The New Era, 1883-02-09, Page 1MANNING. & SCOTT
Barristers, Solicitors,
Commissioners for Ontario and Manitoba.
13 different kinds of FAMILY
BIBLES to choose from at Dick -
„son's Book StOre.
439 POCKET BIBLES to select
We have everything for school, cheap.
DICKENS' WORKS, complete,
16 vols., neatly bound andillu-
strata], for $18.
We have, without exception,
Pocket -Books---&-LadieillannATCHELS
In Canada.
Tvir JENir 131E n
I can supply customers',witla
any Newspaper or Magazine
they want, generally -cheaper
than anybody else.'
Some good Clocks left
Splendid - timekeepers, cheap.
Or Buy froth us...and• saVe
City BoolCStere, Clinton
M11. &MRS. BLACKSTONE, teachers PT Vocal goal
Instrumental music, Rattenhury Street, near Or -
inn Factory. N. B -Singing ClaitS how, forming,
ViolLn Lessons given.
'cllbston, Feb. 18, 1888.
MONEY to lend at and 81 per cent. Private
-ELL funds. SEAGRR & eioneon, Berristere, •
Coderich. .
_ .
$ finn PRIVATE FUNDS, to lend on-HFarin
Property, nt lowest interest.' Apply to
d. TIATITT,Solicitor, &e.
Clinton, Ang. 84, B . ee. l'errin's Block,
Hair dressing, shaving,sliamponing, dke., .attelided to.
Gue10 &. IlivcsigiolltSociolv
T1113 COMPANY LOANS MON65, ON .G001) •
rillIE undersigued havo been appointed
cltors, and borrowers can havemortga/..,,e,14.
drawn to snit themsel veS. No dclavs. Low
eitarges. . .
Late of'T,orenttc-tionor Graduate. Royal Col-
lege of Dental Surgeon, buti refnoVed 101110
Coats Nook, over W.Taylor &Son's.
All work 'first-class. Charges moderate::
S. folOWifig $0Ni
• 1701... 118, NO 0.
TIMMS -$1.50 Per Anriima.
.cx.the centre of the town. Suitable for private
residence. , Terms easy. 1. , •
C. A, Hamer, Solicitor.
cut AtlyerttOrtitent.
and Charles Stewart, sons of Mr. John
, Stewart, were practicing with a' revolver,
it, accidentally went off while in the hands
of John, and the ball lodged in the fleshy
parteof Charles's thigh, where it still re-
mains. The revolver had snapped twice
A Goon Ceeeittai, SERVANT. 15I1EDIATELY without g,oing off, and Charles was just
Apply to MRS. It 11 ANSFORD:Huron street coming over the fence to see what was the
matter, when he received the ball. Peo-
-ple should be eery careful with firearms.
E. K01.1911PS dc SON
• Accipireer -On Saturday, while John
/1001) general Servant wanted. Apply to
‘--)1 MRS. JOHN CRAID, Albert St.
a tited
T1911111 subscriber o8ri3rs 1or Sale: thad splendid \EV4N TED,
building lot on Huron Street. directly oppo-
site the Coercial Rotel', with a frontage oGO.D CiENERAL SERVA-NT GIRL. Highest,
mmge of A_
30 feet. 1Will be.sold in most reasonable terms. .. wages. ApplY at: SWARTS HOTEL,. Chuton.,
JOHN JACL.SON, Clinton. ,
Parte of Lots No. and 7, Huron Road Coneeesiou,
Township of Goderich each containing about 75 acres
nearly all ,cleared and mostly free from stumps. There,
pre on the premisen good frame out -buildings, a frame
houso, a good hearths., orchard, and a never -falling
spring creek. The above farm is situated on the Huron
Road, ab0ut1 miles from Clinton. I May be purchased
either separately or in one block. For further partic-
ulars And terms apply to „
Rouse -for 'Sale
THAT stinstan tialland conifortable
house, at present occupied by Mr. W. L.
Ouimette, in the village ot,I.,ondesboro, is offer-
ed for sa'e on reasonable teria".- Fdifr-Itieing
and4citchen.down stairs, an d thr so up. Good
cellar and all conveniences, hard and Soft water
Small orchard on the lot. Eor,partioular apply
to - ' •.REV. J. S. LOCREAD,
Londesboro, Dec. 20. 1882.
. . • •
11111E undersigned offers' for.salel well -situated
A. 'House on thp corner',iffigary • Street-, at present herself:. It is. a iew tiro -story frame,
with four rooms and tWo closets down stairs,, and five
roonis_up Stairs,well finished .in every respect.
acrelot, good stable, hard and soft 'yvater, good cellar'
and stone' foundati9d 'beneath., the house'. • NVill be
'sold on reasonable ternis. •
'Clinti,mNov, 30 1882 - •1, .
fi1-HE subscriber offers for sale the south half of
Lot 50, Tuckersmith, consisting•of 471
acres, on which is erected a good bank barn, with
wells, &c., All but five acres cleared and free of
stumps. In a good state of cultivation. 10 acres of
fall wheat: Situate 'only a mile from the growing
tuivn of Clint in.; Will be sold on reasonable terms.
• •••• ••••- •••• •••••'
, -
11 11114 enbieriber offers tor sale WS farm being
.lot 11 and half of lot 12, ILAyOu Road, ("ode-.
rieb. township', ,.(part of the old Bridgewater
farin) doritaining 131, acres, more orless ;, about
40 acres ee pine, cedar and ash,;witli fi01110 hard
wood. 14 .acres, of fall wheat, -a good dwelling
hOuSe, good barn 50 30, .Stable 20 x30, young
orchard, ! two wells- that never fail, a living
stream throngh the -whole -length of -the farm. -
Terms moderate, one-fourth do5yn, and pal:ince
ts may be agreed' upon.. Ap'plyo11. the prem Is-
eS.-Iir if 14 letter to 1101,51EsviLLET.O. .
rielle undersigned offers Mr Sale that -valuable farm
A. composed of Lots 40, 79, and 80, in the Maitland
eoncessioni-of the Township of' Goderiiiii,, containing
220 acres. ; The land 1010 5gOi.R.1 state of Heultivation,
40 acres' sown with fall wheat,'80 acres seeded doWni
Well watered:- and well fenced. Ti0o good oreliardri,
large franie dwelling house', and.three enea' barns. ---r•
This farm ittaittiated one mile 'from Holinesville. The
above lotawill he sold together or separately, to suit
Purehasers. Terrns eagy. , ;For particulars apply to
MANNING•&• SCOTT, ' Solicitors- . Clinton or to the
proprietor; J:OHN lifeCART'NEY; HOltrte0Y111e.
rpm seeterteeroffers for sale three acres of and
situated. to thci north 'eaat of' the High School,
being lOts 84, 65, aud 06. .Vcry desirable location. for
residenceS..; Will be sold separately or together. Are
well- fenced, ad -have- all assortment -of ,chOice fruit
trees 'therecnn.: Will also sell or lease the house now
occupied•hyllimself,'on the'eorner Of James street. ,It
contains 5I bedrooms, ,sitting,i90m, dining' room, sum,
tiler amt 'winterkitchen,-ima other conVenionces.,--
Wows reasonable- • if0EN
Clinton; Jan. 19, 1883. - • ,
.11PHAT well situated and splendid farm of 100
acres, Iot 22, 610 con. ot Rullott, 70 cleared,
30 good hardwood bush, well watered and fenc-
ed. -With a young orchard; 4 Miles from Clinton.
Ten acres fall wheat. Twenty plowed. Terms:
-One half cash, remainderon-easy terms.
This farm telones rto the estate of the 'late
James Beutheombe, and is Sitnate west of 'the,
oue on which the family„are residing. , -
Apply to.R. SNELL or .1., G !BB INGS, Execti-
Clinton, Dec; 26, 1882. '
rr HAT (1c0i1'al)10 Cottage on 1a1c Stroot Isotely ue
-L .cnpied by Albert Itunibalt Seven rooms, good:..woodslfed, punip,- tirst-clitss garden. 'Terins eaSy
_Apply •te ALIMIT'r RUMILALN, 'or the undersigned, ' •
LSO, MIT4, XT -LANDON. Two i•un of
• stones, two acreS.of. hind. ' Homy; 4un.l. other
building;. Apply to • - '
Clinton, Noe., 1882. •tiolicitor5.
BPI END' D I for
111 11 i &sari her o e rtifer ; Sale his farm consisting
of Let; Na.• 15, in the 111.10 concession of Mullett,
125 aiireS.: (Inc,'100 acres cleared and unclerdrained,
and in a High state of enitiVation1 On the poihilea
tire a Odd frathe 'house, tWo .fra,me barns, frame
stablea and other outbuildings. Two orchards, with
-eVery variety of fruit,: wen watered by, spring crock
'running through the hut, Sinaate 2-7,, miles from Lon.
desboro-sfiatiou, 'arid 00)101 f rein the `.12utvri of Clinton .
School and churches quie co,'tiicflt. 'Ibis is one of
the hest wheat 1411155 10 the County Of Ituren.. .
Also, tn. rent, a good farm of .100.ahres, lo NOrth
Porth. 75, ;tures cleared,
turns and particulars: on topliiiittioo,
• ; • , • TIENRY mein);
see. 23, esee, • teen .• :tortepettoreP.O,
Repairing .dene. Promptly,
cnnten, seas 9558, 1882.
ineurpor4ted ,ket orlhdbanient,
- ee'2,060,600.
To.(.).\1‘.8 NvoitTotAm,„..,, .Pte$Ident.:
j. 0", rt, MOLSON , Vito-Pre.v.
weevenesegee lretoetes; raters: 1Ianager.
'aoltu:tima9 1.)rctits
,c17111 J./.(nle)qcqn• ol'clainoe
j aqui'. (404 'a/ ./d7r17s2i1 : .
720710 .."77a1 /
'22.,27VBfill;:$•1:, AI:LOWED ON DEPOSITS, '
/V,L1E 1.31fi4 .
Money advanced te farmer4,on ti (mil notes With
one Or tnero endorsers, No Inertgve rcemired '04 He-
' • if. 13fttS.:ER, Ninfitiger,
iativdT,*', I
NTOTICE is herebygiven that the, undersigned will
not be resPonsible for any debts :oritraeted in
his narne after, without his written authority
Glintous Feb. 3, 1883. JOHN RAISON.
TITHE subscriber offers for -sale -that conveniently
situated farm lot 37, 7th con. Godeileh Township,
containing 84 acres, on which there is a frame house,
barn and shed; 83,acres cleared, and under good fence
and cultivation, well watered; 24 acres good orchard.
Terms easy. Illness of proprietor reason for selling.
Apply at thelisw ERA office, or J. 'Towson, Clinton,
or address the proprietor, at Galt.
AMEETING ol the Shareholders and patrons of the
Ltindesborough Butter and -Cheese Manufacturing
Co.. will beheld IN BELL'S HALL, on Tuesony,
Peb. 13th, at one o'clock p. m.,..mben a full state -
relent of the affairs of the Company for they:Let season
-mill be -read. -TrominentirCen will be present and, ad-
dress the. meeting, explaining the worjting,of Cream-
eries, &c.The public are cordially inyited to attend.
W. L. _011.1METTE, :Secretary.
-1 1111E subseriber offers for sale this splendid varieti,
grown from seed which was imported from Massa-
elmsetts in the BOER, of 1881.- They are a white
branched variety, free from rust and smut, and very
productive. Warranted free from all foul seeds --
Average yielcl'from 50 to 75 bushels per acre. Price
50 cents per bushel. •
Lot 27, Con.'3, H.R.S:, Tueltersniith.
A -
IBEETLYG of all those who intend to go westin
the:spring, arid would' like to go in a party, will
be held at the TEMPERANCE HALL, CLINTON, on ,
ER_IDAY. FEB -Path. at, 1 p. tn.. Agents of
the leading Western railroada will be present.
" Station Agent. ., Town'Agent G.T.B.
. . . .
. .
110011URSO ANT ix; an' orri—er of. the High Court of dils-
tice, Chancery DiveW
isi, inade in a Matter of "Re
Gerclon-Gordon • vs'. Gordon," the creditors of Chris-
tina Gordon, lateof the Town of Clinton, in the county
of Huron, widow, who died on or about the llith day
of Oetober, 1882, are,on or before the 26th ,clay.of-
February,1883, to 'send -by post prepaid; to MiS8RS.
SEAORR.' MORTON., ,BARRIRTERS, .Go.t.ExTevi, their
christian surnames, addresses- arid descriptions, ,tlie
full particulars or -their clainis, a statement of their
'accounts, and the nature -of the securities (if any) held
_by them; or ill...default thereof, they will be pereinp.
torilY exeluded from' the benefit of the,Said order.
Every ereditor holding, any .seetiritY,,• is to produce
tie same-Ude:re me, ' the undersigneds,Master of 'the
.sitid Court', at GOiterieli, On the 5tIrdaf;March; 1883_
-at Teiro'elock intbe fOrenoon;'heing the ti nye appoint-
ed for adjudication 9n the claims., ,
mited 5e11 February, 113.
-------1:.10Ster at
Of-- geeeipts--and-lExpenditgar,e--of -.111e
1'1111)11e Scliooll.itostr41 for the year 1SS.
.• -
'Balance on hand from 1881....", ............ -.$120 59
Governinen t'graii I to Public .Sehool..... . 364 (10
(roy,ernaient grant to Modal School.-- 150 00
---creifetee grolif 10000
.Foes from Moder:students . : .... 110 00
- Refund. Inspectors fees frourcounty 20 02'
Estitnato for 1882 '..•3100 00
Part estimate 1883 , • 250 00'
*4215 01
• •
l3a1arie. .:
, . ., .$8097 55
Paid offMortgage........, .,........ 309 60
Maps,. appttrrtua: .19 80
ery, hiting, ... ..1---------3315
Repairs -----------------------------------------70
Wood ,... . ..... ... . 1(3160
Secretary • : • • • • • • • - • - -1' ... • ..
School furniture ..... . ,
Misecliammits .... , .. .
. 142 12
5170 0,200
Balance on ham......m"....1...... - - 510 62
11:. 1)YLLABOUOII has opened an offico1:4
, BetWer Bloeit, up stairs, next door to the right,
and will give prompt attention to all matte's requiring
Isis, assistance. ' Night messdges to he left at M. JOON
RohnirrSo24's; Huron Street, (Anton. ' . 3
HOUSE; 10 111111\.Ty..
riettlAT cenvenieL1,1y-situated 1i6uso on Bat-.
tenburY Street,. west ot the re 117. Cnurch,
containing six.roOnis with good Welland Other
ply at, this'88Othee, or to 11188 0111.3iBt.1
, —
'Jew° steres in the' Oriente Bleck.* lents
lee.% te.pply to ,
• Aleoe the' store owned. by Mr: Ce H.
Wright, lately ocenpiecl by Mr, 'Bayley. •
ruENDERS. will -be received by the Municipal
.1 'Council of TuelterernIth for the erection of a
Bridge on tho 181. Con, 88-, S., between lots 315
and :36; near Stapleton. Plan and specifieations
can be seen at the reeldeebe of Mit, J. 11AtiNAtf,
.lot 16, con 2, Pf.12.S. Tenthly; will be• redelved
up to 1 o'clock, nsine on TuunSn AV, Filo. 15, at
Dixon's 'Hotel, Brucelleld. At the smile URIC
and place tenders 'will be received for 'malting
approaches to said bridge, at so Much per cable
yard. ThO 10WO8t,0r- any tender not necesSarily
accepted unless satisfactory' to the council.
W. 'hicEIONNELL, Clerk.
Huron. & Middlesex Insurance Tempeal
1,1.EAri ).,().?.4'12(y..r\r;
• •
omi;;. mit Ise 15 c on
e1lF;sp..i3 of prOkOfty.
AOl) 3)04311 N411.11'11T011/.
le.117,' A 01.:r.,.N''1,•'01,r).5 TON:
It is reported that a certain female of
this township, who expects to become a
mother ere long, although she is not a
wife, etas entered suit for $2.000 against
the young man concerhed in the affair.
She is old enough to have known better'
and the,position occupied by the young
man, if guilty, should have prevented lilin
from falling -a victim to his paesions,
Mr. A. Knox is still confined to the -
house with his sprained foot. e
The vote taken in the Bible Christian
Church here, last Thursday, on the union
was 26 against and 2 for. Th 'e vote taken
at the quarterly board of the Methodist
Church, was 12 for and 3 egainst.
The regular quarterly services of the
Methodist -church -were held on Sunday;
being well attended. At the business
meeting, on Monday, the'financial returns
showed an encouraging increase over -
those of the previous meeting. -
-LEG 'JAMMED. -Mr. E. Potter, waggon
maker of this place while coming_out of
the bush with a load of wood, last 'week,
got caught between the sleigh and a:tree;
and got his leg so badly jammed that he
has been laicl up -since.
The funeral sermon of the late C. Levis
was pieached by Revs -Mr. Edwards, on
Simday,-th e-13ible-Chreatiam a-Yee-en-eon-
siderately withdrawing their service. The
attendance was accordingly very large,
and the discourse impressive, thoughtful
and affecting.
At the last meeting of the quarterly
board of the Methodist Church, the fol-
lowing resdlUtion was unanimously car-
ried :-Moved byMr. II. B. Evans; se-
conded by Mr. E. Achesonethatthis quar-
terly board of the l-lelinetiville circuit
hereby express to Mrs. Catharine Tebbett,
their deepest sympathy in her great lose
by the death of our brother Me. Walgate
Tebbutt, and we hereby also record our
high appreciation of Brother Tebbutt's,
untiring services rendered among tie, and
we pray God that instead of the fathen
ma be the children, whom "He may
make princes m all the earth.”
The quarterly hoard of the Methodist
church voted una,nimously fae-or o
That stranger, who arrived lately et
Walkerburn, has taken up his peineanente
residence with Mr. Thos. Gibbs.
Mr. Duncan MeShannock Isas taleen a
turn for the better. His mother (Mrs.
Craig) evas taken suddenly ill, when wait-
ing upon him ; she is around .again. Mr.
W. II. Ball is sick of typhoid fever, bute
is improving.
-Miss-Maggie A. Robeitenshas returned
home after spending, the summer in Her-
riston. Mrs. Bear hail returned from Ber-
lism where she was called by the sudden
death-c-efli-eleineoltheir-; eceitieee-of which
*a.% disease' of the heart. •
M R. h d Irwin,of the 14th con of
1-Iiillettediepoeed liiee-elfeetee-laer Wede-
nesday, cows reaching as high as $67;
sheep, $18 a pair ; leorses Ininging $164;
implements and machinery not realizing
so high figures. Mr. Irwin has purchased
a house in Blyth, where he intends spend-
ing his declining'years,enjoying the labors
of his youth.
..e. minister, riot far from. here., lately
made the expression, " That all might' be
benefitted, whateyer their motive in com-
ing," It reminds us -of a pieceitten-who-
stated " that he expected:a ViSit from the.
minister, as he had not been at church
lately. But when I was precenting in
I attended very regularly :-Mar
I was weel paid for it.' There was only
one in that chureh that could -have the
precentor's reasons -who was it,
Ilow'e your ears, is the usual question
after tlie•bliezards.of the Jest, few Weeks.
According to the uetud 'custom " the Bear"
carne.out on leriday 2nd. (.Capdiennte) to
observe whether he could see lois shadow.
Failing to notice that phenomenon, he
'returned teethe den, muttering to Mined('
something about ready for an
early ep ri n g. Mr, Hen ry Hab el W1.10 llftS
been for long time eery sick, and Whose
life was,...fer_a_. time, despaired of, is 110W
C011 eacen t.
Mr, Thee. Moon has been on the leek hot,
Ina WO RTC pleased -to say is recovering.,
D. 11,eyr7olds, jr., of Hulleet, lately sold. 'a
youn P• mare to an American for $235..
Miss E, Givlin, the new tateher in- the
separateeechool, sectierNo: 2, is said to be
gieiug good satiefaction.
. OR:leriday evening•daSt• a large number of
friends and acquaiheauces ells, ICully
assembled at lien residence,' in. order eCt corn-
memerate the -old -custonr-of -"--warming-the-
houso.;'.• Thogesidenee, whidlehaa just been
,00mpletcd, is an elegant and subtitantiel
sernetttro of brick, Combining, very happily,
the oenamental tend useful:: The esteem with
which Mrs. Kelly is regarded, in the neigh
borhood, was 'testified to by the.large num.
ber of visitors who assembled, to do honer. to
the occaslOrr16147spite of the inclement Wea'-
t 4.43.64e,Wift". 50 •eouple mode their ,ap:'
pe several having come fteen Such
tare; 05 Clinton, Saaforth and Kin;
Thc compaby spent the e-vcning gory
,enjoyahly, dancing forming the principal
funneeinent ;. excellent mute° Wee furnished
by locel violinists. The evening passed with
"cienestenege, and at a reasonable hem: care-
efereeieely eet to trespase upon day, all dispers-
,ed to their hernias, wishing errs. Kelly meek,
happiriese prospevity in her nen abode,'
Robt.Vrummand son of W.Drummond
Esq., is home from Manitoba. , •
- , .
The mill at Meeers: Geeesman and Dodds
was stopped holt week to repair the boiler
and smoke -stack.
The smoke begins to is•ue front the
steeek of Meuntcastle's mill so that open -
Miens there have begun.
- A second bakery is to be started in the
course of a week or so. Will it be a 1311C-
feo0r88t?wo.Time Will Blyth is too small
The son of Mr. Win, McGinnes, who
has been sick with consumption for some
months past, died on the 28th Januar.v,
age about 21 years.
Mr. A. Orr, who sold, out his livery
stable, &c., to go to Teeswater to keen
hotel, but the man backed down and ac-
cording to agreement had to pay Mr. Orr
Mr, Rands has moved from MM. Celles'
house to one.of Mr. Kelly's. Mr. Wilson's
partner, Mr. McNally, hasanoved into
Mrs. Cones' house, having recently entee-
ed upon the married state. Mr. Ward iss
moving into the house formerly occupied
by Mr. Knox. Mr. Irwin is moving in
from Manchester.
The quarterly -meeting-services in the
Methodist church were rtell attendee, not-
withstanding the storm. The general
feeling was -that it was ti good meeting. -
At the business meeting the question of
Meth odist---Unimr-wasediscussedenenect
ried unanimously, 16 being present.
ThejBible Society ineeteng on Monday
evening, in the Methocliet Church, was
Well attended. The meeting was opened
by the pastor of the .Clierch,- after which
the agent, Rev. Mr.--h'--ga,ve-atr-exes
lent address. A few pointed -and 'well-
timed remarks were made by ReveMessrs.
eledLe'eean and Henderson. When flieeeet-e1-7
lectors have sent in their reports from the
country round Blyth, the receipts will be
about $80.
Notwithstanding the rather inclement
weather, business is still brisk here. This
speaks well for the lausinese men of eur
Mr. Thos. Ward, one of Stanley'e ,enter-
prising farmers, is now taking out timber
for a large bank barn which he intends
to erect next summer.
The Rev. Mr. Henderson, of Blyth,
preached in St. John's church, of this
placee, having exchanged pulpits with the
Rev. Mr. 3IcCosh for the day.
,11.51tNOCII. • •
MEETINCI.-A meeting 111e: share7
lioltters of the Boa ver Cheo, ‘,..ti':ictory wee
lieht tin Monday, Febru a ry t71 -i, but, owing -
to stormy weather and bad (and
perhaps -lack of iiitucest) the attendance
svie: "as Itieoctitireilla`trilgepoas5tpdesired
t C, inre1(':t'isieig-Puryte:
til .111enday, Febru ary 19th. A full attet-
danee ie requested.
" OWING to the dilapidated teem! felon, of
the Methodist ()burets at Taylor's corner,
,service is being for the tiesee- he' th..e
school house.
The Messrs. Young, of tee Cut Line,
'bought of A. Sparks; Stanley, an 8 menthe
old colt, that weighs 800 -lbs., tit the emit
ApCIDENT.'-1Vhile Mr. N Orel was ou
Iiie.way to Goderich. the other ehty; hie -
horse took frighs, at ,the pitehlieles, and
beconaing'uninanageable, rae away,throw.
Mg Mr. Naftel out of the cutter. Th.
horseganlaerdiseamce of -to milee, dislo-
cating the seat from the rig. Mr. R. CO.;
being of a quick turn, stopped the eanimal
before it did any furth er harm. Mr. Naftel
received little o no Injury.
' LoNDEsnotto. _
Ilonneiceetre-Col. A. M. Roes, the Re-
form candiclaterwill ,address the electors
at this place, this (Friday) evening, at 7.3et.
A meeting of the shareholders of •the
Butter and Cheese Factor.i will be held
here at 1 p.m on the 13th inst.
.A tea meeting Will be held in the Pres-
byterian church here, on the evening, of
the 22nd inst.,' when addresses.are expect-
ed feorn Rey.' Messes. Pritchard, McDon-
ald, Stewart, Musgrave, McNaughteneand
McLean. Music to be furnished by the
Clinton Presbyterian choir.,
Cottitiebeelfs-esPendiner a. few
weekgin Toronto.
.. • .
Mr. John Co..x, .(Councillore) has sold a-
very fine two- veal. old colt to ite Mr.
-Greene-of-for theciestiteieof-$150:
l. Our new councillor Mr: J. Ir. •Ellidtt
is out again buyingeall the'apples he can' -
pessibly get, and -peeing from $2 to $2;,50
per barrel. ' '
The'neany 'friends of Mrs.A.' McDougall.
eeeelfeleeles-cl to learn that she is: getting
alongvery nicely, and hepes. SOD11. to he
around again.-
Mr. D. Roberts, fermerly'of thie place,
was vieiting old friends on Saturday, in-
tending to return Sundae, Was it the
blizzard and " something'-' elee that kept
him till Tuesday.
There Was aii unusually large atten-
dance at t,he Methodist church, 011 Sad -
day evening, but for 80111e reason or other
the rniniater did not put in an appearance
although the congregation waited until.'
near 8 o'clock.
'.-eThe'',greet storm of I4 -9t le0.'ek-PeCeellied
any Mail matter, reeching; Porter's. Hill -
office till Friday.- 'The cold and severity
of.thestorm on Monday and Tteesday_has
net been 'experierieed, in thin ,seCtion ibif •
reanye years, 4n(1..a. "great nifilly rOOts liege
been frozernip .consequeneee - •
• • --
At the regular meeting of Clinton Court
templars ,of this place held _their open
lodge meeting last week. The night was
very finesand the large hall was crowded. 7
Jamee Armstrong Was called to the
'chair. Although five speakers had leeen
inVited, the Rev. Mr. Denby was the (silly
one present, ansi. gave a very good tem-
perance address. • The good templars of
Varna are much indebted t� Mr. Denby,
for the interest he takes in the temper-
ance -canee, and his willingness to assist
When called :upon., The choir rendered'
„some select pieces of music. ,Altogether
the 'meeting was an interesting one,eand
the audience dispersed seemingly well
—The- tenieftelelyenfileirileheeeed-bef iliee031e-
Church Voted in favor of union, oil Mon-
day last, 14 for and 3 against..
Through the energy and enterprise .of
Mr. A. Rutledge, new chandeliers have:
been placed in the a Chnrch. These.
people now, for taste and comfort, have a
ehurch unsurpassed.
. ,
On Friday, the 2nd, Mrs. Blair aged re
yea'rs, died at her late residence, Bayfield.
The funeral was_Verynla-rgelyexteended
showing that her upright character was
fully appreciated.
The biblesoeiety held its' annual ineet-
ing here last Tuesday. .Addresses' were
delivered by the Revs: Patterson and
Batigh, and a 'very interesting lecture wee
given by 'the agent, Rev, R. Mee:lash;
The gathering was very small. '
13aimee.-So the elections argriglit here,
jackson, of' course, will cartY Bayfield, dee
had 37 majority last time. Does hoplay
cards Suhday? We "have three liceneed
hotels here, all the law will allow 'accord-
ing tcrour populetien ; two of them are
owned and occupied by Conservatives end
one by a:Reformer, We have one divi-
sion 'court, and the elerlenthereof, one of
the presidents of the Conservative Asse-
ciationehere, wassan appellant on behalf
of the Cohservativee, during .the.last sea -
eon ; 'he was in. the chair at Exeter 'part
of the time, at lest South 'Huron: Coneer-
vative Association, This is the way tele
servente of °Hype act 'here. " Does it
look- ifthey Were appointed nstools for
the Refo'rm Government." We liad the
agent'Of. the Upper Canada 'Bible Society
here last week • the service wee held . in
the English cliurch . last week, such a
thing- never happened before; wonders
willeeiever .6-etese. 'They voted in fairer of
union on Mondaer heree-Wo want more
,union hereyets cleasetyheleLanu`
temperance eneeting,on Wednesday even-
ing, in: the Presleyterian church, eVe
are nottroubled with much drinking now,
The people must -he educated. to avoid it
the same ae any. other evil, or it will -not
stop. Our council say they don't want
anything to 'do with the grentengeOf liquor
licenses, shine of them. bad enough- to do
with tbta days -gone by. ierrst Gordon,
of Midland city, 30 here on e \deft tolier
sieter, Mee. McCain), Theee is an enter).-
cirdinary individual seen on the reeds
here at times, seares.the people col -eine;
intd town ; ho wears light pants and ie of
a fair complexion. Two old ladies cited
here last week, they were about 80 years
of 'age., The Weather has been severe on
old folks this winter, Wee have rpisick-
flees of any kind -any body Who wants, to
live long aed happy come to Beyfield,
Maple Leaf, No. 16, oh Thursdaer,evenerne
last, there was Me unusually large attend-
ance, several outside' courts being ' repre-
sented, inakirege the inimber pr,esent abent.
175., The 'Fe -gutter 'ioutine leusinese, was
-gone !throngli With, and initiation. lceee-.
raonyTerforenecl ;eeveral protninent paints
..ineleereetry, being- ditecuseee,- After then ,
vestal 1)tittineets eves over,- Mie-A-.-A-,--e-Benee.,---
...nett, G. Pe Ce R.,' said he had a: matter -
that Would claim theie attention', and read
the fellowing eidelrees,' While Mr': Kitt pro-
-eel:teed t -he, piety 11/11126d \V ifh-ft--biin.dsorde -
ice, pitcher and ',cup,' with'. his name en-
graved thereon , ,
of Court Clinton Maple Leaf, No. 10, have for. some ,
Unto piist been wishing for an oppertunity to -convey,
to You the feelings sI respeet we have toward you, as '-
our highest officer. We fedl. that we could not hityik
a More favorable opportunity than the 'Present_ocr4,......
-sibu, ot presenting yod.With 113 au act,
-knowledgment that your serviees in the Past have '•
been appreciated by us. We feel that. we trill never
be able; toropay you for the unsellialtmanner in with*
you hire Spent both thneand.inoney weinelecessare,
to adytineeeur.noble order. , We are also prond that
we have a member among:us who has , been. with •11A
striae the eonuiseticeineut of 'Forestry In Clinton, and
who worked hard for os at the' time of our, secession •
from *le United States, from which'OROila we arc flour.
ishing under batmar4n this_fair 'Canada of •
ours. We alSo feel proud thative have a.Bro. amongst
us whoihas worked himself 'opt° the high -and inipor• .
tant position a P, n, we en 0. rt. ef Canada., Accept
dear Bro„ as slight, tolten of 'the respect tin'ol high ,
esteem in Which ymi are held by 00, this snail gift,and ,
may Yeti he long spared to attorktmitny High a•nd su- . •
bordingife Court meetings., and to help to further our
meetings On earth are no inere,.may we meet in that'
111511 quirt above, '
; Yours iti L. 11. iV.C.
• 'S4Itied. bell.iltbiAct-ill'4ullIBteErNofN.olL'1171j211e(;11;ble'r,HC.'
.11T1'.c:R012b 'who'. had ne ' expectation of .
ititeli a 'glee,' etated that lie evoulcl ht the
fettur6, in the past, do:all in hie power
. . .
to advanc.e the order, 'and 110.1toped. the
brethren whoehad made leini sneh a hand-
some ,present, would -accept hie etneeee
. .
thenke therefor. Hewiettlre-ea-lwaye'
her -
1011 it far mere than Its intritisie value,
for it ;alto him:that he had it niece in.
'the hearts of his brethren, Who had shown. ,
their kindinsee e by presenting him with '
, this' ' . - " ' •
then proceeded to the
Clentriil Hotel, Where thellest-leIr. Sall11-•
Pike; had' everything • ineeettiehren They- eee
:Sat ,11.0'wo 10 ,it Very nice Oyster steppers
after doing justice to • which, -the • tables
were eleareci,and the chair talcon, bee Bro.
Robb,' vice -chair. tree , A. Halo, when'
speeches, ..eongs epd recitations -were inter --
der. After spending. a very pleasent Gee- ,
ning they brougbt theeneethigetosa.elose, . -
at an early liour; byseeneing God SaVe the
21136 Maorsio Lotter' drawing .eatteeld
considerable' e.xelteiheiie bete, hs a large
riuml)er held tickete, Miss - Aggie:Pair,
who 1 tire a tieleee gisreneher by a male
.1giehil, drew $10, \ S' 11 Vett is tho only mie
here definitely known, eo-far, efte Fred,
Cooper, Of London, eftermerly With Jolla
eloclgens,) deeee, $(50eet 'There may, lee
other priee-whinerehere, but it will he
some time before theeettre found etit. ,
Cf1101 hoax was played on a pereete en'
town; eley malting him believe that
eineceelradenvem-ir•-ble i attid le Yen , —
'some time •befete lse Sees cerieineed to.the
ENOUGH 8110W 8 111 gocRi 11-4 it foll3t.—
wo hinve enough: