The New Era, 1883-02-09, Page 7Imoll 1111 I Yebruary Q*" 1-893 any cold �it taken it should be-uttela e er, Long:�alid Graham the Bi [I waB reacl a stonce. A good medicine for colds isma, con time. of one at& otash. dissolved' Mr. Wood moviBil,the second reading of lat of, oblorate,of p -ONTARIO, LEGISLATURE., CROUP, STHMA, in a IiftJ8 water and mixed with a cupful the Bill- respecting Ditches and Witter 'Kho,19ound "ItO. - 111. I i BRONCHIM,. NEURAL61A, 0 -of honey, the -j dieb of a lemon added. Two D, zed. Courses. ofugw j9plioniP JohIason's Ax ad Iniment 1?wo oildraia down by bile shining stzraild, teaspoonfuls of thie for a child and a table- Mr. MdWat moved the second rea,ding of yne-L (for Internal avdll��teraal Use� will With. e#os'ia blue as the summer sea, oonfuj for a, grown person is ,dbse. . Mr. McL aughlin presei4ted'a large num- the Bill to anteild the' revised Act respect. istantaneously rell kiug sun fllls a)f the Ia lothera are of Lou exposod at. night to a. I, bar 'of peti a tiolls in f eve fhs4e ter- aIvill pomi ve Nfflailo tile Hip -lid %voi of -the . amend �ization � of mat,riages. He dare nine cas atisave Inally-lives sent With the glow of it golden mystery; iug the 0olemi. rible diseases, a whell, rising to attelad to a child. To avoid ments to the game laws respecting forei a xolai4ed- tbut, his attention had 1i d I es but en,� so y a 0 on't laugl.dtag aloud -at the Hea-mew's cry, . I 9 a Gazing wi�th joy on jtg suo�yy brealit, cold it would be found useful to provide a. sportsmen. PrevelltlPui bp4py,thalle L S_JOHNS6i� & C T411 The first st�r looks from 40 eveniing all The following Bills I were introduced and. called to,the f4ct;thatl t the elders Y,, flaunal wrappe:r,' made like a� cloak and of the body I of Clari the i And itaw, tlm her bars 6tre coh over the west ad the first timez f alliu, g to the it'is Slipped on Ia a Diselples.of Christ had been in the habit: in t orneni aua tied �ith'a bai�d'aroulad the 'Mr. Morr's-An �Acb o empower the .4, soft green.dell by tbabreezy sbere, marria,�es, doubts had. arieen" fair; a'sfi. pair of Io6Be ith orporation of Toroatc to issue -zorpbration, Soleiililiziflig , L'... 11obson',4 hoice. W 1, 1b rand glaspedill hand, ��hiI6 610 tilloof flinuelalipperau is to the VMhdity'pf tiliem. The Bill made' 'I a Oralgin Of the expre�sion-14 E(bb9ohlA yore j6d, Stock,, to be styl6d the d6bienture! r' cltr�pet nd- pad( Holes of thiok'felt o stock of arid Provided 0 RFIL 18 borno ugoin,on thelistening ain' lie the ci by -of -Toronto ho",is thus given in Add -B.Pedta-11 I )w at th6,bedaid6 merely for tbelfutuee but the PaRt; 'tor:. Tobias yor love is yduu.,'th ghlovellold, with fl should. be Mr. Mowat�'Aa Act to coiifir'li �. agrqe.� W .,first inan in'' to Bli he feet. Hobson' I aa�the P Mr. Meredith aked if this England . tliat let bawb6en told the town bf . -and � - I � i out h%ckxiey,, horses. 11- 11 - - 11 1. t 'foObl 1i � Iaodat6ak " a iEaal 'cattle III, the dayszone by, is Spoken 8 I i pabs all ex pq6. �Voild not hen for a, horse. he WAS led . . I I This tinge is now'id the, world of, dress. Abe Great 'Western llaljay Company. ltetferili� I : I 13 trim -built 13,oMe oil a Hbolterea bay,; Mr. Awrey inquired wfiether it is the I _ I I ominion Legislature. into a, Stable where , 1 13 x.(, it resembles a little the sapphire hue and , intention of the G e' M r. t a W at a al CL -tltay�,011ly-propua ved w" - t, I,') take the la ors e wh ioll A wf�& looking out oil the 1 overnm nt during the 11 t as -legislation to valid to the extent Stood next he Btable door; a a that every iS it iii ct6d t e civil-rights of the persons qwitomer was, alike we tone fir alay, is sure of becoming a favori el Since it 'a so resent,seission to . t P, introdu h,tho old roof-traa;" pleasingly effective by g%li3li a It" '- . I glit. Arecerib y ffe 11 served . ace dialAt face Provide for the repayment to the" 6ounties ording imported dress, which is very artistic, is .6it of the Consolidated Revenue Fund,,of' po'LAcerne ILI �tb� Province They had to his Deal 'from Wb6b6o , it , became a lid I'll"It 11 agbb; "t I is : I � , ella disposed'in 11 the falli,tia tile brace ria blue plush of heavy Bills aild there had been no prover j When wbatought to be, MA_ I I . . 6 upon Youi.to Bay"Hob: 1 N certain expenseB connected, with the main- warmloul your else - A Alexand l�He ei liar b Vrom. the love of his youth and his clail6en, 'pile and Ottoman'silk of: a pearl -pink tinge. tenatice of pris6neria in the county! 3�' ails 0VIlia J etigus. �tioll Was �orc 'd RHEU T E 6 remarkably sIt I time. sou's choice." Malay men hiring Thi owy toilet bas.the shirt e il wa� read the'seconc ];list eecalpe the'ground, h54ve been: convicted of .Jelolly'by police Hbbson'sborHes, if they -had the know. IAn sged man in all old arial-chair, ymagistrates. The�Hause,,jxa Comlhittee�of the Whole, TkE dRF_XT.LCV8Z FOR A. golden, light from the. westeru:sky; of pluish,over which is� draped in the most. further considered ilia Bill to autlabrizel'the ledge,: Improved on the worst Mr. Mowat, said til6, Government con. ig(h I b ve Hill wife by his side, w�tb, horsilv6red hair bewitching BtY)6 the, Hilk' iearly ad Some le.�islatioxla the' subject!- doinstrii.ti6ii, railways. Hobson � t. I ot�street Dr. Dow'S Stur�eoxr oil- ;Jweet on the bay the gloatilitig falls, eip ireighton-Resolutign, . hat -in the ,t i Y And the open BOok of'God close by; covered With �enabroide�y-�----A-Begttered- _L Ilac T �aid it had' been Suggested Ieffloacious�. a'rer6ed for botiquet appears, to ea of Alls P��IuYL'Of' the b, star be the -id* , 'in: of this House,it tb' tbiti pr0.1'SiO'1I-ShbU ade for feuces�in And bright is tile glow ot,tilic ovelling . ;_ � ,PP Aou c Drie 4ilmeks such' as'llar, I o theial are the jasper walls eon .11idh isakilf u'lly executed.' MATISM But dearor t liar Jesig a,- W It C' �v.ap the"motiv-6 uc,�S 4alla, Stiff kD6eS or,tendoula,,sore he f HEU public interest to havethe vaiouB� Depart- cases w ere a saw , power, I � 1. � . 9 And tile golden sireptq of the laudaftix�- There are crimsoxl� amaranths �glowixlg'like fs prilafed, &H�B66la 4s, and he prootiabd-1 a �ub-secton'that w1be . - till �im 'A , -i]OrnphintsoiaRhe6� ati and . ila di nd di in c nature'. . great burning itabies, -and the: cluster6d itf ter tile 6xpiratiop of the . y ears to wbieh oteam;was 'the� ixaotiv� power slid of would ladve Jkn old 6hurehya-cd Oil a green hillside; changed s, used up hot ' so' ' into a PHEUMATME is'not. a; sovereign re -ed for "all the ills that flesh is heir toi" ut for WEU. %vo lying -till ill their pow-eftrost; colons ruil, tbrouigh tints'of `o�ive �ro'se,: and -god one, So,tha t T 'te,' and: to a'Ve rtbe the- railway was situated within a township t on ills biurie,s return' o b Who fishorma's boats going out ith the tide dtbey uthority, the section of the h' �RALGIA, SCIATICA, RHEUMATISM. -and In the fie w of the. timber west., thete,, are same circulated iiiamediately upon behig or�murllclpal the stable even tbe� -judicious Tobias,mig t complaints of rz�heuceatic nature.' ry g'ho - _61d meli'd Highs, -golden 9potted j aponip�s, , by the side have- had some 6iffioulty in recognizing his Childtron,H I.., ter Zd printed, wh6ther the Houae'�ha;ll, be ill Railway.Act-ofl Ontario, cap.165, uuderAhe Thonigb1i that follows the niornin� elea of which in,, contrastiug,, ,beauty. tire i 1. . , ITJS,A SURE CURE, A, rainbow bridging our darkened ski6s;, r session ornot... Ileebtlaplained par,�ticuNrly bead� of f encpB,� is to apply. -Carried., . oWn animal. sprays of elder and friuging feKns,. !d in getting The 116use, in Committee of the -Whole. Are the round of our lives from year tc.yearl of the delayalw.aya� a J 'iii --lDriscolf, of Aciveir e w a e wrqught in'. tinted Silk' 'and , xperiencE F-rom oi Lhe Education report.' They had ot -Yet, comidered .the' Bill respecting the-estab-, If you:�IlsVe%aday faith, give, Me for I -- , .: c.1 , b �[041c,c,_C9IJc111lnl India, M Qred beads, a, piece of work that can lay 0 boneut of pui,lic I towil�. oavo�&'8 sake a share of it��! 'Your doubts though in 1883, the report 'f r 18&1. The lie claim to great art!Btie excellence. The rk epto vourself; fo To 0:&FTA119 H. SD RLAND: LU salme,remark appliedto. thii insurance To., oved that during the You ma e r I have illenty TELL C bo'dice"is eqi very low,,both frout DI'Alt Sln,-t-Iraviiag beep sufferill LADIES' N and back for 1881. remail!der of jt�is Bdssioll Gov�rnment� Ofmy g thesp last I port, 1. G . O . eill�. the sl�eveo are exceedingly. Short, exposing, hat as satter' of fact business sball have Droicedence oi�er - other three years from violent pains. la tbohead, and Mr' Mowat Said t s)iaietinie.§iiii,ai,ic)us:l,iai-ts of'the body,itried, the'entire arm:,, On the left - ehoulder is a th only report not brou4bc-d6wir iltring business, except :�ri�ute Bills' on Mondays, The'Dowageir Lady' Crv�wf:)rd Do ocou- the�hsst 11"k(liedl I-eutlewlia inth`e cityfrom. tim4. e I Topics_'§erit.sibiy� Dis- je welled, orna im*e�u t licliling in -place Jail the a I ession i I 59 . V:the Education r( pies at'Vlorexica the historie'Villa 1�almeri', Ill time, without efrebt. Oil YOUt-recoinmendation �port arid' WddneBdays"dFridE.tiys. .1y embroider6d Bash ribbon that flows Do The paotion wa I a carried. 'rote 'his Dbeameron."' - me. . a�. even if they,iook the Education'r6port in where Boccaclo W I tried the bottle of me� Licine you s6 kindly pre �to the bottom�of the�skirt, -_ . . . i brittle Not.far distant from' pared fat I anust be candid with you, and 188� brought down last Session, they would Mr. Haidy presented t there -liyed for many t(Al you that 1vitenyou, spoke to ma about. your I return Years the idow of Walter Savage Land6r, medicide I ha�l little oi- DO fuith ill -it fitill the Second division covered ifis pro... In�urauce: for� 1881; .,a but being ',ATE.ST MESTIC R E A W1 pro"Perly cooked; s a of 188 1, which' was the . next Pre- lihowing --the' n t tons of 485 'In in paill I Nvas determined to give it a trial'and I ould ceediug d t of d after her her� granddaughter, whd has a, I 11 hapy to say thaz it liall'the de.,ft:ed eff ect; a ed 'to Count I dQ ouly� took about bottle Nvnen all 1�airi wit's DOT . CIPE.S. III fient-to the. table with its'flesh. aS red 'as eru-- squate miles of ber limits,in 1871 and a just Veea marri u coding year., The practice of all .,Go.v the jelly,with wVich it -is served. meut§ waEf. to sanction the propriety of return of'the Police MAgi�stratea_appoiated' I u reilrie..: tho-ough1v removed, and I feel uo�v as well as I To make celoxy fl,tw9ring, soal�for a fo'rb-. -Vriijging down reports. to the Legi6latu . re� ill'the Prbviucel. your'llwaicine is undolil.,tedly 'Inter b alf ounce of. Seeds of celery - in first before' distributing them to.' tile The Q3vernm aI "I orry or Clothing The New Fashidna le night Oce�h MAq�4';S MAG1513TIC ­Mk�ICINI31--the great ivorth its -,'veight'itt d-iamonas., Ian f ent'Bill to' encourage the the qiLke of the publicaiat it. is publicly ad- ous, , u o na' vertist4d,lisif so I aui quite car6tin it would havo C. onepintof 6randy. A few'.drops of this ,fdreject plauting . of treels was read a second titne. icountry. " He liopd'd thb H a Wd brain slid 6erve food- ture tiaYoung, middle-aged'and old. Lifeis a -great wiiHia you would.give me will, be sufficient to flavor a pint' of's6uP, the motion, thougla the Government was The H'OuS� �76nt into Committee'on the to Short to waste away.'' Redd. thead"Ver. Your,addreissin Englaud so us to enable me -to For 'Dice 'muffixis, use . one cup,of. cold, anxious at fill, times to. faruish,'important Bili. -.to amend. the,Act respecting solemniz. a -Kate) tisera6ut, in another :colpmn, and if, send for some of this iiIondcrful and really use- (Copipiled.py A at, bailed rice,,one pint of flour, two eggs, one illformatlairatas eiarly* a date as posiiible. ation, of nittrriag S' ful medicine whoh quart of milk, one tablespoon -f ul, of butter 'Mr. Meredith asked the rea�6xl why, for e aflliet6a make no delay'in procuring Yours Ta r. M�rrick advocated-, the : abolition of You'" ithfully. and a pinch of salt be th'o-rotigh of two -dollars, "as it WO1,11d, the. cheapest b 6.§t medidii16 ever Sold OBN DMSCOLL. The housekeeper should,not 1 aly. and instance, the Education Report, c6uld. t4e license fee. orget.that bake quickly. lie thought, be nobhe distributed, during the recess. a Wen policy -to encourage cld rvates more -than want of food., A ma -poggible­- 'SOL -b BY LL. DRUGGISTS. or cup, puddings that, are quichl d r. Fraser Said that if the -reports could- much -as' person sta�ves by cold -aa much -as by -want b`_ at . u - p-Robile-1-3-podill'u-116 - O If fl our'w , itli D�viocrat, went to work in a stoneyard a Pint be distributed during . the recess the Mr! .Mowat ,Said.'the, 'adoption of the milk and four, bggs;'gdd, nutmeg and recessaril as a common laborer, just after the war�, �,o. -of food, arld. it is , Paifectly car , rect when y put upon,th6se pre- suggestion might be popular, but. they. The Rheumitfile cold. :Food d- -paring tbeen-in-time, or-the`� session. would witiltedtogivellon. gentleinert opposite I a He is ilo, ST.: CATHARINES, ONT. one says be 18 star:Ved witb f w' -supposed to, be worth �509,000 Bugarto-suittheAaste, butter t:ea' cups an I warms the.bod , and more food is r _ 8, - delay --en I so -(Laugh� tIls-Viiited S,bat'.--::- y _qquired fill _tbein..three-quart6ri3�fulj,-and-bak6-for-a- --be:-r6Ia1Xed-,1 ud-toogreat -might -- -obance. to me -pop a in an in � Warm, eb%u$e quarter -of an hour. sue. Besides the constitutional rule to- ter.' Senate. J- Co.,, �Whdlemxtle' Agentsj,�i there is a greater waste of'llbat from the Ham toast, Which is very 'nice for quired That '.reports, should. be,presented, Mr.� Pardee 'Presented the fifth report of body iu'winter, and this cia the Legislat the OuSuMes tne tOOa- breakfast, is madeof one slice of c6id ham. first to ure., Why take pillt� of nauseous. fluids in, L, then, one is exposed to great c6ld the. t 'into smallpieces, ode aggla,little thin H Shape of -bitters, or'as s; remedy far head- on IThe ouse'dividedo'n the -motion, which Mr., Fraser, presented, the fifth report. of C , A IVEEK. $12 a day at home easily made bady'becomei stunted and starved., This. cream: and a little pepper and salt *, mix acbeand liver onip4dilt, when, EL few doseJS was rejected by 26,ybas to 44 xaaysa the Committee onPrivate. Bills. stly uftt LOO. Address Taub Co. IS the reaeonm why animals do not,grow in together on th6 stove, unfii'it thickens; and Mr. hoes'move'd for a returw Showing,. in 'The following were' introded afid of -Dr. Wilsou'A A�ti-,bilious Fills willbufb� -the fft-a Due, the winter, an&children and persons are, �tfign ur -Iluittere"nil-edtin 1--g-rno-unt-pa-id--r-ea-d-tE-e-Crs-t ti ­Y­Ud-aT� once. qul 0 as Bubject to these influences as any slices. h -by the - Govern M'qnt - for Public_ Separate .. Mr.- Mowaf-Atl -Act to facilitat t a meetin' other aniMals. The lower. limbs_ i To make good . turiey-Fi eS aA g of clergymen not long since' cup to" ilia Von Hb � ent of f re libraries. and nigh Schools for each year since Con� establi m e a reverend:gelitleman of' "of Less, stomach and the back, betWeen, the S oul the name III " and cook, for, about an., hour 'in just enough federation to, each county and city in the :r.� BeI17LA& Act to'provida, for Ahe of -- dithension art In uri'' an som4what,extended, , oth - data are the. p 8 Oat OdSily and I'Dj water tdr cover them th6n'add a, little of of,the innates of public buildings, lly,and. iltitudi�nally, presented him- Province; including - in the total for each safety ously affected by cold. Young children lateru a the 'dressillk and,abBkten 6gg,�and if.desired county tbEi,amo1=t8 paid to ti)WIIS, and Vil- et(AS, faqto�ies!i theatres. churches, etc, should h4ve tight -fitting, garments, and, it self., Said one'of the brethren to bim,, a little firiely-oh6pp6d celery. Aft6r,taking lages therein, Carried�' The folloWing; Private Bills,we're pasised. double thickness of flal;�D61 9titcbed into from the fl' w th bu epp6r Mr..Ross moved for. a, return showing IWhen you left, your People, you -were a. re, sea6oll I tter, P th It Committee' of hb Who a- aria great loss Yes." Said another all d" Bty Ittid9ft4 OATALOG" rOP. 1883 city in . ro ed. without endmetat the bark -of the upper garment of, either and Halt. the amount paid to each:oouiity and epourg am old or young, will protect -the lungs, and For cottage pudding take three e since 1867 for An Ace to a n%oiidat6 the NI-ien he'dies be, will be- r 9913, the"Province4or each. year mr."Mckim 0 Ia loss Nay save a great loss of bear. The feet- and gone r said a third lie will�ba 4 dead Losa,,'l Gaiaen',. ana Piowdr, seedg, two cupfuls of pwde'red tiugdri -four large al &I debenture! debt of- the village, 'of intending bulichaqers upon application. expenses of crialin justice. was agreed to.' ankles fibould be 'kept- warm and drY.. tablespoobfuls of butter, halt a pint of milk,. The motion Xtistliehi�ndsome.BtCatalogtiopublisherI Incarstia, nd Those who are required to go out into th.8 cule pint of flour,aind two tables poonf uls. of Mr, MoCraney-Order of, the House' for Mr'., �DO.,ochii_Aa Act respecting the -Clecorle:6i'l Nc;t'.EcIl6c[r c 011. is invainable to all who whila to bu7 PVnn.FRFMH 9`RED5. .snow should have their bootg ffiadia-water speolai attenti-n glyn t proof, and w"r a thick -woolle baking powder. Work the butter a a very wieturn of 'copies f'all correAp6tidenob Napanea,, Tarnivortlat �& :Qu6bec Ritilway The two words have �ery,different si 11 light-6rearn, .and beat the eggs separately�; iiLnd reports made-b�, the judge of ti� i ce�tain bonne, granted' to prica'a anif fial rarficularq �ai be f onlid in "Count and'al 1. be seen, by reference to .knitted stocklug. 'Socka*,ara an unfortunate bake f ir half 'an hour, and Be Ve hot �Fith G-,erj �Vu of NapaneiJ. - . ::' WM. RENN.1E. Seedsmaji, TORONTO)! C r, Kbht tothe tile said compliby by tbb toI Webster. Eclectric �Oil has no; claim' to men re i d '�!D X ' 1i fashion. g ia,mach better. 'br Itc,7-frai�d�' in respect to the Dry 6 - ot.1ac stags the name andy Same. lledbric properties ofily Vy. the pie proteotion, and it the'drawer'slof children tute oil For'Lanii0bir6 pie.take coldbeef or:veal �ilsseHsment or vote�rg,-Ii-sts in' aay moui-, of the' Cauadi�n . Literary Institute to. htie or button:olafs6ly Velow, I �Vew knee they then icipalitiIi in said Oour , k . ty or wrapper;.7which looks like Veg-ipg 'the and choP aDd season aa :for ba:sh cipality or MUD S W6odst6ck­01bllege..1. . �, . . I I will be well protected from the cold. Uijder- unoshallow�b�,] . question. The popularity pf � JltiggW Elea- ter of JEDIGIN ting. di�h a: Uy, tlia'year'1882j as provided by -the 17nh Mr� Chkholmi-An� Act rel%tiag 'to. the dct)tbiug is Vetter -than extra over, c1c)thing. the meat, then, I erb' "ASsociation of Itric Oil is �such as to induce uoprinci� pers( pota,toes, well- soasouedi�and so on until. -the th- ' in hot m%shed, Ciammerciai Tile vn�rnitll'ig-rLquired -t )FIB --to appropriate till Ah-laiw, will -7 is otion he said he did, so'in. order to. C.6,nada,. allo'w, tbera.to do�. The prop.Yietois.of, the - more regularly and dishAei Make tha topAsyer of,.the call' therd had Me. Gibsoii (RaMiltOD) -An Act amalga. the skill is better and attention to'tha facti.ilaat origin a) Electric Oil h.ve no - claim to,tbe. colistantlywarmed by under potatoes,,anil make little holes'sild drOP Veetift'audsib the county of'Kout. :.Tile 11111ti-DA the SU�,�d aid IUSurance Com- by outer, garments, wh ich'are Sometimes to the r in, small pieces, of buttei, and.bake until's, words oleatric or Thot bric they do 1�y'blaim 111111.1101pal e�dnoils were DOW about electing' pmiy and the lliance' hisumuce Company words.Briggs' Eleu r IN? thrown Off when they should be kept '0-4-: nice brown. - , � : I . Fj, � by assessors for th� preIFent year, ,,aud he as. the 'Standarill Fire. li)Barauca Cotopany. ri-M, ai tbeysbm�s mAde the' a This i�i particilh,'rly,worth noting by women m f Value to For 4)ld T "Positively -cures in ALL'its smigeg Rllale�stsldl For'a dcl:cious White cake take -on's cup thought it-waB cbrialin that MHUY. f thern Mr..Mowat, in Commttee of'tho, Whole, , who are Bo often requi6d.to go out from a Of wIlite, Isittgar, one- third'of a cup of melted did. lot-, kn-Qvv the hLw, or latd W.iifudy moVed emse vea. into warin, room the. cold on'ter'air when butter whipped, to at-creana, one-third of the keen wind iii-blowimg-, s, riot A violated ib"auff it would be:. well to make Pup at milk,' aixid stirthoroug In casci.of tury Institute transf�.r- mep.oif Nebei cis ii'diiez zar. pss. and be bothered io Put -on a Shawl �dr w�warm, lily,; then add an example of Home of tbe. 'He belteved. or�eitbt�� of: Door G-6neial of Power. it D. gh, oJbe jew, t, Tons and 'Vigor to tile t�,Ixhau.�tell j acket. one cup of flour, �sif led; one-third of a cup that atimilii!l tactsi had- bee bioul t.t , D, any 'of of a Tree nd Assyrian galle'ry af- "r ceenerative :�of':coru.sbarchl and. one teaspoonful . f aa�� to.tlae lib'rary,mider,-I�Gtioll 10 IA th� fno,Libyariei gan S. W ; ill or, cla ord,,r-for �N�VELVF packages atteution.of the Government the Bri'tih Museum, abd in close contigoity bakiD if,it is part Of the it, reeiririt tba�t the tlio 1_1,ttite b five dnlltixs� we ivill H6nd pur whites of four 'OuA'fic' ' l,ru -eftaild the t(l6ney if the g powder. Take the a t of certilda 6fllcers,: and �.he desired mmumwit8 mad the bronze blI4 them to a' stiff froth, und. stir i fre,lrnflnt do -H not otyfet k% co,re. It. is the There is no daner of �Weariog this sub- .6gia board.'Eihalf� tb�nceforwaxd receive the ap te,,I. to i I - LI that the-returlis.should be Vrollolat down pri:iLctlio�nb!eom tile *alechauico, InStitIlt) -grILUt tes of SlatilmaneHer, there has just' been b lily; flavor Wit �vb list ltute'wuuld 6�bor%ise receivIc, the ga. ot of considerable, iut jeab threadb&ie, fur people a 6 1,114,14,pe"t 11.11d I in thwniiarRot. re eg1DPlDg'- tboroug h lemon,. and bilks 'witb a 'View f the �G t, takitug, Placed an, obje erebt to wake lap to the Not that Pielity,of 8leep- 8, I t board Hlialt, o lith 6' Coll'O iti.) b, if I Lly, wi-litio6ed 0 'teo Prcp"_ t Hent f by mail to anyziddross. 'Sold ow Y., from, thl great temple" III l. -alth, � P some lie lop; intboagi,ebiiieLkt,be:oLttit.i�a - to the like,aid'frona it be tize doors 2 g stq at per box, or 6 bdxos. for: is'n,qui to to be articularly du the 'For.excellent lemon creams,. prc:,fout .-1,,TJae,*mption as c9lrried.!� b. I mfjneyil fteths, hiltids of the �6f at -Borsippa, a Suburb or mailed free of pqHta�ge, on eake (if b�ain workers.. Th6'more sleep, the t e unal. ­recal�t of- Jemonsvery thin and put thb'peelffi4welvil! t. f 11rea� neor ot. the I ProviLtue ill to su�h The Spe"erteadthelollowingno Ice'o 'jiiig-i,,)omauci'liil:,riLry,or eitibor vll�1011 of Babyloxl� 'he! doorstep not money brildu getH the, better d6es'the . brain work., of them as tablespoonfu'la of witte� Siluee�a the juice �Wood,-tis-tbe-66 --gifoll Muchanieg' 1, sfi�ute would'havo reee . I I ve( -All v __Lworkera�Lhave -ouly-b-as- inscribed 6p:.it the name of res,t.braila been -great- 0 re an ar tioder t1le.brovisicin of the Revised, A. t,'chaptei -ebuchad §nld by I I druggiat . B everywh9ro. N but E&o. mentions, bi*6 sleepers. Sir Walfer Scott -never g Ince; upon tes. heal th,.'o That the Treasurer Of the Pro� could do zahe:tho. yolks, of 'ten e gs, well beat6'a and relatioL t6 ld_echdiilcs,� Instim r health. 'The door- A' fbol'� d' d c6pyof, the, i.napei.for's repori,�, u. W"101%rried,alld 'the resolu- st . ep,may thus b9ve With less than tell hours, Sleep. receiving a &ad the pe6l,,water an Juicie-gra tiallyaDd.- carti . Tttij! mutio waot eight houKs, _G­Qor fled, by the riievie and cferk- 64�11 .,been a, otiye .0 _-t. - -St'raia through a muslin cititli,into: it Stow-, fi ­ , . ...... rig ey- �t er a ducipi11- a week inyour,owza town. Terms and e7treasur don reoredrd it Dii6r_Vcw�. li phi 6ii6pfier wituts hine. t: The men who codap:fio. lil I � ) Otittit free� A�4�68 1H. EIALT;ETT Cc pan Air'one way over a Blow, fire. .until 'it h- oue4lulf of . the sumpaid 'by the towns ip The: f ollowingiBills were read the second hiLvu beell the greatest generals �'&re the, be6ofx�eBqite.thibk, taking Caro hot to Is under the I all . t-hority of the Act' -to ericauir-, tiME) 'Portland Maine. Act le., he Ta kitig Cold. tiug �:the Hai copy o 0 to enab men who could bteep:alt will. It was thus it boil - servein custard. a UPS. d b' -------- Wallington aud Napoleon. ., The 'To lx�ake cbocolate . macitroons, melt, ;Lge.Tree� Pimp -the ea, ingsto get, gr�L�t(3stape-itkersin.the.Hou�f3of Comm forwarded on or.before the Imt, da�'-cf No- trustees and oxebtitrices under "the will'of is oneof iest th one slowly and ref Wly three oup ease afid'iiell cot tai 6 real wherfib sit ts Victim ave beeti,the 'men who could go to slee v bar in each 'year t6sit the has tak si�fl�na'hlald ofJ P late, sid Stir in gradual until A"thick tie of, the'most diffii t 'to ge't. rid of. as I - mucli its they liked. This explainedthe paste is made of pulv6rj��d for the Ohje satap%rt estate. 'a College, 'A.Idraughb, a Slight ibdisci,etiozi, a r I ainy ility 61 the aged PalmerstIaLl. T imd shdl be known aei The Mr. Vield�Ra jibg Victoria, Juvetj Sleep Sugar and the bree eggs-, well OLItario . Pla ' Fund." it hot fire, may caLuse a�cold that, May ills, ritiLig Cobour!!. , .. 6 is in rhany casea the be. -4u of wedic A beaten, then spread as Smoot it as Possible to The House went into''committee 'of the � end in cousumptiow or a lagehulatt, -or in-- 'Y SPon. d ioMr. Mowat- %tinoutaced that His Ilonor ft,oud ti&�s that he, treaied'him-self fo'r-a* she -inch th whale on theBill to endourage,, tree plant- flanarnation aud the gr.'ec But if iakell in et about a'quarter of, an ick bad 6ommunicided that. his ttention. had ­vei- He wentto'Vied witha. itcher of Cut -it xu� sm'a, , rqund and oad-happel been d rawn �fo� the Bill and he commended. INg'.: � Mteir Sam 'a minor amendleetate the, .,time a 6oid raa� be cured by tile use of Dr. R. He drank and slept, drank and pieces ;, butterthe tins and scatter E6 littls� it to tile House. comEnittee.rose'and reliorted' proigreBS. Wiltion aptllmonaiy Cherry. Ba;18atn. Me-' Rlept uutil he Was'wel[agaiu, . When you flour �and 'a,�g,.trobver iho'bottom and, lay lilWa' Oneesl iilaea,L The oiderS for�theaedoted reading of'tbe J...D. Cairnlie, Adburili Out,, Writes "MY take to your. bed ialie all"ibe sleep .6 r. Wood said the B B 0 g( W Y 011, a,,, themacar n. Bakeinahotove,but to beautify th mertci 4pearaDce, of the froonHoli3ation of the Acts ret;pecr,. if a had a� violent rac�iilg pain it, ber left eut of yonr bedHtekd, even althoualf, to be caref ul'no, to search tbeth.,., coatitry and, so fkLr as it"was, itatellig4Eautly ing the Education eparte g6 side with a'violont cough brought ou"by; *takirig cold. It quote Di k Swiveler'R extended through her, co h 've� to pay for: 9. double bedded. room, con. out 'to fficreaSe its wealth. The Bill. Sulool8an Public Schoolw were di4ebarged, worse and worse, I was i fosbiag that you bu authbrity to any and' 1111 6witicl to,the, ab'kAida of ibe. Milai.3ter (�f taken a "lost un- The follo�wi4tuble-will-Iq6t, be�,oul; Of roppied. b,u give ile to grant aid up.' to �25c. Edu��Lti6u ; alSI3 -the Orderf6r the, second t1i6roughly alarmed tried- eve I r�thing and. 9 0 �rlace at the a now -year, municipal Couile `io� When Kh reasonablo:awoulat of Sleep out of a Bill I combaencem'eyA of ' readin" of iho�witl foi hithWifying.6 was ubouttlespnir e hegau u1iing boil,, you,will.be bailkitig LLIWIiale �tojo of frir each, tree planted, provided it was, one, �e I .1. � -1 .1 L 1. � . . . Oil ., I . showing the date"Of tv� most recent, riepu" �-of-tbe kipda named in the Bill, aud reported . V YU1lcIDR_ Dr laoii"H Pulmonary Cherry Bah�m reouperative ouergy. It w.ill be Haile t6 Bay in the, priticipal countries of� the �civilized Afr� r F�endh 'asked a view of' the Act slid IS now WlJJl.,1.' In all probiibility iftVis oil aDy man,-thot if he a leepS "Well, he Will do, .. OLld, h y the iu��pector to be in a. heal.thy State at W r w t, the result., e ye rs fr �pa,Hsed 44 Via �C'b%p. 25 see, 3,5,, wb6reby,it, remedy bad not been used this lady would meeud,of,thre a am the planting,' BuORE A TIER An in aUL WUUloipl Ivii, shion Glovemi ---creaso' This, Would�Ve paid by the muijicipalltik�, 1.4 oil actt1 'h N �Lliiy* sIt..di bave not been, Spared to many Years of Electric Ap ances are sent on 30 Days' Trial. ----- - --- a, repor i'u f'th ; ' t beiuv'seut to Mal(e,RUY sale; R,Sql�umeut or 16a,,e of' I a aefull],688. ove,4, 13ELY13 a ovincial Treiisurer._,the Province tuarket: eca a pox t TO CAEN ONLYi-YOUNG OR OLD, try. n the matter of I r.,birig- C66 dow,us. Population. 'percent f ' for' lod longer 61istu _,to . a letter writer,. Home of tbe-'wildoi;j, idea�d France ......... ; 188'1 37,'J21][86 0 q., the , t!r ' I Ho , allfroTlicl; fton� Ivitavoug-DRIBILITY, eve'll among the Yo . -lug ami's PrUssift ......... 1880 27:,-)79:111 'He din April, 1882; unless ri�ud, �uutil horeitfter Some Bocialigis have discovered:Lt Sitar w'Ould recoup halt the �xpeix6jture. W Lo'sTrLrelTALITY, J,Actc ov Nmym rancit A.ND. not SnP[:Oae that th Bill I -f bF 'fie 6, Vlc;on, IVA pr d ciety, Siixoljy.: ................ 1880 2:9728 5 1.54 ould be: tiaketi. ­VOWered,Bia to do'by the pKtb-to celebiity�, They Set up ifiNG WMICNRSSJ'19� and alfthoso diseases Beett; to 'a, any-'vivalli. 104 &dv8,u,t Yr, W Fltd01.4f, NATURICresulting'froin Ailusus and aud there does riot b ......... 1880 ;5,2,84.778 is it ttl0'iDfeDti oil' if,tlia Govornlrlent:to thoit 6illy, stock, in, trade j: Inieyou the Bubji-ct, Oo'e girf; followin W urtew 1680:' 1 971 lis. 09" age of b very: greaVProporti6a of -OTULR 0musEs. Speedy rell6f ana conlPlctQ.rosto-- In '1axF UICIpa 1, lee'r P, _76tiOn df.H7AiLTll,VlG0R and 11AN110 I t, . 61l'OVARANTFIC11. g i1covury of the N !note the iujilucitiont; of, lestIbso o:s3 the Munipi pali ties at firist'i or thmt4he full The grariclegt.d t enth Century. 860. ranted' by all a�to, - ------ � . : , . 8 or Austria ............... 22,144,244 078 amount would be g the e, assign or make sale of.itio, i* ter Illustated P=plxlo free. Address Paris,, wears 'dead white ufiditsIIed -hid frungary: ......... '1890 15,725,710 0.1� ot f ces ? - - I .1 . I . , I061leat: rilark Jonportsint. C BELT GO glove8 on all dress tJ3�,Jpii,ua ........ 1879 5,536,r,54 0'33 authorities. He siippo8ed that the averag�, Me at sat -it Was` the In.elition a MARSHALL, MICH, tht _ , M 3W d t rist-i 'wrinkling up.-hearly''to, the elb Flo land ................. 18V9 4,ol2'G9,3 1124 would not be higher in 20o. It w,,, When you visit or le .. � iT. -i r.K city, Have 9w` 1880* 2 846�11 2, aou, clear, to him, ibut w4ree p osoinelptovlkilon In hag"ago peebs'lg(l a'ti i,carrit�go 'hire stat stop ,yg thk, -------- and c,ired for would- be, worth much mort. h ex AUo&r hi.ss dons pair of. tail colored Or Sweden �.i .... 1880 � _0$15� at t e On'tNI) TJNlN 1i evou m%ho taly Etrad chocolate 7 tL -11'25- -Y - -13 -r6 �on) acked w1hether,if,. Central liepoi. Leloglult rount's, titte(l. u 1) tip,. 'Sawing MideZasy, up ap- lts77 iij,625.800 086 ilf. a X'9t Ileelidtf Ii ee7e cost of one milliou'tiollar:i, tatirl,;ed'to ,.i a�d c 1879 7 �8 437.1,91 0,76 he:tb ugbt it'would.hlat.: be worth leoiA than isjho intention of ilia Goveru mail t -d u ring upward�s,, ,lot, iny, Eurojwau plan, E]Lvat6r. The Now -Impioved Ill ilb79 b - �,preaeutsoasioli tolt�troduc'e t6iY_AEileDd. U6 . ltUrallt 811pliriE r a,i hba can, �fa,itenH t ena: around. the 1.32. 61� He thought '.that the Bill wouff bt, ld :Nvith the, b�bt. VONWH' LIGHTNING, Upper arm by a, draw string, aerangemeDt Z. rigi 'I a and' the 6icature for'the purposo stage- -1, �d .1, and al bpots of elieving judge8 Of Vlbluilies; cau live better f6r JOHB 1110116Y ILL LbO ... ........ beconae fi Lt e , ....... �188-1 �5�66 i�6 1,43 recia,tted, and side �Mellb to'the Ju hti.t�,hets tskeu "a the 'ed -66 of'ibe kid Wale ' " I sy � . . the Court of Appeal Graud univa hotel thall at [Lily other first-cluss Is the cheapesg and beie ast mode a '�i,,370 3,11 Province woul The e9dot of thili 1 �5,7, .ad aS, , 1 -wearing the 18811 6,150,H30 -0,47 aventit bordered,6u,Voth.aideH V.Y'� Hbade it ow circuit duty, or ottlerwke faoilibaLing hotel il tile, city. A boy six years old' Krkou�q�xe.taire glove tH souletbing frightful. ul,ited. S'�ateH ...... lbao - 50 155,78a -9 0 trees. It was proposed tj ora 'UO,000,, ube deHpatolb of btlainess ill that court. cansawle, 6 gand I 0 n on tsc I W, Be. All tile outtiaes of the 'arm tire lost,' aud� He concluded by wovink the Mr. Mowat Aal"d the Ju ficatui��e Act did 109 Widoru tQ4 thIUR, and folly. to sit rii.tMted C a is contaitif stimoll., ost ftW d all, artleenia' the curve of cbe c1b)iv ii hardly tdV6 Been. p(arivegiflax Engliat-ment url Tue'ructiou waH carried. arativa d �tislitlq. Igos of with ut Lhii,Dk ug cah :saw Go ;I With a delicate bail dress the�ti darkbrowu As soon, act ml,Lke it l�l ou the j�u Ia Yull1`14 'Liall 'Ind Young The Speaker ellad ft lulilIg 073 a POiDt'Of the Court of A�)pedl to P�rfo)111_ glove, reaching nedAy to tile 6houlder,give, woman ar� engliged iL, Nor% ri�, 11o; 'wittier order raised by M,: AleredibLi o'n Q10 Iluty. thollfill 'it aUthOriZb4 thIBLLI to do so, Tit youth grief'is a teropeAt wbieh'.mickcs . I I a I -id d all, - of tro till ai ri v gu are reltdiag (if tile .Dill:,tta 'e,t.,lbJi,,1I1 Public Chere,Wali no ilovoii lion on ,tile plirt Of flat, you i)l - ill oid ago it 8, cu qatto Its good wresult; as if the na jdeu had in lK life, be c ill � S, aliged: TheSe rings'are orn ever aft,r- aI ulled a pt�ir of woollen stookilig on, or ,ob ke litated *tbab after GovertiMau, to thell.1 a NVrildtIA to Yor. f ties, aua One, --her hand into bi, V 'AIR wm�rdby tbe.iiaezi, as well as by the worrie PSI a Oicwst ilitop the author I tieti. Im par i -11iH INV, he i6teodad to introd'uc6, -wore White lock t t.fie others, The cozj�eqtlozj�-o i, that one can a) Ways tell I f tile )II of d Hdarclaing the journals,(, f,;r the batter � i 1 1 . I tlIo qevercr forLllq. of. INDIGESTITON. A to. be closely e,uougagedinilu,, nphlot oil tile abovis, Illost lis -Young children 'need itm It ho wile of dpillioin'that th6rd wag: no. que8 titice whi�all,wo To a., s,true friend 'Y'equi way, in the Same way as one can tell irmi W91cuLd in the winter I to prevent coldi,I, Q.ta 'tile _r ibns w1bich to some exteut'woald 'effect, iiou;f,esliD 1),,sb f roe, 5 -second eudiug ok th,� tb & L, with r1In11I.di0'., f rnorq 9 8c t Til, -conw-iell � 1. ts ill Kt1,nIpB. )�y - lit., R Sadden ch%uges 0 he wbatbo�F"i�n Bill would proceed., cornpiacency any , station or ljoy,�r, NAV5�, " NIGLIAND. it"re the firmb- causes of sore'throat, croup '66'wli her haild. - Gold ripga are used by IV, r. 1.3 adid roder was.of .opinion That "horne.- , M -r, Gib.40n. move4 for MOX. 3 ili� ricb� butsiiverei.Lheri,olid oriiiffla�ree,. th start of" P�Oityrin Social life. A lily to ACA UAIL oil, a ,%w] dipbitheria, with m�rlatlllll and fuileirs iug to te"ll the agripu it'Ix�g Was Want Que ounce of, preventiou is,worth a - w'orld-ob- , a covered !by, tile former return7-- During roRtyweatber apples gioul I)d Norway, no in %tter bow humble he ity, b I,; (3 in s6andard.,. r lie to that' -drawer, or eupboard with tbaliijbt care in reHpect of these often fittal Bill Was pert aP4 good, but it did 11 Ot the Uul. kept ill _-L. Who does riot bear this ourward wit 0 disorders. The clothiJap bhould be warm,., rk . t -come u11-tbe . various difficulti6e; in good. Pextity of. 'Xioroubta Aoil'the authorities of shut out. - When it ihaw,cotylpai especiddy about the fee& abd -limb bs�,su�rnisBion lo, the, matrjulorii I,bond the,.sujeob of adialis' �open the, Arawer or clapbnard, but a8, ills butllor,makitig in 9, country where thbr�-. oiversity Col. oe on I hi-�-A I'q 'heep t th ro the b,.tck., ' There 'is -But as tbe,mau-, is was F30 ml: d- - m - io-ii. of lao ie8 -'to the lolawres 6f tbeahe�e screens or,other ua�At)s still'heep t a �jT ;Ild g -wit - ----- e gag h t4ygteii�_orlastrucbive here else.' A­nipo, O)m-, tile littme of his fiancee immed4tely. below de tharl almost anyw livered on -tbo 6-abjeC6. oo ege ant th-6, alaveill Mont on' rot. Ifihi9fajtbexcmerDbqed�'rO _1149TITUTIOIN (E, Ti BLISH �.D IS 4' forttible protection is made of two pieces Mr. Hay Said it was aim the Same Subjeat­�Oarfied. to keep the apples from'frost: Deed, 0 iiN1.11"rim. e lEAP.vl,, 1,40JR41ONTO ply out of the 4 and '.one taken. of 'fl.,tnrlel, one or the, cheat IS talent of to expect tho' farwers to go to ill, Rad dur I, gia,. Par talli till Livdr and the bsok, Th success is nothing Die, -Jis�;0118bb'e. to the con mp osly libved V, for with two, tapes, run th I doing what, you �oall. �do Well, home "a "Peuse, if], eror Will ialm of Germany i nd Rn'6 hi -day the _par, in th6so 6 r ':�77 d, I- plM-wox la Wei , wilateve YOU Of W"kiout.1- a ; - lhraab, but low down, andt t r _1116 Same m6mehto'6f lie otb aroun doing iemaik applied toaheese. Addilosli STIWiON ,Cc 13 waiat. Thia.is Worn next the skin; f thought,,of fadne.�Lonqf4low.��, Alter remarks :offered' by. :A "M IA. ER EMLG t t U.) t�u hese d I at,voly that will -by _all. Don't b JE Th SEEO . .......... . lb- J� J, il