The New Era, 1883-02-02, Page 4• 1tavxllICI115,en eM. Great bargaiesee H. Plumsteel & Co. Discoveries -Pay & Wiseman. For the riirg : T. Jackson, Servant wanted -Mrs. J. Craig. t ' Lot,for sale -C. A. fartt, "-'Ni ice- Searle. dot for sale -J. Jackson. ouse to. let -:-Mies Churchill. 10 Contractors -W. McConnell. pecial-Craib, Macwhirter & Co. ' ' 'Finding up business-J3odgens Estate. ;F °ft _ liitt)ott ttIT The London Free Press opposes the es- tablishment of creameries. - That's not to be wondered at, rig it is not a part of its, policy to aid in enlightening people, .66efai Readen of,newapapers in the country woulcVe.rhaps appreciate. thorn More if I they knew the difficulties under which they are eemetimes issued. The editor's stock of paper, bis correspondence and exchanges got snowed up, and the tails of getting copy is something dreadful, 9 0-.0. �.--- -M-I _ os ICrDDre 4t--Seaforth,:--one--of r u• the best known Conservatives of the coup - +f l' FRIDAY, FEB. 7,`158. tf, in an interview with a reporter of the •lN 7JUIto Expositor, endorses the Crooks; License 711,1% i it Si'ECTs . Act in all its workings,and •considers it in a short time there is every likelf- the'best thing.for the country that could hood that the peelae 'of thiscounty will be adopted. 13e has carried on a liquor business for 30 years, and 'therefore in a position to speak with authority: • be called.upon to 'elect lepi•eseutatives to the Local Legislature for a'- term ,of four: years. In the Westllidin -the aIiniste rial.candidate is lir i1, M.:Ross, who.hes, -very ably represented his constituents • during:tvao sebsione. lie is 'well known ale. of the 'Riding -Han fact by to the people.. 'reputation he as l peach to the people of the province -beet u'se -of, the active and intelligent part th at be has taken inthe de- bates of the Houses whichimee giv�enhint an enviablc:r•cputation abroad. Asmnan; of uniropeachable.integrity, one who has been Instrumental, - to a certain extent, by his -financial ability, in bui.lding ' up thea county to its present, advanced position, well informed on all .the public ,issues of the day, he is etninently qualified td die charge the duties of representative' in Parliament. His opponent has littlosor• no public record' whatever, at least 'none on which to -base a claim for the support 'of the intelligent.and thinkin people of \\ this riding, and we h the n;:fears but that' ` when the elections. are brought on, Mr. \ oss will be triumphantly returned, t`is said by some that the contest• will be theekeenest in the East Riding; where the candidates are the present niember,• Mr. 1.: Gibson, and Ma. Hays. • Mr. -Gib- ' syois' one --o•• the Old' Members of the Rouse, having b en in for three terms.-. Though perhaps riot distinguished by the, same amount of polis' and iiuency-as Mr. Ross, he is, nevertheless, 'ecognize=tts-an- • able arid useful member :f\,the -House. 'treoverned, as he is, by honest'OQnvictions his part in the debatee,is'; alw y atten-. aetre-ly-Tistened to. Not only this, but he: is one of .the hardest working plembere .committees, and it would be an actual loss if hewere not returned again:. But of this, we have little: doubt, i_f•our friends in the -East Riding work as 'they should. About the oily claim thael, his• opponent can advance is that he is en old• county councillor, and the .nominee; but we 'be- l'ieve there are numbers of his supporters • as councillor who will throve in:theirvotes, if not their influence, with Mr. Gibson in tate:; election Mr. Bishop, like`Mr N"ribsoa, has been so long a representative'in South'Ridinga. and his candidate/ re was'refcrred:to before, so that little requires to bc;.eaid of, hint. Ile is,.in brief, "one of the people,'.' a pian per good sound jtidbmiut, con ort dense, and c ever . wayuaiified for the l losi.tion y.1 + N Lr lrhich b agent a 1 �_.. •1 i, a a s rm t. o natter Meow close ex how cas Ty.. his electiou`,May he. anticipated, we hope :honest administration will!leavo no stone • unturned that will legitenately contribute . to his success, •"lips Tory papers are now riving. be= } eause the members of the :i)ntarie g6 tern- arentamnia not endorse the '•A P.' in the .Noire°. 11ad the'oi.erna;ent ciidoi:sedit the same papers .would .thell' howl that they were medcllin'g inti, a?omiition Affairs. They would howl awhiebeeer tvea ie went --as theyare t wn. cpaid o.do, WE cannon too earnestly impress upon our t•eform friends -'the necessity of imme- diate and thorough organization far' the forthcoming elections: An array that had its powder wet when called upon to fight, would be rn a' bad predicament, and so would be a'constituency 'on the eve -of an election thoiit full preparation therefor. Get down to work, friendi, and -that at once. THERE is not a .municipal council in the whole province that wants the power of granting licenses given back to it, and yet the Tory papers and speakers allcon- vey the idea that ;if.the Mdwat government is defeated they will place this power in the hands of municipalities, in the direct faee of the fact that the mw is Better ad- ministered as it is, and councils want to have -nothing whaterer to do with it. aoetseess Ir is quite evident that people are not all yet as:intelligent as they have got credit' for- being and there -is -still -room -for the enlightening and civilizing influences of the schoolmaster and: newspaper. Just imagine, if it can be done, that the York... county council, by 30 to 9, have voted in favor of retaining the semi -barbarous sys- tem of toll -gates. These councillors should be replaced by men of more .mod- ern and wiser ideas. THE amount of wish -wash penned by some of our Tory confreres is astounding In their charges against the Mowat gov- ernment there is neither argument, reason or common sense, and as for honest dis- cussion they long since ignored it. By ` heir basely spurious statements they -have do a as much, if not more, to demoralize the mind"of-a certain portion of the coin-. muni, has is supposed to be accomplished by the reading of yellow -covered literature, SoitE of_thh papers intimate shat owing to ill -health ,.M Crooks will retire from the Ontario Ministry,..: notwithstanding, that he has beennominated for North Oxferd again, and mention, Mr. James young, M. P. P., for Waterloo; or Mr. hCib Jsse 'P' 'Gibson, of Hamilton as his sue- cessor. ` Rums. of this nature ;tire often startedwithout any foundation, but the fact of Mr. Crooks bang ill, gives color to the probability alas retirement "The climate: is no colder here than Ontario the thermometer g oesaower, but the air is dry, and .you do not fetal the cold more ,biro yo down 'east. There are Inst as bad blizzards in Ontai•io :is. here" —..:— .o. -o - Me. CrliaaoN, the iiiember for the; biding, has a bill beforethe- Local - =knt ,-_ i• r�.m� v pc ri e o e from iniiiiieipxlities the, p nvc to grant bonuses se i,'.ae e cwptioo: fro/a taxation. The bill. ;has i-+:cssec.l itu second reading, and is likely to bccnutc ken', "tire mnetnber, 1 1i• f tv nru it. ' 11 ;i Js Ieeneal t .,; • passes all plums will then stand on their. awn xreritzt. to incittee reatittftc,tirrr'te tra- locate iir them, and an end will be put to the foolish bidding for the ercat•ioti of eueetionahle undertakinee. 'In.E Americana .with .all. (heir, ;short-. eontings, have one trait that is a distin- finishing feature Of their character. When they take hold of'rnything ti:ea• stick 'at it till their pnr osc is accoiel elts:,ecl. 'The p temperance workers of Michigan heiti partially beaten at, every attempt',to regu- late men's personal'hzibita, as to their eats ing and drinking, by force, lanee resolved on aL new tack. -Petitions ere now pout- ing iniO the legislature askinG g , fairthe P as sage of an act providing for teaching in all the to pultlic sc}aoiils ot'the. state, the af- fect of' alcohol on th"e hu elan;systeul, brain, eetusele and thistle.' `1 lie object of course' ,ie to educate the people up, to temperance sentiment by instillingiu the plastic inin'd of youth the knowledge of the evil dens' by..King Alcohol and his imps, , That- tItet win .accomplish swam good by this mea); is possible, but that they will rea- lize their • nttci-fata:t;on� tri'-,.4ht, -r,rap et is lite: tir'15ltl'e, IL ie time the writing of such':'.untruths wns stopped; 11 the cold is not feltany prune there than here, Idly it a so. many up there,'vve stir n `o L - Y61t. aatS an(1 : laciclsk]TI • 'underclothing? Why do so Many return to Ontario to avoid, the lope cold win- tore?" 1Vin nett thata.IVinnipe raper' was forced to -ads it last week that "many people would lose their hands • and"feet, becauise• they had beau frozen." The northwest may be aline country -in sum- mer -but, as a matter of fact,>it.is a des- perately,cold:wee inwiatera and,_ you feel it, too, that we kuow. There has been artogether too much downright lying about the northwest, either for its good or the e•aoeel situated ._ _ - it (t)0Jlrtt, 0-.11111C lir,: J. C. GAr,i.,.i�.DAIR of (airmail, bass and his':Dakota, farmto.Mie T. Switzer. Mooan ESTATE.-On'Tt esday evening salsas ;-ircC We Above; -of •Clinton; ware- exaniinecl at the instance of'Sloau, Jar rune-&-Cd,,-•-beivi e -W W_,. Einar etouch= inge,heir estate:. Mr. Merritt, of 'reroute:- appeared oronto;appeared ler Sloan:Jardine & • Co.; and Mr. Alarming :fop° the -assignee and inset- vents. . The estate is not likely to pay the cteditors:a great deal, T'he.charge of. criinieelintimacy laid ,by ilIss Leishman against the' Ren. It. ,F. •Beattie, of Brantford, occupied fully..three hours of the time of the Police' Court of that .city, ort 'Tuesday, the complainant bo- . examined: at length,andsteradfastly maintaining ,her charges. The examine, tion resulted in Mr. 13eattie's being re- 'ciuired to land $4,000 bail, himself in: '2,000 and two sureties esa `l1,9(1Q• \ With many. impressive ceremrionies and religious rites the ietnains of Archbishop John Iinghl e" were yesterday transferred. from the vault in old St. Patrick,Chtirch, Ne -w York; where they had lain since 1804, to the new Cathedral IND1NGupBU AT '.fJ1E Great Dry Goods Palace of Clinton.ad Uiiroii County The eeecutoes to the Estate of the late JOHN HODGL+NS :'have ,decided on winding up the Dry 'Goods business :so long and auceessfi Ilycarried on by, him,,_ and' have placed the management of the same in charge of Mn.MB. J. CALLADEII, who is authorized -to the, all accounts due the: estate, t nd to pay all liabilities. THE - STOCK IS BY , FAR- THE LARGEST; IN THE CDU.NTY It amoun"t"s to upwards of,$35,000:1vortli.of'the choicest good to be had,\\and has all been bought on the most advantageous terms in, the very best nlarketh. The buying of them was not confined to one or two'wbolesale houses, but wherever a bargain was to be had, it -was secured, and now that the time has conic for. wind- ing up the affairs of theiestate, the people :of Clinton and:Huion County will have an opportunity of supplying their wants in the Dry Goods line, 1T PRICES NEVER ITEAED OF BEFORE. The stock, as to the quality of the goods, needs, no comment. 'rite thousands of people who repeatedly visit the 'Great Dry Goods centre, and the immense business that has been doneheretofore, is guarantee enough for us to 'know' that the quality,'style and prices have been appreciated, and that this has been the only place where they could get all their wants in the dry goods lino fLrlly supplied. THIS. MAMMOTH STOCK iSnow- thrown on the market at eiiorwdusly reduced prices, and the people who have so'long and so genetously patronized the' late proprietor of this groat establishptent,'shall plow, reap all the benefits to he derived from this Great s'ale.. . WE ASK -TI ATRONACE 01: ALL: Younga71r1-old-z'like «i•I•r- resew -e the same courteous treatment as has always been shown to customers .bider the former management. The whole stock never was naor•o complete or more fully assorted in every' department at.this season of the; year., ' It has always been On of our great' aims to kep the assortment up, and we think our friends will bear• iib Out in saying that'NownERE •TN-'CLINTON- .COULD .THE SAME VARIETY .OF. STYLES' AND PRICES' -BE' FOUND---. t: ' THE SALE "IS A GLNUINE ONE, and the people need. not 'eat barna elm alba aryed,-:as-they-have-often 'Mem by similar -'aa nouncements from others who have done business in Clinton. • 000 •- usinguring this month Willft.thet u stock of o e balance ofb.� � oc � The several Departments will be kept runninas nsunl, Which is in charge of one. of the best Mantle makers in the Dominion, has. been AN UNPRECEDENTED succEss during the last two seasons. Every garment a -perfeat_it 'The ork_done=in a_manner_that coulel_nate_be excelled. The same Mantle maker has been re-engaged, and will have. full charge of the department.. Ladies requiring a Mantle need ha\:e no fear, when leaving their order,but that when the garment is finished it will -be perfect in every way. • We have MANTrr MATERIALS of every description, and at this Great Sale you will be able to get them at prices no other houses can touch. ' qiares Mantles, Clou+ thc-e Zhe' 4fil finery Jieptment. In this department WE FEAR NO COMPETITION, Outa present' Milliner, wag -.Is SECOND TO NONE, oven in our large cities, has else been re-engaged; and .l will be pleased to see her many friends and customers, and they can rely on, tho moan' courteous treatment and perfect satisfactionitt her hinds, in the most minute. particular. For the coming season this department .WILL BE FULLY ASSORTED WITH ALL TIIE NEW,LEA DING .STYLES which at this Great Salewill be;SOLD 'AT 1 Prc•.as' AWAY "Arrow THEIR VALUE.' Department g vv At the'Great Dr • Goods Palace, is chuck full in 'every coiner, .with gods. which � Y b. at regular prices lbeat everything. shown :elsewhere>all hallow, . Ent, remember, at thee rrices which- We are selling them � at nothing in the count •cilli touch 1 them for ealue. PRINTS .in lovely patterns and excellent cloth.: BROWN iI i.- thmY p no LANDS in endless variety. TowrLs and 'rowEenneat for the 'million: LINE' DAMASK Tri LINAs in every: quality.,: both white and brow e . COLORED DAMASK. T-ABI,iNeS, beautiful designs. W, ooh DAie She for; Wxndoew Ctur_tai us,_lo:vely_.shades:_ make am 9 price.i .N i•. WIIITP•. CO'r'['0NS 'Over . l WHITE end UNBLEACHED -SHELLING to Y all widths and prices. PILLow'. C oreames,.36,4O: and 45 inch. DUCKS,: brown,' disc] -ed' and striped • Cottonvdes Blue Denims Brown Demme Kentucky Jeans ' In the tinged States the cry of "vested interests" is raised to prevent a ,reduction of the tariff: But what has created his vested interest? tt is the motley taken from the people in theform of taxes, and by all rules of equity the interest should be vested in tine whohave created e it, But it is claimed by the monopolists as their niv-ate-property, though it un- questionably cense from the pockets of the people at .ls1ge ET DEPART E 'T'-= 111 this department our assertuen't.is.tntusually large, and the wheat; stock roust. be disposed of at this (Great Sale. •TAPESTRY, all kinds. Two-PLy WOOLS. THREE-PLY. WOOLS. DUTCH And HEMP: , ; OIL CLOTHS and ,MANILLA M4TTnee. MATS--Taustr i Wool, Cocoa and 'Oil Cloth .Mato all !lockout to Wholesale Prices, u. • DRESS GOODS D:EP.ARTM T' Tiiiis'has always been a SPECIAL °DEPARTMENT`, at tbobry.Goods Palace, . We have all shades in ,CoLooen CASHMERES,' both All -Wools and Ujriion. 'Newest. material in TWEED SuITINGs, Sarins and.'C'LoTHs, and at this Mammoth Sale we r offer 'them AZ` CLEARING PRICES , , , theaCQTT!11 ttt-test giill rices _ . � � : - GRE & WHIT:IiT for Suittn s au ti d II par u e D o a yi r, hav i IN BLACK GOODS 13 s,. stock to be had in the county, and, always carried the largest and best -assorted y out•. prices • have, always been so far below other houses,; that. the trade in:this' increasing enormously- - , department has kept g ously every -y year. We have pow on hand Which is the lowest.list known for over 2 years. t. of BLACK CASHMERES, both blue and jet black, CRAi:�r•. a OAS, G stoch_CLOTir-SuMAcr- 1 : ': - ULoarlls, G-iBriEr , � . ' CLOTIr--I rltsrn^,�,, Ccans Ti�r-znx . .CORDS, ITALIAN TwIL s and SPANISIi._NSJ.It3-1iiLI-Na :Ind at _this •w1 >J ,- winding ,u>_salt von:_ -- - --- g 1 11 0,11 e s va 'erco 6 t i All the above are New Goods (not the leavings of twenty sesons asoui motto is and alw ays hasbeen n c keepYou� stock fresh and bright," �ht9 don't carry over vo.__ls from om one year t o another . otherwise old stock accumulates > are and you Vi .. theb Yl ft bahind in the race. . c make . t is sale -a greater: success,will .. we offe - our whole stock o can'SAVE,'.25�P�EPti-CENT BY BUYING FBM US.�-�--�-p .l i�V •.J..VIt J .moi • _art, a y; Rosie y Anal. Cloves: .;i. lar;;eiiss©rtrnent of Canadian and German Wool and Cotton Hose. KI'D (x,LOY Sin•blaele., medium' ;incl light .' colors,. two, three and four buttons: • --'.17iis de lartm w , '.ic'Ar=LC�RiNG 1 Blit � calls sepal attention y0 -i J P to. ' 1'4?0 ,cats shoviY`, ti lila«riificent range of ENGLISH, SCOTCII- and OAS, •NADIAN 'TWEEDS and SUITINGS, bought for cash, away below their value,'. arid: will: now be ,'closed oil,t regardless, of cost. SUiTS;,_JMADE T() ORDER,_' and.the fit guaranteed every time. All -wool liver Flail:ne1e,;ltnion Grey Fla/mole, Scarlet liilannele, White -Flannels, . Home grade I'lannelsl Shaker Flanneis, +ill i•ednced ;at thii .Big, Sale, - THiS GREAT WINDING Up SALE has cortin enaod. :We -ars'' buss' tak- ing stock --and expect to enter' it down on the '15th of l''i,bruary. From the present time until. that ;date, ON ALTI:PUILCHASES-UNDEIt 810 WE WILL (+IV:E A DISCOUNT y i �i y� ' F N.C.. ON ALL 1 O 10 PL � CEL PU1'£LII I'A1,. S S bT . 1 0 AND -UPWARDS 11;'f 0.0 I!, �i W GIVE A'DISCOUNT 'UL'•i,i PEI, CEN''I • We intend closing the store on the lith and 16th of Irubr'iiary, to entereitoek, go ,throngli. it tlioronghly, and have it re -marked and re-tiokote 1, to that there will he no confusion in prices. On Saturday, the 17th February, all Will; be ready, the sale will be continued, and', Bargains all the raga, until the whole stock is disposed-pf,. We'solicit tape pzttonage 'of ill, `aid can entire them of Honorable treatnieet:in everiy partioulal. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS. USUAL. ' ESTATE Or- JO II H®IIC: EIT '. (Minton, . li'ebr u;t'ty.: 11141{c .notof �l ir VAIALL eyes 'o en for - our Keep your Y pexpected arrivals of dish, Sc�tc: adia vfree CRAIB,- MACWHIRTER 183;.t• 1