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The New Era, 1883-01-05, Page 7
ristmas Holiday Christmascomes • hitt once a year. iai 1 . strum �. lc �M usc CHEAP FOR THE-:H.OLIDAYS.. IN *sic, Eiupori pini I'ei�rin' Biocl , (`I ntoii, WJNG11A01. CannwAI,.-The first carnival of the; season took place ' on Monday evening. Owing to very short' notice and- other things, the attendance was, not as large as usual. There were probably 40 skaters in costume and a number not 'in costume. The Christmas tree was a grand success, the church "was crowded and lots of noise' was heard"all over the ,church. Are selling their large stock ` of Music and Musical Instruments cheap, including Violins, Concertinas, Accordeans, Flutes, Mouth Organs, .• Violin Bows and Strings, Book and Sheet Music" Instruction Books, &c. your =r�,a and so® their stock • select e 0,11 p resents and_ maize your homes bright ht r arr�d : cheerful; and your glair23., e. -. ., • .; bright and happy._ DON'T FORGET ` ADDR-E65. ;Ic EM -PORI -U Perrin's Block,MarketI:,Siqttar! r0•40111.4oi _'-r 'LO anESUOuss, Parties have commenced to ship turnips from here,Jitl_t not in great quantities. about to " ' Mr. T. Cottle ismove tolin Clin- ton, ton, it is his intentipn to go to the north-. pest in the spring. • The band gave a few selections from out- side, and altogether the caaini,val was a success. TUE CRIJRCILEs.-The Rev. Jno. Mills; of Seaforth, peached the anniversary ser- mons in the C. M. Church, Sunday. The Rev. lIr. Williamsiin,_ of the Baptist church delivered his farewell address on Sabbath_ evening. The• tea meeting in connection: with the C. M. Church on Monday' even was -a grand success. BELG$AYE. Mr. Robt. Sterlinghas turned out a lot of fine bob sleighs. Mr. James Owens was offered $150 for a. yoke of oxen and $200 foi'u 2 -yr old colt, - which he refused. Mi. John Long has-the-contractfar _car_ rying`the used from Belgrave to the sta- tion for the next four years, and has coma maimed work. Mr. John Duncan, ;of Stanley, was hers on a visit to his brother last week. . He was trying to purchase horses, but did not find what he -anted. - Mr. James McCallum, .who :went in by acclamation for deputy -reeve of Wawa - nosh, is considered agood ratan, although not' in the council for some time. Messrs. Geo. Habit and James• Mulhol- land' have been visiting friends in this neighborhood,sind people_say.,that their _yisitsarl ean_dntrimeniaLlzusaness A tea meeting was held .on behalf of the Episcopal Church, on Monday. Tea was served in Morely's Hall, and speeches de- livered in the ch etch, was jam full. Mr. ,W. Duncan is selling by auction his large stock of dry. goods, &c., and in- tends to rent his store and dwelling:: As it is a good stand,. this is a chance for some tLast week i doe belono-ng to 11Ir.. Barnes was ' poisoned ;lie had refused $20 for it.,. Alin .Morel. also lost one at the. Y sime.time and . some umiserable l One chang- ed - ed harness with her, getting the best' of the bargain.. S'he..had to ge to Blyth and purch;tse a anew set.. HAPPEN. Mr. Geo, hunt has obtained' a situation' ► tiger°s waggon shop. • Mr.. Angus Robinson, of Kites College, Toronto, was - isiting friends here this week. i)Iaster Will Hunt has resigned his po- sition taker of tho Presbyterian • � siiion rs caretaker. o 'church, alter two years service A son of Min Edger fakes his •place, A shooting ivatch'4vas•held in .l' ipilen- on Monday afternoon, when a Isaac nuwi- Messrs. A. A. Taylor and H. Wallace, are visiting here on their holidays. Mr. Wallace looks remarkably well and Mr. Taylor looks as though he lived on yeast cakes and, that they were rising. • 0 We are sorry to have to • xecord the death of Mr, Jackson, of this place, who died while visiting seine of his' family abbut he was much respected in the village and will be greatly missed: The Municipal election created a great sensation here, ' every candidate . flying around like wild fire, but when the news cape of the lucky ones that were ;elected, they took the platform, which was Bell's •bsir,and delivered very eloquent addresses, -stating-their;thanks=to-the-electors:and to cone and' have a drink, which seemed to .be the most 'appreciated of • their whole. speech; bythe majority present. The evening passed off very quiet, not a Don - brook ail onbrook"all' night. The election of Mr. B. Churchill''was a mere chance, occurred by two: Parties in Londesboro`' tossing up to see who they would vote for Churchill or Watt, and Churchill won the teas; so it is easily seen that even a tossof a copper l caused the result. -Corn. - 1 }Io1:111E8v1LLE. Mrs. Chas. Disney is home again from her: visit to her parents in the northwest. Mr. T.: -C. Pickax d -has purehased from-Mrr-1 E Potter, at $5.50 the shop 'now occupied by -J. Hill in which is lrept the Post 'Office and store. W e are gaad. to know- brat.(Mr E. Levis fir, not down with the fever as it has been report- ed ; he hada cold :but is around again all'. right. Rev. -Mr. Edwards will preach, the fun ..eral sermon of the-lateWalgate Tebbutt,•. in the. Methodist; church, hare -'on',Siniday, .- -at l0atn �0 MakesYoiir,'B�bots? ICIcS THE BOOT ._ IViAKER. i'9Men, Women DEALER' IN ALL KINDS OF :ilr d ''Children's'. !io ►ts .& S1s40:03. Spring Stock well assorted,an earn ; rete. in . all : ' p departments. ALE, GOODS SOLD CHEAP\FOIL CASH' C. CRUICKSHXNK, I3 ICI(` ,BLOCK, CLINTON iLN< C.AINrci . School; Mi.L.ri e. ---!fit the a,nnal School meeting' held last.•yeek in No. 3 School, H ofm s rher Mr. J o s..P Y eCtOiwas a yoto e trustee' in place, ofV.tStanley, whose ' term had'expired. 1; et no oiie:nowomit to buy . The fragrant "Teaberry," and try 'Upon the -Teeth its cleansing pot,ers, And •gaina Breath like scent of Viewers: • 0' The uudersi necl,Lavine. again out a'rreneral stock of Goods,` take this o r- opened51: iortunit *.of thanking't their old 'customers -r tl ,liberal. patronage them 10 3 ,� h 0 1e p nage:afforded• when'in lusrness before, and tr st that by giving Special Bargains to get et iilt their old customers back, and many new ones. We intend to keep full lines in the following Dry -floods .- GODERtCli Irti41'\ t[1IC'. FAD)! Sort :Phe 80 acre farm on the Bayfield concession • occupied• by Mr. Balder- son, has been purchased by hon at $1:,500., The following reformers'from this town _ship, attended the. Toronto-(.onveiition:.J., L.. Conrtics JolurMarquis, John Wigginton, John McDonald; S. McDougall, ber of tut Le Was shot fol;.'DIessrs. A. 7imi-ot:r.,nsirnBea r,,--lylcssrs,.John Mar- tell and Geo. Hunt being the. leading• On Monday evening a bail' was given. at Shaffer's Hotel. .:A large' number of young folks frora the, surrounding neigh- borhood being present, and "tripped :'the light fantastic" till.' an early hour. On Saturday afternoon, as -a, young man. named Walpool, in .the •employ of Mr. H. Shafer, was cutting 'sausagemelt with a 1 machipe,'he'caught the end :of his 'second finger on the right Taxi tri -1 m:1 gine . b oit p UI t g t thethere • splendidA. tl._ Sol tl7flell tOt'Lll the, latest Styles ': st c5 .of Overs iu Y cat . g, which Nye ct�n make up on.short` lnotice: •A perfect' fiti �,naz��;�1- teed -Prices reasonable. DR, 3SS GOOD. a ` :.Tack �t'ntl Colored Cashmeres, Fancy All Wool Dress Goods, Proeaded `Silks, Black: and Colored Moires • tor' Trimmings. Our Stock of Hosier 01 •Will.• be #'ootid• veli Complete' ,� � .and a cll �1sso1 tt,tl. rat f x S 0 a great . �. variety., , T iii (',ollcetllazh t•ltt�t' 1 l ter }.t � <lS ...Cut, C. �• _ dircet :in ortati :.n t, . ; t t}111 p U u 5t etc 1, r, ._ an cl° res , l SC al.0 1'V•Orth O i�.eE� Has no tival,'iii .town ,English and Irish '':Tweeds f� #.-Snchell tentioii L' .TS. and CAPS,. BOOTS O S awed Sl30BS. GROCZ �ee - ()wino', , io the rapid increase of our business l.,i,lsl �es� i�1 other luranelle�s b a r- we fznel that we have, not room for ;elan CRC�CT�:>CR c l � iter GLASSWARE, and tl i offer erre- i�'holc, s oCl, llt c ' • v Ick:!. cruris and John-111cC'ai tney are going' to get -a thoroughbred . Durham .ball. for ase : tri this section of country.:. We liop© their enterprise' will meet svith. the success it nserite After the election`ou Monday eveninp1 some of the elected candidates were called•upon to. make a speech, at Iiolrnesvillo; some df the remarks not suiting, h certain, individual, he jumped tip and struck the speaker, which- . was ungontletnanly, to say -the least.'' A. great' many' farmers in'"this .township,,. have not threshed yet, owing to the deep 'snow t r ins io<. im ossi e o e engine .. taking oll`the first ;joint` -snppo .e- .they -will -rias s to--talie-the horee- I'erliaps the be t store house on tui'lrne I�o.wer vat, bet some are trying a -patent rea is. situated at this . sta , scribed: • On the 19th tills examination of -S. S. No, 2 ' . was' held,'there being a large turnout, of"visits . ors and children, • When 'the various 'classes , • were 'examined,' the school. was. shown to be a healthy an'd flourishing condition, i also showed the teacher to be very.'p'rompt and tersest Church. here,;aere held ou Sunday energetic `in the discharge of his duties At the 31st ult. :.hen Mr. Cameron teak the': the close of tho.ecamination;tlie-children pre=''•. sentod him with a eon linientar address and service du the mornin and Rei 11Ir. S p' Y oYVafrna in;theewen ng ;tai e.et - a-1 eautiful'album - Mr, Johnston; the teach''' ing of;the scssion•was, held in the"evening. er, rs going' to Toronto prosecute his. atudiee.- ° chine which •wonid be casiei seen ti'8" de of the L..H & B 1 1 tion. It is the property of Mr. II. Shaffer, and contains 1,400 lbs. of nails. 'The. lumber, instead of being usecl edgeways, is laid after the style of a lumber pile. • ' SACRAaIr:NI'AL Sti 10i(13. -Sacramental services in connection with the Presby Blue and Grey Cottons, : Sheetings,•Ducks,Deninis9 Tickings, Cotton Yarn Carpet et < Warp,Flannels: Grain Bags bhin s Dress Goods :..and Bags , Winceys, Tab g , Trimmings,Small wares, `&c. Tweeds,Coatings, it r s .Trimmings, R ad Made Suits • an Tao _e Y , Overce ats On illonday evening, a .number.' (if. the, friends of 31n, Andrew Bell 'asseinbled at his residence to spend the eveniii and 1 � have a' ood:time generally. The art were' supplied with music and recitations by' Mr. Andrew Blair, Misses Lizzie Bell and Maggie Blair' and others, with Miss Miogie Hunt it the organ:' The 'con= C4:ENE1 AL LINES tiS1;J..A.LLY KEPT ectal value in lea ugar, -TATS _AND (J PS 1'UT,l," STOCK. IN THE :DIF.FEREN'I'' AIRF LASSO 17151! ]Y C T,\ 11f h:N'S;__ti%OM-BN'S:_ititi:_G EIILT):REN'S", -- l+ lttt:.-,•On Thursday night last the family lErIETIEg$ER` of. Mr. W. Butler,' of the lftlicon., were, • awakened' at a.lato hour by the discovery that . position ,,o ... cash for our goods, and get' le.,, ..t the 1. wes r: a _w �x -. ._ - -first __. found,tlie:fire wascontined to the; rear por• possible rice:, ,arties bu itig'ft•otn us play expe•ct to •get bargains; -as out motto tion of thehouse, but rt-quieklg* spieacl and i4 5°,small :iofits'mci qui& iettit•1;s." it was with greatdiflienit that a portion :of p` Y n I notica (I17RSEIC)ES.: the -contents' of: the front were.:saved. air. Butler's loss is pretty heavy, while his incur- mice -is only x;500.. flow the fire origi.uated'is parry; broke ul, at h reasonable hour 'after unknown. Mr. Butler wishes us to convey, enjoyiaig themselves' to their ilc.trt's :eon -;1 his sincerest thanks to the fiimids'rho gavo_.:: tent. : sucb valuable'assistlineo in "sarin;; a portion, of his effects, etc. a; _ ... gel ctfull iecxtested�to gall -.and see oar nods and get prices a :l rclin5ei•s are i'espe Y l a1 �. we are bound to sell'at 'the lowest paying prices., if�p�I11f:I:Lf.ER. A grand° tea meeting and entertainment was 'held on. Dec. 27th, under the auspices Of thc,Ladiee of the M, E. Church. 'The roceeds. of .the ravening; amounted to Literary meeting was :held on .Slaturday 30th Dec. Meeting; opened id due time, with Vice, President in the chair. Min - of last: meeting;_ read' and idol teal. -11 r. Wm. Moore wa 'then 'called, ter the s t s plata:nail and said that lief. was-rath er--taken by. :surpaise,.but, ktowever, .he• would try and give theist a few words, on the benefit of ;Trode, : The 'aeat a esker .Was -M r.; T. Gledhill, who gabe';a very instructive ad- Arena , to the young people, and the nacos city of haying ggood moral'. literature that would enable them ';to profit by sucti a so- ciety._ The third speaker Was Mr. John McGibbon, whe in a, veru masterly, man: ner showed theg real' benefit to be gained by being a member.!.of such a society, es tecially y'hto the'farmingeonununit as head.not the chance . of expressing their Viewson different subjects as' the mechanic. n After several very instructive addressess the'moating Was .brought ton a close, resolving to have a friendly- debate In of fel r ' tc' With the railroad chili . o leticll , nvn- Ship ` at an early d:ifie. The Cansetnatives aro talking of holding a, meetini .to`see`if--any•of"the'-old-council-' have,. apirited,away the once beloved N.}.',; as wheat,, -bailey,, and other grails : are down to low water mark. Opinions bre divided 011 the wereabouts o£: that will -iv -the -wisp ; some say Gabeis the death of it ; others, that' it fell over Connolly's hill tlre1ime the old horse - was hurt. There is another party thinks Johnny:Beacom carries the whole; thing in his head,' and will reveal now elected;, others say u' i x e is wi e r rack •n ; esu c1 riE1.U- t `e lI7•i:sr.1 >,CTo�ty The' frill s U oK n;, is J-.. aril .hos .. Bef' Himm�fRl,}Y ; C , ,1ne49.7 ICLf1C1ll" Chesse Factory, fog the year' 1882.; The total milk received pat the.factory, 873,3611 ; total' pounds "ol" chsese, '82,818 ; average pounds of milk to 'one pound of Cheese for the whole year10.54lbs. Th�-141low- ing are the.average selling prices for each ',month :--a1ay, '10;57' cents ;. June, 10.46 cents"; July, 10.78 cents ;! August, 11.54 cents ; September, 1150' cents -;and Dote-, her, 11.50. The following are the prices' paid t6, patrons for each month for eaeli pound of cheese c�-May;- 8.22 c. ; June, 8.09 c.; July, 8. l5 c.; August: 9.17 e. ; Sept., 9.18 c.; and October, 9.18 c. The factory 'Settled 'upand: Paid- accounts-- on - Dec. 28th; al] being well pleaeetl with 1,'hc returns. -. th tB11Sti kfld 'll Tow, tspri g when he' asseasea, whore, the creature has, crawled. The amount of reward offered is pieta. for the reeoecry of the skeleton. -:-Cote The annual, horse race carne off in this township :on Monday 1 a • • the' lace was contested' and q , by a heavy draugh_t_and a blood : tho ono called the grey Percheron; the other, the Hamiltonian,,;° the: starting . place dieing the iot concession, heavy draught being in good trim and fed up for the race, bets were two to one on him at starting. , The little blood had; boon in 'training doring . the last, year and knew the reed well,; -the start being made the draught led, and left the Ulood -far behind, while conning floeiu'the 7th and past. the rail- road hall,the old fellow kicked up his heels" and almost defied defeat,, going past Sturdy's church at a fearful) rate of "speed, but when he came to (lonnoly's,Hill the old fellow began, to loose his, rind and.eyesight,bill ears be- came 'soft and his musele'ti'enibled . and to c h snake mattersl. worse, the little Hamiltonian ' .came bolting past leaving the old fellow in the duels, speed and' blood 'telling in a, hard sOen race. 1Yolatesville past at one boubrl,: 3 -son, the- driver, -could hardlyy -hokl-his- tat on,at Harrison's lie cleared the hurdle at one leap noc the torso for his aril:; We left. the Pereheron at Connoly's Hill miredand',. covered' with setrernl articles and a host of. hungry " oNrcialc ' bewailing their .once 'noble racer.,.but.:now._a_wreak_byJus_osenattdl tcyee. tion. They say he will go in training for an- other rake, n-otherraee, but the constitution of -the animal is entirely gone Con. • The GREAT GERMAN ,.INVIGORATOR is the marvel of rho Ttodieal World. It never fails to coriipletely euro' Nervous Debility. Imlio- tonoy,Mental Depression, mid alldisease 8 caus- ed from oacesscs. Tho testimony of thousand Canbe had by writing F..7. Cheney-; Toledo. Ohio, sole. agent for the Tinited States. Price $1.60 por box, six boxes for $G:oo. If your drug- gist does Mot keep rug-gistdoes-notkeep the remedy,•-sonil-to head- quarters and got the. medicine by mail Clrcu- 1arsantl;testimottial8on application, Solo agent or Clinton; T,11,Combe. c' . iodgeiis' old scan Clinton, Sept., 1$82.,-: r -:13ri cls nlo'clt, A.11ie05tre e�.o W L�L� 1ukJ. not,: life Is swooping by,,' dere befor'e y'oit die somethi l i ' - I Ll1100345 :\Nn Y.lAIfti, 3 th0`. 1;0010, of Mlts. r '(..elit,AND R, IULAoa• STB.Iit1.T, Now ocean ierl.bn s(1..ioliN' P.niit'lt'.1'SON. 1 . Clinton, Nov.Cl, 1588.. mighty and sublime leave tielti .. �•.� �. . to conquer time. a Week your own town. $5 outfit free • No risk Eve now. Papitdl':'not reguired. We rill furnish. everything. Man aro malting fortune:,. Siattieann . ser nmeh es mon, and beet andgirls make great '14 ean i an ur Read r, if youwant bunt secs at which you e groat pay all the time, mite for particulars toll. nine & Co:, Portland. Maine.. T(. %EN'S': T(.1 �, ,; -STRAY. c 4 , � r r �a, LE. Two stores in the Carson ltlor;'k, Rents': low. Apply to MANNING &t l,,(1I ),. ' Also, the 'store owned by Mr, (4. H. Wright, lately occupied by Mr. Bayley. • `'1'i7Rai'19D front the prnnissoo if subscriber.rot Voitlend concession, about theist of October, dark t'ed Steer coining two, and Atte light red Ife' e ori t The ete 's ' and left. ar i, w two. I'lk el tau e s i r u r dtze.rma agorae bo 13ot i a eo r Any info � e er tt a gg r eriA animals will he uni'athTY reworded ..".- tfirLl I tat. RSVP:. i•'olhoratq"l)ee, u, 113:?. C,f,lCP(rlODi Y M4ftIiET . , 1: l }i, Lhurstlay, fair. 4., 1183. tYh'eat, scot • . $0 ;$A A 0 85 I,L tltalts slue tlx Estate err' yl• ar 'Marten must utast )lir` ,White whelat,• • - 0 ,8;3 .a 0 83 : ,A t y . paler hyviatl 7'it, :e4 i d0 not, intend tQ:la'aeL'l,0ly,=: 0'85- a.':1) SO . winter,. snit sonnet beall time rtnining.ltfter swat. 0 34, a 0 34. ' . debts, as t have done, we roust' meet :our Hal) litte.s-,. others nntst do the spans. • 1 shall make ono ntore"hi lb • 0 0 h40'00' a'l' ' 0U Vf ').. bones, ii ,, soe kc, mita,. carpet's, w eoli4 only, on'all after ibis notice. 1 take211 lands of ran i, ' 4 50; a 5 00 atrbben,, iron;,hoppr, brass and lead in settleme it;i\ 035 a0'37 1atYn-ltpcnag he: --,s ,a, li ,t . . 2 ,2 !ewgood White Shanghai and Bantam, hens far aile_ O 23 a i'24 • itw;\ov, 111,181`. ,r Spring, - Oats, 13arley, Peas, . I -.tons Potatoes, Butter, _.._`Eggs,'. Hay,.. Hides,, -,(creep pelts Lamb skins' Geese, - Chickens, per pair Ducks, per ; pair, ` Turkeys, each Pork, ., Bt:tiUTIPULsI{A[n i,!'one Of the. moststrik, ing and pleasing of characteristics and eau easily bo obtained byrthe use of the Cingalese Hair Renewer. ` SOla at 150 cents per bottle by all; druggists. 8 50 0a 8'80' '_ - . a ,7 5o a u 7�• Huron &- MiddlOsoi -Insurance- Com(�na r : f : O 7v. a. 1 00 ` OFF :O. i% a' 60 ,. - ,: : ') 11.1. 0 9U.L.iI (. 11 35 a.. 0 40 5 0 60 (Iener,1 ilsiite,.v: <kuse.' /11•1111/11Q3/11•/11•1111/11Q3.nill LSluctetl 'ab 0.i0 a lt. las" O 5l • a. -1� 2:i sex. of pr'0pert;v. .� a 7 0 7 iU'PItOh.k't.l �h1;I,C'Nifty,' ' `4 Jta'1"1', 1CrI b'l' •it Catarrh eaeitestroyed }'sur eerMe rat ItiOts and hearing,.Ilall!s Catarrlr•Cui.•ewlll-(unison•► 75 cents per bottle. :1')r ll „ruts sc It Lt, rot- Ciao. lryl.n. iotnho. tit