The New Era, 1883-02-09, Page 8-7- 1 ;7 77- --7 `T-� captain of the teamer Sultan: The Sultan ASSASSNATION SOCIETY., INFOAMERS 011111ERI�XG VVIDEXCr. 191furc, D iw% owri V14. 8 8 3 made- an unusimily, rapid passage,, and Nlyleg* Kavanagh, an informer, to -day , 0 Dlsorftirly Condu q'of. none ren I istudents. sigbted Borhum light etween fan4 2 Swore �hat he drdve'the'ctir �,on hich -the T o'clock oil Saturday morning. "The weabb6r- Allegerl Irish 'Approvers Givil:ig fiyealisallauts qBclpea 1-1 net ill oil A last �Tuosday) night's Moilt;eat dles� patch sa�ys:_ Meaio*i. students to, th hazy, and econ became, very fo,�gy� "Aw�ky�the Gang., dy, Immediately Park :was Tb to engines wore eased to a dead, mur era he was apprishewlqth�ind detal6ed Montreal tisleg number of one hundred kicked up a dia. be . as kept soundin, ram graceful rowto-day. About 2 6'elock i and t . teara whistle w two on suspicion of driven, the A hich the of Lord F� Were struck� with larili thiel�afternoon the afternobutbeyleft the McGill College, very few secods. , The captain and the MtRl� Ell REDUCED TO A BU SIXESS caon. w -ver F - : are -,9D �'the ridge, an -d two d t6wiA that another. t, d 0 our']Eli�r ' idred Go D.dwx .0avetidigh and Mr. turlie escaped. It. is when the newlp,reaahe glite� 611teiing ou -University 6tree an attempted butchery, of,,,a fa lneii.apd his _AiarQhls -�viith th r S1, t -W hands I:obhiug bout forward. -Suddenly the. re orted that six of the prioutiers in the o-,hy..- gue 014 dmasillead light8of asteamerwe 1porsf p oxisehold had taken place a t Lou t They' were66inpoSed'6f reprosentutiveli at -day offeied to beuonSe approvorB' gr re crAmona thetDoomed ftjcn�A to , eell all and, bout ten"IroileB down i6 St., LawreD6e, by, th but'up to the present time -the authorities, a all e m0jc�l 6elle seo'n t ' we �oints on the starboard hQ�,, ges of the, city, OF TH 90 &1% 111S. the Captain— I of the' . Sultan thought aocepted.oubi�- 11, d Th'f f flowa A;.r,EoMej carried in theirands the bones,,ot it' I th eep �Xarlcl_ A Stuiday'a Dublin cable Says: Twenty- two montbg skele ous. They"_oiiowde4int'o tho cour ined at the next bearing. It is t the,� DprOaChibg steamer Would . i . 'L I sonsrecendy arrested we're ilefoie the, are 'Rail ed a man named Timothy Milloy room �iAomie students were to have herLlcourge and go cat was noticed, one pot i, three other, ii-iformers, and -the Illetnilo. of the colilidolt a Urds, eta Ed w ley to work for him. The i2ew been tried for biody'-sDatobing, and 6adet however, tbat'ohe suddenly, poied and cour o S t y I rg ith conspiracy of -Poole,. D��inei and, Delaney are men- cameatround rapidly. .1twastuolatetodo to in arder officials. - The too 114 was crowded. tioned. detective� depar Ut hanciturnedouttobolao,,and YeStOrqay such an uproa that they were ordered to UeN. The' tme r iDlg but stop and revers'e, which a -discri he was discharged. Yesterday, morning '.leave. Apo'sse"ofpolioe soutfor arrived autli U1111abloll was exercised in the besieged:by perdus...offering to give ilhf7cir BERLIN, Jan �Tjw newo( of fearful dono. BY the time the engines bad revolved 4dmiSiOU Of thEl',CitiZelk�, 1�ud there'waw a �m II -ted persons left �Abou 7 o'clock Mr. Nesbitt went to the, and a row took place, in the course of which dii3rastt� r Io,the Ham burg. A Mail call s teamer on c, , the captain I nottded that the other 'large otom�d. outside. An informer , atio . Several suBpeo 8 . . a lain ow table, carrying p, sud wiw attondilig -blowg were given on both sidds, itind the, in are Dublin during the week. A detective is" Cimbrift, to his duties�there wilext theformer, servaut biAh co which. iNas publi6hud in BLrIM stbamer's port light was coming rapidly �har, Severed prisoners ificludiig Casey, pursuit of one �mpor't&lit 1, ifidividuak.-, The ustable drew a revolver'luld-cleiir thiBaiierno6i) sil.cultatteauHly with the news towards the Sulta., tbe� ext instant, member of the municipalit; attehded I a urchase of the revolver Ravine bacl when appeared and'asked to 1a taken on again. iho!way bef6re-him.,' The students wape Na�bitt told him that if lie took him bick then hustled out, their avili Eilild thigh bones of the death of P I immen§e with w�heie..Zh riuc6 Carl, anti Set] the great way sbe had oil, she caiight; Feniuri elliformer was Deteative� Cox wa ill be proved, very .: iweKgro� th bowsprit 'Jm'JiJer port foro'iiie- 8 of t,� 0 -fariner, taken from th6m,,an to of 'their� a asked to i0ill the inlier O&WO formed far the athe pur64ar, knves found near- it would be , �i,Iower wages'. 'The7. -were. hat he, n down *to 'look, li; Ftopp�d t 'his milk number i'th a b an as -rot eyleft. k4ow.i. lin. There wpio�, 110 gii�g, taking her-riglit around; There i�as �of officials., -The ilamb, of the 468idence. of the priso .1 til affieL In ners. Officlots..an crew aliA "B80 passe�gerb-, grekt colisterb,stion :aboard file Sltaii-, as the informer is Farrell. He, acku dJ Evidence'Will be givercof. %'Sum- cows. When the: villain draw a �ifitol returning as'theybad come.: Body-satch- 0-11 mo�t](Y:e M�Igr�fits from Pzu6si The ilt waB'fear'ed a so much larger vessel. iv�ould; having participated 4a a plot to as te' Mullet' a has beeriver�`frt�qaent, andthestudentEl ud fi're:d,!poiiit blank. at hig� late em- hig uposite, Stude, a bi Dimbria left Qle Bibe, 0, t� uk -bar. 'The SulDail's crew it juror. ' Re evilorb thfrt� Hanlon: informed for'n�eetillgs of 11C "Ployc.1 6, The,' appear- Mr. Xef;bXtt fell over, aEd.thell kot have can very impudeli'thi their thefts of ock,orr,,Weduesday afterioon; A de- Cimbri& to Stand- bv,:-but­ no reply in �iifti4at8d ill ibuUtel pt to, since of th'reeaftthe n �3n , arraigned io-day ey reass�mbled in frouit of .4 up;'nat" kilowing thkt,136,had best!. sli6b� bill, the graves, � Th the; had ex *16�ed'. the Court House' again, b6t,;& in Hamburg yesterday, received. The fog, murder Field,, a*'U& that Brady. Stabbed: �x Ailinhing thab� p ifatiy corraspond . the three Mnr_. sl qn�a ice � 6h firge, in tb a course o however, Saying rbnt on accounli'of tlie to" and. a few second's later the mate of the Field, and Relly also pariie-ipstW. Farrell derere of Lord F. Cavendish and Mr. Milloy theii picke up, aeavy snow shovel iou y pol the�steamr was urfable-t6 lea�e.th�a Elbe. Sultan saw. the Cimbria coming upon the algo testi and struck Nbsbitt'several tiMes. over, the which Si fied'.thaf threepence Was 'The making fiv x of them weie captured i.tild looked. collected' Biirkq. police 'intend This will, explAi why the ve�sed.reached otheir uidEi: He calleff-to the Qgrman lh,%sber� weeklyfromFe I to purcilif re arres�s. . Mullet, the alleged -leader head, breaking the shovel all' t9-Tieces. se�arms. The. -ino 'up. thedfilani1 of; Borkute� only eaily� on Friday to go at fall Speed This was aoao� oio - has been' marked into districts, and wh- u th The :twO then, qiincb�ed' and wrestod 0 0 assamnation,w The'farmler. broke a:way- f'rOm IiATlE !CAJI�LWAV kO M morning. Here in a depse-fogg the collision and the Cimbria.6gain crrl4ed the Sullfaa'e Military. illopecticips.wbre held occa tonally �v a,.L -h-dueb-ba6k; Tile Crow�a is con fident of 'together his assailant and ran towards the with the Hull' steamer Sultan took place. bows and :then An,exam- atL which most Of'the accused were present.' 'success in the piosbelition. Curley s One w e down in' -the- snow J, The here h fell all. � Accoidin to the inadon of the Sultan sholved that ili?qpper At one meeting Jobil Devoy, who bi�id he of -the "I Centres." g woulcl�be murderer ran 6,way from him A. pro'v'-jocial paper priDts,a story that &test information ere lost in- part of bef ha�vse pipe and eV"8rYthIDg for- came from,America, presided. Theorgalli-� LO-,,'rON, - Jan. 21 —A� special. corps, of -0011i -knocking �MrtWillimm�g. Vanderbilt, the President fie Cimbria disa0er.. Therewere 402 pas- ward was, driven through the s n zation bus existed for some y -ad andmadoa, blow at a sl�rlall, boy, ears. Pick Irish detectives re- , wafelalng the mdve� sengers and 94 officerei. and him down. - Eta then.,,littai4ied to break -of the New York Central Hudson crew on board; bulkhead into' the forecastle, where the Men, formed- the assassination corninittee. ments- 6f suspected persons � here Mr. into the h a I use with, The cold at the tiwe� of the,dis"ter was so crow -had a nrrovi the . ev�oent purpose escape , The SultaD. 'They were ignorant of e-ach other. River, Railroad,,. has rdered his mastei* Daniel Forsteri recently 0'&f. georeta'ry for intense that many,, peri-ilied: 'theretroin Mili..Nesbitt. Us commeac�a remained. on the Beene five hours. The. 'Curley gavel witilesB a revolver and told Ireland,'has r6cei Of,assalling Mechanics to'devise large and,fast lcco-'� ved a letter threUterang �o time, hi In to Stop, Mr. I I ors er s carriage, to batter in the front door, -but foftu- m6tives, I pablebflauling 15 heavy dr w before sinking into their -watery 'grave. captain heard no sorind th a whole 6ppbsite bIqup4bisreBide'hce; The question wba'�is to blame :for the and Was, Severely bl%MiD tbeGerm6,n cap- Bills' Jim - Rehy proved too much -tor film, and ing room cars, at the -rate of,60,mile Many to patEily i g quay, when and Joe Parnell has go'neto North Get cataStruphle will as to be settled fain bf the, Umbria for leaving without Braay, who v lbandoving his attempW be to the hour, I'll it the statement i vere to do"'the raln'ainder of,, inv6st-Jgate the factories for converting peat' a hthe prize of ��Q,000' for the best -plan by & 01,11 Y. Vie scenleg.on boatd ascertaining the Silltan's daniage. 11 h I, plot', failed through, a mistake-. Ho into stable -litter, whidh industry he desires stable and brought ont an tt (lf miliquir . 1 9 4 1 a ers a. mounfina it he viadeavored to make -: an engine 'that -will. adcomplisli.1his tb Ci for e wbria after the collision defy no idea theCimbria had foundered until he identified Rally, Brady,' Curley, Maluay,� to promote in Ireland. descrip I t ion, T1 I i I e passengers many .'Of arrived'at'Hain burg. Before the -collision his eacape an -the highway., However he work.', When a8ked by a.Tftnei reporter if -Dwyer. and in the piisbneis'. abandoned 'the animal, and was I uti, th whopi we're women and children, wake he heard 'no Bound from the Cimbria's Aock' an- hq�ving 'been on Euia, qany, ITIEL' bi Statement Were correct, Mi. Vanderbilk IT self Bhortly, afterwards arrested near replied: There is DO truth in that story. Suddenly and rughed bli'llck, bither and whietle. When he firBt'saw, her, the Gina- when. - the attempt was made to Way - thither, screamiDg with terror, First one bria was going full speed. Resupposesi,the lay.Mr.Forster. Curlaywas much,vexed, ImAgalt for file' Recover -Y of Prolicr.ty-yalut d Hochelaga. -Mrs. NeHbitt.harne'seedup a Why;" said he, 11 enginen leave the Grand -falother. 'Tilerd Sultiarl's,beatns ri�pedop ii the Cimbrh* at 111iindred lyfilliong-An team find :drove with Mr.' Nesbitt., to a Ce, -tbaib'u1l3 cars Wat was loaded, and then e at'tha, failure. Farrell said Brady, K:Ily� Dural Depot ever da, Y Y in (!;he Rark, Anglo-Akinericau Romance.. neighbor's house. Dr. MouBseau, of'Hoche- and run;at the rate of 60 miles an hour. were ei!ghi� boats,' but the 'Ebip Bank So plates. 1�,ttter is now in Limerick). was: SUEnlDOIle d find he' diRcov t d the road to, qrpcl We are no going rapidly oil the. Starboard side that followed Mr. Fore er's carritige in a cab oil I A Pittsburg (Pa.) telsigraria'says Pa laga, t pers TIRE HAILWAX the r. Th . a at that the man had been shot in the Deck, pidees-by putting on to IOU" lies. If one pas ixt a, it a another ocassiion, and' MacMaho ple into a in course o� preparation in this city for. on the port Bide were shot, agsilited by wateiii.g-oL the i4stitution of ejectment pr00E gh engine will not haul will put, -on the ran ledings for builetenteriDg the left, side tb tr. If. W-ei ous 171'ect'a Horrible Dealla n Twenty rcro' Argo muse e, �.foot:� Fariell describ d on -tile charge, the recovery of over 50,000 acres of land th p o ?P1 uld p 6ng through woand if necessary, add more trains.; 4-nickly #[led i a, bU Co' -San Franc Shoot as it� van rilan. is run,b not be launched oil a:lcount� of the A Situr.day's isco deqatbh ro'obsErved. -1.00&ted in northeastern New York, upon the wind pipe had' -lodge. tb't'sall. 'If Y scbedule 46 aDgle at which tba,sbip lay. The four, oil says -.' The overland express,, bound:oaBt hich is Bittkated the town- of Whitehall, the vessels of � the opposite sidq' of miles an -hour the-rilte is 60., Suppose, a oil the faces of Bowe of the prisoDers when �w 1, the.starboard side the water yesterday, stopped, near Tetatapi at rl�id- the - wi6uesa pr66eedtid wiib The property is estimated �as, worth 800- 'the ne6k'-, , the bulk'li "could "not''be ctop of 20161U�te4 is madefor reir6shmema, I - tra all O� . , story. Illion 61lars. T ild.` The prisoner when arrested had' 'and th 'train is la't6. the -conductor' will' but beat No iid those - in it night to. cut out an ax glue, Wbon be he claimants e 'rei�&- A' detailed the.conversatiob. with VJ -wt�it..the-full..time-at-the-iBtation A (TJp.ftbe_... struggled'for a "I, I up-a-grade.—vV-Iiile-mak-ing--Br�a&y,- pan -oll.bim-but-a-box-of-capa and t0e_r� . ivow�-aud- -descend -110�Wea Boat No. 7 under the commiaild of t116 tbp elfange the air-brukew relaxed, and the; indigi3siltlyAalled him it liar. The wicuelig 'Skene heir to ilia baronetcy 'of Skene., some small. Sized bi]iiIefB were,f6und in his eerroakeitup.' I do believe said'Mr. had -brakes be mg in . su crent S, supposition on, offiuer, with 28 persons, an(l*auother i - The i:aran4'aJanjily is s d'to have been, Pac ots- a,-- ' d M the train continued: Ou three Suceeesive evertings I k Regilve.,his naine-asTimothk tll.derbiltj" sinili�,ng: at hi boat with,11 perons, got away Safely, and the same persofis watched (ery.powerful, beil)g� near blood relatives. -all eng b the w7bich is 120 Milloy, 'and ine could run 140 miles an started back dow for the Chief I positively dEnied baviligred ,that if after drifting twelve hours were feet to 9 the mile. ' the train,. which, coP- Sedretary on Brulniwick street. alnes tO,f,%iDg,'of Scotland, and,�aei distinguished at Mi; Nesbitt or even aSmnitirlg The hour; and colll'd� cover 'EL, cert�in.dmtance i�%t near picked up sisted f two engines, express; msil� -and wound is believe& to. be very danger- haven. third boat - i 17, came one evelfiu,6.in a cab.; Cesey, 'by itsantiquity, ]bravery and Joyfi�ty,'as the rate of SO: Miles, the coDductor'woul� J I �-w-aa-p�6cue(I-by-the-b��rq.ae.-' r baggaygeqrs two sle�pers,orje coach and a allianbeg. and Gus, ailid .-the. sufferer 'seelmea.,fo be hold: the * trald� in order� to run at the full 7 Town C6utjchlq_rr6,�,ained -_in I e cab. by many noble arlay spoke to him, nUrL in bound frorn New'Yurk to �'raiue hese smoker,we . w SirikRipg_1�st evenlrtg when your corres-� 140. If an' admonishment is admini6tered sppeV for les -yeaw as soon­alA-your­----- 9,11 tbat - , - four Mi when the poudent left file Fe t d - were were.gaved. Awe '- On the d'�y of the ill-liBtriOU8 MB,jor Skelle came, e were told to go home. 'Mr. B. E. Lorenz, of Frankfort, n t to A In serve' a �hindermost 61e6l�ler , umpef1' the, track Phnix Park: muiders.witness last Brad hi cl� in the 'to � was, Split or to,iaka the ante- back is turned, No we It ve engines that y, 1 9 1 . * I rescued, gave me - a: 101 1 ig acco the ��nd �. *ant. over �. the . :embWnkm6nt,, ucars of the Revolution find 1812.'' In 711ortent d4esition. if he b�ullbt bad lodpd are,fast anoughwo' house oD Georges street with w es.wber! he :'appreciation of his serviods 'the KIng of all, iD61 highe tiaiDk � that terrible gbeli�s-he. had wAnessed., � Thong with it the . .'other sleeper, Mscaffroy� Bra'dy.asked,witn instant . death r� the 'doetais I . 1. : the offi.bisdid their, duty.n6bly they ;, ere ms4l,-bag��ge and express cars-,.which�were- would be done with the work. Ele said E figland granted, him t1io: land moutioned� -Would hav9,101lowed." The J UAIPJE3DTHJk `Yk A C� H. piled in a. shaitred beapi took fire - and �h' weve'r, was rati 6 object.of; the would, -be assassin is, supposed order. Men, w 7 Brad said that.would, be too -above. This grant, a d alld� children, were ma were consumed.. I The. coach and Smoker. aeto be the same aB tbat__�ictuating 14;1�riouko Aceitlillent ion the'Canalilln Nauthern. with fright. before the revolutio.n. ., He (tied in,1826� and Those who ad ec lcs had 1, kept on and stopped -without leaving the I a out 1830bis daughter Honriuta Mi .,A St. Thoma's d6spatch says'. The Can� b �rriad robbery. NeRbitt,had lately been' soiling: violerlt -kruggle, to , keep the boat from track two'Miles further. All oll'board these Williaxu Tratter,'it descendant of Henry his "produce largely,,, find Milloy knew hel aaa; SOUtherij- biRress. . due here ai'9.45: being '.swamped. The six,ludiaris were were 'uninj fired. Anumbe*r.ofpersonswer ieoph Mullet ft,equentiy Beat directions. John-Trofter; Tradition asserts that, the left, the mopey in the house. The. scoundrel, yesterday morning jumped the track: nbAr ''axe' Jammed amid the ruins and roasted to death writi4. He alwave burned ':Trotter fainily spruag from the noble house:. was followed and axtegted by the county St. Clair junction, about four miles'froiA driven away by siame. sailors 'by to wiltDess in - b 0 -9to,d before the eyes of those who. were belploB6 them, He usea e� n the. road to this city.' He iq a this�city. c I ws on thei hands, Capt. Hanson the, natne" Salmon- oi Gifford. The eld6bt son of Win. Tkbtter P6001 0 Three sleepers and afirst- I F, Arunkard, 'and VoKr8 a.,.very bad character. till the. last moment on the" bridge, but- toell.valthem- Ikisb6lievedthateighteen ii the busiziess'waB fro'r 1 -centre meetings i4,.uow 1' 11 b coach left' 'the t ack, one sleeper rolling, pass . ei I , iving. a is A arriAter 11(3�is.a.native Of Ireland- anct about 40i Y er' r gets and � two , sleeping car porters -could have n6� control ove"ihe'flve1' I r undred and the name of Fisher for a6 net eire e.. deputy., li'utonant and justice of the"pea0a B over on its side. The only passenge were.killed orburned to death.. The dead, old,and ' Save he Served i.6 file ar by, N y terror�strick�n hurratin beings beneath him, The A8pagsivation Club faceiv6d, a, letter- for the county of'Durham, can war -ing �411 roliDd th nly. ju�red. were Win. Lee,, of Alba, Ofar 'as are:-Mrs.Johne, ba,.l�b Id b Men, wome'&�Ld, children, whole� families angel, from Mullet intibructing tborn to. be ear one of the: Mo4t, ChbiffIttlItS. 6 city and, A Mirs Howelll, of L%using, Mich7., a fb 0 clu: ug in despair. as youtig burned F, W. Pierson, express messenger. ngtif the day Until qui9te reo r nev8r�vaye the Blame autname twice. . The 'slightly. Considering the, high OY heir�a married Merrion Square orithe eutiy the of Maj, Wri�,ht, porter of one of the Sleepers, was oambich ihe:attempt was mL4,de:-to ass%ssi- couple preferred to'meet death,q'ifickly by Skelle- declined, altho�.igh frc�juently-,re- excitement in Longue Point is intence,- the �,Eipeed �t wb,ich, the - train, was. running taken out alive an&diod soon after.� Law-' nate**Judgo-.L�w�6n. Daltiney, wbo go' . L tell to do oo, by Elth . Inerit munsel' , t . a vi)lagers clustering aroufl& the ouse dis- cutting each other,'§ veins, The �queated wag a m:iractilotio Escape, a's there were rence, porter of the: otber sleeper, was years,fo4that atteiript, was a menibi hation for tb air cu9Slllg -t 0 of' piiengers dOcbor,-HlsrrFeiae,�sOme of the'stewar s �-r cf -ive i6f6ri, e proHiecution of� th b maitter',aln�A. endeavurilld tb, 'large nuinber "oil bol:� ;aied the 6feN -Gover- a an interview with the woun Some-. 'the, organizati n 6 ra. During.th recent �visit­ to Europ It is fL on. AV4 ess.'m t Delaney -clai Man - Traffn was delayed, but i ti�oo, office' s distributed Iife-�aviiig belts to the a d 'ay- aud- lie. ntat d- h t' bere-w6uld-bo-'- -Ptobert-liforrisolij,ofthis -aut ins r nor Downey is among the efid. --UP t a City, :was r The �rjsbller Wa lodged, irL jail. hero for .,the cars.were not much dar6aged. a. In. seven bodies were taken out, Forne, soiDeth il�dd��i th -Is- will f-1 last moment, but those thus Drovided. were ing new soon, and at10 had by the heire to ent�er. � I a, bill Saf not bellefitted, for most of A;em died from: being burned beyond reco.cnition. �'his work bir fore hm tbateve (I h .. I aing. Baillon -,in.a.fortbight. and hPve:asBdcJate, wit the'sev6re' 'The su,�vivors i �: 'Who was- with him on tbo:Friduy 66iora the 'hil emi 'flt.counsel. the curi, IIU us y w wi ollhig�everinvkoduced for e -aped y thfit '"when they Taro�rri Id, ),Vitness co'n-fisoatedfrom.Skene bythoGovernment, doEarves th6 bigh'repatatioL sc in boats ba e rowed awBy file w'cAer' was ' 66vere4 ii Acconnit of "waaatthe secret meeting at claim 'that'the, violation of with dead, bodies kept. -at) vi I th 'di cf. Mulet; director, of Dublin, presi . ded, and tbe,treatyof peace between the United Co'rn E xi;rll �Vex of. C.0rotiev otor, t te great and only E Or a a and aliotbor. States and Gveu�t'Britain of �1783 s6nd. 17 W ily &.few, w0re alie when they, left, was . skei to 'we; t M, Ilet It acte'' aiud, of these as many 'were - taken Man at Anguier'istreet'-oil Saturday. ' Up. voided broken but in two, lutuber cawpS i)ehr Rat t no 8 t.'A mm3enger has arrived in.6ia Prmpt' 1 A Sa Francisco,despatch, dated yester- int.) tile was 'late for the -a ppow braen V, a rid u 6xt day ical Howard- Tiltion, all a] it act's in the, meet ra(l day (Mond%y)-,,-Ba 'Mu�let uplivided.him. - Brady, Curl�.y �E) 01 for medical minutes el, d apsed after the c011iSioli. Until tb 6 Yale the of tl�e 23id mor.- British freight agent -of -to present. Tylulle't bold wituilss to, n vessel Sauk... Thefibreams of the drowning Rally Ive Dam Co tlie dcrile 'of p6r� a RaiLwav,'sa abe.wits, -a of a Trielli. Ult. Says.: "What, has gone- wrong �wfth fection as sad painlep -d could,be board a long distance away,,- all(] Y meet him, at. 4 o'clock on Da& a rem. y -in the. sleeping -car at the' time of the� streat.� Wftne . ss I dc 'arid .1te weather? -..The winter so'fa -h 9'um MUst; they sa�, have been- heard b the Chicago de4atch Bays: The interest at a Bawaie� (A imitations and anb� Tubachspi disaiteir, awakened by - f6r,Corne pl6bnbaaid�tha'Sultwii. No complaint _thT8at6oad tbdt iL�witaess_dfd -hat--6 been soeevere as uuathe ? on & Pa.,. has� been loh.'-was 'going at. ,wood, could igulto fort T64 �peo Citabi" -him he would call *for him' at 4�'30.­ Wifn Els f2dined ULidbr ur. andar-4-chieN by merel�. zero, E Grity-two-belorig to When the knew what ''that' ieant, aiid,'sai ab6v wri on the 10th and 22nd-8mar althou It oi the avedAw beablaing upon them" has the rate of.fifty il h (1h . . t in big bar In -expo line ne� en in' sen �craeh came ha.was thrown fro sho,.�ers fell' 0 v j' arable -9 these t" iits- which :disclose diAre-d from till this class., -captain Hall Stood on the o'naitions he would' ale6t A.,tlantq, Ga., broker I br San The First, 'Let, ce in O.GO0­ and coveredwitl�mattrosses an&d�bri,§,but He kept is avbointibeut� and' that what he has d6 sionary.of thitty five years' residen Mailet. n&has boon the Ines - f. M� r 'The 'wl are. remanded for a w8ek.- of fill old hoolb ith'phosph the coua ry ss Emily fr6ed:Li I and Mrs. Poito so oy tr.lck , orus. t 8 he" never saw'thi�.. pheno lain,ed_to 9, reporter: e,'who were in mandil'before. During. the past week the- The broker fill 6d, the-'ord a a §'S;OOO,- .1passengers to'theJast r6oment�'Te�'seaond er fill Its, febtly free '�Miss Pat� AN ATTLUPTED. ASSASSINATION'. pre 9 valts . g warm, winds cut away the sZl�� 6flicer, Spruthzen, with an aye was cutting uetsan�. Mrs. Yo6 see,"' hen, 1 read the the un d or 'six feet of _,_O_O_ I - was buried c6nSiderably,' and by, baring the'hill sides --- ---- After witness refused to meet :'Mullet pipQrf,3, T. want out atd got little I)hoB- s. for,.'tha passengers while the ship was going 'underwater,' aild and rec6ivad it warning 1e covclu�d to. Nbw YO in Overcame the disadvantage to xunflh�'stook, Tilton assisted to � extricate her. know that I's a olqqn its.- side. �:Tilton climbed you also .1 klaq� -out it' eaused by'the 6rusl,on the,siiow6 after Sinking lic.,was. pi.cked.up by, one of The Moat him oil SuudaN, evening., He acbord_ to',pr,ev always ba6omes., tile favorite, re"M edy"'of '? but, 6 'A ' I f wild ducliwo 7' � I th . ' The- ' f the*wina(;w on the upper side;. and ig to it mufit . � s 0 weeks ago there were . D the those whp try it. lt, is, a boats' third aid, Rjurth ly met,Mulleb,�, f9vyer ai�jd MalloY7 in a, be keptinwater 9 Specific or all I in r In so p ic'k a d. Ut of t nd� deramemeDtq, d I " Outh. lurtla Lake and vs were al up., 0 rewthe women afti�i him. Ashe' throw- , I'll - YOU kl� YOU and OPen creelif, running i6to Offir� Pub) e house. . Haillon came in and Mullet -saw -out, some binkats', and followed the'woreu.. ---YOU dukingthe present week frogs have boo sf�ingth. t the -wateie. AR . the limb all(! back Only wom �srt them 0 ut toatatire. Witne,.-W&B mai�tdd, 8 a Tiltow and TllisiA Patterson had -only. -their a Id, WaHb out Day mout�b sporting iii the cpeu. Sprill alon and color�to tbe-facb.'l Of all at gg'ists a;mop-g the elavod� aid even fbese,haa to be 'on to West What U g the bo.tm sent to Westland row'arld Ham ------ drink water,',;ga'rglo-aK you. ttIm,of 06 hills near towii�." dragged into the 'boats � by f6rpe; so, great e an strieet, Bkinsacque. iutansisde�pite, met do---:biit, Mind Yang, I would not -A Win b fpog'd affpatc- A was their'. terror. and, confusion, Many as6d HaDIOU if had saw I h says:-� 'gentle- When a turns to the blanklets. They beard' only a scrooni Yga . ve hiin 1-ye'C6 swaliow'tho poison'. Now, look at it man who arrived in tlaisbity.t.o-day reports tbat moredlit,tho glrjw of, fainili6k of PaVe or Six perso slink and Haolbu o%id a." Curie ut it If to fade, alid , alon, while in the. car %and saw Mc 9 Hatch,,aild ]a niy gUms find show. yo bas Is okll out, together� ',One thing certain, a revolver, which the U that. Smallpox r suiting the bogl flhowever, W'a�3­tllat there nverWaB my moubl� a roeii-emplolyed'on the Canada Pa;oiiAp Rai histn'tither climb :oqt 61'ianotber 'do'- At esdand"row be met Mulet, Rauloil, you look. at my gums, gargi very blies__ selo if tba' sligbteSt 1 " a13 ivnever baa' awav, a -Bavtn The party got down to the, grourld the (,fit a. Gont thirty miles east of PrilIC6 been inore tban:a pIt nk Witter* do ev"erything ex chance of a third Of The PeOPIO OD SwithaDddaloney. Hbaud�Gur, y pboronB, gleam",,41lo b flames. � The Sal� he lcgq p t Ie eeit. Bub Suppose you'did &in, boArd'by means of the boats, even had all 81119 now In Y_ my'did, not know wha he was brought for.: �ll you Aithur's Landitig,and that the wbole,pllieie' Summer jl�htitilig.of he bi at Ing fro car,; 1) would'take place ficin- never would imagii a e.'. The been launched'; luid great and pteBumably re lic iec it � io, wb at it' b s been placed under 'qu;iantiri lie was piteously . t , quilet said a seufl . Y�) scalling for help. i Tilton, �enlbuf o the al.' "L H� O� S, If Inight be a, relic��ofi my. , fliuner.� plague is also repmrt�d as' having broken iw-the ifl�ignatio. against, the car. d'b d, as maid - Jul cha a ld biln' to w* IfIbe 00 a tai ?, find %,train hand. extrientea him when he P : s�e how 9mall H is� , Then ft%ke this out among the trien working in the woodg, II of the �S ultan there will doubtless be taud od'the opposite Bide, wid if lid con�, Yen -festi,ed-,jily itu Ise erupt ons, ulaqs,dr .1 San, 11 tb, - 6d araiatid proi6d �. to be John 'F.. Caes6l. oi �rld put' it to my won Rat'Pottage. Stringent rne4sfires a�searebirig-inquir�. instituted' �e to the policeman. wgs,going to arrest Iiings rom B are b Ong tak duty of the' stearusbip, provid. Franoisco., He was -the last taken t� ' -'tiny of them to shboi. it riot he was not whiie I breo..tbo on it I put the ph�ep�oiu hedisesse.lout, geDE, ke r. 1� 116r6rd'R was ki Of ra I ta ing suffioidbt faefliti�s for escapefdr the�ruius alive ;: "Mrs. to inted're. The 4' tend victim'. was .out on it., Than 1. rub a little wid there, GAdell edical qV ry. Y i! b Th,q.-Ttirty lirnped�tb the bottom of: the You fire and; guitiva the notion to' the P9I)BBenger'OU board. foreman .6f We luicy in:tIJ6 Hynes I 11 RiAbVIAN 1! Fallind. druggists. The Diamll; Of w ere severl,peoplewoxe Scatttrcd Ullet *a's a gi, th'6 doctor placca, a ravine, be.- nt, 6rus -the [Aeamer6 seDt' eM t vo an envoitip,e to about. i Prin Albert _Vlc�.br of a ea gneB G'' salii�ch of file missing pam�g * and ghiverilig. Some big'Strong. inslug. 'tie stree't, soin Ere fixrpt -WL�dle 'crog :,and re. big mbuth'and instant) A Wilkesbaire (Pa.)dl�,spatchlnays it, is, crew of the Cimbria, arrived' fully'dr6w;ed, were parading lip and" dqwn, and had he not Bnatched it d tbis-afterooli it wd's, to attack, Batott. Witness. ftolo it, away 'believe tbKb th a oi�sfla_ 0. rnig�dug pictur Olf t Christ l DO6 n h B motith I and" tratuple. it Under tinijoh, by,,Ruben8,'wbibb was stoletinettrly Is, with Sixteen passen -,the firarn�n an the cries otouffeiing. f a tble steps of, are from � 5. wid: went fkOu r". 6. i �S have n hurch, f Iloiug it bee idlsufifl6d as thaft -y Minutes Ashort time fOot, this bandkerohlef.'wo,uld have been the ili-fated Vessel. The reaoied* P%Ssell. tytt %v a U b, a century ago, aud wbich has been:unslic'- The Prilli��e is to remain M9�Oxford, tilt rB state that aftet leaving th .. Oi of�;Thomas Keegan and F6rdiumid Goal, t, ely consumed. 'cessflilly oea6hod for through, all. 'the -probably go6 Gur ge -9 inbria i' I . before,; his arregt he 'jilot Hanlon at.the: on it -fort, discharged soldiers. . lohn F. CaSsel, when his �,ill a Sinking couffition,, thpit bpst� eap�Bjzed; public.house and showed hiiDit SUmmorlo %1T.UpOitint grallories in RusSlal for a few months,* and Ittltor on psss scale -GermaD Y 'glarld is )low in bt r64 ing hina witli time at n-Ugb in Some rhiging of wlio vVas-rclscued from a sleeper' a a. Like hio,uu�clo, and they Bell" being implicated tb' France and t wife was I u Shock. He as still, �a8ove -WIled'by the firH th A Charleston S. C-1, of Friday of thb baits - of Jacob Cist the Cimbris, which w murder.of. Field. Witnef"s Bali 6 9 Gov- cap arl, Own only i� T h.' made deB�erate -but- vaia offorts,16 extri. d ys: Princess. Lmiee, early 8 LeopoW, he w�ll weak a hey remained in this pbAitiou ten' ours attler in thbXallfq, who was a intau eniment' could not bein pos'�.e8wqrt,of wiloh bight's on oc6aelus where they are bcate�, -her, �Ud came riefix being, litirned to artinis ofl6rae a�d theVice-Regal Party of'wealth and culture aod,a clever �artist. freezing from ciold, I and Expecting every Hanlan told bim B afly, death before he was rescued. tee6t. strived to -mg 'minute- to be their -last until the DuuIv. aud Rally �vere - in We9fland, S bt,tbe ttisdu being.two. hours ebought it.in 1805 trom, 9, Philadelphian' Y were ued'by a bo�t ftom the Di cty rilifful a:bobiud-,time, :The depot was naned Elkstein; who had, �purchased it r .1sell rose Iffm6lit.'Many Bri0y,went9on the oatRidedf a-citr to North foi of those in the boat when it left the CitnIori F tederic walkL& beside crowded with pobple.anxious Co.get a, look, from aFrellch refugee of high staudi6g in, to wittleps the e.-,ecution of lJy were drowned upon its capsizibg"and. ma Maid hodXelly, in front of biln. 'Ifiblon Rt the ditinguished, visitors. Colonel Do 1793 for,$80gold. Experts pronounce it a and Barrefit on Tuesday at Tralee, Ividence tltlaets afterkeRchitigthe rigging ��Eireobligi�,d nt around his:rieck. first carne.out of the aand wab geunine'llubenh "family r6tu�,ed a A 'Savo: At the in. in order to_be knoWn by 1-1. B. If, Grill -,Ul -Wa, iker, Vice- -to, To to releafie their.. 1161d. a'ad we're. drowned. to Brady: find Kell received large surn for it, their being all House h%fidlora Y. hav(3 fra&ant 13keft,th nud TeUth Tli-e su�rviv&B daflptibe bar. -quest,in the Nqwh onnght hold Field a Box, and' Captain Domvillej lof preserve it as, 41 );teirlootn. IntiHatil testified that lie believed blokv at him with at) nBrfl,dy -a, In full ubiform� ere rible andheartreudiag. . All' prai8e in the W if you (ii(In't at nuce ru'tilil,l best,nw it,: waitihg� The Consul, gave k�iulouel. oil tlla� somebody; who set tille, hro� turned a,, the tbe c6naiict ot the caspItNm kno6l, Field dowa stbb�L bindarew-oft _iaWb6n6varqib76Vdff- g9B,-andl,bo explpkiou ot.tbe' latter �iprer d- Was on tilie De Er)r' 6 Winton Some despatches lie had recL the -fire-With ii9lit-olug rapidit. -&u ain their poitL irl did everytiling in tfIo the I'Vincels, and tile' C61one etur]A0 rocitia lt(4 There'..w'( men 1hysician, Adduss for two owier of ruen to sa -a thpm, ere wm, Do fuel in t ii� �co filto the car with them. A -few trionlents e li nutil ble the 'Out.) wXt,(7idl fIvog-wore engulfed. 'of the elevator.., There waS, no roa��e at the. IJOW, ll�on tine urlyl .e hars would ur).b a re in tl)o ti ,0 'of, -lot s' llg t1le hattoin of tile el!evator %!as hi'm. After by oi;bo r. that white they we rit, ctimo ofiti ft�: . fire, hi the, cxclept in on b d wornborA o They n,,v 111r. Bright has now 'doChiftely to' (11'roow. 'of ttlo- fitovowtu lt;ht, hat. �aiia Duruvillp and to the Conmul and-' Id ior li�h) mulit bave bLon'lleiird ooll 016 offibew. on the rectori�l :. addrms to the el iiaia L�G' of co tile a, 0 weby sbcaji from tlao hotal of the Giusg ing to thn rescue, Ilo oider for d- Hurat t is probtible 'illat lie will I!, the b i tile ouiall nitledia,to Y to tlle'� _dio wholo the te%clqed prCstilit -it mirprai�lo I . 1: A per -got) no �:if. wag iver repAvadl a mee, ing. ill Gusg�,yw, t v E, =T �F,7 nC 7 abare every thi posgi sin d. fo bil iarrt nald 0owit hito t,he to .A uis'woro in refidiliess for them. tt, 19 f6ot of 1, 'he olevntor. never be here,if ill vomail in 0 syles- 6 who B t Ii home,;, the remainder wifl contirlI16 v1I Wbeeltlr' � J 9", 0, 'be only bell She will board h 9 liates and Calia%ya rornavIts how Wan il qaino its on the voyage on W 3 see toll atvivori cl (If o u - a, wjlicl,) 11sui, been Ott' fireu I of The f ilie Brotheihobd the the ido find SM thirty ti 60 le, lifts bp.en there. Anv folloi�vi the m61nent of liar as The xt of t he wan duped into Jolfillig the 'its 1�u - This is-oviing,to �T ho.house he biid charge o1coul , plying 'the�'elercients of nexvb 'i6rlce' Ile s -,v A own fu Teiinesgeo d Og th At Vrod ��e �1-rjTf- �MTWE-Ifker rOoSfar-., a set,- aing bim�lrpds, who A Beady 'repeatedly-' attemptif-19 qhort time tubil banumbea by 'the icy T. -the "Ye,. Som a -tw 8tolaach,liver and 3on,rd, and lodgwg�q, l,lank pillow; ago the do,; bogt]in to� art,. ju�t� the conversion of food' into 8 was g owin­ bick at Nvater. � 111 it few minilteB fill' wv,�l QV49r, linsifieRB; and. saw it '�Was a, S n d zi� It is etated that the officen' of the. The,cluster of -eggs tfiat, _,Iy th6s&wba 11vod, by as 46 heard the roosters, and eery.'Mov�4 (if the orgaliwaild 'tissues at the, may be found good for 01 stearner'Oultab b'nvo' been Jailed f;t 11arn-, on -apple t'i�ee limbs Ebodld be picked off it, He knew only a Mite about,the Society ing as regular' �q bould be kept up the b d he 19 an expert vrower,1 those y In iges lop, t, of a ibbI suits ate. geheralty bron4lit b Thii tbat be waited at.tl:ie thus prove�t the biAcIiing of; the' tent Seven Or le9: . 116 want to. make 'are'' with- 4�imqx� t. one 6i the disn,ste'r twelve fiollrfl, Cat6rpillar',1 The bg�'a appear to be'var- It waS n b always alive, Some. rooBter, his head and 0 698. peop w activity to 41-6 r'. 'Ibwer',down ag be COMP16tes his crow; mollev'ont"of some toilwofli nowspape sbe,%,ine� which arrived' ni8hed - but Such is not really 'file case, tibaes they'bad no meeting. It WaS it stimulateo and gi'ves in the Humbe r from Aa,mburg the- Pine . coa� of varnish or 6il'wouid never dead, ho.Nveverl and for. the -a y6ais is st6ey id vouched for,by the local, *cler- Man, rather than win their bread' by .it incres"'168 the dissolv;ilig Juices at, the b _caus_e�.fhe ,food- o2lias, . ....... d Statepaptit at, the request of.tho, destroy fiboyed-lifstinctions. w th Diam D T ll�a th 0 e of unt of