Huron Record, 1882-12-29, Page 4. .... ... ......... . o" MINIM 010 :Kg� R A''§TjVr QJ?;P.UU LJ:P. ary. Q, 1S10MzlMTM Pree, #tlonf Tbere have - beeii. marV Precautions against fire published but orson , Intel M Tow ope GROURIES 'CHEAPER Far & ,4 Pr rtiog IT Qhlipago -0cpall re mqk�ks.­ & 00 1 let a,l), b coine accideuttdly bu�neil or scald'd till eve #f%q boot sort of evidence in favor of 'r at FOR SAWE4!k olitintratiQ4, of protective and,, few people know whab to do SP�E,CIAI ',I. M,�.E� TS� il,#%arli is 4 cable despalch�frdnj, Lnndon' DETLOR in absence of a doctor�, The very litilit itig, to the corn rem, GOOD BARGAIN& ;Jf fen metitsiefrItl COOP= S GROCE, gy ppon:the Pr"ident;` ieEng. edy known. in s rneli- It I!, � ilia" great Fana�ea for ha i 1, eage rly 0 �t.16P of the (14ty, all painful inflarximatOry diseases, ieri.gtok4. trick store and 1. 4weillpe, on Vic e0mor of Nuron and Oren Thati well-llnilk th he proposed rodue Volger"s, Great Sale— This Jiffoutb -9 19 0 The updmigned begs,, to .retpr n Iiis Sin,' 11, k owri iliq mountcaul�e store, �Would and applarld� age. -MA�!ks. PR for other-property—,or sold, cheap-itiri-Jolli iageg'whicb, say hat tariff red uc- r er, for , I eral patroija!m for the pas , C TIkat largeanill commodious Irathe dwelli ag4' tWoyears,,aud as tojr"YiV �Apropqsal,� for, gtopp.ixig, si ver.coin Ur. Thomas W. Race, E4itor�and' y grieve over correspondent$ _0_0_0 Proprietor o f � I he M itellel I I R'eroo d core, THE REO, their, lb credit writes that be had a prejudwe, houee,,uear the 1G. W., It. track, lately ilecept Ailtionis.improbable -)f'Qour,%p, they Patent' Medicines, but,being inoticed t 1, is cu 0 S Posr ible Oillo, They �hoiil eagerly'ever DETL &4 '00' h* stowers the Best V b y prdposi. OR .8. Al VA bcd he station I stone eel t to. tr�,,BurJock BloOd titters, for Bil- ni liar rooms' Ult r e fAtIon which look si toward asation j forr.thetritonlev, he hopes,,:tol tev a da We stated A* ND� coutinua Iars�e ral t'oft v� La 11 00f th6 1ptrhosperity'Which is now - en, louslie6s tbat"oeciasioned; ISUC h violent —A t4eir patrotiage� In I, family 0� till d, joy lice ut 'god cond, owner r, G. ftni, n troy Ood- by e A rica.6 laborers and haadaqh�,and distress asto often dis"able ol to the nit, 8 <3FOOIDS, T 3 Lot �25, blary, s ireet, (opf6site Mr. C. lfolyiss'$ Onnanufaeturrers-, they, would flisil e,%ger_ hitri frotia work-. cino �gave : The medi i ! A S any movementi which would shut him relief, and he now speaks of it in 100: 07 KNTTEAr t tage of three resldeikg) With neat co "00141 -,good wol iulqyu and suniffiff A�hen -fruit-tirmiriwgilid Will-Stilllb.ea. pftcllaty, all(�.Can n ot" , The valuaWe Herb] proplarty on victoirit Styes%' V y r'e 4. Clinto,,. known Ai Larie-ollotel, con�ipzislzf 41ket, for English pro ,qpts. , n. g the,most favorable -terms. 'Y ",;;p our mills rid'furnish all ol�,elj mAr-_ _' G' %seA -EKL, d-"-- ­,)�­ 0 1 which BARL. -AINS. Ir"BADnAl RS W L oe bell tell in the market. All other, thil',ondon Free Press ortinentl 'All -those 'tp�ishi,nk �argaillls in Christmas Goods shou!d A' L altarks,-41Jiist s -o ! A -rid 'like*iso our Good Advice. Qrocerkps�agr.10W al'.; polilii a, larue hotel lrulldinj�� drivink., shaill. four thscloo 6ur'.readersr will except proferred Tawn lo I'Amc VV AR2 an'd� UROCK wican friends would �haiteilgerlyl V'ILSIT GRE4 W MITCHELL 'A'ayS keep a hottle Stoc� r r Oany sign of'th,�.reyersal of,opinion in the ST 0 �advice,-tboy� will al' . of, GLASS 'no: until 49, Y on, hai r 'Al Huron Street, Clinton, formleily held by J� IL td- So Miller,now ocounied by Mr, I "favor of the National Pcilipy,in Can- WHO, IS SIDLLING of Ha -yard's Yellow Oil -on hand for usf will be supplied. from W olin P Hattin 14 That choice and rmi part of Let it eirlegi s rns, Scalds, well-eituated fa "N' 0. 6, Iluron Road, Godeirich toWnship, ebuiprIsilig 1�14 nearly all clearl4"and it ADetroit Convention the other d Ohilbl:�ins. Wt%q OA t MEAL CORN MEAL 05 acre. �Vl Alisda. -One; of the speakers at the encie ..6ch as' Bu ­MOUStaChe'Land Motl� Ups,,�'Maidlica, Wate,andlas 0 1 V�ounl Lanieness, C u "Irs' asa attired ay Es Vely I W Sill , L ro P, riditlilb. 2A buildings, ete said.-�Carradajs tho� marke. t :� A icties of a-ches, pains ,January, In good OF -1; one mile Rheumati all.Y L I J884,fori'thaa all sum o f from G. W station. man u I'a to tc% 1 T. on I L furon St reeb� 'with 46for a large part of otil ctueri.' 1 T AOUR, OA M PO TA -ifie d1welling-houss, ,a h and hiflarriations, it will ev r be found, W 9ecupied by Mr. Simpsob, G. AlThis was the Me eld by. the Ameri' MOT _&E5r, - . ­ j I eLliable. W. R. stitles r 0 on 31illy !agent.. Also, 1ot- 4 strecti ablitting ea �Icans before 1879; it is held'still, and Great Bargiairlain ChriatmAs Fruits. Come and buy your Christmas Goods at" your own The.lots*111 b4sold together ors#lya-, "it has always been -the idea most e bove lot. prices. Bestasaortment own. Re ember thestand," -Justice millf-r:11aaL retired from th -t-glly Apply to the owner, Mr�-Thiz�as Jackjoy orican to , undeislined. Alfavor.od by the G MIj the rits, Our Ain Belich, and will iesunie the. pruicticie,bf 8 The House find Lot, 1;0.845, onkari street, 26W_ oftionds 'eagerly haill any expi-ess�ion WX. posito the Colborne, 'I hL QHELL,',q1i 44from that side of the Ouse id favor,of 'the law.', He, will also, it is said,611tei ocdupiedbyMr.Win,D4Vis. Tjiebo�sccontzlxi three rooms below, and one in the Upper stoioy ; hair me the:political: arena. itelion, I J'a return to free trade, or such modifi- Giv(; a call and be ss� I t . isfied . back-ki _ptrden, well, &c. Terins easy. R f-Ini-YlY b-IODgin, to H; Roi-swirrilly, and noW occupied by Mt� A.'Eeiiriem T Aiciation in our tai:iff as will adln'tLtheir 9' he Store and Dwelling an lot is, 11 uron street, Almanuf�ctures'again to crushing. com-- T�. OOP 44petition wit . h our own. -WILL1. YOU D SH a B0 OTS'. �'A OE& The fact that e RECORD. alorie fOr. thel saiiie veriod Vi25., 1W Also other.pts ulidings'for %xie. Appl*� -hthay are be' ai 1h ginning to 1h I. ofilgerly'L qggp .. I . s the best Pan y measure of this ki�d i Ililliola Sty Cl ilt�stimony, that the National Policy is "doingjust, what it was designed t FALL,, GOODS J101in Smith NE o do, "Of course they Iliail eagerl�l any :Cbr 7 5 �eent!�? movement that tend's to shut-up':tigain 11 It: At the., Qc;�9,010'Relia''blo Shoq�.'Stqr' e. Wfull our, yi SU.B T 'R OVED01 04dries, andlesserl our industrial pros - T -A ny: -77 14perity, I beg to i . nform my Customers and,thil Public generalIyAllat I am still to be u ad 'sit �ema MER --,CHANT milfs, factories, shopg, and f6 L un- SCRIBE,�,LATL, .:OA C. ILOR while furnishing an open mar- -44ket for American produces.)) the Old S,Cand, in i0va'htils' :ll31o6U-,r corner of Hast -Street and th.e,Square, *bere-I a I I ni 6 n t s firom HO I tend to carry on the busilles's'alore viig"orosly--thain ever. 't -h'ave ead and &1160 �JYL Fall .*Stock is how complete and S"Ur Will rfi:l(l i t one'of the finest ever offe0d-to AN'D All you. li�t lldi�r,CAJ I at 00a the fa e of it, the cry that Mani. the P116lie "d at prices thfit will meet your approval. Custom Work my .,.t W21-Mm"HAM, MARBLrE WO R personal atte'ation add be made in correct -of thievery best inaterial,,and aperv- y Stoxnachand' ISKER'S- feCtl fit gUarant ed. eceives prompt and.caref-il sUerition. � Give me a ctoba must be allowed to charter Ii States. is a satisfaction :in- every particular,:ev a to, the, ref Liyek, - -ivhen e 1, Artist, Cranium M.uAl pa. runn ng into the Un and IL will giiiarautee you erf.6ct undillg ot Th p a 0 �WlliCll_ nepal Outfitter lut2r! 'tc!L �9 r,.� and-, �Caliilla P.ausible one but it IS one fori-gooda-wliieh-may-not-turn,�out'as rqrsidMed ....... .. . . a ou Wg tW6_lJ&_ -and fK� as u ifli I-pstrb duil B16 61,)r 0 Ave-yosrs,, and hope by strictL int4grity'and 010 0 a tontionrto;bcsifiessto merittheirconfidence and to 'Must pvove disast,i-Oila to — -------- he D agtofthel oor E' Manitoba. If xp)r6s�"Office s i n c e r It the future. kavizim enlarged'hin prmises during this Winter, he Is now oreL®,;Ood to furnish I . :r ' . I . _. : L -0 _NTOX ONT, way& to the frontier, the next province L1[ :with ali:4b 01 0, 7T CLINTON West of Manitoba must be allowed, cc 'afuty H (frenii r EADSTONES UREESTONE when it gets,a. Legislature in a year or ID wyspeps)Lapt. so, to do the same thing' What dose 4 iMpl clieves; a; S. t1a "a' '75 C6nt TH the result be then ? The 14'egislature KE bot Work for buildings at the cheapest rate and of the'lleot v�o a -s direct from.the bt=!rIe# BOLOT & SHOE. rk inuiship, as be hn� will take advantage of itspowers, roads a MXRBLE and GRANITE is ille best'quality. As the time is Lppmlchirigfor in Anierica. Hi t tlIe 1_�, acts (tirec ly Upon aiing the grayeri of your depa�rtcd friends, lose zio'time in leaving your orderi remily be -the American rlill Kid.r' to KING Liver� and- All work iruaranteed, Is es will be built, and put up ffrit thingin spring. M. traffic of, the t, reat North-W6s Correct., 9 _ng;lr Re. �THE WA,R IKE- 'whibh would' otherwise. go through -ppesa, gives energy WM S�M . & 0 r. - .1 r , r� r 1VL ­ 'r , e j 1 The. subs6ri- derich. r takes is -mean s of thankinir _a,n minibrous firlenclsefor their liberal patronageefor 6b simply by T 0 -1 NIELAT plating, Z _y Manitoba, will go off to the Statei. T H�v and 'also would*bcglo may tkzkrhj� 'PRL TOR. Under such a state of affairs, Winnipeg B eorWAR, , OPRINE, ll��t worliman nd, ill now prepares Ing wandersalpou- the DL.*geg th'L. 188 1 nOtice'and ln� siresi; and- the r uf- BesUp, iy' of tb6 6h6ioest, Fiesh moats" 1,11i V -131A giviiii, 'activity .W1.NGHAZd, -Dedeiubt r 27 Utilockt '11.1' the o?""' on the short6si L L lass style' and hoping that he Inay rcco� ve S411bonf. est of the province would s eef cun't be tire All can be supplie t1, liv, er_ -ko*els Kidneys aid tiver. car ing o,a age in the future. eafor. Here is another point. Reformers Cut this, iout, take it -to any re of Patron,, 0 gra ua y d -ith6ut'We;dening the system, ll,the impurities and foul h .objected to one Pacific railway a little, mediciue4, and � "get; un,ors: of the jlejcr,tion� at t, e same tinip. b would c lat,bottleo while ago on the ground that e f C6ri�.ctin h' nelghbo -your 9 not pay of Cho 0111"_11;a� a nd,telf �C 0. 1, FT. BEACOM. -It Wariante, cidity' of the Stoliriach, 6uring 33M as the businasr, COulltry 9. .,S A YT daches, Diz-- to� and �Bil,. ousaes,.:, Dysip6psm liealc awould be small for many �ears, � Th y zifieds', ' Heart bruM', Conitip want two Pacific rliilways now, in order the Skiff, Drop'S'V_ � I 'tri.ke money. Tkoof lwaystalcoadvantijeof ilie'Ros UeSA Of Vigion, JifindidC � Salt.Rhetmo.. that the frei rat6s, of the line that 1will TS D Dow"' UGG 'ryness of moneyr that arevt­ g.M [ STS AN 10 L for makinig Er7sipelas, Flutf6lillIg' oft 1 not pay' may be icept down. If the� & �,HAluvl UK' �snesl§And Gen �fai, P such ChanceS r rethain in povertT.., Wr Il . 0 'D '1171 the, Heart, X6tVOi ebilit7 or' D tud girls k CTUjL%JJW CF.EiT NORTH-WESTERN TELEGRA H Off CE, all thes �nfl' many other simi- ri" lit.. n the r ocmlitic�, .0. 'o W freight of the country is not sufficient MANUFA ly r best, 4aving ManV ineli, wonien� boys itL L N,S are cer IRT C0urL;1ainti;.yj,,T(J to �thp hn r�pv,in�uenc .,Or L 1) 1 _u __ I . . a ro ' rkXJr I the first sta rt. Th 1,,,,n decreed at "ADOCK BLOOD e busineerwill. 'to keep one line running Surely Will ORGA ay. ilore ban tt�it tinicii oi dinan, w2g6s. Expensie not be.sufficiont to pay two line. he BITTERS, T of ED �res�t, WORIVS. INDUSTRIA ITION for SIXTEEN YlL AM, or JIS IIZ -rl�c no other Ainlirican orgartis hiwing becri found . JlZe, sa—MP _B_ ri id'I "ou can -vote c4cal at;jIly es. 1ft Regul. �size, 16. Ott do . your- *h6l#L' parly, AIL. Blake AfEST.� Srtl. Too octaves; vours monlinti; TUC sull'cient cornpa" ando power, with best quality, for. ;ljil to wol pare fig a a n and - I f, Im cdod sent freei Adittoo #ays, are bound to take or PU For �ale by all ddale oB X,L B:-E-,,R-T----S-T-,R-E-,E-T,�-i--.0- -L-I-N-T--0-N,-f---0-N-T -Railway-Com notiall OULL Of L' PH LO -r N -Q r sacred sic or fami- the- pockets 6, Pr CO� Port a id tyleS , at $16; of the farmers in the shn e 4ri�tors. Toroz�to 22. On hundred otlitr -s T.4� p q92, $108,$�14 to S2100 and upL. The o -eight rates to play themselves. -le -wholly UliriV.11red b� wiy other f fz If larger s N are P _7P in all S 0. 't;Y.PAYIliell��r.'_�NIL�v--Illtiiira�teLl-, G, roe..' ye:Stu 81, 6�fumry, eh* e Patent 'Medicines, til Otis,' Cali-geRL-6 oD -a two Pacifi -It Th Co., U r e w e 1 0 Rilways would is M e 3101son Ora. t ore ey riot do the same 15.1 ;J6E.,14th 8t:" Neiv Yorli , Vc _nq a� to iy, Irb.: Dri�gjg PJ y Nort or, el an J CAttli M,3J.i2Cii133_ancl il.1 Articles r Sold than probable tbat IiMlld arrailge H between tliemselve� to fix the rates'on re t,,1ear th e' �S ar�, )GODIERICH, mril furnish or -make Up, I of it qu M01 th�? as ta pay both. What. t CUflED Vl6Q.'zi villt? t ori t vvil, or, black agis Q ;s mean? �_,inlply that the 016thing in FiShi able''S le V light 6r red hall air d 61e& uses 0 "a on y _H BI j' ao W H V 0 0 P to ft -West, With i AY COS -PRESCMPTION9 AND F&MILYRECIM CAAtVVLLY- cli�� It people of tho North At Uwest Pri. Ilaciiie railways to support, would have �,u�t Car. aTku fact ifror c, f d 6a ler i a 1 i i i d 0'rrnjSfit8 no, S oil to pay oil their Which Lh,) Re- k. -NO B Pra:6tiCalr_ TALil0r. inorom LEr is an exporlericed CiAter tX - ' r - I-, in.youi own town. outfit 4rcc. work fyrniers say is to be limited for L years,, ibimpilly attended to N'te the ad. Nd risk. n n t s for 11hrrili" 'Glove. Cleane., is--elk�eckcd, all( Ordeks (japital not.L -clef), comps . , L I OBLE i',North� Stre( Work �at fl.-ur6a that titioll.:� 16. t1l, Will I e ­o twice as -much as they wolild have to r, ��ou_e.veo_ i C�niii�k I I . ing rrt! inal e " nine rl� - -�iiot; de�r� C. pay f there was only one such line to boSs and girls Render, if Alz!o ru:inllLl11PtUrt!ll- Of' 6 ie or, tli(� glanc s- lless at' r6__F kELTIFICA&L. Is 1 r B -oil 4 ar� tj fil illy which -you, caw make great be kept up.- -Mail. P2,y'ail the time you work� write;for piAidulars to If. IJAX ork, iyhit� weak, 6r ickly ht!tf'r". O'll Ni'llich a fe*,� 7 (3 sI�eii �JLll work aj)plictitions During the cold'saap of last -a ri ted t cr il tj, fre of"youth: IlariplesS and C3- '-BA- �LRTT & I C o�. Port and, Maine 1b Warr ill its xesultS,L it ,is jn�6rnparabl innin narnedJoseph Robinson s�drted Qj, inree�k a from Braii�lon for- the -is district, for the sol't. Itistn-1 and riii icss ottoiw laml huntin,,. Ilis Ion- absb�16e ex� it allxiet�. and a ea7ch re�sultod in iOR nIle was foun r III T Il A _T D miles troill, Bran' -0 finding his dead body frozen stiff, 30 U:, N DERTAKER _10n. d .1c - ysir A A I or ()lot canibi il�od , r . Cous of iustructjL6n In ls�aci PfiOTOGRAPHER' llor�t L 'Within a Milo of a house. G n ir, and: Forlografy i4 gmsts long 6ept sortilie t of oil the, 11, AND''WRITER t+IE VAERICAN SHORTH 'I'll a re ha holHays. -assembling is to MA The Local D�giisllhturo adj-)urned for HO, DEA t The 'k �'ME 01 RNS MONTHLY. 'by all. drugglAs. For Sal itako placc anuary 4th, about the time � L I.",! I o _, - ,B in4ersicnof, th, rbtuening hN tha�hicr n, L . L� nd the L,' crcisc8 of all' silli,�u'ribors corrected t ir_ Beaver Ir . !tho U -its will be in convention at L on, the wallfr �CIifcharge. �Ao tile. i,cople of clintoit aiikf suriourldiiii, Town 4if'S'L -&VlAtronage in, the elfli to I T back. numbers furi ibers and tx�r'. roroll to. for their Ilbot ast, b nforin ffi�in-that ho is inau f ct 6on-cuted:hy publisherwhen roccired.' The u a ukingthis,YIfir, I)orioif,eal The floods which have recently oc- ND onlv� rid from w1riich shorth ncl: ,curred in great Britain and on the LES_IL E T -,J VUU 1 eaXilt wl tl t tl t Ll ter The qs�on,8 re ex,, 0 Ll coutitire BA R R Y* conLinerif have caused great damage- -to, is& 'CISTItRN F, F' ff rh le, T R11110" Agricultural intarests, atij the are �EHRGEL pla -tile. 4) t d in wbea� has consequently on e been diminished, so that it is alre ady ONE Yrn. (Course of 12 Les predicted that the next crop will be WAL solls') 1 i.PAVIN 'CULRE WAT deficient. -!3 o 3ton ALL!' APER. Hi k Oil �Pho Canadian Pacific IrAs rails laid Rowell 8- c;cox, iblisher�s; wells Dug ­'to Ordar A I I vran ting L N _-T 0 58r)MileSwest of �Villllj'po'r, And is. The, rime for. flciuse�-P!e e laying rails at to rate of,tw' o an(t on A �elicv for Pitma `sShorthand booksand half Milos a day, although: it.�a ver' Difli Roo rneric,,Ln A, All ordierspron' Bed- Reporflir's S� i pilly-b Ciiro'u�ars sqi;t free ofia i Ii AjtCiJde.d'tr:.; Parties intend eotd. obilitrij seatbir, WeUld do W'LlPf o c%mmu nic te %vjtb.me�i twit llitary N o standing stringent sa -Room, paers rules diplitheria "Is W e tICES vi Pi a re progress in PhiladeliAiia. One, Iiiindred ill J6 iM t h IS L. IL' �� I . I . " r I I The,niost suc�Ls�ful rcruedyL ever and fifty-five hew cases were discoVefed tt y Clinton 'is certin in, its, � As and does, not ft%49�- during the pst week -A F� eff Le and the deaths e s� t 4Sz;1__,J -it Lt a, THEMOSTIPOPUL 1 13 6 F proof be] 4ggregnto nearly one-third of the nuni- P TP REV.� P.� N. tRANGEIL bar of ca5es. Ohl EIVIN MAE HINES, Prosid g HI(ler of the St. Albarl'o District. 1�e 26th, ISMO� a marclitit, for thrusting, into J. Gents: -Iii reply toloar '�`ct the recent Victoria, L.C., �FD the street a countryinfin, who sou letter f will sit)� thili lit 'S aviri Cur lja� I)Ic6n succor at his house while desperate fqgr C FZ� S C0 iR P20 -PR b e hn Call 5- -so beenine very lasaw 188� IET ish Book3 for V8 !Dut� and �cl, d for,abdiin1g. Lant, ecasorf'fi 3, hoi wits convicted"of mnslaughter, the see. the p�xpera and �gq t" Book Ililn Out: for a� fe weeks wkilit he lis., jqiry holding that the act of�'the mer- B, wheri I puti)im on thei,ioad-be ff PYT ff chant ccelerated deuth. He was son. 4u, girew worse, whe6�1 discovered, that a ringbone wies, -Vd a bottle of'Ke6dikIVs'SpsMn C*w tenced to 14 years., The pr;coner burst forming I procul: �o that he irl, s -ried out lirrip 0 lind loan a bottle loured,lifin cai 11-g- He Sells,GhRsper tha any 'ne on top of, the Earth., not lartle;.floither can the bunch be found.. into tears, and w, helpless, SLE4GH kc; BUGGIES--� OUTTER'Si WAdC N S, e, '11) T 11. E WILL CURg OR RELIEVIE� Persl."era.ifte W1 - e Stotighton, Afasir.;-Dlarch 16th, 1810. 'DI ZZINESO'_- - ;; 13.� J.- KENDALL & Co., GentL --In Justice to' yoltv., DROPSYL71 ,%T_R.AYE0i D YSPOISIA; Andinlyself"I think I otghb tol lot you.know that X L!,, rM BXR AND, 'HINGLES taken me call ani I uni I -give, , remilved two 1'KendallIg-, "t " " " bone spavins with ROM Y prorniscis, Huron Road, one Bark- W191GESTION.,- hut 0 Spiw�ll Cure,' one very arge one, flon't know hoir They HeART, "hire pig and one. sow. are black pin�s t t cannot be be' tile 0 1 JAUNDICE- F THE Iong the �pa,vih hid boon there, .1 have owned k1kal'. —0-0— ountY.. paixiitg and I lot ulonth., ' it took In fto.- e fzr,nionths to tsk4l' Avill oigh from 175 to 200 pounddeach, Ile pa F ill return thein, or give opc off and two for, the ru a 1 one. : I 711E, STOMA ten bottltl�i. Tlill horse M met stif -SURN, _�ESS� all stiff, ind no,bUnch to be is Ifill lowad to their recovery will lbe rewarded. i HEAR? 11 or Q.ve r at T J1.1 I ­-, I ii,ediol no. 16, is a iiety thing. here,, bet iff, It does foil has done for. meAs sale Godorich Townshill,Dec. liths882. A— And e4ery,apocles of d1b6stre. allsing fro- lve6- great.' disordered LNU? ''KIDNEYS,,, STOMAUH i 'RcspcctluIIyyourE�. E. RaRt SciWELb OR BLOOD,, ALL'S SPAVIN CV9L -0 'Up. 0.. Propriefci.r�', PL 6 FOR SALE LETE' �S-T C­X.� UAT BRICK famil NT9- ONi., JAN. T delic on Kelly's Street, Goderich, rho Dn.,*B. . KrNDAYI4, t CO, GFNTI hord!-west corner of Remy's and Raglan 03E;.QE9-- -1EA-4C37%2%r- ccrtif,o that I have used. Rendall's Spavin ovewo 0. U. ruggist. Wingbamii,e brit; arid,�lro without hesitation pronounce it io:bO' qontn'lling three reception roonw with,grates and It Will Pay Y'oll to C61J. uarante ed 1. ot I 'best *o r rkm liship. and h NEY _T.0L LENDIN - ------- - rmr�rblo­ in antl a- pieces, eight bed-room8, hall, The largparpt Ev6rytbing.. p L , I � ; - IPI "in y, closets, kitchen, ellar, &a .fratrib stab ock of Underwiiar iii flilrou-�-se�ia'fOe Yourso air !;I valuMft for the cure of � Spavinx, Rivii- 9 _. r I . . . . : , - bones or C bli. I ii�cd it on it bone spavih of see. house, &c.; good lawn and garden nicely lq A. 7 bra] � cars grov,tb Which it d6ciplotolv removed,' aMP' &c E 4,U A1. ALMY! CAVADA LANDOD CP It',I)IT C011PANY; To-, I, ciOi &'Joly k0' it, will remove any tiirber' V,,,,nted with ornamental shade tfees, fr JLB1tA-HA1ff,,., a , I Tire m The sq, re 1.`:NT1,N.G rofithpis Prepared to lend on Nlortgtige on the seciit�� uN r I bar' 'recomrs4itd-, immediate plirchaser the above is offer- 9. a 0 also all 0 0(; f;,1endq NVIlor 1111V 'a.,)rre so with perfvW, od a aIr,, 0 great bargain. A,1)1)ly to �DE public, and Will Xjl$*Sr any questions or letters-slint, i". Tours X CENT, liEg A�.L� Gkogollsflivrog. Roal r 0 0 e S; o, s; a d KERDALL'S SP 98 Duvrlts STRrTT WEST, LoNDON, ONT.. 0", 7� %4 —0-0— 0— Payable half 'Y�car? A�V IN ffE: "a U of SURPAS!�ESp�i OTHERS: S'113L AND A HALF PER Ck� S,T -e- -fH7 . ...... f", la ure ifi-its fiRtY, I (Tin ne lons OM FOR SALE, 6 er!ul to r= P E It A NN yeit is ponefrating and P W fliti or to r6rhoie any holly fr6waill Wo. b ve a e y a ded h" nab or,PHAX CAPITAT FRNTE r6r, 6trth or JL part of lots 1'271 anSI'1275-, West sitle of to &n*XW 6urbq, rii Ann e sscirtibritof 0 UNION S% f jr) (I it Irl :0 14 1;� I'golljontS of f�d' j nifth or for any purs'for vhkig IV 31rctl ft , with addition 14N20 ft., stone Keay's treet, north of ItAglan Street FO N NEW VUR -k, -collar �OF TYPE 'Me 'i for iriain or. h�ast,. It Is full siTo of boue, stiLblo l6x26 ;t �14 I C N, Q 0A LL to an 0 )c tho linimerit for mth eTer� itersif; aq diate purchaser tho above- is o6rod a bargairu, ortnin in Itri,effeets, Apply to D GAA MAS 3 1, Y T �z Mild and ,NT e r ioy' 14168tnited . cl CMA�q., E. BRYDCY our, offee and are now' iA 'a k. ttek POSI lion !to I, OeS 'Proof, ofllfs� virtu"; Nersime*," Real, tskoN) Agerati. All fr6,11 frorm nd giveq t uPl'ide. 0 OV uhTt ab, In i3 ihiq c - i for 98 DTTN.DAS SRRET, LOND01T.. it ndsed for 118T kw,m r r � 4 -111 �'ol ol$6. Ail MJ W 81tl S 0 e. 0fr * i mfic R n d � 0 n lho best' 'ALL' KINDS Or' OIDIP INTIN nd.,,�pt gow! valao for year m6ti6y., C airo any Addrl,6S� on or price,b the NY PERS0,"T to sell Improved boyliand 118 OJ. KVNPALT, '0. E 681) Faring or 11104 Lnnds, mily.obtain prlrn,has�, alti)o onl; Drl . C. 13, r ri urgh Falls. A. Receives our sp6oiul �0�6 llut wt, in the muket, al�n. be ob, a 146W Is ibe You ca ANb C by corresponding with orgNoyom- 6n -1 - No t SOLD BY Lt V13 � flist workmeh rapt6yetc that oVPPL: Those requi�i g'.w i donel live and (to thir-W01:1', o hor bmi Q1 r ik thO J.,ill .AS, E., BRYDG13S, No one can fall tb is, well, A SAtj"'"Agel�t'� - 1 .1 en6rMr0J;b ijlyr by enogj�'W, at once. � obatlV, oq*At� !And Age -At, pq , _F A 'D_._0 F 98 0 I Sol R _O�E A I L