HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-01-12, Page 6ABOUND THE COUNTY.
Thomas 11Iaunders haB leased the farm
of John Vincent, Oth con. of Grey.
Coderich bandsmen are at -loggerheads,
and the band is consequently errs -band ed.
Miss McLean, (daughter of W. McLean,
Goderich,) was seriously, injured last week
•by;blipping off a hand sleigh while going
down hill.
/ilexes who suffer periodically from' • pains
in the back will find immediate relief eus a few
doses of Dn. 'VAN Bun:EN s KIDNEY °Vex. . 1t
was never known to fail. Try it at once.
TOM' druggist keeps ;;it.
"Mr. Ruttan, the champion hunter of
Morhis, has recently succeeded in killing
14 foxes, 7 of which he killed in two days.
R.. DeLong, of Port Albert, has sold the-
;fsthllIon "Caledonian Chief," recently pur-
,',chiihed by him,. to ,\Vm. McIutyret of
-Mr. John R. Forsyth, of "Brussels, has
entered a suit against Eliza Jane Sharpe,
for breach of promise of marriage. • John
claims $1,000 da.te ages
A three year old child of Geo. Kirhyes,'
of 4th con.. of Morris, fell 'Ilama vessel of
boiling water used for scalding pigs and
was badly scalded.
THERE is no doubt about it, that Dn.'VAN'.
BDRENS KIDNEY CURE is the 'only known re-
medy that science has bestowed upon man-,
kind that will positively eine Liduey diseases..
Ask your druggist for it.
The congregation at Curry's appointment
in McKillop,' made. a New Years 'gift, of-
forty bushels of oats to Rev. Thos. ; Geo.
Mr. John Cowan has purchased the farm
of Mr. John Cannon, on the Oth" con., of
McKillop, for the sum cf $1,400. The
farm contains twenty-five acres.
We regret to report the death of ;Mrs.
Joh-n B el)anan. She was one of -the -first -
settlers in Colborne, - having emigrated
from Scotland about thirty-eight yearn ago.
flesh is heir to' kidney -
Or Ai:r, the ills that fleay,
To sufferers
disease is the moat distressing. ,
we can only say, take Di. VAN-BUREN'S KID-
NEY CURE at once, and. thus -Obtain a relief
you cannot find elsewbere. All druggists"
, have it. •
On Tuesday a boy in the employ of. Mr.
T. Sherrat, near Bills Green, had his oar
taken from his head by . a horse :crushing
him against a post 'used in moving a
_ _
-. bnildii�:. - .
Mr. Robt. Traq.uair has sold his farm,
on the Otli coneeeaiou of Morris,to Mr.
Richmond, his.. next_ neigbor, for
the sum of $4,500. The farm contains 100
acres with good buildings.
Mr. Alex. Livingstone has sold his farm
on the third concession, L, a. S.,.' ticker -
smith, to a Mr.. Bell, from near Montreal,
for the sum of $7,300. The farm contains..
100 acres, is well situated and has en it a
large brick, house; -and -is good. valve for.
the money.
Is YOE'aro desirous to obtain immediate re._,
lief from and kidney trouble, and thus pre-
vent the fatal results, that always ' attend. the
neglect of these distressing ..'complaints -Jana
who does not?) why take Dn. VAN BUREN'S
KIDNEY CUBE at once. It is safe; simple and
Messrs. McEwen and Smith of Seaforth,
returned from their Muskoka huriting ex-
pedition on Thursday of limit week. They
had very good luck, having bagged 31. deer
and ung bear. One of Mr. McEwen'a
greatest feats was to shoot three deers in
one minute. - ..
A BE.tUrliuL 1iuAD, or ,HAIR.. There;; is
nothing mere pleasing in the external,appcar
ance of women or men than a beautiful head
of hair, and it is possible for every person to
possess it by -using the long and well known
Cingalese flair Restore,. Sold at GO(ten tsper
bottle by all 'druggists.
eVe are glad to learn that Mr. Douglas
McDonald, son of Rev. A. D. McDonald,
of Seaforth;-who-has-been in WVianipeg for
■everel menthe', has been promoted tei the'
Position of second .book-keeper in the
wholesale: grocery establishment of Turner,
leIchgand iC Co.,. of t},at city.
•1)0 .\ OT 1,E DECEIVED.
In these times of quack medicine to a v r t
neute everywhere, it -is truly`;gr;atifying'to
find one' remedy that is worthy 'of praise,
and which really does as recommended
Electric` hitters we can vouch for as being a'
true and reliable remedy, and one that will
do - as recommended. They invariably mire
Stomach and Livor Cornplainta, Diseases of
the Kidii(ys and Urinary' difficulties..' ,We
know NV hetesf.we:speek, andean-ieadilY-sirs;'
give tlictn it trial: Sold at fifty cents, a bot-
tle, by \Vatts iG Co. and J.: H. Combe,:.,•
nu) following letterfroxn Mr. J.1'ayler�
of ILustlllvaite, En;land,'(uiicler the date
ofDee. wito recently visited thii.place,
will ho of interest to many readers:'-
`i 1 • often think, about the many friCocls
I 'bell in Cliuton. l must confess' y'ou
hare got by,fsr the best elimate !tire in.
1 used to think there Was so plae its the
brond earth like England, but I (rave alp;
tered my mind; perhaps I saw Canada at
its best, and I never saw 1lglalid- ;t",+orae
than it hasebeen_611601 landed front
nada. Bogs :slid rain la e'en beer! au. every
day occurrenee . We have ,reel had_ tete
fine days • together' since,I ,cants 1seine..
There is corn in the fields that n'zis. 0111
when 1 came honie, J weeks since; it i8 lit
for nothing but to make manure o1' notso
in Canada, .Although we are partedsome
3 or -1 11)10 mdee,.still l can see the schools
town hall, Ma I di r''e barn, ' maize Liza, that
orchard, hew we went to 1tlr.. A.ndrewa'
garden and field, how, you 1oecd 10 "talk
about those shade trees by the side walks,
and all }'our little kilicltices.ee, 1 here
all in my in tinct in my Rye. :1. `,'seine-•
times thiels r could draw'a'ih'ip•of Clin-
ton, althoitgieI aril `t,o fhr away. mdstly
take a stiryey round Clinton every-
SIS organ factory, lts.eeloth n'lillz its p'l an
ing mill,, its tanneries, its iniplcnlenfl'lo
tot)', its flour mills, its scheOls, ate (hands;
and its stares, and think, about Its coiil-
monc,.its freedom in manner .and s113cch,
and it :cpla;ii-esrt--prusper'rty—.all giT 11)ee
end of this -.1 think the lines have '.fallen
to you in pleasant ];laces, and yogi 1ia'Ve a
goodly heritage, See what,'sliow storms'
we have had here; we have leery 'severe
frosts liow,;"-winter has-eel,in civ searneit."
' tlurhleu's Arulca ShI_[,er
'lh0 nest Saltc in 1115 world tor .,:Guts,111,irsea
Sortie. L iters, Salt ithenur 1 et e1, 5oics. 'letter:
Chapped lfands, Chilhlaf,tk, Corn;8,i lntt alt Skin.
i;ruptious, alu.teenesttive.ly curds Plies: It Is
guerrantnett. to 81rtr'.pertecteeetisfaettoii, or
money refit tided 1 oro 20'Ients:,por heti. Rist'
Yale by .1, 1T:-('10nl .• a'itd•Watt8dtiitp,
All persons suffering frons Coughs, Colds,
Asthma, Bronchitis, Loss of voice, or any
affectioe of the Throat and Lungs, are re-
quested to call at Watts et Co.` and J. H.
Uombes' Drug Store and get'a'Urial Bottle of
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption,
free of charge, which willconvince them of
its wonderful merits and ehow wlrata regular
dollar -size bottle Will do. Call early.
John McGarva;-
Opposite the Town. 'Hall,
Very .Choice Lard,,, Hams & Bacon
For sale at lowest priest.
f Cash paid' for Farm Precincts.
.; r
J. 11It,tT�1P.� A.
Cliuton,.April 4, 1S82.
A week' made at home by the industri.
out.. Best business now before the
public., Capital not needed. , We will
_hart you. Men, women, boys and girls
wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time
•you.ean work in spare time, or give your whole time to
the business. No other business will pay you nearly
at well. No one can tail to make enormous pay by
+h1igagii7g'at once. 'Costly„ outfit and terms ,free:
Money made fast, easily and honorably. Address
TRUE & Co.,. Augusta,' Maine.
Notice to` the Creditors
Trading under the firm name of 11fOORE S SON,
of the Town of Clinton, in the. County of Huron,
NOTICE is hereby given that the above-named
firm of Moore, & Son have made an assignment of
all their estate and effects to theundersigned, for the
benefit of his credhors, who are to be paid pro rata.--
All Indies .having claims against the said firm, are to
sen—li particulars thereof; wit1tt1!o 3sUal-statutory cls
diaration, to me • at "oars. After the; FIFTEENTH
DAY OF JANUARY; A.D'„-1883, the assignee' will
proceod.to distribute the proceeds of the. said estate
pro rata amongst those creditors of whose claims he
• hae riots
Allrt nthe said statb' are to settle
pa res indebted to a d e
t__h_e amount_of the saidindebtefinef s with me forthwith.:.
J. PENTLANDTISDALL,'Assignee, Clinton.
:MANNING & SCOTT, Solicitors for the Assignee,
Clinton, Dec. 6,1883.
Moving Buildings, &c,
jTAta this means of thanking w
all those 'ho have
favored nie with their patronave in the past, and
brig; to say-that-as-Fmn-lenving-the--country-for•-Mani-=
toba, I have dispoaed'of. my business to my brother
,Jens Sirerllersos, and hope that you will favor 'him
with the sane liberal patronage that you have given
TII•regard to,tho above, I. would say that as 1'
1 7. am a ebip;from.'the sanieli`loek, and havdigg been.
brought up• to the: business of moving and raising.
buildings; 5 feel confident that I- can: give entire satin--
-faction-to-all-who:mays favor me with their patronage.
And further; I wquldsay that I am still making those
` Boss CisTEaxs"AS 000e- and -cheaper than ever. .•
Cabin,([ntermediateand Rteeragc Etcir.
eta at Lowest Rate +. -
Sailings every Saturday from Ilalifaz, and every-. s rave
weeks from Portland.
Persons wishing to Bond for their friends sari"obtain
Passage oorttfioates at lowest rates fromEngland, Ire-
land and' Scotland to any city os railway town in Ca-
nada, and the amount,ia refunded leap a email dodo
tion it the ticket is not need. • •
Steerage Passengers are bookedtoLondon, Cardiff
Bristol,Queenstown,Derry,l5elfaet and Glasgow,.st
Forthrough ticketeand every informationapply to;
A. 0, PATTISON, Agent,
G:T,R.; Clintou.'
annually robber! of theirvictims, lneS prolonged,i_B0--Thousandsof
�ai he tB � in 1 uacs� rid. al h rc
,cored by the use of.:tlie great ;
hick lioeitively and permanently cures Iusl tenet'
(caused by excess of any kind,) Seminn,lWeakness, and.
alt diseases.that follow•as'asequence .of Solf.Abuse;'as
loss of energy, loss -of memory, universal lassitude, pain
nu the hack,.d'ininess`of visioii;:preniature old age, and
many other diseases that lead to insanity or•'cousump.
Unit and a. premature grave.
Send' for circulars with teotilt.onials:frec by'mail.
The INVIGORATOR sold at Stper box,. or six boxes
for. 85, by alt dvuggist, or will; be sent free bymail, e-
anicl, ,rated on receipt of puce, by add ['easing
r I CIi:ENY 1, Drogg isl ,•
187 Sinniiiit St.. Toledo 011ie.
,1, 'CI. Uonll,C,.s +l+, a';rart: for Clint ni,
-=ectisilf I.
J>ta v �,.�:
,Recomnmended by Physicians. .
Catarrh of the Nasal,Cavity-Chronic and Ulcerative.
eataerrheeete Ear, Eye or:.Threat, It • Is taken
INTERNALLY 0011 acts' FIIRECTLY'• epos
the Slood and Mucnus Surfaces of the •
Sy -lee ft Is the oast Blood CuriRer
In ilii WORT lt, • ttl is ISarth ALL _
"r 1t is cis -treed for lt, for
TIIAT alone,
4-36 I iY !' 1'1 11'.7
$i0Nto� ,. ,tt.00
•r•, ltanclr 23, 1882. ,
My 1itt1e+ d , , . al11e,1 With Catarrh
dortsvo ye'ax nil )1(01) beuetttecl by
the use of. 11.1(10 1`.r t ,.;ltl'tl She. iaf now
?,bout.auroi:. )v, T.'I0CUSE.
F1rr'r.a a lfarelr'20,'1852.
1have.usen Hall':, t uh:Cleo, awl yeti;
• ingfroni the good remise 1. derived from ono
!settle believe it will 11(1 co .Clic• nOOat etubbgrn
cape of'Catarrh if its 11..7 Ire coai'tiuued'001' a
r'eesonatie?c eel, of tbee ' .:,
i.. ruelt 20; 1881.
E. J• ORKNEY 1. 1.. cis•
!resits-14ris i'1 !I Cttitirh(hire 'for the
last year, 1511,1 1 ,s1a l-: l S tore catisfactlonl'
1'oal,� .)'lily
H, W. JSOBSON, Druggist,
11 -a111,:.4,..: -Ca. t„� x lx Curs
Is -sold 'Uy alt 1Vlirl;eealo aluS Retail Draggi5t
aud I)� rile 1 1. Patent lllerdiciiies in •
the United 511,0rnnd Canada,
'75 C'ktl.s a ilotl i .: )t) a Doz.
cafe oHe arras 11 all's ,'1(•t. Cure fa
ufactuaoJ l'y 1”. J. C11:1o, ,EY & CQ.,. Loledo, O.
13BoRRii0 ofiMita,tions,
Bottled. fur the Ol,terio tritUte.hy
H: W. HOBSON. Welland. Ont
I. fl. COMTlE,LAgenes '(
people are always on the lookout
for chances to increase their earn- Go to 000PEE'S
dings, and in time become wealth
■those who do not itnprove their op-
portunitles remain in poverty. We offer a great
chance to make money. We 'Want Peel' men, we"
men, boys and girls to work for us right in their own
localltie . A,ny one can do the work properly from the
first start. The business will pay more than ten times
ordinary wages: -Expensive outfit furnished free.' No
one who engages falls to snake money rapidly. You
can devout your -whole tinle'to the work, or only your
spare moments. Full information and all that is need-
ed sent free. Address SrissoN & Co., Portland, Maine
(111 -TE ' undersigned,begs; to intorni his customers and
the publicgenerally, that he haanOW on hand a
very large stock of No. 1 Fish, consisting of 30 Bbls. of"
No, 'I Lake S iP perior White Fish & Trout
Also, 73 Bids; of
No, 1 Lake Huron Herrin s
Which will be *cold at the lowest remunerative rates.
THOS. COOPER, Grocer.t
Clintou, Nov: 23. • I
The great lung retnedyis also a valuable anti
dote to eroup.. sirs. _Quinn, Wellington St.
Brantford, says,-" One of my children was
siezed with an alarming attack of croup, as the
child got black to the face f was frightened,and
ran into my next neighbor's Mrs. English, who
hand me a bottle of
Dominion Cough Balsam,
Which Mr. English had been using for sore
lungs," •I gavemy•child a dose which have im-
mediate relief; Boon after I gave another,' and
in a short tune my child' was all; right :and, at
play. . I sent for a bottle to keep itt the house,
as I believe it was .the •means of saving my
child's life." Price 25 cents.
11' Icsmufaet¢siens, d;c., -: Braoljord.
-Sas,- - Combe, Agan
it-ltt. HabrneoS .
e a 11E?._
wx1G}[... =Ir,r. 1314 SOLD
_ .._tonL DE
rocks y Glassware, .&c._
Oatmeal �p� COIQI1Pi ahvav; s
Q11 Ilalld,
Patty's celebrated oInglish Orsahfast;loon,;
Lotag Cdear recon, Suyai Cured !)dols,,
- Arra No. 1 1,Aft1,l:
At prices.whieh caunot be Yicateu in'to'o 0.
- -631,000 FORFEIT -
Having the utmost' confidence in its superiority -.over,
all others, and after thousands of .tests of the most
complicated and severest cases we could find, we feet;
justtfled in offering to forfeit One Thousand Dollars.
for any ease of coughs, colds,. sore' throat, influenza,.
hoarseness, bronchitis, consumption in its early stages,
whopping cough, and all diseases of the throat and
lunge, except asthma, for which we only claim relief,
that we can't cure with West's Cough Syrup, when
taken according to directions. .Sample bottles 25 and,
50 cents; large bottles one dollar. Genuine wrapper,
only'in blue. Sold by, all druggists, or sent by ex-
press on receipt of price. John C. West' & Co., 81- &
83 Kik; St. 'East, Toronto, Ont.' For sale at Combe's
Drug Store
4 for $L,.. 3 T_.1 -i'. -for $1 ..
�+ xti•4 elioice' for 60
B^OTS & SHOES 51 and upward-, PRLNELLAS -
1HIGH BOOPS Brood 52.25.
Crook-�ryGLASS &
G I �ssn�r�'� r �s�S
��s, �
o �
TEA SETS-, $2.25.
APPLES WANTED, -s,"" ; , pOriFceFAL!L ANlDaidW
Don't sell'without seeing us.
ClhISTos, Sept. el TETOi.' PSON: •& SWI'TZER.
' l o this business:: and keeps 00115tantly on haus!
arge assortment of
f �
And everything in the Undertaking lhis„ and
cal furnisheverythingsuitable fr r'mineral
on the sbortest
notice and
At the most reasonable Rates
FOR It '111 51
lit. wriest lai' '1'111 PI, Atia•
0 P S i / •
ru.ITr` TUE ltt,e ;IlAfi..,g
;re we ' are
Call in. Call in. Call in.' Every Person com'o ill.
'We'areoffering Si'Ef IAL I'1'.IGE-S-for the Belida trade, and will,iol'{
be undersold by any livuse itt tuw•il:
1Tlie'filiest.lines' of Valencia, ita:isins,•finest ]_,on�Tcli
Dryers;• fine •Sultanas, ID: toss .Lemons, Oran es.,..
gs; j &C.
1I :tt buttons figures,' the; Iwhdav t;rti,lc. Unr gene; al liin_3; such .as
TEAS,SUGARS•Bind GENERAL.. NE1. L.. GIIOCh I:.fa S, need no i'ecoinnienda
tion,' for every one ki}orfs that:. sells cheaper"
than the cheapest; chit! always keeps the best
goods in the 'market'..
Hello! Neighbor Tones, `shoe are you going ?"
I'.m- 'ole to T ,.ITCHELLS Boot= -arid- e— t . ---=
� � � _...She.::. ore,.
'117-he1e:I can:g'et a pair of fgoocl.boots for $2, and!
don't yo1iforget' itYou should sets them.. His
stock of': 'Ladies. and Children's Boots and Shoes
' iS now<coin l)lege.
i -z
11d astonish �o11.,to asci• his :steel; of''IILA�' 1 /�..LIU'f-I1
>~t zvot 3
,S O7 . 'f you .i ,
lI� B,Nri.. S, . l , say, 10 t 11 know that -fit can et :F�>_,-a; l .V:o
tl'tact theon'1.ozll tt�lrIoa1, at Lltic:lklltare' cit3
Call .said see them
r�'l�lc� .i.�.)tll�:it,ii .c1c•ta��s: 01'14
i� c IP ea east`
SHINGLES- -120) buncli'e.sl,1 EG1 HJ.11.N .I}Al: 5.1,[I'NCLEt for
• cte, Der bnneh, '.11'.
!looms over• Store toet. • •
_ .
sale, front 45
A icotc>riin ' i 1ot•iii. ly'�itoai:'
- '
1$Irr 1'611i.1w' '1(t. sets. rrc.. utfl.r :. ia!dd-°11Ci per
51 �
cent clrcatier, than' 1, et spry).'
`Call and be convinced that -what We. say i , true: and what we advertise ice aetua115 1, can to
do. Our motto is small profits and quick' returns. Money saved is rntie'. earned: if you
1 Y y
!want to save 2:3 o. on. the $, call .,into' ROBB'S to get your libliriav prevents.
ROEIB the. (- oeer . Centriil Grocery Clinton
Dke:ctly1opposit'e the Town HalL;
N.G1't DOU1. '1'O .err 1'C1'.l ' •Di.t Cr S'LroIti- , ,Al,B i; l: f
a Saa> `1(i it ASStfa: l D1F V r 01
l Ioliclay Goocls; tolls still of` C�hristlllas .C41 cis .00 l4te�t designs,
•Toys .incl Novelties' sit a'easo�IahIe prices. Auto-
a h and Photo..E. lbfri ss 'Bibles.'
Pieltitc.hrames always in stock or mode to order h D1 S OWN ' HAIR mails ups.
STOVES. :Bating bought e Stock of Stoves outside of the aseociat on,,uu very ad-
vantageous terms,'I am no:. prepared to offs) Coot< i. Sent'es ata large peecontago
under the usual price.
I-J'.A.PtiVES.I FOULS; `cyfhe;y, Smiths, Wheat, , !,alloy and' pray Yorke, .8034116
5tonee,,Itakes14Cradles, Harvest 010ves, Cradle Fingers', otic.
• • TIN W$IIE ---:1:.ftill assortment of. Tinware -its sh'its ,rancliee. ' Also 1.Aytf+ trotfn,+;
,GRAi\TI'l'L\VAR ,-
. Just aerived, an aSSllrtnlent of Tee Ewes, Col i htt' Pars told
Ph181.111VLNG KaTmit!, in 0ranite Wale, •
xlI>:riS, SHEET' ,�I�� .-T;'S--MxillfelSi':CASF'R1(,5.•1'ttI
SEE H- 2s.
h.e cheapest because the best.
�ILeliC]f F>S1>1.y, T i"irea
101'1;1) STO1:le FOR ('iTt)TC':h if'1i.tJIT.
hristmas Presents,
n 'immense Stock at 'Lowest Prices.
rata : far.
!Best 'A ssori ria e>ll t iii ' c�wn,
tie li �, e
tl. the C eI 1.