HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-01-19, Page 5KEEP; YOUR FEET WARM »ealelrs OUR LETTER BOX. ANDDRY The Naw ESL* does not hold itself responsible for tho; opinions of its oorrcepondent8. Letters are cordi- ally invited Broin"all who haver' grievance or anything of public interest to discuss, Write on one side of the thper ; give your name and address ae, a means of au-' entioation, (sot for publication) and be as brief as the subject Will permit• and our columns will alwayst be open to reply to anything appearing under this bead. O• J• S A CJ ® •.. 1"RUNKS .VALISES. &c -Our stock of Boots and Shoes for' tie Fall and Winter Trade is now complete, quality and style, cannot be expelled, OOP SpeclahlVN and for Market are to - handle the � Qer • � fest goods it the tie , And to sell them at the lowest possible prices. ger centdiscount for cash. p TAYLOR & SON , 'Coats Block,1 into n, , �'' iiIioery ! received our, FALL AND. WINTER, MILLINERY, of French �e have just• of Bonnets, ' Hats Feathers, Birds, Ribbons,'` and :American fashions, consisting --lp�=_`Plbehea and Velvets, P all at such rices that cannot fail to attract attention. WfiC�,_ and well -selected stock we '.feel confident in pleasing all'. Hiving purchased a large, sold. giving satisfaction. we also (call attention to our stock of ROUILLON JOSE• news KID GLOVES—keeping a full line in. all oolors. •, Full line of DRESS TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY, CORSETS, ,Jac., always on hand. ',aJ',otAW5, FELTS AND BEAVERS done over in allthe newest styles of:.Bonnets & :Hats': APPBENTICES WANTED for the Straw work, FARM PRODUCE taken in exchange for goods. ZER. w�T s F' TNQMP_59�1 and c C . R. BEESLEY, Beaver Block, Clinton. —`: OHE UGGISTS, Albert Street, 'Clinton. "elle public will find :our stock of medicines complete, }warranted genuine, -,'and 'of the best quality. IOII.ET'SOAPS, PERFUMERY, SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES,,SPONCTES, AND ALL KINDS OE DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES USUALLY KEPT 7 IN_ A FIRST 'CLASS DRUG "`STORE.. 'RAL DRUG sTo HUMPIIREY'S: HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES, 'CUTICUI..k REMEDIES,, KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. And all the recent patents kept in stock or procured to order, & large st0cic of -WIRE,'HAllt.•BItiisiiES;'-TOILET SETS; SPONGES, PERFUMERY, .&c.,: very cheap.. 6EL L1IlII.I1,USSI5 a .reduced rates. PHYSICIANS PRESCI]PT ONS and' family receipts accrrately compounded with care and despatch, ; S , I3. .CO31$1B, CHEMIST AND, DRUGGIST, • CLINTON., ONT. New Maple Sugar. p, few gal. Tins Maple Sprup Fresh Oranges s, Lemons and Bananas. Oood fresh Mangold, Turnip & Sorghum Seeds i _, J Cun n hamClinton. -w . g e, C to inton Oabin'etC�rnp'y. In order to meet our increasingtrade we ltave: bought the Factorylately O g t yy ossa. lied: h •'W. 'l3„Goch`;. and :lft;er getting it under way we e prepared ''to manufacture Tver'.. shit in the' Furniture line, Y g, FrOns the cheapest', to the let sets, with the latest styles and No. 1 finish .and workmanship. Ordered work a spessalty and satisfaction , guaranteed •w c and ::_ UNDERTA KING' have also added this branch to our business,'' in, it at li,ll'times •Will be foun�1`,everything to rl et, tho-'ref nirementslof all. 1•.. A I[ANl)S(, ME *HEARSE KEPT FOR HIRE;' 1i 13ystrict attention,'•.; t business :tlielrin eye—to accdrn- nlo.late and l leaac,;'-t'Ie hope to Merit the cpnfi fence of all, c� E.a .� .AGE . DIEHL� CO' C-1 A WORD FROM MICHIGAN. To.the Editorof the Clinton New Era. DEAR Silt,-Thiilking it net out of place to give you a few items, which may be of Iinterest to some of the readers of your paper, about our part of the country, and to give you an idea of the climate, soil, and water, of which there has been so ,much said of ;late ; there being a number o ming over with the intention of purohas• ing lend, and some going back and,misre- presenting the country, but I think, for'. the Most part, they buy and settle down. Se', in thefirst place, we will say a little about the weather here, compared with yours-yoe among your drifting snows, blustering storms and ,blockaded roads. We having not seen a drift, and the deep- est snow we have hadwas six inches, but at the present we have none, but the ground is frozen over, keepicg ea ort of the mud. Others carry back a bad ae- osuntof the water as being' hard to gest, and bad when procured, but we :dui a well on our own place, and after digging 13 feet one day, water to tl a depth of 6 feet was in it' the next morning. Also our neighbor, after diueing6 feet, struck a running spring, and better water I never drank,; . Other and similar instances T could enumerate, but do not" deem it Tie-+ cessary. And, for the--aoile some carry. back the ides it is all sand, but that is a misstatewenf,'we have very little sand, but what we have makes a very dry build- ing site, being a sandy loam. .To give you an idea of the soil, I will give. you an instance, which I saw this fall. ' Failed through a field, from vehicb was taken a heavy crop of wheat, 'there , being a crop of clover growing, I`pulled a stalk measur- ing 3 !ft. 2 in., tooth crops being heavy and in the same year. .Our nearest market is Peck, a thrivipg little town, six milesdis- tent, a level road leading thereto. The Bounty town, is ei4ht'' miles from es ; our dehool house, -two -melee which is; at -pre- sent, used for church purposes, but others hvgoing'up in the coming spring., We have a saw mill of 24 -horse power about. five' minutes walk from us. 'Trusting that the people coming over hero will not'.think. like the boy coming across the lines, .who,. fleeing some of the :people, turned to his father ;saying," Nhy.;father, the :people:, here are the same as in`Canada." Thank- ing yonMr:.Edit ai-fes the space in your paper, and thinking we are not altogether, behind in the world', I remain, yours, Peck, Mich., Jan. 1, 1883. t .H, C. STILL ANOTHER. Marlette, ch., Jan.: 9th, 1883. To' the Edito: of•t ie Neto Era;' Dasa SiRi-We bad • verygood crops, here last summer, but: the' wl'eat suffered.'. from the heavy rains. The greater part of our wheat is selling at 65 etsper bushel, good.sound wheat is9Ucts. 1 have. been surprised at the farmers of Huron -'Co 'grumbling at paying 2ctie per bushel ;.for getting their wheat .thrashed,: We pay '3icts per bushel for wheat 4cts for peas, and 21ete for oats , ' • ' A reperator costs $42t,, a -steamer to drive_it oosts $1000, hence the .high rates for threshing, all the result of Irotection. Why is it that•a people calling themselves free will better themselves with such bur .done, ': Ilowever. there's a change corning. The two hives of ' bees Ibreught here the spring of 1880,. have increased to 62 hives, beeidea several swarms that Jere for the' woods. I,got twe lty •two hundred pounds comb honey.;last summer. I cannot close. without.telligg.you what beautiful. winter weather we get' here, while you in Heron have heen:anowed in. ",With' the' excep- tion of a short -spell before Christmas,: 'we 'have' had.littleeleighing yet ; : wheeling' is good even now ; cne soft day`would spoil our sleighing. I ]cave=rso't—eeen�a ec were (storm either winter or summer since corning here. This country continues to. settle very'fast,some people that :left Canada last sprit; and spent the summer in,Dakota „have comeback - to. Michigan,, Real : estate. is 'increasing fast in vaine. Three'ears' ago I bought 420 acres for $1. Y g g 600 lost-fallI sold' 80: acres. to'Cny brother for $1;200: I ani glad to 'see. by ',the NEW ERA that Clinton is growing so fast. We are all in the hest of health. • Yours sincerely, \V..SUT R. Marlette, 'Senile° 'Co.', Mich. thin', it there worn: s few •r more like them iu the at,ttluta:ut,t. 'Alley hate 160 awes of splendid land, well situated.. I have also, visited Mr. David Welsh, and find he has good land with a comfortable house. He tells me he greatly prefers Michigan to the North West, and thinks that if`most of hose who have returned :from there, were in Sanilac, they would choose to stay where they Gould work without angering: so % much from the celd'and other bard• shi ps.A FRIEND. Sarila^, Jan. 12, 1883. 4!ILLHABLE P.UR THIRTEEN "Is-EAitb In order tt acquire the rights of full esti• zensbip in the United States, the native bora must have reached the age pf, 21 .years, and have gone through two full, but short courses ---of rheunatisin, stays a gi ow]er at our elbow. In' Canada, however, the courses of .nccuma- thou are not so short, running, it would seem, as long as thirteen years ;-at least' in one • -- instanoe, that of Mr. Same!" Mehoue . Sr; of {� A Orillia, Ont„ who' says: I'have been a'suf• 011t.l illi tlll� 1041'ferer with rheumatism for the',past: thirteen years, and have tried, during that time, very many of the'reuledies aivortised for'' it, but' an without -effect. ' Upon recommendatiou I was induced to buy a bottle of Sty .Jacobs Oil. The first •tppli ariou relieved me, and , upen tie secmut;eielicatien the pain, •tliseappeared. entirely ami has not' .since retetrned„, It raj foels'n°e mucl, pleafere to seek this state:. rncint of my experience .with St., Jacobs dud. I sincerely avid:collet every is -Offerer emeltl know of its w(e-iderful virtues: , • - T"t i:d 4E -love,* tt'1 i;d eeeeseisperetiesiewe TI3 opu!arDry.Go�dsNou� LADIES It UR SETS prices for Holiday . Season.: LADIES FUR R WOOL SQIJ.& li:'S all s Q � sizes and color. Free of Cost.) ' All persons w shin' to -test' the merits of a gteat rcmedy ode t. hat will positively' cure Consumption, C,ug,hs, Colds, Asthma, Iron 'chitin, ur ii"tiy. affection .of the Thrcat and Lungs—are: ri queered to call' et Watts & and J. H.•Combe's Drug Stole and get a Trial Bottle of Dr. Jul- s'Ne'w Discovery. for Cep - au al ption, op-aualption, free of cost;, which will show yon. what a regular dollar sire hottlle :Will'do. ' STREET :TALK. ".How' much '.better yen •look, , Hr. S.' "Yes, I''have gained 32 pennde' on Hill's Catarrh Care I:raee not felt ,so well in 20 years. It has made a complete cure aril is worth $50 a boetle:.to any no that hat the Catarrh." _ $500 ll2.E W RD !'... w e' will pay the above reward: for any. ease of liver etimplaiut,dyspepeia, sick headache,iindigestion, esti.. .etrpatton' or costiveness' we cannot etire •w'itht e' Vegetable Liver gibs, when the directions are strictly complied With'. They are ppurely ;vegetable, and never fail to give satlsfacaton. Sugar .coated; large boxes, containing 30' pills, 25 cents. For sale by all Druggists,'. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine_ manufactured only by John C. -west & Go., "the pia makers,"11 & 82 Iiing,St. East; Toronto, Ont. Free. trial package sent by in'ail prepaid on! receipt of a three' cent stamp.'. 1"il it>•lj lines. Wc]►ol " Cl °tad nand eolars. Sil:k_11a.IY.dki►E't ehieif beat' t-ifnl � � Cl0(�t3. Pki - �)to t! Illd, Auto; ��► .i;�ti27l�t. F'. nie T n Splendid C.ine o..-, catch Tweeds. E ii`g,E' R.sti4o2'tni nt of Fine C}ve're oa' MHO Ia UNAOOU AINTEn GEOci RAP I1. Or 71-ItS .'..' TRY WILLaEE BT'r%AwININe TNI$jlitAPTHAT THE f'e�w. RFADY :�Ii�+; OVF .COATS, . very clleapa 11l�t�a�l�V Ort Y.1:41-1:111 0,1 CHICAGO R0CIL L&ND&PACffIC R'Y Calla the attention of travelers to the centralpeal- 'tlon of its line, connecting the East and the West ' • by the shortest conte, and earriing pasaengere, without change of .ears, betweenicago and IIan- i�stua City,' Council Bluffs. Leavenworth, Atchison, .Minneapolia.and' -8t.'-Paul. It.:conneeta.in Union Depots with an the principal'linea of road between , the Atlantic .and ,-the': Pacic.'Oceans.. ILO equip- ment is unrivaled anti magnilleent,:being composed of Most Comfortable. and Beautiful ,Day Coaches, Magnificent :Horton' Reclining Chair Cara,: Pull- 'man's Prettiest Palace Sleeping Care and the Best .,-Line of Dining Cars in' the World. !trhree. Trains between. Chicago and'Miaaourf River Points.:' Tsvo- Trains between Chicago .and•Minneapolie and St, '. Paul, via the' Famous •"ALBERT LEA ROUTE.1' —A—New and'Direet'hiheeeie-8aneca-and--Xanko — • gee, has recently been opened between Richmond, Norfolk, Newport,Newa, Chattanooga Atlanta,Au- ,---gusta; Nashville Louisville. Lexington; Cincinnati, 'Indianapolis and Lafayette, and Omaha, Minneap-„ elle and Bt. Paul and intermediate pointe. I "" All �hrough Passengers Travel, on ,Fast Express Tratfle. Tiokota for sale at all principal .Ticket Offices in thoIIaitedetatoe end Canada. A CLINTONIAN TN SANII4C IMiICH. , To the Editor of Clinton: Neib Era. Sia, -If you will allow men; little jspace through the column of your paper, I will `. make:a few brief remarks cencerping the country .and': climate in • Sanilao. I must say the land' is of ' the'. beat quality, well adapted for growing grain of all kinds; inoMi especially fall wheat, which apparent, •ly does much better than in -Canada, . that is taking one yesr 'with. anther, It is, ala° a lendid fruit country; for every de- scription of plums, apples, and "especially peaches which grow very large here. 'There is a splendid market for everything in the way of fruit and vegetables, the only de- ficiency I see here is they Haven't' got the good gravel roads the same as in . 8raCanada, but such is the case witb ail new countries. As time works changes, and the years roll by,,I have no doubt but this 'country will be ahead of Canada. (Sic ?) One great blessing they have here, is such good Baggage': checked throughaand: rate, of tare al- ways as low as competitors that oiteileas tagoa.advan- . • Flor detailed information;get the :Maps and rold- ere of the _ GREAT ROCK 'ISLAND' ROUTE, -. At your nearest Ticket Office, or address ' • ' R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN,', Gent ti't, :'noel 'Itt,'.” Pon, As:. HEALTH -IS °WEALTH. Na RV Dr. E. C, West's Nerve :iudj.raiu_Traatluont, s suer nnteed spoclee'for hysteria, dizziness, convulsions, fits,. nervous neuralgia, honelache, nervonslprostratton'caus- ed by .the use of alcohol, 1rakefulnesl, mental depres- stop softenL g'of,thc brain, riwtilting in insanity..and. leading to misery; decay and death, pt'etnature old age, barrenness,'' loon of power in, either sex; involuntary losses and sptrmatoi'rhoea, e:nised' by bier-excrtien•of the brain, self-abuse or oyer indulgence. One box will euro repent oa csN,ash box contains one, month's treatment. One dollar a en, or Six boxes frthe dol.. Lara ; sent by mail propaiil on receipt of prise 'We guarantoe six hoses to.euro any else} With east, ol- der received by ui for six boxeh accornpgnidd with five dollare W.e' ill send the.purctisoiour ,written guaran- tee' to refund the money if the treatment, does not of-' eet'a cure. Guarantees issued eplj .by J. Ir.' Combe,: 'sole agent for Clinton, Ont Tob'h 0 ww,t.' .t Co., sib proprietors; Toronto. water: _ Aa i travel from one place to)111p, :• another I"tinhave 1 d theyi e only of t' e digl � g _ from eleven ,to thirteen feet till the come FURNITTTlil±, STORE, tJ:LI'rT 11:) r: "THOS., -STEVENSON- :: having nio;'eti'i'tit'a hitt ttow prick stiff e` to a good spring, 'I aoci accounts in this various papers of different-;' parte of Cana ria, Manitoba and the Northwest, I moat say, this climate differs greatly therefrom. We -.'•.ave hada lovely --=winter; only -about five or six orches of snow at tho mostoa -the level and'no storms or !drifts ; they tell me it hardly ever drifts in this part of tho country. I can truthfully say we have only hadtwo cold days "thrs"winter. The lumbermen are all busy' drawing their pine, and the miJla . re running' steady. , r. rhe farmors�that have plenty, of logs are busy drawing thein in; they get them' sawed for a thousand or on shares if -they .wish: I .notice this place is mostly settled with Canadians front Clinton,, (fro derieh and adjoining country. -I. have been to visit, lots of acquaintancesalso to visit"Mr, and Mrs. Peter Cole with , their 1_tsvo_sona,-and—fld_tha t...s s:rfri:endly..an.d_ hospitable as 'ever, ,. It would bo s good 'O1?1'OSIT'E TII:I TC.)' VIS11' HALL, IToggcleave tostate t;hisnumerous fumids.in Clinton' and the surrounding Country, that ',he[keeps- on hand a• ' superior 'neality'of Turnitnrc of all Miotic, su(.h as' BEDROOM & PARLOR :.SETS • l;E.l)STEADS, `SIDEBOARDS, IICTT1L'z1U5; T:ABi-ES;'' And e cl;t•l hing that constitutes furnishing' • a Bons; in lila line, which be will sollatthe iowest living pi MIL 1 sal ti,sh;u'e of the public patronage , being 'thankful for past favors and hopeful for the fntt.Yre..ilio public arc invited 't.o;i :Il anti see for'themsetves. :. :THOS. STEVENSON. Ck1N m, .114 'tt lg8f.. . CJ'S .tea 1R,351CED=vi-D largest .. The aY s bestassorted stock of Cooking, Box; Parlor,^Parlor Cook, Hall and Coal Stoves ever brouht into Clinton, A t I Farland Bros.. The latest designs and improvements in Stoves, 1 i Marland Bros, Stoves ' Stove -Pipes Elbows ' . Stove -Boards at. rock -bottom '• prices. Al' Iarland Btos. A lar ge "assortment Lamps,Burners,Chin2neys, nne Shades & Tubular Lanterns. !• /far/anti Just received ' a,large lot of, American Crosscu SAWS' and AXES XEA S, Harland Bros. Builders' and Shelf HARDWARE always on"handl Ilarlaud - =uaniit --of second7hand Coal & Wood Stoves very cheap. ,y . . .�a la7z� B 1 �.I res. 1111 PADLOCK, RED -BR cKSTORE • ArUERII'•,ST.REEiT; i�TEIvT01o,'• !IRAN 0,1 STORE, BEAVER • BL®CK i .NEXT TO;'1'UOafl'SON dt 'Swr'rgica't , % 1