HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-01-12, Page 2• , .. ' -a--.----- ---:----:.-.:14, , '' ,_ . ' 188 . . eTanua.±.712 sooner than' I wanted. but youn folks . , g . almost alway.e . do 10[00 hiattOtBit little., Come, now, doesn't this ' eas.nge . thines In ram in a ohan ad voice " 13 eek out at .g ,, ! „ g P . 01100: ' ', • • ,... . ' „.., a , Luke Feetleerfew laid down her knitting. " Yes, eo pray speak out, adransatingtea,e Baia Ilia he a• ,soft, steett teee. " We should oever know anything of Will's doings if you didn't tell us!' -with aelook at aer aunt. e.' ' ' „ • - • . , "WhY, he's goin. g awey oet of • the. , :bountrye" eaolaimedneftington, " Oh,yes, he'a written to Me about that," said Miss Ingrani with a'reeortieg glance s : ., • . a • , at nee mace, • , .• . , "But ae'si - going eway in spite:of Mr. Neata's offer of -a." • • • , , .! q• Ain Heaves tie not made the offere, interrupted Mise Ingram ; " he does noe 1 inte-nd to : Make it till. the day etter toe Imor,row.:..,..New yeara," , . . . ' . '' Oh yes, 'be has, though ; I'hapaeti to knoW thet the matter of thepertnership was ' rb' esed-te -Nansethis•veryda a- mid . la . le __ . _. , y • ... --and atte.rward Mre N eaves wlthdrew it, and Nanse is' to leave, and we think -they • say.at.the .office-sthat . he maet have done something very Wroeg ; that's what'e whis- pered at,tee officee' . ' ,. .' What'e whispered ?'" .der4ealded Miss • Ingram. "I want ta know • every word • aboutit Mr. Ilartington -I won't ee know exactly what is eaid • . " W le ther ' been a ood. deal of talk , . e , .e a g , , .. for weeas beak. Nana° has-been very gleomy 'and absent. minded., and now they think that he's-Yeu kieew . he's had all things he his own heeds in the counting- ioome', . ; . -• ' : ; . • • been, , in luta ,elie ledged : , head ' lettee he a ever . 'by.ear..14Artiptton, night. frim.what, sure :Hertington .I dotot • thing ,this yentwa plain away hatebeen ` •Lulie 'softly, the " . With,that 'smiles 'Medi Ingram's alone, ment. • toll in m eitrie lett' had I: been a eel ... . y . , , . .. .. emir :place I *pule, •at least when X opine to my seethes, have weitten , te man e 'had wroaged, and aoknewe ney,faulte! ' . a• a ...a, dia• ,wrete,e whiapered Luke, hea •amepieg, " and he -he sent am* the enopened this very night. : Ohl:obi *ill nevei Mere -,for me again I" , Miss Ingram pureed her lipe and leolted her niece's head into the fire. . . Aftei a long pause -a• • , 4 L• l• " ' ' • l'i "I : ' ate to Will. ' . le te, stud s e, _ sent a e , and his reply cisme:Ice I :ean underptand it Still aetter you.havettoldate. ,I axe qiiite believes you,' .chald, and though Mr.; did frightee me, e;t eheinemeate believe • that Will' bee done anye wroeg. What I da fettles that nalesee trouble...Ate, be • Died°. right between. lav-eill heat'. ii -Oiled blialittealt ie . • , . „ P , ,„ . •, ., to me that hem throwing everythiag for your eake, and . you eertainly a baa girl." ,, : , '' nestled closet. aud 'sobbed More as. one comforted ; and soon after aunt and nieoe parted fot the night. - The last _ morning of .the year opened winter brightrieea'whioh-so rarely- on London ; end at 11 o'clock pre- Mr Neaveie W s h i to Mho . y . ,, a s own ,, n dreWing-roora, and founa her and evidently -under some, exciite. • - , ' . : ' . - • a Oh, Natheniell" see exclaimed, taking panels, " what's this aboat Willa „ .11r., really frightened us. But I think -ane, I'm sure he. has done wionge,a. : . . e . : ' ' N . • 1 .caif t underst d " "d M ' an , .sai • r. eaves, surprise , w y . ar - very/ail/eh ' d " h • at t name .shoield aome-in atealta _lea_ ma noteal .I'Ve . come about ' your' . We musenot let line throw ule may, you knew. , .0t ,Oeurse - ` h t ' le 11 1 Seen'm a was t e matter a a one ; been jilted, and thinks life haa nothing in it for' him :any more: ' I fele that • : lf • le ' ' k . h • I myse , ettya_you., now. w en -a wonderfully sweet smile breaking hie face.; ".but I pulledthrougheneade of.nioney, and like my •ohop as well inother man." • ' . - . . . • • . •silente..,Mre__Neevee short .eigh; went On in ,his usual oetliou' 9.,eizapneadeityt;i.saMnides:Lasiiltiheesthwaoir " : • • • • - - • - e and nearest friends, theee fooksh peeple :have, ought. to be able • te them ,te itiere and meke,upeand king', in nee* year. merrily, , ace ale %theta', ,ao to be jostef you'll just. pleese' eende Mii3i tulle we'll talkoier thin a ..acim., g ..-. • • se' sa . ' . . e. a • , Oh I -I "don't quite think that vented. • ' ' • - • said Nies Ingram. has4ly reiteingaiet • hand art he would have- kung tile:bell. I oan'tell: alea "how' 'matter -a -It's just a lovers' quarrel and at ' ' ;sly aiece wae 'Meet- at 'fithelt ;,, hilt 'It; froitilaistlehafe.rWili ta,,, .te,a, _ ,La ea Wdr 13 rir; 111""1 tower !sr, a e e arm when 'She repented_andewrete himeit was certeiney eery un., land to fling' back heelettee ' unopened' Of. y a • - • - ' - ' °Stu esee. the next overtire. must from him. '1 dan'theye.Lulie, veliais 4 ;,,,, ,..,,, all h r faults too.mucla ge°' g'''' 9.7"" '7-- -e ... ' . , , . • . , . . . sent back. her letter, "undpene& ' 7 lot have eipected that of him." ' matters . got .Worsa thioligh Dlr. ' trying 'tO 0step inte Will'e y • ' : t ' • • ou .. see it was • abou him they a aed last night he was here, he told us• Will had goe into 'some ' ' a ' n d 1 1 d ' • ,sorape, that it a es. e .. out itt. officie„ana that _Yon: _lied Arse, ,efferea. then witadravin .the offer et. partner. • . , ., - • • • • -. ; and, ah I he s coming , here to -night, mide a point of it With Lillie .that. Would eegage herself eo him he would we . e • :. . e ' - ' • ill.out: • , .. , . . . Why, Petty,. the. mares a . ecareP-a eatimp," cried Mr. Neleveis, with a atern'face. ..eNanse,hee done nothiag ont ofthe Way, except .that he'a '. . ' • t • t ass,. arid :the best etratgh est, erues fellow. in ell liondwinindthis,Hart- oo. I think the worn f ' -. ' - • - -, • - e •.she. (amid .eyer have anytateg 10: -.Bak a creature itts that aftere having .a. like, Names at 'her feet • r don't:half 'to get' this. quarrel. ,made up hetWeen ,. , . e ' .. bait- _ - - . • ' • eleeheeteaDeeeteibir Wa--end ,.a ave net. , , , ,, a e , ,. ,a4 , Ba. ., ,. , . writtent --to taat are „ 9r weekp. . . . - (I The envelepe ie. aroken; seeevrhali it ometaiee," Ma•Neeiestaririeae tereely. ' ' : Name drew ant the inekettixe, and, gavea shoile.e•rae ''' Vilier, sir. It'ae ee leeeer to, me fromeafrom•a-Pbeeirehere'refoul pleat"' ' ' iantiehlearreadathe older:men, ahnost as (excited as ,the yeanger, '. " As.knae, me attes-e tons yet: Get away somewhere and eeed .your lettere Willa', though; 'Make 1110 P110 proinisti-thet you'll not sansW,er it, what- ever it is .but meet ' me to-ni ht fee'elook , .,,, , , g , ,searp,, at. Mies Iegr,ancep, ,eaa. wit a wetcl abeut anything to anybody. Your Word en this? : - , ' " Yes, kr. Neavee." , . , , They •Wrang handri, wed Nanee hurried, away. He was mee 011 the street by:H4t_ ' ington. • - • • - • • . . • • . . ' , e Sallee, Neese! What% up.? neve ,yoti , iseen:a ghoet ?'" ---- a - - ' , ' a -.:. -:' ' • • - . " Yes, the ghost of a wronged' lot' e, and Of a sham frieadishipa e • Nanse 'flung out these words at • nartington. •• The latter leaped to : the !Judaea eeokless resotee - of eiskieg ell on a laist ehrow. . .• a , .' ' " Oh , 'come, Rause, a girl , ;slimed be ,alleived ta ohoope, and if you had wen; I'd • have wished yea joy; old, boy-bylove,„1 *Mild ! " , • . , . , : . • „ - . " What do .. cia meanee •atiiied :Neese. . y, , , . ,, , , . , , facing round upon lus old friend. , ' • "That Luke Feateheefew, last neght gave me" her premise taaa Mee Hartingtene" , " If that is trim; yeti Mend la fno neea of My tia anycongra.tulations,"'sitia.Narise„ :so qhttietlythet- he -hHad. gone emaee paces on es way befoee . aetingeeti recovered from hie surprise. • •- , . • , e , „ ' The 5 o'clock post brought. htise•••Ingee,m- the following epistle : . ,, , ,,, .. . DEM ' Burnt -Neeise ei,nd 1 ' Willabe- . . • . . swith.--you-te-nighte-et -8.-T-Ife-Hertington- dale,' keeP him.' and. 481;:' Mhis . Lelia... eis ' stay in tier rim= till r send.. fok 'ller..-- ...2. -, , - ..Needeenueee , our ", • ' ' • ' '' 0 ie. whae does' he. 'say ?",:•said Lulie ;Fseeettitilet?e:tfew,„ in .a greateffettet. ,",•Can I, .. a - Buitio.thehow Miss Ingram thinight she ' evauld not ehow this note. ' . .• 1. -,' . , - • •" Mr: ' Isfehvea. yak ae here • taaiight. my ,dear,..and. being sefeiend wieh, him ; . and, Lelia...el don't thinkeyeu,, need • mirideelie eapteseee se. wieheaeat, .yom,shonitli aeep ,_____ a . , tllGiNow , , • , . The Peath .' .Well '66. ea WONDE ' ' One ,oE'fihe Whoecaleas ., . ,. ,.Flene ofegan-neetatleneyen' Cress: has word ' of Thomas , ceded by ehrciniele• eeatly theee aeoemPlished corde that his life shertla battle with away e few et bis deedie Kavanagh; 011eh," weeead, 1857, *halt Lieutenant Leckriow, duty of proceeding earn. ir) of : the Purpeee of beleaguered teak which gallantry' lelteeriagh exoyerament. . Already'twO -relieve. the,garrison to raise devoted little tag' ehe, •.patee, aroued et Wier:awn fOend sWith a daily ' "On. one , email'. prickly. ditoh; on Which ordinarily, Lachencemaciana, behind these ' for .a moment J half-starved, 'd•yeentery, 7btil,lets--Tont ,exeept theft .,nuoritoeit:oistesgi,.j3tlyhe,a0.0,earaade every' day and etronger, .1dlecvea.h. goaiyheg.,(eiehthe'd emPortance ,,the rebels their works e . ' e . ,' 'Melee. ,But ' ' it th .:cahV9auentleS t OCI`. aeleing the !discovered, -probably :,wbo' had saniong the .sevetel times, 'spateaes to' . 18 , ow. e, customs and•te ' or •sweshbrickler, Oudh o D , r , 'the good .ceuse. alisettade, him - Feinting. eut Persisted in :.they were. 'did not lend d• ' , legume, bu learnt corkand • his eonemand , , . presented latmeelf :no oeeiteognused self,' giving: i • • - ' ,s, final . . touch,- intreducition he his .- turbari -. .: • . ' -nightfall, le.Etnaoji./eal, 'Hardiege lit ,gers forded.tha.steeam ',atirgent. mantillas es a , cold • '' lapt, .satisfied allowed hem ' .. will be colder answer. They Picketfurther, rigid, queritioningeand . - marching ehoulderte -wita-theireenethies. was, tuined narrowly' a :eneneyei Retie proved:the .and estimaie through ti sevamp , , . the canal, the "Mit during , methape andlabors, through the were overjoyed: English sentry. brandy . fioneethe 'Eavanagle.wae •.iiaChief's tent, tlemari jastlesaiegiteof .Whereaboute Sir Colin Can:Mt/611;a Officer, eyeing to foot ; e,whe handed to him a Is this tree distrust kindline 'You, doubt' " No,: no,"' 'replied veie Arcing's:a.. out with anxiety.and might be allowed ecounthighisadyentuni-a Ooniplied With: purpose he ped thee slope, -rayeseeatothe.eignidefromstheanxiousagera--- rison, " Is . teen -Wee his Mae in , tab iefornied ef ing ehe adveuee 'which, . followee leesidency was with. fighting, ape force tare:101a :rewards of tale Crosagivee militaia • tank feW weeks litter . . , Dawson he heave • police Sitedela, en defeated ;at position-. hireKiteaneglawasrlater trar ot Lueknow tithe of hie last eprieg, epent nearly Oita'. .He was diea -at • Gibraltar, nailitary honekte " Luciknow." comity of Cora, tame, in title WaseeteomPelled Enarnees rebellion, en aotiee. Part'. ' ' , ..,, _.,. .. u . . . ,KAvANAgt. a .. . • —awe-- • a • , of .the 'Brave Iriehneari , Who Victoria Cross by Saving , • Lucknow.' .... . a - Vueltas. . A SANG FOB, iwit 0011M1118. • • Irbeelleey aie aerial* thaefin nuarierise,. leen el paie.eie he ,sinks in the Wesa •• iamitteti •,wilabe Waged till it Wee snakes tae - ... ...awe, .. , . • .. . „ . . alai's...el./stay be peered for the best. ' ireabkag e, the'beave Whit Mee won'for you fame ,. : 4Ik.thetiMdranks,o' danger,se grim ; . , e breve feethe presinewhitureeer their liame„' AM:the skies With the best niekeebiame t • ''•.,sChorue-Then, buireh t eohnny ‘Frost en . e• , 0 - leis ems Mile agereigest ee ' 'An' hernial:fee his lore men a' ettuami t fin the .bramee ma the . .erarepeteate stemma - • eter teephiy en there/rain' gismos 'allaetailora been tip a' the w iSetne.niciit ' At thee mourninehe couadria let suave •' • .,The coabler.has swerie that a sovereien so bricht Winne moot the best shae in the lane • ' '' . . %he geocer's Wife kens that the grocer'a awe', . • For it's her -mean attendto the shop ; • , And, thaiiks to the frost:foe the iitab ce, the law. . Squared a gese; tesave time, on a eoup. . , . , aherus-Taen, hurrah 1 Johenyeaost ien . - a . his grey amaage reigne,.et . • . Whas .wantia the deetor=they'll 'just needs eo wait,' . e , - . , , He has -never e minute his aia . ' ' ,rfe's slimy -ea a' theeeeer true as your nye, Bat,' I'm so,yin'-he playe'a brew etane. ' . : alba parish•has-honore that a' maun Maintain, • an' the parson hfisesers gone to play ; . Ea may prom% about seete8 we tee siing en' the - a :etante • • ' - • ' But his hearVErin'a win i91.th.day' ' Chorne-Then; hurrah! ,,I;Ohnny e'rosatii.; et , hiP qrey -aul 8"ge• reign ' - .1the weaver's awa wha leads weed in a rack, Wi' the mason, wha,drives a hard idiot ; • . . .. ' The laird . a,n'' the. farmer draive ewer back to • : . . - back,' - ' : ,• • • • .• • - - ' an their rents iin! their wrangles foreot.. . • • - %be host o' the Stag is afoot wr.the root, ' He has pleasure an' bueiness hi han' ; ' He -aye Wee a, saniple or twa o' biebpst, 'An' a retain' game's aye keepit &um-, ' ' • , ' , Chorus -Them hurrah ! aOhney Frost iza . , .., . his grey auld age regris, ete.- • Gee baniewie yourcore foethe Millet's wheelee Nor eaurn is he thinkin' to dae ; • . , 110aere's ice on the locb, an' es icing's it 'may last, • Dod, the miller an' man, mean baith PlaY. - .• . Or what brings yeti. here we. your- horse . eo eet .0e0a, , . , . . e An' the =deter awa' wi' hie rack ? • ' ' • •Theyiewia, sae you'll tateeriog on we your load . For there's nap main' when they.'11 be back. , I • chorus -Then, herrah a Johnny. Frost in ..• his grey auld age reigns ; .• ----e- ------seecturretraforesiseeyiamenaeve, . Hurrah,i for -the bruMee. an' .tlke • -entrapets an' Baines, • .. - . We the play, an. tee Marin gattaw ! . . . bit? Can't Yea expleen ?: Oi,. better. yet, let 'explaaatiens getine you ,stay." ' ' : , tA oh ma Heaves, &Hibbs maker' it .hor- ribly hard' tor rne," ' said young Nense, . beginning to tremble like's giel ; " biet-` but, it ...doesn't. ohmage, things ee ell. •-' DO believe how grateful- ' - - , : - , . a One word," broae in Mr. Neeves-a", are • d'seatisfied with me with ue with any; • You e . • ,, - .I - . ," ,:- thing_aere? '.. • ' , ,. " No, sir -never', sire' ' '" Very Wela.I'll look 'up '.a man and , et, ; von off as seen es i ewe." Mr. Neaves bea - . _ s , earemay turnea to his desk, bet he etopped ' -the young men in the • doorway . • e fetity ' . Youraddiess-s/ 'might want to use it -is WitliMies Ingram,: isn't it ? "a Mr, 'Nes.ves. , shot One of his, keenest glances with' . thie • - l ' , t• , . ' . • .• . . simP e gems een• . - , - , , " No, Mee I left my aunt 8 a moeth ago., I'm stopaieg in Guildford street." He was se confueed that he 'did bet giee tliareireim- ber • and •kr. Neaves, ' wbo were net at all ,oci niused, ignbeed.the omission and' ocoa- pied the next, sixty seconds in writine a • -. , - , ncite which was delivered by the poet:nen that game night•at 9a Marylebene road-. - '.. 'Nange looked. veiy . tired as he *set down . .. oleee meee t'a 1118 desk. , a. It's E!P- ill turn yonhave dime me, Lulie. Featherfewee he Muttered, under his breath, ''' Med. I hope you'll:be eitiefaid with your work." . Then observing the. note, .which Hartingtbra had, 'bit on hie desk,. he epened it, read it_tWice; 'eore:it in tiayrbas., aed drewingtoemee,hine a sheet Of plariP bas.ilieSS note, Wrote a few linea inelosede aderessied and 'eteatiped it, with in air Oa•finalite and"dejebethie, a ' e ' i Shall '1. post your leeter foe you r said ' a nertington, turniug to him at that Instant. .,. . ." PIG Illt3t going myself." , : . , • , This' note also wag 'delivered that same night , at .99 - Marylebene Road e.erid: th , , e house•reaid table theneenp io the drateing room flooe dro d a • couites ' '' and , Ppe Ye . -handed thein ., to Miee Betsy :AnnIngrane- , a pee,re of e . Mitidene ledy; with ' pliehtly silvered biovid hen: • bltie ,e elanddelioate , . . , . , „ .. _ a, . . , .. ',elan set off by &dress of. silYeregray ' silk. •To the young :lady eeated near her.• at the same table; kniteing with scarlet woolsethe house•niaid isece a thied letter --aa, ' ' ' . .. . . . . • • : ' . ' • -. ,- Thiseaelling-laclaaveasaexceeding :IMF , to- -.100k upon, by reason' Of - a•Bort'.,ofjwitehery viliioh•Was neither of eyes„heirsoompleition • . , , -. . „nor snapa • Tne ireeapirited geed and oar- ,tein neoveinente 'of ehe, mouth, inclicated, greate pride . and welfuanees, eat s,oftness and'generoeity tob. • • • : • . ' Mies Ingrate's lettets weee short. , . . . - . . . , • Tbe,briefest one ran thee .. , „ -. ' :f .. .'aDeali M.153 ' Isanam 1Vol'egtaph • if - yea - cannot see Meat Il o'Clook. to-motrovi, the. '' Slat. --- . Yours truly, : s . - , ...,. ' ' • a LIATIZANIEL 2inkyss." : ' ' ''' ' The other. Mate read.: ..• .. : . ; "Maui Ainee aeYou 'Mean most, kindly , • ' but ..you . don't' kriow . Mies 'Featherfew's mind:. I do ; ',tie •let us. , leave.. it: As soon Eta Mr. Neaves nazi supply my 'plaee I am goieg, awayHto .Argeriett; I.. frifeari.-'-7-',I am &etre' Youemuet be ;vete& by thia . but it can't leteeetioidede_Ofelcoursea-if you'll be. &One I'll mime -and eee tb.is old year one . with -you,, as liV0',ve,..,.beetr mad to do ever, sines I Oen remeinber. :Doeet . think ,that I „ • . . -, •• • .. • shall ever forget hove geed *you ve always • .. • ,• . - been to me7.7 more ' than ' a second mother, God knows, But ashew.I :twine don't letus ppeak about:Miss, reatherfew, please: ' . . , 'e yciera• Wne. - ..*: ' ' “.P.13:7-4,bepe".(littlie 'carefully scratched. mite" Miss. Featherfeee is well.", • . ' ' . . bliss I - • .1" ' d th I tt .' "" t h . , , ngram p live , e e. ere en o ee pocket ;. a sneibahad at the last crept into . , •the anlioue expreesionothei face. Takmg . ' ., _, , , . , : , _ . ,_ _ . , up -a, cetpaaf tee enclvn.hn'q Magazine, atm geepreedeoverthe topae- at-hereoenipanieree whose head was it hetle bentebut not Mare . - than was natural i ' 'Oki ' i i • 1 ' a pl. , na.ou .:e ang aen th lei ..- • ' e ... e 8 •• 11' , ' •• . • a . • ' '' • ... It rose again •to - its naturel wilful poiee- : e and the "fingers followed, the -needle's; lightl Meng the litiatlet.. meehere A. ' tqvid reold'r had come:into the young cheeki within. the lest few, neon:Mats and the 'fine • whit ' a . ' , • , , e . e me marking thee outer • crimson .-01, , the lips slioWed that scinee owerful eiciternent w • - u"s , mug reso ute y represse .. • . - . . . . . Wh tevea her letter had been -she had • - -9' ' ' ' '' ' ot it auickleatito• her pocket.' : • g " Litele minx' eaniiireoured Miss In r ,.., thaet a ,. geas'' v eI, k ••• h t letteee- ' ' ea !` - ' ' • note e a , . r WEE; 'Lr001. • Will and she knits away - . as if ahe hadn't ' • igetri, inli/01.011% , . '' ' ' ,hraveht Of , the brave men been atvaided.th.e ameou_salittle - , P , ass ehe,•Vtetores• , 'Jest died, 'reoeiaing scareely a ' • mitice frone the English press. Henry Kavanagh's name is Peee . . . , . , , . , . the fatal apterek m O'Byrne a : Of the Victoria, Cease published Yeses .ago, and a still mere , contenaPorary .historiais re -- e Lecknove leave;nagh e kilt • after has heroio eaphate me , . the eeemy," yee.,he:onles passed days ago.' The ' OPeial xeceed • brief : " Me:Mob:ate Henry • Aseistatit .Cornmiseioner • 'in . " on th,e 8thi of- Noaembere serving wider ,the . Orders Of •• -General- .SireJaenes Ciateare; iri • : volenteeked on , the dangeepes. - , through the city fo the Pemreandeereine-Chief, fort,he • guiding thereheving.toree to the - gerrison, in the Residence', a, . ha perfermed wita ohivalrees :, and ' devotionee le 11857 . Me, , yeas a ,eubordinete in bee ,c4, tee departments. , a, t Lacknow... attempts'. had been ramie "te• :,, of:the-Residency-and-as the siege. Haveloalt_,an . his . , .arney had succeeded in enteee biltetee...inititiniers elosed • all the:more .olosely ..aad . the • its nuinbers' haireateed, but diininiehing!adOOla .ef food. ' side,",' we :read; es wets( Onla. a • ' . pear hedge end , a, narro* '' another a .low' ,eenee• like that • enviroes ' the eomeeele , but the. men •wno.,were trifling obstacle/A never thought Of. flinoleing, • • They • Were . -mane' were. euffering, from more: were wo.undedethe bail ..of ' et---whibh-7: they -, stenda•Wearee n, 'fOotrh7s:mt:a„ec..litiemertl. lassia,tria. ,. ovingrand spirits- mho!. eould made the foe more numerous - , but ' their 'courage' liever ' •7 zi:..'..catrepbg.i,',..wteasst!, ' thee ehe eeeaot .potaatien of, e end the beet liras ..of , spare** ta • - should be Gomm n ce, e . to _ '''. , e - ' .' '' ' a, i t. d . - Withethe mutineers- aWarining : • :Rii -ci ' ... .- .-'..• ' - -- 't) 11 07thetitt7E41t9.49L%pWaiienrgeari4uunnCidreer!. : - desperate. :journey. would be • ; and diseevery meant a brutal' a lingeeing clesith. Kavanagh,: been fighting, in the -trenches' . •! eivilieesand had been woundee" . voliniteered - to eitere de- . ... eeeeAlelegasped-MieesIngram, „ " you meen, thee they. dare ineumate ma boa. would eteal-atiaat's the plainEnglieh of what,you aka:telling me.. atud aou-you, Kr. Hertinga ton; his eld friend -you have throwa neck their base liee in. theit teethl " . ' , , • Hertingeberecoileil a little; east dovea his. eyesrand•remained penelvely eilente .. • • e. N e • ' id he, •affeeted,MiseIngrana o mug con . ve more than this air of disinterested regret She called thcanote froth ' Mr Neaves----• . re , . • . , . obuolied,:indeed, like, so, many•of 'its •Prede- camas ; but . could , it perhaps have thie. heav ramtain ? ' ' • - ' :- , .. , y , ,, g , ., , ,, ,, ,. ., .. .. .. , • There wile a rustle of the silver-gray silk.. Mies Ingiam..had left her (their, aed sunk 011 0110 knee.at Hartington's sideendthere: she's eke iii a, love broken voice •-, '1 Your • 13 ' ,. ' ' ' • • • . eseletice-isterrible..._el do neteatere tor___. 'Oak peeple 'Imaa eaay wan sae : rioe . 'and earl. not know. my neplievem;1.-bhets iyhoaii;e!iiii-igOld friend,. :you knew la ' b t• t - h h ,spirited, and wayware, bue tree, as eine aced ; and if he has in hasteeby some acme, dent which -perhaps: ps,leies him with lin- foreseen • consequences, done" inythuag-if , you have any reason' for. eae . horrible tear you give ine-", • Sobs etopped herpleading ; shed reptaack to her /*air, andeoyered her face with her hands. • ' • ta . • At ,t)int 1/18tant -Harting n looked 'up. With:a sudden- i1tatt. Ludo kes,therfew had come arotand•frora the table and 'taken . , - • .. - inehend in an .alinestepoWerfully nervous . , a 8ne 't ' 1 b t her voice -was :trfcl. and Zits. qui ? Pt" l'• ' ' . ' Y. g,.,F:ftes,siaonna.... cfre"e'te)(1)1iniliie' .Bibir'hHe'strfitiungetr6sn''°'i:etlign at.e.y. e,r(eueld . her •.• goold . hand -bate a eurtamea recess/ " • .. • .. , , .. , - , a' NOw," said Lulm, - m a voice. that e oo, :a it e or e re tree a evens. " h k 1- tl 1 : th fi 't t• . th t ' mg, ' wha,t has Will.' done and how oan we . . . . : -, heln him out of It?" , ..,,.m•••Eig 211 Fectehert Ya-Lulie---you must let .: Me ea' so6btetingFelee first' • Nanse and I have byeen trienda', but. we . are. rivals,'and we agre d to.give.eabli other's fair field." - • .• e eee e ' • • • ' : --" Oh, Bar. Hartington, hi this giving him urmured ' uttin her a feta field ?" iehe.. ei , _ , p . g free hand to lierayee. , • ' . .: • . m . The .young an breathed faet and h ' .1 ' • • • . eavi y. . , ,, . • .. 41. w aiteahee.r nieout .He hasdone-I'm beund 'ha solemn. opthanotto tell what he - . .. . - ' • a . e • has done e bate -but , if you 11. promise me that you'll be my wife,I can andWill clear him " . - ' ' • . ' '' - .. • , • • . • - • . . .' A shiver 'atm through her, an outburst seemed on her lips, but shechereked it, and • preeently. said, " Come to-mortow night end I will answer you., but please leavceme with: ink aunt nowea Hff drew. her close • . • •• e ' • • • • • e at ' end covered her han s,witle, kisses. o at *heel" ',she gasped., widely averting her • .. -. , . , . e, . , . . . howl a . : • ' •• hen the door bad. closed Upon him. she. ' W - ' ran ncirose tbe room. end locked. it, thee tarried and flung' hereelf ,at Miselrigrana's. feet streining berearnes -around her knees' '. • . • • • , ,-. . - - . ' and -broke 011t.-111-grief.-ao,wild and paesion- . ate that the,' oldee,•woman. was frightened. into•dalninese s ' '. . a . • 'I. • , ' • ' , " Oa, aunt, de anything, etserathing:you ' ' • liketo me I -artaleeall ' my fault. Pm the : werst, the: wickedest .girl. that•evei lived 1 Oh What %can Will .hete ..donee. ' What.; evee it is I drove him. to iteAnd this --this , . ' . Man, his friend, 0 wilabelp WM out Of it if I'll mairY him . Oh " laughingWildla "et a: . e , . • , a ' '. - a • - " • eouese 1:wane:He's much too good for.me; bae, oh ! I hate,hica so. .Ah I I could ' Mit ... . .. -'my halide Off I', And I Ao leae Wtll I I have • toyed him iaoke end more; every day, every hour, of thiewicked time thief Pee beere 'so. cruel to'him; and' driven: him 'eci despair le: " Tell' Me hew it all haapened, ()Wide'. , saidalies 'Ingram, pnttina her arme kinaly amied•thastrugglieg girl. ' '• .: ' . . ... " Oh, it Was all ina.vile,tempereeMeeeile, vile, h,eteful pride. He didaa like me to' waltz with Mr. Hartieetane Mid. • When I .Haideewould be got angra,:iind timid -that-. ,:thaaaneemedestairewould kaow inetinet- ,ivele thathe'was,not the right sort Of man to be sO-faniihar Withe-Andethea I lest ney tempeaquita ena I geve-hineback hie ring; and I.tola'' hine I ' hoped '.hed, find a, girl •.mon modest' eneugh • to be MrseNatese some day. 'And ••I knew Mee Harthigton was lookieg .013, so I spoke up' loud to vex Will rthemorp, and thenI.wenteoff . and- dancea evety.. tound dance with Mr. Hartington. Bue that's not' tbe.weist"-pushina back box loosened .haie feetle: her flushed, ' wet ' face, " The_ next. day.., Will as,oae-yon reneembeir fer hams, thee .ho sent for.hie ,thitigs away freM hereaeitria. he ,seeke ee kindly,. and•begged me to:forgive hitneaed paid I'latd Mede him enjeeleue he cOuldeet ,,ael- p hiGiBeli ; afid then he tried. to put the ring On nia hand again . but I weuldiat let him, and I lituehed and told him to keep it. . • , . for.. the future gie. Nanse ; that I thought ,Mre• Hartington bould' find a ring that would ao well enough foe Me.", e •• ", Oh, . , bow , could- you la tatted Miss legram drawing tiaok a little.. Sae' 'could not help . reeenting ehie foe . her nePhew. But Luiie oeught her' hands; and sobbed oata ' :. ..-. ' : . ' • •. • ' ' . • -me." • " It•you 'were only M. love yourself you'd. widermitne bow, e gee' eoeict be awfully sateked ' and yet' want to be good eall the •tinee, arida-and wiele eotnebody would menage heeand make her beheee ,Iehe'd only' kept Mitering en lae hand ape' instant longer:I should have snatched it andkiseede it before his: eyes, and if . he f had .mely waited. Lb' Moment I. shoule ' have get eVer my. Wicked; pride end , .throwie my arme • around • , hint ; " but, .., oh t be -,juet kayo me One strenge, *Jetta cold -look, 13,8 if be aid not in ihe least hive me any Mora as if r, were- the dirt under. his •feet. and, then he wait gone, -and then I. ..,diana date what became, of mee • It got: 'wettie and Worse, and ,1, tvould hot Wive _Rely otie:guese bow, wretaliecl'I was, atid the ,yeepeast, time Mr. Hartington asked' me, .to bet hie wife; I half pronaised I would." ' ,' i' What,a wretched,. wretched business!" 'Agee/1MM Ingram.. ' " But in , one thing, .14lie,,, I, can% . underetand eoti. ' I have ...hiettiteaetigeleta--rise_..neelartralady- Like ,ale.rtington (isn't -.nothing- a • looking •ington's ' 'got nephew. thingain.this P ' •ve he's lett weey mean" 'ever e Mint as' • __-__Ae_she_kemained. ' alter..a baietieneafr'a. - best: . young' get th'e time 'for bereitbleae ' . " . do," .her " Fortunatele stand' 'flea: Iwterhuvgeryg ,ouhr:nedfittet,iip,ely to morel: ciouree.you come e ae - s'air aumblbd." • • ".Nanse I -should . ".Thea Haetineten's place. quarrelled and '. dreadfal the and • ship and.he if she help . • ". thorough very whatever en young g that to: seeh Man vire . „themeeledont " speak quite and -" wee: his i- Ma tiansfOrmed e Why, legatee; • • • aectypag." a Miss .of her. 'changed Featheefew, larneelf direetnese .• .. it is -e•Ien•old dear Mr..N9,1180? hands' you :unhappy, . 'Thereais have 1:nit bathe and the:possibility rinean,,the and repentaue,e; abet hlushiug proud " .' please." e Pat es ieit ..." not me to /*eine in,. " Lulle's ologed,on "e " said ether "'Waite letter het ehivere .' Tele reaching youtig hearted: . 4'1.1:sailed oek he plumpea, the letter Featherfevi. " fiew postmark, " Bat, :your ' rotWeeee. eillereliefidelde -youe• ... ': . ' ' , ::•N•limeitee.h 'avnoiree'l:1,(1:6:::::ed.:(4, '12‘,1i'e.. ••,... - •. .... - i, - ' ." Nathaniel. alweys weneceentrio ." • „ wen., thaare his 'nein°, ,Ohild, and: I told eeti W. 0 =were at school thgether„ Taweehe'eshnLouthiiiengwiant.i.thhant,IBisilas:uiuldirahinePdeces.v • . • .nut her letter andlooked et ie -egina, -With' hie:shies:and flutteringslike any, yOung girl:, " 'Pear Betiy t" . . Oh eels, if . : a ' ' " , 'you give way , in the lease' the willhave :all ; . and ' •Your . ,. ,,,,, y , . , ' , ',e3f.a:Allredn. ieeebLenWateliteihItee'veeld'risk preaiselaa Mr, Neliverewae :anhoune cad, . it- . is e queeton. :whether •he obsetved aii ceuickly as youag Nanse Aid an •his arrival,' three. :thinatew later;.that.Miss ingram'esoft Inieni 'locks' ',were puffed and plaited . more 'elaboiate1y then usual, mad thattheatece at het throat ULIE'S LOVERS- . . :, ' •.. . , . ..:_.:..„,.... ',A Story' nee. the Nee! Year' . . - •• :‘ . • ' • . e ' • ' At about ).o.po in t heMorning•of ,tatieOth: . elf:December, '. i881, young' Williem Nense - . - . • , - , .. , • eaat at his desk tn the bonnting.rOorn of' the •ptiblishing fine ofNeaves, Neville it Heaves g: -.g: etlea" es the employete shoitened . it. ' '• e ' - . ' - . ' . ,' , , ' • The window at hie leffelookedoet ore one of the .b.usiestsectiOne of Oxford' Street ea• venal beee looked „out but that a thick ahobelate.oblored fog. hid everything aave themmeds of tioneeetene going on in it. . Nauseelooked.up from ehe.heepcif pipers an his detik arid Milled. to suet:Aloe:boy • a Sam, let - me 'know :the • moment - Mr. Nee,eee comes in.', • „ • , - ' e; e . • . : ' " leessir ' 'e's-'eeettecorein' now air " '.' ' • - ' - : - ' , • ' ' Nanee swung"roundin his ch,air and'rose . quickly. , A .• naddre.aged : gentleinan '.of veiniest a military • 'firmness of ',beating ante siaproa•ching the counting -room; 'Surrender- nigh* overcoat eo an attendant as be moved. ,Nanse eiee,him ee eheedoor,.. ' • • e Par. NeaV033, can,'you give me &few Ines , , , ,,„ • Ments, star he asked. . ., , . .• "-Thai Motiieg?" .' ' . - ".Yes, sir-; I'ditee-to get it over.', Mr. Neayeadrew.ont hiseseatela__ a dome ,ene wrists ,Was •of.eiabridai finendes' and • that in her• cheeks was a rase like that • of early girlhood.- -e. a .- • , . • •• .. Whea, in.answers to .the:esummonii; alissi . L a ' • : : ' h ft 1 ' ' ' h' ' h u ie came en wit so ace at . er t roat , arid weiets, and . such 'a rose in . her eheeks ae otly-yotith end love andtender fear arid boundiag Jeeps tioeld aaiat,. there: was just no explanation at ill,. but a glad softery of Sir Cohn's" camp trusting :to go: o ....t .e'n..ative, anguage• sea; his disgaise ap e Badmash, Who - had came froin - - lh' t ' • ' th ' ' h a e 1 o jom e a ampions _o . Outrane endeavdted Ate e ' from hie :missioie by -frankly .• its dangers, -but Kavanagh.. tendering -,bia, ,serviees;: ae& finally. accepted... Els feetures' 'theniselves readily to:, his 9 succeeded eo welt with the: . t h •• ' ' ' ' * " other. limited 'Materials 'at . 1 that when towardsesuneet he a . .. .. at the.General'aqueiters . binatilehe :revealed hittiae :. bid ,costunie end coneplexion ' ' • - • • '- • - ' and ' lading._ a , eote. of . te • • Sir, ' 'Coke •Campbell . Kavanagh • set . off at . * - ' ' ' ' • • accompenied by a :nattve spy, bidding good-bye to Captain ' . the river's edge.. Tae IP:lessen- and peeped the in - on theopposite bank. " It . • . '' a - night . sal the .sentinet as. at . ihat ehey Were trends. he to march , on. ,, ea .but it . , by and by,".Was Kavareagh's . passed the ',ordeal otethe .. 011 ti8 131100088fUllyi"Effei if; .- .preseed On at' times . . , / . . sithalaer in the ranks,. ., -Onee ,,,ags,iii saeguerd-e- but ead ...taey Averfi queetioaed • then theaabitiedered• 'into. the at.Dilkooshah Parke end ire- .• Oppertuiaity to :count .eee guns the force.; then they waded for -two 'hearer andoroesed , Irishman's' feet being badly. ihe passage,. end,' after Other • , 0 e____,-. .. • each other's naraes,• andethen they wene off togethei inte the' curtained alcoete Where : • ' ' e - ' . ' a only so few hours, before Luhe had , stood shri king in 'suclaveretchedeese frore the 'f H t' t . : ' ' ' ' ' • • ectresses a ar leg on. , .. , .. . e .. Suddenly Lune. gave -*great etaitelaid eliereingeron-Wilas lips, as-thea•beth heard: Mr ' Herthigton aeireounced andethe next . a a - • ' • • . ' ,timinent heard Mi. Neaves meyinge - : . ,' . .. " Yea are jastin seaso,n to oongrittulate me on what.i consider' a 'very fortanate e" • • - • ' - •ohaege in niyebtieiness, by which, though a 'tried old.friendgoeg oot of the firth; a,deaa young friend; and one of' the most 'capable' see u- pright young Men I ever knew,- comes in " - .• - ., . . • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' . ' ,. He then went' to the eloove, and returned leading Nanie by the hand:, " It -will be Neaves Nana et N ayes fr m to morr • 1, - ....e. e - P .., e ,. owe eadMr.. laa,nee, bate .ala the, appointments ,for the coilating-room and outer offices. Now tell me; Me. .Hartington; have I•not prepared- it pleesenie eurpeise fee you in , , , „ securing_aeu 'the .firse 640 to. 'wish a. .friend.joytif wellainentedlirrobiatiw•?,"-•7--"- .. '.The ayes of the yothig 'men • Met, .Nenee's literally .daneed.wieh ' the , heppy light of, love, so happy Mite ienewal that he could . het beat 'to , look on , the sullen auid.pale cOuntenanee of hie defeated. silent fee, , . '17-iiii; • '' ' h ' ' ' '1 e d ' a '-f -0. I ft , sir, . e , eac eime , i 1 al e . with me, there'll be few changes, and, (tee- taini non in thecoUnting t •" and hi ' . y. , e , . , -, oora,,,, a , looke entreeted• smile 'eacepaesione ef Mrs ; Neavess fot Hartington. ' ., • • . • ' .. ' : " Where's Luke Vesitid: Mr..,Neavese ig- nering these looks. .Efe . went behind, the euktains :and drew the. young , ledy forth into ,the ligheeand leying her hands in those . of Nanse, he turned agaie tagartieeeone . • .•..."..yotekdow they : were engaged ,[te each ether .1m*. ago, ea& hed a' -little, tiff,. ea lovers will; and to -night they're 'Malang iip :for' lost time • By,aeve, eir,eaewith sudden' feroeitaa-e take a lesson by. this night, and by the ' forbee,ratice these loving, heakte .makeeneehow . you le ,' . • ' ,' - . „ :llertingtenewho,had,net spokeee turned and: 'Went -toward 'the -door. ' Theie Mr. , Neaves, .who ' withheld .alanse and' Dille ft..= approaching him, pet Out hie hand. " Take a ' wades. leave:and-then' opine ,bieek to 'emir oidplatte, if you eboase. All , here ,. are• agreed to let by -genes be .. by. genes." . :', . ' . .• .. • • nertingten went Out witheet • leek or Word, The young levere, .afterane pr two -exclemations-of-thatacompassionandepity wbiab ari smiles, seared part Of hapPyloVe,• went badk to their, tryst • behind the our-, tains, ana quite forgoteineheir ealfiehediss, that the hears flyiug so swiftle 'for them might•.ee., long 'and tedious. te their -kind 'auaraieue left all to themselves.: When the - hour, of midnight struck, Lulie striated with ,a.little pang.of aemoree for this neglece and peepee betHeen the Ourtalhe.. . . a " Wha„ "Wilt le. she whispeeed, softly. ,Then Will peeped .ferth, and then , they pressed elope toeether end leughedeee Soft. as wee -this laughter; it Was overheaed. Mr, 'Nemies • end -Miss ' Ingrain canes toward .AssistautsCommissiener theta:are .. a • - _ , •• . ' a He laughs hese who.. lauela last " seed Mr. aTeilemeelooking in trinteph 94 yonng,, Neese. • • • • . : • . ,Mise Ingram and Luliteelaspedesebothere " I kuow-he was • .ateehooi with ,you,". saucily whiepeeed Luliea ' • • ' ' _ treble at 11 -no eitaefiee minute's pastepre- . s' , . • :. - a • ' eiselee"... and, he ,passed on to his:privete •.4f64e' ' ' •• - - . ' ' . ' • . : . ' '. ' •Nanse returned te, his 'deek, and. rapidly , . • tted and -arrange& the pepers, there The- ,rainuees dragged„the minutes flew, and' he was`.1t1 and hot aa turns. He wrote ona, ' fresh envelopeea" Misa.Lulie • Peatherfew,. 99 Marelebone Readeaconsidered,it with a . .. . . . , . - ' heavy,froyea:,for a moment, then: tossed 'it f into the, waste-bpaket, with' &deep; imps,:: .. , , ; tient sigh: t' Netieehe mattered,....it s done ---and ended, and In a • ew mo , eat e !shall ' • f en. i ' ' hive. cut the bridge behind e;e:, ' : '. . . .When it wanted but thiata seaonde Cif ihe . time; just • enough fa .eiteetly.keepe the • e 'eN-of-N • N- -N- appeintmenteafor • . ., .. ea . never . *she or keeps waiting," was the ourreht. , eayieg--Nanse, sprang up, looking ,ie little pale, satuted, -in gassing, a.- heiedeeme, 'willow young Man with ." Good, Mornieg, Hartington," aressied.: ever, tappee, at hire Neave's. peivete offiee, and was protieptly , : The elerk•who receieed the.Mail enieredr- the :counting -room. and,laid a letter on . • Nanseed desk.. .Hartington, vehose r.desk was next' beyond thet of 1.Nitnee,, ,observed 'thigarid dreat indolently near ,, ' .., , , . He stood, i3Orhaps a lull 'Minute ineehanie • oally twisting his loea aaik moustache and ' leaking at the letter, Then; ,fiest•throWing . a plova oareful, kerne glenee arciundlnin; he' a. eepicked from 'the wastebeaket•the disepacled ' envelope . Neese had • addressed,. to. Mies , Featherfe,w, and Blipping into ie ihe leetee .. from Nanse's desk, sealed ancl. put itln his brease, pocket: :He then iaid dOwn..aeother letter in. place of the one lie ' had. just' . tem/eyed-and went tO his desk,' -.There he. ' '• ' '' ' ' ' . 'teemed te becethe almost Siinme,dtately. e Abel:abed 111 1141 Work, yet bid .any, oile . taken ban by the hen& it ..Would havelese • ;tilled hie agitatioaa • ' ; ' . .. , • •• ' • . Ifi Ine.peivitte ,office. Mr. Neayesesitting ''. with his hat off, his, shcaildere squared; . his thick irongray hair pushed backfrom his ferehead,, wag a man well worth look- hag at. If you had beenegoiag tO describe .,him essentially in three "words, aou.would lia,ye. said,. "Business; . experienee,• heart " .-a, reveeeal, Of 'the usual order . of thinee : " Well, .my • boye' said . ehe head Of the '• firnie motioning •to a. 'chair, ., whetlie it ? By 'your looks iee trouble, so let 'us. gee it , behind us ae soon' as, neey be". • •' . . " I'm going aWity, sire' exclaimed, Nansie ores,kin'g, with diffieulty. • Thee, 'aftee a moment's eileaceelle 'threw up 'hie- head . . and,weet on rapidly, " I. erian't explein,• and . X hope you'llnot think hardly of me; sir, bat I mast go atvaa e end if you had the.. • mane. you. wanted in;.ma Place,' r eboula laig yon to tee me off at onoesatoeday. jut of course I* dan't, ask that only,' sir, • M yoe'll please•areenge it as Boon •.as r. tem . emit, it will*, thegreatea kinclnese te Me, a. sir." . • ' .. ". • . • •. , ' • • 0 Thiele a strabge' tequeste-very,,, mild ': Mr. Neeves. • 'After a • coetaderable .ptiene, " Is your mind quite niade up?" e . ' . . ., • el Quite" ' - • ' • • -' - " We have heeti thinking lately of setae . ,, ,.. 'henget' iii which you ateintereeted. Don't iaterrapt Me, bueelisten; 'With the tie* Year aereNeville, who is tech eneegh,' ana -tired oabesiness, goeis oue at die' firm' by' , itgreement:. .3tott. have home with us some . any heart; an isdif I. hadn't any either.". .... The next .instent • thems,id innounced' . "lier. Hertington, eaa'aneeeand . in: -Walked . the handeeme eallow.young 'Man evithe the voltibeinbes daik. miestache 'who' had tak ' . en to.eathe • no i t '' lea' t. . 'e' e ' f tit 1 . t - • • aaa .4 - aa. . .• ' • a. •G • e 16 e et ere .t astettig. t •deliyerea •an lakes: In-, gramese, ' • • . • , , ' 7 A, .. ;-.• . .. ' ' . - : . , a r. basatingten. was received e by ells ''''''' Ineranst with auiet courtesy slightlaashaded ' . e With a,nxiet ' by the. young lad ' th. mittetial shoYve; of .nordialitee s . . , Y,vP 'e',u : " a thotzglie. I'. might' meet: Nansa ' here „ he Mad repl ing . to Miss ingramai eagUe •iriauiry if advierefeoena:Weitaat the ...raffia° : Stop, ,Nathaniele ., X . mina -.have - you like, that af' Lelia.: She bas suffered enough from bee own toelieh pridee neer ftoni.Will'a ana"-equite fiereelY ' e man shouldmot leavethe fieldiathat If hearties to wiri he shed& .stadd. ground."' , -- ' . ' , , . . ' , . de :Neaves sprang. forward, his fade with sadden kindling energy • • :: - ' ' ' - a ,. , ,1, then, Betty', • Bettye theta a good and I'ye got • it by heare fixst time, .. •. • . . ,. ... • , - . , Iegram started beck et.the adertnee tio apaptepil ; ,but, the ,•sceae was., entirely by th_ ae :enteanece Of .Thelie to Whom Mr, Neavee addressed .With .hie cheraoteristio, :e.erupt a ." . :. '• . . .. ' Geed; moining, Miss. Lulie e for / hope, a, goodinerninea ' and Will you. tell MO, , wiengh.. to. bee rank-. father, My- -,will you. tell , nee Whether .,aoll lave. Beeause"--keeping...faetethe. thattried,te flatter . from ,hicaa."-if dOeWhy be urihapaye and, ' Make •hien• when the leaet latleebit of emu,- sense wiweet all rigea yeti knoise?'' . ne kniewitig how the aiel weuld borne this onset • free .peeyboda,.eleee there was sainething• eo 'inamiatekeble. simple; alain, Whole .kindness of ii, in hie disintereeted uneoneciousnessabf of •oteending, . that the .teue •eiraa . natare ...answered -teat -a beeides her heart., was( sOft With tine end sore witlethe fear'of having her lover past recovery: So, with inneh ' and hanging of her head, the girl faltered mee eoftly : . . 1 , , But heyeoulena even.read.ray letter:" Oh, jaet let ' end ,. have • that leiter, . • • : ' . • . • • came the =letter out of . her packet,: hadeinown it eeould be ia tequeet. Now, doe't you.besafraid,my,deer ;• I'm: going to read ie:.• Atit..4,.ou :eau_ trill:A -tell her thet, 'Betty. . I'll not Put yeu before any mad .. and j1180' 8taY both of ' yon, pleetee, till you hear 'freak a ", • ' • . ' Wily, auet, he celled you Betty I." Wa8 dumfoundee ejaculation ea the door Mr. Nestees. ' . ., . Aeeld habit he ,:sotnetimes falls ineo," Mimi Ingram, quickly. r We knee eseh ee soluitila' '. . . . can he he going to do with my ?" ' murmured Lulie, reabsorbea in own feelinge .and in. hots andatold of conjeetnie , , ' • is what Mr. Neaves.did with it. On ais office be 'sent for alanee. . Tbe ' 'of man lOoked. Very *en and heavy. , , • . e ,. , - , .. • .. • foe you," said 'Mr. Neaves, et to eau if "that is Your haeldWriting a -and• into the younger Menai aand he had beaught aveay irem , Lillie ' . . '., Yes, sir, ehee's my hand.e, The hot blood. into his. feee ; 'he. was- stering itt,lhe 'quality end burst out in greatagitatien,: sir, tale wits. postedyesterday,'Hir-a, ap 4 a. ra.,they paaied - lasttwo rebel pickets. end soon .. by being chelienged.by'an. . ' After receiving a .glass..of 'officer ot the pteket directed to.the Commander - Whoie ae met an elderly gene. . :Wham he Meted' thee ' of .Sir Colia.Cempbells "I are . aleid; the astonailted .- the Sepoyeeniforaakonaliead- • are yeu,. sir reeRavanaghe=- , air ;ladies • Outran's _note ' ?" asked Sir Cohn; With Nome •-• in his keen eees. . a poi, nie, ;pief?'' • asked Kavanagh: , tihr .Celine " but it seems ', - Hevanagh, avao was wore fatigue, iteked that he - ' Home. eleep before re- request willingly. In e tent derkened for the fleet thanked Ged foe hie Weise, , . while ehe flage sent beck 'a Kavanagh. safe ?" Not • until wife, who ead. steed by. hie ' trenches and been' wounded, his deed and its stiecesse, Dure • ..and the eeevere fighting until 'On Vie 17th the . Was' . relieved, • Kavanagle• ' •Campbell, advisine ' - and r . wae ehe first of the Maiming • . his foimer eoparadee. The .. his beroitan were the first Vie- - ta a perseii. not holding • and the aPpoietment , of - in Ouclh, where a , in company, with .Captairr stormed- ,aith, a handful -of , , and eivilianse. the fort of - Which ;a large force pf rebeed • Lublin/5w heal, taken up its .: , . . • ' appointed Regis-, ' • analield , the °Mee at the - death. ' "He weet home on eeave hut in eta* illbealth thee be . the whole of his Visit iti hOs, '''' • on his waS1 to India -when he • and was ,buried talth Of au ola Irieh faleiteTa KeNallagh . Was bare id' thke . .Heeedeubtless lats relit- , ; 'coinetry, as his ' grandfather tel .fly 0 Americo,. after ,, ili Whi011, 'he had taken • • . • ' e Oh; deea no;" e it:deft/led Miss 'Faiteetia eeee weld - e y. "Mee Nanea rieldefie, tanceee " here' law.' -. He. iii toe b.uey 'at eouree, a,nd thea hie itakkely, we' hear tO ineke nt q 1 e :a . riseinbfe 'soon." : ' ' ' , . e _. ' .• : . , ' e Luke! '' . cried Mies, Ingram. , 'It 'was, Woridetful • aove inteesely evtlfee. :ehe girl dotild look,,while eo.lquietly,elipping-alona the 'ettedlese tu her weak ; end neithee Of them. Olasereed . the "- All l " of: reliea 'Okla ',had ' ericatied 'Do. Hartington' ,on...-rbeing, , , aseured ehat,Mr. NaMIG wes pot Healy to be • A veiled and ' confused blending' . of ,auriosity, ,. oeution, interests_ • ealehlatiega. PaSeion. and reeoleestrangela aniniateahis face and manner. during the rest ef the- interelOW• . : ' . . " Se .you Itaye. heerdeof it? e he asked, lookbeg, et them alternately. " Well,' thee, I suppose:I tun free to speak. . , . . " Yes, pray tellies eeeryehine, me, •Haet. liagtoeteesaid Mies Ingrame eagerly.. ... •Y• a -011' .know how good and true mynepaetv, ia and how. Mach I cake for. the least ehings cane- cerning.him. . Bat his modesey meltes hi,. e- reserveda' ' -. , .. ., . . • . , • " Oh, Mr. Haitiegtoe," said Mimi Feather,- few, arossing to .the ,,,ipeano and takieg.,ua some music, V I haveIliettleeely Hungatien Mr 'atlasit. Do coineaaa-singeit for nesi. 'We can heat about Mt. Neese later„ can't. Nees:aunt ??,' with a ,challenging flash_eef the eya : ., „ • - • • ' • " If You don't mind," said,. Me. Harting- , . . tone"„1. wOuld like te.,sPeak nm b,. dear Miss retttleetfeWebeciause-becamie now we. are alone:spa I am afreid Ifteay have 'to give Home pain. . later, sonic wee riaigat drop ih, yoll-knovet"' • • • -------'a ' ' ,' ' e f .. '' Oh, 'Very.well !" 'said. Lillie; coldly,' ee- Miming her seet and her work with en, air of 'absereeteoe. , . ' ,' '. . . Miss Ingranea who • had. grown e little pelee .gaee 'her Whole .attention to ' their eisitor, "..Yese,e said the " wo have heerd '--,, that ls, 1. have lalpetiat some. little 'time-- that MeeNeaveil Wes 'thinkirtg •of 'taking Will irito partnership soon ea greet them for him, dear boy, ed yoeng as. he ea but•he • ha d - ' •te ' .3: ' ,. Ilertingtoe • looked at- hist- ea moment, then said, with te beret ef enio,tioti : 'e:Yea. .knoiebow beach I heals .alweysliked Nans.e, 'and I am BO geieved to 'hive to tell yea -a 'By Jove! -he ought to eome•and. tell yon hiniself," ' '. ''''' .a ' ' . . . ' . . - •.; "'What is there to tell me.? " 'eried Mies 'A Munich invelitee, bag brought forward, me itnpievement in the Minstrel:Alen ' or restnefortee, whiell tile cleimed, 'm.eets Abe problem of. eqUelizingr.. the *.strenath au. fellness' of the different ocateese A 'series; tuning foths • are freely ,suspeeded over the three highest ()obeyer' of the pierio,.each fora seavitiet the•exitet .piteh et the -string : over' which it aesuspended, , lihe.,v.ibratioila ettbe etibig are cemmtinfeeted.te the,fokke. which ia_turn eremite en the string; aud thas a full end easteined tone iseseeuted le strong 'eentrast to the tisilatehortand, del tones ,of" this inetrtiraent. • The . changed . ,.. nf the higher natal ;Which la thae roeueed.also approves the ohitieeter Of the ewer oneee • •• e ' . • ' : :: - f *Ole ; 5011 *know: the bueiness a you,suit' lie a and we have Madenp . our .' ,rainde to . 'offer yOu a place in the firmebegiening.Witle, :". Ike new y,eat: :goer -a -pushing 6 afoot sltp , blew, are. Ium--" goaves, Nant10_:&,IsTeavea. • Tarlookiewell it:Bounds , wella. we think it —avail -be well." ., .. '. 0 ' . „ , - /Canoe heel riBeG end taken the slip, and = *Ow steed quite .itente, and verk red in the ; reree• ' . ' ' • , • , • , ' • • " COMe," resealed the 'Older • . 'man, ; teetoteve Made, • aete crack ehe shell a day, : . .' A mareied mee ofe ear aecilatiataleee , tbineeit etraege that the Mae Who. first 111". . vented•eleep did eat extend the invitdtled , to habiee. .