HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-01-12, Page 7FiStIlla$ HoiIda Christmascomes but once a year. 0ic�lluscal 1nstruments CHEAP FOR THE HOLT DAYS.;, Music Emporiiiin, Perrin's _Block, Clinton,.' �e . selling their large stock of Music and �,1 g g.. Musical Instruments cheap, : including Violins, Concertinas, Accordeans, Flutes, :Mouth Organs, 7 Violin Bows and Strings, Book and Sheet Music/ Instruction Books, &c. d . see ,their stack sederur 2r.mas pressers,and maze your homes 'bright and. cheerful, ;and your children ' -• bright:: and happy. DON" 7' 1'Q irCE'3' TEE s zinnEss. USIC EMPOR!U Perrin's Block, Market Square, S,C,IENTIF.tiE aiND `.41',t!E1 4Ut C SOCI11tTli . (By our special' reporter.) I The House of Commons having been dissolved, writs were issued, and a new election took place, last week with the re - OUR LETTI R BOX. The Naw Elia does not hold itself responsible for the opinions of its correyttgntlepts. 'Letters are cordi- ally invited from all wito ,have -a grievance or anything of public interest to (lacus, Write'ou ono side of the paper givo your uame and address as a means of au - salt of, sustaining Air: Fatst g en's O�ern' 'thontication, (not' for publication) and be as brief as 1 the subject will permit • and our columns will always meet, by a substantial majority. Much bo open to ropixtoanythingappearingundorthisbcay. amusement waecaused by the candidates addressing their constituents. Apacking ANOTHER IFOUNDBV. 7'o .tree. Editor of Glee- Neta Era. case was placed atone 'end of the room, and from this rostrum the candidates held forth. Some ext �f rvagant promises were made, and conSidel.able eloquence indulg- ed in, while the excitement at the Tolling booth was utrprecedented. ' Eyen the most sedate and dignified niembeis•,were wild with excitement and quite lost their self control. No serious altercations occurred, bow- evor, and' -no '.uoblows were struck b � et a- tires of disappointed candidates, and the election is considered an' ,exceptionally Mire and honorably conducted one. It is rumored in court' circles that' the [Ion. D. C. Carr will be .Governor Generals and below•we give 'the text Of the speech from the tiieone, snoop NROlt THE THRONE. Mr: Speaker, and gentlemen of the Blouse of, Commons : With much pleasure I'welcome you to the Capital of your country, and. to the important: and responsible ,'duties of .the session, aslre- presentatives'ofr the people. • 1 • Believing that'the power now, vested in the Federal- Government of disallowing measures enacted by the .various provincial' legislatures. may become a cause of serious trouble, .my'. government' -will take steps to - remove; this possible source of danger. ; A bill for the,jprotection of the public inter- est in rivers streams and creeks, will be .laid before you. J Au 'act to amend the present lieenee-law of that country, will he submitted -for your con- sideration, and also a measure dealing j with :the question ,of free libraries. - My-government:purposes to abolish capital punishment, .corporal punishment in public schools, and the present System of electing members of the'iHouse of Commons by ballot. Tho usual statement of the receipts' and expenditures and the estimates for the coin-, -ilii; •year will-be=lard-lsefore-yeti, My governnrent will lay before fo •a scheme for the settlement of the`Irish uetioi , and' q for tite`establishm ntiof Homs rule fhr the. f , Irish people. ' i \pith -the consent of. this -House i-ier Ma.- jesty *ill be re{ uested.to discontinue coufer- 1 ring titles. in th1tl.democratie country. A plan for.purcbase'-of all .property in the dominion by theovernment, and its -er uit- able distribution among the people, will be eubwitted for year approval. A bill will be iutil•odueed to -give repvesen- tatian.in.this hound to Canadian Universities,: With. your consent, steps :wiu be taken to secure t Y] a int11-pendence of €anada, andefor the ;establishment of. n 1te 3nb1hsau Conn. of govozument for the Dominion. , A bill providing for the election of members to'this house will be stll)nlit e11 .for your cotl- sidcistirn. AN`O1 ti Wonie..-4.11r. Armetiene, 'col- lector ,ot custom' iies loaned ii, ;''The Royal Callcndar of Upper Canada 'for. 1839," rind we..gathel:',.i,''civ :(acts ;there- i,lr m that nay prove- of interest at : this time. Huron was ' thenP represented ill irl:ianrena by Mr.•R.,.q. 1)unlop, :a per-- , son per- son whose name is familiar to,some',of'the old . residents ',here. • Mr Jolin Galt teas Nil cctor'of.ensti nis at "'Poi':t(oderieh " leis part of the country y teas then grouped 'with -tile -London district, which embraced Oxford, Middlese'c, Perth, lirti0c alld ] u- • rort, and 'in'' all trhis''eection, outside of • London, tlierewere onll; about.160 1i'ouses pitoi- i;.reee CrfA?a'aE.---141x•. :'.titewaet of tny_ description f olborne was then credited wititi- a total':populatlotl of "249, Gioderiell loWri ell iii,," (62 ; :Stanley.` and. Tuckerainith are. not credited t itli'.any. population, although those fora tow nsh,ips :are the only Ones rceognrxed as worthy of ii,oliee iii -Huron rt'that time. . A letter front loranly,, to Godei'ich then; cost pine pence,,and•Parr a distance equal to W�inni- ptg i. 1.in{ins the list of ofIicers:'oi`the `)teg,i:rr entAs'of 1-li:iron ? appear such la- Iritilft1.•..nainca. as;-Dan,.l.frzar�t,, :1)honieS hie. ct,ngregation. 'Iia fiord 'Heon,'1> 1C.: Ritmic, i1 = 3 CT13I3E7EIS► ami O'bT.IJ SIEC.0.T , I;�anefiird l : -;I3 irrlejr. 1V Lcliinacili;_I . BORN.. - Adainson IIugh 11lontgonrery %Ylr$';the hi•rs Loi r•. -in Mullett, '00 . the >i;rgl, Dec.; - - 7,..."____=,only- .'Itiethodiat ,"ltrissionary" in all. th.e;.: Ay we`.ne irr. it position to a cash for our •roods and'gui tiieiir at the.: _. let; the wife. Mr.•(.eo VIM ei• a daughter•:.1 p Y. n , a lrlrstrl l ..rid.. am b 11.: f• i .,:'Year's, Uodeuc . 1 c , 1 (� l e , o the• i l price,' parties bu ing from. us May expect.,to, fret bargains,as our alerts : Auci �un.v,i.-iu, Croderich, 'on'iVew . post > e p r• ,, buying � Yn. E 'eco al:..tilittrcll... was the only:'other ,_„ : ,-,.„ ?n• p `.L+ ve - ille wife of h1a,.7obn tlll.enhead, l .5.:: rat'. _sma)J )refits. and..) 'atek returns,, minister `hone, 1 u the -1 tst - of barristers ° 1 ) ” iu in IT . er -Canada' i am he' : of a sou.;; mime :practising I'P. apt e -, the ,.rid :Ki Jr `.Liar. ' 7i ; ..,II 4 Kas• e of :Lherlfoid, ou F a.5, name of Ai tali C.alyley, vvho .afleityatuis be .. h f l:l. s. Fledge l;t'te of(xciilericli'. Purchasers gra: r•especttully requested to callandsc;e our gocxl:s. and sect •1>,aces asi name:soiraewhflt noted iii connection with mf of -we are liouncl to sell at the )Divest paying prices. public afl'airs here. Mention' is made of ' the: fact that salt` existed all over:'the 'Wii,40:i.---.Ib(,odenchtownship, on;tite ,51st •" : 1 .ec...,tlrc. wife of Mr, -O. B. R'ileen, of a p?� .,• �V. (� p7_ (� .: 'Block' Albert ,country, notwlthetandrnyg Whlclr rt.,Some 'f .•:1,t - r,_i _ .. . ...::.. 0 _ .. H dg en4c' Old:stand rick` .iIAO.V,I7• 1.1.1 e Street o timed sold at from $IO to,$1? a bushel. , . gl t` ' `�� 5 ! s ]au 'MARRIED. Sia, --Having been"sppoken to .upon : many occasions regarding the following project, and having no dont in nay own mind that euch would, if undertaken, be asuccessful specu- lation, I would ask you to give me 'space to express my views through the columns of your paper. It is a well known fact that the location of Clinton gives to it facilities an- perior to any other town in this county, as a manufacturing town. '• We have railroad ac- commodation contmodation that, would enable manufactur- ers to ship their goods either north, south, east or west, that being a very important feature to consider in choosing a site for a manufacturing business. \Mr. Editor, the question has been asked in the past, and is being asked in the present' time, is'thore not anvopening in•Clinton for another. foundry? After giving -the matter my careful considera- tion, I have arrived at the conclusion that the interests of the town:, and especially that of the farmiiig community, demand that another foundry be started. Some ob- jector tomy views,:no doubt,;wi]l,ask, "have we-ii-a--ii-foundry that -has been established for:maiy years, capable of performing all the work in their line required to be done in this locality?"_ In reply 1 wouitl say that the pre- sent foundry makes a specialty of manutac taring one article, and does it well, outside of that they have not always the time to per- form other. work. 'In many instance's the farmer coming to town on :short notice, to get' a machine repaired, has'; to return' home, with kis "reaper or mower, feeling chagrined that be is compelled,;to'write for a man to conic forty or fifty miles, .at his expense, to replace a'emall ;gear ;wheel or pinion, " jriat in the midst of harvest," that would only require an )tour or so, providing there was a foundry near by that -could do that class of. work. in view of these facts the interests of the farrning community require that there be• a foundrystarted, that shall make :a ape-' cfitlty ot--repairmg ail-1i'iiucs-af-machi.nery, and I have no doubt that it would meet with the liberal- patrouagel of machine owners in this county. haling that others interested. in the prospects of the town will ,express- their views upon the subject, and thanking you for.this- space, 1' remain, ern7.,EN.' Clinton, Jan 11 18S3. , - o Makes Your Boo 1CKSHA� THE BOOT MAKER. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF plea, Women and Children's :'Boots & Shoes. Spring. Stock well assorted, ' an cog ' let in all departments. p e .. Spa tments. ALL GOODS SOLD- CHEAP FOR GASH C. CRITICKSI'IANK, BRICK BLOCK, , CLINTON V•V I1N ' CLLI'YT4 mi- The undersigned having again opened out a;generahstock of Goods, take, this op-'' )ortunit of .thanking their old customers for the. liberal ati;onage'afforded thein'; wben'in business before, and ti''ust that by given special Larg&iri toget all tuerr, oldcustomers back, and many new ones. We intend to keep full' lines in the,, 'following Dry C1oods : LXL11 Blu•e and and Grey Cottons, Sheetings, DucksDenims, b06A I, 1 -IA 1 1•.14.`4. •1;t Ti.; our painful duty this week to an acmes the death cf Fire. Wm: Bawdon. T ckin s Cotton. Yarn Carpet lar ' gp p, Flannels, 1' or about a year: past she has been a yic -dim-t-o-canker,-'a-disease-t11zt ,'s-dsi!ly ad= ding numbers to its lour nail clisntaldeath Was comparatively a t co era roll. The: deceased t a 1 y young Neuman, beim 3' years end 10 mouths old. She ,was, 0 pillar, iii' the ci urch.`a i orname It ,to society, a kind; ). - ,-Win - e- s Tab -lin s-Dress_Goods_and:- G>t sin Bags,. � � �T g Trimmings, Small wares, &c. Tweeds, .Coatings; uflectinnate and faithful wife, and 0. loving , Tailor's : �Trirnmings. Ready Made Suits, and and exemplary mother. ;t 2'1>e fu]lntvigC. aro the .vital statistics of overeila , Exeter, for .the year ending 31st, Dec.', - — 1382:-l iiihs,643; marii:iges,l3;deatlie,2fi. A case to secure 'el ima<„ey; fey, sheep alr leged to Have beet'`killed by a dog, belon; to -Mr. -D.. Bernick. 0f lJsborne, was -argu- ed;before..T', McDonnell.J. IP, on, Friday. blur the'plaintifl, Mr; Wilson, of the 4th ciin of lisborne, 'rot being able to prove : that 111i. s'ae . l o,ivnecl the dog,'t}ic etre. ��, 1 ����� � ��' � v+ is (lie nisecl p Ct.EI+,1';Ala `LINES 1.r;5.r1 A f:,1 ,.ft 1:PT: . 001C111:. •' , In s 'A splendid assortment of all the latest styles 01,` ()� elcdat l6 which we can make ill) on short: notice.. A perfect fit gnaraari LC ��l'lce5' i easonalzie: DRE3SS . GOOD for.Trimmings. ,.. Black ancl. Colored Cashmeres, Fancy All Wool' Dress Goods, Brocaded Silks, Black and Colored Moires fol'- r1�ri1111111ngs Our Stock of Hosier3 OV� 111 hco tins crytfon :i1lete-ani) aHsorteed. Mantles for fail and win €UO in reat .it s e )f7ceded that, Ias a cutter; R C. COLE I� . J variet i 1)as purch Scil lir..'J•is Ballantynu's farm - for 5t S0O: the Carlo which, is' one of the beet rn-•.tlie'ctoweight. p, containe.one hi,:n iod acres. : TtIr, Mahaffy has: disposed of his farm containing tine hui7dred and fifty acre to M- Itallantyne,'for the._s.unr.of,, .$9,450. -This is .also di) excellent fa>;tu. i i asini''r t l to e. ---,Rev. M. Fletcher was the reci.piout` a fetiv e 'er in 's since of a tea service; and 1i l enntifil1 albuiu; from 1�.Aril' Al it aG CAP,. ];''i l f S',l OC 1( r.1 P11 h; 1.> r h h' [ ENT r LAI'GE AiSOl;l Liu1N'l' .rN In 1829, ten years before, i'itlron had only four familie ' within its limits 'Forty- four. -years liere..made agreat change in this ;county. , tnd these whose memory carries them back that fiir, will. 'realize thevastimp•ovements thatenergy and enterprise have accomplished. The a1- :Manse contains- this somewhat sarcastic ))aragrapll, , which we quote in full - Goderich ianet, ere long,beconeeia place of vast trade and iruliortanee; and in the' next' Parliament, its'population will en Trd5110 1'lval h'•to'Wn.. • lll(lima 11])oltLtoT of Scct(, Ll s and.- Trisli Tweeds 5 ad d,Ser pes are worthy of s )eeia] attention. IIATS. _:anal' aTSan d Si3GE S - G14OCERZE 'Owingother )r nclie., t0 the, la )ltd increase of on): ].ns111c;.5s 11t l: a 5 we - find that we .Have not rooin for our 0,B, )CK•Ei Y. and f , C' 7�ASV1rA h ., . and 'offer otii -whole 5to(•]t at" cUt, l 111 U. Nritv'uox-1'1vr:rta... ;#t Corn!, en list. 28th, Mr.: `e -A Newton u 1 U o :.�FIo 1 by Rev:, g ,, teacher, of hhnlle;tt, to Miss Olive Rivers,;' ,. daughter of I1Sr:m 5anel "livers, of Grey., - Illi�A-17--Flw11t,.-At Lindon ifotiie Tarin, • the residence of the bride's father•, in-ae (11it1torr Sept., 1582.'4 (en:dan,ce With the order of the Society of• l+riends,'John 16.Bryant, of, (Felt, to Afl- . : tornette-bMt,e Rearin, of l!'eeelen.. : [tem ro,:-.WiratixsON.-Dai Dee. 27, at fire - residence of the bride's father, by Itev. W., .BOA R14) not, life it/ eweepuv, by, go, AnaL dare:. before: J4n1 dte, samethiiec mighty inctrksiitihtne leave behind„ • �' (<i mighty tl •e, 1 .1,66''11 vreekkio. title it to return tae) members to the Le- root' own felon). Si, outfit frectsi 15o risb.._ Everything,:; g'islatllre." Wilkinson, all of; the township of Morris, ) house of everything. ;litany areauaking Pentodes Lodi-esrnak , 1/11110',8-I ItitiAk the: let by' 'r ';'_l{."(.1AL1..A.�1111•).. l:r'L:.KON tiT.2;P:.f�,i,• ns: muchav'u'm,1 and boys an< gull.make .'hreahpit t u . • .., if t t- 1' } •ou can @akin, ^'r "lee r reader yen wan �bu na,s a w nc, r }. the l ride e 1'iiil , a +idle reerdonce f l L a• 11 1, �l f p; AILAKKR �'A • 0 '' neat !ray �ilidu tune, •tr•)ate foe p'•r.'rtic,4a)s .to fl tfni ,,..•_—. ._.,tatllea..-h'1t..S5'tlli_ i�lY}Si,.nel cf..l:fsiltAtt,,,tr,- NrIW_ urcu ed.itt 1f Ii '1(yf11 1 (iYi l I,tl\-----L(,U,1'.urF,laiitl�9l ,ehursdaYr' Ian tl Isee 1 Miss 'Alar.tha7,einhart -of .h.inlocs s.ratr„t NOV " Sr.Llt,A.1 C r S"'" ":"Tri.vv 1N. -.Un the 4th inet., lie t1ev.,1`. Prices for fill lliniia of fartti produce hrive Philp, at, the residence of the bride's father, li fiveT , ruled steady dnririg t e past week, without which any change nxeept for barley, htclt,has now declined to 4o and 45 cents -per' bushel, and TU "141 r. tVm Steeti," of L.iF, Plaine, ,Mail., Lir ' +'it Al'P;1) horn the neunya¢af ,uGxr,ber, fe boss 11nn J, 1r1►iu, of b . '1 wnnosh. •,tit, a.B:100`•Lt {taitlatnekd r yi.0u,:dN�ut,Wie tstoP lktotief Vre.' ,(, ty+Yj S1 t11NS Tli, the (�A,,dOYt ;, �.; lteYliS iia.rf�. i•e+t. Vte:r <uming EN'o, earl oar, tight reel S6etif+rfr,� t1�ie residence of the,. tint few loads go above that.. Wheat ranges I,n., ,leppiv. to regi i.; tau. The.atetoS tau andtett; eaz.i4.e ht,uc from J. to 87 cents er bushel: oate'.atead bride's :Lather'hmmerliill, on A\Tednesday1. <.1 1 14 seert1. llniJe a 'e del o. An iniurrisatio„ couetruing p y. 2 lA 1 at : ' sen _ eats are now, t to c serest ar• ' ' ' tieles broil lit on the market, eek hula •itis Stewart,. of \%ar;iia, Rev.' ;arah,.dnu_ghter of :Aleo, the. store owned by Ivlr. G. 11. o tV'Iu.tA,�i g '.-P fi � .. r - ('lYliiiiiur, 34 is 111 1 1 I lira 10th by 1 ev lA' Graig ren Exeo• idsnis,&bwillbesuit,i,ltieuvrt ed 1 from x7.75 to $8.00 per ,too, lb; • and hoof ; Mr, Chas, , Lovett. y6 .0 ht l rely of cupre l by M • l>.iyI . for fore quarters and $$ for Bind, .,;nil extra lrruocn'A't- -,1.t the ro;,iileiici, of the• N(}T1.C.ih good will, tst'eh higher figures.: 1 g,s 2:, cents,bride's father, Mullett, , on W ednesday, and'bntter 20. Wood, all prices, '8ccoieling Jan ].0th, by lier. 1\'. Craig, ili,'i. W. T. to quality, but green short. wood *1.50 per t1'argttbar, Hallett, to Alice. daughter of N � 11 ,,.id bv•lalt1d1 ).s i do notintend to llsivettbie' cord. and long $2.50, and dry 25 and 30 cents 1Ir john rt hilly. Y KIL ■ :winter,. mild cannot he all time rrumtuu after sinulf debts; ,NI have donea tueeti our br0• eztrn We �diari that in Clinton higher r rue s go t,},,'1' -111t I e retia.--tit•tho re,§tQenec of the '�� � � � A patihs`)¢ nnisGdo the. �tnc t shall;aixd e, one mvYa Culi: e paid fpr'^wood than In (1oderleh: A large 1 duly. t • Rafter thi. nrttii•c. . f t keall 1e<n4 of II'a s 'kr , ,.. , g bffdc's mother'':lirircofiekl on the lOt'la � � , i n) y, o t x n _... . fags, . nrr t r h )n s , r cloths sec Ra to < n cis t cal n!t h'r nil •e e ,) a of v i t t wanted in n . r p quantity d 3, e town. ' inst., l;)y'the ltsrr J. $oats, 71r.i Geo. kV ., 1 +� 1 PP , , VA (. � )ubbcrs, iron, r;cr er br.its and 1c:u1 in vctcteutenL', i4 L.oratst, of �tanlev, to:lsabelia, tl.)lyd dAugl6.. )ir )erre rc; - 4 V t ,, Beni '• fantHnb, } K, R .. a y:. .: .. . hE's PL NIN _1111 I e A1.AhfPltf,} QQPER =& McKEN A G \Vheat, ecot - 'White wheat, '- Spriiig, oats, Barley, Peas, Flou,,, ?otatoe e�, Better, ;Eggs, s Hay, glides, Sheep Y pelts - 'Lamb ('' aoae, .. - - Chickenei, per pair. 1)neks r io air, turkeys each t'ork, • -: 083 a 08.E tl 83 i o b 4 ter of Kira 1. McIntosh- . •ti. - 0,85 a' '0 Sfi .11ANssNi.- 1totse. an.:Exeter, by.thelter,.' 9,34 a' 0 34 Mr. 14'ehber, oil the loth lust,, 3Sr. Albert l) 41) • 'ti' .0 45 • Mannin ', of township1,range 9,' Manitoba 0 :61• a 0 or - (fifth son of .lticharrd Manuiri; l" 4 50 ,a -5,00 Miss Mattie, fo'urtli da tgllter of W. Borne, 0 35 ';a, 0 37 Esq., of Exeter,. [They will sh'ortly leave 0 20 a •0 91 for their home in Manitoba,) ' a , c t1_>,,,a 0>4,,• •`;00 ;a 8 50 1 DiED: , 7` 00 '•;a 4 00 •' ..Sco r i'.---�In Clinton, on fan; 4th,- Joha•nnah, 0 50 a 0 75 Wife' -,of Mt. Jobu Scott,' aged 2G': yeas _and, 0 75' :t 1. 0Q' . 7 iuonths 9 50- a 0.01) - - I:I i�:ja 040; r fl )0, ' a. 0 tib • 0 1) a 1 25 7 75 .h S.09 Let uo onelnow Omit to buy ' The fragrant '''1'oaberr " and try llpon"the Teeth its cleansing powers,;. And gain a Rreeth like srelit att e+iveifs1 . - ).tib +tr, •,view rood 1Vhite Sh(w'hat anal 11.tiaahu:;)tend fat sale. • 8c/intimate Llu)t in eorurochnn wttU tiles factor 1 rm ]d ail•cr,irlrsoa•%1xi;ix,aslr�kci�liri,a{6ra rq . y x ended to them iletin'e� ten/ors-bur-the vrtrcutigt e t i F1f Mlles- � I�suraace NuHuront c Camp rtel Near' the Grand Trunk -Railway, • lrr.• A]] (1 i [C 1, :r f1y1)ON. JIbey halo erected a1ry $)1h which enables tem •mai..rremPl>"han ever to 4Sceute- ' fill work in. their. Itc:uer1 .li�'i,es 10 48. f9i iii <0,•0 i t1'uutrd ri) • line Of lritsble4s, • sia:,7'. a!' property., cowT -11..�_.- t'ur buildings tsl et 10) material hn•nisl eii at. the • : shortest Ptisible inure, and at rea5onabiisrates. korWe lhlsys keep On hand Lir t -floss Slll\trhl;�, l which i,l ).. o , t- a )c'falt4 of T]xfl ) fired 1 ) r v tri and, otsl e -h , 1 < i .r -i tTrtl.Ch(C 10)4 !t I I Kir. NV, h1TT, ..A:GEI'S''7.;, 1i l l' Catarrh 4090 tie:Sti oy ed ;'0111 i+etisch of Mao) and hearing,Jia 11':7 (intoe ra core win 0vr tris! - r5centsper ottle, nett b:;ia(ssoli 'if, '1•'ar 11/4.10.._ - 110,1S92,��•C(i(1Tl;i`y,l 1fllti,y'1f9,. by; 11., 1