HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-01-12, Page 5s
i.:.):e;,,40.7•t .lilt
Oar stock of ]soots and Shoes for. the Fail and Winter Trade is now
quality and style cannot be excelled.'
Our specialties are to - handle the
complete, and
To the Editor of Clinton 16'ew Era.
. �
DEAR SIR,—Being in town one night last'
week and having some time at my disposal, I
thought it would be Moat ix teresting. to take
a stroll around the somewhat solitary letreets,
and note down any:, impressions made upon
my, mind. h: I
AeOordingly, E quit the inn and Lits en-
virons and made my way to the main street
unmolested" anis''iiiinotieed, save by �a very
slightly built young man who came, 'jostling.
along puffing whiffs .of smoke which ibe had
exuded from a cheap cigar in a very comical
fashion. .I' need not tell you my opinion of
this young man as I have since heard he is a
distant relation of that noted wretch who
pricked the elephant's tril k in an unmanly
for Pausing for a moment at the oorner of the
street already mentioned -I looked .north,
south, east and west, but failing to see a eign
p p ygyp. •. 'of say living thing, those oft repeated" worde;-
iTery� Ueat look ll! the Market, "'U solitude, where are thy charms," (convey=
l I ,
And to. bell tliem et the -lowest possible prices.
5 per cent 'discount for cash.
W. TAYLOR ,& SON, Coats Block, Clinton.
illihcry !
We have just ust received our FALTs AND WINTER MILLINERY,. of French
'and .American fashions; consisting of .Bonnets •.Hats, Feathers, Birds, Ribbons.
'vets all at such rices, that cannot fail to attract attention.
Laces, Plusher aldVe> , _ � -L_ ___,,,...__ _ _ ..-.� ._.: ,- -- —•. _ . n_
Having purchased a large and well -selected stock, we feel confident in pleasing all
satisfaction,-We also call attention to our stock of BOUILLON JOSE -
E. K -- eepi g
TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY; 'CORSETS, &c., always. on. ,han.d.
stn giving
IPRIN ID' GLOVES k `nn 'a full line in all colors Full line of DRESS
•, T .BE:�vTalls done over in all the newest styles of Bonnets& (:Eats,
• APPRENTICES WANTED' for the ,Straw w01'k
FARM PRODUCE taken in' exchange for goods.__:',_
- Block Clinton.
ESEEY Beaver
C�3E11lIIS ,
The public
;filbert SLreet; Clillto".
and. of
ed an awful meaningto ni'e. However, as I
was musing in this way, me thought(1 heard
a noiso like distant', thunder or rather the in!:
ceseant.discharge of minature minute guns,
1 listened attentively, and again it fe11 upon
mine ears,', when I' immediately determined
to ferret out the secret of this unusual 'Alen.
omenon, but had not proceeded far in a north-
erly direction, when.again:I heard the myste-
rious din, this time more c ear, indeed, so dis-
tinct was it that; unconsciously, I found my-
self creeping stealthily up a steep flight. of
stairs, whose summit I had scarcely reached -
when I was startled' by a 'sudden convulsive
noise, accompanied by such a faecmating rat -
tat -tat that I felt Constrained' to peer through
a, key hole,. which was plainly visible by the'
aid of an inner light. This, however'',' failed`.
to satisfy. ,my intense curiosity, so I placed my
ear to it -as best I'could; when to ! a murmur
as of many waters was Jistinetly audible.
Whereupon, 1 purposed to nnravel the thing
at. any price, and in the best possible;manner
known to me, opened the door 'so quietly that
the multittide in the inner 'room' discovered
not-my-approaels. ' Having secreted : myself -
behind the inner door; I was able, by means of
an aperture, to feastnly eyes on the' very pleas-
ing prospect which lay before me.. 'Wever was
I so enraptured as when h beheld. the ,mighty,
men (vulgarly known as the ,Clinton house of
Coronions) in whose hands ilo the .destiny'of
this_D_onlinion: I saw some :wear a very see '
date look, who had grown gray in the, service.
of their country, while the middle-aged sat,
pensively looking into space, as if meditating
on some weaenregregnant with.. either weal
or woe to their, country, but .the careworn
.and down=cast visage of. the younger members
as they hong their heads, toldme that after
all politizsl-life might-nat-possibly'be is -rte
presented. ''; , . '•
This gloomy' and unpromising scene was
changed however, when a little lithe member
arose in a dignified manner to address . the
august assemblage, -on a'notice .of motion ; the'
text of which 1 soon',learnecl to bei•-" That
this house, owing, to the season of the year,
have a little frolic by' indulging in election of
members to this. 'Most Ancient. and ;Honor-
able House." So tickled, at this notice were•
these sedate, pensive and careworn members.
that my hands were impelled to my ears to
efclude the terriffrc;explosion which followed.
'On quietness being -restored, .this honorable
S• ill `find • our stock -of medicines. co lrhlete,' n' wanted genii Inc,
little lnember was awarded first prize for in•`.
' the best quality. - ''g"nuity and ' audacity, though acontest-
should -have -taken place as by law establish.
TOILE1.' SOAPS, PLPII'U11ERYy SIIOUI DL+II BRACES, S, 1I:U SSES, SPO\iii' S, ,ed: Forthwith he received the necessary
, Cmandate to charter a'craft for said ,election
AND ALL KINDSLOE DIIUGUiISTS Sti.NIJI'I1s5 USUALLY 1:E.1'T and see to the llannieg;of same. In the
•twinkling. of an eye the 'arrangements were,
iN' A' hIRs'l! i f.�SS DItI:G 'S'[t)IiE. complete, which isieasily'aecountedfor bythe
:preponderate influence lie has in the, house,
• •S. HOMEOPAT'HIO-REMEDIIS ULTlt 1'li l ;l,L\IrDll 3,;
Aud all the recent latents kept fu stool: or procured to`or•dCr.
A lslocstock oi' Bitusn3 s TOILET SL'l'S STo'.5ES,
• P]. Ttl''TUMIER,V,'-e rc., very cheap.
- 1.0 '. ,PIt •S011P I.u'\S and `fnitlil'
1 I 7 1'r1U, nI,S-at
C?;LLI"L(1 1 S -reduced. rates,; .1 HI�I.(,. VS P ,�1,.. _3_.
• reeetpts:acct,rately' ompouuded wrtlr care ttti!l despatch'.
01.A,LTES TI.., `tJ •Il 1L13U1 .
(.'1-llf, ,1J ,1 A\TD 'DRUC;GIS7ee:__e- CLINTON,' .01NT.
the day. "'That you 'might know .as''well as
your readers, the 'secret doings and 'sayings
•of„these, our representatives ;• whom` iwe sup-'.
posed.to be engaged in lawful legislation; T'
took •verbatim notes. by the most improved`
system of'phonograpby and: herewith submit
the harangues of two or 'three .of "the most
noted, for your edification. The first to mount
the hustings was a reutleman• who lisped a
and lra� no care for himself nor,
A few al. Tins Ma le rep 'did he care for all the caro .connected with
p p the many cares •of,the busin'essof this house..
New Maple Sugar.
-enabling him 'toforesee the result of motion
and thus .previous ;preparatious smoothed the
way. 4=
A scene unprecedented in the hietoiy of our
country followed, as member after irnember
was nominated for+ the various constituencies
throughout'the length and breadthof the
land. AS a. specimen of the nominations,
allow nue to subscribe the. following --" Mr.
Iteturning,ofiicer, 1: bave:,`much .pleasure in
nominating Sir II. A. Muggins, H.O.G. ; and
again, Officer. 1 nohinate as a The Pight. Hon Sugar, Scoop Squeera:
Thus they eontinued for more than an ]tour,
varying of.course the 'monotony of the thing`
by such appellations as KC doodle, or affixing:
the well known university degree C..0. D.
• But sir, it came to a climax, as each in turn
mounted the rostrum and;were safely 'deliver
-- ec .of-fh ii• views on the burning ;questions :of
"You inn mixable n1,1' any," ,certainly, sir.'
you would grieve•over,ite not being reported
to you. ',Co conclude• just now, is much
against 1333' will, but should I ever find my-
self again within your rising town, I shall
gladly give you the remainder of any ,obser-
vations of this moat wonderful body of glen.
Your humble servant,. 1ttiaTl0.
How It 'Worked At The Murray House
Among the cosiest hotels in Ontario is
the Murray House, of St. Catharines, kept.
by Mr. Thomas Scully,, where the writer
always stops when in .that city. Upon a
recent: trip, the wt iterwas speaking -with'
Mr. Scally concerning his old ailment,
weak back, when Mr. $. observed "1
take sineere ,pleasure in recommending yt,
Jacobs Oil to all sufferers. I,have found`
it a most excellent remedy rnyselF, and I
know of others who have usedit' with great
success. I would not be without St. Jacobs
Oil; nor do Ir believe any seneible man
ought. I caugli t cell about three years ago, q�• , .., t
which settled in 1 back and sore( afflict- %Flitt in sit I our �� l g . ,10 i J1O
� y y � � ce i' �i�l�>Iy �casollt,
ed..cno' between my shoulders: The pain
was almost unendurable at times, especial-
ly at impending changes of the weather ;
and at such tinee 1 ttsed'to'be incapacita-
ted for attending to niy business. I tried
electric baths`; Balt baths, various strength-
ening plasters and such means with
ell tosucctss. Finally 1 tried' St; Jacobs.
Oil, .the Great German •lteinedy, and ' was
cured at once . and permanently. _St.
Jacobs ' Oi'l• is -a most- excellent" remedy and
I world not be without it at any -price."
�polar DryS�dsHijus
"How much better you look, Mr. 5.'
yes, I have gained 32 pounds on Hall's'
Cataal-Care. have not felt so well in 20,
year?.:.Itii a ,suede a complete cure and is
worth $50 anbbttle .to any one that has the
Catarrh." '
the marvel of the Medical World. It never fails
tocompletely care Nervous Debility. Impo- ..A_Ilto. i,.1,b11141.S:
tency, Mental Depression anti alldiseasescaus
ed from excesses. The testimony ot thousands
can be had by : writing F. J. Cheney, Toledo,
Ohio;•soleagent for the. United States. Price;
$1.00er box, ,six boxes for $5.00, ' Tf,your drug-
gist does, not keep the remedy, send to head-
quarters and
ead-quartersand getthe medicine by mail. .Circa
lar s and:testimonials on application.,Sole agent
or Clinton. J. H. Combe.
WOOL SQUARES, all -Sizes and colors.
flit( Glove,.( arkd inti ; .Jin:a.e•c .
Wool'Clouds all sizes and oolox s.:
Si1la H nd e're.lii ef: ,
'$500— f:EWARD !"
We .will pay the above' reward- for any case of liver
complaint, dyspepsia siek headache, indigestion, con-
stipation or eostiveneu: we cannot eure' with west's
Vegetable Liver pills, When the directions are strictly
complied v.ill). They' are surely vegetable, and never
fel to give satisfacaton.' Sugar coated, large boxes,
containing- 20•pilis;.25 cents: For sale by all Druggists.
Bewlre"uf cow,terfeits and imitations. The'enunie
-,nannfaetu ed only_bS Jetta C. Zt est it Co:, " the pill
makers,"81R `S? li-Mtr St East, Toronto; Ont. Free
trial package sett by mail prepaid en receipt of a three
Lent stamp.
little, a n
• His first best isnot est was.liituself ; he intend-
ed to look after that interest, and felt he lead”
the unshaken'confidence of Iris cheering audi-
ence to :support him on that point on the day
of election. He then took his seat amidetup-
Fresh 4)raiq estertions l;at
Good fresh Mangold, -Turnip - & Sorghum Seeds
g g
J Cuninghame,
rosrious applause. Mr -- (1 .forget his
name). now ascended the tribunal amidst an
indescribable volley of jeers, hand -:clapping.
and laughter. When I looked upon him as
he passed' bis hands deep in his pockets, I was.
not at all astonished that such was his reeep•'
tion, for it was quits plain that he was the
coming man. 1 was soon convinced that. 1
had formed a correct opinion of him, by 'a:.
1 to his neighbor, '` Mr. ' is to be premier4lorat
• - -- one of these days. i How he'swayed ;that gal;
axay of statesmen, Mr.Editor,by his biipae.
sioncm and inflated speech, byhis :incompar-
able repretory of ;wit, time would fail to tell.
Clinton:Cabin�t Comp
111 order to nteet °lir inC1'eoinn• 'traCle. 'sS''C have
l>oitg'lit the li'actory lately occupied 1)y'V. 13. Gricli;`
a,na after , getting it .under way weare prepared to
Everything in. the Furniture line,
1"l'OO) the cheapest to 'glee best sets, with the fates{
styles and No. 1 finish'and workmanship. - -
Ordered work a specialty, and. satisfaction .uaraniteed
-We have also' added- this branch to our business,'
and ill it 'at. all times will be found eve yt,bing to.
meet the requirements of all.
B. strict attention to 1yusiness awl an eye to acco--i-
1ilollat.e ;11111 -please, we hope to nlcrit the confidence
of all: •
O •
GE �, & 'C
E fir+U.
gentlemanclose by my hidingplace whispering
Yet suffer me to say that lie is• one' of :