The New Era, 1883-02-02, Page 5EEP YOUR
Dealers ill;
Qnr stock ;sf'Boots and Shoos for, the Fall and Winter Trale is now complete, and for
duality and style cannot beexcelled.
cods : the ll Market,.
. lra�dle the • ��r � 'test .__
r s �c1altles_ �l e t� � •
And' to sell them at the lowcsk 'possile prices.
i. per cent dict aunt for cash.,
•' rAYLoit ser_ , chats Bioch
OGJ 01
Albert :Street
Cllittolti: 1,
The public 1vi11 find our stocky of .medicines complete,' warranted. genuine, and :of
the 'best quality.
A'nd all the recent patents kept' in stock or procured to order.
A, large stockof WIRE Ht1.Iii I RL SHES, TOILE`P SETS,, SPONG,ES,
PEEiFUNIERV, &C., very cheap. ,
CELLULOID TRUSSES S ;it reduced ;rates.• PHYSICIANS' PRESCIUPTIO.1.CS and family
receipts accurately coin pouride:a with care au(, despatch.
CCLINTO\',, UV'1'' : •
iin'ton CabinetComi
In hitter to meet our increarsin; • trade we travel
bought tlie.I actory lately. occupied
goer_ after gettln .wit uudei IV-tiy..we ale -prepared to
mann fact tire
EQerything ; �n the Furniture line;'
From the cheapest to the best sets, with t le - latest
styles. and No, 1 finish and workruanslii,,
Ordered- work a. specialty:' and satisfaction gut - nteed
c It t V( also ftdtleci flirt branch to olll• bl (ln S
tint' :ib it (it all tittles tii'rll he found' :ir1 ervthing to
meet the re(ptirenietrts, of ;pll.
1,1 ANT)SOME l 1'I `'I«'YYI;. 1111(1',.•
lin' attet•t, attrnti(ilrto 1211.-(111e...-;11111 an cyt, to AC1•1)111-"
vlo;iatt ;11)r1 l,le110e, vs'e )1ol1c' to ,117(•114 the (v11i1ili(21I((c
01' all.
o.:u.masr or®i
,791 E. C...WeLt Nerve and l rain J It IP.nicnf a Itrar•'
anteod speciflc for hysteria
r t11f1i;1 ut 11 11 u . Ot: ;
nervous imtfraltiw, houihuhe, tiorrotorir,o,:w•:ituxicarli� the iise o4 ,Te5l nl Wttl+c£tilnt . ,ye1Ital dcpre-. •'
softeiting of the hr,ul rcyi (1,1 rn invitnrts d(1':
leading ti in(iu} (1 erg tr d drfit,lt l rtul•,l
barrennes', ling, 0111ou.c 111 ei.tlt r it
liiSne til-s1i`elnutotiri it 1 wusT;'Ph1 osc1-rttltcoo .111
the brain; self,tliceii.c oO,i-int-0,A-goon;, 'Otte(1 s n'ill
curt recent `ru 00 '.I ach n 8,-caneanti i110 wa1)1,Ws
treatment, 'Ont dolt r t but irsr-, h tc t'ni five (111- '
Pars seet by man provide vol gee,, pit ui price. \V, I .
"iiarantee cis 1100,1... mil y,v t l e 41141 (all or-.
rdertecciv,0l nt for six 1 loon ra'(tolurl'icjtwrihlivu
doll,, wa k°i11 sew! th'cpnrcha 1 f ut Written I i.1(111 . 1;
. tee to refriiu3 tfle 1)0(11(;1 If th( treatn,t n,, (lneo 061 i- • ' n cure. • t u (1uttt c;ni1 by 0 11 (oln1,(,, pi
sale o cot for l hntlin, [,1114: .ltitni ,ole
pripri0tern,;Toronto. . ,
,1110 Is UTACQUAIN'YI D f,ITi1 50(10000100)1I01,Ir5t-
5110 01101. SEE' 65 EXAMINING ((11S4nA.1 H+ r TH-
;l'J t..
741 Call
1"I I hN1,TL RE Sl (►1 1;
(hiving mored suds 'hi1) lfen, hr 5.5 r�tin•t
nes lenge 411 stat.e't(1his tiilov::rott4 liii(ds i11 fliiiii011
and the slirluund,itut,couu(ry,that 1rt keeps' on htiini
a. superior 40181110 ci11',hruiCR•r(, of hittd , ,Irf h :P4
tit t uz,.l 010'4 1'hv.-iil.o_
R113l.)S'IL1Ai)i, 81`DE110AIII 1 •
nu11Ez�l 'C 11 11 Ex,
51444 000,01014g thatc'onslitute$ furnishing a lian.r i1
inn .luno, which he will s311 at the lowest, 410 in ' :lttulit.,
1 nal.. 4 -liars or the pelrlil, tiriona-e, 1loltr,- that] ful
A five-year old eon of Mr. Patrick Mc-
Niff, of London, was run over by,a sleigh,
on Friday afternoon and received injuries
from which he died shortly afterwards.
•About the most heart -sickening 'revela
tion of the NewhallHouse horror is the
statement of the night clerk that he had
plenty of time to warn 'everybody in the'
hotel, but preferred'to save the books'aud
petty cash. And this cur 'escaped while
brave,nen and women were wrapped in
• The County Council of Frontenac has
adopted a memorial to the Legislature,
praying that county boards of examiners'
ahculd be empowered to grant low, graded
of school teache.a' certificates, in order iu
meet the scarcity of teacheri in the poorer
• country idiatricis;;. and also asking for a
different basis -of, distribution of the legis-
lative grant for public schoola.
As rite frosts of widter vanleli, under the cal-
oric influence of the BUIi'S rays, so, does Bright's
Disease, Dropsy, Stone in the Kidneys and
Bladder, mid Inftamation of the Moneys, leave
the body upon the adi linistration 'of Da. VAN
B oai,N's KIDNEY Cold,. Sold by all druggists.
At the opening seseioe of - the British
Columbia Legislature the Government was
'defeated by a majority of two to one. The
Opposition:: criticised. •the Government's.
unfriendly attitude -towards the Dominion'
and promise a more conciliatory Ipolicy.
The absence of any reference to the visit
of the Governor-General and Princ-e-se
Louise in, the Speech frumihe Throne has
excited •much commeut,,1t-.
How many pei'iih foriack"of knowledge !
Not because they cannot work aims in
arithlipetic or answer questions in . eogra-
_ phy or.history, but because they clo not
understand'the world they live in'o;e their.
relation to that world -because their Views
are distorted, their ,expectations unreason-
'able, their power a self-control quite •un-
developed. W e have yet a great deal to
learn in• this nineteenth century. -Mon-
treal Star.
the marvel of the ,Medical World.. It neverfails
to completely .cure Nervous -Debility. Impo-
tency, Mental Depression and all diseases cane
.ed.fromexcesses,__The teatimongof thousands -
can be had by writing P. J. Cheney, 'Toledo;
Ohio, sole agent for the United States'.' 'Price
$1.00 per box, six boxes for $5.00. If your drug-
gist does not keep th'eremedy_, senti-:to_head--
quarters andke-rt71e medicine byymail.' Circa-.
lairs and:testimonialsonappiieation. Sole agent
or Clinton, J.II, Combe.
Not the' least curious portion of . official
literature are the ---claims put in after a
great war. During the Southern 'Rebel-
lion,' while General Sheridan was making'
hia raid through the Shenandoah. :valley,
ab old woman who kept a tollgate on the
turnpike;; tried ,to;.collect ftoll from 'the
whole army. It is scarcely necessary:: to
remark -that -she -failed -;but slle, no -pre
tents her claim not only for, the , toll that
she 'iought 't'o have -been paid, but also for
interest to date. -This would conatituto'a.
handsome fortune -for the old woman •if-
sle could only collect it.
Any person would think, to hear the
way the Aleut is crowing over the result of
the Manitoba elections, that it was a Vic
tory for Sir' Jolie Macdonald and disal-
lowance. But it is nothing of the kind:"
Mr. Norquay, the leader of, the Govern-
ment of the Province, distinctly pledged
himself to re-enact the disallowed char-
ters every time the seal'` of: disallowance
was put upon theni:by the Dominion Gov-
ernment..'.,.Here' is.a strait issue 'between.
Mr. Norquay and Sir John, and it was
the only issue of importance in the Mani-
toba contest. But the MeV always pos-
sessed in a large'degree the faculty of ex
- ,tracting sunbeams fi'orn cucumbers. fele
-It was on the advice of Dr. Clarke that
From .now until the: 15th of February, preparatory: to stock
taking, I will offer, the lvhole of my immense and well -assorted`
stock of DIY Goons ttncl Boors AND .SHOES at a discount of tori': per cent for cash.
My goods are all i iarhetl in plain figures, at close cash 'prices.
This offer ista SPECIAL .DRIVE to reduce stock of winter .
goods, and rs a, grand- opportunity t'ml' c. tSli 'buyers to secure
fist -class goods bottoniuprices.
A F1 OF 91,III1PRI4i E.'.'.
A - first-class OVERCOAT. at $8.50-
A first-class pair Blankets : at $3.00
A first-class All -Wool Tweed at 60c.
A: first-class All -Wool Flannel at 35c.
A first-class Colo}d Cashmere at 35e-.
and -10 off.
and 10 off.
and 10 off.
and 10 off.
and 10 off,
A' first-class Black Cashmere at 35c.
A, first-class pair Ladies. Boots $1.00
A'Iirst-classp air Men's Boots $2.00
A first-class pr Men's .felt Boots $2.75
and 10 off.
and 10 off.
and 10 off.
and 10 off.
Mr. Gladstone ditl, mit. rrn ri Scotland; as.
.he had promised, avid 1S 'tic would. Inrii•ltavel
' 11111C1)'11 ked to de '•: rho tit irrt•y a(ers of
the right hon gentlem'tu; hr never, will
•i be glad tolealt _shat. n 41 (a ,4(,r•n'flrk and'
My stock of GROCERIES
is complete, and 'prices are low.
New Male Sugar. A few al Tins Maple S �ru ,�.
p g p pp
not ri v f,rga ilc, disease from wliicit he suf-:1'
fors. Ju his letter tri Lora a llitsebery ib
t}oianclnla pia i•t}Gentit,rl-t..i-ahatulall-th;e aisi.t:--.----:`
t(> i.1idluthian, Mr: Gladstone said :' "The:
' (listed -ante of sleep which led Dr. *Cleric Good
to this cenclusiun`is in his view temporary,
Fresh 9)00ges, -heilrllt tis and 'I) l'ii4ints.
fresh Mangold, Turnip &'Sorghum .Seeds'
tl_n_e ute,e4n__U?o..,,great, ant. prcrincgod, ;a
strain rlf work, atidlto he etitt;tl_by a short
period 1,f ;absttnetice as 110•erly cr,niplete- as
"clay be, proba,hly: acci.cinp ui'ied it•ilh Change; tar the` (inlmetit.
No no'rseitot ii ehoulQ hl t trpsldt 1 (d,crmplete
without n, bo.ttic ef DFR. VAN Buuf--N a KIDNET
Gunn is intim elosest. It `is tilt': • only 'rcuted,h,
that will positively, tiernl Inentll tn11 Promptly.
euro all -firms 4(1 kidney',disease v 'v„Iii 1y.. all
The 1;;ieht parlii1uo utary relxrrt just
1050ed,;shows the extent 1141 Statute iters
and the,.prodncc'of crops in .lrelaixl for
thff,year 1882:-The'lastharvest Was no -
favorable, :although not so bad as` that (if
1:879, tier Chet of 118ii,'w}'ibh 1st;for,. next,
to 1879, was the worst harvest -4t ring the
iast t,oeuty years. The .general' result of
the harvest approaches 'reoie nearly that
for '1577 -than guy other year ln-;ennrpara•
tively recent times. Tho depreciation
the money value of the, crops in, .Ireland,
awing to the unfavorableharveet'of 1882,
aniounts'in .t•he aggregate. to' .. 2),(9O,835
'Ai:c.ouipared w'itti 18814 and to $12,6138,-
-:un-ingharne; Canton.
190 as compared.lith the average'' of The 'y
.0 G
preceding. ten years The 'value of the
L Lurie tan -:1882, •i --r -ti T t
is �tl,),u48 �90-9vex the ez="1,- -
tretuelyunfarorable]872` wn 1 $28, )36i,G9P
over that,nf the disastrous year. of 1879.'
The. greet:bnik of loss In'1:882 as in 1879'. TWO • DOORS NORTH- OF THOMPSON and SWiTZER S,;
was the potato; crop, in which there was. a
diminution of : valrru-of .I`X2M,f,8S,d.,,i, `as
with'ls, t and -of .� c 5 R 'BEESLEY Beaver
1 ,588, 11,,'a lock,; Clinton,..
Wu sue 11ce offeriii . ST)cc.ia l :l.1Tcl`ucerllellt -Y f'or Cil, 1i'.
1l llilc-, stock taking. .
G-rea-t redz,�eLIoii xa 1 111 31•0: y.,r`
Great1"'C''(�`11C�t.1011 111 Mantles. '.
C�l-� t e zc tio:x.>_s zip I1'�.�.1 s.
o -l0 (, 11111, ie1 tl iyitli the liverago'.:yahlc of
crop:, f _u. tirt p l,c ten years, The repurt.
tali tits, shore 11(1141 fin the cirnditinn of ab-'
i solo e f-ttultio now'prevailin in aiany'tlis-
ti•icr1( of 1rt.ill40111:
�7lt.lit I 1`A 1, It
Heir ulnen buttes �'ou• look, \tr
CHIICAGO,RON(ISLAND&PME R'Y 1 ha,e. Ela;nt�d 2 tlunnda II,111''s
.Cann the attention of travelers to tate: central posy (.iat-l4rh C,%ole ' /lave. Piot. felt so. well to .'20
bon of its lire, connecting the East and the Waist
' hy,
the shortest route, and carrying passengers,
yc n a .1st has m'a(1(. a complete cure
wilLont ollangenC cora, pctwecn Chicano and Kon- 51il,1 bottld to 2Oy (101st that. 1100 the
eOity Council Blairs Leavcuworth,-Atchilion,
inneapolie and St. Paul.. It, connects in Union (la t'tl'i'ii �"
lepotn.with all: the principal lines 00 road between
the:Atlantic. and the Pacific .Oceans. Inn equip-
pPf`�Moet Comfortable an51"Heantihnl Tray Couehen, e win a0 t1w,tlltu 101010 for an,y e of Iter
isLsgtiifieent Horton Reclining .Chair Core; Pull 1 . N
man's Prettiet{t Palace Sleeps i Care, and fireBest .. ukonplaint, dyYpl mitt, 1101 headai hr indigestion eon-
Line:of Dining- Cars in the World.' Three, Trains _;tlpAtton nr(9Hti_Vell(osc._v;Gittnt--4s1H10--41-rth Wc.,4'A'
-Uetpreen•Ch={cagtrand-M seonri`Rrvcr-Potnts7"-F ro"'Vegetable !Aver p4lia,b'hcU the diretbuns are tdrteth,
Trains between Chicago and Minncapolin and St, enmplied reith rhe,V ere puree, tc stable knd ndver
Pnill, gin Clic Famoui4 •ail to 1110. satt0r 4511t'(ni Snn r (P.tted, las 1e huxe ,
''ALBERT LEA ROUTE." tio1Jtllnln.e; 30 pills, 25 0ntti. Rurti:r.{e by all)lt uggi..ts,.
kee,lion recently sen opened hotwcen R1, 1 ,1;d,
N Yf14 N `nrT ews Chttdtt¢6ta-'Atlenti Au- manafu'tYlrcd only fiS ,Dint t,. 'torr- td. ('e.; tlrC.piii
-14erringvnrivaled and-magmficent, bornk composed
.'A New and, DIreet Lille, via Seneca and Hanka- ' 1"OWAY1 0l 0011)11 f
ueitit;Nasliville.Louiy ills, Lexingten,Cinoinn ni' rrrial rs," sr'e�c 2 441(1)011t, l8e 1 ' pn lieafionl"..
0 0
��dian`a olis'aYtdZrAfa oGEo, and Omaha, Minizea li, of three
alia s:11dpSi Paul and Yntermediate 11olnlo. ,4;0141 Nfai il:-----.- '
All Through Pannengers, Travel ea Fnnt Expl (00 . .
Trairin., . •
Tickets for sale at all pi'inerpsi Ticket 0111,6es in 1:1,1r)( 1 . T 'y 7 T)
.1 mho United States and Canada. .l lI L .;� 1:1; . l.. lV T '1'1�•�' It 2�J 1�1t f It�
Bag a)xe Checked -through and rites oC Care al+
that tf 1 ddvan-
as¢ed. ' o et. the Ma is and
Yeti detailed information, g 1
vriye, ax low a0: coinpettter8 to o C}' one v
.tui tarot 5 011; 11t71tul+oful for rhotutuse: Tho IIIIblit
.6t-your-n6arest-`Pickrt-0rtlIc r-or•address^---
_ •i of the '
'The underOl(ncel hutas 1tf'tfl(l „
11/11efri is the best poliiee to , okf! iI this
,weltr. tion
' 1 In 1110-b.n.fh111114,4 0410l'1i4--Trli(-Wttl;Ii*t'S I•I<r1i!;1,
and to linty prepared lg,
SIT R R CAQt.E ' E 87 'Jc,MN- 1 l.tred to Clio i all kinds of grid
I itO$. V. 1,,'N‘.4(,l\.. nt t 1.4100'11;01le, rat.(•, (1r bA'r11HDAT, on 10,411
vi rrroR' eil'I''I YI. ! res. Apb Trur vYr4 .t f sr:v i•,
11114 G. i1(441 ... _._ -:rte' ,'fi-t:(;A.';{1
1 : CI1 lltntl',...Iall, 41'1. 134'4
"'He keeps, the "best general stock in town.
Everything ,Fresh.
r g ,
l.i()H1 `tree (x41 e+er!9 t"txntr 1l", Grocery (11ntont.
Sd..y.-..:-.,._.. �. ....Ill