The New Era, 1883-02-02, Page 8F PIRM-Mmm UNDAY PABULUM., him. Do, my dear air I He'll find the day, and then- know all box had a London Bridg e label, on it--4rom Folkt,siorke—tb at struck It'im; how now be: redupe'd to �—whmt anareti might riot be her, I MILK AND,, -DISEASE. Wift'sume you of little Conmcquencea, will occur, and seeing its 'he bad taken her up at, 4 Waierloo,"' closing round 9 you g, so a Ovely, deserted I so be'll want a, pretty little and nurse, maida and things, and he'll want, to Make IShe didn't righily seem know,L here She 'wanted to g6 11, 4 ',To be continued Dc-atl;i mii:r 1,1 Ti in Th Weekle-, Nek-Arts in a X"UtIsI lLearn XL morkey-ilow he really is alever T; words appeared into, to burn now. I NIIV,-J9 Rpv,� Dr. a in favor of 'they Little rills anthe Vi�qex stwairklets, 1, 1 iver's 110 s.tritarnicts k5lvell the W aridvery eteady well, I merk naturall Foster elevatiqll. b1s eye- Neville's brah His softt bright, loving Marie prokilli., I pre old'sprmd�s roviAed at' p Oa. Rivers join he niou utaill billows 6rill7iird, 01LINVELid, as theY99 I -for bi d Shookbis head.' His ganibling rows 11,11 qaf3t off -without a friend, without a liop:b-11 not, knowing where to go." jilike _K Flulat 1% Inkportance!oCAkiving Pure Of-Alu-to g611koviolty 'The smallest. church -in England is' said knuilljobt Shade a sunshine, Wot k and play; a d 411 that was merely the want Ot a real n Who drive seemed interminaJ) I but at le 0 no of the strangest phenomok�a of the to courity', Lincoln, 26 feet by tin So May lye, Lvitb I.L,Lat6st I object 5n. life. Suppose you and.his brother length they_�atopped to' pay the" toll- at Society � in which we live is its taste fur Milk is perbapg the most i mportant f 17 6t a 9 inch a. Vo�ulatiorl, 91 Learn it little overy d'ity. Tiny MILLI borknoillss 11 arvests,, take him into the cioudern as a junior part-' ttarried J�erluipgtoii Gate, and a few. minutes after iht6 a quiet, respectable little, byr poi Hong. The day has. passed when the chemist's blue bottle inspired awe. Th -3 'r -pi article -of tolid'entekaug, into. daily use, rine it forms t4e,ent oior�alrnidat . The Method! ts,,-by their 'pbar�pterigtici havei, seadE Drops I rain conipoliti'thiii showers Zoutids I air!" cried the old gentleman, atteet. I 3ere the' pace slackened' -grew I boudoir ii a iaiy assuming tlib appear-, entire '�fcbjldr,i &it an age when they a fjod re �activity; after twenty yeark d gains a 13 tong posi 6, econds mitice the flying -inute%, And tbe)ofikute,�nlalio the hours I -Agirtledby s6'audacious a prop-ition into old fas'biorked exclamatio,11-- I,Your'mod- lled :slower still fin Ily-tbe driver pulled ud turning, t.app at the front ance of a dispensarY, aud.the toilet tnbie is ; a medium forrk�loructirk g inquisitive house - bu. t to Xesist an t lit, g able Ali y mperrug w. ': When once we.see"thscrogs,"-says4he Let its hkI then and calch E116111 Asth ey pats us oil the w s,y; -rwheIMIDg, prM e vc ru assuratice iso y wiki- dov� Neville oagarly,lowered it. maids in the 'able 01 ripe Of toxic 109y' few their hourialimen 15; but purity of : 'milk�,, (adds Professor F. A, R�kv. oss h p Cook,- .. it is no crol:s to bear And %, ith hovest, true endemycr,. Lcarntklitioleeveryds� bal ot your friend �briug into the I.0046errij, am YOU' 6outemptuout sly telm a' ,This is the street ; I ai 'sure enough about that; but the houses puzzle me. you Months since the� d iscoveley was. made, or. rather bruited in Paris, that the practice . Simpmorli I)., in all artic e in, III Good W 31 d, has' also a, important, hearing the terci Over seventy students were matriculated Lab us read sonkestrlhin�- PassIg6,­-2­--- bus iness which is considerably )our -benior, are alike seethe and Lnpv? 'noticed th r e f taking morphia by hypo praiii injec. d upon the bealt comm h of the unity at -large, last vear in the Ano, 1p -Chinese College., at 'with Cull a ver I a froin every page, Here III linu and, tberea sonte�ce, an Mild diathe r's So for I, Reall returned Sir I don'tL know"' There's orj'e there, with a caid'i� I that oo a abo­­ theivitindo ut it, but, I tioup had riscri. to ir with ladies who plunged C I into he excitement of eep y Since, in-adtilition to adulterations whicilit. Foocho connected' the Methodist W Mission. f 'GainAtheloti6lyttweo agel A:t our Worki.or by, the wayside, y Frederic, with polite indifference, 11 but I See anothe I I r lower down yet'l think it 'WbS L 'this 'the capital, that the jeweiiers were selli 1119 contains, it is ovii, known to be a ready Absor bentL of� 6 e rlain The English Presl byierimus tire takin g While the sulkehille's rotaking hay; Thus We by help of stud do a. clever fellow and can be. Steady, woul ura y. a e moriu-ititer6st first one that I stoppp dL bkt� We will try," Said Neville, feelin big a; curious, and, novel kind of personal Ornament, A iz,, 4 littla phial to hold mor- , L ons 6manation lnproducing diRbase pi d steps to thorcu.b. equtp'a' theological Oct. lege in�Chiqa- for. the, training of iiative Learh wliktl6 �very day. in �be-well,the buernesq, than a Stranger, pul4e increasing big mouth dry. ndaulgeric6 h, p JAI with iiijectillk -neqUe' attached., ID- th persons us ing it as, food., The adv , tosti6ns of, milk are fe W' in LOOK '-BE 1EAP' and ma�.e you a, better servant befinds his wife; affor, all, the only He and'tbe 6tective ali,,hted. ki�md 6ppsk", be �Jkid to S. OOM- in 'this poison, howbver entails 1 0 1 Such a speedy' revenge IIUMIDer, and for � the Most easy of -detection;,. I t was formerly supposed that. A�t Sutliampt Sunday on, England, on afternobrit; the down- in tot- ra;wback to my acbeme is tha:t it would be 1 R�UI I can do generalh o3p"king, everk I, osew' omen liVe,f6r society are -in no, I dark-ger'of cadvisi braing were eff-to'milk to impart rai:,ppuring, 3,000-tq,4,090 went to h6ar-Mr., a, real be'riefitJo'a riend of Nziy, YOU know I ani ready to Mr. Pim nodded. is door -was. Opened by- a neat servant, great falling, Victims to the infatuation. is 11chni and c( )I]Sit�tetCy to it, : But apart from the fact That hat HUpplk of calves' -Idoody, pieacL About 1,000 their the Sankie time listened to, Canon Wilberforce. By 2N�rs� -Ale.vounide. grant 3rything-but corifessi it is you ev, i rather cool of ou to Captain- Neville an . Mr, Pim-had searce uttered the Words, , ut,it otherwise wiW another.' which of-Iste Years, Poison -hasboon Steadily rising braini would b ' li-ll- e W 0 y ; i6sliffidient, for R, Titus, Gdah-,I Said press :upoa-me�the MLafl .who intended to I 'trate, will be yl on have some rooms to -let I- Help h Sh elshoutied in the direction of,the kitchen in'the favor of:ladiesi Land whose ectisump. t� IOU is now enormous. -No doubt the: doco thief, purpose�' the adinixture-w6fild ' in" very clever manipulation �to prevent Tlebti.n Apostle of the. sandwich. Islail di hig� ais 11, "resided -'for . half a century. and You811 excuse me, gentlemen,"be pologetically, bringing this war mirit-Into my favorite project -for frank 1h, with you, Fred 'your -union wa stairs; i,lxisgus MiSgUsi tWo-gantS about the bors- ae primaril, lible 'for this Y fast, i able vice. They ribs ar" by thie purchaser. It is equally unlikely tLt' Chalk is a frequent adal.'. wiblded,a groat influence with the peopiti is dead. yok�r sowefy-but if 1. take my'aye from ...... pff-and its precious Miss Delvlgrie is My favorite .!project and 1, A-apartm( you backing'him ;up... 'Pou in it is An - invocation which 13�6edily prese �as a,tonic.: It is -.Un �uestioiiably' a very' terittiork of milk; for the chalk, from its weight and iud, Dlubility' would at once sink A- poor Chinaman who had been helped -1 a r -d t -b-, c w c ul f -b- ft d-, ag, Iri S t d - i L 1, t 4h, I, corner, Voting rascal 1. 'and: don't' stir L 10 u -, b wd­,F r, e d I I rewily ca 'not defend'mys6lf; air But n �fhoaciDJL:iig one. -and w, used dis r e, c e IV, OL -t h e, botfomFI �ho veSSe sence.'woUld be -a. iosionary howed -hiB..gratitude..by:�-----�-�--- praying1bat udha would turn, h (L. is But,no sooner, You. -o till 1 U, leave. It's. my belief, Sir" - givi '.(WNevilie), I a t *yodk usual comp.1sisance, M ferdale in afterni let and a Don (i�.e. fall) toi con ty. 1f,ji6it of the highest does many a fair patient perceive hat it Very clear ha a easily recognized. F,.vti� the of milk. coll'ists in 6 'hiur Chinti, an) into an alls, go that the Mrs. him I that lie knows a, deaf. more "a you will bury the watter in oblivion- artil- I 1. ­ enjuk, mUrni Ili Good ev, said the I detep- white than it� has a fatal1aspinstiork for her, and theadditJork of a the abstraction of _Wat, r or si6nar might r ds on in the next life: such EtIblookhea tfimia you wink; but he I d; This -ailkd-cdmlider y plan, Sir." st ; While Neville p ' olitely raise d big hat. as & preparatioa of the drug is to be'ob, the cream in w,",Ie or in'llart, and tbe,�sale The,. confidence of, the people is thing he won't unde tand that the beat for 'a "lean hr Was pat iii insinuatingly. ' sy I ask What roOMR -Von have tairked of ny chemi. she is riot o bliged the residue am ue* milk. But, althoug Methodist Missionaries in the Hok-Obiang all p4rtiL make c east." is to An, good gentleme III wbirled'De.nnis, the Morninu you are rn�rr- tied to Miss Delvi ate,I will begiu . go al "IDLIly this parlor: Sir, anol.m'veryni6e bed' room uptitairs. Afraidl cannot accom- . I ' ' ' to M ake the doctor h collfid Lint- of her weak - is in however, b of Water milk is,'r' y the addition en. dared less, w]ttritiout;; it does � not di lstriet� China, is increasing so rapidly that the mms.kon.cannot Supply tho,ilismarid, for, W ith an indescrilAble mixture of London Or.- t o think the -matter over. That govern el's -w-de - to f ­Ne vill els-m a -h aveAZOI d_hey_%e I IL nIod ate two. nelk�s. It France, wh el'ti th's' poison is ChiLfly,iri. Vogue and we kn�y be,. becorbe a' ud: we, have,there. fore only aid in opening schools or girls. There orphantl why do'yer lot -him be, always woolen fill or.. hung herself. French uk� Of III Certaiui�P' and the beingir I alidle-dY U ti __mJLd_4r conditions' it may become unBafe'as an, are no services at t ii %Kave in a torturiii' o'. me'? I've no p6kee r notbing. of suicil:16-aua therk�'ooll my -life *he threw open the, doiI of 6, little parlor., 11 ch%ugts'for the worse, the habitual arsenic I takers remalilln a ve ry small rilitiolri:y a rticle,of food� Milk som I a beco'luleg exercises had io8"origin', no doubt, -day-and I've lost Me ObaractIter at the -1 shouldri? b -be Surprised if had another L �Pretty.li.ttlo rooms,", i the c For, t in this country he 6ifecta of this, mouly OVIring to the preeenc6 of a f"guH-. L in'.the Scotchborror-of doing au'ytbiDg that' , tUrol likes of hirn inqUir- irk'after me I There isn tItroSpe6tableboy t r w. r t a rieiieami I" It 6 .11red, Yssr I NoN, casm is all,,vory any with an a . itofe I asy patrons, e. IM other 9 in �ataa drug arks two-foloit; it ru akes-:t lie'. skit of 'but the Oidium L aOt1S . or P.erliaillinin Ube in that condition has Occasions ly mi gbt give a'colovto the carg6 of the cus� tom Of PrayilfIgL for �hedead. lull sik-penibe-oo­m give me, bxo.w.Ds for a ' fine. but -I believe irky6lar heart you. would- No, Sir'. highl�-respectable,gent rrkarbI6.' whiteness'; it also rapidly f duces m, : orikii , of V that p oc prbilticie'd, poiSbpou'F3 riptoms of a serious Syr 'milk -The fountiation'stone 'of the r6agnifiegnt a ra Smear- no I 9, btarat of Sobsi aud' gone ing of bib face with the cuff of big sleeve,. to, be maitied be right well pleased to my interes tim, little ward to -morrow. Come, as bits been in the drawiDg-rooms nigli Ii we vears, and a Mau in an office,, what into Violent onflict with our character.; Whether theL f in but obtained 'o S an erin from - foot -and. L Church t Vienna, whicfi�. of. the Saviour a lias been urider,coustruction for twenty.six But, �my man " said Neviiii kwdly� it would be.' bet'ter for you to � tell the (DIP VI the truth, and -don't dis ain nlybelp.1" Sir Frederic shook htis� head, laughed youtog ou e r riothiiith. of-aild-1 n ver hea a L OfL:fe, in� nOtions e revail g re�cbukeii, and Moors agree in thirikin 9 month disease gives rise in Wall to any� Ills orders is, Still- a sputeA years, kind is- the expression,. to a ip :-truth -about thi's ludy,and get a,.reward' -With recovered good, 'bumor,.mt- the bid'- gan, L '"a , I-I.What tied Nev cable to keep 1"t.d­ ile, U any, lbrigeri No young lady No i�more closI th,t:4thie Elly. the fornale form re- semblesJ �hat of -the 4uail the more divine it point ; at' all. events it fre deritlY as bee in made use of, thanfieIgiving* for . the pr6sleryatitin of, a , life, block of, marble sathark td howl in that"fasbion." rk_::1�60EHere�noW� Lady -sure, WE tlj� y d0man!6 gall Y, ad Saying, Ti 11 to -mor* xow� then, goo du fft6 _15116- _:dark lady 2" Adof-fro, era tmouaicb,s hout an' ill e ts being induc6d. ltr i Y ffec OW v r,_tII 1 7-7 e.e - -are -alm 6 0 t qttarii�d on the M Tount of Olive, Jerusaleffy. tI divil a lady, good or bad,;I-�Eperr. It's rig hig'thu. inve'rtion. of his," jerki rub ball, whence the.Jaitlt odor :of a;'s upreme cheroot wafted. Captain", the rhuch endur- ingMr. Pim was' beginning. in accerlfg�61! 0 emboopoirit, and have. as trip adjk� aL' f tioir for the, fat kine Las �Ve have or the inv d w fh seii i the same disti in when ied� wit ".the milk In England andL.Waleg, there" are 17 toward Mr. Pim, to chate yez." ;young presently Old; MI Foster to6k a pinch of ye workstratice, . when'the, respectable.181"rid- lad�.,Jhterrup�jbgin h6rturriexclairrI loan. . Those who are familiar wfibTrench. life,know with what r o Frenchwoman a of' Sa ecte, thu . d, ;, and i .,pts I 'Roman - Catholic priei in Scotlarld`6 pyeiates, with 1306 - Most. He' a. the most desperate liar I ..ever came adr6sB�" ejacala tied that individ.: poSnUff'and smiled, filled another. glass of, rt, Which he drauk Slowly Ith the U16-6st gusto, IIINo ; there's. no strili young,lad y here; cultivates, a well-rounded for tit. ',;,With in, a press ce Sh ep and hareig be Wecounted r 1; fo y their having' fed priests. of,the Remark Catliolj6s In Glasgow' el ual'. I 1"Ther . Is is no u I se"Yotar beating about h it, with ao.eigh of gaR.trondmic 'safi8fac. t e- but� - I had. one;, as I Waal' un,climmou doubt- cUDUIDg �.grratkgpmeub -of :padding tiod ed Upon- berbage, taint with tIa''01 and Dundee are Irigh.: With the exqep� 'family, the Yon know youacktiowl6ciged to tion and irtuous content, threw. big silk ful � of, about a- f6rtDi ght ago, for: a few days.," puffing, the dreisrnakIer may do a great deal duce �he dispaI cao'ble. Various ispidernicti-whic h tion of Lord Lovat's there is. in Roman seeirigithe lady we want." handkerchief 6 i hiSLOald head:'a�tkd settled to pr 0 much-dii Ontline of I have occurred in England and �Scot�laud Scarcely cup ofrank the Catholic Milt Wag tOBaVebeing1worritedto i,to a h imseli.to. slumber. I Good Godl'l exclaimed ,,and she, is goi3e,. Where,, my,. good woma. U? i- which the ino salient feature a theI bu at St but the resUl ti after all, is OnI en y ake, it quite cleat that mijkl§ Sometimes I coMmunion, but aladies of high U Duchess . C ra k 0 f Baceleudh, the de 11; ye�' she took I ath' by' yez' I Didn't fit at 614ss tiblict, for Hampton Court, and lI * � *, i Pray Bps" I" L, I -On the othef-hark ' d, the embork-, it means oL onVeking the poi8 f9ver and o arl6i v orksof ' typhoid- ad fe er. In the former 'dowager Marchioness of Lothian, and others - 'The' that wouldn't satisfy yer Nuville*sat'gloomily alone,, his paperg his head 'on his hands, wherI -IIThat's, just what 'I cannot tell, Sir, but sf p6intwhichcomeB of arg.e c ral, or. 11 ealily.pass as much. If this drug i6,not case it has probably Most -ftequ yarisen . 'from. jhave )Iried -'Ch of e.� Urch m j�tj p church in Scotland You r EISO&I YOU kUOW, YOlj spushed'asidei second clasa to Worthi4­ Compton erkt�r ed. He.welcornibil his friend c,!Stopl"'said Mr. I�ikn, let UB make 'did A"he elixir of perpetual' Youth; I a, at' all the *i kiteiiii, k of", the ruilk oi.the'rirks- with foul' water Cburcb. IWell-'be gorra-it was a third, 61asg tC " Pari4motith-l'" M that Ol� IF' man- airily; indeed since him troubles li" e: .. L ., a rk r had lost a goo :deal of the hard com- is sure I lour bird. 'How. and when this lady coinlel� ma'ain � There's atharka- events,the' conStruidtive elixir of beautv or theL contempora,jy French type, andl'th e I' contairkilig the e ements of the :disease, buj's, fi ii has 'arisen' from Rev. Henry M. Scudder- writes 0 a Chicago paper in .:correction of. a MiSlatti :let MLI'll yez?, murther 1 0 'Out of this I" and and-, po,ural tbkt fOrinekly distinguished it. , So me reward for whatever.will lead to her name of',its devotees atI tire channel is e' me a : tile, -pboid effla via being, absorbed by the milk.. ent that lie.. in indulgei hope foy"ilip denly divi ug under the detective's elbowi be made a rush to *the door,, whi6-operied. yo u are a. good fieliovi�,l Comptort, t drop in upon, mv,disco 6 Sol ate solitude."' die6overy ,i -I did think there,,w Weil, as,,:sometbing egion. -0 N 'd . If aisenic-taking,. like 0 011pt-tho-frabit The' ecarIet-fe-v6r. poison would. appear to' get into,tbe Milk from the� skin. or throat sinner who ies in big �ing 11-Thi4l" fie' Says, 11 does not airly represent Mo. f Wi atthatmok2nelltto admit�hlr- Fosterewho., Have; a OU64 the sywPa�b'zmg fri.endl;iI d t el I me what,you have do Us. peculiar about hi pried the uqw,excited� s'that I t other..vir, 13 poisoning L socie Y, discharges .-o j'L persons affected .,with the you, there I for.e, kindly allow me� a Word in received the very unelcom' fugibive in his 9 1 at L .. I L landlady,. who went into a long� story, Originated'with those in speli Of 7bo were e lo iry p yea in.the da your�pape ach that' r? believe and te precise arms. I Sp ed�l essi with The old gerit small was e Pee., Well nothing III describing the young the warming of hot own heart toward ne -i 'the the ant of' . modern polite I ness . Vas, b6p= c gk�wor id,fr6in the Hetailip �n wi Is ill or partly covalescent. I isno'bopefar a man who refuses the Salvation which to h�ria'; Jesus I . � indig ation, and the dobtteLiVe, Neville, and d 'aric e I y c , aptu Sir Fre auer red and -removed Aud� Neville proceeded to narrate his' fruitless expedition. to the Waterloo Sf&- Ind atterl,fil)XIS jax'igbed on the i weary stranger ; the advice She Ijad given city. IL &rsemoseeril to have a natura'a U Paris,, where the denki, monde gives to most L 'Cord'wollseicy 011L.411 I CCCMN 1. Lij,LI Lord:VVEAHeI6yj . Chrift,. 2., 1 believ �that Chri,,t went down. into, Haa6s an d 'preached is to tho� ' Who the aggreasor, hwas se . on . redt'. in - kr. tion,,ilild the ftiiit hopes he of d,,scoviiatririg the , cab:driver. who took poor her , 'an d: It 6 w'thepocry oun g. orb itfurEi feared of the,.fa8hious the- . Stamp that' insures, c e ly need Lobs their Lu. c as, arFewe the succesHfut Commarl, 11 f der -i -Chir, oftbe,Britisharmy'hiE�ypt IL , L F.40me,ti'me,vz.ere''digobadient in' the'dityis Noali.'- -.This j, thL room, while Fol - remOteloorner of a U'red couductiria r t6r:eub his wa; a;:, Marie from it. They will clartalfilyAntiLthe.mai.," aid could,' not- get' akid- thouAlt of going A millio'ei's' drudge, -of patr6u. f the'ladjes' �vho 6au�e such'. heart- 'M&bjokkS�­ �Long- ., In aL a,letter addre.-sed to th childien (�fthe at Nal ional Woodville�. Burton on. of -is the only case of future probation: that I can find in the�Scripiares. Sbe held but her'hand�to SirFredeiie and riou y cordiality" -while TbidL -,�Ao flud these p'lain: work of- tlioo'x� h6rta'tious her was'her burningsi to' estimable, at ..6fimp.joitbe IL&tter.,t6L b,, Tmut, Have I believe success in.life is --tff- 3.. 1 thick it light to1opertliat if tbere'areL tZo e Y'L bel a Similair exhi ftry r e (A&' FoBte x imeii my;: dear'wArd, wh'mt curious.. Op'e- , Anol'their - �Ork ersation oil a . 7. 1 1 Should. write o 'her 6ibuds - ibat she did wr4te;,but.fook the, post lfi�_r. the ef�ect� f tbe iBlixixI on, hemsai�-66,' Neither Of the:. two," worl& "', b" b,L,f'-'--L Wit ill--lb-6 e ore ,�, am . ' " J,a. an, a L in all mbitio'n that is.not.belycrid-' L bition of mercy." , . I , enoou tatis your arrliiable enthusiasm bur. 11 1 Som6wb,at broken -streartal Oil thispros and eolz,Ii �of thi's itubappy,stibJect. Rlf".a if 8 n stayed. out very laid -that ni.,,bb I , ; cu&bold any Secret from the cAer; and the'.1igeucy lo�ed to,' jbo�e the talents, and. ability which Go& us, b -bestowed Upon -We sho Uld all,begilk' I I :L , AL W JOEI arit'likkill %,"S *jillums rie6,,.you.1 into. Pskugli� my'llear, Sir (to Nev:iII6) -could your.,marl'obli go in 'i Ort They.were not talkative, yetit-wak a S' 'Comptork boo; lindWent'autit o othert' upt,irtra 4. I Wbere� where.?" ejacqlated Naville: em� produceL� bYsicul results of which we bmve,baen life with a date initiation to do h' r, well W, at,- . clothes bsh?"� . Ml.'s 'DAviguo, meantim e disie�ardiiig of co.intort to Guy to hi�vis with bimoLud the young Bitirorket kile W 1 1 i was.' That was vinfortutiatilly, just.wbat Mrie. Jupp, couid not.tell. speakinghaslongea"eilt6 be -a Mystery inpalis. X�)w�w)AetheritbE30ULtb'd,g�eeii ever we take in hand, and if that d'etcrm"- riatu u is adhered to with the pu r -:,D _'W a, aw M 7 w -P. I ich: coutributem tre io'irowing:, I have E6 Elikkgu la ChaI dra,vu fo6yi r fiD the a r %livauced' to the itnprialmed, gdvin and him, near ly bl�ipped a c b Yet indefluit d uble nock was oil Is 0 k IWLell do You',know where she Came L fro a` inIDI Ifib came fro S S,outharripton, the Swurd-of L,,,rigobamps, irrthe­gilded rootus of the Elyi-i5e,' or:at an afternoon' redeption not d to orie'd nee Which Euglishiruen are renowned, success according to the nature aud� qulit' f one y 01 brain-poweI J-Iad phenomenon in the Shape of a youtig Man :here thtti I have KbUdiEA With much teie his nat, and I arr satistled that. acc,ist9d smiling y- It :the knocker. . I . In with i I .. I , .. 1. .. be leained in to th&i:'I­ 3, begun life as a tin pr my earnest. enc ea, - peculiar is Le'-, ID Derm'iO"- . o you krkowL Me,. 01, 1 thea 'Gkry,, be�,., to'. God I Is i L.., That's some fellow. uncertairlL of his Irk station, t.he Said, of Id6kiug for pupils. e Raid' -slip" was a Fr-ertch ldy.": mediciiie perceive arf ienic has,- taken tbef, -load iorpliia, Vor wonia'.1 via b: e 'td� have a e n -tter _p.ow_er_deIUOn6t ates4liwt-electrici,ty --tlb riii Rig lue is force beyond dispute. ii SUj&­I,M safe, y1rself, Miss, jewel? DOW. position but sure. said -Sir of,: big RrMrkd�', an d as, he spoke., t 1 1; . -1 1 . What *its she al,kA. the,detect.� or any other noxious drug that P t all pans " My n and' I. think I May VeDtuib fo` aged'27'ye'ars,"aud h is Ah, then, its mee,l�elf that's been -tortured an' badgereoll' but di'vil,the word'ol triut I h w1moSt deitectiv 1 6 entered, without'askiLig permi. I. ' " ' ­ L .. . I t lve.� t and slight, with bi_ dark,'eyes, br'etitered'in'to couspiracy With f�.miikikke v , urkibj� tto make thegenuine Woman ofm&Li's, Wit Outatky vanity, thelt; with,GEDd`iR bltiss:� cipating fire giftiH�thatof get] -theougli the 3 in ed tam of big br"th, aseist , ed by ma, . uipu.- ever they got out Of Me 17' h Ileo -W a- T. He e as-uttered.wit : Sion. Well, 3 have, am, Is Bar WE .. ..... -41 pale andead lo ve . r ud spoke. very oA wdv?�pett, not Ire fi uile ail. E LJ 9 '' delightful idetilL the�- flimsiest. of. abstract as tb6­faV6rite poison of the ladies. Of, iog ,,,I should :bave been fuirly Successful The first step on the I t adder that leads: is -determ.ina tion, liti ' ith1is hands. He-WHI bakc, any - OUR W I �bodii'a-haudkerchief and hold ft tohis L proud couscio UinesS of merit. Welli but Y6UL Will tell ple truth now, of ongLabout i What ! the cab driver fe6kilL.-Watefloo t iyiugt.be Nevil tot ceed the next is the , possession of � that. while breathing 6u;ib: and mmediat�ly it DemA4, will you not'-? tall,' A', �tben, Whitt do Want me -to to T' Station 2" . read I y to' Hisis below. air, eab� and arLxei' said is unconscious y. -1 . evening It . I . _'� _. L ;'. , j (By Re V. C. A-8pprigeork.).. rk�koratand.phymic courage wbich'will eu-, � able Oil ig�imftei rung Until eo-inpunt up itin irito fla burSts. me's and burnsf-mitil. o On' -Rumed He W11 L strip and ritit,e out 'his you, There, cOutiritied Mi" Del. d rive Us to the-houee where he took flip direct u but he aySMYS be dall t S tair-it Was; for the, she rote Lsuch a 'lot,. and 'couutedL ovhit,kithtliorciughly,'wash 6 L V arb' woula�'U �sa words bI tber top is rera ched. Tbe�',best a false snow and. ther I, and even his'liands itrid'sub- _ 't thing in his hmto a; �-,'do your beat lye a -can: tak6.,U­S I'll ere. _L-1gre. Ito of A d com 'a' if bitter . o -v -e. r e 'have v6 bad fat IiI __ y It W 1a"n IlLpifli bg- III t h, t" t, 0 LILMostrigid exi.imilks, Jork o pre - _,Iud ts�tbe­pogHibili by--of--a uy­btii6bug,�- tbti Was Mary, s�elu queeri oil Scrap as I I I good boy, and I will give you morib."', Neville hall bis�iiat- on,' while Pim Spoke, . I . .: . I . fit but y6n.will ruark its you:notide care: f are: bedaui4 of cry. over", their misfortuneR and seek for the it own, and then :by� his bre th , bl' Airah, then I ivty� eve I sure, yeZL are a I kir rale lady, urid-141_fiu�_�!ot er"Ut"I ez, if, in Silent r6allm 1 1. Hurrah V' dried -the impetuous Baronet pickedcup., asked the detective,,I' what'rea- leai p 0, ully that_ wbile:a,fow o r U. idable 'circums auces, 'a very large- sympathy of others and do uothiDg further after: their Arat or Second failare ;'but L fbeL upon , an Y, paper or.: cloth envelope, it, in fl On 'AM Wi gunning, Elie's above 'at gI on r,e or, God speied, lit now. boy all go right. now. soil ug Your "Phe give for a my r6 C)M' t He a rath e r r a the p6veftyot LuJork is, the shock t4 of W I'l and cliear� to ult 'of profuBelOossi a p iackyand c, autageous pick themselves Up th wi out -a groan over t heir broken bones or andL Without Me, ssy e; lie% dow collecting yer honor." I really believe we have Rome claw at YOU old hope or. fear yet,"" said Said its how they was rather I L f�jrtAh6ught,,_LidIeuSS, and, worst (Jf all, their first fail ures, and set 'to- work to after dry leaves, andby b"athirig.ork them start the.filre, and Jhp� last," exclaimed Neville,. his voids Neville, With ri, deep SIgh',-for I boffied, resaurceei at last are at aw be Wanted W.6edr e-P...'v . OOLI :0P Y. but that not ati all " my� line, 66 she In drubke, Ab, that that the waster evil. Jk,dribk 'could 'be got M, OU U t the Isdder mg! full, fo6nild,eria4l 0 themselves and with.. faitih� in the results take off" his ivet s�ookiugg aud-Ary, h --h trumill-01187Wit Is, eLA7 ight J-11-01-- be �tkoil)Ltaorl _al.wL _k d Oiee�� U cheerful per- tb6n�.: It is iMpogsible topersuati hirn to W is 11,L Sir, I think, We have fair course' ple where she wen"t will now the- pec put MrR, Jupp iDaus6d rabruptly, and:Ko;ii1Ye groutill his teeth -in si ent a oily .9 very himEielf., The druriketweLss. quor.-derts w' ieh created by the infernal It b ud 'the IS moos iiii WI His ititi(i ClIaPTE R XVI. fa,thfUlL OUiae Neville and big reached. ; us on her trtick., Cume on Sir.. it's oveti ;, On way by K t rtDd better get �iurts of Oruggle and dei t0o U thus , jvired'up. p1s, gue-sput the whole of this�bm_io city is No I do riot Speak in' hasta or Xle ift Ils"it-41 Illicr on the Ecir. . . I I . . 11.1 A pretty girl piesented herself the-otberL le 0 XhMaSti, Lt. will Rink a obair afterddug, it, and � on on L'Oecasiod,, after IL be litill H, new re as barmted,.1' Hpapet on f the Water loo ri,daring an oppor turke lull., bel a Southamp ton traiii was titer a b efore dark. That libzl-a Irigh war- deal. ofl-ingeritifty. Lord,l TbeU youcangive usno further trace?" helejackilatedii-16ath tOL tbishist, a ba8t;, Word; many of the'dirlukr hou-es tire lj()tb,llg, less illall,iolcrDul In d 4Y at w clinic in one of tibe ho8pi6ttim of VieanDi my &L placed Lid on. big headpauddiscov. 'ered expected, and thei vkbiti flat J! gatbeied%thick, MjUt,:,haR:L Wfkata'mau he'd make' by.'and by' for the-' a. It, ineinber; I willgivis fifiy,p0uudS . I. ' . .. iJMlI I especta tbE­,y are worse, for Hi &'ked'to bo.ex's,ituirrad, - She itil deaf in his Scalp to be violently twitichi6g, as if-Uner iutautie excitemriC He,wi I ol&it" at the arr-ivat pititform- but after careful Cocos al&ig, kir.!' aib%t 0) Whobver.will SUpply-I'Laoll'inforitUati I Oil a �Ukav lead to'b'er recovery.", tH U�64 diviole Ptotebt,,ugalust,sini fur there but the one ear, and' aoe of IiII frieuds 01 any ti in e it o in aI , ter w i6r6 ha im, under exmti�kivatibn of th various physlogtro'inies Sir Fre shook Neville's band coidi as gin -palace b id it The ticociurit for. lbo-urieXpected hIfflUtion'. 01 au'd I have rqiefidIy. of their.' drivergj Dennis. bhook his belad . L I UL.&.hi d'wn fair,,. -,- bid' a s now,,thirl'k of tb t P returned the 'Ii III' 0 i.,4 e8ii-tir Gnibber fituffly. that lie of his 6ittiud back, from, the diloter 'd it . i espr dini4ly, irn GII pead loops more,1 and "ooz 14.Iok - couifilItbd, oniRci6kic 6 up v,PQS' of tile age cause the won I'd -Heig what he could do, and tw�ord. A'b it Swallow., of.water, all Yr Th6ire's nork , bt onI is na bi M,!" sNU; . Iiiele di-apllo red ug after th ve I I I I we.ask the girl,!' hhe afid�,d. poverty If yoU'o-oUJLd look tat the honii�H, itigly bEi4% ' I a o1r. to question her to to til k1lolviorg', ' ik6i at once I itow tire.- cv)ul��'t just'Ascribe him' 'c6s, I seen -t cco iv t e in rijig tb� Jam w4iou bet: tell r"ork . . . I ud she called SusatI audibly enough' file w�etched a woolen edillsta.101.1i 'be, !i( allf,r U 14 it i,4 i 0 H, 4 t-ays that lie fireit di8- -bat I'd know him -nn: him only a itkioit iIle sure I'd know hi.ru- cab'. .11 . r bim�,and­its d iffri-ug� cir�-' li ojl(id a EIL c� . I h eeCallmd,th.6 I U g IoDre Unistaliceg, a- -do WILL fita'I's S li� peated,tas"tba t'judividual III ere' wilf otemble tit the Igowill of their bus, 1 0'' as b o tLLI Q(Ajer hu,,itation. and, With mmily (it, col, -are& his. h1LrALU'_6 1o.wer by-ililimut,00, urud." 6tit mi -perfumed haba kertihief,: chat L See a the biiii on the, bAck on it ii4t, as it 41), in SIt)L� Which uoticcountable a also the 'tk�Ust.roy I you rerhouiber tire am children Will crOuch d'oWu wi,t, I, ear ul"'n rather one the "i'l lEl.� III 1 11 �wl'il ',"I 1 6 13 his limi, V.,. was it-dk7i ILA' off -mud So We'll fioCJ 1) i In ner, f�ll upi?fi birn. ,I- here tt6ni tike, Waterloo Station, of Straw, o Ift,tte beap bb flume thE, I, 1 confitimse(I that when lik,r -lover rotI ed . i� cortalli 110 hpiTibug, but.w t is it?= il in the day 'hi here Rome hoc -'oo this bi�: H it, Hekot will. beequtt yiirophotic,". '611t(liur, aLfortn;Aht,paafi and paid iiiadv'auce I t , 1 11 to.bH took it) ? buirran brutEk,wiio ctilli lii.6self it miul vill itttl lion� feuro bile after IL' 100�1 ab�enoo lia. t' ook hov Ilk, Ili,,. el 1 tit tf.U. if Ye lave atr I' hout'tIlL i to me' I'm a ways a a thought'. e t entima ild aly He iiuIvEtro a mom ec e y , I I Hajil SUSan. S, 111, C Left ilidulgitig III 11�� etitos--�if y(ill cook al d,,pI-eHHJvg it most illfi)tko, I and* if I (itin't catch him, -I "I _y 0 then suoiderily: throwing.. awHy'.. his ci-ar did you omb, B o went look aHoch it d vigorliilmi uStmlio never"K,ell.-a baid� lialf alou&,-; IeR , ('Jvet be sceq tPli,iiiiii,and fill' g it' 'it II pfd�n, ancl lf:cd beitti di,,Ittf over b o'bPervd our c it t e in on viry, t e It you'li,,kol quiy� trusted us and under- '-"Y'�H I OU'Jit 1. must lose u o time in No 'in D�Jrk'fi you Iii asi. y(,u wore hnyou The t6wits no O.!t'Litl oil ami Ing, th 'er aIIjtZiURAo-8 stood us before;;' I Nevilip, Ate rnly,` lettiLiv he WEII qiiickly her know ltxl`�try II tile III ll�jorjg' IIII down Wi ttic,grtimo fit iiI aft t Its d ru it (I I. L It liul autuall y Y suit' and J)t,H. re - wilmn v luabler eeto 'into tue J13trand; iiailed.w btar 6oi, ;ud Me __tfio back bleilln liI to'I,t Y';II -Of- tfli4 (ltD4A1Y It I'li rason I,,, que,ted by-uhisjudicial Saved. Your'ob,tioacy, wa be,, the bausts 'direI thelInver to go Johlli Wood. kite ilu, so slle� pot w,cab berhittlf, tree iH t a Gos�)al IChi lialip ifotl�t till' 1, 6,6 iti L did ' The oil y hti t as_, SUw_Oj'r§3()(J' , n gi'.', of our boy. I�l girls U0k so is ther to;A us to hold�tl.okt ux to, work' bes,idek.costR of.ti'ib suit. Woiiee 011 SP r E It XVI I. f Jalip, eager. to.dat with birfl the IILI�,O 't of scu�R. I, Ila the plkkrticul� S of,Lbe- came r feature roydear boy," -said Mr, Foster, tER Uelintime., Neville . and m sped toward Kewifligt(iii. TAe orioer,had` 11 Ort thellie. reve ationH C'cMe,_mW,ly", B�Lid NeVille,rWi( It erce, ,it thol,poioii tree aging Ili rook 'tio'li d" to L gat it" (J()%Vll,, JLtld I Ile Wol)(I is i w , .. bor thict. it provided furthcr-than to8my tbatour coutornporaryL 11 Ve beed parfectr williog to "'I'l?"!.. oaway : his gritDr1m Tiliatid hitUself Elmo ov,r an elA6� rate de-ert iw the we I roorn, (if i%gd �fi td: the d ri Hddr(-A.�eol Do qu. i et; `611 1 rdpAlexice to hiaL aliv. )on ties I li� turned'her oar,"Imol have II all brace y , from tile wroEei)i�'duPfa, iZlid' filill0tr W161LIA d ' a fro I ui'evU*ry now Lip a feature far� i0oro his-Eiblis 11lau IhH ear, oLIe 110 MNAijUtit of 0Hcul.iory - rri,ckel it Ettitable c0ri-twim'. af.tor,huvIng found its 4ateDients-to be erroneous. R is JU O­­biDUsp .... Oil i 1") g after Q')e interview the lie, been mloile mild fie Walked ftw�Ly, deaf tb it), G1114141 den-LoilEitratiou bas ever been known to the i0tcrest, � �:H'Well as' the duty, of uriy spaper worthy, the namis to give,culy Illale ju,t det­drib,d-�"You II I buglit th be 6, piued iiitn, filrlril trut,b, ged to put a, th*(lusLlid qlIIkI meid to bear, of the tak-fill'ady, wi.tlj re _Jw whorn Mr. Pim linge d to exc at) go e'f I 14D Never rut) in'to oetki uo6� if,yi 4�vtl,kf -.41111 lto�foc f0a IUL�afli4lellCe 0 relitLble ILI va+em %kbere m, jouri At publi'he,Li in. very Serious ' ly di-iploals ' ad with you -such L on to enter into-� ant], I-airk BehErne for Y perohitrld�, Whitt bar fills IQ at Tbrtid; of: L.a, 'a the tried jLU M clb.'Ariver' rnor e W( rds, . arid ther! -owed 116, enmlo, yer.' L� elme to ruif Do kitill to (ire if .110 IM8 nOt disappeared., 1� is to public fitilh SO1110hind an iodi. iid�o sure Von dul riot otigil) ate i U I However, It b 13L fru4tratOd' and recoiled prott Y thiI :, Tkley took their�places once more in the. 'b'. III r b I hotel TJ,l ff , JvEr,y a bitrd'in ooiro'good boHeelk 1111der 'tire illig NtuI Altholugh i tw its V I NI kuwA proves to be - - 1 -i - file i'lie jourub s, to do' 'tb s6vercly'ou this bead, of Iiiin who ii,tenovil What if.they should find, her viiiiere they were Rolkilz I i)eui, la�b.l cit I'd WhO re to?" %R feel tioliled,- atid r ),,�ft oJJCo tilk NE,Voc bor�ow whitt ybo*. , yii dial, I o atiolt HU I UU r tile no tit folk tl)�, uI nflAt be ainj thel'efuiej inclined to ol�al, i W1 Tel I Me, WitL Whitt rE,pture Ito Wt utd,- hold 'her to D, It? suppo�e, pir,"salid to buy, at irl� iiI have S ll,JW d eareat4ug, the conlet isVing tILoyL o, burnaly, to inakI itL, a reirad- now, doe a i 'S,b6lE, W Ifeart." How tenderly lie woul,.i ieproac-b' "I Pinju a tuiLig S u, woalt�leud.: Noer gi t Ju,m, iurr) northward Hince'the mm -lot, _00titmiles, the 0 )ttlet, �io ki, IiII fall find frikult: as tho;'j)ubliamIt-lon Y On as all my e6logiunis a remarkable an ititt-resting young t A , But mgotiy be' hadthoul-litl esely iuffio a 'card," retarue"d Na.ville, in a strange, har d b 'ut to, lei th I an y ctu run., you mve dA a will rer. in irt-viw for tionto tilniti. I'lli, It L vot to 'Oted of any newspit, r ? TorlIldo, e)p IL girl, efriture, 1orlely am aud,.p ri fortune 0 the of the dumI de�rainshe, bad eviuced ' the, 9trieken,'990a z, expres- bitter ce. - -voi Well it does look Must" returned'the yure wife'brlog' tbLrb ip, sho'haill wseuao ttbe.osi beat ttll.,�ure theorys. e't turn in tbe,comet's courtit) explitioled. , The cr�bits whi0i baws hltlul� a ricely "Yam, replied the yOUDg BarOnOtj hawily the first his sion of. rho . He bemict, I)thii3h. bad beaten so turn ultuodSly at the idea of a detective, I. thcueh- Bato Neville did not Ifear-at Don't bitvb enny rules for lotig. life: ihikt � 6 won't" break; be�,��rej;iari td -day -to: clip co Eitruoted-fdr`iII6 wan(JOVOrVary Ho is a person emp y ' ed, - to g)iv a five hourw of glancing off to part -of Post ble sueedy re.uuioii,- scorned for ..a last hope,failed him. He hall-Kad such it 'to morr�w 12; the bamt.creed for'long'life I Astrorkoiners.,tirmst Wait mud observo tho pmrEI peace and ' . grandfat liel'sis0eech-, III .'an obs'duate I t -Stand Still. -1 Can I ever,". be moment 0 f"rful suggestive glimpse of bi:bEllov ea DOU _wn'if yu kmu belp pri`o: of. It beta kIII comet's aeon RlLPOjfOrnI&Udb. , quiet Y . I � per'da - . . I � dog, I admit; and really younv heads are molito buo wooden concerns So cS ; but 'you s ms elfr I ever ators for thkk�pmiu.l have iblilett 0 'pitesentoondition, 8ubjt.ct to,mll the nt ns that wait on poverty�' the dang I iers R�'t it ; PeWple don't regpekt i unytbirJgL muto It this, �6 nly-lilff at. . Dou't,keR6 Ut tour I he bef3hthiugto take beforos singiog- A shoching tragedy occurred---- the v1.11age of SebotiewmIde,,nemi lioitigsberg. rildst not be bt�rd OIA Neill.. is a fibe fellow, and stiMerely punished for taking my allsuppolsey6liar;�urbof your milI�e he difficultib I An she was alorke"he ],ad driven her to n a Vo t 001) z 110 in 9, il b it r aj Ifka'u , e r. a b I a to ket three, By, triEling. to folio the buV Breath. In'the Clackamas, Ore., paper III Ils. Oup night a womitil of the place, in a fit of insanity. tbreiv her- three chfldr� n,,iut6 4 he Said, turn irig Uneasily tobia -companion. I His remembers- -1,and now be could,not stone, be' 60,1uld, 4L ui 0 t, I ealth, and happiriez, the W1 IDga . r Olt Arm two W6ekik &fJO, rj�i g watio ed deep Well at the back of -her dwelling bou'Fe. 3�ow, my aear gratillfathe I ant you W L "'at. the Ob of oburNe. the lady we 11, he for she didn'torkhtly' no -i filod her Tf tin g. I -ur-EF&F family bas:be um what it Me .,a *, e U�-e I' v It fire b -sty meatterwardAII real brink-torgivii whole tiffairl and use your, powerful influence With,: theL 1 see- to. know Where She wanted.. to to, And' a nd further apart on the -gloomy Sea, of eI areat GIO&I *bi straits Inight'ShO ell the tolegrap b r I -paper; atil the paper ig it6d a It r, 6 ig fire followed. d into the well, from which next Morning four corpses were X%ken. ouL Neville a brotheri-to- make.-up'with Ild Ito Fp ad at a and seem r rige-likootolklm' posted