or eiteas vely, Ii of the firms . ,,�t �50, THUS - fied, nd restored to it healthymid wIt ome k L . , Tuckersinifli, consisting of.:47i sa Satisfaction nun lea- No.'� I L- akebrolf,�, He , acres, oil tion. AYER'S SAPS_.� peats itself. Then, " now, Thomas Gibson which is erected a good bank barn, ith ' me Tt r., 0 p IV 1) r Rmr­�_ has for 6ver b r in- thousands of,* barrels per� eL tion. from,thd cobnt d romptly- 35-y was a candidate, the constituency, to Ve sure, u :it' olaimed.to be'the finost'lialle that bue_fiveacie� cleared and free of Which the lovvest, w. I .. I r years bee)" recognized by enliucut la: 'good was differently arranged. In 1871 ae isa for P state of bultivation., i6 acres of OPER Grocer. is mado in,' California. � t is nearly all wheat. Situate only a mile -froin'the groWing R-� WORTHINGYON, PIIYSICTAIN,, surt6kiapi. THOS.. CO thoritiesa.s the niost powerful bloo�l pliritiol-.ill what was then North Huron, against W. PAccoucheur,L1 centiateof -1 Clintou, Noy. 21, 1 1 1 . I - Hays, by 'shipped- to San Francisco, and from theri� town of Willbe sold oil reationible t6rins. the College ofPhysi!cian It' irees the whom, four years before, he ad and Surgeons of LowerCauada,and ProvincialLiliolii, 3-tf JOHN SEPILEN;SON, Sx.. Ilion,- enriches all (Is trongth ons, ill a bloo is distributad Wall portions of the'Pacific - I I 1 1 . -.1 1. been defeated by a parrow majority �latet%ndoorotorforth*Ceitx'tyofHuTon. officealicT 11 traces of mercurial treat meiit� a6d --dence,-The form' eirl oratipled oy Mr ny fini tanneries -_ - . I : f it , It 'Thwgites, Huron street. Eel , co llltts�er of �all e Was . a �vhich turn out'a-s_uperior�iluality Of' g6le F -A -RM FOR, SALE'' Clinton I Jrs n. 10� 1871.1 every contest since'the" he hag been . ce�A� 'coast.' - Then Wo hav , 0 ma bit ilding Y- XILN 1, ful. When he entered public life A N A P.ecent Cure of Srofulous Sores, -man of mature years, with cortain igh fixed leather that not only furnish-- employment- ilc� that conveniently HE subscriber offers for a ilago I vvitli �� �C . CART princip I es oflonor and duty, a such are 8a4ta Ct'uz-. but situated farm lot 37, 7th con. ioderich Township',, CART RIGHT-& S,�ill, SulianoN to man in 0 IT Gradi4kte.otith AIA, AND SEE T .AT not�,the kind of men that weak n when their d all' containing 84 acres, On whichrthere is a frame house, a Royal College badly swollen and thit giv oy n as empl' ment to hun redg' of me IiMof Dental !Surgeons bf Ontario has! principles Are assailed. In 1871 Mr. Gibbons barn i4ill'smid; 83 acres 616ilr6d, anohiinder good fiincii (Jualitities of,otrollsjyL through .the summer season, ­,cutting the' and cultivation, W , ell watered, 2i adrewgood Orchard. ,opanddro6ms In the Niotoria Block, Albert �'IyTtrieil ftliiotd, itiltil I an LLA, Of WlliCll -I J)LC�VV ItIkell was elected over Isaac Carling, and wh Clinton; where, he vriU constantly be -in aft6nd COOPER & EAVES PL AINO ELL chossnu-oak, iiark,. Vvhiq4, Js indisp6risiblo-, Term%es,sy. Illness of 'proprietor reason for selling. - - )repared-to perform oilrery-,'operation connected NVith thf- l'cSlllt 1,11;0, ftl'0� hL` I I in a man , ufa ture of the er.' I . I the Nxw EnA offlee;,or J.: H6Vyi6n,'Cliioton1 al?d_1 accepted the shrievalty my old friend, Archie th 0 No App y at with Dentistry. Tooth extratted, or fillediirith go , Id, lle0ill Bishop, -.The had been the coming man of the NLw ERA. r "dreas the proprietor, at.,Galt.. �lnalglun,orotherilllin t ­ � - . I ff- ro;:tile t5outh Riding for some time, was chosen doubb� many of -the r6aders of the JAS. GALLAGHER. 9 ms - criaL, &rtifieial teeth E iber itc of the llagisiature, arid. I see he -is k now ' b' - ih_,� �San� inserted froin one to a fullsolt. Office open. on l' subsei Ili[) , ) member -a out Cruz powder works; Friday's and. saturday,ii., X towers; for the ptironage exQel�jed to.t.) desirc -ro intiniate tfiat in a( VV� art- 6 they are sit' ated. 2J miles from' Itho i FOI� �lilicctloll NNAll tile! I :;,-, _. still before the public; But eliough of th city,-'---:-- FARM SALE ea 61i talso ttip,on z.. ' 31ONEY.TO LEND. way, political, which is apt to lead one in the ex-. and form oluito -a little village, 'tur ' aing out N' r the Grand Trunk call oil i. citement of the contest to say arid do things thousands of kegs- of powder par week- HE an sbriller offers for gale his farm being 1. I P. 78 E 54,11i N b erected, a DrF,.I­ -hich IT lot Ii andhalf of lot.m Huron Road, GoOe- MI)NF The TO,LE ,N which one afterwards lonks`back to with both for gun use and. blasting purpose4-- D, 'ON' IEAL ESTATE, moeI ilia of bil: rich township, (part of the old: Bridgewater tht- waild a I, fill 4 fl I : - . ATES.. t, i'll I regret. I found that wh' I AT LOWEST Sit w6t 'ti I art I w.a3 leaving t quantities of wbich'are shipped to farin)'eontaining 181 acre iuor6 about vllri� oc It 'some�bard iends among tile! 'th.'rih &old 'and '611ei mines of Nevada &O, acres of pills, cedar and ash, wit auil hl':i Clinton I left many warill fi A pply to. C wood, � It acres of fall wheat, a go6d dwellifig RIDO.UT, Cliiitois. Conservatives. Partyism carried to the ex. California', Mexico and Arizona, .1 wh4io. it house,, 'giiodbarn 50 x 30,.'mtalyle 20 X-30,� oung, treme, its it is in Canada, is a cuise to the is use , A. for minin !ptirposea,deop in the orphardi two wells that never -fail, , a I f'hug -ifti. ftirnislied at the I rr� For bifildings. taken, and mat'lli country, and tends to rray into two separate. 9 14trolam through, the whole length of the farm.- ,111NSURANC shortest po.isible notice, ana at reasonable rate.i. A T:I, Of :bavfdls of the earthi and thr6 h it bands common ideas that should pull togeth- ag I, 8 agen-. Teirms.moderate, one-fourth dowril,'Iina balance tun .01, U ildy brin-ing to, the surface tons of shatter- as may be'agreed poll, pply on the prcmfsm ter for tile promotion of the cornmandriter' i es, or., it by letter t H0LAiESVILrE P.O. Ivill 11) lie 1, blic weal, and i ad rac�, glittering with. gold and' silver.- , f , �li It V lilt � is only a narrow 2' JOHN CALICK.: ths u so factory, 11 CK IEST RATES. , I'll Arid bigoted soul tbat can see no flaw in his The county can also boast of a; fu AT LID �f COOPlAt own parfy leaders, and nothing good in :t: UT; Clintol Lie an article 'which.is.proaucad in:'l'ut few I 11DO I is continent;, -saw 'And A -LR, ranks of the opposite party. placbs'6n th FAR24 r Party*spectacl shinile � 1. 1. . .1 . S %ESS are fill, blinders only, and not for true vision. mills', box faotori6s,. &c., aie quite' nurn,or'- .H'Actr A e pai-ki a undersigned offers tornie that duable y a -Inv I ON society -dectiou of 1871, the great mi n. oug, 'while TBE Beside tile hundreds'of mod-11nd . ctive- -of Lot,� 40; 79,,and SO, iiivill. het site ilrestion, which'shook society from employment among the �bi redwoods 6f i o(the Township of O tall! ing. -iml fr pn OANS MONVY 01�1` �IOY centre to circurnfal,enc3, 'and divided Nitif 9 220 acresThe land is in a'g6od-,,t,at4 of c."Itivatioll, T I I i S. Cb.ii 1,,� Icmps, was settled I during, my in- the county., Ylaa�ing ferIge posts�' pickets, 40 acres own with fall wheaf, sit -11, tile into liostile astakeir-shinglesjj� and any quantity ;fL Wall watered and.well fene Tv%;o lersign,ed littv ill, "Net- rn e been cumbiincy.of tile NrVv rail frame divellirl.-liotise�:aildttirbe!gi.,o(l- "T .1 is S laT OrS, bitA,,e mortgages- road- tii6o, which are disposed, of th,r.60gli he.The (juestion of branch railroads came up The' -will be sold igetheri or 0 stlit No LONVII froill all outtke state. n we' have, our-dRixies; above'iots then for settlement, and the " battle, of the ci-iiI6 along the a r,,. Terms ",;y. For npjily to guages" was-liotly fought out betw extendin", for nbarl I) 20 n N N t i,, i i i a o i it pit rq bly i -I i e t� i i e:tl s t blon i i i,;,l i i i i, sea cost; and rur 'back abo' & SCOTT� ''Solicito � '1� I I _1 een Toren Ur rs UhAon i� t., tl to on tile one side and Hamilton on the other. ini'�g I Ill i c o -coii Ut throe. proprietor J61IN The lioAb of the former were led to battle by miles from the water'8edge. The-finestof . .. ... . i) tl� -tit 1, L DS, li, L 0 T 1), PaIV01, over (_�eorge Laiollaw,. agaiated by Al. grass and food for anional6growere, wh ile aTu- s'c (let mart. Baxter (t al, Hamilton,was ch ',yoo&grad6,milch cow' n be, FQR�;SALE.OR T'O- '11 11,N T. J HNST01 18 LE AT - . 11 I I -0 DALLIGA Zin g, pionud by Col._McGi.ve.rn,_ Ail h., , .,; il Dr. J,,!C. Ayep.&-CO., LoWell Mass . .. r yi I F 1,,, t f White, (oow Him. Tom) 111"my others. tJL hhlli� -x bot'LlesTfur $ sts.; Ili I si clad i*ilulluy Da-irie's loornAlp every ! A �N -K E' R'S 1..ts w In older to counteract tile effect of these pro-.: fu' niif6g Apart, Eiflnle ck, ba Ails' a'ssfar asbiitter-rnakin,'� is cbticerti�: votif fdtiolad of. PY , Sf1'. CLINTON jpottil lines, bothAe, Mo Newton, De s. coui,�ry, I remember askitig, ill the infori le. (Ill . a I �y Tr_ C- fi'e, i an 0. VC1 7 t boar,l'of rooms. (Ll:iew opposite Cc; hy corner t W E fP='S 'A I_HJ�AL T H J8 sitt 11 _r �B-U-S-J-N S- HA R N t- A K E RSI' stoic, al r, t MOM, and 'Coll It't-ol to &ill Franclsdo,, '111 er 4t* t, 'a uf,,, Where it N, on .1 (JX) and others us�cd to isaued tiftyableut all the ofllc,,6of the glify" mi all wtitters rclatint, to' the towi4). �Torehanb'i; Ilitnk- a f (Janada.', New York exchange whother could not get' up it railroad and at tile tf.tbles tveilithy. bonght an Sold.' PROMPT 'ATTENTXON.P�IDZO COL- and Pea tscellemcl fur and then rell friiit industry of thi c6ulity is 'Vat 11' A RIM-, F 0 1 S Al ------ ti in on 1, I . SALEAOTES BOUGHT atioloed rates,' anit mony ondoli), 1111ron & Bruce scheme, illfaITCY 'lltliblig"ll its , boundary I WOOD: TAKEN I lines son10,400 tibres Of the" finesb F -11, otand it as decided that it should be.urped. fi, eibimeto suit the bilfrover, All lot coll. ot 1.1jillett;, of liod alli(l benal in rthO NEW London, - -1, PECIFIC �logoml hardwood felic- Exeter and other points took up -the cry, all(i i14 br-eezes,'* Iv! till �k Young -till I LP �j fr�) lit toil. . I . - 6 ii It, J"RADE.MARK the result is known. Mily in Clinton �sliooh Renicdv. Ali, i lit, " tho'78and twws� �(,d -c8 plowed, r. 1, a a fit 11-C licad and. "I Vellin ir(Tl, Oil crITIS; Tlit's arill too (A) itrostration clue but I hope tile result lias been localle 7, 7, ly old sold' to A N 1 f) e'l, by, the use of of,tlie bra,in, r6sultin(,'ht' arld elicial ; as to rail-wys boing bou Ill'Alle ., . I. . 11 . 1136 nierchants of S.in w 'r entortailied it doubt, T. A. OALE neve, Ail to jr., st, J. P� TISDALL� oase8vlat follow.ftl dr 1-1 I ra, t 0 3o, eel) fs per Clinton: E�orit scque 71do o f adiiig to miscn,, d6cav dih death 'lut enough :0f n�.at this*, tors. :,Strathroy, CrIll ilither .9ox, invo tin ary d oI t naure I U 1"' b isarry pie beyond da -tho pr&f�jccr , PENTLAND TISDALL, O'Z at lll;'1�11, Or ,wq of your last, iq�uc -1 W�l, (re of 1110're jjf()Lrapidl�� itCol ('11 n regard to the it(, a, pain illil rp, arolioent ca�-Q.%. stir biit not 8addelied tit the prepared, an&wifi PROP Before Taldri- tile baek� EPTIES FOIZ visioll" John H6d.,cus, iii tho'notill of:14c; tion.of-the vine at no distant day. Ap. . :. I my frie. idiureola J -D -D LECO-M B E, .1 With i� h'(Jae li6eu six to clire :Ili I 0. as I feel -that lie has gone fo recelv6 tile plea, -peaches, pears,' ap t riect si prun9si and igrave. it-O*Full 1111AT de,,irabh! by juist reward 'of a well spent life'. Ill 100"-- in fact every Variety of fr at �ied 'by Albert Itumball.- I%'c dc�iro to %oil(] free by ulitit to evory one. VI -L. Vyilf sendth . a purchascr our written u it that grows 3,Seven roams a I patee to refund the inonev if the jog Oyer your Columns I See 'roodem, ptimp,,first-cla�s garden. 'Ter) 4 W at r C)UtSi�lt) Of aL tropical climate tile nalne of Bro can all, be and Voc�;, Malie( r sik fm� s besaiitbv,rnail,oTtie- let a euire. 'mu -s 011IN 0 Turnbull, who has so nobly buih tip the High Apply to A:LiFRT or the, undersigned. C . pl?, c t'night tile I . , � I . I tiuliool. and I hope Bro. Mallocli, who hds. say perfection OR18T MILL AT BANDON. 'Two run of , , . I �, , . I ... 11 - , in A i , � two and 6tif6i, I. tho' ountains-of--garitir-Cruz auctI t don6 the same work for the Public School, is dhog athiaught vvill�bebdmeher'chief industry,in ostill with you. laeey, Hle, Wtor'- I N2 G & SCOTT 0 111PO SVIIE 'r It -C, AA. -C i" NX.0 N - the' futurb.. ' W]16107�6tf Colille to� rornafitic tbington, Afirray, li'isher and inlly other $500, REWARD"v rames prominent when I was -with �-ou are- cenry, �his:couity thu'st take Of` cake- We ill pay tile above for ftoy Ot' of lfvor' Xtill ill your midst. I see that Searle uall'' Or at. least a lar"cl! P Coll- ortion of it, but. b6- 7 tij)a6un or Vv6 urA le I li�ving that '( have lready' ii�cupied. too SPLENDID RAW HE$ LkWr,, SIL YER- vote in the council all by himself, nd bils 0 k1l'or SALE WA TC CLOCKS, JEWFL N'Lgdtabld Livor.pili.q, vyb6n tile (lirectiolis comp 1c( v% coura,,c of his convictions. I have tit idea lie ' much of your .1 will try and�d scribe WARk` I ith. They arn purely vegetable, and: novel- a aH 1; offe for .4d e, ld,4' faria, conisting fail! ioxes, 0 ir wild -sc6l6ry 'on softie voted right in trying t keep tile Corn th'o-ftindetir of ol Which we wi I I ael at ,hange exclusively of Lot No j:j� ill tile 11th oloncosion of Hullett or graiii boyci,s;, JI'll titure occag n 8 , . - 13�warc'of coil ift0i-fol Is The ,cliui I f f yonr',� 125.1olve. Ovar 100 acres cleared nd tindlerdfained' Smith, haelUable as usual, has his house full . : - . , I I ­ % - JA-Afl�s 13 u RNli, aua in a high state of 'eulti�ation, -'Oil the -is'lenlisen airing of, every description liromptly' at are .1 il -aille , , I , � . �, � , �-gtables luld a sent: by mail ,000il)t oil, thre' ood, it house two fraine tic? dto, andall work warranted,, , ! of his " sisters and his cousius and hi's ailnt�,*! 'r 0 I Ile will remember when be took a certain I lill.vIdet0,4 Aruden. SnIve. Vilt, 0 t medical Wonder of the N�,orld. 'Qrunnin" thu from Loiiz b.1 editor his li�merous family in his house )to great s J. BIDDLECOU1319. and retired himself to tile itiptr and pQ64cri6t n ov 82 OHNSTON Bunportions of the mansion� I 1'rioly it may be Cuts, tTloel-S, Ili', 10ever Sores; Sallie] 11,101 N )ne of r, t best wite! t fartrt.q fil the octillity said,I wili a Ftranger nd he took me ir. 'J'om' ears, Piles, Chilblains, Corns, Te-te 116S lop �of 'too aerc,4, ill Farm 8d T rr SO 0 � S, RS �PA RIL Jackson is still the "noted Hall*ds, ud'all'skin cruptio guranteed A last little Tom and 1. inut ire interviewed Hat rnucy refundul a acrels GOOD' ]BARGAMS. or sale by 2;5�centg J�C�r bol COMPLAINT, 17M I%n ill T010litb. Tom is just tile, hind if man Wtts & tol'. 1. to cure,in every or 1) I] 4 I would like t moot if I' n accom- 23, 1 1821. kuri yi �! 2111 S01,1011) latcly dQcupio(Cb11 the And for f ng tho Blood., modation noto. llis kindiicss constithtes a A i 'i' t ned Thorripon, in Wiftcn, parloe, in D 8 cr nat It has been in rise for 20 years, And haw roolliq ki tell (311, ])!ill tey, Sle. cc I hi Hard proved to be th?. proliarAtibri.in tho grecii spot on nionnory's waste. But Nvll.� Cb. I lately performed tile fUneral services Oil T01' E, C]" f. N I . TON, for :a' Sl.(,')T( I -M, ADACIII,�, PAINT TIJ prolong this Vivere lona to tell�of 'D I, 1, 1, itile' bdoly of anol i, r THE MOLSONTS. ]AtA, fild'Aled ;I])() ill I )d c6n. THE S�IDZ-Oft BACK� tion� Aplpi' to the 01, to -T, PIMI'LES ON Tim, 'reggory to I r,,. toy recollections of Winton and its people, tLe,open-6 ffin married Miss.G PLAIN and to inarly (fuito destitute of interest. Pik(,,. DYSPEPSIA, PILEt4, And -all Dis PCs MO& STEVENSON Lot Di'sordered L'wer I n3fly lie pertnitted to*ifiform my ffibuils N 17c, that Arie from a. that I have been for over two �eaes a resident t J�. E. of while under, Ifilt-ifig uioved* hito, Ili., new brick Nvith 1101;tt eottll,�o of Impure. blood. Thousands of our hest lift0l6m; 'Lila P01111, choico fruit tr6c, ill people tako.-It and give it to tbeir'chil, of Cbicago that great city about which I OSITE TITE TO WNL It A dren. Physidians'prescrillL it daily. Those udfil, , - bv--cuttinL, his thrb�f' ivith'-a' L'].,, - C, Tile Oil who use it once, recommend it to others. a volulne, q11d am libW effitor ofThe ' . - HEAI). �AIPNTR E'kL,� Wop Itigmade, from Yellow Dock,'Holidu- nepliew 6f I -Ion., lenve -to SW4 to his Clinton, known as Lane's lfbCol, )i6w occupied by Utiardian, probbly fbe-leding Odd Follows ralzon . - , .'I . . . and left a fortulle., of '$90,000 a ........ hho ras Sarsaparilla, JVild Cherry, Stillingip. S�ssiifrasj NVinte gc()Qtn, ant: organ of:America, which is weekly' journal it. i P it .4 ti 1) 6 N 0 i. (I 11M I ty r a r 1 1 ill I re of ill I k i I 1 (1.4� a, house, four choice town lot,,, C Dandoliori_ 5� That old"illit, other well�known valuable 0 8 and of 16 pages. I unitc(l With the cr�dor YNI Altll'Ontr(!�t,�Clintoli, Hibrbse4,lt,4iistxkr.Cly,,,vege�able,-an(I can- ton, almost among tile first thlit, arcre nuin er o invite d by!�IrAohll A-] b i f'" d peop a as- B0966M PARLOR- SETS :-­ now oeouple a t not hurt the Most delicate constitution. Ao- 7. Lot 21,on 11tiron St. vvith'the have mally Pleasant recollection - 13 ' of' our' sembled' at Now York on Saturday, to wi hIt is one of the best modicirics in use -for R. a� Regulating the, -Bowels. D s r i and ient; 11160 i gs there. I hope. tile. order i baiishit'g, nok8 a-dreffs rehearsal of the Pasaiou,Play. (I, St occupied by is well as tile fraught with many at li,A)STEADS SIDEIROARbS lot,40 oil Street, abilftiD!, oll the above'lot. 111he It is sold.by ll responsible olruggisf I be �old together or'soll'arlitilly, Apply to thd at one dollar for, a quart bottle, or, 6lX. A strong force. of poliloo a present. 1 also 6dit a,trade jour- . III -i P ..;,- EX TABLES, to t . lie thidengnii'd. purtal was run up, and w4ile wn6r, Mrbottles dor fIve dollars. after the Thoqb.wfi6 cannot obta'In" 'a bctilo..at nal of about 0 pages -Tho &merican Artisan ' the poIforiners were slrigin�g a,sacred soug� ALL()WI�J):ON ill 8, The hoji-3cnd (It No.�845 on Ilary tract� 116w thO medicie from their drilgF -of which I send you a copy, You will, 11 The hoi'Oc containst) 1A rria7 police "arrested S'almi and - Molt" lidli-ho will sell ;it tile living plont. in th'e tipper story send us one dollar, arid. wo'wi 1 soixi it the. room4 bale, am eure, agree with me tliat it is the ])and. I -A 1p) of thoi,public Pat being thankful kitchen, �Car( to them. manager of ilia performance, The perfoi-� fol',I)ftt favor,,, ii lid hopeful f ptiblic , 9.,, The st �) T. 1611NOTOIT 3, CO., minithotarers, soritest trade j urnal you have ever seen. M1011,10y advtillead to farluerti oil their own notes witil Pr ire: Tile )re and divolling 6p lilt is, ritl a or more endorger 'Fo inortgAgel rerii I ired' �i qc. ITIVI tell tfi oalhold §eo for thernstelyoq. forinerly bolonging to� and ,,two engagement, combinod with correspond; in.ance'stdpPe'd. Cries 0fr " shatne" cAtI16 61� ONT, c, r tr�. Ifr6m the,a6dieheb. ing 'for a weekly in New Y� ork cit, ad on I ly I"MOTIM— and teach Xforao wAg bail' 'P I',"a /d aand itabe It d b tw r A, D, t gh th a r 7 aga, " afore he ad -3-rt y g h fl. -I ..h Iet /.h.ir 10 flect t City iijight 20hool, l(ceps frond ha,� Cho charge -of violati'ng'tho Theatrical Acf�: