HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-01-12, Page 9`7777 ------------------------------ -yourself ;sqlica� of 1�40 �teilqubt, Awful "a Porten- and. she; wi necessity Of yourttransfOrtnifig wt:64'n.q� sild, hier littlb grand. In $07ine's ffidti4ilum il ootned � in 'the dim s Ago at the iiiat, a. VIFY moo �tous vA 'a a tWilight son, saw1dr- gains dayi ion. Each, bottle of Brilos, Elpetrio Oil,wM 'Of buiiuesa.,�, Why, not let,hl 1getout,�of bauipa by a pair f haitily-hi I asked Waterloo,.' hereafter be' accompanied by B qQrksorew. lis skiiapei--ag he gets into i ow'e "the ho -nor of, thia flafd:�, w 'ihi�#iln gran sonso ne*­ dess Louis* and' Suite En it is, important that the cork should be 4 But, Oaudla6ei, I g6talitm inta them, �Bbe was be id with delibersie And things, that I op4pro 0 as nd the hotile,well corked when ginn , g a. - oud I � asked � w.4e2e Joyedi Themselveson the Pacific Slope'. preserved a We 26,und. that night, when fee laud ItIl'pull.hiralthrough if itilo t6`16done. .Zi It he was to be foulidi suil'the paid' he Went -yaot, in use. to retain I tho'strengt gM, Y� 1 b'BuI w" IHiousemy. intrusion," broke in Nevillee o a ragged400li :-to .the as 6 Ithe k o I Is 'Wel --- , , oned � Q - x -iy ingrY., f n ool all *day, bat , ok. ism,genral. der.; but I Acted for the.: We , ud if we I have called to ank'for'Mi6abelvign so andfolde M: t."Ist, e�ts evouip9papers to'Watbrloo,Stition. His gia, Liver' And kidu 0 IvAuta i.tht, ey I had -ut- addres �cith r iu,IP&ris or -London; or in name ig,Dbunis Iftoony, slid his I a ago.. a . a &that lives Urinary Organs ; cures cor i 1 must not-discuRa it., Come, Slake hands, short, it you have Bay �; idew whoit, her plane W-011, Bush (From the'san Francisco Call.) Mplain a arising., a queer, name7�I have it writ. -om Colds, such a;6 Bore Threat, l� Bronchi.' I" Wopd.64 gwasc6niiedit theXe, so brown'wil -1i Sir,, 841 .Warp, 'tan d6,wn';!"iin&, She: read. It 'dross Court, Since: their .. arrival at, th otal d6l tio,Diphthersbougli, Asthma andDifficult' gave his granafatbpr haq a hearty 4� No," returned, the 'Astonishe 5 Allay, In: the -Borough.'? They used Monte the Marquis and ri, pHs I W'witbered,; an4with curious eyes read Wor' He d lady; "LamV aBreathing. The it on the rag- pressure, and left bile. and allo*,iiie to Ask,, how a jentleman of 6 live in St­41ohn's Wood, and ifie boy havebeennjoyiinghd a ron. ings it a dim initial—nothing more— tinformation Was -often with his 4 Illate, your position ha t6;nee randmother, so he &me out- restraint and Svitli shop as o, Thereare said to be ixty grav yards- In Neville was sitting at tto table with some as o, sas blance of dinner before, * him when IAnd asked, with,eyes that, filled wakn,ow no in Sir =dting an. I. Obscure' FrenbhL tdabber?' 'to know Marie—poor d6fix'Marle I etiquette nobessaky- to their mov onto Philadelphia. L L Frederick entered the room. He looked inquir I iss, do I n't L, look weli 1­�Whbre- Really tbis is a gres. W t discovery,111 said '' hils in this olity. In their present . quar- �jV��ndstht`toubhodit gently, 1e0V0rQntIy1* ters they act Be it they had etermined to ! All our. druggists now heartiil� euderse Be memorlal of1days g'oae,b h aid, dinbeveled,s0t,hard. upon- Neville Bud Sir Frederic between: tbe,eanguine Baronet. de y MIMy xght be. Well he Said "I be'Ve'16L new born liw them vowed: to � the .Astonished God blase you'," cried No 12' take a it -.to 'the julle the amazing 13UCCOSH Of MSOk'St' Magli 11�fijglittlofadedllowoeet In * ' Je ' P Ville, 14 the oli,d and onjo5 at etio 13 Msdicine. And6doinm6U& it for both 4xes cation! of diffloulties. a a gone," he 6on- Redoubt Ahe criminal VrooeL edings of the you mst-bb eight 'in your conjectu, (to extent. � The party arrived At ontgre on, ad she kept it hidden there away oli. as adver. what .eluded-, afid,comlug'to, his friend he last few,days. the detectivb)-11 that, lady'Lin blabk,y�u Frida;y ev�niug, &led co'mm in All cu�s, of sexuiI Weakness. IV6.1g,h all tho§e yeaxs ? What 1101`�S, wruitg.,hishsud�"ohe'ia�gone.1I aterloo 'day by_LeadheWingthe use of., enti suotheroo]UMM� 9--Ajoys that were, It was E6 mangled, evenan ungrammatical - -tracpa from London Brid garriagpS, tielem n go to W What golden memory of so E is g6neilor, Heaven'a sake 2" r me f it day. exposition ienLd: a were f Be too agi Station was Mrs. Neville.'! walking from the depot to the hot6l Spoke Softly from leave to MArie_MY L Wife.'� This, in, the Mode,' tsted- to study graeoll f diction ;, but At, ItIt' 'looks like it,": returned that indi-- -distance of about fourbld The Dange"vot Vegetarian Blet. eke doompaniSit her has taken to pr::ve ]her sinedrity I Yet" length'thehole truth was conveyed to the viduat,deliberately, unmoved by the fever.' only by, Mr. Palmer, of Z: bot: h who -The *if& of,the celebrated Di� Termer VbANotent tslismau was this, to.starb and biB tone ooftenedt; III fear I w9s haBty. horrified listener. �iBh 'gloom of 'hope Which animated,the lighted the way L under the treea on the dark has, lately taken up her, Abode in, kiwace 6me, a againthat old fort', Godnly kuowe';to.whAt desperstp�atep,l .,It would'assist us materially,". SAW othere. " The -lady was uncommon. night by a singe lantern., 'A ptivate dinner, having obtained a divorce from�ler ec-pen., m;6wing in-herchill.andintry heart may not havii-d h sharp, to do'md off atraIght. If we find yo U' riven .. or., Neville, " if you could give uB Home particu, Ur. wasserv6d.and the party spent twoho ri-at trfo* husband Under the folloing oircum. �The'flush aiid fragrance Qf..ber youth's,glad . -1 But how ?"'urpil SirTiederid; 11 What"S concerning , any f riends � or relatious� lady, Sir, She% have done the boat, of the the table'ins6ociable,manner. ThegueSts ,BtanceB opposes, is pecu, this� i, � . I I : Dr. Tanner, . it with whom Bbb. would, be . likily to take 'business. I must ass this b1byst onco, and 'of the hotel. retired'. early, astheyuspelly.. liarly;addicted to . ektraordinaik fancies Had -day. When lorrived this inorhilig it Dover," hand of lover gathered it, that. . - Pin. thinking thebout placeto 0 a tffoeturn of and, - some time he thought that That fair, bright Bummer'day,-86 long.agO,? atchbim,will do at that placei an , upon folded t return6d Neville, "I the . maid,' Wheeler, MiewDelvigne shook bar head. beat the station' itself. YOU, SAy,_M,SSI_ ,As theparty to - the main floor they found thei hb had, found but tbat-tho huniiiiinharao. , bereaway, -What Sweet, shy -dreams -lay ght coiridorg, bil ard-rcoms andparlors ooin., �tor bebomes modifle& 'According 1 to WbalV maiden hopes, and feard face a Yard long, and told ght up� by an 'old great- att e mi met Me with a She wiw brou ende every 6venng-with the papeirs pAraively. deserted.'� lu.Alie meantime me that Marie had 16f t �&bout 1 two'hours Stingy old woman,:'wfio Miss DelVijndassented.-� the i ood taken' -by -the . 'individuali not know; t ibef go, ex JOnOO oj'e"o; ore, Baying She would to bdifriend posted Moie never to another anythiii ,.".Could you dose r , �oh 9 ilbe him, Mip Manage oneWaId, had removed the; and.especiolly in relati6u to, the Vegetables �aiid is inloSing MLtb Carrotatheavers,'mahe peopla Silelito stood. We felt 'on B f so who, wandering. ving�'md; tb bar and'she, has a -cousin littI6 starved -looking - boy; -beds and bureau ro a Crocker saite As tho ternaware I ome hoiy place. 'Ah me f we were to bhLmO- -4eddiut ring -," and Nevills4 voice broke,as ;some buredu in Paris�l forget the,nhiiue� returned prom'tly; ,,soniething like a nextIothe office, and transformed the four irnipi . produce extreme, P fidgety, and Bly:; tt 18oftlye turned and lef t it lying there.- lhb threw the little p%A6Von:the!tab1e. and her only friends here. are' -s beathig, vrith a pile rooms into reception parlors. � Thesewere I �il , Madame � Spo`Uie1L that'eXeetEl �amisbilitk whilat 9. prolonged diet - of trJaStLlong look Lac6idoille and, her huBbamd7�-half Amer of rough red limit, like a bush, and's. queer inspected, and then the IadieB and gentle- ; Fidribb beanR induces great irritabili I ty of- at when we gatibered,for o , a ­� 'L , men wi dared tot a, I upon her, in her calm and trdnquil-rd6t, netinjalowltonb' icaly, ji�lf French 4 people. I onotknow, voids - there'i nongelse like, itJ never 11 'Pat Oro. The Princess :tailiiper. The carrying out 'of this theory We drew the flower from tbb worn old -book �.,-Ybs�readt" 4aid Neville hastily. where she 6ild be, likely tQLLgo; not to her , could- help I6ug1qiig when he used' to ask WSB,Lthe-most affable of theparty, aud-her his brought'] great troLible'into Dr. tennek': -�&nd laid it gently on her po.aceful breast. My owx I)HAu. Guy --I haie thought aurit.oertainly." ,us for I;ienuies," laugh, rbsounded through the corridors, and. homei - He mad6 a heavy - wagor -'on t1i But' what is the �auntla name And' 10 I h 1, I'll find him.tl i WMR pvia6llt,thol Ohs led iniII6 ccluverW '-qubsii='L W intensely what is' beat for me to do' -and it ith � some � friends, ' and, !have d6ided. ' �-Fdrgpt �tbatL YOU evertnade address?"' IYou will try -again 2" She said: tion .Bud jokkili, lier� sallies of wit at, times 'the�offibeL. 'Seeing the P, ' " L �xperimonted -'on, Tanialer with isno upon,, BEFO �E I OU 'the fatal' of �md ireturn Mad Rouvigae, but:I ao not know "Certainly. readhingL rryIUi H,Me , French We, h to pat'aboub her iiddre�s." entering the Parlors, she rushed t6 itmithm no, .,giving or You M,Y rll1iA.ibw only of, our 4hort ThSit Advdrtis6 in three'Ijouns of this vegetable -daily. It is L n ef Use, L Mi. PiML Atexander.. Union,11,P0813088. on O.v6r,14Ak of I am Buro,Miss Redoubtwill not r nodded,apprg'vingli., but that queenl�reserve:geoially expeitea not Altogether t'o be wondered, at -if, at 'Mem�re-YOUBhallL,Iue�er,bei;btirdenedby what -information' h 4 inthe,movezi2ent' of ineinbeis oi the royal ter 41 i D . o interrupt6A th 'V . ky SurelyLLjoli 't L fl e�.Can �glvej Said tile: ­ �,.Rdtabad ndti6u,'Ihb said. Rabb a regimen', Mrs. Tanner badaine rather not talk to Me, Sir,, a me in any Vol r laws canno - Baronet iiiBinutdii2gly; at. Which - Appeal. IPut to,, Mariefrom.,Marie,l " continued' familyi And With her own hands opene&the more iriitablethmu'wits perhaps co'nterd. instrument big nairiage to�be platedi and threw a -jug' at. Di- � Tanner's Banker, seriously angry w, - fishida. 'hold such a t bindi�g. Think the incensed lady, after ll�:Iuch­abuswand, they6iugidir6as, oaudLg6 on-­�01II'L&B t' Calling Miss MoNeill to her, iible'graudaon for this first tim6 in his life. of Md­aj dead to ybtl�; bUt- re s enunciation of the culptits,'gaye me some paper "d, I'll write it. .1 Suppose L the wolidies mat down in front of the key. head. The botor, however, gBined! fiism 11 It was an utiprincipi6a plot, -slid' wo Id u6vert�naver iheinime ofthe street, butbould not remain- none of you can write'lien6h T' `boar&aud played L threefigures of a 'quad- Wt ; aud,.more thoroughly convinced th U You will find an c6d yOu had it Succeeded. T b No very grammBtically,. 1, fear,'I rille. The have disgra 9 this out in time and acquit me. ber.ihe num er t a WAR -soon 6hanged' to 16, eve'. of the'lirdth 'of histheory, Put, his, Wife ' ' ' L I r 'But'Guy- f t a turnip loved h diet go walo make bar ,deceive your nc6r6Rt relative and" returned Sir Frederic. livelyp6lkai'and as the other, members. of on 11 -"- ' L I Sti I ,love'You C , As res yoorrytand, f6udlyt None� will .You* batter 1. - HAPTE,RL Xiii. IWell, Shall: t: put it as it from myself ? the pirty � could, 'not be enthused into a as ami bekdreL' �the to you, Sir,, an Able as. she. was w - Id bave'ligen: - aVeL UUCO]39010U She'll'be inbre"ll el d dance even to mhBio Played by the . gize. But thoi girl Ou I It Sly- bi.bught Good -evening, gentlemen." The a a& Or, y to, min. Me, 'YOU-' fingers, krench :Wan regimen.' this timel W&S-ft-'mLjL -kndw�,� �'(-to­Nev �because-�-Bhelknoics'1­ ---��al;-right-with-'Nev4lle,-at 16ast,-y.ckurwi6r.d..-sor-riD�v-and-�mi8f�rtuiib-,upon�-y6ti---,.thiDugh- ddlo-sized-i=iddle iged-M I ever, a resu was no W.�ul& I am not- that it'woult'go hard I am nobody And have nothilagJ deserved fair, somewhat Bimpl pt�. love her." so ,surd a it, an b6t# h t L Miss MoNeill essayed to sing4he MisHrere accordance with the theoi Mrs. Tanner O M , N iliewasmadevilof. your -love. but hairt froSh'clean4ctok, and. er s all,bright, Neville winced almost Visibly- under this. 'from 'III Tr6vatore,,',.bUt with'Indifferent Y. he ving., ev, L that in all over n6* I GodL objected to be Any loogbi,a subid 6 t of these 'ght, f &uC iying ohs somehow, USSR and protect, you, and 'restore you to est]RH9�46H,- of no *par icu6r color. He :,unconscious rebuke, success. ThaPrinc6ss in Bed of amoo a oxperiments �'suedfor'adivoroe 7 r Will 'this ybe,termed a, fair mezzo had aeo t look, sir,",contin- happiness and �gobd fortune; Farewell, was -neatly dressed,and might,be, from his do?t' said' Miss Delvigue, e -soprano voice,L aud,�whatis morb siiiguhir�';bbtaine it.- him. Bu d Iff"ils, D cleik in -few minut -the son' it Ldid noelshow to , partio� 7i�Medij�aj ued. Coi�.pton, gathering grivIGNE. After 'writing rapidly 'for a, do. but iii g courage as,he pro-. beloed Guy geners, appearance,- a prosperous Britis To M'amie' M&rie from Marie. . I have ulaxly,good advant In' theL,Meantil IShe does�not��eveii sign. herHH1fby youf somdv�.professionol Or meirbantile : house. ago. beaded, �, how xnuch,�worse, it. might hava me Went Xbville mig] I it have osried oiff ybuf 'name,t, said Sir krederib,cidariiighis throat the,soen6,wn's the ft in'tifitioned room at good news for tnee, 4 my friend Con a oi thlo..Marquis had retiredtdbig I then. ien t6 on -but I wouldligve by an, audible h'eM.' Pont g,il tiiia is Mbrley�o. ille and Sir, Fred . arid Comp.' send. - Do". not. Princess then, accompanied by. �Lieut. ward, an p ; _ " No cati0w any More to grieve if �be _Lgoverness. 'I i can tell You,1 -not the loiter Of at ehig t table, on whick were tfie heart lbat has. loved you since the Bid of the Grenadier , Guard6� whd is marr )d t Wgia sittiog� a Be& Of June, Write iQ­M.L d. 'with, the, part � inappated ihe billiard ..it-w&B.; and 'I'Designing I" cried 'hi Y, , with her as, D. What WsAkalf.in love i:: onato Ing trew&w.riiing-iiiAterials, papers,,etc�, f an . as L ger,:expre I �,ind evidently passed PIp%B%ntL our no* - Sir I -Come I that' was thal� he ot. rom Sir Fr ;ad.' -.'Did youeverhear Won dwelt bit the, counts- shall Igive, the address?" bottom Of the miBchief.. or knOWL of so distractedly foblish.a crea- 1! To ­my, lodgings, L No. 5. -Cecil. Street,!' quarter of an hour. - rolling:'the ivoryballe nan was� 0L8aVIDg­Of-US`j!'-MUrMU woman, with a gr red- id Neville. atrid in other ways. the eveiiing,�,un- Why, —apy 6iff-df-, Goodi'OVening,"L asil Neville, turningin, L B&I 'come to, me to' cbmin, I 'Adi were'' made Mri Foster' 11 And ]low to On Honest would'�have known that his and Akkixig upon, himself the Youncie I, Always called her M,amle', til U30 was- spent. i icus a eciamp.bf a.friend -6r miscon- rbplytothi6geuer�lg Jut tio L" 'and the 3rd of,Jun was the day I firstivient .4#ad- .'the, distinguished gU at Assist this tonce�mprrie&,�othiiig-,".,ie.death a 0. Ii. i a s retired el though I L. their rooms. ' Yesterday' the vice- of youre '4eally itia-Budacilous duct. could,br ak the tie; and It- was the day but one after visit in sohoof and was orying like to break,my ' t ' 6 qRememiier what migilk have 'been. mightliave used some, 'Unguarded ex ran- to Miss Redoubt. Tbeiniervil bad Passed hearti -and shoviis so kind f Ali I who L in regal party were up bright 'and p Ook of'� Come, my d�ar grandfather, try and for� sionsib.the.,confusion ofthe momenti-phe in feverish an'ticipatiom on :th' f 'theke toSIry her iSars now'?" and the warm- early, andL part breakf"t At give y know thei, heiress in Still- a part O heartedi'Rirl' burst �into Bob 10, o'clock. fterLthe morning 'meal -the r%l ought to known me well. enough to -L Neville, who,� the -more 'the diffibulties of b --d Me; -YOU fi4vei mind, Me," 8he,gBaped, H66i6gL male'm6ffi erg of -the party, participate in available _60,U% I _gILVe_ RHaafi_,n crease .,�seemed; to. ee more Neville �Iift�iet-me lend him the capital 'L Heaven P f exclaim )Uismsy on list 'Companions, faces; -I Awalkwhi]6 the ladies -in the. ad Compton, it's Vividly the L disintere9ted: simplinAy, � of his th( war Can,. wifei and long more Ardently to todovei his Put it in becaube. shall know, at ones 0, hotel. The Princess Walked: through the HE -OR '01111 to;Putihto Y oncer�,� and III ans an &WfUIL bUSIUeSS 'I imagine.a high_' wh 51 . the HoUl of honor: ing Swi . LY It ad,her, by Ibis and---( abeing i�buiden had -written �T girl, U13h lost treasure, anhe'now felt hirL wri as L 11 : L L fai. his steadid as % o be. He corrida Unaccompabied -by 3ome%no anywhereI from, the Bongo of ry letter to.! � "Well., I'll bei off then ".svdtheoffiagjj-� her maids, aud,gi the: Call repreanijistij.p ---do*n to tfie� ii�. who, had luf�i i - her, to the address given to bim.by Miss- "An r of dining with mato4ayv ri mve this inserted'to-moriow, morn lOft the liotelyesteiday Har 1jROY&I­ High_ and we will t4k the matter over more o1hink cialinlilwhat Rsdoubti tiently� awaited' the Ing, both% Im the London. And Paris nowBpat- ness onWas leis I urely a scendilig the, -take. But let us try -t same main stairway nd examining. the amilax And'�ll c' 01a a u om BS l 71 is best to,be,done. Iti4'alrightful'ides- Although of the opinion as khe matic phture aain.. ways flattered by'an sI "Mewatime Sir Tredprlo,had'offeredkiis'L �aud red-laurel.berriesuied ithe,dscora- RHgY L MATINE is not a sovereign reyne the poor girl �wanaerin Ut, with proba- M B -De 'V-I'gn'e,' that his, lost bride would atiason, and Said, � 'blY little or no ca8h, and cling to' London. Delvigne a', -glass of water,' au&*hilpshe : tiono of the, bilusteadee ItiR a noticeable the ills thia flesh is heir -to," but! for NEU ALGIAi I SCIATICA, RHEUMATISM, 'and. coifipliints invitation f iom his gr with a pleased ,�Igh� .,.,Good God I" interitited Neville, -dashing And now he was�at,Morlgy!s by appoint.. drank it,bent over her todoinfor her with -fact;,and one to. be "that the Phd(im;Aic natute., 0- I sm.too old'for go gay a, man as YOU- hie hand upon thp­t%ble. ,It is intolerst- metitt6,rebeive the report 6f'th-at well.. a few hopeful: sympathetiewords, whinthe j guests of -the hotelL. did L not in theleA4no YOU L tL WA SURECURE.' ),opened"'thiS 94r-lyred., Besi�des, i:�y.�partuer, r blel" kno*d and: highly. inteilligen ;6fficer Me. door once move -timelb.admif tiruildthemselves.upon the visitors, and tli& advent 1riond's brother, �ho was With me in Paris "What steps -leave y6u,�takeu­oi have Pim.- 'TLatlunctiimsry� W&'aiideiii ]Leiter trons Mrs. H. Mr.. FoBter Winged,' of the - daughter of tbe Qudeii 6f" i a oontinu 4 ed.� E nglandj the stairs, not"r oi.tke age Jilt an al he,coIrriddra or about that f orgerf , matter which took ms -you done anythi 2" d ' )proadhind the table Added.. to it�', (To b . Pn­� , I ' ng. eglatrur of Ae -Buddenly, c uld,,.not leave with met ,"On libaiing -Wheeler'w tale,, reWifiba cumbrances bundWL'o 'Papers, Scarcely coeuged gl-haad,16 be tnkhod.,-, off go in a am 5114 fL' Counti ai, and wifo,� f tke ,bit..*as to'returin is':. afteructoui slid �: �u:..Suicldimc. . will. '14OVIIIiH course her, folded, long end eveny, ad1iodwith Ua6k . .:. Princess hiLs � taken With 0 t'' 6 abb: B h. tornicr�niglsirni at a4ueipli.� dhichere to -day. tell you wha lit !a list ecause: is crops were small, Adelbert, materials and- points, -an "wil i miake- Rome With­Lme pin andlound,thoug Marie. ­had o tape. ii�6 Vic 0-ImIcH STAEET"GuErda, ad' tadinuer Urself, 'And t kink4 her fridildw in �Lbndo ,WeI1,," aria -the impetuous young Baro. iobdell, hanged himself in'­his'barn' near� -skeiclipsof the scen6ryintheneighborhobd ttAdk M., We An On a see n, February Slitidkgi� OUIYL, Any race�ye Port Depow My �-DEAn L have had so; L At Gr Mow 11,11e., rl�g to .,Me for par 8, one, tin D.T;t; 'William Ford, InapyAdeop q,soppl of %-,f*lliw,r&ther;'bul;Ve miglit1ii,inaddedto t, and my, , Presslou':Lwas.,diit, she the detective, Slowly.. 'dl,both is.'s taciturn ft'r%il� to.Folke- net, t, t? w hid taken L t your amous'me icine Rheumatibe," that I Slift.' AnUnow'l took the gieambos,C Which left Yesterday: wipingis biow," Ithink we've got a f aibt having lost Take-lifelilrb man. Take It give, Captain - Navi�- . , , , , 11 all, hit; money at � gambling,- I Just. an mustg t th city, t6.30remember-not. about two o'clock ind crossed to Boulo'gue,L thougbt,'I -would'Writo and ask y?u P ti u- t�&WeffmorphiluDin the pretence of his' 'thOligh'itWas.-M it is -'an earnest, -vitali � %X, Jars about it.,.My son Robert, in Ceylon,he ng essame o '�t Is even tbati" Said Neville L eagerly, affair., Take -it just as thouj�-' y daug ter Let te'r. i � how," he - aBke.dI I immediately- proceeded: � to Follfeatoner "But L Ada,-vK-ro't,3*'askin'�g'you�."it-'YOU a anagency'ia'� ...... Ihow.did Neville d' this out,--4hifi be and endeavored find: gonip,tra`66-of �her be enough 'for in I Hia draft on a friend for �50 '-being dis�-' born to the is OI' �.'theEast, or'inE L ' I d" -h.d inwill, 96 an �807sk Iful, 60 ou personally woe sk Would you, kin 'ia to fy ani. your laisaid had.got-bol,d-pt ilieiw, ngparLY,;-o`U u=: from thoppriers aud-�pebple'at,the Station,. practiced an youraelf.­. honored, Ourtie O.'Wallace, of St� Louis performing.& merry part it'l tboughL d ��I� ' hope so, Sir -. but gometimeR a ent, t .the worl adedbyWhiBeler': ass ripti-ohof her4rbss', at nd.ut his thioatfinin "cato *ith.my son, and -give ifif orination topeoplo, Q his room a . &� . walt�Uibi'.your'comGg and fell me all about it,so that 'I may d6mmuni a it� as t dUgh'It OL y were married YCH. - but none of them,had Been any person Who li;eene an areb�fllpd by:HoMp:0'M'Pld par to ear. , was''s grind ppor� �,inquiring; for the facb, Of �`Mt4 'd#U ter's �ev safe off o at All L Answered to iti `Ona main described Accident. Howovbr, after a of exam� �t , unity� , to dot uind' t 4 o' -achieve o ot�rry -itzwiss and 'comPLUT hae4go 'f , Oro twisyj and I tboughtthey deal CU 'gh 8 the a I ady:11ke 'd j2bi�ht;L but"not in&ji g' 'talk at Folke' Goo. Bdiroall, nsbip; Ind.,, forwardjrea�tbd' goodL Schemes to, H on n ar and" tho'C6utineut ; when L, in returning Marie in age an on and stone'though� I of i"kao�n to'�, help wide? We followed the; directions on, the bottles' L aft-e-r1ma-4 I. -g ditb'8 ball,Tfound j4*668. NOWLI AboUtLihe could',find, 0 LUt ieryL little 1, felt A,soill; of an 'well-to-do f armer, was' �,'not and chose S Sufferingt% weary,L 1134 be. to the Utten Br the time;she hail finished th4 ­6t-,-e----b­ 7de-9- -du- -t _*.quite sure It "o r main 6r I I glirtbi r osp­eoulate, ------ —m&a&0;n­.' dreii�­Ilifi portii jgei-�u&I C- t hi And heirt�brokf)D bibIther. -The fast. iB,- life is NeViIIepROiDgU An tri eecondhottle�a I pjkj4s­-haA-.-Ioft­.her -she H@ had- Aiscovaie al and, rushed off 1Wh6th k She bad gone on to Loud6 ka ideas. had, U L Is threat. d' wollan bad-& good 'appetite, 'andjound her n by the always follow up such III undtikvaltI6 by A great b3aJority of man. Strength coming back; but she took the third-oD I WiSted, f I sa to complete the cure. She has not! Itoo Me. It was E%6,,. i:ka business, h6it train or not. veral hours mind on come t- Scanlon, a Marti child, o La*-' 1 n It,is n6t:diade half as:'much of 0 suffered At you. -1-900 toQain some trice oFt-h-ey—o6rgirb d trains at Folkostone, but -1 rpuce, I Ma I as.t' drown L ad . herself in f� mill. sho I uld ba the case Where 'is. the Wan or all.siiic6fronx rheumatism, - although we have pr I omised to, see Cox bad a ehange&ble,,tr�iuR winter. ram gladwe a ui the sale Of his andlien hurried on here, intanding to go ear'of Any one'like her in dress pond because she feared,.a.,whipping for the 'woman Who acdorriplishes onotithe of,what will no* be able to got . aS.NX. it, iuOur own city, and- persuOdedlim to. returif to St. Xbhni Wood; not that I have much or appearance, SS,- Yod"V&� ddeiiiied be'rII- accidental breakin. Of 6, pitcher.- might A* done T Who cannot ook, back Petrie told mehe had BOUtf(ik 80ni6.: Ito his -poor PRY, 'Pon �MY fibpe �ahe Would return , th U ig�'too Of ttunit!68 lost, Ve See,, but, their nodainkio'N6viiie and Sir Frederio'-" b t d and uninteresting upon,oppoi plans unachieved, remain yours, ry-trul soul I He i3tarted'this orning, 'and ill unfulfilled' �613STFR.- M­ When4 I knowledge of her h6bitH. and one porter,, a. bright Sort of fellOW' JaS I for Me,' cannot Stan& it thoughts -.crushed, aspirations 4 bring bar up to night �kobably,� o.pB may' help Me' At tiny iatej'wish to didn't see at' first, he noticed that a lady W' ad fromthe la6k of the neass. hope to have some goo( . I ii�WA for him.!'. hat..She Lis' Jay rotti Fred. Strack, ayoung�salocn-keopar,. slid, all, us W SOLD BY -LL. DRUGGISTS. InIke it known.&Iierally i -haAstopped,'there.by an afternoon train of: Cleveland.' Than he killed him'self.' Sary. And' possible, effort e- knew It was infamous--�-abomiliable-bui wife; and, hard'up'as I am, I will rowa�id- Ir6m. Dover,, with an,-. uncoinmon -soft, better'how. to'take And maike'the, most of. rr eta, flg w o f ign� Sort' of a, voice, an I d, to th 0 Frank cCarg, a MuHician,�bf, Corn L lle Rheumatiatl rl 1k., ;tot 6 utmos any one' h Or6 L I ing, Jifb" itL began Mr. Foster a WBt f ould be, fargreatertliatil in -my power committed suicide by. jumping,-�iroin, the: it is. Now: 44 Did not aucctIed,". put�ii 'the grandson. will, restore lick to mei 1 Poor, poor Marie I bis�belief, She went on in � the, tidal t I and then aside froIii We Knoxville Bridge because behad been for- ST:. ATHARINES, Plonary absolutioni if yoit.pl6asei Sir, and I fearl have -wounded her deeply." at:12.20.1' arowd0aborsibatnestly, -steadfastly, donfi- bidden to play in theL 'orchestra, Owing to d p recoiled. Ha 11, ejaculated is, run U Ir �'O. Wholean coo Sharp.for dinner. III be - notUELL Xe4illa stopped abruptly; th go on on' ently, and Straightway becomes faul6us J. 1�6 Agents' iin U B By Jove, air, your port TOUICI i.d. ce a tiou of the algb�y in , hot large oft, loving !Do'you fool 'Any vonvictioWth 'for wisdom, intellect, -skilI,' greatuaBs ofayself to L Up� hinore careless f ellowL than. M be eyes, raised so iMpl6ril3glLy. to him as he -lady in7 black wasXro-,Neviiie asked sit Cal6b Hobbs of' Lintiolaton, N.0 found B'6me Sort. , The world vionders,�Admirem, &VO Ito time I" his f ri a inule' dead in U'field. � After ai. turned abruptly from"her, rose up and, 'Frederic. id.61iecis ; and. Yet: it, only, illustrateehat 0 OLif he taken hold.bf life A:WEEK. $16afty'a:t home.eastly madb Steady, my boy -b. steady," said nearly obokea him. I'Uncy it was her, -but I couldn't be 9 Off spell, he Wrote 9, note sayin'g he each, may d with 9, *72 C,(,Btl4y (,Unt Aodr TRy B aid g..tIp Q no one Raw a thouthe Mule, ana than --It a in�n% but so ug free. eOp E man: aba shaking biS-&and- , "To. St. -John's Wapd-to 'the I�dyln L sure. You Be b r faceItuoh.- could hot live *I purpose. 'y L he Will, and A usta, Maine Bon's hand with. roneeC,cordiility, lit L , L 'a, IiBhment she resided?" asked It,­0as -the hei% And the vote pommitted,suicide. to:bis brougliam sud-Arovs,off.he 'a ut"J-h&Ve. Hiram T , a I cker, SL t 4 f ollowsit no., tbero� in nothing in reasold,ho. stepped in SirFred6flo.7 i'You.are right whethek.it- SoMething,they remarked,, B disappom a , inventor. May net e4e , ot to �accoriiplish.. thereAs ,Thank God, tLat's 0 P id Sir Ing LorL not. 1-ad,to Snyth, But' 'ydur best, lost! time� before, � by -being 'thrown on a of Bdaion,1�66'yeara of � ao, attuched 'a; � r6b- no magic,� no ini sale, no Secret to him who mu i. do ths aw Pcedorid-to himself. ' �J I . t's; I indeed only plan, is,to Place the matter wrong, �sbent.' YoU7 had better 'put sd� bar hose toi�vgas- jet,. turned on : the.­gs, 9, `S'brave in heart &led deterininea'.ili spikit" Possible with the brother.,. � : ;in the� hands you know beat and, putting it66::other -and "of' the, hos 0or Neville I 0 advertisemeutiu :Tivws; f the,polica." �the A6 L. I couldn't leave him,in the luboh after. such After some', f urthar4 Cotistillation, it was h0wL't.) ' rd �tL,7 his mouth; huffo6aied himself. nlallsMarelk UL, illrtyr to.Nbualala wo I 1, tli6ught*�ou bad'done INSTIT!UTION (ESTABLISMb 18�4. 8; sell As tbat." decided to'go to Ekotland Yard; and then to exclaimed .a an F I CIO 'lig ishniku, 30 years of (From. the. London Standard.) go thinking;I he ataTt6a in,4he directioi'� proceed to' MiBw Red6�bt�g. - SirFrederic. IK I N G � ST. ILE &I T- kdBowa, Age, declaied ba. id If ]I IVpwithout­the� r a .4Y, , - , 1,460.- �- . . -L",-L'-'-L".t'-,-,��,;��".!: L n o ormer am. ISM, _4 of the Army agept's to,delive As-ihey drove t6wardS wJ6hu'S Woodi --:� es" -sir; we -aid; so at '6tice,-:1int'no . f f "':'The gr�lgfa rom whic -Friheb- Big'-� NERN0178'- DL1BiLIT'Y1:` libaumai isty, 0 the YOU'ng'So - Me 'k,' Neuralgia, Paralysis, � and all Liver slid Neville, abd put things 6z traii for the SaL16 Nci,ifta loug,pieserve& unbroken! -silence, result; and I think: it was n6f-suffiolently T16yer, and, going -to -the boy's " o MarckhaHbeeh suffering in the he -ad and B" h me near. ely has 13 61# ke that Chest i Complaints- Immediitel loved, and', of the commission, Which 'that had oA.. . Now if thin geot"� iagara Falls, Shot him 'nnd 3bot� face lat mp`s� save Perm cured by.'�usingYthr.6!e. BELTS! I .. . I L and the. gay, genio�youug Baronet unsp�ov;k� particular wotdi theri, i he is goorb anently hoped had been averts( ably,LMortifted'at so �sad aconoluBion of hi's nodding to Neville—wo compose �.it bitaself. . , , :­ L . .. . I I . . I . 11 I . I. I Sly able to -articulate. Privy .BA DSANDINSOLES. 'bright Rohe mfortnoble and himaelf--" -fre CircularsandConsultatl FREE, CHAPTER XT. imesi felt'jo& Undo omey'- Councillor Frederichoi- a physician on. uneasy to vbntu 6 an obseiv ion. Here a door. was opened by the I kary R st doi�uestic in the 'eroPlOY quently consulted by the., Chaiicellok here a Isappo on Mr! Dodson, of -u- ' isof this unhappy buBineas," Said 9, youn ladymishes to 6eeYou."', to AETI G aliful and humiliit- ible Simmons,, who said, 11 if you please, Bir t t,he O'lle of thpinost p 6xtL8v f6re,-delivered' his opinion.-th'a the Pain To Sir Frederic, di r at' hAex of 800b'Antonio, Ir to found, on reaching -M jh: Square, first took Mudanumi-thein throw herself &rose not improbably M, ''the teeth. e pun I reBul to A young lot. cap ditch, And finally Cut gr ei an never yet with the rqur d Tr 6.30,,that 9 eii I 3WmpdSirF d d eaking,gilatbe�: "at least lidy V re eric Prince Bismarck, thou h'h OM OL < be was to h a tet&-a� tete'dwn& with Mr. �addressed himself What nyet a* BaYS.th6 0111Y unaerg6ne B dental operatibn,'�was quite he myself, 'a to'c6nfeas before a starched old to'wh b ?" !ve be, 7� ]Pioiiter,NeVII16'Bforhiidablebiot4erL'baVIng trouble*&, She is tired of Life. W TRA Sort of -a young lady I] ling' to" Bubinit 'to one� now if,it war' om, 9, railroad station -necessary,' , On examin'ation,,1owever,-by F,� been detained by Amattr of busines'", and )un ly unprincipled -a manner; and then Neville, turning a shade paler than rilliam'F., Rans sclio��iietrego that Phave acted in no con-, th. thato respe&iii g'a somew hat lar a forgery on being obliged w await some inioirnittion, ither L girl, the heirbod, she will despi§e before, paused,inhis walk, his heart Stand, Agent at Baruhtis -Mills, near� Jefferson an exp�riened deiitiBt, no trace of,�any RAIN &NERVE r0n.� i firm of Foster &� Co. .9 I:6e, and in Short', I am" in si very degrad- in� sfili with a sudden hope,,,' 0 ity, Mo., af ter'� being arrested for embez- f ault could be discovered -ainoug:the oatb, For Olt Xroung, -Male, an& Feniale. ositively cures Nervounness in ALL'Its - stages a, and the youn f i. Loss of Brain P6wer,Sexual Pros. Although Sir Fre deric regretted the loss ilog -Position.-, B I could Bofors Simmons could.reply, -E6 Slight,, zl6me-li POtepped from a car at Smitliton us "and ace ' oidingly ' Prince Bismarck who, of so genial I tm.opp . Or , t , uni y, ag, lin- Stan& anything except the idea of in* poor -girlish' figure'enterd 4 lady the, train, began.6 imovei'' put. his 'neck, himself 09,118 hiB ma, Aid,doulouredx," jetakil mor t An Fatei.,C 6aid'SiMply, " It's only me, Si tic." 'ei Y Sweats, Spbrmatorrh6ea, Lencor- v across. a rail and was Nigbt ordathed moia f reely, aria Madering about alone in her wratch- r Fred beheaded by the. has escaped Wina experimented upn for hma .rrchnesp, Seminal Weakness and c ner conlabulation..he I eddes'si without a Soul to givo,'fier counsel , They, recogaized, to their H;qtoiJighm nit, iraim the present. . . . Loss and enjoyed thq subst . ant,al faro'86 before an GeneraV of Power.' It restores Surprising or to help her. ho could have dreanit of. -Miss Dolvigue. In consequence of lack of health I Tons 6nd-Nigor, to the Exhausted (;onerative, him Wfth's keener Appetite organs. vERrWith each order for TWnLjRLpaCk&ge8 a ' decided a manner from a . �.-,I have got sonieJnte)ligence-only a' Charles tieeley, of Rochester, tbrow ber,4. T,h,e Burden of.Weithh. mmov�d when be" fly"'i In 0 accompanied with fivo dollars, we. wil I send our . . and littla-ititit now; and 1 came--bff 'at once, months -old. child on the bed, The cloth had H6afop hast�, word 2" Written anaranteb 'to refund the indhey if the Mr. Connor, illuBtiatingthe Bad position apaino at the dbor .And. whyJhe deude,,11 criod Sir Fred. hoping it Migi be continued' brawling uuder�thebod, c" t�twnd them, 6ou treatment does not effect a cure. i,',It. in the a ouild, of wheels p 16 help you," 6' a ik the murmur :of voices in queBii8i and ommi ad suicid of Jay Id,in a ervibw States that Its see heard., The next 'k Chenpe t and �no"t Medicine to the market' her by putting &. iopo about, her nook, one. hall 06'0001- Pampblet sent frOo by Mail to any address. Sold moment you ot . eep" your, temper, and.say; without greetiog,or pause, &$d Untying Slid man is 0. fool for getting moist %tiewer, -a note', 6b Well I've got a charming.wif a M any rate, bonnet string B haStily. of Which she had tied to the apringS of the� �pete]ocii W thia world, "bepanae, after he by druggists at 30e. pot box, or -61 boxes for', �he grave butlpr'presanted- serv- and pull Wrong: 82 1 , - - all&we must try, b,I and she was As Palo all 7ever, but,her large; bad. hag-madeenoughf6rhis Support, heonly, 30f mailed free of pontage; oil receipt oi igh. Idadl,hie, blMk- ey6st'lilszed with 'excitement,, And, money .your n mn,n,�8ir,Fred4, d�t7,ould havepull4throi U tfio In the oen�ir� of the room in whio John adds ta his cibres, and buidene by. Occumu- PkIx 1111[n edicine Co., roughtby w iRu 6 -hat there i4 b nervous in inanner, it wa§evidaletly inuSti hW4R laft, anetic M Poverty-stricken 386aiig, Abot'him: Hoff in�, Cine sting riches." Thin in philosophy'rio doubt., Out, cangas. �One',�Op�y�pf being happyin it net in 'the' Idast from illidiiig her elf,th got, y arranged U ryw ore. Ali, Compton," retu nod his. world -who Would gladly Proni Ne�ville I" cried the Baronet., R table on which lip had carefull B t,theu how many nuphilosophic persons Sold by &I! d�dFglstspve' He opened.arid read- r i companim, among three pn., 19ver-y-eay to pbiloso his wife!s pict�re;,th6irma,rriagacer.tifli3,4,tQ,- Br ibJ P � of all the cares. and Iwith wAl Pray sit down," said Sir Frederic, color- oral letters. Dv oou &S F�elv a written by her,'and a piece 1""r:V. um COUPTOIT�COMO to MO &a 0 inedpookAtg, jo dbcL4ff(differebtt6M'- ing like a girl,, and placing ui chair'by the fth burden tol 8, competeboyI. that a week inyoutown town, Terms and,#6 his. $66 outot free. Addrees,H. HALLimiew.& possible ou receipt of t 0 pPe .,With �whioh She bOid hang6d -debt, grid,diffi. table. e r - -Weigh no.heavily upon him 1. '00. in. great agitation, yours. per if you bad vo.hing�but herself. Eaeli.artible was decorated with- nnculty 8round itfid " bef Ore. YOU. %no asylum, 11 Guy NEimLn r, :She belclut her bond to Neville kindly o(ape. Stang had beenin an im Sir Fi:64erio want 0 t haetily �i to this let me only find poor Marie, and Ito& will but . silently, and then, addressing Sir �buv was released, and' his wife through A London 3eiitigt'uaes a, small incaudes. think diffarentli. 'Though where our food- illuminate thH`oavit LITTLE WA� Frederic,, who was ooking, involuotarily fear of him, had committed suicIL,: Only & scent carbon lamp t( y and 'raiment . arb, to dome from 116sven toward the,door, us though expecting Home. few'd of -the mouth during dental operatione. -1a Captain Neville alone?" heiskedof aysbefor6� VUJ0BUite is fitted into WaBhlngwxtbont LA Servant alone; can- WIL", ecup and coveted lsbor� Awouderfulluvention IAh I they'll come, never you I fear," a �61f-operftfing, no . b� mid -,No,; thbre is'. no' One With m a ; I Stole SuceesHfullbooli:6 ' those bound to sell. for sate bade. The lonp' ru :,Xes, Sir Frederic.' 1 4 is stmj6d by theinveitor, who"freely offors- Sir Fred. dbeerfully, " Aud here we, are" away alone'.1 was Flo anxi�us ta know some. a' thiljg_to See 'YOU both. BU, -dentisto, 11 to Pride' $3 00, i Ha�and at Morley'62" To the cabm III There, No. 22, Tlie Palo of' itB'adVADtftg0R to his fellow air; and to take you Must tell you tit ones morning returning from A.'rumn poBsessed-Aislave.­ give,& bright light in@- b wherelt -is' needed, Send f-r� ....... . Agentu ,Wanted pe(I to give a trifle to Poor-, h I a entailed by t -bdruffig 'Of the ------- ;� j, without producing Undue host.11 6I will be vp ith you dirdotlyi" said his * . ! , Out Walk,, 10topI T 0 On he J,. A Man throw a stone at tha`Austrian' AWtrt re.eut6rino, the dltiing-ro6m. 1 Mario's old Irish apple -woman that site at Cotnth�r6jol A�vertiser buildifig-ablBuffalo four imitat leave you bir,o� 6 Said �Thd timis cansumea by, ringing tbobell 'becorner nene' ourachool. Youltnowit?"' on Thursday aggtegatessometfiinj like 'Ambassador to the'Vmiicsnl� nbar Castle' . I do .� Tha, !Iranian tangela, Rome, ye kdressing Mr. Foster 11 Neville iSin Rome and apptying foi,admimion seemed of fear- d "And shetiga'n to tallk,of 'hundked thousand dollars Whenarreistbil. atboino. Sacapleg wo th ih the, was otsrvii 121W 9crap6, and wants me immediately.", 'ful length to the Agitated, Neville;'butat and k hen,Bho would come back. who won injured durin' the fire 'has since he Besotted a asW 9 0 free. Address STiNsoN & Co. ain Ow a H no Lou led W U aEAT Mints of le wn length they We're introduotid, into'the Pre- d, and PMd'l didn't,knoW, died. unaware of the Ambasaad6rls;l I( Sir Fred I 1" do not See the. ,