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The New Era, 1883-01-12, Page 10
0 • II CLINNTON NEW ERA FRIDAY, JAN. 15, 1883. gown ,%spitz. Mia. J. E. BRYANT, formerly -of Cline ton High School, has Joined the noble army of benedicte.. M. Jxe. AI;CHII3ALD 'return ed to port.. _a age rt•- ;aage la Prairie an Monday; Mies Archibald went as far as Dundas, Minn., with him. Mx. J. T. Havill, late of .the Record, • -has gone to Oakland, California, at which place' he has obtained a situation on, a newspaper. IT Is' said that Mr. Chas. Whitehead, formerly. of Clinton, last year cleared $4,800, above all expenses, from 300 acres s aor >t Lo 1 te of the Molsons Bank removes to'Toronte, where he has secured. a situation in the office of a surveyortheee, abusiness he is thoroughly conversant -with THE Blyth Review announces that henceforth no "local notices'3 will• be scattered through their_local reading mat- ter. That's business. The better class of papers all follow this rule. THE Wingham Times has come out�in. •- a, -new- �ii dress" snd 'has. other �rnifestations: of prosperity. It is by lone odds the best paper in Wingliaar; and 'shoul'd receive the 'unanimous support of the ipeople of that town. To BE . ENLARGED.- Ve understand /1..that Mr. James Fair , intends to 'enlarge t' his mill either,by adding another story, or the erection of an addition, and will add to his -preseutmachinery, what!'is known. as the -roller process of grindingM MR. R. ATrsES©N, 'M. A.,, formerly editor of the NEW ERA, has been appoint - ode editor of "The Guardian," an able Weekly Journal published in Chita - g. o and devoted to Odd' Fellowship;'; the arts and sciences, and general 'literature. he i g near, randan. M, aa,a , MR. A. CA,LLANDER has rented• from ti Mr. Doherty, one of his workshops, near , . theeorgan-factory; run -a :sha-ft=-from•-the•- - / factory and fixedupsome machinery, and ( will there manufacture harrows and buck-; beards for the northwest. Mr.'Thos. Cot- / . tle has moved back to town, and is work- ' -. ing with him. - A NARROW ESCAPE. = While several men were: engaged fixing up a small house at the back of Messrs. Jamieson & Kir- ehhoffer's livery stables on 12th St.,_ the bouseoverturned; falling withconsider- able weight onsider=able.weight on Mr. Taniblyn,• the mana- ger of: the stables. Fortunately the eaves aprojected out far enough to break` the fall, nd afterthe house was raised Mr Tam- blyn crawled out, to the astonishment of all, very little the worse for the accident. Brandon ;Sun. {Mr. Terribly' is ;a former well knownrosident of Hallett.] A'N> w ORGAN,—Mr:'Doherty, deter- , -mined-always eter-,---mined-always to stand at the 'top :of ,the list in organ manufacture, is having one of an entirely netts design constructed at thefactoryhere'. • Mr. Birkeland:who is:'a practical Builder and tuner of many'years' experience, is getting up one to be known as the Arion, onentirely new principles throughout, he being the: inventor of the different improvements,; and -which have never, yet .been embodied in an omen. When the instrument readies a more ad vaned`stage, ,ve may: give a description of it: MCKtLIOP PasuetANCE COMPAsvY.- :The annual -meeting of.the directors "of the .:Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of Mc K lop, was held at Seaf,rth"last Friday, and the following, figures from the annual` report;cave been kindly; furnished- Tate urnished The total number of members. is 1 c o8an increase of 35 ; total- amount of -_property insured, ;$2,0941440 , premium notes, $55,; 631,_being an increase of $2705°39 The number,of policies insured in -1882 was 338; property insured in 1882; $429,850, Total. receipts. for 1882,;'$5,968,34 ; expenditure, $5,958 7_'; balance . onhand,- $9.61. The uncollected •notes. for this and'., previous years amounted to $406.88. DEATH pr MES. SCOTT.-- On Thugs day lase wife of Mr. John Scott died 'aftera-soniewhditlingering illness. Dur- ing her comparatively short residence here, she had made many warm friends, being of a very amiable disposition. She was a member of the Presbyterian church. Her remains were interred in Maitland Cemetery; Seafortix Her easter', Mrs. G. Duncan, died atSeafarth, on Friday last.. That two members of one family should die so close together seems singular, but it was an event which occurred once be- fore among the retell -them of' the same family.: Out Of eleven 'children,' Mr. .Jas:: Stoddart, of Egmondville, is the sole survivor. A ' MARKET. DAY. ---We believe that one of the first steps, taken 'by the new, council will, be to try: and establish a ',re- gular market day here, for the sale of such articles,of;produce as butter, eggs, poultry, &e., &c. ` An unsuccessful effort was made once before in thisconueetion, but that need be no barrier to the success of another ettemli't. It would be much" better for buyer and seller if a regular „ market day was established, but -it will take a little time to` `accomplish it, and ',should receive the cordial support of all parties:.. If people oncegot in the .habit' of buying their supplies et arnrarl et, and farmers got in- the way of attending the market regularly, they would never think of going back to the present lack of system. ANOTHER SAD DEATH. — Intelligence was receiyed here on Saturday last that Mr. Chat. Levis, late of Holmesville, had died at the hospital at Brandon of; typhoids fever. The particulars connected with his death are particularly sad, and display.a, heroism not often met with During the. summer he anthanunaber.of others from this section were living together in the eau' Apple district, when typhoidfever broke out amongst them. He acted the part of nurse, and remained withthe Sev- eral patients all through the fall, although friends entreated hinted return home. His last care was: Mr. E. Tebbutt, and after he was brought home Levis was so, bad with the fever that he was compelled' to go to' the hospital, where, death ended his• suf ferings.• Where a -man, in the prince of Eta. makes a sacrifice of himself in order tosave the lives of otbers, it is. an fact, which tarries with it the evidence of his devotion, 'and should command for him• a lasting meneoiial.ofreepect His'remains. are being brought home for interment,: although: the authorities ofBrandon would; not forward -thein until there was ,a deposit in the bank heie of $150,' to guarantee all Pope nses, MR. S. PIKE is hauling the s`ione ,for his new hotel at the station. Wit -are •-pl.oseied_to .learn that Mr. Jos. Chiidley, who has been laid up with a se-• vers attack of inflammation of the lungs, is now recovering being able to .sit up. tent inside" • Why someone don't ,start His many friends will be glad to learn of a pork packing establishing here. Why. his complete restoration to health. teams are every eveningallowed 'to race ---Jki ,S, TATISTres:-From the •-reliort of . up: and'dolyn Albert street. Why,gentle the Inspector of Jails and Prisons, we men smoke rn ihePost Of ee lo1i'by when• learn that 87, persons were committed to ladies are waiting 'there. Why 'a board Huron jail during the year 1882, being a of trade doea not exist here, Why some decrease of 19 over 1881, .and 72 being wood 'dealers will try tq sell three-quarters, he county of a cord of wood for a cord. Why seine per' day. for each prise� er was' 27-50 cts, people are' never willing to pay market males. 'The average cost tie : SCHOOL.—The Mode School opened on price for an article. Monday the 8th inst,, with a large atten- dance in each division. A 'good idea of the school population of the place may be learned by the fact..that 664 names were entered on the register for 1882, in addi- tion to thosein attendance at the High lachooland .the class taught by Mrs. Mor- gan. Too PRitveous.— The London Free Press was too smart when it said on Tues- day that the two locomotives which sus- tained considerable damage in the .recent before the ground was fit for seeding;liut accident at Hensall on the Lr, 11. & B., the farmers heel very good crops, consider_: were taken to that city on Sunday. They •ing the flood. This is a very fine wheat had been raised and stood on the siding country, and a fine looking country dur- at Hensall, on Tuesday, and itis expected ing the summer months, but the winters they will be taken 'in 'for reppairs next are very severe, the frost being intense. Sutiday. Tfieyw-are certainly badly. bat- I see by the .paper you. have' had a big tered,, and-their-appearanee-- ill give Some= starch in= Cauadci a but your Canadia' idea of theterti'i5 e foree-with-whish they etorins caa''t put a patch on`tlre-blizzards we have in this country. \\'ood is in sueh demand • it'. is selling front $8 to $9 per, cord, anel scarce at that ;` apples 75 cents per peck; the ruling price for butter, 50c. per pound, and the week before Christ- mas eggs were only $1 per doz., and then could not be got. Farmers would need' god crops, for everything is much dearer here than in Canada. Beef, by the quar- ter, nine:cents per pound: Wildgame is plentiful, there being large flocks .of wild geese and prairie chickens, and rabbits are 'also very plentiful; they are much larger than in Canada. Wecould' never get along; in this-far_west-without your paper. We can get the -reading of four" • THE NEW Etta would, like to know what the council are going to do about opening-Isase-street-to the Bayfield -road]: What is the difference between the Record's "patent outside" and,the IVEwEna's "pa - LETTER FRori. DAKOTA. --The follow- ing letter,' from' a former Clintonian, Mr. Wmr'MeM.urchie, will be of.. interest to. tc Al . some:—"As I am writingI- will' •• ll: tell you a little about this country. " I cannot tell you. what kind of a spring they have here for when I came out here ° last April, I could"not see anything but water; "and the people were able to sail ;around on the prairies for over two weeks, and -then there was plenty of mud, and it was some time 'must have conte together. • A CuRtoseaae—Mr: Birkeland, at pre- sent engaged in the ' Organ Factory, has. in his possession a curiosity in -the shape of a walking stick, which was formerly the property of Cetawayo, the African chief, about whom so Much has lately been written. Mr. Birkeland was one of the eel dices of the Zulu campaign who :aided in, the capture of the African monarch, and the stick came' into•his;possession at. that time. It has two well -carved faces on the head, while the point contained` an .assegai,` or spear, which has been re- moved.. It is very light,; and although tempting offers have been made for it, he _prefere_to'retain at., American piers "every week, but my wife. jGRicULTURAL.: The annual Meeting -bids me tell you she would .rather -have of the"Hullett,Township Agricultural So- -one-half-hour at your; paper than all Ame-' ciety took place at `Kennedys hotel, on rican papers she could «et." Thursday" afternoon, John Mason, Presi- dent, in the , chafe, The attendance of members was good, and after the'transac- tion of routine business, and a statement of the financial standing,of•the society by the secretary, the following; gentlemen were elected officers for the ensuing year ; President, Thos. Carbertt; Vice -President, "'John 'Shipley. Directors -W. Grainger; J. Mason, R. Cole and J. R. Murray,; for Hullett; G. Elliott, Goderich township •, J. Avery, Stanley James Young, Tuck-. ersmith; James Biggins, Thomas Tipling; Clinton. Secy., Nicholas Robson; Treat., Thos. Cooper. Auditors, 11._M._ Racey and John Macwhirter, Votes of thanks were then passed the retiring officers, and the meeting adjourned. -- OnDFELLowS.—The ',officers elect for Clinton Lodge No. 83, (a list of which has• .appeared in the NEw .Eno) were installed on .Tuesday evening'by Mr: F. -Wee -Johne ston,:of.Goderich, assisted by Mr. R, Mat- thews After the ceremony was over the brethren, accompanied by about twenty- five from Goderich, 'repaiereel to Anderson's Oyster Parlors, where a supper had been. prepared, to r"vhieh ample justice was done evening, and several subjects of impor- t ure discussed, • Messrs, C. Cartwright & -Son-leaveopened-a dental flioce at, London in connection with their other'ofiices, and will henceforth keep the office here'open only on Friday and Saturday. Mr. Wm. Coats,'. jr., is now the owner of a beautiful Shetland pony. Mr. John Foster, of this town, has' the honor of having made the fel a te g -6 elr`eni. of`th 1 .W t e. obs .'he having delle so!" several years'. since when employed as a slier, 'Alrttle.5-yr oldgirl in town met with a peculiar and painful accident not long since; while playing about the house, with a slate pencil in her mouth, she fell, the penceil plowing along the roof of her mouth, which was much cut thereby. The Foresters of this place, now number nearly 100 members. No tidings what- ever have been Learned of Cchleismayer since he left town. While getting off a LL train on Monday night _ Mr. R. Coate.I slipped, bruising g his head and spraining. his arm. While the NEw ERA, was being printed last week, no less than 155 per- sons called at the office for their copy; that shows the esteem in which this paper is held. The health of Mr. James Whiffing - ham continues to improve,., Nearly $150 were taken' in for tickets alone' at the. sta- tion here on Tuesday. ,On. Tuesday • Mr. R. Irwin completed a direct shipment of 50 cars of wheat to Liverpool. Instruc tions have been, issued that, in the case of very severe storms, trains on, the. Great 'Western branch will not be switched into, the G. T R. station, but will, during con- tinuance thereof, use the old station. Mr", John •A. Murray appears to be recovering from the effects, of her recent accident,. but her injuries, were'. such thatrecovery ie necessarily; slow. ;-About 20 cars of grain a;day are being shipped from here. Mr. W. Craig has started the newear well in the. cattle business, having ship- ped several cars of super) stock already A gentleman in town, noted for his joking propensities, :unwittin l la ed•a joke on hi g Y P y._; himself the other evening, which is caus- ing considerable merriment; :he was tak- ing tea with a friend, and on going home • took what he supposed to be his own hat, but it happened to bean old one belong- ing in , to the host, about three sizes too large, g, • 14Ir. Johnston was then voted' -to the:chair, and,the•evening pleasantly, -spent in . the usual;, manner. Messrs.:`Matthews and Smith, of Goderich, and J. Smith, of Cline top :delivered shprtadd'resea-on the origin and -extent of Oddfellows,- Mr.• Johnston spoke:to the toast of the legal: profession, •and'Mes.ers. T.•Wlriteand Martin in•the' toast of then ladies. 'Vocal::isiusic _being supplied by Mr • W: Jones. .. • ' 1 ell aaakeDEYSIIIP.seeT.he.:firet •business' the County Council will- perform will be the appointment of .Warden and thei pere son whom it is: said is Most likely .to,, get the.` positron i5 Mr. • Hardy, of Exeter:. According to an admitted.arrangcment of seniority,soineaime ago adopted, Mr:.Gi-b son, o#Wroxeter, should get it, bathe the Conseteatiwes•' ale 'iii 'a majority in..,'the` Council; theee'are not at'alllikely. to- give their votes for any.onebuta,Conservative. We have no fault to find- with Mr. `Hai dy; and would ask no favors in "behalf .of a Reformer, but • we "think the claims ..of Clinton should notbe: overlooked...This town, though possessing aReform major]- ty, hes. for years; sent a Conservative Reeve to the council, and it, would be a graceful act in make Mr.: Corbett Warden this year No one will question his fitness for the position, and if there;is.any honor• connected witlr-it,eeWe sthinle. Clinton is entitled to have rt..: Now who will second our nomination A Tooear.-The S.S.A. had it tramp on Monday evening. They'aseembled. at 8 o'clock, at Mr, Itlurray's house, and to thenumber -,of• about twenty-five took their way past Mr. Fair's resident., thenee around• the north .by east 'sides of the town.- " An amusing incident occurred• shortly. after•leaving Mr. Fair's-reeidencer 'The party came suddenly to a verysteep decline, clown which'they all pitched pelt rnell`. We arhould.'not say "all," for one gentleman was observed sitting gracefully, on his shoes, being towed down by his fair partner. After skirting round by the GTR:., the-eompany_event to the Rotten-. bury Ilouse, where the host of the even- ing, Mr. Toothe, entertained the club at supper, .which, being. prepared by Mrs. Rance,, needs little to. be said in its, favor.• After a very- enjoyable hour ay more •in- fortifying , tho inner , man,) .the various members of the club returned home, fully resolved that there were more • tramps in store iu the future. -HrntoN .MEDICAL Associd'eroN.' -The- CJounty Medical Association mete at the. • Commercial lintel, on Tuesday 9th .iiist; Dr. W. J. i , t'Iolines,, President, in the chair. -. Drs. Graham, Brussels Sloan, Blyth Williams and Worthington; :Clin- ton;,• were present. Eleven `cases of diph- l theria were re octad fof owed• b teresting and instructive discussioan in;. n. Ali- croscopic specimens: of dif ereht kinds , of cancer were exhibited,' also the' tubercle bacillus, or the parasite which produces• consumption, :all -of Which Were very in, structive A ease, of -fatal gangrene of the "';nioutli,"iix i; thilrie of eight months, was.;-reported—a very rare end 'fatal cline ease, The officers elect for the ensuing. yeae are, -Dr. hluriburt, Brucefield, Peesi- dent ; Dr. Williams, Clinton,,VicePresi- dent ; Dr, Graham, Brussels, Secretary Treasurer: 'Notwithstanding the small nets of the attendance,- the meeting was a• very -instructive and enjoyable one, 'the treatment of diphtheria being' fully,tlis cussed: • BRIEFS. -Our carrierboys desire to re-' turn their thanks to the patrons who so ,rememberedthem generously The Blyth Review,has enlarged its borders, and is much improved thereby; itis a credit to Blyth.,. Burns' Anniversary is on. the 25th inst., and : although there are hosts of. Scotchnien, in this; place,' it has no recog- pized association. The membersof the new town council will tabs the oath on the 15th inst., and hold their first meeting that night. The County Council will meet on the 23rd. - The freight returns of Clinton station for the rnenth of Decem- ber, amodhted to nearly $4,000. A man whipping a dog, on Thursday, caused a horse to break the shaft of a cutter.. "Skating parties" are the latest—the course taken being the Bayfield river. Last week`was.:the::.. coldest. of .the.- season far, the thermometer standing slight- ly above zero all week. - Don't forget the lecture by Dr. Wild, next Tuesday even= ing. A meeting of the :Industrial Com- mittee of the town was heldon. ,Monday ;; on Monday. -and-he has since been wearing -it, -though - it wabbles on his head.' Mr. J. Allaneon has,cominenced to cut ice ; the eample is ; a. good one. . Some excellent farms are, advertised for sale in the NEw ERA just now, and those, who have friends at a dis- tance wishing to purchase, should mail them- a markedco of the paper. Mr. 'Searle has a staff ofymen aemp oyed;- with him in removing the poplar trees from . the streets. Mr. James Young has com menced_ to run a grain chopper in ' the building opposite the Queen's hotel; this will be a convenience for faitmers. • Wood, tanbark and saw logs are coming in freely. The sleighing is very good, excepting the pitch holes— but on one or two roads' it is all pitch-hole.,Farmers who. have any teaming to do `'should' make the most of the sleighing while it.lasta. Judge Tams has been appointed- local Judge of the High Coma of Justice of ' Ontario. Dr. Verender, organist. of Queen's Avenue Church, London, is endeavoring,to organ- ize;amusical class --hero. -The =thermome ter touched •zero Tuesday and Wednesday` nights. Rev. :L, 0: Rice's horse ran sway here yesterday,; breaking the shafts. Mrs. Callander and children, left for Winnipeg Makes LINITO_N a. specialty .of showing the largest and finest stook . of �1 E Co STT-'. I igant alsortmnt of Goods i very department. N. INSPECTION INSPECTION SOLXCI'DEm': T FLANNELS, `'BLANKETS & UNDERCLOTHING, Allof which have been through aS UEEZING pro. cess and are now offered, at Prices, \ F • unheard it before. GMT .. 3A ,0- MAKE MONEY BY SAVING IT IN LOW PRICES.' hi i ts P c he SIG lJ POR NITON. DRY GOODS EMPORIUM, L ee our $9-O�rercoat' red thsree- t Q. ee ; our 4 left. ee o ur. .0 Ulste Tor -gVEROQA.T for e our Boy. s :.Overcoa s. . ow, as $2.50:_ - WE WILL TAKE WOOD.' for any of the. Over- coats we have on hand, at the above tremen- dous reductions This is still a. better': opportu- nity than :we have ever offered before. .u�tzor�s LQthuhk ';t t time We take stock in Februar�r, and until that m will sell Ordered Clothing at startling _prices. oo 1-3E I\TOTNI13 CTriCYTIII313 "Victoria ,yU] ok, Clinton.