The New Era, 1883-03-02, Page 2_1= - .1 � � 11� � "I I 11 - - I . I I "I I 111� _ � . ....... .
"are h
at vi ,I was'one of the
I er owed and said,�
We left the Londaii car.lers Standing'
ously Injured, but all arb more, or less
decided upon. Csorey� stated that he did
passongera on No. 8, the east bound train,
at the Hamiltou gtation,,iv having been
One of, the women, Mrs. Kel pip.
-- , , I
act, See George Smith in Phoenix Pai
, ,
In COM ev, Mr. VahWycl
pany with R 1. -an (1,
their, original iniention to come CIA that
a ba ly crualied foot,
d and it is feared
the 5th or 6th of blay. , The person who
and Mr. E. S. Whipple. Left Louuun
train, but for Some reason 'they did not. 'I
thai bone is Splintered. All the
The Prisoner James Carey TUrhs,'pofntedoutHr.,Bur
wa mith.
li� a Jola S
about twenty Minutes late. We adeUp a
little time befo re reaching Duudwi. At the
pat in the coach next in rear of the Buick.
Aug par,, and, probably about five seats bank
aredoin'g well to.dmy, though,alroomplain
Of Pain in the body.
Queen's Evidence.
Patrick Whela � Was, no ' t�jo the dock to
day when Car ie�ls depoBitiion� was read. Re
f 'Shortly, before tivig I
at dt4irty�
'lion. John d�hdg-hs,d just entered thb
cor epted �4 in several and
time of the accident we were'running about
miles an hour, When withou the
f rem the to
had gone into the* Smoking car,in which
dining our. and wd�' in the act of si
modified the Btati Concerning, Mrs.
Slightest -notice of dallg6r'tho crash dame.
there' were a n:um4arf men and' Woman,
hauds with Qcnatietpr Hamilton, 4whon thd.
Byrne by saying that'be had 6uly been
-Wo Orand Trunk Trains Cofflk
The�pa I ssengerB on our train were none of
aud.loaned up, against the end towards the
collision occurred.
told she was the wife of Frank Byrne. He,:'
them injured,.,. Oueaying the iraid it ost,
haggage car f6r,EL few moments., reading a
Ron. Mr. Pardeei Minister,,of Crown
alao corrected atafeweni that be was
Near ftuulton.
ppallIi-g Flight pfesehted' itBelf. T hree
Cot,, es, were piled'in one, complete
u�wspap6r. Looking out at''the fog the
thought Buddenly.flai ffied across' my; mind
Laiids,w,as on the, eastern-bOund train but
was not Injured. It is not likelv that' th;
The worklo,% of th e Awsaviduadon Cam.
with him when be and Cuiley`moto. 1.�
Counseli for the pfiBoneroobjected 6 the
wre 4.Vo. 8 was tht nlmost
ek; the baggage car.
like a providential waining'that an,
gentli would have b
_can Able- -to apbak,
zattz��D.!llh Orate Murder "r.
alterations saying Carey,disecvered from
froLn ;the track on, the aotith side. and
the -
accident might hi ippeu- Obeying this
I folded and
though, had he bad an, on gagement, so to
do la,Bt night
Morke-The Ulased by,64e.
the newspapers that Mullit Wag in prison
the tirue of the alleged meeting, The
f a h' in air:
one end Ii to hig
and . thrown partially - -on the side.
strange warning, llp�
laid down the paper, thou w alked back
�,, Quite A fo g prevailed at the timw of the
A Smturfiy'a, Dablia cablegram says;
ma"iStr'" 11, so'd the
the objedtio
I callaot coliceiva,lxqw—theexpreBs:agent
:to the other car, And rpsume& my seat.
mishap, which.lessened t he chances of, the
At the boating of the prisoners charged
ordered to
deposition Stand, so as to,
Two Persons Killed, and a Nu�m-
and baggagemen r eacaped� The western.
1 -took onti another paper and began
engineers seeing each other, even if. the
the conspiracy to,�murder
how .
ber liijured.
be.. 1 train received the greaterinjury, and
Ito' read so in,, but almost instantly the, cat
curve was not there.
The Michael dlar�e,
appearaned at. the wit
Maribeg guard the house of Cdrey's wif e.
It her husbaud's
was, On this train that the results proved
Stopped with a heav jar and I was thrown
conduct,pf a Section
esB table� reated a profo�ai
a Lid Hensatioa.
is believed when She saw
fatal.. The first car wab�a kgeight and Was
violently forward, Striking the Seat in fro4t,
man, is deserving of bBpeoial commOnda-
The other prisoner's hissed him. The'sen.
Case was ho�eless ille told fibs Authorities
not seriously ii3jure&; the - next was the
baggage and express oar, which wits
while the newspaper flow fi om my hand.
�he our, Stopped. it. Seemed,'
A41 to tremble
tiou. At. the greatest, ossible personal
,risk he flagged the down. trai, Standing On
Bation had scarce ly EiHbaideiI efore �Carey
egg box. Thegur
Stopped into the with rige
the evidence -he was,sbfe Ao -give. It is
�ziown she often Visited the, castle.
entirely derholi8lied, and its timbers
like ia, leaf, but dill, -not leave the track.
the track till -thei, last moment," and then
'down, the
amon get � the prisoners was unbounded.
The priBonora: ponAraittted for trial
Personal iftecitab and Dramatic Ex.
telescoped the'first passenger car'and-was
K the,
�Hurrying'to the do or, .w-6,,saw
'I earful
C the,
j limping embankment. The
engineer reversi 3d the engine, and'as a conot
The, counsel for� tile prisoners (jbj,e oted
to tIA6 question �Of Ahe ' Grow n
'no lude all'that were under exaz ph lation,
except Whelan.. Tfi��dbiio in court to -day
car. On' - entering this, oat a most heart-
'!ruin. The" two oti,fi . tblour
Roque 0
---I Allu 6a to- I
lial-nd -d &toy,, Xs
Ft ora the Hamilton TimEs;-7-7�
rendifig sight met.the eye.. Sevc iral persons
d ide by al -like
traia�lay in the h
if the train had been -goibg'at her ordinary
11 an infamous witness " Great ex ftement
has been the c , lougness of Carey
ThUrsday eyenin the
weris -coi so
gred, ors eswthe a team escaping III dense
followed, add the remark diew a sharF
when under examination. Miss Nally�
ton weiG Startled by the news that: a
noonesuppose'dit were possible that they
volumeB and partil y biding from view for a
, Albert Lyons as �one of 'the first to
rebuke, from �Ihe magistrate. : Carey
�ecretary of the Ladieb"Laiid1eague, was
terribIQ ccident- had happen . 6d, on. the
could be reacued withou t suchinjuries As
ould � prove fatal.
time tbe� confused wreck. The Finuoking,
baggage and express care, the I �wo engines
roach the Ficen e. livos fully halt E6 Mile
from whe to the oolligion occurrei1i ' The
deposed that he joined theFenian Brother-
hood in 18G2. lie mentioned ",Auembe0
I the gallery of the court -room.
poBbd to . Beeing
One O'Neil, de a cab in
Grand Trunk 'Railway, near Dundas, and
The pries for he'lp, added to the excitement
andtanderal.of.oartrain. werotwiBted and
noise of the smash he says, was like a loud
of the Fenian directory Thomas..Brentiani
the park On the, day of � thd nilrder,
the.reports circulated -at first were gibatly
caused by the . car. taking fire from: � be
Stove, made, a adene:never to be forgotten.
torn'in every 6onceivE �ble Shape, but this
waE i not'all, for the engine and'tenderofNo.
report of tbunderi And he' did not ridentified
to eat his Supper after lie heard. it. He
late. Secretary of the Land League, and
James, O'Connor; -Carey-- spoke 80 low
FitzHarris the driver. One
Murray gave similar . evidence.. .- The
exaggerated,. the number ..of killed being
Ode man was So completely covered by the
�8 fa Oil the btiler,aide of the tra k, and the
took Charge- of the valuable horse'.which
I .. . I � .
that the prisoners in the * dodk cried,
four occupants of.:the* car usei the
variously estimated. from 200 tb.50.. There
timber a that'all that could be 130 eH were the
baggage lso dernoliBlied. The�
was saved from the,,wreck, and seethed
peak UP.,,: He depbBed lie was always
assassins weke-then placed in the front of
was great excitement in.the city, in D and 1
hand and part of the. aim which he: kept
9moking oa on No. 7 con tAine& probab ly a.
greatly amused at the confesBion,.of the
�h e treasurer of the Fenian Brotherhood.
the (look for identificat�ioll by Godden, the
and in the neighboring country, and thou-
Constantly in, motion, allowing the, man
do IS, including,men aud,w Oloel],
zen persox
injured mall *he had charge of the aniinal:
The funds, Carey gaid' wee, Always in, a
pailt rai olger.� AS Carey -Pabged-the dock
sands flocked to the B6ene. Whe: reporters
was alive and cout 3cious. The ailexit motion
.some Of the number being weill.diesadd and
11 I am not caring for myself; the horse
badotate. (Oo6oftha prigonilis remarked,.
ullitt struck at' 'hidi'�'fbucbing his head.
of the 1and was constantly, pleading for
respectable'emigrante. Thisoarwascom-
."Becauge- you pocketed' thein.") The
Carey turned 110 . ex.poetalate,, but � was
of the Tiarns gathered the information
help. The: brave in 6u' worked, like hero-ep
!,Plet6lY telescoped, by the baggage car, and
1[i uest'on Edward IfIaso ad T.. S.'
witness continued: Duribghia can a
-the Witness
Pushed. to table by. a detective.
which follows
till &Ili were finall tea Held, and wonderful
y .0
to Bay,. only one, fmally'injured.. Thispoor
was - Those
reduced' to; . matchwood.'
who P seeped - instantly, Set to work
with the sbciezy several Persons, we
by the 6 ourt-Martial of the organization.
Carey produceda,c6p i e2naies
y of the e
Journal from his pocket, to coall in the
man .had -big head crushed, and his
rescuing the unfortunate victims
Yesterday the bodiew of Edward Mason,
Up to 3:879 inf6riners Only were -tried�,
Statement with regar'd,to the determination
The Pao o.,7, from the east
ific Express, N
death Musthavebeen almost in�tantaneous.
We , buried ben' ath the
re a
Jh a-enginier, ancfThbiaitis St�hley PonglAs,
EwariI McCaffrey wus prior to November,
of the conspira� tora to murdek"Burkb. Hia
'action preatellasensatioll
Should have arrived at. Hamilton At
.0 - I -I 'i�a
He man said 0, mb, 11 a just:going
ruins., Axes crowbars � were brought
paseenger, Who were killed. in -Thurs.
1881, &� member of lie Organization.
in court.. t is
2.45 was about two.. hours behind tim:
from .ione-car into the other and was
-the moaupandcribs
day night's disa'ier 'on the Grand Trunk
In that thouth he' , brt
ought Walsh to
expec��gd`the Prisonera will be tried dii
leaving this depot forthe west. , T be
thrown right on the top of the car.,, he
I prisonedwerehe
-the, woun ded and in
lay. Side by side -at essBlsoh-,
Carey's. house. who was
Marcli., The Crown ,stated he
in charge, of. Conductor'llamilton'-(son
Was only slight injured. Another said:
irending to,hear, And for a time fresh he rror
ford 5z, Dwyer'g,est bli liment, Charles
from fille north- of England, -told- Carey
is to Produce
hoped tQ'be, a;b Number L"
.!� r
ie 1.,�Of the late Dr. Hamilton,'of Flamboro',),
I was sitting in the car .1 and had just time
f th'
wag added to the "Obene,when. part o B,
street. They 'were, viewed :1 by Coroner
his mission in-DLibiin.was to Mike history.
The priB 6ners Worst remanded for' formal
and was fairly filled with passengers. � The
to dodge in d from a passing timber.
y 4e&
wrsc k took fire., Fortunately It wai,eaaily
iWfifte'an d a jury of inquest at 3 o'clock in
Carey Istestimorl yehows'that- the assaarn.
inittaA id-woriow. It � is understood
Day Expregs, (No. 8) from the west_ (06u'
froin.the baggage oar, which would, have.
extingiiiBlied.. At one Portion of:the wreck
the' afternoon, prior'to the investfoatio-in
ation gang Was Organized in'coiiseqteuoe'.of
the prisoners willbe; -tried before a Special
--ductor Thorpe and Engineer Hofford) was
probably taken my head off if I had not
it w6man'sarm exposed fFom beneath: saw
beginning at. the Americati Hotel.7 The
orders brought.from London by Walsh, the.
cOmmission of three judges.' It is runiored.
eight or beA minutes behind time,
d instead'of Dundsa'
done I then managed 'to crawl but
the- brolidn"ti mbe rs, and from its - appear.
names, of the jury are; Messrs. a es C.
Clerhin well Fenian. No incident of 'the
the Government :will adopt- measures. to
the throughout
kme way aiid'was -not nine" h hurt." The
l,nes'judged,that she w1A When extri.
McKeand, Johii A., Orr Andrew Render.
trial caused g'rgab, Sensation as Carey
8uPI n6as -N ational-eague
4 , ceeded on its way towards Hamilton. When
the train despatcher at'London Aiscovered.
baggage Man and"ekoi6g§-'Messenger on
this train escaped, and the wonder If all
catied-i however'�, she was found t6 be alive
Very. . seriously injured.
add not� At
son jjohn-HoodlessL Thomas mckay:,-Alfred
J. Taylor,, F.' Mitchell, Win. H.
turning infornier an". official -
position! he was regarded by the secret
land,_Tfie 0i y ..making
Ipe :)lice aie� activel
�rria_ts_and alaigiskAig! the meetings of' the
thatsome one�-ha�d, bh4p -apred, he did his
u1`m0Sf _f0Yh-a-,ve-1l1efr-AiRssi
too 4te. The Dutidas- *bell
made-iwheu. there was such. it 'Comp
another'Place one of the rescuing party,in
v -piece p o en
163--effo-rt-fo-Fa—iile a bliay Uf-br-6k �J
Pinch Joseph-: Philp, Thomas Marsden,
IC . � lnorgan--A-dYm�'Zl
arles I mmerman,
Bpcie ties .'.as a Safe man; and trusted with
all el.Lbague. 'He- is His in 9
ileaguers. it is said anumber, of leading
nationalists-arei going -to -America -to -00i
funds to defend the
WAS- operator,
wreck of'the Car?. -The Men-coulid only say
oar, chati.ced to lace his wiffiout,
Wellington eriden, Wad., J.Waagh, Goo.
a, .61ea th' Phoenix Park
couspirators now
he�,ieceived instructions to Stop No.
-they didn't kdow how they. got out Much, across,tbe, lbg,of A� wounded man,
A� Young and Rob F ak. Gea.
ert - 4pays. 2
marde aiid
tore, onaises to tell theCourt
trial. -
di out of the office, but she had passed,
the zomaphore,'and his cribs war e ubelle4s.,
P aigi§ :is due tU. official -01 the trains
for'tb e#� The ks to Save the Sufferers.
whose cry at this aditioual torture was
painful to bear.' A. 'moment -before the
A, Young was unanimo am
usly chosen for' an.
Hughalkei'testified-Live in Gnelph,'
all he knows. The ex'fagiorl of the Public
from the examination excited a -g reut deal
ounsel; af ter the
The Crown C committal,
f, the orlsonei h'
it Was wit great
aware of pending,disa'
were made -the a-
ter, but too late, the and,
-Puffai—Z v At
at. ompay
h: once put
etc., isposul of "any
big driver, We are' running. into another
iindertakers'� establishme'ut identify. him,
tives and iie.w6pap6r' men are allowed in-
that th6 Crown cbepted the
Wi euqe,, o
0 8
due t in tigai6r �of the tragedy. It
cina who :Would oouvey ti4em o �the
train or an expkeks:16n to that'..�eff t,
aB�Tho mas: Stabley.Dduglas he lived In:
the court. Oatside the: d,
jail'there are.,igre'�
Pacific coach was seen diaappg�ring ov I or
wounded, and everybody be
though h ted them seeing
k�_, -preved
'h '
ClarksoD, Mbaro Count t
y, NeW"-Y6rk; las
crokd, ., it is will com-
8 said Carev's Story
;hag been done, however, a the of
the ardins Bridge..
anxious to do'ull-�, possible to relieve., the
a V1 T ,.instant he reversed his
saw I�im . Alive last April ; he always
plete.the evide nee ior.�t�e
�iufferllig and lend any assistance possible.
engine, and done thig biav6ly
and faithfully, both sprang- for, their
eDjoy oil good health a�' far as Iknow ,
d W.
eceasedl IS my'son-in-la'
Said r s. Byrije brotight from London the
revolvers and Winchester
He trusted the Emeeutivd; w ould thereby'
obtain. pow er t1o'p6rifectly: penalratethis
ww. terrible., It about a mile
and a balfeastof Duridasi on the curve,
The universal verdict,wa's that lu',WiO
Jess thau a thiracle that such &:frightful
A man, Jivi
-lives. Young ug , in
Edwin Tingley tefltified�-Sawihe body
rifles. it during WeB
.�fearful orgaui�atiou., He hoped, to 'wake'
just opposite, the farms: of Mr. � Tli�
�magh-up could occur with so little logs of
th e vicinity 'of where. the gecideH
he thought from
of 11 d. ward iigoa - bad. known him nearlv
882 to is in -ve Forster aV
", 0
ice -'the plotters.
-amenableto-just as well As
the etrAit"ra bt thei,H�urdei.
Caldwell, of West Plaffiburo, on, the north','
and Mr. Jeremiah Lyons; -ori the gouthiside,
.,,of.po r,
life. The lifeless foim 6 son. Wits.
Ahe cab
taken from' of. his engine, where he
t ranspired, told me that
the g.reat noise andvibration of tho'ground
26 years last:saw' him alive, 6h Tuesday
morningi about T30 ; he was then, " far
a point op ogite St'.-Uark's Churob, Bruce-
wick street.." All tile Prisoners �meb Around
This Freethan's Journal saysIlAw mygtery
aud�precisely at the spot where Poole
had sto6d:.ito his post till, the and
-just ,
that a part Of the xuoutitain had,fallen.
AS I know, in big usual health.; he was ad
the Royal OaktavernodMay 6th except
f the' 1 Park Murders is only hAlf'
suoposed to. hav'o ge�n murdered . last
InAny, as t e ablied, him,. dropped EL .
- 6 Mason's, body� wag picked up, I -was
engineer on, the G.� W.: Division the
Janes, Mul lit,. who wmaimprisone d. CAroy
unfolded.., e must a the, deno
Wait uement.
'winter. The aceiie which U ed
tear'While tile words P66r-Toddy P we re
Inforined that an ord6i was found ii'obe of
Grad d Trunk Railway - he was an engineer
Swore that licand'othi meml:lers -of 'th6l
before 0
expressing a verdict.' The prospe ..whoul
the locomotives caale together"is Fluid to
lit ered.
big Pockets to, Pass -Ne. SL at Dundas.,'
oaUe G.LW.-R. for,fouriee'tl or.fifteen
Assassination Society'bolieved7tbo funds
IS that the mystei�.will be Sounded to�the
have bee ii pas t.desoriptiou. Thilhisaiiigof
the steam frota the wrecked
The,eilgineer of No. 8 said' that he had
:.ass -No. 7 at Hamilton, so that
. To the,F oreman-He sconsidered 9,
urdercamefronit an
for the in heL dLeagiAe.
He related * the. parsistent�. : dogging of.
very bottom.! 1j" if_h e-
yi.ill fipd" bis way to; the gallows, wh
Motives, mingled with- �the, Cribs of
thoie wer
Mr. dbarle6"F ield, this blity' a
ass 8L, L
r eager on No. trialu,,oii big way,from'
fearful blunder'Aniast hate been
'somewhere. ; L was informed b y a young
: Steady mati and. a good engineer, �Iaid if lie�
not been a 6fi he we'
had. U uld not have.cccum
-Forater.for days', with a View to hig murder.
He swoie the Murderers were Posted" I
tbe.praver,of every honest iZan.
� The. trench 'Chen ba�e
P beenL requested L
nL e Nvounded
everbe forgot tep.4,by -. those Who heard
Brantford to-Hamiltou. When the 6011j�ioii'
n who -the track that they
-1 .
pied the position So long.� L
cerolDig-Foratei's-rdovements by 'telegrams
to prevent,Byrne'8 ebcape, into. Spsi It
there. An instidn't and three Ponderous
occurred he the the
third our froul
ew in the D station �tha t an acei-
W. G. Stark, M.D., sworn---�H av e I -so L en
r I o L in Loudon,, ten ai bly. about- racing. He
L is houglit'-prob e he will, return tb,
locomotives lay completely Wrecked across.
the' track. The belong'ng 'O�' tlie-�
enigine,.: Co, nductoi Thorpe was'also'iii this
C,%r and was thrown forward by, the etc It,
dent waS inevitable.' T train rdeapaicber
at Hamilton bad'telegr.aphed to the'Londou
bodies viewed by'thel jury. In the- case
of Thomas Stanley 'Do lights the iinjUries'L
said he dr6v'e With - his Children in -a dab
to the first tendezvous',of the murderer
Aou,aud give the &uthorities� an opportu-
nity ti) arrO�t him. I it acarrested he will
PaCiflbll�Ad�heir headSCOMP16telyLturned
but, waK not injured.. Mr. Field. t
the triiiii had. -run oil the, track, when he
t No. Thad left the, former -place
at a. certain hour. L -despatchei ai Lon-
eq eat were'the fOIIOWiDg A fracture of
'the lower jaw.�.. So far as. externai exami-
After lie alighted Fitzharris'wm to Arive
them horne. It w" Brady *.he took his
assiB def6ne.. She is 'a Con.
his wife's
8UMptive. 'Brefinati, who% was thought to
V) the and lay side by, Side, all:
broken up. I t was. with the utmost'diffi..
lo'oked: out and sai�. the eng no of No. 8
lying Slowed round at bide of the tr"'ck-
-don t elographed'eo'hold No. 8
nation goes parts of the froutal�paridtal and,
-prine . I— I
Share as the ipaA stabber, and' Who
In I b ' A berica, :was Ili L6ndo!l:FridA,y. It
stated that name of. ,,No. li" is
cult that oa of the railway employs
y e
he othigi two engines were uoti-'th eu In
uutil� No. 7 had But
before th4t�mossage reached Dundas No. 8
tem Oral boneBof the'right Side of the Y
were fractured and dhven in', evidently the
afterwards edt, Burka!a threat' Ca'
, . rey
faTther!?depos6d that all the incould
OliverJustin McCarthy.' It. is, said - that
disc!) ver their tlu:�beia (51,aud 7') fOr
the intpruiation-of the reporter, ad. baill y
view. '; Hastening forward, Mr. Field. C6M_
gone and wag:L'rushing itowards,the
r U The right:ear was
Be � It of direct violence,
6 x0ept one were members cf- the organi�a-
�Sheridaii WAS-, kriown to :� Mr. 'Parnell
the ctLb% smashed: Xhe. engine (No. 2)
mence'd"working at the debris., The Bootle
lace of destruction and death. Those,in thei,
toili off.and other flesh..and: Scalp wounds,
6ou; as was also Frauk.Byrnej of', London,
; yillactive League
of the Day Expreasturnedtothosouth,and
in the , extreme. Nothing
could be heard but the I,oad noise.of the
D' das,Btatiou thereforej.-knevir that�tfte.
were visible. Theiinjuries wero cpch
Whose. wife brought the arms. Re, Swore
His relations with Mr. Parnell�
:In this *'capacity.i McCarthy said Byrne�
also layonitasi& The bagga
lifobd,fL ge car of
this train was rom its. trucksi and
ognaping.steana froiaLthe three boilers, the
t'affig must but. they: were
utterly helplees,.and the only, hope they
F36N -ere nature that death must .,have taken
place shoril�pAf ter they Were received. -In.
e and re o in A r
§teph u Leonarda 11 m6 lea,
And ofkWhelo6bwaiiLiota��a�ti�beroftli6
I a pooftion,_ in cobfederadou
bed the Land
was 16anin- over ag�if about to, topple� into
shrill shrieks Ci the women who, were� faB-
-teried among the ruins. The passengers
. was that. the' Dotive
. had meb on the respi
rh 6 cage' of Ed W I at(] I Mason, I found a large
fiVizicibles.* 'Clifford 'Lloyd's riam I e w . a I a
:since the tirool Bu tt,andShaw. Howas
': known to All- the membeis of the Irish
the ditch. Tho.other- portion of tlie-train
-was not greatly damAged. The through
from both , traing. round
, r or� Bee,in in
engines might hea t' ie'�to pre-.
-,veut the calami y.
Edalp Wourldi, extending b'hekwaid from th e
forehL ral incli6g, the scal� being re-
aad Beve
Men'tIOD611, Sheridau,-nifter he1eft'the
Angel Was going to the west of Ii jand
�party as a quietL.reeectuble, Mau, and
express car of the Pacific was baalyL.
the,:, 'spot ad stood stupidly , star-
rag at the scene, until � roused
flected goal e.. distance from the a Of.L.the
o spread 'the. s�ciety.' McCaffrey Sue-
.-Was,1110011061 vable he &fUld fiwm had any-
a urders".
th in9
thing to do With
smashed and the local hag ago car And the
smoker were fairly te leacoped 'into'
to exertion by Conductor Hamilton 'and
One of the few passengers in the Second
class car which- was �eleSC6ped WA . B Leo
wound. � The body and legs, More particu-
larly on the side, were severely
op8sor wa's only kriown to' conBpiratora as
I 'Figure J."L wo Lprevious chairmen ofthe.
other. Taking. it all in- all the wreck Was
others. one," as, id Mr.. Field up.
0aipa to know how many �eopleL'Zi.. I..
Von We t
a e a Brm.n showman. e has
scalded. : 0 I.bave
ex,),minati n
or arey
ganizW6d, C -said, were promotel.
-- - -------
one of the worst-wbich hag ever-beetl7ge-6ff-
the Gr Western ;.Division
ad what to'd6L 'to save � theL M.
been travelling h P
wit orepaugh's' show.
-4 ;horse ,
e, I am of the opinion ft ha �.t p r o a b I e
cause of.death wag'inhala the
They were Thee. Blankeny aad 04Counor.
He djd'not know, Who conkituted tile
111innem6lit Defialtion
-on pat. of -the
ayste'm. kfbe.r the collision assistance,
That ther there we W" be-
botild hear the, shrieks of- woman.
trick Mosqu'e'taire,'and ex-
with h him ls�st*eek in- the Aquari -
lum at,
external ibi4ries"alone:not- being Sufficient'Cbuucil,,pr from whordtibey had
-An American' exchange gives the 1011OW.L
'ing definitioubf v, bliziard -
rolldered from the farmhouse
help from 119113ilto"
-mear by slid n was Soon at*
�Coudacttir No; 7 train, 'Hot. a
N ew Yorik" He was on is Way,to Chicago.,
IF' lCrBeL WaS Irla. beaded freigh% car,next
to cause immediate death
The coroner Stated that ]-is did"t not pur-
dir u r ko o nee cf,
ections'; them by
hrough. the V'��_X�gal: g'Ounda , in--
%..rather hurt yr from Fargo that'
d' Ze h
'of Dakota'; banan Hades in
haril Theuufo L rtuilmto'pasil6ngers who;were,
Cod by' e debris
vig rouHly with, au,'&x4l.' He wor e i
0 1, d -th
to"the engine; and he h tho
poBe calling any re, evidence just: now.
t would be� be-ttet a
etead. of bV the main road. Carey cor,
'hot ted 'Kav In e -,L ..
to a ery
Smells as and.
-ubout Cqual propo ion i , dllaf1ealth,
extricated by the Superhuman efforts of the
ImoBt,-BiAperhumau onergy-and, to'CLe"!
others to w6A�k too'. H6 got right-dri. andia
Second. t at
I .
b I Saidking-car'Lin the plug train'
day next week, w en L
&Bt of filic t
h the r es
detkil HoL 6abdit ted ung'kingL the. hand.
and invigoiatea the feeble wohderfally. In
we have never, Been au, in Valid. siliff
�firaizj haudH si this other.s. who haaegoaped'
,injury. The in thei smokei, had
-the � inasB'oforushed timbers and iron -work
'Whe the collision took 'place and he 'Was
of ibe��ruiu,,ihe firstAhing
)uld be eayfact,
the foreman, so, ested that
k6kch ief sign AL
uutilMonday, 6n the appliettioll of,' gel
0 DeLihat he didn't after
b6ah thrown.
before e
bad Coss
Iug.; The two poor
women who' had-beeaL.iliL hP
9013 out he Said-
Xever Mind
was,,, me; go, and save My
as the case: was So important, the jury
for the 'prisoners.
its fleeing perfumes. During its three da�s'
is at tialea
violently at -'�he post -office com,
UP anliall to�
part ment, dd he tskeHlfrolii the
a cond.c a
e lassicars we-re,cryiog oat pitifully
horse, IL Mr. V6n.Westo was badly huru
t he knee and brought, to
p the
should visit the, p ace wher acciden . t
happened prior:'to the close. of the investi.
A Londou cablegram, da d yeaterda:y
slightly plouded� by patent process sii,)w-
t Lad of
t,,.n e the car which was in ruins. As
from somewhere iu'the ruinsi - Hamilton
shouted out'to them all the Germau-.he
'I,. the
on big L was
'Royal Hotel arrival in tbs. city. 'A
this means they could. arrive a
There is reasbil to believe
d AM conuerning 'th
that thera� is, 110 L On a
flakes, but it all cohes back shortly as, fresh
; U� tale too_
�as a me n -a very gh....the
work o� rescue w,as'goingon 16,portio'n of
'the woodwork -took fire, adding to the terrors,
kdaw��Yaw, yaw!' and they shouted
reporter of 'the T=E'� Interviewed hi in this
morning. 6 IS
H a' firle-looking"
a raore Intelligent vordict�
The majority of the jury concurred in
riarnes or identity of tile man , referred to
L . .., Lgefi O' t� L of.
bde�and. I people'' U the,
. L '
bfL the Situation, but it was, Speer i
yaw,, yaw 1,
back to hi in. Several,of u
got browbaria and did our uliabat'L to 'help�
L Mau, with
an aristooratic"fa6b'and.m%tiiier. He'said:
this idebti, and the railroad 6fficialg�placbd 8;,
by Carey as No. 1.11 It is believed .'he isL
-Concealed fu LOU o he - arrived
f', 1,
to ske ee lCgL
Hnow'.'driftav the Bad
igh�y glad'that they are here. .' Witho
all lit
extinguished. The injured Hengpra
Were attended by Dr. Mallo chi,
I�got UpLquite close to one. poor fellow
leg, I was,very anxious about my'liorso
t thd'dispogal of
-Spools, train 9, the coroner,
and -jury, The p ac aR examined
witbintlielastf6rt y0ei4ht h
its,blizzarda this country would be'nb better
- prom pbly
r. Husband, Dr. Gen. MacKdlo'an and
had ad
big he, 6auglit. be-
tween * two i seats, - 'and � owild not
, atige you see, he is th. e only means
have_ 6i making my bread and butter.
thoroughly tefoib,.the, g9utlemen returned
. L
It is stated that Byrne is now'&b Cannes,
suffering froth p4thieig-. Waleb. is also
%than any'other. L Like eavilig tomatoes. it
t"es a little practice to appieciate abiz-,
:other physicians who had been senC out to
free. , This visa
get Levorce. He
He is a, � dancing gaddle-horse, ad
to -thb city__�:
believed to be iu,,Fraao9.'.: He' 'is the
zard.w.ithecBtu�y,bu�the lovocomes Sooner
the.scone.. Only one. paseedger was killed.
-sitting In i
He had been The smoking, oar
Wits'. , a " plucky fellow. I.did not hear.a
'is very clever and. well -trained. ;I don't
.New,caetle agiitator, not. the Clerkenwell
ior later.. 'Very fe '-�mb
W . U who havel"iii:kon
Aieu�. the end, and his hei ad *as jammed
sound from him,. L and thought him' dead.
under9tandL how I escaped with my life
to ,
man named The a fKaffou- -fted
-in-fwPhty�or-Abirty, yearA' bliml,rds ever
in a fearful manner. Its L identified as'
BUt Wh I took sA
e t in order to -feel
big- pult3o he Call' ght me.b3i the band, and
egging L a miracle Inc. The car was
crowded before ihe train arriv ed in Hamil-.
at the hotel in -Gravenhurst yesterday imi
mediatOlY after the ar'rivl�l' of'i the stage-
It is -reported that Byrne and &'number
of btEeks Will be arreAted,---incl I ding the
the 06ULtiy,�UdleoH
leave u blown but or,
trans Ported: for g1rand larceny. Thbpri IH_
Thomas 1) ougl'as, who forMerly.-,..kept,.a
store in us an moved to
,igroce G I Ii d
grpped it -1 did my. be'Bt to got his
ion,'_butLaearly every one �ot�oub,therb,�a' nd
from.. the nor 0 , U which .4e 'was a
mat lz%&B of the Land League funds. The
cipal causes oi'blizzard w are wind and SHOW,
Xy p ,
tockport, N. Y. The -body as laid out
but.wag not able. t
e6.ri it.
Those Who 'were , working near by with
when it there were -only seven of us, in
the car�two , Germs their i '
Us WitbL� wlye0l
passenger -from HantBVML�' No person'.
knowB,,AaythiAig about'hini and--ib'6 above
f ineat
dames o six Proin politicians ai6
Ad ntioned. One turner Pays P. J.
whose- conscious intelligences are Vn &
� un'
fear. They don'Chutt agricuttare or, her
On the bank and afteiwards placed into one,
the -other cars and brouallt faRam"torl
0 b'sk, to get at the We
C r w 8 Were crushing
b Man Who V�ag killed'
t e youni er man
iihed f old letters in
4ddreBs is buly,obt rom
Sited. IVie Atuted-1 Num er,. was
is arre" emen
ti nL, No t
iculture' no of our orange 'reeB.
bythe auxt tary.
Levbr6ets head tighter' hot w6en 'the two
goata'�.by� efforta but the - brave
and myself. I'was Flitting in the fourth
seat fro rn� othe - from tL of 'the, Car, and the
e From other papexg in big pc;s,,
his vali�" .
barn in the Indies.* . is, mother iaL
French and his 'He was� for-
hav 6 ever been injured bi blizzards.
Mr. Edward Mason,the engineer of,tho
Facifia'a MUBt. �,havebeen killedin.
fellow, never Uttered a sound. His head
young, commercial traveller was" Bitting -in
sesgio 1bere appear a b6, pa L rtially�
w. ritten letterL:to hiBLifb iii, England
Merly captain in thiB'British Eabt India
Sommerville Lanark
otantaneously. At the itimc of the Coll
was badly jaiumed-, I don't sea
he can recover. Poor Douglas",
s6at-behindL me. When
came I seemed to be lifted up t hrough the
Albert'Willche', the Gorman w o com
Bervicli, and-, afierwards�. a. 001013 1 Lin the
French Army'L during the* Frdneo-German
has b' rued logs,X20,606.
een bu
it is said, he was Bitting tba�aoat in the
body w'as'lying -close,, to Levoice. Tw I 0 or
top of tile: bar, and then driven down it
Mit - fed suicide in M6iitreal yesterday at
war. Tows, rdstbe Close Of the war he went
f, H:,
The Kin 0 , aaii: was crowned at
Honolulu on the 12th 'I I net. in pres en oe, of.
cab With one leg over the end. abil.the
oth the Side, and was -not
three others : and- myself' carried 1 the body
The head
longth;wiso. My leg was h Id fast initbe
debris, I had to. %York hard to , it,
the. MoGill,'street restaurant, seems to have
epome despondent., He left his situaion
to Ireland with letters froni the BOHa'
70 QOO people.
or the look -out from the 'fact fhat� the
out.ofihe'ruing. side o,"� the Was
compliezely crushed in., The two -German
the L get
loose. I heard.: borhe�L
last week because the girls employed there.
&rtistp,his-objectibeiDg to raise a
- I
which'be' enlisted ostensibly for the arabu'-,
"Mr. Chamberlain,! President of the Board
regigned his,inewbership
vie,oi here (on the curve) is impe ed. His
fireman, Frank WillialaEl, Ca;Ughb a glance'
I Were got out Wil�hoilt
women a great, deal f
difficulty, without
below me. Yinally I wrenched rr leg�
free and jumped from, tlle�'wrock own to
laugb6d. at,him. He Ap�6ars� to have par-
ed a Piece of clotheHlibe,:stepped into
lance service. . He served principally under
of Trade, hag -of
I the Reform Club.
of the headlight of No� 8 And Lj limped. iL. He
and any broken' bones.-.
Th eir escap I a was little I Short of miraculou I a.
e grou
th ind, whore,, I - faiiited,, but - qdickly
a Cupboard and had gell -himself.
General Bourbaki.
Twenty-one of e priso I nerB have been
The, w%r'H_forthcoming al'anifesto Will
landed Ili the Allow on his head, but was
not hurt xu the 4lightest. Mason's�body
There Was a lady passenger who did more
recoveied and climbed up the bank. When'
'He wag in a Bitting posture when found and
wa� 3 quite ead.
itted for trial tOL answer to 'a' -urge
Comm chi
offer the,peaBantry loans 'for the purchase
improvement land.
was got' out, and laid on the bank at
work than any man therb. Shortlyaftertbe
collision'she came up to the, spot from a
'I got to the top I fell add could
not move. any. t. the
as daynijbi-las Donald,MeLel-I
On Wed a I I
of murdering ord Cavekdfqh and, Mr.
Burke. Jos. Smith haB,'turne&iufor66r,
and of theii
�: The force of Police gqarding Mr. Glad-
the side OE 6 qngiun, add was subsequently.
taken, by order of Coroner. Mmomahon, to
I I did
rear car and, Splendid. work, Ila
time of the collision I had my legs stretched
Ian', belonging t'o,Little Harbor, P.E.I., left
arid Patrick Whelau has been liberated on
Stone at Canue6 . has been doubled, add a
Dundas, with a view of holding' all in-
asBiating the'injured-JThis-lady wag Mrs.
A. M. Wilson, of Boston, who Was in oueo , f
011 froat:ofme. It was lucky I
W313 11, this;pgBifiou-, Ior nay legs would
�Souris A little after dark for his home, wall
was found on Tharsda y' morning'on Little
The e , x a in nation of the prisonerBpbar�ed-
at H' 12,
Strict watch has be en ordered ig ui
A Nihilist guicided atLSt. Petersbui g on
t H' kull was crushed 1 and
7rightfully disfigured. Be
the.Pullman, 0oacheB.), Manyof the Pao.
seugers on both trains were
beencrushed if I had,,bad them on the
floor. When �tfie onli'loibilL CN'M6 'I Was
Harbor Hill lroz'en Stiff. His feet were on
.'the Sleigh, And fast Ili the reins, while"hig
with conspiring to in urder was reBu,,'d
to -day. All the the dock.
Sunday because he'had bee'u,selected by's,
was dlBo badly Scalded through the
they te-ared-that the, boilers were going to
doubled up� and the seat. in front of me
head and - bodyirere 'lying on the frozen
Amid 'hisses one of the prisoners Shouted,
Society to murdor the C�ar on his
eDronation day,
bursting of the- water , gauge I A the,
engine. Mr. William Temple the veter an
-burst,. and a large numb at of person a were
seen -to malts for the woodB along the' track
came' forward and' struck � in the
breast." Air. Von Waste s4s. that this is
snow. There were trac6a (it blood oil his
face, likely caused,by falling; - His faithful
i The future Lord 'Mayor Carey.", Tile
latter SbOtlk his head menacingly at his for-
One Quinham, add twb-'meu named
engineer, w h6 was on the other locomotive
and lie down in the sno I wat a safe distance
not the boIias.beeii. wrecked. He
dog wits still sitting on the Sleigh watching
'i&i-comrade . Carey to -'day Spoke more
M%honey-j: -till ex -suspects belonging to
of the Pacific Expresg,6scaped With & Slight
from ille, ruins. The auxiliary train 'an
apd, his family, were on, board the B6eamer
I . .
over his unfortunate late master when the
confidently than on. Saturday, and
� Castle- Ireland, have boon aireSt.ed .....
bruise on the b ack. He jumped
rived on the scene about an hear after 'the
Bob iller *lion all 6 Went,down off, the Coast
body was discovered.
to -theorogo-examination. by counsel Sharply,
OP it charee of being,' members of the In-,
VabLinct. 'Big
the locomoti fireman escaped
uninjured. The baggage Man on No.'Thad,
accidentecarred. it consisted of an
engine and two
coaches., It took most
of.Euglwnd on the 7th -of May. 1870. All.
big family'were lost zad he', floated on a
At the �Oetober. term of the St. John,
County C6urt, 6, mail named Edwin
and testily. * He deposed B�mid the bissea of
the that be.,. elonged -to the
i The Italian aidbassador -at, Con stantino-
me arm, broken, a nd thq� exprp�a MeSspi)gpk.�,
w-'ag greatly
lgaba0e&w oat iVillise, 1;6F
I I ty._
_do �,tp(L hoiLr
pi( 3ked up by'& sailing -vessel. On this
, Fenian�i-b-�t..not-to--tl)-e-,.-S'upteme 'Council.
-The 'Faniana to.
016 has demandeid the ptinishinent of the
�pers onawb6ineultbil the lialianconaulat
frightened. The escape from death of,the'sa
occasiou he lost his�whple f6ifune (consist.
been preaching iii -Nova Scotia at a
"s-coalvicted of �adultery,:
6' t , of the - was
'06parate Irelaad1r6m England j..the'form4r
� Trip6li.and public patig&ctib4., � The Porte
i." two men Is simply Miraculous.
bliarie S� Trobiloock, of London Tow n-
ing of $82 000) besidea VL4 family', t6A Was
44 as sgiitonoed,to, ii year's I 'i 1361i'mient
h- d by -coercion,
country'being � t en, harasse
ba4 been inibrledthM An IWlian ironclad
ship, was. returning home from T'ozonto in
obligba,to go inib, big. resent business in
in jail in default of a heji�y fine. Thd
lie -ha& no,,id -that - Lord , Cavendish
, has g0ae to Tripoli,
Superiatezident� Sbiffi, along mith, Mr.
NO; 7., His narration of the event is ex.
tramelygraphic. H6i3ayg:. Ourtiaiii-01'
order to -obtain a lielilioo'd' Mr. Von
Westeiathe husbaudofMaAe. Cottrelli,
atinsef for tho-prxg6iie'r saked-the,cour-f-t6i
,w9s.tobomUidored,*bea. -M
- Llrish... -- ---- - ---
Doinville and Mr. Hobson, accompanied
the auxiliary train to the Scene of. the
about two hours late in,'10aving Ramiltoa.
the well-known, actress, wha is howin New
regervii but one point, namely, that ille
law of Marriage in the'State of Maine was%
&ttacked,, he, wag atnpefied when'be heard-
thb form�r's murder. . Being, examined,'
prisoners were Admitted to iho gal cry Of
th court at Dublin yesterday, 'iand warmly'
disaster, and the wounded were -tai our 0
it was an unusually long &ad lioav'one,
aud,w� as drawnput f., that city and.up the
York. The extent ofhig iujuries,is: merely
a, ll�ffly,bruisbd' leg, hich will 'probably
no6,:provbd at th oint L Was
eArial. -'. This
Careyl Said he gave in form %tiou-'rbgsr-ding
greeted the prisoners'. , The',prigoneia be'
Of and conveyed to the�on'cei. Those
whose condition were a onsidered critical
grado� by two engines. A-douseund almost
conflue him to his bed for two or'three d uY13-1decided
argued b efore the Supreme Court; and was'
yesterday - in -the'. prisoner's favor,
the murder two days Ago, when,,' everybody
6186 be was the last person 'to do .80,'
fore their'rei6oval from'court yerferday'.-
eac other I
shook hands 'h waftili.
were sent to ihb Ho4pital ;' others., to thd
hotela. The bound
impenetrable fog had settled down all,over
the. mountain," aul . . Udrgr
d he train h vat
The injured - at the City Hos pital are:
�the 'conviction being quashed
said he decided to give evidence
directly after be was' arrootea, tb6t�gli he
It is Stated, that the Prussian zeprej
eastern, passengers
were sent to their destinatl6u,and thi,iigh
difficulty, in getting U ed.
, P a rapid rateof ape
Wilhelm Kelpin, aged 25 ;MInna Kelpin
1. One Physician at Urbana,. O., said that
subilier hud killed a gmAll pox.'.patient by
did not do Be until Thursday. Carey., on
BentatiVe ','at the Vatican has been 1H_
15tructed to reply'to theRapal Sed feisty
western pas 11 � I
Bengers were sent round by the
I .. is informed by a trainmaii'afterAbo
Accident that we' had been' ru at
hisife, 23 ; ilhelm Mayer, aged
mistaking the. disease for measles. The'
be -examined by. the Crown couneel
I '!a
Stat6, that tLe letter'iof tihii_tope tolthe�
Ila -and Air Line,, '
Vito-careiliv hn�,
hij- -
" id��-A�tier-thd-publidption-of-tha-ot-tioles
not -4 or a S -41B.
two rate of fifteeE miles per hour. It
AilUat have been shout ton ruin utee after
Messman Aged 37; Win. MeBmitn, big
brother,, I 7,. and George Lavor6e, aged 21
a death by something worsethan ablundbi.
in the Freeman's urnal stating that all the
e a to�' be remov
w r ad from the
tuotory basis for an arrangement ot the
Rai 1. S. Williainson, of -tbf�, I ty'. was.
5 0,:
clock, �When- !the disalater occurred.
! I
VL to be
None of them 'Are: though dinger-
Suits, for damages wrei in progtesa.,
0, W 8
bustle, the inurder ot Mr. Murk� a
: q4eations batw n the Papacy anl!l,rrussia.
. I
. . . . . . . . . .