HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-01-05, Page 8,
' Jallua'i'Ve 4,18S3.
1 . . , . ,
, , ,
' LAI/V.11SW FlaCeell., e ar,.....,,Het Nekallellel. W. EST,.
. . . ••
,, Wolves
, . , .
Ceunoillor Scott ie out as a candidate for
the wardenshIP of i3randon County: '
. , . .
' '
• ,'' ' ' " ,
are plentiful at Regina
. ' - ' .
Definite steps are heing taken with .a
, G,
, 1,... .
Hospital, Paw Rapadee Dee- Work Done ay the. C. P. R. "Surveys and to
troyedeby Fire. . be' Diene.Next Season., -'
, ,. • .
- '- ,. ,
laiTdhitenrtteheani.niaritlaegee odfursinidgegia,alkr• ahsatvseeabseoei4n.
The English Church ahent
nvieexwt etrorlainagvi.n.g. a f;ndry..st„arted at 0.ellnr,le
Bing,.spn. •rip.'T.gboe.n',18swildeeCtiesnaabeble_zarah
• , .
eb.!:;11. ' '
-......-._ ,,
. ,„ ,
Wheat Cold and (ether Rena.
people ere
. , • . . ...
erecting .a lerge•saered edifice in Regina.
Ae a recent meeting of Brandon City,
oonaceLehs- te* eeee-eoe:thea , ourreAA y,,,r.
Thy inenow tone neve tobeaee •
. , *84_0;b0YWhen first they een
. Ineiheiody upon ney'ear.
e . e. , ,
. I .' 1 e -' - • * ' .' t
• • i • - - , n rep y .o. a eie , , anrupeg „ eenor ere
.1 $ iev"
' . :J.,'
The, Town Of is Bituated, on eh'
,.,, a, ,.e, ee - , . . . . .. •
v. r., xi.. ..i.u7 nules west of Winnipeg..
was to.0.....84- foie. enialeieren 00 aolle,r.i .
'. : . - • • • • • .,•-• .. . • • •
- j Te • teedeurme . Brivndon, has
' ' Id those dedi ds..i•Ei, long past and oee,
... h en.
W en ort n berem bo eh ee
-a-- Characteristic -P -resent
. Louise at san Fr_,ncisco,.
, , . , ,
, . , .. ,
„ .
A San Francisco correspondene wri ea
, -The event Of the week hae been the Magna:
fioont reception given to Christine NilssOne,
It is her first visie to the Cease. When' it
was known that the Peinoess Louise and
• the Marquis of Layne 'would be ie ; ettend-
ince the exeitement ieaolded the dimensione
- •
a of *craze, and onethe first . night eea each
a• was paid for 44 seats 'in the deeps circle.
The Grand Opera, 'House was prewded
to the top of its highest , gallery,
end the audience was brilliant. . ,Tliongh
somewhat over-dreseed. The ''enee-Regal
.. , . .
Party oecupied a stage box arranged 8Pe-
oially for them and draped with, the Beitiah
• and Aziaeriaan eolore. The Princees eat in'
' 'the cornee Of the box nearest- theaudience,
but invisible_to_the of the
A last
of. the
ot Bie
e tinguishing
and the
s' opeejoe
told of
, I , .--:--- .Assistant . Land Conemiesioner .eaarlaseeelle
*ht.,. In ,B.Hifir.,,,'10,,.0,47,g. aud Niue. Bald that sii ,millien o,nt of ehe twenty•five
: [ where. : million acres of . Syndicat.e land had been
alloted. :During the Vast season over four,
(Thuredey) evening's Detroit tele. million mores' lase% been examined- and sue;
saYel • Al trP Nvaa cliacevered at' 2 -VeYed. ' ' ' • ' •
morning in the chapel • , , -WHEAT LAims.- •
Mercy Hospital, in the nerthern part ' ,
. . . ler d fi d th 1 e t t f
Rapids. :. So rapidly did. it .spreed a "* , e o you el e arges rates o
the Sietere could do nothing towards nrst•elaes whtstee, land 2„ . .
large , " Regina:being a we sown poen wi,
. it. The IPnilding, a 11 k ' Ur'e t I 1'11
seructure, in twenty reunites wee take 'that es a centre. The land extending
ews'ae Tibhleorpeg .wtionar:, 106 tthecre'iulA24 melliellisivwe re satn 5 °B. ()Lau i I e, e ' ncoare92t
'• - d th I
any aesietarice reached .the Sietere sae _t-eh9ee%iaPtPariee,. but we examined, 24
seventy inetrates, but the Mother Miles and:the laud at that. point was ne-
was equal to the 000eeione eee-a.ed surpit'seed. The whole cif thietract is althoet'
ward Wrkyisited_ and the ocanipante unbroken . No. 1,. land,' and 1, believe, theae
their tiger Those. able te hehe las not in the' Whole Northwese territory.'
w eat anc now rea y er
osem,' ed by . the ,windows said .11°11 au eiehrt ID'i. '' ji 1 1 •' . a f '
. while ,... hose . unable to ' move the lou In BetWeen McLean stetion and
of . ler° 'en limbs or sickness Brclieefive, would be' What 1 Wouldeall'our
assisted fione- the burning buildine, ,_sectind choiee 'and maYprobably be a, more
life 'though inviting diatribe efot. settlere, as it is well.
. • - .•• • .• „
'`' Mr.: Sheffner hete resigned his Position as
Principal of the Emerpon Public ,Seheohn ..:
' A third:elevator will be put up in Bran-
-don eerly next season ' • • • , ,
• •-ee 'le ' ' ... ZIA SA.
e.e.,,e weather at ....eginet has aeen mu...ex
the hist few days, with Blight rains.
, - • ' • • d al t
Mr •Dodd has been appointe rem en
mag..4.4tr46 at keeadview. .., • , . e .
up.e.oneteatzetaep',10....einielirike.peete ;,,iiiiit;,:ii.)sa.f :411;74
leet.°t .Jda..ileer• ;. ". -: - . ' • , - ,
.At,E, Mers,011., h. arleY ,h„ ae taken a ,tremen
doustumale. f rem 45 to.'.e7 cents.- Oats are
weakening. , ' ' ' .. ' ' - • ' ' ' _
'' caeiRs, & eveseo,a of. Emerson, paid in,
duty ''aed.freight OD heather for four menthe
e.- ; °' ,•31. 53- °IX) s, .. ' '
en a ng et.. et, ,, e, :
i Re Mt "- J kes Chur h OPEngland eana7/1
eget-enr %. I. He% 41'11;1 'ilkiff' lelv' ea• •thie week i6/'
• • - '. "" /
of lint,
* -1', . ..• , ' ! - ... , 4-7, - . --. • .. - .-
Puthheeeed ae„ sete,am,,e, leleuelest.hat es Bala eo-
be capeble of tuening over I•g° aerees 5 114'.
' Foe ,e.he greaterpartef last week at Min-
nedoss, the thermoineeer registered between
10 and 30eberve zero and for a ternenia
• - - . - ° ./- ' .
Wednesday it deopPed th 40. ,
• Sqqatters on th. e. Memeonite reserve have
been notified' byrthe C-ovo_rnMene that tbeY'
n,caolati,cheo.ld th.e.er-A ,,a,eida by t. he PaYnee.,Pae. ,of, al:
per eine, pa, able thirty days from . ate o
t f E f
. The• t tal tessessmen o mersone or
leee • •
th'e- diosliar'6w2o6;1917Palenadvaeitahtee.oCf otiewnoncilPilatbseolfe
le5,0004hort. This difficulty will prebably
have to be -met by a ppecial rate. ' •
e. - . . • • • . ... • -
. :LaMar; jbi'Zgoil4t'in•7alab9oulti:veesiehnteeean. inP'eoeinict(1314-e
ag& thirty. six ,hea ilo. , ynneg, .. n
' ' - ci f '-' ' ttle at a
average of pel, 0E0.0 . S. a • telaaenheeehase
sold and killed.several of the animals and
. ,Eg) ,g . , ,.
., , -The inegio.ot thy sabbilth tone
i . Aweeteemottoeseeeep Demo.
' ' ' . ' ' ' ' • '
Lon eine have one and I have stra ed
ougt31,yee pee' wegee, emeee,,,,,.awee-;, . e''
. laeos(;tpiliee erra atria. t:loyeni iyensii,th:a:v eua titrhopeedeao dpy i. n el devn 1:8. et! .e,
when etrahing o'er the neighty plains
' EaTeoViipagb.behatebweeicronnie'vdeeitTiredaetshj litriPi7 '
• . ' ' ' . .85i,v. eesir: -ver roc ,
,i, eeinleivv,tvehhnee.ttlilheoec9aRt.ghoii;.kta:r.mQosoilfentehahelli crest, t- • 1 ,
, ere els len , e
,.....ee and:Worshipped Gad t
' ee' . - ' • t b nt r v 'eine -
. ing ou, !levee, e e c. agein
rehear thy cherished can eo,preyer; ,
7-. T.'llenelt.eba's siOteeitfrItioenaessureeehni°ciew' tithilaranyPaelarti.' 1
. ' ' :. .. .. ' • -
I 1
Ring ote, Ting on, dear bell! aing on I:, ,
r vi? coat: evsoithrlhardeeneodnhoree .
'T- '9-:1111.1c4eern.J1?-ieh,resi.etosailaat. , y , je
h da has a of : .
' 1 shell be gone, and may no inoie. .
ea-DeGairvleeeeilli„t\%itite. ehe"eesrseetPoaerbeteaotlea beeel'il ,
eede 1 ood'S hal,py hoinea-farYeweeel!
greater part
ansietlaneevery w : sewed, the
At, Rat Portaeothe•Ontario ceurt- henee in each case realieed good prices. He , bus
She was simply areseede hutseemed
to_be in better health than...wine/I, she ar-
• rived. here , eirly , in the autitmee ": By her
• •
littlein the background; sat the
_ atered::and faielfwelestapPlied.Withluel.
sufferings of :Many e• eve terrible. The .,„
doors of the various hot ses' were opened '7:.. t4t f Broa.dtiew, ., extending . to the'
9.' i '1:11 bohndaey of the.PrOven leis what
and ihe patiente readily pr aided with tem- : wee erb .. '11' ci th 11 k ' ' Qk d' t ' t
, , , , . , .
. . , might e.cit e ' e a e , or per is tee ,-
'lard- Jail ie now. beii-seg . ,ereeted--.-bye-Mr.e etweneyetwo-head-still-lefteaell-of-Whiehe
' • Munro. , The auildieg „. hi a ewcastory would 'sell: readily at e50: each. Mr. Moir
frame, 40 x 3Q feet • . . • /". has had. eery little teouble or expense in
ee---At-Haere,-Franceaaaancingesa loten-has-e
been turned inte a Methodis't oleapel.e ., e
A.- glass spire' is ea be a featuie -of a
eee-Marquisi.,eo 'that. it , ie. denbefel .Wheither
: Many epecta•tors °audit More thin a
glimpse of his face. . The menthere. of the.
stiite, however, weee not retiring. They
facied the full glare of hundreds of opera-
glasees with great ocimplacerity. - Theiedy-
in.waiting,. ea .rether hard-fea,tueed . girl
who sat atthe front of the box, oPPOsite the
Princess,' and was, the .most, conepicruenur
a peisien en the house," bid 'the . setisfacition
' of Peeing as Reyelty, during the entire
. , . , _
• - evennig. -• It was- very , amusing to
; porary'shelter: Later on a. old building and is a ,eectione of country that speeeally
„Was tiecuied,, and thirty:or' rty paupere . invites thea attention of those Who' are
removed tharete. -Tlielaseie a severe. (Me, accustomed io dairy, or stock' farnaing, it.
tend at ehis 'tithe of the yeer it eannot be haeingplenty of hey, .abundance ofeWater
madeegood • eXcept by .greatlyd creesed
, ahd. • bein ' 11 h ltee d : by: nueeerous
,.expeneiture. The einaurande on th. bail -
inge is about .1)0,000. Among the co.. elite groves of poplar.' . You niust temember.that-
I are now' e,peakin'g' of • nevi la,nlea, not ehee
- destroyed having no, insurance Was ' he well-known lanais of Southern Manitoba.or
well-known libeary of 2,000 volumes,' c .1 -of the old Peovince. The e country lying'
leteeed durineehieselife-ehne, • by •.Fathe
Casa*, also a few raree: paintines. k betWeenAlexa,n.der etatiOn end the western
1 6 .oundary Of Manitoba I' coneider . as third
MOthei Superior he endeavoring. to engage
,i , ' -. - c oice. ' The land be described in a few.
--- '555 '
a large_elimeeeleg...eer te-ExCheeetery_Far.Pelega.... ' ,dee'es:theeketheier
- ' c • • • oon. raising the animals... : • . : .
.. ' Buffelo naeet is an ar iele„ of . daily,. .. . , . - .. ., ,. . ,
sunaption.at the tablee of Reginahoeele aed e - The.. new orgen. at' the Corigeegittiomel
Privateedwelliege end the prioe at ibbee. Church, •Winnepeg, haw, aerated.. • The cope'
- of the organ is 1/3 000. e , : - ,' ' e
heti fellen. .. . , . ' , .... ..____ ...., . _ „
' 'Wellin ton Searrow •of the' Tiger Hine eTa ehoeve tbee rapidity with. which the
,Settlement, teok unto hireself 'a' wife 'last country is being. Bettled, there were 1,3 5,
'Week and left.on a• wedding ,tour to parts entrieelf.or hoinesteads at theBrandonland,
\unknown; leeving -creditors enter.ested to office in 18e2, as,. againet 700 in 188L In
the tune of.63„0,00 ea, mourn.his, law. . • • 1882 taere ..weee 775 pre.enapeion- entries,
. '\,...' • . • '-'1 • - ' .: ' againetae30in 1881.. ',The' repeipts .oe 18p2.
consideriebleequentityof *heat is beieg
-' e were neer e40,000, nearly a3,000 •of which,
brou beim. at Brandon for •ehinment eitet. s
IC 48-030 • t--63-ceets•-(Titts--sre-m- were for impreneementseon cencelled home-
e u -.-
Presbyterien Chineh in. Philadelphia, :' '' '
, . .. , , . . , . , ..
„. , Mr: Moode 'Say he wOhld rather piey ' -
. . ,
wit or e , , g ni g . , . ., e
• h f 'It d le ht -1:_i than tilde with th •
. . . .. 1 . -. , , . . e
. The,Pres,b,yterian Board ,, has establish. .
• a new mieeien en Guaeemela, ;Central
: America.. 1 , ' .,' ' - ..., . _ ,- . .-
. Landon's!: grehd. new Ronaan Catholic •
Cathedral, eo eost $1,250,0Q0, is to be begun ','
in the spring, , . - ' - , • ' . - • '
• .
' Th ' Be h f M . • h' • ' ' 1 .• 't .1
- , , . .
• • hear the.• - comments on- - li-er---: appear:-
gnfatiraitenewhat light-
The 'Common Council. heopose to place et - ' '
...-The- [ . . -
- - P - : , • - • .. Isteads. :: . e '
moderit edemand at lion 30 ta 35 cenee. :: .
. . „is. oP .0 . aD° ester la asses n '119, -
ism ,andethe:Salvatieni Arinyunder .,, see..
and° ' by lacliee ., in ' . the 1 audience,
' whe • Were • hilly . persuaded ihat : ithey
weeeteritioieing the 'daughter ete Queep.
hat e . hale a , fair percentage Of gravel
hee desposalthe uPper flee; of ane of -the a :
t' ' ' d'' " th f 'e and subsoiL ' To'
poovhouses.. ' • , en er e re :In 0 KIT 13.0 . .. . .
the So ' i! of the railviay . in What is often
,,, le: • ' .,
• \ ' . ' ' - ' ' T
Mr. Walls,' assayer, 'Winnipeg, made , an , -All, _. IIE ! SE AeS TIE itip.t.
,... . • • ' ••• , - ' , • • .. - ' •
. . o a oi 0 • . . ...- . . ---e- .. .. ,. ,
asaay•Of ipe,ee and one half p un s . r tti. ,, . .
. , , , . .
aubus religion." • , - . , . • •
. „ , ..1 .. , . , . .
.. A Troy pastor has kelleibly advised the •
' ' ' ' ' '
Ir-- MineeNilesonee-reoeption weeeenthusiastic
. - . he Oak Lake district : and
...ee_e_c eerie kwn.p.x, BIT FArtt.
from the'Kee.watine Mine on Hay Isiend; ./xcetinie . Experiences .0 t the ,Hisabied
. . . , „
. - t" t
h io eh le
. ladies en. ie ,ceegrege ion .oweee , tare
on the first night, ana it was even.w.armer
a 1- - . _e_ , . • ertendio : Ic.ng Pioeseonee_Creele, Nast,
Lake. of the Weeds', evi,th a result of e541.09, city , ot Becht'. .:• ,- .
mech. wraps as- migut be , easily removed.
, . „
' 'apd tracks of ma shy lands. ere to be toundeee,
to the ton. This is coneidered.teevery ei ' ''' • ' • • . ' ' ' '
e-eF- A New 'YOk telegrantea-ys. The
, ELF, rofer t . see a -lad et 11 and take off
P s Y g___P_
on her second appearance Thuviday night
lifr,. Abbey estimates his receipts et fro.m
.3218,000 tee30e300,for thelont perfericianCeta
which, 'considering the Size of the dity, May
be called Very good. . On. • Tuesday the
•-• a visit toeie-GovernerSeineford's
minutaretds of People Domeless , , _ , . , . , , ,, , . .
• ' ' r -ileartrending Scenes. TH.. .EUEL ' QUESTION. • . •
. ,..ellung Y , . , . . . .. ..„. ,
Adeline ,freine Kingston, Jamaica, etate . e Did -the ' exe neinere come across any,
thee the great fire,of the 1.1eh• inst. started disteect• that .cau not, be eupplied with
,en e few bundlee, of • shingles. inFeutardo'S. opal r ..' , v.' ,' :_., .. , . ... ' .'.. -
lumbeeeyerdetHeedeehere .beeeerefeeans ---TeThegreatehleiii
Cessfeil test.. • ' ' ' ' ••• ' '
.. .. Ciey.of Berlin, which sailed from this port
.Dr. Cotton of-. Mte Forest and.Mr..JOhn on tlie-0th inst., for, England; retnrned
,Second, of Tilsonburg, Ont. are uniong the to-deyabating in taw the „Cita ohChestee.-
new areivale et Regintee Th'e. town can how Ceptain Watkins, of the' 'Cieye_OfeChester,',
_ boaereefeetairee-- pley'si.ef\ia-eandeae-dozeer- esaidettatehiseeveeeelaleft. Liverpool -on -De--
. . •-.P. .. , ,
a,sac tie rae her 'than run.the risk, of laking
, ,e1 t . ,,. e , ,
do d be weering.ee in a waren a u . .
i• la nib. -
' The: Cear' of Russialtearevoked the priyi-
.lege-'given ece ene Lutherans. ef ,theleteltic .
Provinees-liyehiefather.of_leringengiepetheire,_ e___
couhtey seat, at Menlo 'Park, , and on the
following dey Visited his beeutifUl !Mese on
Ebb Hill, now deserted and gloomy, withets
. • drawn oartaine and:padlocked getes. Tbe
-Princess bee. reoeieed a atheiacteristic:gift
1 '
- from the Governer.: It oonsiste of a .paii
of blankets of . the -finest Celifornia wool;
- '. 'royale
at o TtheSeiiiieTeeetefidiffg-
hand to extingu ish it the' conflagration from, Regina . south .a, rel east. aroUndethe '
_might have beeh peeventea.e. The 'fire Meese Mountain and Sb : ris River, iB Mag.-
• brigade arrived ;ten' miuutes afterahe Aherne nifiCentland but has no f .:1. .-Aesettler en.
was give/Pe:and-was' slo,win geetieg to. wink: . thc,,centre of this plain won e befifty miles
The flatnes ascended: and Caught the lakge from a supoly of filet : Thi: is the enly
' ' ' ' . • ' ' ' r - - ` ' •• h t ' h-
.Savings-Banklenilding: 'Sparks ,frorethis dreevbeck to' ehe seetlement .,• • t a ric
fired'eight buildings in varionspaits of the wheat-groWing 'atectee' of land. . Coal has ,
•town;-„aand__the_ed.esteoaleg.,e_element _nee beim met' with,- ekeetiting:en tie Souris'
. lawyers: . : . - ' . •
, . • : -' a. • camber 7th With: a general eargceand about
4r il: t. f te i the 200 passengers for thee citY. ' . When `a feve
• . There ere InevielRae i e .,.
etedwa' :c ;1 he'a 'days out he .eneountered' a terrific' gale
C. P R. • wea.- at g tILIP''' •\ '7a t' the - against; awhich his vessee mede elem.
• /aeen found en several ot Or ,peaces ii. ,
d tithe.. She shipped . heavy : e
city.s.lie One hlace water . has,. b7n out , -ease; eanea
os p r , . .... . , - ,
. 1' t a t . -of • the ornamental- Work ,
'plenty at it dietance of !seven feet And the
peep e are, appy, .,. . . „,,e , . on . her . bete,. : About ;-•, midnight • . on.,
.a, the. 14th histe they acliscovered • e large ,
.: The fi.rst birth in the lOWn of Regineetook . ,sieowies
ohddren id their own faith 'when metried
teeeeRussien eubjece of the:Greek 'faith: '
- ' . --a
In, the eeieleh--o-feRibulreeterenearP,reston-,-- '-e--
in Lancathire,Englandeiseetill existing and'
'in nee.alittle 'chinch ',which it iesupposed.
- b "le d'' ' . th '' - f -K' St le '
was ue ureng . e reigu o ing ep en.. .
. It is. thought tote the mOet 'ancient -ecelee- • ..
iastical edifice in the' mirth ot Enelande : ' a
and,adorned with . the monogram
Wes • 1 seon . , beyond: control, ' other }liver, ' be :'elee. neighber,hood-Teife 'Reell-e."
steethee a lee, miles off signals:6e
place on Friederle-eteetli-e-enntherbeing-ekt
.. . , .,1 ., ,..,,, a
II' ' " ' eh"' ke." th
._T,he:C.hrisbhanl..Z.ptie mem:,
' Worked .iie celors. ' California blanket§ are
• -well knOven for -their • eaftnese •ef ,eextuiee,
,but these weeez, the -,finest ever. turned •Out
, - on this. donee. .GOVernor Steneord• left 'an
. '' ' .
.. order for their '-nia,nuftectare ' before .bis
- . recent departure for. the east: .The. Vine
. . „ .
'Regal party left Monteeey ihis morning. for
',buildings catching . quiekly. In - an -.hour, persee...- 1 natty eell 'you that with' e the
the: eonflagratioia • was the. greatest ever peet few days a ,special flying party .4ve
witneseed there, .The 'plebes pr. ., Worship, • reported' the: discoVery of cottl.a, num ..i.
stores • ' publie buildings, wharype, banke; ' Of veins crOppina eut , on the banks 'of th ,
' '''1 ' ' d ' • e• g S k t h ' t -DI n ' ' Beg Coulee-
priveee tesidenceta .., shops an prim ip . ,as a c ewan . a e mine . ,
offices,:ell„succtembed. It will take years to • Close to the, Oroesing of the railway." .. ,..
..repaie the- damege.. Businees is suspended e • , '..i rien Knn : A ...'
' ' '" " "
:dristress. Tliii-eCityeedf-theater-Tepliecl to,
Logan: '*. It . ie Customary in. stick eases ° the signal:I,. of -the ' distressed 'eteatner,
confer, a hewn lot' on the little.straegere e d
eu -e informing her . captitia • that the Cbester
it: is to ae hoPed ihet 'the syndicate ill
w. --e lould lay to. : When • daylight . &wee , the '
not ovetlook Reginaee first baby: . ' hosier hove ' to. and. gave the.Berlia her.
,•. ' - • - . e - e: . ' , . -- - h •
The.snow has fallen-ta the aeptle o , fif- steel. hawser, andethe letter. s wire awser
en inches On. the level et Tiger Iiills, and, waseeeeured on board ehe Cheisteie which
''' . • ' ' • -
co se:Inanely. sleighing is 'very '
.,,r,eeTae ,
'.1E'‘ 4(3.11.aore" 'ler' 1 ..14',' 'f- tlea' Lag -'
tion.aseenth e s in smi,ii.ar a er, . , a er. ,.
and ,children TN4e.ci teeth .3 .10retiv.71'3' anni
•together uniting. in. .1yeree , we e,
exPeeeses regret that this sight is :less
common thanit forneeel "Wes. , ' '
-. .. -i- ..., . . y. .. „ . .
The.Methodiste of Decatur' III., desiring
Santa.Barbe,ra,by rail. and etage ..
. . . , .
' • -
.1..,GLIti,VUV .o.CRE..01"0
and people ere honeeletis ana Wild over' their '' . . „ e . a. .
leeeee -.Elandreds.are in " How:' those 6 000;000 acres
ti. t
good an s eereclt the disahled temper Sandy .
s Id
fain ere are:, busily engaged drawing their Hook; Ile Berlin doing towing andethe
, . , . . . . , .. . . , . ,
'. te promote. et eeeivel of yeligion, sent an ine
---7' ' . ' '
-ea-ea e ' Donation by. the 'Pope-1,1e!v. '.Saints.,A.
. . . . . ., . , ,
' Feast- '.
man of
lodging the (Ten . . Y e .. . , . , .
eiiiratethe paik and' rae&course. Fite iites - have aeen _sold?, , • • . :: - ., . 1 •
' were lost.: Acres Were burned over. „. The : ' ".:',On the ,let December there,evere „
...- . ,-• : • •
d .wneei toe -the baY ',thus- - 000Lsold;„not-includinge.the,..5.,00.0.;000.acree
smppeng- wee ra n ,
. , ,. . .the
grain to' Market. Some of them had be-. Cli,eeter. t,eering,for bothvessels.. The, Cityi
tween end 40 bushel's to the acre.. . ' of Berlin. during thefive. days she lied been
AI ' . ' ' ' ' ' '11. E ' • ' • h d* out had encentntered terrific weather. Gales.
z_ ,_ re...,_ ey.eeo_r,___eae_ neer, e _mereon, a . _,_ _ --eh ---- -- -10--
"b d.' --1-
'ken to Harrison the be reacher who.
etlta , „ .. . „,. . -9 P . , e, ,
vete then'iaporing ,at Grand Rapids. , The .
.e.va•ngeliet .replied thet hie. bairns were eloa
-a-week-and board-at-a-firSi-claSe--hotel.
. . a(seteeelae e • ' . • \ . ' •
• Pane Leo. XIIL has .offered anoeher tenni
-of e0,000 francs -foe the victims et:the benne'
' . . • • \
elation in upper Italy. . - , .
. ' " 000 k . t '
... The Pope,has also .iient. 1, ra,nes• o.
the-Bielaoped.Basilea foe his new seminary
. - • ' '"fortheir
and peset of Ornaments.. and - sacred vessels
.to hureh in Sabine . ' '
- • e •
.FOrtilicati.one„ are. being erected' by the
escaping' • destrUction, • bUtethe .sitels. and eold .to the Canadian Northwest Land
. . . ..
, deeksi bad ' to he kept . wet'? .Boats were „Conapany. Of the 6 000 000 over:2 000-000
' '' ' '' ' '
metined to take away the peeple, bnt, tbe ,eiores liate'been Allotted to the /atter come
- • ' ' - - • - 'r an '? - '..' • ' .
waadchanged.,.end thui . was. unneceesa y. .n, y.„ , ,.. . . . .
t d
\Heartrendine scenes werewitnessed, Many .` n what part of the ,coun ry o y9u
.. , . . e , . . . ,
ci. • ' '" te dee take the other' 19,000,000.apres ?e-
Children 'Jeanie lope on tee streets an oreing „in n ,, . , . , ..
th e• e00 -00th
parents At a 'public neeeting it • • " Well, we •can .- get eau° er . ,a ,
, .. .. ._ . , ,
1 '' 1th 1' of tailwa .frorn 'Moose'
Was \decided to 'appeal eo England for help acres a ong. e ine. ., y .
d i \ t hi' le "Ift h ' s " Jaw , to 'the. Rockies.... Weeshelt explore
an oes a is soup i c en .
- , .. e , . • • . .
' the country before choOsingthe rest
.. 1--• h
eieeleo glarieed Ore Scalidiae--niglit iii-ici were freauen sap vio en ; t e eavy se
h . p „. ... . th h bielee: he 'labored Carkied away
6150 stolen.. A trunk in which ehe 'money roug w •e . , .
' '
• was ,00eieeitle; waeopenecleand a.,large„ tin her rudder and rudder post; and, she then
..„ .
h 'le '1 h• ' he d b ' ' 1 d I rolled • about at then:tercet of , the ses, end.
was oi er, w 4,11 ,a een p ace over i , .. . e
wits' renice,ed,-an. the Money in 'geld and .wind for. two: dayee ' before ' the . City
bi s stolen t ere r...., of - Chester ' was .eighted. . The City'
. •
• ' ' . d
m' '. 6. "s , .1 • . f . , the Bis pie"' Berlih wee. anchered . off San. y.
r„ .eo. nu eye • armee . me . .
oo n . . . , , b , .,_
. , . .. , H ' k 8, d her Mails a,ndpassengere rouelat
Plaiiis had •aleiput 70. biishele Of • grain
burned two weeks ago.-... . s aot er-in- iew, te this city in tugs„.. .Thepessetegers win.
' 'b h '' 1 '
- • • - be. quareere . at t e• ci y o e a_ a e
Mr. Shellington, who.' s threshing for d ' h 't t 1 . t. th '
committee decided, .afterecoasidering the. .
' t r ' '11 • to en itee him ' and their ,
ma ter ca. efle . ea g. „ , , „ , . .
' college haealready...reeulted in erowded , „,
tin s and nunaerous colaVersiOns. . . . e
rnee, g , , ,. . ., . . . ,
- Dr. Wild of Toronto .announces. that
' feet hi de ' His reason for.
Adam was eeveia• . e a . . , ,
• 'co • usionie that . the' first' man watee-a.
thee _ nel , _ , , . , , . ,
perfece, Ei;o4 poiion x..4 0:_,Ne!fe9t.:.number.r.:
, Th - ' th T t umbe and
• ree le e rini y n
t iii ele • f
' Italien,GOvernmen thee land o Elba. :
. . :, ..,
e , .
. . ,., . le . e 1. 1 „ .
., '' The Benda tY 0 0 ' ' ' ' " ' L ' . '
w • . - . . ,,
° A omPany
him' had his burne& f the I man Steen:is i C .
.r, ..
s an s or e: rea o .
t 'd f eh' ' C 1 r • four stands for the.
, .. . , ,. . ,
, The 'ticeueepopelation of Rome . is 300,-
:467 ; '134,156 ere.leoznans. and 166,311.non
,, Romans, e_117,•391. ..peOple ,. are - il i a e,
' leter t
a05,144 ere hticheiprs, 70;771 are unnittreied
orb, 7,152 are widows,. end 15,400 are
WiAbwers. • • ' ,. .. ' • - , - . - - •
Several e
I. . noun.
7 , .
There ie eneen in thie city who igi a poly- - _ .
. -
gittnieteewheinis a pleasant -address.; who - ' ' .. .
' ' - . e ' ' " h . th ' " Wh ' G etanent.and the.Natives-Return
stande high in the' favor of t e au orities .-e ove . , , .,
'of hi'' Chureli .'leideo talks well; ''whO would,, . • ' . . .. et the cricketers. .
by a 'Mali 'like Captain Codman:be pointed .. A ',Melhourne Cablegram eaye ;' The ,
• t t ' Eastern' people as a 'living eVid ia
• --e-ce A t l' ' - ' ketere have_...r.etAriletr''• • '
atthetime. •elPeuse . „P
. se seater ..u. . . .. . . : .
. .. ' until Sa;teirday, whea they will ke taken .
. The fire get into' the grain st. eks, while the . . , . . . to
• - . . . • their destination y t e • i y..o \ es er.
b la ' C't "I'Ch t
Men were at dinner.. „ . - '... . . .. „. „ ..
. • - . :- ,... --. .. r . , . . : , .. , e, -a, . mong o e,g, . . . ,.
. A paety or lempe mei .starte • , erem at t A th • fr i ht of the:Cit of Berlin dre
4,000 boxes:pfbecon intendedfor Decera er
.Portage, for ,Tarele Portege ' lai 1.Weeki - Y ' • \' le
delivei . in Livei ool. ' ' -.. " ''' .\
' ' " ' ' .a 7 ' Y 9'
„They- took. with them an. Indian. :in e. . . . .. e . ._. . , e
, When abetit. thirtv.miles onaom the 'lake. e_e_ea,e,e_deepeereetterente and. s .iiidiellen""*:
, . . .. _.
.. , .• .. • . .
w lle thus seven includes the Creator
or , , . , .
• d th ' t d s s completion
an - • e oree e .. . even mean , .
.There ereeeven Nineties that make. e per-- '.
'' ' ' It- 1 a .t '..' •
foot man-virtne,,, now e ge, emperancei,
patienee 'godliness brotherly kindneeeand. --
',charity.", - : . . • .- . , ' '
'' t
: .. . battalions. ot. .treops hate. been.:
-hetet te"the- islend"--or'Sardinia In erder to-
restore tranquility and security. , , , ,' -
.,„ ... ' The 'vintage has- been exceedingly good
- . . . '
heree ''' ,: -. : . e . . - . .'
• .
'The :Cohgreatition et .: Rites has been
called.td:exarnifii the causes.Of :' est:ionize-
team Of 201enreee„ tieents,_ of ,Whoin 168 :are.
; marteese. ',." .01 -these, 80 belong to Corea, ,•44:
to' Tonchiine 23 tei Italy 2e to France 10. to'
e . 9 . . f
Chine,_3 toCoehira_Celinli.'5 tet31Plene,...1..tn
%Austria•and-i io 'Twenty
of the,malice and , faleeheod w.hich fill ;the_ The
lieeitabf decent people w n t . ey enounce for en
-polygemy.,....By„. hisezeal, wife. that man . terien
becante, .the fether ' of seyeial ;children.. paseed
.. ' h d th 'assuming of Power '
!Upon her dea,t an e , , peete
by thesecond Wife, the father droye eveee, eemoloted.
',childlof ..13,i0' first Wife away 'from home: ,. '
.'..He give:one. delicitecteild; wheedle geil,'Of, Note:ember
le 'yeetrieet age,leo.a brutal earnater in- the the ',Land
eiOuntry • that Man iene the 'Child thtend. • tatingly-granted
,.stehlt on'eheinatinteins, and beinvelledelaer event
Adelaide Legislative • Cauribil voted
extenseon, f th sa way. t the , i ,
herder. The yietheian Conned akin
• '
the Extensipn . Bide: and it- is ex-
d eh' 't • te n will Boon be'
a communica io •
' ' . ' .' ' . - ' . •
, • e. . - , a . . . . ,
'tba defeat of :the, ',Government .oti
'16thedia the eecend reading oi
:Bide the, ;_,Gpereraor e unhesi-
a dissoliition; a coaree ,of
:quite raend end uneipeoted., ,
they lost the trail: -The andien . eta e,d, ,
. oue to find a Catep a . , , '• e Toronio's "ex erienc.e. with --block is,ai7e,
mentsbas not been wgratifying one... The ,
After, being:for some time withOut •foOd...th:, .
Oen 8. .8.V , .
party •proceeded etoe draw lote t . . . , ee tr • lets h teneeet been 'carried Out 'in a'
o eee who
. . , ' . ., , eisfactory manner The pavement on '
they .would eat Two • Frenchmen belong- - • • . . • . • .. . .
:. ' h ' ' ' eh ir lankets• . f '
, .g e ree ,ea a „ . „. , • ,
mg to t e .party shouldered e . b , t ' t,' st-h s been en eyesore or
seed etarted.for homeepreferring to be lest,' yea e, end:the 'chances are that , the 'Yong)
in the , Snow.. eo .. heieg eeeen. After a seeee e'pavement ' 'will' not'. leetrieree long.
twenty-four., , hours'. walk - .they arrived, Chief stice Spiagee .haede a :seatemeht
homeeconenletely exhanatede- . ' • ' yeeterda • ,1',befoie • the Court Of Reviskine
t a s ou arouse t e .a en ion. o v r
. - b t li- 1' - ' .. ' li- ' tt t* - f .e e i
se a aye
0 11 't el.a0 ' k ' tI) ' • 'C't • "t- e - ' H hadeeee the "Cedai blocks:
-Th t leT feaBeshopPbelander - .
Chase, who. leasiLa epleadid. ,p.ereonal pre- .
senoe, that a ...ciente rytna, , nee .accaeted
hien eve -General."' h I cieu not General,"
. , .. .
lie curtly tenlied-• .1" I begVerdon, I mean
' ' ' t T d ' th " " W 11
Jude° ",," I -am no • u ee ei er. - e ,
,, e • : ,.,•,:,, . .. • ...e a. . . . . . .. -
then; _Bishene! ‘.' Why- oo yea. eel'. me , -
Bishop?' Hew; do . You know, that I am a. -
-• Bielibp ?" ' -." Well,. I "'mowed," -said 'the
'man of honiespun sensee e whatever • you -
'' - ' t the top " • - '
was, yen.was 8, .. ,. . ., .
' ' ' ',' a ''
Poland... of them
' ..are Dominicans, 17 Frahoiecans,.. 14 enis-
. sionaeyeariestse,..2 'Auguseinians, 3 Teinie
: tierians,. 2 ,Lazarieese ,1 iar.ziabite; 1 Thee-
. . tine, 1 Passionist, r Eedempterist e.,nd 6.,.
. . instittitere of reliaiouseirderse---,------e----e---re--
toe'sleep alone in a tent .on mountain- . .:Th
.side,e where .•:every night he echtl stelae , steam
.feredegony in neturat childish fear. - New: theinstanee
theeebildeen, •aete• scattered throngli three ewe,
ortonr,Stites Euia..Te'rritories, and:ehoueh . aweameteeolt,
' ' ' ' - ' . - ' ' - '
thienhildis here in -Alpe -pity, the-unnaturel abedeveiedhiarethireNative.
opeiation. of raisingatlie .enelterie
rAus, rain, has been euppended at,
of the London directors of,:the
.. • ,:, ' - . -... „. . . ' ..
.Dee., --a-: At "a . rneeeieg
e ---aLe '' e•-tiserai ' •k
Minis . bd Wei itte
xen . 0 ea ()minion i y ra epayer. • e . I. . _ . •
s, . , . • ,
pe on, roe , eee , ail oun - , •
. Alodge of the Ancient' Order of United I d B k t ' t- df - d that -sever -al -
Wo ..men . al. eeen ergenize, , a . ip ge. 'oftheineeeker. tee. : He and M M ri
rk la 's b ' • • ''' d t Wien' e' - ' -- e-- -r;.-or---8 ,
, There are e07 •Poet-officee .ba Ilanitobaa - hiid., ,peked . iliei. 'sticks' into.. these blecks,,
Emerson iteeke distrihutive poirit for 64.:of leatinge hole beiPo ed... He had.sipolien te,'
. ,
th I ' ' 'to abbut 't ''' and theInspector
there. e . -.. .. - e. nspec. , r , . , . • ,.-ange
P t i...i 1 g n ' Dr -
- 'Au : eccentric. co c c er yma , .
, " h -I '• f d ' t le 't " .
Weild-ellethinkse e- reese- eon -ou -w a -Is--
•finally to beeeme -of ' Santa, the :fathee of .
.; to.rir'iL '"Thelearned dieine readaihe soln,. '
• • •,f th - '' ebl, ' - ehat'revehttien eit'an•'
tion o e pre em in. _ ,. . . , .
: ' ' , ea' • de ' '• ' 'tie • hain' and a keV
coming own, wi a ,c . . .. .
'. The22eid of thee monthe the Feeeibf St .,fathei hienot „called -etc) eee .her.for.seven n.ktii,,--, -
s, Taineied 'deolieed •ilie 'Minieteraii
• • Cecilia, en intereeting cetemenay; Was. ode- imentlas.. And* he ee well ' aff ; . hee hap, ,offees dee hou'oe;.:a pension .of E100,.e. life
heated in her ,crypta .in•the .catacombs of, abuhdent Means to providefer hie children, ippointneene as Aseeesor :for the netive
. St Celixtbs. Since Mr.. de Rossiifound out' and. were it noteo, he has two, strong.arma. Lend Court,. a Justiceshipeof the -Peace,
, . . , .
6 iivi ."1 or ' - ' ''' t ' ' ' let e Como' and
- the. tombs of ...several martyrs in this eteat and 'Could 'earn: a, .comfortebl , ne . end. a seet.ene he Legis . ev. el
. t 'i h 4 'b ' n custoinary to cola . them! But the shame- tete her. place. e
refueed to resign' his'elaams. as king.' ,.•
come e.ry, i a , . ee - I : . . , . e .. • , . . • : -
, .: brate, even atSt. Calixtus, the ecnninernoka.„ leunted the secand wife until the nrse wile , The G'o„verneeetet_has. extended the time
tive Feeet of SE Cecilia. .Thie 3/ear 'the ,died,, an& then: ',the ' hate which had been
. . . I-- for' tendere-for ehe dieecte steam seririce
' • ' theou • the. eel% buret ' inio ' ' • 'd eand- New ..Zealand 'to
.. crypt where' thenoble martyr Of Cheisthed' ernoteldering gh • .3' . .. . ,. ..between .En glen , - . _ ,
. rested forsix centuries' was-adoened with ' flame', and. ehe ldeterbeinedethat the pre- marele: let; - the. servece to honemence, In
' flowers' and lights,. and aenaltar bitd been se.nce of , thee women's children should not: 314 next. , . , • ,
erected near to the cenotaph, adorned with, '..be a eeproachta her and her 'children ' • :' ..
, , „
The leadread ' which will , cost Emeisen had said that the rotte .blecles were as good-
: as . the' 'otheis, es. the • l'oles gat:filled up
nearly a800,000.wes premised to , ehoecievn with gravel. , The Lisped or had. also. said:
foe a75,000. . 'that they had been paesed by ehe-Engtneer.
, Thelowest yet reaorded by e the thee. . He . felt satisfied '.thet . the Brack , street ..i
: - 1 . • . - • . . . ,
ammeter at Morris was 32 aa•on Thursday pavementwould not lastfour years naeseeed
. , - e .. . . . . . t . • 0 •• "••• n :
morning, etn ot December. . • • of en, .and he ohje eel to be chareed o
. .. . . , pro. gme _ _ . King street for a similar pavement. An
The e10,000 ire '' av° r. lit debenthres is ;
Inepector Who takes that view of hie duty.
sued by the .Gladstone .,Co . , . , ,, . . „ ..
1 h'' ' b
unci ave een
ir .
, . , . , ,, ,. .. .., . , to his. employers hasenaistaken Ilis ca mg.
sold:for 80 cents on the donee. •
Hie ease should be thoroughly ineestigated.,
, Rev, 'Mi. Jtikes -.of High Bluff, ' has • . . . ., . a _ea,
been, • to Our trouble ,hafi been tnat, our .010ee. pa e
'' ' ' d''' ' - '. t tla '
and. biiediiig-th--da"--g and caseibgliirnee-eaeee ,
e ra en
into the bottorieless pit. :., Tho 'engela he
• - • ..:
elactrioal Faience. ; . the .chain Is a
says, is . ,
. e .
'coil of telegraph' Wire„ and the key ie the
1 ' ' r • lake' - • Theengel'Of the dream has .
e eg ap y.. . ,, . . „ . . , , ,
eome dewier with the: coil and the key and .
- . - • • • t . - ' - • -
is encircling 'he world wi th chain lightning.
The preaeher said that in .exactly. the, pica
. ortion that electricity • eneireleS the world
r -
evil- willbe ;defeated, and.'ehe regeneretion . ..
of erearthina;' will progress., :In this' .vieve lee
.. . . , ,.... , . .. . . . .... ,
telegraph wiree streeeners ana teiegrapn
.any. . , . ...
- his
iosee, and:several . peasees were celebrated longee. And the fathereembriited by . eeANTA CLAUS ,ICRAGEDF.
' - froth :the very eaely inoiningeSeyeial other, 'forneeritete, hating learnea to think oa his ._ , ..., , , , _e_ , • • . . :
'the '" ' . ' ' • -eaves •
engaged - . a minister Q.:. e • .•
men a eve • een 000 en e wo , .
spieitual wants of the jlinnedosa • Episcoa t 11 b t • ft th - eh of bleak-.
' . ' 'IP • , . . ,' • . ea p.- ana lan., •
pansetss .. . , . . . . .:., ,. ,
• - - • ..
11 . ' le t eh 'a d the
operators wi - supp an prea ere, n . ,
electric lieht is a beacon of paradise. ., .-
settees erected' in the eiynteed h lei b differ- •
'children; as e did of h . y T.,e
. G.00,11 leid IR n. . . , . , . •
Popes Offered foreign.priests eaws„,ternedhesheartagainst-his-firse- - ' '
ne cen ..and . a . 11 1 the rate of ''
The • crystalize, experience of e enty
• .to many the ent .'“Ole'llIt'ined* ''''''-'-'' '''' -
' `the the' ' • . a •
taxation levied- in ' 3N,r.est . Lymee .for the, ' years has proved the best treatnaent of den
. , .
children vehieh . . -
opportunity:of celebrating mess, inthe hoey bera, land (hove, all , . . , . ,. , A Montganaery (X,. ate _despatch eteys :...A
• , redeetinf 'the catacombs.- Abegla mass was:- Wife Of hip ycinth had hornet°. hine into:thee .., ...., , ..
- th i g ot Sunday School ehildien
e. .earge ga er ,n
• chanted eetee in the morning,. andafter the. streee ei the ' bidding -of :the wabean'wh ,
Gospel a beautiful' hotaily of 'St.' Augustine M that Way, smight foe. ii respitefroin ehe and,friends of the Presbyterian church
met. at Academy •Hall to partake of a
. ' ' - th ef ' et' d - f mit t " ewes 'r• ad • b cries Which her,'awn wounded.. evoina,nboad ..•• . . . „
..on e orineo rye . e .ya . ,.,1 ,. d • ' 'b t e -
Christmas .dinner an metre u e presents.
. ' v 'It d'b ' in er soul veith for years • • : ' ' -
, priestea AfterhigInmese a prpoeseeon too . ha , een assail g le , . . . .. . .
place. in the' iiatito,oenbs, beentifully illu. •-..-Sai t...L'al,ze Triintac., . , A Christmas tree was . erected on the stage;
Wheit .ttre curtain . iose .. Santa ' °lens
. , : -
• . . - . . . , . . , , . .. . ,
year e882,,includirig _beth tow,n .ancesc.hool eureption pcnbe the. pr.,oloegecl, uee of Dr.
teeteee---e , : e i . - ' 2 . , -..... • , Wheelee's Phosphates and Calisevite whiela ,,
„ . . .
' The new Ste Mary's (Episcopal) eCleurch. iestores ...nutrition ' by auementing peeve-
was Openedin Portage ,lit .laiteirie last Sun-- -force.' and •Seeining ',thee digestion, end.:
' . ' - ' • h 'a . ... .1 ' '' e-- ' "1 ' ' . . 'f road. 'Ae scion aa the -store-
day Right Rev 1ais op of Rupeit s Land .aesemi anon, o . . . ,
• ' . ' . • .. . - . ' ' ' ' - ' a'. : . -.. - ' ' f a ' at
'preached in the moinibg...._:' . ., , • ,... ....... ':aoh will.nianage. it, the Tenn 0 enerey ne
: . . in value te Phosphate's iepureNotwaeaCede
Mr. O..
e. e
- ,, ,e
7 'a
, zi
e "a ,' ,
# r
eeefA e r-
....._ . 1
. •
appeared.; • and-ine-passingbefereethe•-tree
.W., ow er, w o nes near- ouris. . . . , . ine
'elk - ' iv il take
' ' siteepic Facts About Bricks.
' • Death at a rrayer Meeting. The dalpenter's. and :Builder's ,. iTournal - his wie; ,emeeposede of long .cetton, licei-
d - telly look 'fire :and' instentlY ' he Wes •
• ' ' ' '' * ' ' . ' • give-s'the followieg facts : An..averageday'S. ---elleeieee --a-,
, 7---4' • • , rr. 1 ... A A ..,
A Halifax, N.. S.; ' telegram seys: Mast d
woria1fo a beickla er is.-1,500•bricks on out:- ' ..env"“°P8''' In' ''.1•-tnes- •'-`e eaPe" '"°v91'-'
'evening, as a prayer ,theetingWas • about' to - : . r • ' . , aniong,theaudiene,e, whe, in their haste tie
1 f ' ' d 1 .
side and inside wa. s ; on acings an ang ea .
- conneence in the .13.aptist 'Clinical. vestry,. tairs - tram lod each Other.
. an nie mg aro n woe r , get, doevn . s , , . : . . P , . • ,
d fe • h '''a ' ti d a o 'stone work ,
an elderlyeegentleman named Laneont,' in ' ed a coat around the
ttbe--banit .01 not reerethan half of this number can' be • Spniebody' wrapp .
re- of -which -ateaspeonful
. City, shot,. an ornieleneee , in-e-Beendon-•-11 e 0 ,- - .- -- ,..,,., , a .. ,
Hilts '9;e6uple of days ago' . It, Wag almost 'the morning ' . juet before_eeating, nu
' - • ' • - .1.1 ' d ' • h - ' gredually inere,e,se to a tubleepooleful. twice
as large as a- fear sized.: orsee en, w en
dail . "Continne these eonstruetive agents
dressed. weighed nearly •• fiveelnuidred . , , Y• e . . , ,
a • - - : - . for an indefinite .perior ,an . o no e every
1 ad ti i '
! ' ' ''''. • • ' , , new .rentedy sensatzon switch you off the:
' During tile.' Cold snap teeo ;weeks egg . ' ., .. - ' ,. , . - • ,
• . couree
Joseph Robineon started from Brandon -for, , ,
,,i „,
, ,
,... '.. •
f ..
„ e .
. •, a
',!....( 14
' lee ,
,. / ..,
attoo.aing' , these... seivices, viceine: ,,and the
I ed ' T fi d eh ' b - f beaks • a him ., down .upen .
. al .1 o ., to , e num er o i in .
entered the hell and peek hie Sleet. He'was. Another entlems,n threw -his over-.
floor. . , g „
wall, firet find the humaer of square feet of ., ' - he a:
eeidently' in rather an exhanate.d.„...state, . 1 . °eat 'at hini • andeeirnek a :lamp evee a
' . e • .- - . . . sureace, an en,rau ip y y o , . in . , '
d th h. 1 b 7 f r a 4 '' oh '
which Wal exhibited a enoment,leter, vvhen ".eteill 'b 14 f ' ' 8 ' h 11 by 21 for a which came. ..„.„ . . _ p e
, e y or an Inc wa , . . down wither crash . s illin the
' ' ' - '
he.rairied his feet froni 'the ibex and placed: oil a er him A deanerate 'fight ensued to
. . le inch, wall; end by- 28. for a 16 inch wall. . -e- -v ' . . - .e - •
them Across another °heir in front ef bine. t. of which pans
'He Foretiiiiiingebeicks Ouneeof ',save hie eife,-, in :hai s. -
. ..,,, . . •
. . . . . , , .
the Sci r's distric't lend hunting 'His - 'Ong ' Whe Female Medico Wrodbles... ,
absence excited anxioenefeiends, and, ceree .
F f. F n • ick, .r Kingeton ..•Medica,1
ro „, e eV . ‘.
f I see eh institteted eeiniltedin the finding' • th • i t ' ble •
u r • - • " • • • ... Celle e •en whose c ase . e recen, rou es.
of hie dead body lestnight froeen stiff thirty g , ..
. , . . . between male and feinale students' Arose,
mileefrom Brandon. . - . , • : .
- . has ma, e a s a ement denying that he
d' - t t . • '1 ' ' 1
' 'id
:,,f, Pe
. 'P' d• eit . t
, e i e i
el, ,t,
11Q; On
• /
i el\
red, melt . one „.the .. •
-.Wee then Been te euddenly let hie head • ,J ater la ed a romment art.
• • lue m One 11' '• f t . ad 'e f full of dish w p y , p . . p .
ga on o wa er , a a pi ea o. . Th ' flenies were finally subdued. The
a droPbacla, and. hasteningto hieside, ehey 11,1ural the size of an egg, then onehelf pound' - e - : . ' . - , ,
found that he dl ' ': e ' '' '
arparently deing, Geo.,' Swedes, ie ba h it is
e" ---The le li' 'Le k 1;1' th 1 ' that if ' ' d . t ' h d I d d an -y-'•
a oe . , a e, era in Ka . male stu en s le eer,e or app au e
. , , , ,
there was lees an given 0 e tlyn, Ica es thing which ' e.sai , an asser e a e
i a .'''t th-e 'cl* t • • h 'd' d' 'tdthtth
' ci r culators the land would' be taken -
8-e Wee Caused the ladle/I-easing
';e t „ ',
e''`)4 eae ea
eri •'', "
was and a of Vdnetian red and one roma af. Spanish vietim, ye -u --..- -
few nainutes afterwards he expired.. . : hoped net fa,eally, biernea.• , ,
, T la' 1 - th b•k bf He le 'suffering,
1 . e . brown. • ry t p co or on, e rie s e ore .
t 'be '
•ait up oar ley end
' ]. h th f th Country 1- r • li '1 ' . ' 1 d• " . la* le the .. ..' ,
by real sett ere, t. e grow o , . es . . . leaving t ea° ase, ,e ,peocee ing ve. ic .EL, er, '
would be healthy as well :as .rapid, 'people students considered es an ensult to'hinaielfe '
, . using, and change light or dark with the red. , . . • . - . . • .
_. ' '
' A 'decidedly unpleasant predicanaent 'WAS or brown, using; a, . yellow • reiheral. fee hieff.,, '
. itaiiisiEvtinterssi, sof WOMEI.V.;
thst .en Which Sewage, of Chenthoesburg, ' For , 'coloring blaek, heataitephaleura to a, . -,, e . _a... , .. . ,
. pa:, found himself . the other,44y..L.Z3-113-ae-fluid etiateeend' moderately heat trite sur-' ',riie,Tritaedie.e That Followed du Assault
, .. , .
ot De d ' ' ' t j (FROM BRAZIL) •
wieleing to steatite the 'land . wauldn, „ Tne la y students, m a letter te he ,. . 1 , „
obliged 'to' go tothe Stateefor homesteads', feeuity, 'mole sto,tenaents directly at ve,ri. :The 217G-vri-.COEVOzz.nct, its', ..tron. ,
and railroads Would be built ee fase as:they. , ance with theprofessor'e. . . derful affinity to the, LigeSiiire
',,., and the.L.iver, inereas- •
helpless peralytiC, and had .been seated so. feed /nicks and Idip them.' Or Make, °a hat ,' • • ou.. a
. near -the stove that hie earmentetoak fire. mixture ' of lineeed oil and aSiilien e.heat . „. ,
. , . . 1 • T a , A C icago,. . .,
Pliable. to move 'and linable eo, Make hia the brickeand dip them.. ar nd asphalt h' ' ' ' Ill
. yeice beardeetelvas 'breed: eci tenciainine -ire alsoensed aforethe-Same-purpose: Itite Pla,vekins and Mrs.
bid °heir ana watele the partial'consunaP- linpartant that , the ehrieks be suffieiently , been ' Isecedin jail
hi Pin Dr. Eeetsky
tion of his lower ' limbs. He will pebble-. hot and.be held . in .the temente tO absorb_ 7 PP ,g .
- . - ' ' ' h f - t tlh f women attac e
k ci th
' bly die . . • - ' • ' ' the ceder to the dept. o one-mx. een o • • , ., ., e .-
king' en inch. .• . . , ', ' • foreem alleged slander.
' Aleck .13rowna 4 • Well-known 7°r ' e ' ' ' ' a °used hie Dr.
Doet00.. ' ' '
. , . . .
i 1 a, a s • Mide
. ,e egr ne s y . ,
Moore, of this.city, have
in • ehis 'city.' far horse-
two weeks ago. 'The
d t i h him
e oe er o punis , .
, . 11 k •
Dr. vets. ,y aci-
Clay; Of inducing the
_ .Appo,_,Astris'
.,. lize tli e .f.' diSsolving jizicen; relier- ..
Mr. A..We • Ross .has field the .corner. of • • 10,,,,,";‘,.es'it woi. .
- ' ' inP• ',1.1.tilot instantlythe drec.,dfdi
P' t ' ' - dM ' street '''eVennipeg, . .. e . • _ . ,_ , ea, , e . ___, . ...•
or age .avertue. an , ant ,, , , .6 . '. ' NOthin ever introduced' 'for the cure ot ,.--„,,--74,,, „..FD,,.,.,„,,....,_,...,_ • .,„,,•,,,_,__ _,,,.,_, ,.
for $115,000, to an English syndicat . ,who
g ' d • • th lei le re utation '''''''"e`ee '''• .aeeeew-eeee. •aueeig'Weeeen. •
*ill erects,. Palatial latiek bloole. This is any:ailment ,,deserves a ..p :namps .Thin.,;, .azid the TORPID, LIVE17; lnalra5 ,
What; ,so rapt iy gain: 'as . t
the 'peke:Anal ":bueinese. stand, anci' Meellose ite.. , _ _ , re.,____... Zopesa;.aii.. etrerkday.necess,7..rtY-in_H_____-
' e: 670 000. for ie inApril Ia.ste` The
gave, . , . , „ lees Corn Extractor, he great anuonly l''''U. ' SVerjr .4'.0ZISe.s. . ' ,, , • • , '. '
cure ter Corns---.Bumons, etc, . it. acts ,
- t old for ' . - ere - ' - • - . e- . : a • . . - • .
adjacent: proper y s... . eeea'000 Th It 6cts, g.ntly and 'speedily. in ' -
l''' t t ' The promptly, it acte , painl'oesly, it,, , ecte. „eeaseates,naao, . cbsees,.s.sep,es syss•sde,
is an ineprovea feeling in, rea ee a e.
tailor in Edinburgh- Was also a charactekin
' • e
. . . partner,
jeS eh. - • • eo aeteck ehina...and killed„„play.
t- be i 'tte women.
Upon -the .Canada-Paei a efficiently, ' ie,„anes_ea._the.,,rieeietererheit1), ea.ehee •
„fi i Siek-Heaaaelin-rDilti'ds":df; -, --
. . , . , v.
his weer.' On one eoeeasion he ,attenaea
' ' .. , , .. .
• temperance meeting in the oity, and
norent of .
. - ... - -.., ave•,. ca.,cenerage. o . ... g - -
a e 11' d D ' E t k initted suicide
e b' Of things in order to avoid ester .ay re gsee s, y cora .. •
. • , grea, num er , ,
during ' ' ' '
' '
-manner No" pain ' noe dieeomfort. „Pute . f,,,0' :gating VTind On the Stoznae I . -- .. -
' es sonae degree, Of uneasiness, but ,the. .. • , • ' a . . ,. .... - • . „ ..... . , , 7, , : . , ., .. a . e. • , .
cans „. , „ , . „ .
feelingie . nam's Coen. Extractor es. tne aome or -per- Ileartbnrii, Pa,ins. 212' the Side and '
the neleraity of •being ignorant of everything
. an address given ' by ashabbilyedeeesed • , -.
S a ' S 't1' - • ' ' .
• speaker, he frequently called out " order, Tie t °giants in the royel procession to
b ' - ' ' ' . e W.' . • ' . -
,eirder, when he thought the audience weee the JAW. English Lew Ceurts evere.not Gee
.. interrupting by , their' peolonged applause. and Magoe but Void Alfied 'Paget. and
, .
A. Feaetal Struggle
. . i' 1a1 ' ' r''
A rove epee, . e.
Josenh S. Steichell, a Atudent
' - - , e . , .
, . ,
. for Lite.
1 t 1 g says •
e, e e ram .
at the Green-
' 'do
pot panicky. ,
' ' . . . , . . . .: featien eta a eiefe (Jure and 'Painless' remedy ,BItch:;.Vtrant of Aijiiotite. Want. 6,1 .
' m. 33 ,e4 0: .
ameba to toir acLeod from far Corns ' Bewaie of • irnitatiens . and sub- •Eite.zgye1 Low, Spirits; . Fonl ;Stein,
, , inc e , ., , , , . , , ,
I?' h r Creek With 1 660 ilea dabbege. ititutee. ' A. -C. Polsen &" Co., prope,. Etch. , It invigaziateSthe Liver,.ear- ,
-- ' ' -..-- . , , .. tee -1-a e e e. ' lit and Kingston, Onti , . • . ee -1, • -1. '.. . -' '. • - r.ies oft all sarplal bile, .regulates
1 Mime sevennell is. running nee
Af6i one ef Aleekle eoutheirsts the speaker • : - - e'h • , ' : , , .
, , Fred 13urna, ea, . . . .
sitia-i, Will that eentlenaan Please inform • . ''' ' t le ' t hi
' ' ' ' ' ' A ood deal of the ' s oe mg a n ng
. . .
- nie- what kinder °eider he walits,2". " Oh,' " - -- g • • • r : ' ' - ee ' h ' t ee •
..d, „,i . , tills y , 6 ,, , . _ea
ear will, .b cones ,ash, areal e ng
• rephed Aleoke quite undatinte , f ye vit . . .-th Ch ' t - " To what b
hefore ano er roe masa . , aee
it en'thae way,•Pil titk, an order frae ye for -,, • , . . , • . , ' ..
-acticinarif.--rmill'ircl -rabbet - -- , . -US . r -
f in Waal-
wich Accweeniyason o a evi ve „
ingten. D.0 :broke through the lee w i e
' - - ''' ' ' t "' d • ' d : e / ie .
skating , o.dayean ,• was rownea, niter:
' • - ' ' t f ii•'. ' -for
e ru gl g for threequier ers o an our in
,t, g In . • . . .. . ,.
eh • lit i ' e hose fforts-failed.to
. e sag o person, w e
' h' ' '' e ' ' r
_ ... , . . ... L . , . . theeIleivelsa .agd gives tone to'the
d'El4'' ' '' .' ' ' ' :. . , .'e. ' / • Cheistopher ,1'eniiellye of.Boetori, . wide :
.. whele sy.teni, ,' ' . ''' ' • - ' •
bk Hilt -ter has been appointed it coroner e I am about to appear in 'front ' ef 'iny e -
, a . , ..„ .. . . ''Ceit this.Out and take it to yon.x
Minnedosa district., . 'Malice." But' he waa neistaken/Ior the eie
, . . . , . . , . . ., , ,. eariegest endegeet air) Cent Sample,
., • . . , . . • ' ' w ' ' hieh •he ro- ' g . - ' ' ' ' , ' t ' ' -
' A Portage brewer ehipped 30 000 gallons t eneyetwo knife wounds w _ p br a
. .. . . ., . lax e bottle for 75 can a, arta
' ' '''' ' '" ailed t3 k1I1 it„,„,71 ' h h h 4. 4,0, _.4
0- an 011-M" - -
f le. t ' 13r d " one monthrea-------------oliededetodniliet-uponehinasela.f , .. _ . ee. - -m-nt7-r-s1410. n ILA /7177. -. .- -__--..- ,. _
, „_