HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-03-02, Page 5KEEP YOUR FEET WARM Ja'.6o.r.x!s. I )e`>L1ers 111 AP1Dp , W. T:• II-iuutei, of Brussels, killed a (tP. Berkshire porker seven months old, that weighed 285 lbs, • All the congregations of the P.M.Church in Winghain station have voted almost unanimously in -favor of union. • As THE frosts of widter tartish under the 'cal- orie influence of the sun's rays, so does Bright's Disease, Dropsy, Stone in the Kidneys and Bladder, and Iniamation of the kieneys, leave the body upon the administration of DR. VAN BuEEN's Ktnsi r CURE. Sold by all druggists. e ^'S TRUNKS, `V i LISESI &c . Onr stock of Boots and Shoes for the Fall and Winter Trade is now • quality and style cannot be excelled. complete, and for Our s ecialties aro to handle the very best goods ' is the ,Market And to sell them at the lowest possible prices. : 5 per cent discount for cash.. W. TAYLOR &. -SON, Coats, Block; Clinton. WATTS & CCS CHE MI$TS & DRUGGISTS, .Alberta Streets �i1111011. The public lic find our stock of medicines complete, warranted genuine, :and of the best quality. TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, SHOULDER I3.RACES,TRUSSES, SPONGES,. AND ALL KINDS OE DIiUUGGISTS' "SUNDRIES USUALLY KF.P'r IN A FIRST CRASS. DI;�LTG S'lURE., A fresh importation : o English Wall Pa; Is on the way and will lie' on hand in about 'tWo weeks which was bought very low land will he :sold accordingly. linoritta and Ca�adian Papers X111 arc scow arrive. w. NE SEO,Ei0T 9D .encia RAYSI: The cheapest - because` the best. S. PA ek}El'l a lis 7,+�r• �nii 1L., ISE: NOTED .SI. BEAVER S. PALLTSER. 4 N T -ON THOS. WIIITI . (= W � o O stl 31 AL 31 101 Orr i--1 LA SI LA • STOVES.—Ilaving bought iS stock of Stoves outside of. the htssociation,'on very ad- vantageous terins,'I din' nofv'prepared to offer .cunr.lNG. SroV,US.;af.M•t9l1tPge,pot'eontage under the usual _price. HARVEST TOOLS. --e Scythes,' Smiths, Wheat, Barley and Nay, Forks, Scythe ___$ tones, Rakes, Cradles; Harvest Gloves; Cradle ringers; &e. TIN WARE.— A. full. assert Merit of Tinware, in all its branches. Also LAmt,.0emus GRANITE WARE -=ofust lived an assortment of TEA, Porn 'COFFEE and PREQEBVIWI KETTLES, In G'raniteWare , rrr.E o.PoT,c RIDES, SHIi:EP SKINS, 1iil2s—IIIGFrEsT CASHJPRICE PAID. ' ;Mr. John Hagan,. of Stanley, who -is rapidly,becoming notedfor his`good horses, recently sold ri two year old entire colt to Mr. Fisher, of Colborne, for the Aum of $3,50. Ayer'eCherry Pectoral is recommended by physicians•of the greatest eminence on both cider of .the Atlantic, as the most' reliable re, ntedy'ior colds 'and coughs, and all pulmonary: disorders. It affords prompt relief in every. -sane.:. No family should ever he without' it. Germany is ',sending money to aid the sufferers by the Ohio' floods. It is but a few weeks since there was a steady stream of funds from this side of the Atlantic for the relief of the victims by the Rhine inr undattons. • J. S, 'Wetherell, writing from Winnipeg, says : ' -�t eau silo more-avbaut- writing now than when I sawou y last 1.» Toronto. My.health is much improved, and'I am free from lie adiacirea or any other aches having only used two and a half bottles of your I hospli;atnie. rer sale • by all drpggtsts: • 1M'Ir. A111iri' ilebs-in tl,e•,:,ell known market;garduer,, has disposed.of his. mar- ket garden farm near the Alma ht.tel, in the township of Hultett, to 141r: William Gibbings for the sum of $1,850, and Mi. Hobson reserves the Green House. The preperty consists of 25 acres and is -cheap -at the price paid for it. NOW TII i r there is,a reliable remedy- for kid- ney troubles, half the terrors attached to these. complaints oavc beenremoved. 1or this let all. be thankful and to Dat VAS BUREN'S KIDNEY CURE award all praise for having thus removed a hitherto considered fatal disease. from. (11x1 path.;^It was never known to fail. Sold by all The .tiew Tariff Bill . has passed the Vilified Senat: It-w,llres-corl:siTiz-ratrleTre- duct ions in the duty. on. Inti>or•te. Tho people of B I ° ori, DIatlitoha, have pentiuued the gnyerureeht ru r>lsuhuh.tile: duty ort. Itrebel; 'g+•io.g into the province from t -he 'United S.arts:' Ifif THE, histol ' of medicine no preparation has received such universal commendation for the.al1eviatiou it atortls;- and the permanent cure.iteffects in kidney ,diseases, as DR. VAN 13uRNN.'s KrbererCUnE.. Its acticin'tn:these die- • tressing oompliaints-is simply wonderful. Solid by all druggists. From the official report of the .vo os polled, in the' Manitoba eleetiona . it is shown' that the opposition actually have,;a raj bray of- the :Nn*;elyy ,ao that, althro on . they oaily have. ,. 1 i sett of the 25 mcriil?,era, they represent mei e, people: • - (1.: 'V. lets i iy,-,Patlidalr Toronto writes: -My wile had several '1-er3- severe enables' of eranps'i i the stomach. hearing of Dr. Atist'iii's ELosphatinc, and its pleasantness .to tike., t gave lf(n• two bottle» and sho h is not hail 111 iatt.t(k siuc.i and het herlth is.itmett:iuipi ovcil. For"salehy all,danggists. In a;r(eturo presented the -;'J') rnlninii Pat•liaineut the 'progress of Canada . Pucilia Railway, conslructirl+ fa• the past year is recorded_. On the eastern section 40'nriles of„track have been laid. The. -prairie sec tion iras:been completed:. to a ; point • 585 miles West (if Winnipeg ;'and 00 .the sotith. :western and :Pembina s Mo utain'1V runrpeg and Selkirk and,erther branches material progress was Medi-. The :permanent i(,ca .tiori''of'the line is ci(npleted t(( Pert. Cal Barry. health is impossible when the blood; islin- pure; tb•iek, and sluggish,' or wheal t is thin. and irnpoverishcd. :Under such>.conditiona;, boils,' pimples, headaches, 'neuralgia, rheum- atlsin, and one.clisease after another, is dovt-I oped,, lake Ayer's Sarsaparilla, :and it Will. niake.the•,Blood:pure, -richt warm and viteliz- -Mrs.. Wl.iRay, of Port Hope, i(ist her 'life on Saturday `'by thebreakiig"of a con oil laltip. One of her children in pl ic,lng the latup on the table, happened to break it, spilling the, oil ou the Mother's'dress. This was set on lire by the lighted wick corning in -contact with it, andbefore the flames ehel1 be ex tin uislied'tlie unfertun ate lady was, fatally buirnedi only, living" for a few boors. SAYS DRYnEN `She knows her maxi and when you rant mot swear, eau draw yon to her -with a.single haul lint it mutat be beautiful hair' to bale Buell. -power ; and beautiful hair eau be en- lt Tedby'thetine o1 CIN(.1r1l8RItAill ,RENEtsalt. So I(: at lOcrs by all druggists. ' ` It has been decided among,the-Irish so- cieties'OfNew'York citynot to indulge in.. the usual. celebration ,of St. Patrick's •day,, March 17th,. owing to the gloflth and de- spondency which exists: inIreland::.._In_. plaee of spending lnuneyon costly parades,. it is. proposed to'send a goodly some to the. poor Irish people who aro in "destitution, • . some even being on tbo,verge of starvation. ALIFE_ . A.VING a'ltlr.Sl Nit. .. BIr. M. E. A111son, Hutchinson, Kan.: Saved bis life by a,sinrple a'rlul Bottle of Dr. Icing's" New Discovery, for .Consumption, Which :caused him i to procure a Targe bottle, that completely cured li'irn, .when Doctors,: change of climate and everything` else had ;failed. "Asthma, • Bronclntis hoarseness,- ,Severe Couglrsy and all ll'hraat and'Lung' dis- eases, it is guaranteed to eur•a `I i•ial Bottles free at Watts & Co s., Drug Store.. 'Large size $1.00. • mOiic'.Zla' MONE ►r ilio l,O N 0'40"000 PBIV`A'1l I t \lid to 101111 ml I ti•in elQ llf 1 roperty, at lowest :Merest, Apply to O. A IiAit'I'1 Sohcifnti h Clinton,,Aug. 24, 1882. - Perrins Block, • Huron & Middlesex Insurance Compnay ]'Il tfD:Oi+FICE, LOIvTI>ni�.' General busmen dbile rlasnrance,iffected on till i.e.:lasses of "proporty. PATRONAGE 80L10IT1315. - . W. RITT, AGENT, CL.INTO.N. YDS Cr/i ).r'i'F `/(® ! 0)4j A MORTGAGESs '-'NATES AIQD OTHER Good Securities --Purchased.--- ' . O.`.ON VEY.,•A_NCING,- . W. W..FAR11AN i AV !NSWILlt WANTED. Cali any Vile Iia li114, If a cast of Kidney or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters will not , speedily cure? We say they can not, as thousands of cases already pernianently cured and -who are daily recommending Electric Bitters, will prove. Bright's Disease, Dia- betes, , WeakBack, or any urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the blood, re- gulate the bowels, and act directly on the;dice eased parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at 50 e. a bottle by. Watts rk Co. COMBINATIPN LIVERY. IIURON STR1 E"T, CLINTON. -' R. W. EMERSON PROP'R. The subscriber would intimate to the generai public that, bating: leased the ,above establish.. ment, rte is prepared to supply tlieni with. good conveyances at reasonable rates. Good, reli- able hot see, stylish' and comfortable caters; and' everything in first-class order. Sleighing parties, euhilllereiat' men and•othels, 'iaecommo-- dated on the ruosl reasonable: terms. Clilrton, Dee. 20; 1892. Go t ;:OP oC4 ERS FOR CU 2 .I� t1; ;OO(J RES Crocker 'Olassveare &c. a e tall Loi nn►caI ah a1 s d. •ALSO rett9 g'a celebrated Ea 1ieh Breakfast Bacon; Long (:lea -i Bacon, ,'.` ?war 'Cai•ed hamar, a(l' No. I LA R.1). "At free:irinhr•tnUl beaten.in ,Pat. Prices ..t r s be, t0 HIS 60 C. 'TEA- A SPECIALTY. SOLE AGENT FOR - nobbifts' ELECTRIC SOAP_ Tf-TOMAS COOPER, ALBERT STREET,: CLINTON. A large proportion of the .diseases which cause human suffering result from der•angenieitof the stomach, bowels, and liver. AYER's 1CAriLaittfic : PILLS act directly. upon=these organs, and are.' especiallydesigned to!clire the diseases caused' b'y their deraiigeinelt, including Constipation, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Ileadaclie, Dyseii tery, a Trost of .other aihtients, tor' all of which they are a safe mire• 1(1001pt, mid pleasant rebiedy. The extensive use -of these I n LS'by ., f oat:: eminent- phy siei,_ iia s � nus rU regnlai 1 ctu.e Unmistakably. the estinliaton fir-wh,ch_tlie)” are held by the medical profession. These PILLS areeompotuuied of vegeta ti'.e stances only, and are absolutely.l4•ee from calm (el or tiny otli r iujttrions:irr r(i"dierit. A Sufferer fro ..k Writes :: ' "Ay Ert'I;I3rr.t s are invalucible to tile, mid are 11y;coustant coutpauiofi. - L have been a 9evt re.. sufferer frool Le daelie, :not yc ur l it i or(•.lby only. thine oukl luoL to for relief.. U r e (load trill .quickly aloud uiy. Tulle 1s .and tie(, my head' from pain.. .1'li(3; are the most t et-Tetier and the '. easiest physic 111aye ever found.` 1t 19 a plCAnure to 1,10 to speak iu their praise, jand. 1 tltt;tas d r so when oo ininu-offers ' •: w. L. 11cir., or yi .'r: Page Fr nlaiil Sf:', I11611u10ud, \ a., June's 9, Z. "1 -leave used AVER'S P011,1;:iu illiuberlki+ r -• st'iiii;eS is lec(inuneud e(h by ,you, and 8060 never,. known theme:toutill Lo eieenr il sli 1110 d(,urrl it snit:- We eatistantty keep 111 in on h tad it our 101110., and prize there as pleasant safe, and • riliabh ..anlily, in4(ieirit 1'011` 11YSP1 I :11:1, they are iii valuable., J. 1 trills...'.' yfexi0, lexas;tlnue 17;'1892. The Rrv. FRANCIS 13.1IA It onw=r, writing frig ; Atlaitta, Go., says: l6 r some years list I, have •beensableet to oori9Lip;(Lion, frontwhich,` iii. . spite of the use of nieilieuies of: ration's' kinds, I-. suffered 'increasing Ai lee v(nieliee, until :9hitle inolIdIs ago ',began itig \y i It•S 1rt r S. '1';iey have` entirely Cone t(,d thc costive habit,. and have Vastly iuiproved;oty general he.•111.. . .A'vias 1,1LLScorrect: irregliln,l tins of the bout els slil.mlate the .ap1etitu i.r (bgegtinn, and by theirprompt find 11101-: I uti(0 give tofu, 0191 vigor 't Ellet ole l'rl,., "ecriri(nn:y.. Dr. J: C. Ayer'"& Co. Lot%cR1 l°sa,.:, Sold by'0,11 Pi:i gists. YOUNG, ' All ax periyrit( 1110qt, titl'Lience- OLD, 'AND ctrl elf cis et MIDDLE -flyer's Sarsapa.riil.a.> Children with Sore Fyes, Sore Ears, - 1(11 0 or any scrofulous or sy philitic Caint,;', may be made healthy and strong, by its.use. Sold by .111 Druggists ; $1, six bottles for $5. ,CHICAGO, SOCK ISLAND &'PACIFIC• R y: Calls the attention of travelora to elle central' port tion of ito line connecting the mint and tate West • by the shortest roll td,.fintl carry mg pa9Senge0,,.: without Change of canon' between Chile go:1nd'Kati-' sas City,Council 01 it1Cs L(.mor,w•o r h Atchison,. 1,.. Minneapolis. 1211d S1. PatiL 31 8001168 n 1,, 11,1 ion Depots with :1111 he tlrillellk' ll lines of road bat.(* ^en the Atlantic. and the, Paulin: 0000118. Ila semi- ment is unrivaledand.magnifleobi, being composed of Most Comfortable and Beautiful 4.kiy 001,01110, Mngnificeut. Norton Redlining "Chair tars, Pt 11- rnan's Prettiest Palace Sleepnig Carst and. fheklest: Line of Dining Cars In the World. 'Inman Trains between Chicago and.Miosonri Rivl)c orfits.-'lwo' Trains between Chicago and Minneapolis. and at. P71nl,.via the Pamou9 "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New; and Direct Line, via Seneca laud ICaulka- kee, 1108 recently beenopened between) Ricrintond, Noriolk,l4owpPort Nowa,. Cllattatlooga, Atlanta, gftAu ,stn Nashville Lduiavtllo, Lexington, Cincinnati,. Indianapolis and Lat'ayette, and Otnalin Minneap- olis and 8t. Patti and .intermediate points ` - A),l 1i,Lit ougfi.Passengers,Tray+,dl-ouFast_E points., • TfeketPfbxf Tale at aft'prtUCipal 'Ticket 'offices f1 the United States and Canada. Baggage'. checked. through and rates of': :faro a1 ways as low. as oompctifdrs that offer leas atiWan- tagea. . For detntlod information, get the Maps and Pold- 005 001110 GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUT;:,',; At your nearest Ticket Ofneo, or address R. R. CABLE, E. ST. J0 itt-Pr't"T, a:(lis 1 lI'g'I Ooa7 'flit 'N1€:90.0,. � NOPIIL�I� UIII' Gli�lll N�I�S�, lONDESBOROI 3- ARRIVI.N G I)A'ILY. OP.EENEi17 Z'13IS WEIEK Cases Prints, l eautiflll flesigns, fast colors, and -A. 1'cquality.' Crises, 1)IJCIt.S, 1)1.‘MS ; COTI O1'ADtS, Ifeavy, i elitil llf, goods. '1'hcproduct of the.bes* hili Z� Sllt C:t n ad it. �1LWhito Colton; The.se goods have all been l:mrchas,etl at 'levy close prices far Cas11,, 1111 \i il!. '';Ix; offered at a slight advance. I am determined to clear• tllebalancc of my lintel' Stock, and am offering it at prices that cannot fail to )lease the rirchR er. l 1 1 s Parties going to 1 1 t l going lnit � .}a shr>hiitl not fail to inspect my stock. I Ievi11oi%•t,,-, ei l ,.; i1ecl� Bll�hlct�t>tuetlts lo fl��11ae5 �. i>I2t'c7illtii fig 111. 11tt.ge'cl>tt'atililita6. 1le(;14de(1 ll;ill o'1t;'t i i , r a t ',j r l : l 1 in BL X11'1. 1� . L J�. 10:1N141 -411:S4134 ) 11 4).'.: February 22 1883. • N'Ve-<i.re ii re 5i..icuial'.:lad lcenaciits for ,caslt ` �<< .stock :takin, Great red -tic d o sill Milli er'y• Grea-t redticti- Incantles. • :;&r:ea,t pedtura .ons 111 iiillir Great, reel cti.ori, neat z ec,lnctr on irk Fancy G oocl s. TWO ©ORS r ORTH OF THr MPSON and SWITZER'S, R. BEESLEY, Beaver •Block, Clinton.. iVitel'e i4 tbli 11411(!,e Jitia Lad� ivxY WI'1l[ roc He keeps the hest general stock!infltowr►.. Everything; Fresh. M 11,01311, -111( ti►l, 1, r o1?,ea, Central (Til oeery, Clinto 81 rt'