The New Era, 1883-01-19, Page 1itAigNING & SCOTT Barrister,, Solicitors, C9nV4YANOBBSike:, Cluninuisioners for Ontario and Mann.°lea. CE, BEAVER BLOCK,XLINTON. Y BOOK STORE, ,13 different kinds of FAMILY BIBLES' to choose- from at Dick -- son's Book Store. - 439 PoCKET-Bnil.,Es to select from. SCI10011 BOOKS, COMMON SCI -100L BOOKS PEgS, INK, PAPER,. &c. We have everything for school, cheap. • DICKENS' WORKS, complete, 1,5 Vols.,,neatli bound and illu- strated - for $18,; We have, without, exc,eption, the LARGEST and 'CHEAPEST line of --Pocket Books & ladies -Hand SATCHELS In Canada. E ETV' 33 E I can supply customers with any Newspaper or gagazine they want, g,enerally cheaper than anybody else: - Some good Cloclis loft, Splendid timekeepers, cheap. •ELEGANT DESIGS' IN NEW IE*EILLE Buy frOm .us and save money; b.ICKSON, 3,13, NO 3. - $1.60 Per Annum. piettigitStalL 11 MANTON ONT., FRIDAY, JANUARY 19 1883: Wanted A GOOD GENERAL, SEB,VANT,.imMEDIATIILY ApPly to, IdR8."-11: -RANSPORD, Street Clinton. - • DILLABOUGH has opened an office in the Beaver Block, up -stairs, first door to the tight, and will give -prompt attention to all matte's requiring his assistance. Night messages to be left at MB,. JOHN RoBearsoies Huron Street Clinton. 3 •- FIRM FOR SALE. „ TIlE subscriber offers for gale the south half of Lot 50,Tuckersmith,' consisting of 47i acres, on which is erecte4 a good bank barn, with wells, dm. All but five aeres cleared and free of stumps. In a good state of cultivation. 16 aeree of fall wheat. Situate only a.-intle from the growing town of Clinton. Will be sold on reasonable.terms. 3-11 JOHN STEPHENSON, Sr. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. 111HE subsCriber, "offers for sale three, acres of kind 2. situated to the north east of the High,School, being lots 64, 65, and 66. Very desirable 'location for' residences. Will be sold separately, or together. .Are well 'fenced, and have an assortmcnt of choice fruit trees thereon. Will isle* ecu or lease the house now occupied by hiinseLl, on the corner of James street. It, -contains 5 bedrooms, sitting room, diningroom, sum- mer s!nd winter kiteben, aud other canvenienees.- Terms r‘Mconable. •JOHN JOSLIN . . • Chao', Jan. 19, 1883. • •rn • ! . • • 1 , • FESTIVAL: .1 OYSTER SOCIAL, under the auspices of the Women'! Foreign Mission Society of Willis Claurdh •wilLbe held M the TOWN HALL, on the evening of _ I THURSDAY, FEBRUARY I. Refreshments serred trod). 6 to 8 p.m., in the Coun-'.., cilOhamber. Reeittlons. eingthg, 17111,91C, tte., efterwards be given in the TOW11 1h11, • Notice- to the Cr'etlitors , , . (1F , . JOHN BRONSDON Of the veliaee of Londetiboro. in the Cdunty •of Huron, Waggon Maker; NTOTIC is herehy-gi.n that the said John Brunsdon has made in assignment of all his - estate and effects to itichant.ndeins, of 8aid village of •LOndeshoro, merchant. in trust for. the'benefit of all his crenitors, Without 'prefer- ence or priority, .arid that firm', Ipersons or cor- porations having 'claims against Min are re. tinned tb send in their names,. residenees. post -office addresses, and partienlars of' their Claims duly verified. and the nature of eecurityfif any) hod by them, byletter,tprepaiel, and addressed to the Bald Richard Adams, at Londeshoro, Out on or before the FIFTEENTH DAY OP MARCH. .NEXT,.A. D. 1888: . - . Aud notice is, hereby given that after the said date the sit4 truetee well proceed to distribute .tlie, assets of the eaiffJohnBrunedon among tiie parties entitiedthereto,,haVing lregard only to the, ,claixim,. of. 'which notice shall -have been giver), And that huwilniet be.;liable, for .assets or any part thereofso distributed -to airy person or -persons of whose debt or claim he .epall -net then havelad notice. - . • Datedthis FIFTEENTH' DAY JANLIARy, A. H. 1883. • • RICHARD ADAMS; Assignee in -Trust. E "FO -R .SAL .' c M • - , Apply t, o „ JOIIN RIDO. AG0 OD youla g °vie f Sale or . y Bckok Store, linton. De -27 1862, - Ian. &MIS. BLACKSTONE, teachers of Vocal and .ALL Instrumental music, Ratten,bury Street, near Or- gan Factory., N, B -Singing Class rioNV forming, • LOSSOIN given. Clinton, Feb. 16, 1882. . .• • - EDI -N.• 'KEEFER, 2 NT,TST) PL,INT°N, ' Late, Toronto, Honor Graduate Royal Col- let Dental Surgeon, has removed to the. W.Taylor & Son's _— All. work first-0am 'Charges moderate. . _ , S. FOWLER; & S BEST -STOCK OF VIOLIN STRINGS fl TowN. FINE PLATED WARE: NEYVEST DESIGINS IN JEWELL Repairing done Promptly. - Clinton, May 25th, 1882. - Crosscut CHOPPING AX COW CliAl RACEYs IRON AND HARI/WARE MERCHANT, • CLINTON.; GIRLS WANTED Wo good expeteeneedOne for carc , of•, children. The. other for general work. Apply at residenCe; Iltiren-Street, chntrine • • . -MRS. REEVE. • NOTICE. •reoHE COUNCIL OE' THE COUNTY Or HU- RON -will meet in the court . roonr the Town Of Godcrich, ori Tnelday, the 23rd of -Sao .1.3..L.Allaestomil8tag5itist_the_C_oeriei1 must be sent m beforeAhe first session di the seeond day of meeting. ' - l. ei PETER . ADAMSON, county ciero. .; IMPORTANT TQ FARMERS The. undersigned -has started. ' ALCHOPPING. 'MILL , In thelinilding.Orroserh Tem QuekS's 1-10/1.6,1. and is now prepared -to Chop all kindsor,grain., at a reasonable rate, on liATTJEDAY OF tadli 'wHEK: , JAMES YOUNC4'. . Clinton, Jan.12, 1883. . ' ' N THE HIGH, COURT OP .TUSTICE, 1)ivision. -- GRANT vs. GRAN'I'. Sale of- a Valuah—le— Farm in Stanley P(111SUANT to an order herein., dated the hard 'day, of March, A. D., 1882, there will be sod by Public Auction, -with the approbation of Sutherland minewnson.Esquire, LocalMaster of the Suprenie Court. at Goderich, by -Jolts C. ' CoBRIa, AUCTIOS,ZEER. At Ratteolourys Hotel C -tOii SATU1WAYI FEBRUARY 3rd 1883. At 11 e'elock ' i n the .formicron, ,the following property, namely :-Lots numbers Twenty-nine and Thirty, in the first Concession of the said Township of$tanley, in the County.of Thiron, except village lote-1, 2, 3,4, 5,6, 7;8, 9, 10 a,nd 20, in the village03Granton, oft tlio,said lot thirty and comprising about -three acres; and excepe also to ;too acres off both saidlots na and so, ...lieretofere_convey,ed__ta_the___Lotelon Railway Compane This property'is situated -on the Londoe road,. about d -half milesfrom the Town ot Clinton, and,in an ce:cellent farming locality. - About 176 neves are eleared, and the remainder (1e) acres) timbered ,with hardwood, chiefly beech and maple. 'The soil is of a rich clay lorinitand is in. a fair state of eultivation. The ,builitiugs. thereon .consist of a.* exCellent story brick dse1Iing, 28 x.40, Witli brick kitchen 18 x 3o,,and two fraMO bums on each lot,with_ stables in connection, all being in a fair state of repair: A never -failing spring Creek flows thiough the•preinisce, near to the barns, and adjoining the-house-ls, a, good well, with pump. There is also n good•orehard, C611 si ail 11 of about 2M acres, well stocked. with friiiie.trees in good bearing. The tenees on said lets are in fait CO1111111011 • ' • , TE1{MS SALE, Ten ner 0ent down on. the 'day,Of sale, to the Plaintiffs Solicitors, the balance, without inter- est,. to be paid into court on the lird day of 1VIarch, A. 1).,,,1881, when the purchaser will be entitled to a conveyanee arid tube lot into pas; session. The purchaser, at the time of be .reenired to sign an agrecanaut-tor. the 00111- Plet1011 of the purchase. The, properts- -will be put up, subjeet to fe rosCrved bid J In other re- spects the corentions or sale ,eball be the [...nand- g.e0Xlait10118 of Stile of the court, ', Further particulars may be obtained from IL01,T d1 CA-mtutoX, Soliei- tom,'Hoderieh, eone Deiszeio..:Esee (1., To- ronto, the auctioneer, or l'roin the Solicitors, • ' 'Dated 51 Coderioh, the eel da,y Tan wee,. e. MALCOM-SON, Master 113 Coaeriell. GeineOW ,e PROODPOOT, ' " Plaintiff's Solieltors. 41 The knplyersary Services 131 OON34TfIIION wiTa Wa cinnick ‘Pu.sarrERI.01. .Seeniton Seise -ore The anniversary services in connectionwith the Preebyterian Sabbath Were held in the claw& , here, -on Sunday leet. The Rev. A. D. McDonald, of Se,aforth, occupied -the pulpitat both the morning and evening -Services,- and preached two veey eloquent nod _ . impressive sermons, in nis usuel deer and pleasant style, to large congregations,. many amongst which rejeiced once more to bear the Word preached by one who for many .years had niinistered to them as their pastor; it was ,aiso noticed that quite a number' from other denominations were present. The. Rev. gen- tleman took] as theenibjeet of his morning dile Course, Matt. is,14-17. 'Ile took it t� be the clear teaching of . the words of the text that the christian religion was one of joy, and that the devotionand worship which Go irequi,ed of'nian wag pot one of einety form and .cPel] dieplay,, but • one whichwas the 'outcome of the heartolieed from restiaietnand further, that Christ's- religion was a perfect, religion, and therefore, would not admit of 'any human addition, and 'lit scathing.words eleneeneed the tendency of the eeresent age to patch ,up religion, pure and undefiled,; with man's rea, skin, imagination or caprice. The subject upon' which the preacher 'dwelt in. the evening was "The pure he heart,' taking -as is text, -Matt.' v. 8 nd in a caltn 'discussion,Carried •his audience over the, •defficult ground found, filth° queetion '.'What is Heaven'?" mid de, Oared: 'that 'Heaven' was but a .consumniation of that 'purification of life which was begun through theworking of -the Holy Ghost iii Christian, When born bathe Spirit.. Mr. McDonald also,- addressed. the Sabbath School Mille Afternoon,. giving a few worde of kindly 'Cheer to the leachers and edvic,o, to •the scholars. ; ' • • ENTERTAINIttZNT. MONDAY. . . The anniversary entertainnaeot took place in the 'town hall on „Monday •eyenizig, and proved most ; sieccessful'in every.-reepect. The hall, was tilled to *the door by an interested and pleased audience. . The Sabbath Scheel children Were seatedin the centre- of. thehell; and-dinin -the-whole- evening maintainer' a g decennia and Order which was a credit alike to the scholars, and -teachers. At 7.30 p.m. Mr. Stewart the pastor, took -the chair, and ••after Opening exereitiest -called iipon . the Rev, Mr. -McDonald, whose address being specially intended for S. S. teachers, was filled with .useful hints and Wise advice: He 'briefly pointed otit the duties of. a teacher as being t , acquaint the *children, with the bible, its hi tory and geography; t� teaehthem. the ( s- tinetive doctrines of the church, te diet -lien •the children nrevvemethey pout(' give a aeon for the faith which was in ;them ; moat -important- of alt, lead the children/ to the Saviour. Mr. Turnbull next, gaie 4hort re- port of !the financial sennelieg,of . the school, but es the report haabeen already published, it is not necessary to repeat it. He annomic- ed Viet thecellections -on Sunday, which were for the -benSfit ' et. the .aoheole amounted to $18.5e, The chairman then introduced Rev. ,Mr.. Mtiegraye, eofWitithrop,. who , addressed the 'children BM -exceedingly aniiising•and 'humorotiitspeeph,'ind.gaVe eomeeVery •whole- some advice,, exhorting. the. little -folks to be useful and helpfuVin the home, at the day, .scheel, ateSunday School- and. &niche and in this cannectioneemid faidt with • the'Smell attendance of children iipon diVipe,Wership 'the churches at the present day: Ile. asked 'the- children to . go to chtirchoto 'keep their Oyes open, ' Mad theirmotiths toe; if,theylikecle • and- 'remarked -that 'he 1Waa content. to have .peenle keen their mouths shut and:their eyes, Oen in cluerich, but it was a terriblethihg :Oen their eyes were abut and their Menthe The best praise .we .eari gine the 'Rev. gentleitiani • ,address is that the -.little fi;.,lks, begged hi,' -thcOntintie, when, he.announced elaisespeethent-Onentle--Aininternintinfcit-cuna; stance of the .eyening was the delivering of ,a ,inesSa elrorcieMe. A: -Matheson the latiore. speet &Superintendent Of the school, -by Mr: 'Stew et,. who had .reserved it• fer• the occasion., Th. Message :wee' the. invepetied. of the, diyine big sizigenieri the echoer and its, work, a word lef love and cheek tothefschOlars and teacher's. eewislied- the ,itholars to treesurein.• their, carts the tollaWing'worde.ef 'seriPture • ; '." on wittily us early with thiereerey, that *e may.yejeice and be' glad all our . 4 and to the teachers 'his affectionate greeting is "My dear .fellow. 'Machete, stand .faiit, be 'not Weary flol clning,,for,yen shall have your* reward:" • Thoproceedingeeweee_inter :spers'ecl with Music by the choir and echolare, under the -leadership of Mr. Thos.Jacksen, jr. .Which addedgreatly to the eojoyment of the Audience-. The singing by the -infant clean, tin -der MiSs Sinith,' was particularly good, and Miss . Mary . Straith performed the drities of, otganiiit to the --evident leatisfaction of all pieeent. 'One .piece which attracted 'speciai. attention, *air the singing Of ,O Where is My boy to -night," .hy Misi Fairy Morgan the •sobbul joining in the-ehorns. 'After a nr:te:or thanks having beeitepeasede in favor -of the sirearefe;Ihe entertainment was.closed,.. every one apparently well pleased with the evening's. enjoyment. 'The ..thallection.s et• the hall in': aid. of the School amounted to 1S.75. • • 91E6111E15 alc .. , • English gr•arranaar 'received the highest attain, - , • . ROL, 31E. Sysl.r,itiE. • ' able mark, and nitiee haveheen exceedingly ' ' A foot ball matcla will be pleyed"j next 'well taught, and well maetered by the 'Stu- Tneeday night, • between the mare:incl. dente •in those subjecte, ' and that in all the unmarried men., ' -II or the next to the higheet. The result'of -`' other eubjects taken up none were lower than . k Rii, EionE*.........2,1r.- Te 0. •peo-kareps ' pc; o t/ shows th t honest work youngest boy attempted -t ojunipd Ot,r__their , pnathelt,si'inel,61-aceetuil:)eneeeneltduhosenre pb4Yrtbootrah thetecelleeprosr.!*tanndo derc2NVnasnlde 1 fhhe tie Iheliig4ht Inwhichasweak,.AVwent •ofv°e11::' uh7•5; -..l.tiLa tge-r!--ltibta: i-ttellaed a oeef°013:::4111°P.Cirra'etin.°tIlS Ist3'fatliSre's7 laallna'-' Butarth.'e and, as a m a i supposed, - -tit', i et!:wn le''Ye• k bet re4. 0-14,edo ft hi to; guage which thews . the wisdom „of the trils. bones was fotind to be broken and ont. ef . tees' iti increasing the staff from three to. four . place: • .- • ' ' ' . •,-, . teacheM. ' Ills ivorde are" There•ehould he a - ,FtexER.ere___Tne 1.:n•ie,i.ne. . of eeliaeles • cengratniate the teachers and ' trustees; as • la,t. , and were buried •(,) , ei.de t more numerous teaebing.staff:' We have to Levis arrived' home on Ttniintday,', i! t factory repor.t ef-the Worlenlooe in the echoole: well as the town in general, on, the very siatis- titDkcie,eille,„,t 2..30., p. , m . 0,00 .. j.n '' ' in Nuvember laste'and we feel'eore that.witli. e ne short notice liere vasa very1T the increased•staff moreeecellent resultewilP ....e daeee„., The 1' funeral serm°11-*111: b' follow in the "present -year; upon Whiclr-the Pv-reeanmugeo, in"the i (-)'.• Me tillnrche'*nda €h�1hs just-eutered with very favorable e n Jan.. 21-st at .0.80.... [Nolte --He proepects.• . -. _ • . - . .. • 4.)...ed. )11 the Winnip.eg,,hoepetal .of.in. Hem'- , ; ; : • e . -- '• • • • • Illation of the hinge, and not in 'Brandon -77---..-.4 •--'---------'-., ' '• ' , : with typhoid' fever, as reported in laSt . '1'0Itn"Voti II D i I.. •' week!s'paper.] .L • -- . . . ._ ' ' •. The.first meeting of the new conned ' was • • • - , or' r"-ip-s2,-, , 1301(1 -at.11 lite in. on Monday; when the . re. .oe.• ,,,-._-.., ' , -...--,- .-- ",,'-'"-- ,,,•.,. t • sPectivernernbers elect took the oath of. office,- , , 1- kat.,SUN A Is,;---•ku rfi.. el. :eRoutleelgee. who, ,anditdjlinined iintilVuesday evening. ' ' bas.lidere.:awaY 'Visiting nerji.Ster-ln, 'elai't-r,•. * ..Tbe couneil met oil Tuesday, all the Mem. at, Toronto ; retutned, On" Brines*, lineOe. ieu'r.,t.. . hers eicept Councillor ,MorSe 'present: - ' ing' enjoyed. her, visit.veiy,,iiiticli. i; geee...•; e - • • ,The report of the Special ConiMitte& ap. The people 'of Betheleledley itiegeinies pointing the etandine conatnitties for the Wallis', are erecting. a-- large subetantiel. year was read, as 0110198:--- . . . . etible'at the Methodist pariiOnage ' There 'Benin Coreeterren.ee Messrs. Al , ieooper, • , • • ' d tothe- kindness of thie : pooi)k- gibbing's, Walker and Doan. , ..-- . , :- TetmnEtteoTE.e.;ThereWill be 'ff temper!. Frxeoce.-e-Mesers. Corbett, T. CooPer, fle-4i meeting held, in the town hill; oh ,cri,,hr.7.030A.,,,,d,,,,..woutnkfaii_Ld, Ifflieesirerae.:. •siarie,: _wo... :Lt,oWffris.:_efilaitnniefititdIntoylr)Iteti.:10424th irnst.- 'Wile iii- a itrOn4• . le Ch4ete' to t . GeibEmbinE;s71.-4-f ' re•-•-8:earle; -!'' Cool:4er. az41- -iale ago. All tehe ,m,, inistet°oifegtc1, -te-Ve.11:, e: - 0,HAIVITY:-'-lfe, rs. T: Cooper andeCoibett. oreexpected•to.takepart, and some other • 1:,t-Trovi.--Mesre. Young, Walker, Thealln temPeranCe advocate is expected ' to •leg.= son and .,Sedrle/. . .- , ,' • ttire'on' the occasion. Music will --be ren- . •:PetoeinertMeeine. W. Cooper, Thompson dereti by the, three -choirs', of :the three end: Searle.• " - ' • • ..• ' . ' . • different ' churches act-ing s -C- ' e 1.`he . . Heeinnee-Mesirs. Young, ' Ai orse, ---(3 He- - ptiblic etc.' CerdiallY inited tao 'benpr.eserif : b ,I BOTe iaCi 'natal s' ;re and/Doan. 1 a . Eir; KJ SS, ct(i.L.1-1886rs: CO,r,- last week IiiSvirlii.(7,70dTinillgiuinit;iitielFillah01::1:4;;*.td;tilitijiiing.gi:.lih-oci 1Mtt;: Searle, Tho.mpson; Cooper are.V. CooPer. •. mr.eSearle objected , to the way . his mime- Deonagh;.. of onn•tron;. pre4he4:4i,irte,, re,e 0,i , was kept Off the Street ComeaittSe ; he'elasnitmeei • :ed tbetee partiean spirill.hea: ' ,ti/ir..z4.cio. mthme ifittreisue/;t, ipir(iiii..ecihoHlrebge 4,t 0 . ill at ,iie re. i bthtli, e kairnioif ca ( w.i.th, .iisipg hi, discoursed to the , peoPle ' of .VOle'S • and ,t, he appOintmentS sermons of he Very high order. :Rev. A. Edweeds of Itolunieyille,. / and putting Mr. Doan 'O'n it he believed it,to s,ermon...- ui , b. , . h , r . /.had been a.mbtire in forth, ing ,thd committee; Cook gavel).- teinPcide.odtiohiikle:, ivraOlt-°eRku,aafitliret'il. 01,-'e'lasie,:lI....oaopj(!..: • ,position aga , Bethel to ;their --• be -the intention to try ,and. have,tlie drain, on p.ointin,e.rits, the subject of horde and for', Mary street covered in, esnodftith6ehteoirh:tifitoains. i.aelligdne',17.4isoins .tritS. th. rotolye.,earelestir Miustiee to•otherr portion r e. g '. 'ally advocated•.: 'Revs. • L..0; 7.148 ra...6.1.2Ceo.rbett , sai• d ,he .thoeght • it. tvus- not worth his while to notiee the •ipsinuations • ,BRiieletelil'..,:•,c1-10.1.1e' sr,..1tHeivn..igt4,:i.c.;,i ykr., , Be ayeidd, A4'4,,t—mi.b ' ' with them.'-'n1PB4ektbfleell,da;nof '1.th9rrOwn. ont, or - reply tot4r.,;.8,,,,e,arle..,..• •)1,(.1 lil,i... .j1,;,•:!.',7*,;... err!' g . . he had ariything to de: hi; t e c . . e . „wouhLtherefere say no kiag; c Mr. ThOmpeoo repudiatedete idea thet as-.,„ .,ea.r,, re 12 Plitl.eit '4tii ?the 1vIral eiattPlliht:,renefttit ;tie: the. interest . , . , Cook'''-t4'.1fie!•)teVeirri,ireelltill• gs.!dfipd, Giiehen .atid Varna. , • 4)far.kre'scooper. said that :tlie:',,O,,,Ste' i:eeaseonieta. ' - ' - a hscriptious , Were not ' olirf would net interfereWith'hirn , it r ,.,, . •Poll.Oe- ..' .9,Rt3 e lee'w° er had Pitt -Mr. Doan on the co' e"gWasi be, ..,!,3itlititp"„.tal=e4r,.0.- ,Olt,ii41,gil:;:41::;.. he ;.c9A.ketiont, an SU.. , 016. 041 e 1., 'neeniteire..eltlie,coniniettee; ite. ' • The ' * ime f11 to ' a -onv on a •-,lififfnothing w,hetever to • do--, with it, or ' he last -John Estein . reeve; Cliextee•Middleteri •'certainly shonldoot :he've am -feinted , a ne-. Themes Elliott, 'Dr. gteeeeey and. poeheed, farther like. Mr. poen. ' • ' . . . • Bailey, -councillors. Hamilto,n Hunter', Was. A:motion Vial then Paseed adopting there- unanimonsly.re-electect clerk. • NcOnuire eere.,' . *pert ofthe ccimmitten. ' • . ,. .1 ... • ful officer could be got.. John Feegueon, eh: .. On motion Mr. .1a0.(J'y was appointed an au, itige ceristal1le ; John. Morgan, auditor; -the (liter, _and the Mtiyor. appointed. Mr., FarlaUr reeve appointing ,Clias, Reheat. •. Our' old at Other. / • • ' . - , - • friend, Benjamin Iliggins,, '-, was appointed as On illation, the 'following accounts were or' Sesser. The council extended the time for - dered to he !paid. W. J. Paisley, work 'on the eellector to finieh. his collections,' until] streetio$1.e, 1 , hoe ,. 9f W . Copo,..$i), : e; the first o February. .We are sorry o.learm • Vin.e's relit,' I/7.5.0- . - . ' ••• •' ' he has been delayed'on-aceount of an attack; , • -Mr. W; Cooper rneved, seconded hy Mie e e t , ' Senile, that that Mr. A. IL, Alanninghe eppeinted- •eof;eilienligm..a.....iTimie efori.junileilweilaisechonlisetiitsutselZwerme;ir ,as :High Seliciol Trustee for l883, in ,place of to give general satisfaction, it into be hoped' . , '.T.• Jackson, retiehig.. .. . „, - they .retain the good. oninion now •fornied of. ,-MOVed-hrairrendmentehy-AlreTe-CooPer.- Ihem _to the end of the .year. .Rayfield !icemen .. secondedaproiilt90 b. er TMhre. .aDmoaerindthat n t p, Nrv.a.NsV. illolatinosn.br ae The,t to beGoonv etrini theeve.oaf ta on tettayw. oraa. iii tn ti tee hrieeat teirey,t3 te., division. , , ' • 'of our respected friend, "David Hood Ritchie," On motion the following persons were- haVe again Bent their engineer. to. lOOk-after, ' granted as charitythe reepectiveoums follow- the wants of' otir harboi:. Mr. Gray, front, ing their naines, being ,the etre:met of axes the DePartMetA of Public works, visited us Robt; Marjo*, ..$6.30.; -Mee. Taylor, $o.,60; this week, and ;Made a' thorough survey .of, T. Burdon, 84.50 ; Mas. D. Catitelon, 84,50; our harbor: (His attention being called to • Mrs. AleLond, ; eters. Fox, •0.60 ; Mrse the fitie vsesel stranded a. few rode soiith of ' Mrdellshor,' 28.37.0i M 40;Mrer.a. Gordon, $2.701 ars. been -a liglithonse here said'vessel-woultliTnnot the harbor,. he took a mite of it, Had .there A Fisher, ;2,70.; W. WilSon,, $3,60.- Four neve been on the beach a total wreck.) We others applied for a remission. of taxes, but- believe the reeve drove that geptleman out their eases.wera, net • considered .suitable ob- to Mr: leileliiii's, *here they had a .pleasant jects of charity. • . tune. •,The railway is the .principal topicof '.._TgovRoWCoun. Seeele, see. by 0.on.a. discussion at present ; there is every prospect Young,, that whireas there is an ,agitation go- of aoniething tangible taking place this year. ing on -in fever of "ehangieg the _presept BaStfield ,harbet - is now goingto he 'pot- in,eense Law, - palitle pa-oineild:'egrivoinf itgebeanetkoigtoleteheenetil, nlci.ifisistht-o°1aosnity: pert • note On Lake, Huron' not in erder,by the poivers at Ottawa,' it whereas; the present ayetelif la far prefeeable the, hands ef the Graml 'Pr -link. No other to that. proposed, and has worked 111t1012 1110re barber eau be had by any opposition line; satisfactorily, be it •,-reeoteed that this Council and an opposition must come. • This 'harbor petition.-the,,Leoal 'Legislature against the oatehe free to any company who will briug a proposechange, and that such petition be railway to- connect with it, and canbe eigiaed by the 'Mayor ;and Clerk 'and 'sent to made second to none on the 'lakes. A con 'the Local Member- , for .presentation to the neetion with London is- that meet talked' of Local Aisenibly-Carried. •.. At Present, large bonuses °Odd now be got to 'Alone(' by the -70einttY-ReeN'e, iee• by. Mr' connect ..with that city. Four delegates 'go, Doan; that the emty store in the toven hall fi.onj here tO Hensall on Saterclay, to a,tfend TILE CLINTON HIGH :SCHOOL. _ . Our readers will remember that the High School Inspector' Mr. E Hodgson -paid our town a visit, on the 30th of ,NoveMber, for the purpose of inepeetipg our High School. The tee:Ching etaff was,. at that time, corn. posed of •tlmee teaehers, Mr. Turnbull, howl.' master and teacher of .English, classics, mo. ' dern languages, dictation and composition' Mr..Robb, mathematical and science master, and also teather of history and geography ; and -Mr. G-rahani, teacher of the third Or lowest department. 'On the day of inspection Mr. Robb WAS 111 and not able to be present, and consequently his depertment was not in- epected.I.We have had a glance at the report of the Inspector,. on the occasion referred to above, 8313 for the infontuition of ,the trud- teee and the head master. We 'give few extracts from the report. He says " Thie is a really excellent school; theEnglish language receives more attention and better treatment than in many other schools." During the day which he spent in the school he examined classee in the following suhjects, with the re- sults as follows, the standing in tbe various departments and -subjecte, being detioted by the figinee .f, II, III, IV', I being the highest and 1 V the lowest; Englith department, taughtby Mr, Turnbull, 1; mathematical de- partment, taught by Mr. Robb, If -te ; elassics, Air. Turnbull, it;.inodern laeguageso Mr. Turnbull; II ; subjects, Latini Mr. Turn- bull, TT to le 6reek, do., ; 'French, do., TT; dictation,, do., 'It '; Foglish grammar, dee, I ; algebra, Mr. Robb,- II; history; de., Tr; go. ometry, L :ft will be seen that the quali- fy of the work done in Latin, geometry and- -be granted for the use a the Custom Re_use. the Reform convention ; we cannot at present The motion was carried on the following di- 1 tell -who the nominee of the convention may visitin:-Yea.-Corbett, T.Coopee, NV. Cooper, 1 be, hut stirring times are ee store fee a month Doan,GibbingTshaonnadpeseenarelne."young. N Council ,then adjourned. aY---Walker, I or five, but of that more ation.--Com. , • BrApru, Mr. -Iiiitton, who bought. out Mr, Alex. Ones livery etable,,bas taken powtession, . The councillors were sworn in on Monday, and took their ants as our village fathers. Mr. Sellars has bought a sawing machine, and is establishing a wood yard, cutting it into stove wood and delivering it. ' • IVIr. Hill was to have preaelied on Sunday evening, iri the Alethoclist-church, but did not come, and Mr. Hewitt lead to officiate, which' he dicl ably. There is Only one,of the salt blo'clr.S now, they are _gettiffelilleff_Up elle_ar- tiele faSteralcan- if -goes- awar. A large 'grilati- tity of'evoetlee being brought into the blocks. The Rev. Mr. Duncan, of Forest, preached 'the iiiiniversary sermons in the Presbyterian church, on Sabbath. The tea naeeting, on Monday, was a grand seecess. The receipts we did not' 'eerie 'collections on Sunday over The funeral of Mie . John NeWconabe took place on 'Wednesday, and his funerat sermon will be pteached next Sabbath morning, in' tho Metleodiet church, The medical men, held a post mertem exaMniation over hie re.' inains, a law E3uitjencling ripen the hurt he received over a year ago, when another indi- vidual is said to have 330 eflecte of which he le seta to have died. teoftEmten. Imenoveenn-LRee. Mr. Wakefield,who has ,been sufferiog from a severe attack of congestion of the lungs, is, we arc pleased to say, recovering.' _ BenjaMin Crofts died at Goderich on Saturday rootning, -after serious illness of only a week's duration. The deceased was a native Canadian, and was bornon the ehore of Lake Erie. I -Ie spent some of his earlier years in Toronto And seta:id in London in 1800, being for it number of years a, partner in the retail house of John Green-k•CoO' 'For the,past -six years he has beerra residetee of Godee- rich; at one tin -ie carrying ondousiness • ine the firm OT Cialts re- maine Were taken, to tendon for inter- ment; the funeral taking Place 0)1 Weduee-, -day afternoon. -Dn.WILD.-This pepula,r, and as scipac peopie thin-lneeeeeritrie-lecttmer; Clinton on Tuesday next. „In the Coon, ,ing heleetures in the town hall on ,`,,,Xen in iron Shoes." Os This,lecture is petoilieUnce ed tO be his master peke, lend tliosa who do not hear .him will miss a .grcat 'treat., We are:glad to knew that. the 'peO4peete are goad 'fof a full hoose. Let it be shown for -once that we ean appreciate emnethin g else heeides a nigget slieWn13 t thied rete theetre perform:Inge. TU fiN HEIL It Y. The e,onual meeting a Turnberry Ag. Society, Was held at the Brunewlck Witigharra, on tlie•lIth itiete when, the fol- lowing offieers were 'elected :-Chas. /len- dersen, Prete ; Alex. Young, Vice. -Pres.; • Mr. Morton, Secy„. 'Wm. Elliott, Treas.; Mes§rs• J. Farrow, G6O- J. Marra,P. Fow- ler, Wm., Afeclymont, Geo. litighes, Wm. J. Johnston, director. -The animal diu- ener-ofthe soeiety Was held in Mereifield'd' hotel, on the evening . of the smile day. After a sumptuous reprise the usual toasts were proposed and responded to. J. Mc- Millan, 7,11. Po gait the assembly •a rare treat in his responee to the . agricultural.. interests, Messrs. Kay and Robinson ert- livened the e•vening, with their songs. Mr.' T. johnston, of Turnberry, takes hi departtire this week for southern Cali- fornia, where he purposes making hie fu- ture home, if -he likes the country. ' LijE ReV. A AndrReWs,avillifc.arcline, preach- ed to the Methodist and Presbyterian con- gregations of Bluevale'in the church' of the latter, on Sabbath last, owing Lo the temporary ailment of Mr. Horny, Presby- terian mioister of this place. The annual missionary meeting of the C. M. church will take place on Tueeclay „evening, Revs. Andrews and Coo ,e are expected to address the Meeting. Mr. H.1Borgee, •of thiS place, took his departure on Saturdit'V, the, 6t11'innt:, for the neighborhood of',Niawara where he taxes charge of a school during- the cur- rent year, , Mre.W. II. LC e,ch is visiting her friends itt Bluevale and vicinity, at present. We doubt if any villaot'e of the county is cursed with such lawless youths as ours. For profanity, drunkeness and wickedness in general they standunrivalled. I _ , I SEA.PORTI1 Ficno.-LOn Saturday afternoon a ttame house owned by Mrs. Connors, of Ilar- purhey, was discovered to be en fire, and with nearly all its contentsewas deetroyed, loss, $500. The- cause of the fire is un- known. ' .,To BE 'RE-ENGAGED -It_ _ie- said --thee, Constable -Dunlop, who fast year threw up his poSition because the council would , not give him snfticient salary, is to l•eere- erigagedctolloll is;1-eauB. 11,1v3isinr,p Mr. Oeorgo W. Dyke has gone to St. Thomas tro reside, where be has been erne ploy ed by AIr.ELNorsworthy to sell organs. A youth on the 13ayfield concession was one (lay last week sent to Clinton to pro- cure something to relieve a cow that heel got a piece'of turnip in its throat. It is said that Clintoneposeeeses feminine at: for him, and forgetting his' nieSs- age, paid his attentioneeto the fair , one; allowing the bovine to, relieve herself as best she could. •• • • . ' ,.A.T.orete E I': Cotneein-eVieeeeftpcil -met on Monday accordingetefaerien The , gentle .men havieg,Made Mut ,sulfscrib.ed the re-: • quisite declarations of qualification ,and ' office, took their, SetitseW.-Grabmie, reeve, 0. Castle,. 'deputy. P. Douglas J. Tor,- Tame:and 'McKinley, On motion -a Mr. Torrence, -seconded ,by Castle; Geo. -Stewart ,It'afkrappointgdlerk • -for...the present ,. year. • On ,-niotion John .1;1•'..WapPointed Tieastiree4 Tough' isr,, A.ssessor;.in place .of Alex: Sparkle Tee signed; Andrew Stinson was appointed -aaretekeinf the Hall 6r the present 'Year andJolni Beatty and Oeo. Baird, auditors... The Clerk:Wile instrueted to enli fee tenet-', ere for to enshi p priuting for the year.-ee, The account of- the Clinton NEW E3etefor. advertising, SI., was ordered' to be paid, and 'also the gravel -accounts laeei$2.40, Thos. Baird, $2.46, John Alex; ander; $2.15.- Collectoee pesting.receipts;: 50 ete. , The. treasurer was inetrueted t(r,r havo. the accounts .audited before tlee Oat, • •of, Alarch.. rted..'...Green and W. Richard:: son were' refunded .Sl'eachebeing error in, 0 eet Iii!ftiTichottlititdhi.C:talr7e dl:).tne:1:na A petition:tethe corinty and .totens.hip- ' councils isn cireulation ,amcing.the rate- payerS Praying them to •ceect a hridge.: across -the Maitland at Iiol•meeirille.- • -Quarterly 'business' Meeting Of the B. boiled was. held at The ote AIonclay the. 15th- inst. ..; ° 'Men of ...Quebec menet week ,- on the lot of Mr. ?.Fisher, ,and fine Pieeee of square elm teetify -.to:their. ,hard work. Ouortitiee.' . • . :The tttisteee ofS, .S.. No..7 . Morris. are- left...without a teaehere contra:Ty to,.their expectations .thelienew 1eacher is•required to attetatleeNernial, and thus is preyent- fronnfutfilling.her engagement. The Minitel 'meeting ,ef t -he • patrons -of Bluevale cheese faetory.was held oriWede nesday, 10th that., for the purpose of eled; ing Officer/ ilfor the, current year, -hearing repert,litc.1 ..The finances of. the factory - were found to be. 111, a Most s,otiefactery condition. After. paying- all otpenSes .for . the- past .year, and 12 per bent; -dividends to the shareholders, a.balance ofl$800 were LODI in the hands of the treasurer, to be apportionedto the patrons. The follow - Ing • oiliceni Were 'elected :---Jno.. MilIer, , PreS. ; Jno.IBOrgew, Seey.•'; Messrs. J. El- W.J.Johnston, isbiseer, c nectime, . t. J. Townsend has been re- engaged forthe coining season at a salary °I'FT0Sm°°e.' disposed • .person the Own- " -ship of Morris,. posted .up bills, in '.severe[ censpieuous, placesthat were. calculated . to injure, the Chiracter of a .'young lady reeidente. Tf that youth will leave his name he tv.i11-• certainly be , treated to: a.. booting by the girl's father. • • LON.unoildo Ito . `.fne tree eyeter supper. at Bennulter was, pot verg lergely. attended...fry:one here._ . en. It looks hlcp business to sde-.-II-aggits' old -Standeigaiineennitign--We-Wish-Ohienov , pro- prietorsuepeSe, ' • , The new couneil-mote last -Monday for the first time. Hullett has foe past years . been blessedby ,a good cop hoil, anti the preeent one.* is secend to none in the county till being able men 'far the Positioe they hold. ---Coen ASniGeeleol.o-Alie j i,iunsdn,. nye are eorrY to say, has' been cenipelled to make , an assignment for the benefit of his' credie,' tors, Air, R. Aliens having been appoint-; , ed assignee in.. trust. What will be the ulfiniate eestilt it is difficult to say, but . those who lciloW Mr, Brunsdon'ate sails - !fled that it ie "one 'Or *080 lititiv,oi,c18,1•)lo eircumetances whieli oc'e•.!1.1 ' 3i ti en 1 13 i 11 OS 8 ,