The New Era, 1883-02-09, Page 6EEP YOUR FEET WARM "Dealer* in 1300T A HQ TRUNKS VALISES. R3ucklepts .Arnie(e 31111,-e. ND DRQ Phe best Sal vein•tlleworld for Cuts, Bruises *ores. Ulcers„Salt theutu, Fever Sores;• Totter. Chapped 1Iands,,Chiiblaius, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles -Itr. ki. guarranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or moue refunded. Price 25 cents per boy, For sale y •T:'II. Comlfe rind Watts J db, Our stock of Boots and Shoes for the Fall and Winter Trade is now complete, and for andstle cannot /gm escellwi. quality Y, -.,- _ ' � .1�` tie St�'� 41tiS J i Jho -ger b a��e - t o nes _are ---__ � - s tial _ _ Our e _ And to sell themat the lowest possible` prices. 6p er cent discount ,for cash. TAYLOR & SON, Coats 13Iock W.Tn, Clinton. W .A.ri TB az C Market, _ m- I �- E1VIISTS&G T',.: AlberttY•c-e:; Clinton. m uiz e .sed of ' s complete warranted eu i , stock of medicine b The public will find our sto P the best quality: TOILET SOAPS, PE RI? UMTh 11Y,,-SIIOEOELDE1' 131L1C•115,1�'I1-USS1 ti;CPorGES, , ILLY -LLt r • � Sh 1 GCI'E5, 'USUALLY AND ALL KINDS OL DtIUCGISTS D IN A FIRST CLASS. DRUG STORE. CthitowGabinet Comp' In order to 'meet our increasing trade we have bought the Factory lately occupied by W. B. Crich,: and after getting it under way we are prepared to manufacture • Everything' in the- Furniture line, From the cheapest to `thebest' sets, with the latest styles and No, 1 finish,. and workmanship. Ordered work a specialty and satisfaction. guaranteed VNDER'rA KING We have also ,'added this;branch business, and in it at all times i will be found everything to meet the requirements of all.- - A HANDSOME—HEARSEHEARSE 'SEPT . FOR_ HIRE. By strict attention to business and an, eye ;toaecom=' modate'apd please, we hope to merit the confidence. adf all. . . GEORGE;:DIEHL: & CO. Vt1eiici s. The cheapest because the best. - 131411.,(61K .NOTED STORB FOR CHOICE FRBTT. BEAVER S. PAhLISER. 9 HEALTH:1S, WEALTH. BRA N Dr. E. C. West s H ervo and $ruin Traatment,'a guar- anteed-specific uaranteed-specific for hysteria, dizziness, .convulsions, fits; u'rvous'nouralgia, headache, nervous prostration caus- ed by the rise of alcohol; wakeftitness,.meiitaf 'degree-' cion, softening of the brain, resulting in insanity and - leading to misery; dec;iy-and death, pretnature,old age, barrcnness;.lass of power in either. sex, involuntary ,losses and speluwtorr ivaa caused by over-exertion of, the brain, self-abuse or over:indulge-8e, One box will . cure recent. cases- Each box eontams lino month's. treatment: One dollar a box, or sic boxes for fie. dol'' Isrs sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes', to care. any. case„., With each or- der received by us for .si e boxes accompa"ied with five dollars we will send ;the purchaser our writteirguaran-. tee to refund the money if the treatment does not ef- ect z enrol' Guarantees issued only hy J. II. Comte;: sole u ent Tor Clinton-, Ont, John C., West Lto., Sole proprietors, Toronto. ` Notice tothe a cttl .ors JOHN BRIJNSIDC)01 Of the Village otLondesboro, in the County' of', Huron, Waggon Maker: NOTICE is hereby given- that the said John liruusdolt has made an assignment of all his estate and effects to Richard Adams; of said wilt.age of Londosboro merchant. in trust- for the l enettt of all his creditors, without prefer- ence or priority,; and that firms, persons, or cor- porations having claims against him are re- (limed emired to send iu'their names, residences, post ofiicr addresses and.particulars of their claims duly verified and tlie nature of security (if an held by then, by letter, prepaid, and itddresstM tri tlrTfltdRir,hiard,Ademo,at-Lonciosltororct t _ .in of IletoretheFlFTEE TIIDAY:OFDTARCrf And uoder: is hereby given that aftei rho said- iIa to the said trustee will proceed to distribute the assets of the said John Brunsdon among the parties entitled thereto, having regard onlyto the Claims' of which :uotice shall havo...heen. given, ;and that he will not lio liable for" assets or any puri thereof co distributed to;any,poreon_ or per :sons of whose debt or claim^he: shall .not then. have'had•notice. .s ' • : Dated this FIFTEENTH DAY oi+. JANUARY, A A.D. 1883,' - RICHARD ADAMS, Assignee -in Trust. HD SUBSCRIBER MAKES .A SPECIALTY , of this business and keeps constantly, on hand a arge assortment of COFFINS, 'CASKETS, COFFIN . TRIMMINGS, SHROUDS, And everything in the Undertaking line, and can furnish everything.' suitable for a funeral 'On the shortest notice and - ' t the most reasafate Rates TWO .SPLENDID HEARSES SEPT FOIL AIRY AROUND -THF COUNTY. - Men are Ceintnenging work at the Exeter' Salt Works, ' .Jatnes Prpn has purchased: the liquor, busicess of'Robt, Tait, Brilssels. Mr. Longman has sold his 50 acre farm lst con. cif Grey to Granger 'Bros., Haw- ick, for $1,300', No nonsEnoty Should be considered complete without a bottle of Du. VAN Bn1tE0Z's $IDNE'Y CURE. is iu!the closest. It is the , only remedy that swill positively, perznanently and ppromptly cure all forms of kidney -diseases. ,Sold by all draggists. T. .Town,;' Seaforth, had ; a nasty gash Made in his face by a piece from a circular eau, striking him.. — The C P. church, Win,ham, took fire list Saturday..ire-the basement,- from the furnace, 'Meddle Miss 7• ie RI]thford.has been engaged as assistant teacher in Belfast school, in place of Mics Ella Campbell who resigned at the et d of. the,year.. ; Mr. W m. Wright, ops of the, pioneer re- sidents of Tul•nberry, postmaster at'Mer- .rishauk, is suffering freak nephritic dropsy. It is considered a eeriou8 case.. ' •.Mr.'Dauiel'Alten.has.rented, his saw- mill, Belfhst, to Mr. !Glazier and his. again to his farm, and purposes devoting Lis time entirely to agricultural pursuits. Mr. John Fowler, of Hullett,' recently sold to .r.n Ameican buyer one yearling and one two' -year-old colt for the sum of $450, acid no luck -penny back either. On Tuesdaya fire broke out in the dwel- ling house occupied: by -Michael McCarty,;,, Harpurhey. Two men were .passing by at the time and hastily jumped,' through ; tho: window, the door being locked as the fa- mily were•away, and :quenched it. " Mr. Thos. Bone, of :the 3rd con. Morris, hes rented his.farm of 1.00 acres for a term of five years, receiving an annual rental of .200 in advance. Mr. Bone intenda - -ing a visitto.his mnther..and'many friends •-irrEngland-d-uriag-theeensi ing summer. i the 'members_ At al meeting of h e b s of St. .George's' Church, 'Goderieh, Rev,': Mr. Walter, w assisted'in the service Sun- day before last, was engaged for one year. The rev. gentleman was formerly” of Trin- ity Church,Montreal, and now comes from Toronto. He has the reputation of being an efficient parish worker. i-tEME'drER THE PLACE,,, OI rosrrl, rTu: -TOtvs At a meeting of'the directors of theEast Huroi, Agricultural Society it was decided to •hold. the spring show ..at Brussels on Thursday, April 19th. The. directors of the Grey,.Branch Society offered ,to induce the directors of,the county show to hold. the -fall show in Brussels. The „Pro- posal '•,was..accepted. A well known 'character in Stanley, named Thomas Kay, died on -Tuesday' last, aged 80 years. Thedeceased'was a Scotch• man, -:and hadlbeen a resident of the town - skip for about 30 years.. At one time he''. was in• goo circumstances and owned a hundred aere farm on the 4th con,, and had gained considerable local notoriety as a plowman -and -a m•nsic-teacher. For:-seve-, ral years, however,.he has been addicted to unsteady habits, and having lost elf' his•: property, for some yearn has been support ed at ;the expense of the township. Free of Cost. All[persons wishina'to test the merits-of'a great remedy-o•ne that will positively mire Consumption,.;Ciughs, Colds, Asthma, Bron-' chitin; or any. affection of the - Throat. and' Lunge—are requested to call at Watts etc Co's' and J. I3. Conrbe's Drug Store and get a Trial; Bottle of Dr; King'sNew Discovery for Con sumption, "fi:ee of cost, which will; she* you what' a reg'ular'dollar size bottle will do.: - • THUS; STEVENSON,.':---j- loin nion Cough Balsam The -rear lung remedy is also a valuable anti dote to, stoup. ;Mrs. Quinn, Wellington St.. Brantford says :—" One of,,iny Children was sic zt d with au alarming attsek of croup, as the -child got-black.in the face I a its fiighteued,and Iran- into my•uoxt nei hbo'Fs Mi n En lisp, who band gin a bottle of Illoiilinion Cou 1i I� ilsaui ;_ . vvhitil. Ur.' tile -list teed been using for sore inn K:: -I gave my child -a dose which gave iui- nreditterelief ; soon after i gaveanother, and :in a short time myy child was all 'right and at Play. I sent fora bottle to, keep' in the -house, us I hel.ievo it was themeans of saving'tuy' Child's life." Price 21 cents. S 'TdP,SCOTT cf. GO., Malanzfcccitarets, oto:, •'I3ra9ttfoi'd.• LIN `ON,.'. THOS, WHITE: as, Combe, Agent, ACRES FREE IN Tar •- Devils Lake, Turtle Mountain Ana Ilrouae River Country, - NORTH DAKOTA, Tel bittary to the United States Land office at GRAND FORKS, DAKOTA. -Sectional map -a iitl:a'.u1Lpartieularsmailed -free 18..: F. MCNAT LY . -. General Travelling Agent, tt. Paull i,ndcapo;i; a Ihnitoba at :. ' 28 E. Front Street, ,Toronto.; From. now '' until the 15th- of February,'prepars,toryto stock whole will offer the ho e of'm ::irillnense tinct. taking, I wlNell`-assorted y stock Of DRY GOODS and BOOTS AND SHOES at a discount of -ten. per cent for ;cash. >in- plain figures, a lues Hina. tire.a My golds, P b > at close cash 'prices. ' r is a SPECIAL DRIVE 'to reduce stock-- of winter This offer goods, and is a `grand opportunity for Casli buyers to- secure first-class, goods at bottom prices. 11O'I'IfE A -FEW OF THE PRICES: A first-class OVERCOAT at $8.50 and 10. cif. 1at off. Blankets is 3.0 0 � nd • 10 pair a e� a A first-class.. A first class A11 -Wool Tweed at 60c.: -and • 10 off. 1l -W.., of Flannel a --35c• -and=40,-ofi Afirst-classA o t A first-class Colo'd Cashmere at 35e. and 10 off, -A first-class . -Black Cashmere at 35c. and 10 off., A first-class pair Ladies Boots $1.00 and •10 Off., A first-class pair Men's Boots $2.00 and 10 off A pr. Wren's felt Boots $2.70. and 10 off My stock of GROCERIES is complete, and prices .'.ire low', -. l oTILEtt_:Innl_BItYO 11IETRoroLIaS. By the- following, frem ,the Fargo,(Dak )` Rep'ubli•can, it will be seen that Mr. 'T.•M , Etliottrwell known as an. -...ole resident of Goderieh township, has laid out.a town •to bear his'narne, on the same plan as ,Godo— rich] is laid out.... Tho constrt(ction of numerous lines of railroads 'inte Ransom 'ccsuuty opens for that fertile section a future full of promise,;.; and! the enter prising •, population . are ex- uberantly jubilant : over. the bright, pro: speets ahead. In addition to Lisbon, the present county •seat, several new townsites havd, already been. located Rand: will be Flatted early in the spring.- : The latest of the'so new -aspirants for metropolitan hen - eve; end, the: one which, et present, seems. to lead all the rest, is situated eiebt-miles west of Lisbon, on .the Fargo 'and 'S'outh western railroad`, and will bear•the name of Elliott. The platting of this site will show the most novel and beautiful design of any place in the territory. : In' -the centre of the town there is to be apark'half a anile m circu mference, and girdled by an avenne on which the business horrses.willbe,built, facing the' park; -while all the otherstreeta- coming in from the stzburbs will converge 'toward a common'centre, like the •spokes ofia wheel toward the hub.: ; The ambitious 'projactors of this scheine, anticipating the ceptors of . tiro county seat, declare that the court house shall be •built in the 'cen- tre of the park, and. that above the dom.o shall be erected an electric light tower of sufrcifilir i lfVITY ill'umim te-alleof-Ali portion of•the county. In (his way they propose to enable: the neighboring bonanza farmers to harvest and thresh, their golden grain while those in less favored' localities are wrapped in slumber. It is said that the surveyed routes both of the C. & N. W. Railroad, from Colom- bia to Grand Forks, and of the branch of tho 0,,-M, & St. raid Railroad, which 'is: now constructed from.Millhank to Wilmot and .which 'will be extended from, there to Jamestown, to intersect the Fargo & Southwestern. at Elliott, and that the grading of both will probably be completed during tiro"coming year. .Ifthese tamers ,ire correct, Mr. 'T. M. Elliott, the, lucky yyawner of this townsite, is to be-congratu` lafed, and: he ell reicice-that--ho left - o to COOPER'S FOI ��yj1 gB �� �tAL51 if GitOCR1:1RIES _ Crockery, CIasstvare,- Sec. ,Oatmeal and Cornmeal alwalS on hand. - n outside c the ' association, POttt� ',S' 09i21r 'tn� l 11a :�S�altiast, Bacon; ilio clueers's daniafns to become ti,: Dakota. STOVES. Ravin bought t st til, of Stoves.t ut_ide ,f h assic atiin, o.n very ad J a t °� e ) L 1 mer. . far , is forms, I sin 'no* irepaietl t:r, ut:ei°Cc�oleilvG S;roGcs at liirez:.po:rOentae+e I,'ftr G'lrur :I'tc'ort `fire e]• dzcf�ed Ikons under tho usual prico. rlftd No. 1 a.11PUr • 'El ARVi:3'.I TOOLS. -- Scy(Iles , Soaths, Wheat, 'Barley -arid, 'Hay I+iorks,.5cytlio At lirices tvi'riclr savorbe,lietctieu atones, stakes, Carnes, llzrrvest Gloves•, Cradle Fingers, &c. T-IN-rues;i+:-=-A'-full-assortrirent-ofeCin-war-.e-tneall-t:ts-bratieke . AleO,TAAwe' Goons HIS 60' C TEA A SPECIALTY GRANITE \VARE,=Just' arrived, an assortuleirt of TEA PiTs, COFFEE POTS and .PIIEslittl'LN.G,..KERTZIS'' In Gglet.rite Ware. (TIDES, Slit EP S1tIi1?,,i U115—x]IG' cl l d t,' 'OAS -T PPIG'1 '1.'.01 : S. 1.3A. ,. CJI re'4.)11-, kiOLE w(xENY-F-OT '.' i•(,i.;:I SOAP Ile�buts EEI.� I � t b'ortntes for Farinertr and Mechanics. Thousands of dollars can bo saved by using proper, judgment in taking care of the health o£ yourself and family. If you are 13illious,: have .sallow complexion; poor appetite, low, { and depressed spirits, and generally debilitat- ed, de not delay a mornewt; i trt-goiat--cute and procnre a bottle' of those':wonderful lace, tric Bitters,which never fail to cure, and that. for -the °'trifling sum' of fiftyaunts.-Tribune.. •• t see l i s riga. r; rt,INTON -Sold by \Vatts ds Co. and J,• H. Combe. e are . now offering Special Inducements for cash while' stock:taking. Great •reduc:t Lions m ,Millinery., Great reductions in 'Mantles. Great. reductions in. Furs. Great reductions in 'Hosiery. .::..eat reductions. m Fancy Goods. • TWO •BOORS Oi RTil OF THOMPSON and SWiTZER'S, R. 'BEESL� Y, Beaver Block, Clinton. • ,e1 '4'hher.q., s the best place to deal this �}r'4lill' for He IIY. WITII B9 Tie r ce keeps the best genefal stock' to town. • Eyeryihing Freslt. 1 d: fay. .: :r,`.- •t'.1_. Cll'tlL ,!