The New Era, 1883-02-09, Page 5AT THE .NY) EMAON COUNTY. The executorsto the' Estate o£' the late •JOHN HODGEI$S have,•decided on .winding up the Dry Goods business so long and "successfully' carried on by hint, and have placed. the management' of the same in clrlrge of Mn. 'J:' CALLAhDIIR,: who is authorized to collect all accounts clue the 'estate, and to pay all liabilities.' e stock is by.far the largest in the =count It amounts .toupwards, of $35,000 worth of the choicest goods to be had, `and has all, been bought on the most advantageous terms in the very' best markets. '.The: buybing of thein was. not confined to one or two wholesale houses, but wherever a _ bargain • was to be had, it was secured, and now that the time has coupe for wind ing up the affairs of the estate, the people of Minton and Huron County will, have. an opportunity of supplying their wants in the Dry Goods line, AT PRICES ,NEVER :1 JARD: O$ BEFORE: -`41:rri�fi3;%::_'+=.a;:t-3y:ia,,,,'..,,^_LnR:s.Loa:42.0:.'•:+'.^._enrt+t"_..,r.g, a A.. 4V4:: The stock as to the quality: of the goods needs no comment; The thousands of people who repeatedly' visit the Great Dry Goods centre,: and theimniense businessthat has. been done heretofore,. isbuar;ntee enough for us to' know that the quality, style and prices have'; been apprecitrted,•andthat this has been the only place where they c`duld 'get' all their wants in the dry goods line filly supplied. THIS MAMMOTII STOCK is now thrown oii the market at enormously. reduced prices,, and the people who have so lona .and so generously patronized the - late proprietor of this great establishm nt-, shall' now reap all the benefits -to -be Cleaved -from; this Great sale. WE ASK THE PATHO AGE OF ALL. Young and old 3 -like will receive the, same courteous treatment as has always been shown to customersunder the former management. The whole; stock never •' as Mope complete or more fully, assorted in every, department at this season of the year. it has always been one of our great aims to keep the assortment up, and we -think our friends will hear its out in saying that IVWWIIERE 1N CLINTON COULD TIIE, ,SAME FrY'OJ STYLE AND PRICESBE FOUND. And the people need not fear being humbugged, as they have often been by s• imilar announcements' from others who have done business in Clinton. The several Departments will be'kept running as usual..• DEPARTMENT: Which is in charge of one of the best Mantle Makers in the Dominion, has been AN UNPRECEDENTED sUCCCESS during the last two seasons. Every garment a perfect fit. The Work done in a manner that . could not be excelled. The .:same Mantle maker has been re-engaged, and will have full charge of the department. Ladies requiring a Mantle need have no fear, when leaving their • order, but that when the garment is finished it will be perfect in ` every way. We have ,Mantle Materials of every description, and at will be able to et them at prices �. th><sw Great -Sale -you , . . ,get ... no other- louses -can touch. In this department we fearno competition. Out. present Milliner, who is, second to none, even in our large cities, .has also been re-engaged, and will be pleased to see her many friends nand customers, and they can rely on the most courteous treatment and perfect satisfaetion at her hands, in the most minute particular.— For the coming. season this department will be fully as- sorted with all the new •:leading styles, which at this Great Sale will besold at prices away belowti~their value. DEPARTMENT This has always been a SPECIAL DEPARTMENT _al. the Diy Goods` Palace. We have' all shades in Colored CASHMERES, both All- Wools and Union. Newest material. in TWEED:'SUITINGS, SERGES and. CLOTHS, at this Mammoth Sale we offer them as clearing. prices.. For Suitings and,Mourning, we have always carried the largest and best assorted- stock to behad in the ' county, and our prices..have always been so far below other houses, that the trade in this -department has kept increasin enormously every year. Te -have now on hand a magnificent stock -of BLACK CASHMERES, both blue and jet black, CRAPE CLOTHS, GARFIELD CLOTH, SUMAC 'CLOTH, PERSIAN and ITALIAN CORDS, ITALIAN TWILLS and SPANISH NUNS VEILING, and at this Winding up Sale you can save p 25 er_ ,cenbuying from us. _ t by y y g _.. ;e CARPET Deparitzrieri In this department our assortment: is -unusually large, and the whole. stock must. be disposed of at this. Great Sale. TAPESTRY, all kinds. TWO-PLY WOOLS. DUTCH. ancl HEMP. OIL CLOTHS and MANILLA ;.MATTING::. Tapestry, Wool, Cocoa, and Oil Cloth Mats, all Reduced to Wholesale Prices. At the Great Dry Goods Palace, is chuck full in 1 every . corner, with goods which at regular prices; beat everything shown • elsewhere all hollow. - But remember, at the reduced 'prices . which ::we are sellino• thele at nothing in the county can touch then for value. PRINTS in lovely patterns and: excellent cloth BROWN HOLLAN DS in endless variety. TOWELS and TOWELLING for the million. Linen DAMASK TABLINGS, all dualities, whiteecbrown: Colored DAMASK TABLINGS, beautiful designs.' -- WOOL. DAMASKS for Window Curtains, lovely shades, WHITE COTTONS, every make and price. White & unbleached SHEETING all' widths and prices. PILLOW LOW :COTTONS, 36, 40 and 45 inch. DUCKS,brown, checked and stripe. Cottonades, Blue and Brown' Denims, Kentucky J eans.. A, NNELB■All-Wool Grey Flannels, Union Grey, Flannels, Scarlet and White Flannels, Home Made -Flannels, Shaker Flannels, all reduced at this Big Sale. ZIOSzer & C lovE�!'■a■ G n d n pin 1 t yGerman Wool and Cotton .Hose; KID GLOVES in black, medium and light colors, two, ;three and four. buttons. Tai�r,�, • 'This: department we call special attention to. • ■ We .can , show you a ; magnificent range of , O• nd ATWncl E I, bought £or cash SCawayTCI beloaw valuCANe, anDIANd will rio\v h,eEEDS closeid ouSt reITgarNGSdless of cost.' `. SUITS MADE TO ORDER, and the fit guaranteed ey.ery time. as coltrimeiriceo :CTS are busy taking stock and expect to enter 'it down. on the 15th of. February. From the present time'until that date on. all purchases' under $10 we will give a discount of 10 per cent. ' On all purchases of $10 and upwards' we will give a ,discount of 15 per cent. We intend closing the store on the 15th and 16th of February, to enter stock, go thoroughly, through itg y,and have it� re -marked and re -ticketed., so that there will be no confusion in prices.. On will Feb: 17th-,--.-all---w31-1---be -react the sale will be .continued, and bargains all the rage until the whole stock is .. - p y` p eular..�.. 'disposed -et. - We -solicit the- at�ona e...o.�a��and.can..assu.r_e: t1�em.._of lionoxable.:�t�eatment-�n-e-very �..;- anti butter and Eggs taken as uual. 100 cards siort�grr e, erwoodwaned, ESTATE A OF JOHN N IGElS. _ CLINTON!. FEBRUARY 1883: