HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1883-01-05, Page 6'AROUND. THE COUNTY. Ryan,of Seaforth -s 'wing into T. ll, ,t t, n ford. business at Br t • An effort will be made shortly to organ- ize a Philharmonic Society in Goderich. Seaforth Mason's presented Mr: Hy. Cameron with a Past Master's Jewelvalu- ed at $60. THERE is no doubt about it, that Dn. Va;J CURE BUREI.s KIDNEY),nett is the only known re- medy that science has bestowed upon man- kind that will positively cure kidney diseases. Ask your druggist for it. Mr. John Gilfillan has purchase' the farm of Mr. William Bryano, Usborne, for the sum of $6,100. Messrs. Geo. and Arch. Eyvel have seld. their farm, on the boundary of Morris, to a gentleman fforn Fullarton, for the sum of ,$3150. J. Mothers, of Seaforth, sold his'nuted - mare, May Queen, to the Hon. Frank Smith, of Toronto. The price paid• for her was $506. OF ALL the ills that flesh is heir to kidney disease is the most distressing. To sufferers, we can only say, take DR. VAN BUREN'S Ern - Nee CURE at ouce, and thus obtain a relief you cannot find elsewhere. A11 druggists' have it. Wm. Bissett has purchased_the.big liv- ery, owned by his brother Thomas,. which is one, of the best stables in the county, at. Exeter. • Two McKillop farmers,_ wliy walked to • Seaforth, took the team of a .farmer : they found standing on the street, and 'drove --home. It -only coat them $25, for the lark. Mr. R. Forbes, of Morris has recently , 'purchased his father's farm of 50 acres for the sum of $2,200. Mr. Forbes, sr., has purchased a lot in Belgrave, and .purposes, moving there before long. The aunouncement is made that Rev. R. Hicks, assistant rector of theEpiscopal. Church at Goderich, has resigned hip pose -.a tion for the purpose of taking the position of assistant minister in the 'Churcb-c f -the- lioly Trinity at Winnipeg, Man. LADIES who suffer periodically from pains in the back will find immediate relief ina few doses of -Dat. VAN BUREN'S KIDNEY CURE. It. was never known to fail. Try ' it at once. Your druggist keeps it. Of the -38 -candidates who "wrote in the Goderich Entrance .Examination only 21 were successful. The plucking was chiefly inc. JOSEPII STEPIIENSON. in history, dictation and arithmetic.: but moat of the rejected would have failed in some other subject, or on the total if all their papers had been examined: Buciclen?s Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cute, Bruises Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fo er Sores, Tetter Chapped lauds, Chilblains, Corns, andall Skiu BruptiouS: and positively cures Pales. It 18 gaarrauteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 21 cents per box, . For sale by J. H. Combe and Watts & Co. Al week made at home by the industri. ous. Best business now before the public. Capital not heeded. We will. Start you, Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now ie the time you can work in spare time, or give your whole time to the business. No other business will pay you nearly as well. No one eau fail to make enormous pay by engaging at, once. Costly oitfit and free. Money made fast, easily and honorably. Address Tann & Co., Augusta, Maine. Notice to the Lreditors or ll I1 E WARD ,... MOORE & W LlIAM MOORE Trttltngunder the firnt mime, of MOORE'-& SON, of the Town of Clinton; in the County of Huron, OTl"Cl is hereby'Sheer-that-the-:-above=man ed- flint ofMdore. Sot hate-mule-au_assi6 intent of all theirthe undersigned, for the 1 e and effects to C�tat t e CL benefitnorare :to be paipro rata. - All of:hfs cred s who 1. All parties -btu nig claims t raiinstthe said first, are to send particulars thereof with the usual statutory de- claration; to me at once: Alter the FIFTEENTH DA,Y.OF JANUARY, A.U., 1883; the. assignee, will proceed to distribute:the proceeds of the said estate I� people are always: op te Lookout for chances to increase their ear - ;ngs, and in time becomewealthy , =those who tt,o not improve their op- portunities remain in poverty. We offer a. great chance to make money.. We want many num; wo- men, boys and girls to work for us right in their own localities. Any one can do thelwork ,properly from the first start. The business will pay more than ten butes ordinary wages. Expensive ogqtfit furnished free. No ono who engages fails to.'make money, rapidly. You can devout your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. Full Information and all that is need- ed sent free. Address S'r18808 & Co. Portland, Blaine $1;000 , FO LFEIT. Having the utmost confidence in its superiority- over all others, and after thousand. of tests of the most. complicated endaevere,st caseslwe could find, we feel notified in offering to forfeit One Thousand Dollars for_sny_ease,oR 6its..., seas, yore throat, influenza,_ hoarseness, -bronchitis, consumption fn its .e'nrly ages', whooping.eough and alI diseases of the throat and lungs,,except asthma, for-Vfbich we,only claim relief, thatwe can't cure with West'S Cough Syrup, when Tt� 'aro C1 A (rent taken accordingto directions. Sample bottles -5 and vas. - 11. wo 1 r e A + 50 cents; large ottles one. dollar. Genuine wrappers 7 only in blue. 'Sold by all drul.;gists,' or sent by ex- press on receipt of price. • John C. West & Co.,' 81 & 83 King St. East, Toronto, Ont. For sale at Comhe's InBARG'AINS! Domin o Qou 'Balsam,G ATRE The great lung remedy i8 also a ya]uuUle anti ! . -dote to croup, Mrs, Quinn, Wellington St. -' Brt}ntford,' says: -'Ono of my children was siezed with' an alarming attackof Y as th W a- creep, e child got black in this face I: was frigllteued,and ran into my next notrhbor',e bars. E g ish who Y h , ku.,l 1 hand ate abottle of- . ' iiA o - _. Dominlon. Con 11 hals�nl , E a 4 . .Er" '. Which Mr. English had' boon nein- for sore . - 0 lungs, I gave my child a dyes which gave im- ; mediate relief • soon after T v It n , gave another, and in a bort:7r, .{_ e tiruo.m ohi13 was all ii lit a:id:at 4b f Y< `moo Z. for. Isentf , play.. , for a bottle t0 keel in the house, a s Ibelieve .. g _.-.. it wast m ui the a is_o _s.. -.n —m 1 tv n . ,,ti �,, choice for. 60 eel�to cLiid s life." Price 25 conks: I t S. T. PSCOTT d CO.,i y:..Women s Shoes• $1 and a wards.• PRLNIJLLA,- •ttci d, 3 _�,_._ ._ _� .... __ ;.fi�ta. _ - u_ _ ...._ ... ,_ _il[rV. .Ii.l 00. S- you �� ._.....,� .�___._..� . - Q T �il O � S GH li 1 d y2 ._ .,.-• .- 1tlCttitu �tit3'cf8 rfc, )..r oO. � fir. _ � , 6 r Pict t1 0>cr FISH!FISH!0 � mmH: E undersigned begs toll form his customers and --=s— pro rata, amongst those creditors whose claims he 1 the public generally-, that he has now on hand a hes notice •' " very large stock of No. 1 Fish, consisting of 30 Bbls. of - • . 'All parties indebted to tate said estate, are to settle i t I� \HE SUBSCRIBER MAKES A SPECIALTY the n ss with me forthwith tindebtedness e snug t'f he said�indeb amount o t l w l.oP this business and keeps constantly 00 hand .a I take Supenar Whlte Fish. &Trout A urge assortment',of,• J. P'ENTLAND TISD4LL,'Asslrnee, Clinton.Clinton. COFFINS CASKETS MANNING & SCOTT, Solicitors.for the Assignee. Clinton; Dec. 6, 1882. -. Notice of : Dissolution of Partnership. , OTICE is hereby given that' the partnership here - 1V tofote_sabsistin;between us, the:uifderstgnedl. "iiiiiier'the's£yli-of"14I;'hlaTARArAirr--&-Co:Tas Fanning 81111 inanufacturers, in the.tovn.of Clinton, 'has been this•daydissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to, the partnership are to be paid'to M.itMeTAaaAcT, Clinton,, -and th all claims agaii0t essaid partnership, are to be presented to the said 8I..8 CTAaGAar,,by whom the same will be settled.- Dated at Clinton, this 27th day ;of Not'ember,1882. • , MALCOLM McTAGGART. {Witness, JOSEP$ .CHIDLLy.' • JAMES SCOTT. .1 ALEX. McIIURCHIE INconnection with the above the undersigncd:dosire to announce to the public'that the business Ile- the of d' manufacturing Fanning Mills,heratofore carrieon by the said firm of Id. Mao gart.&iCo., will be,continuec. -and. carried ori bythorn in the-saine,remises and in -premises i as hi l i•tounderthefirtn name.' the same mannert tA. McMcataus, & Co.. of e --A.L-'G-C McDIU•IIGIIIF,-- ALEX. Mc1iENZIE. • Dated Des. 1st 1882. MZov1Tlg iiild1I1g'S ; &c.' TT TAKE this means of thanking those ose who have 1 favored .ane with their patronage 111 the past ,and ;beg to say, that as.1 ant leaving the country for Mani- toba, I have disposed of my business to= my brother, JOHN STarnevsoN, and hope that .yo4vi1l'.'favor .him, with the same liberal. patronage that yoli-:have, given The many friends of Mr."John L. An.' derson eldest son of Mr. George Ander- son, of Stanley, will regret to 'learn..'that. he met with a most unfortunate accident a short time ago, by -which he'has lost Ilia left foot. Mr. Anderson has been inDa- kota for several years. , He was engaged' in threshing at his brother's place, and a spark from the engine lit upon the straw stack. Mr. Anderson, who was :feeding the machine, jumped upon the table` to get at the stack. In doini_r so he -stepped on some loose straw, causing him 'toIslip, and his foot got into the cylinder 'of the, machine, mangling .it. so 'severelythat it bad to be amputated above' the ankle. At last accounts he was doing well. �. BEAU•IIFUL H'tAD OF HAIR There is nothing more pleasing in the:external appear- ance of women or men than a beautiful head of hair, and it is possible for every person to possess it by using the long and well known Cingalese Bair Restorer. Sold at 50 cents per bottle by all druggists. uggists. WVo learn with regret of the sadly iln4" paired state of mind of one of our female citizens.On ". I Tuesday la d y stshe wassohad ; that she gave her infant child, who was ill with the measles, an over dose of alum. and ivater, thereby causing 'the .deatll_o! the little babe. Not knowing that„the child was dead, she kept rocking 'it'from-- ten ,in the morning till late at night. Some neighbors attempted to get into the' house, but all the doors and windows were nailed secure. It was soon learned that one little child was in.tho house, not hav• ing escaped, as the others had done, so that somo:effort had to be made to secure the child, whose life was in danger, and an entrance was forced into the house Seaforth Sufi ITII regard to the above, I .would, .say that, as I - ant a chip from the sante block and having been brought 'up to the business of -moving: and raising. buildings, I feel confident that' I cangive entire satis- faction tui all who may favor me With heir patronage. And further,. ) would say that 1 am still making those' " Boss CISTERNS" AS Goon:and cheaper. than even JOHN STEPH NSON' Clinton.', WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. — ALLAN LII\TE. of NOYAI: ;KAII. S.Ti:AMS1II1'S." ZIVERPODL— LCNDDIDERRY-IDASOOW•, SuOLo1'LST SEA. .PASSAGE.; . Cabin,Iintermedipteand4teerag; eTlelt ets at Lowest Rateei:. Sailings every Saturday from:IisliMc; and every two weeks from Portland • Persons wiehing.to`Hand for their friends can;obtain passage eertffioatesStlowest rates from .:England, Ire- -Iand,and Scotland toany oity os railwaytown in Ca. nada. and the amount'is refunded less a small-dedu tion if the tiokel'ie not need. • BteeragcPaseengers erre booked to London, Cardiff Bristol; Queenstown, Derr ,Belfast and, Glasgow, at -ams prioesas to Liverpool. "_ Forthronghtieketeand every informationapply to A: 0., PATTISON; Agent, G r.R.,,: Clinton. 1)0 NOT BE DIM liIVI:i). In times of quack medicine advertise- - ments everywhere, it is truly gratifying to find one remedy that is worthy of praise,, and wbieh really doss as. recommended.' Electric Litters we eau vouch ;for as being a. true and reliable remedy and ode that will? . .do as recommended. They invariably cure Stomach and Liver Complaints,...i)isoases of: the Kidneys and Urinary difficulties. We know whereof we speak, and can readily sty, ., . ly {;'neomiiientleil•by rkydicianii.. give thein a trial.:. Sold'at fifty cents a hot: tie, by Watts it Co. and T. H. Combo. C T.T1=7,E6 • Cat irrh of tee Nasal Cavity-Chronlc and Ulcerative; Action to recover damages has- been rtarrh tf the Ear, Fye or Throat. It is taken 4 INTERNALLY, :end acts ptRECTLY' upon tak•cn by the American •Ilton no 'Society the '81rod and' Mare•is Surfaces' of the against the Boston & Albany Railroad for ... Srlies. It is the Lc't Blood Purifier keeping swine shipped over their 1i:iic4'.iti• , confinement a longer time than the. law allowed. '('his is the first• prosecutionitt the ',Piled States under 1:f1( recently re. ONO'NTfRNAr CURE FOR C�TAHHCf. wised law. . urs IN I iI tt 101.1.1(1.011' A J'hiladelphia judge has ruled that vVo lar t x 0 t atheists and unbelievers in a divine being >': f 00. -,.a find divine rewards and puni$llnlente are ." '"`•" .. ""`-"s"" incompetent as witnesses. �B 1 --Thousands of graves,i re annually robbed of their. victims • lives 'prolonged,' happiness ani) health' ix:- stored cstored by the use of the great No: 1 Lae Huron Herrils, Which will be sold atthe ilowest reenunetatii•e rates., THOS. COOPER, Grocer. John; McGarva SALT MANNUFAC;TURE7 Pf AN DEALER IN GROCERItS AND PROVISIONS ALBE• , RT STREET, Opposite the Town Hall. Very_Choice_Lard, Hams &. Bacon -GERMAN 'INVIGORATOR Which positively and permanently Cures Impotency' (caused by exoeas 11 any k ind,)J Semina Meekness, and all diseases that follow as a sequence of Self Abuse, as loss ud energy, loss bfntcntory; universallasslt0de, pain i.t the back, d uuness-ot vision;, premature' old age, and many. outer diseases that lcad.to insanity' or censnnip- tion andea premature gree + ' Send for'etrculats,with te`tin•,onials, free by vinail.' The INVIGORATOR is sold, at 81 per box, or sr[ boxes.. for by till din {,rata, or will be sent free by mail, se- -ciu li 7S•t1el 't reecipi of pried by addressing --: I .1. CIl l N1 V: Dru gist,.• ... 187 Simithit St.: Toledo Olde. .1S_ft- C'.tuiibe ;Nide..a++;euctt'& lint6u. • RTARRH camomme In the WORLD, oassi worth ALL ' -.,at is charged for 11, for THAT alonaa i -1., ;March 23, 1882. Ir YOU aro desiloas„Lo obtain ,nlmcdiat ie My little.le titled with Catarrh two eti nn is i, wuele benofltted by . lief from and Liltney trcuiole, and thins plc.- •• the Ilse 01'11; 111'S 1.. ,.., i ibiro ' Silo is now vent the fatal results that always attend the .1boltt01154., W. '1'. HOUSE. neglect of these distressing complaints (and_ i, 0111March20, 1882. who does not?) why take .L)tt. VAN BUttl N'8 I have usci a Ball's 0 mirth Cure„' end Jude. .KIDNEY C'1•110 at, once. I1 is safes siml(lo and 'Mg from 'tl a good result.; .f derived from one effectual . bottle believe it • will t r -i the most ,stubborn' case of lJatttrhif itv'.is• do continued fora The lin iIding operations'at NViuitipeg . reasonnLle lesstliti1line% W. If : IiELXllals.: during the past, year amount to nearly six million dollars. Tho Canadian Pacific 1s r• iiiL, March 20, 188e.. ' railway have spent half a million 'in the lsfc;Al'"Fl, Ill CapCt�tarrh'care for the. city, and the corporation nearly the smile,.'last3ecri 1Wc,l ii ;i `, os G)Lie u! aaticfactlatl. Ynnrs tinily, sum in curie improvements. The assess- Il •Yv.IIU>isoiv,uritggist. •, went has/ increased from nine to thfrt-i' -- Inillion dollrra, and the population I'roni �] } c F. (y , ' (y twelve to thirty thousand. Hail :r c(1,1,;1•11.1. Cl1TPil Ta lipid IN a11 ll'V1;.ii ci.le n;ud ltotait Druggists ' lianibett'a, the great Republican leader and Ucne s in Patent Medicines in of France, (lied' at mid -(light last Sunday ;i,ttt'rteil SL:t A and Canada. '2l• .el`: 70 (.'Pal ,__•t 1;0 t , , ,i4i.O0 aDoz. Tho 0:11 v gt ui:it H t i a:atarrh core is man' ' ufaeturoJ by l'. J. Cfft 1 1 t CO.,Toledo, o. .L 'Bowa.e of inntations_".; Bottled tot the Onto.te trado by.w H. W. HOBSON. Welland. Ont: . For sale at lowest prices. •• . 13Cash p,,id for harm PrOducts. . J.McGAAttITA. Clinton, April 4, 1882. C ro c ke rs' Glassware TEA > S, 2 25. &' 'C,<I�r1rSSS ,Fry, 50 0 and tilt 18 4 uo. U B C our Goods. ;:. •. y iii' COFFIN', TRIMMINGS, • :SHROUDS, = -And -everything--in--the-Undertaking -lime,, and-•-'- .. can furnish everything suitable 'tor a; funeral 'on the shortest notice arias At the most reasonable Rates s a T•W0' SPLENDID HEARSES • 1 KETTFOn trent RE)IEIILER TilL PLACE, E , j OPPOSITE THE TOY1'N HAI.(.. -THOS STEVENSON ar Call in.: Call in. Call in. Every Person come in. We . are. offering SPECIAL for the tad. and • will ,not ' be undersold by any house in town. "' The finest lines of Valencia Raisins finest London 4 layers, fine Sultanas, Date's, 'li,en ons,' Or-an:ges Figs, Grapes, &c. All at bottom figures, for the 'holiday :trade'. Our genet..) lines, such. as 'L=EAS, SUGARS 'end' GENERAL GROCERIES, need no recommenda- tion, for every one knows that�p - sells cheaper than the cheapest, and always O keep the • best goods) in the market. .• 1?' ATCY CHINA ai>td ASZS For `Holiday presents, we offer goods 30 per ceut cheaper than last Year. Call and beconvinced thatwhat we say is true, and what -we a ,di -et tise. we actually mean to do. Our motto is small] profits and gnick.returns. Money saved', is .money earned. .If you &want to save 25 c. on -the $,,call into ROBB'S to get your holiday. presents:. •I WE WAN'1•:.T.IVOVTHOUS.AND'• BARRELS OF FALL AND WINTi�il... ' A i_ i . •� A I for t b - � — Apples. which h Market e I i, i d._. - APPLES WANTED P> x the. i hest in rte w l a, g P E 1) n't a nt-seem - .its 0 8n-witir 0 6 0 CLINTON ,Sept., 138 2. < _ M3:�'SON &SWI ItOBB;'tile Grocer, Central Grocery, Clinton.. FOR THE' HOLIDAY SEASON . BU`Y YOUf ' . a ..ems ` r C ' Glasswarekr. c•e....... 1'- 0 �r car es 0 Y • El' }.' hUITS'' :hll[hL; S.L1LE5.. N � , .i.INi lEA� of al'1 Rinds.;;;at lowest possible Lrices. REMEffiSERI :TRE'`PtiACEi :Neat door .to the Dry C4oda Palace, Abort :treat, Clinton, u Y AN's I ARM f l .S a i(1 S . ec'al�bar slue a GIl'i.Ct I _ 1 l'._ 5 the l,r1Tt A sued C st ., Il &.C4C , chi', C. (light, at 1115 residence, at Ville D'Auray, We was quite conscious to the last. The death agony lasted two hours. Spuiter, Etienne and Dr. Frenzel were preseht at the last moment. - The physicians who attended Gambetla state that death 'Was due to pyfemia, caused'. by suppressed, erysipelas, A clotof blood,• which formed J. F1..CC)lll'>; A� , in the heart the deceased. ,Clinton. 1 rent C .• . FOST• ,,. • E ‘ , R. • • HEaIN�ON. xello' Nei5hbor Jones, vhen e . 1e `you going r•»' Imgoing: to TWITCHELL'S Boot and 'Shoe- .store, Whe1e I can get, a,pair of' good -boots for .$2; all(L don Lyon- forget i't. You should' see fllnni.':. His stock of ';Ladies and Childhen's Boots and Shoes' is now complete It would astoilisli you to see his. stock of'HE-AVY HARNESS. satii -cron k now that lo PoFsat`1itchell's that beat the county -in price and niality. - Call and see them.,. „ ' 1rie : t Bata l disec rtai-t -of ;Five psi Ci lat_ - r SHINGLE$"1`200 bunches of,;(l10ECIAN' BAY. SIi \GL ES for -sale, from dot c t� bunch, -p Rooms over store to let. iTIT'C ELL; ic'to ::aa 131oeltz. - Clinton. _ lealez' A1.1 HAS REMOVED TO HiS N.EW 'PREMISES, irectly- ppt h T:let w � os e o. A1W SEE E �� C ALL HAS OPENET) T51' ,. NEXT '0001:, ti To WA'DELI S7oft1: Ar., tLr,'r `S r:, C [,lei rc►x.;.;i. J A SL'ENDIf) ASSO.RTMT ENT OE'. Holiday; Goods, consisting of Christmas Cards -the latest designs, Toys 1 s;t reasonable prices- Auto: oy s and Nevelt al Novelties - graph and Photo. 'Albums, Bib les. .' Picture- 1 raules. alway ii stoek or matte to order:, L1D1ES O\VN IIAIR' neat)# up rx4. ALS,L LQ'EJ A S• DAV. STOVES'; -Having bought a stock of Stoves outside of the association, us very ad- vantageous terms,.I ata now prepared to offer CooiuNo:STOVES at a large percentago,; under theusual priCce Sas TAMOT:E D 'alencia .The cheapest‘because the best. Baa c+l,; I-'1e:l-iy lr ztit. NOTEO STORL I'OB (5iT0I l 1UJ]T. `: BEAVER S.. ['A C,h ISE lt.,: B'L ►CK, CLiNT9 THOS Ern, .rstmas Presents., An Immense Stockµ at Lowest i'rites. HARVEST T012I.5 Scythes, Snaths, Wheat, Batley and flay '1 csrkn, Scythe Stones, Rakes, Cradles; Harvest Gloves, Cradle. Fingers, LGc. TIN WAIL. -A full assortment of Tinware in all its branches, ,Also hA:41' Croons GRANITE R'A[:•'.- Just.arrivea an tissertment of'Ch.0 POTIs, COFPEFI ']POT: and P,1tusrextvt>< Ki rTT,Ls, 141 OtanitoWate. HII•DES, SIIEEP' CASH PRIC1 "PAIL). C',r.,T 1 73,7():'N:* w 1 +'Che .130t 'Assortrent . in TOW:11, cud. the _.Cheapest Simpson, ti�..tZ�'r•�Q�I.. 4,