Huron Record, 1882-12-15, Page 2V 0 VISALL WANCI&.' I strength of the 0 ��TTRAV U fill Liberal, Conserva- '"'STRAYED. jbtto� Communicationsi �unt of. the vread� bIo, ck Tile ,cry, that tt,e ConErervative party, ti've party. , -In eithet eme the ; ictoq 14 Acc I itied wit4 allow 'duTing the t fII ull OU"Ie Meantime- the- last vestsion CA E into the ]Dole sure oil, tho pubserl tier in, Jul G r po Tir, Iiii -i�in,hasbeo iseued- W 'days yery little g Ill alit, a yearling Trbb owner is Ireq A Cheeky' Co"00011W&V4 come and tako, lisim awkyq t can offer, to propitiate pub.- ­ — I - : JOU V EPSON, unt'd blie- bad' state of Lot 59t Bayffqld Lip E �D 11 �V GOING w"T. th, e Manitbba cilarters is 'a misleading dov.arw�eri . into rwr , ket, -pordwood is.� somewliat cooks. W A N i's teaooji.�lble for the disallowpulce, Of �,4ened list Wednesday, and ftl� I the Gri brou h 45. p. ill - 6:15 P, ill. 9.-QG pan.,, one. No niz4t0 *bich, party were, in. lie favourwill be presented. Wejudge Editor 1�'uron Record il' Vea Nov. -24th�,$"& A.m. thj�f-the offuringwiff be SIR.,—In' rlooking, �qver this ,week's til; ro�4, IE�,ay is 4lao, rather bigher r at Ottawa td -day, disalldottnue in vain, :rowe thing else rer6ains aoout the -same we p 'C 00 p.m.: uld be ts oli6y. the p'ebpltj of the Goderich News, mi eye caught tile evo At! on U's wo., fast *eek, oirl! Jllbur1las, drb 6 6: 10 A. -to. Reformers in South Norfolk. Clinton corres ondlerlIlee-4nd in the first y� pp -0 50 1003900", V. OX ERS I p 0 ceiitq a barrel wlli-4Z�A Mist naturally enough lbote gt the rail- have a,ne WiA b 4, 9004r -'VHE Regulair lifecting of Clinton Lo n w, way bribi g., They g�ifI iteni in regard to the REC,ORDI the Order'of Unll�pd, Workmen, will bele in �III nion at a v thing for therppor people. y rooms, FaWAY eveh n ER, 17th A ul Great Wester# "W810I road qi�lesti()Il ftOUiAn .:Eastern stand- tly er 'to CXR �Iection tillies, not for y otes! correspondent (Tispl 0 INTO.N. requeateck. point and with'an eye,to Eafftern inter- but "Just for old frien4ship.D 'Old con9mon, Sense' to pay -notbilig about I 1 1 'L th S Order disbursed xaows erld Ry Oj* (CorroliWtl'ev�ry Thursday aftp-mooh ) esm6ng the VI orphans of its deceased iss Dibers, the III IKYains leave Clinton-atation iia ffAderl;­ ests and beyond any doubt they would friend­hi�, like cha' courtesy, towards the party iii. charge . . . . . . $4� W to 500 rity, is made to cover of tbe,Rsc� 0, Sp,, to 0 87 one li6n, Five 11unifred a P t or GOING NOUTh. e 10 onol at the, present timi-, it WheI fail, (new) iof . force MY.: Blake, wer 1 11 Sir John a maititude of Sins, jill Wheat svring,� new, 0 so, to Q 88 TZIT,04trillousti-nd Dollars t6ok 4 a 0:10 P. in. becomes a prominent citizen, of o u r Barley,. 0 46 to 00, 50 nald's placei bo� zmve the rock .1, n town to �ry and stab bebind,,tbo� back 04 Dew,, to sli ct the past year. dollars. 6' GOING SOIVTH. a SI O� 34 - member is insured for tviothous "n Of 619, 'Peas, new 0 62 - to 0 66 Onl 8:20 a. un. 3.50 pmr.- Section of the road frofft destruction It ba's.been decided.in th6 South Nor in thewwy he is doing,be is well known r] i I y eleven assessments of :one dollar cacti, thus far A s, (,#finter� per libli, 2 00 L to 2,,60 in tile ton months of the present year, and giVe to the 'East the teferefirce over folt'djection case that Bell,-tbe briber "b ple AT' to & large murn, or in town, andlie' is : p (new. 0, n to o 35 Potatoes, Parties desiring to JA the order cae -learn full tter Q 20 to 0 21 articulari from any of the members, or f Forn trviing to piffly the game. of, leasing Bu gs, 0 21 to 0 22 p -M VIRECTORT. Cideago and St. not acting. as agent for the Irlefoini Eg 8,66� to 0 00 CltVRC Paul-, Wqr jb�flt, Wa�S Hav new ntgsiphy, - Jiso.P,MAuTl; with the hare r siciam'- etary. huall—set Su I Mackenge. ni_ candidate., This is lUcky f6I t1fie",c' d 7 60' to 8 00 Seer "a p an Beell, 0,01, to, 7 V, fftWe "'li If Sandal. 86 at. mulls C a Hid, DIC SOM n4av at 11, ift'in. di allowai ce� wawltln .,both. parties, by holdin mind 7 11 nI --Class, wiII and running With,- the hounds,, Ili: rp- DI. 1 h eI 'and unless the'Eastern pebple Were' didate. v.. 0 21!Ii to 0 21 service Warlesday, 8 p. �V Mr. Jackson.profitted by the ard -to what was said about the New 0 76 to 1 40 �RE prepared, to In I s entions� if I i1iis item,if lie 0 08, to. 008 Canada Methorffilt.-Servicel; at 10.30 a. In, and beese 0 45, to. 0 60 Rector Sheepskins IIAL 07­6--L-� o q alf tfiey liavesunk be- bribery, notwithstanding ; which lie no Era that 116 in s, per pound ji in Eralie wot Ducks,por pitir -' I -E 0. st 1). in. Sailtialth school at 2.30 p W4. �t.w6en Lake gipissing And Winnipeg, doubt think was also lucky for I i read tile New ild;plainly see 4) 50.' to 0 60 1 RODONA , OH�, PsItIlf. r ery clever in -nding Chickens, peipairl 40' to 0 50 Cinada P�resl�yterian­ Services pt lia.m.. and a�sv Rnd to,forg"e the berfefits likely -to be de, Gur Refo Ili friends* are v that the 'RECORD Was only' 4& Pot, M to 7 60 LARGEST AND tE�T'(A%LECUOI� OF DOL43IN �&N`A DA pa d 2:50 ft. 3 00 Has opened Up next door to Watts"Drug W. 111. - Sabbath School, 2.40 p. in. Rzv. ALIM Sf* itself and id' 110tiling, haTali' or. uni: Cordwoo I I I I �. I gentle M r -its towfil cont 'Store w1t1k a 400 -BIBLES T011AN ipll, Pagtor. rived,fr trad6 of the NoiI the, nl-it�ter of inventing unpunishable n the anly'f�bout empor GODERICH. - Bible at 10.30 A. in. and 6.30 Mr, Blake would ave, to follow uit. acts of bribery. They clamoured for a IVE D LAST, WEEK �AND MORE COMING. S bth Ichool, 1,30 ary. wheat, fall per busli, So 86 149. 0 87, 600 BOOKS RECE P' 3* a, prevent bribery, and as Soon as The abcve mei oild6lij Wheat, spri nK, 0 80. 6 9 87 SPLENDID ASSORTMEN. 150_DIFFERENT KIND I S PHOTO, ALBUMS4 TU d.1 I iOOSE FR Mr. G-reien way, i 6 a spe,�ch at 41ad - -to, itioned c6riesp, 0 32 to 0 33 o-$I0�00­E-.VCH-. -story-in-til-o-ol-a-sch-ool- -Barley—,, 0-40--to-0-60- t fliey� -S t--&L-out�44evisi-iy---OUOIL-t-to-r(�ad-tbe IOF0 165 to 0 68 R Peas, book -about the old. m In aid, his ass, Pota self i n favor of Ilusing every -constitu- -eby bribery:,c6uld b fi� 1 0 10 to '0 35 means whez com. toes, and wb4t became of him by ti-yinglu p �y I- WISFMAN-4d,01intob oil the III inst the �Nyif�e of 0 sue 8 u -Ile lease'ever body. S.- ds 41olial mealis to pre enf tile rights of mitted' withoutinfringing the law A 190 Advertisements this Day. I b the people from being j*rtered 1�dqy 0 1 ces f I ro, t e ismart.' Yours, &c., Mr. Join! Wiseman,tiota daughter. th 'Very- good. But it does not seem to In'Goderich townshif), R Dee, 4 VERYTHINC FOR' HISTMA8, -ip-A. �Icllurc the wife 641r.!JohnYoun� ofadirighttir. PtWolutioll of Partnergh. Goderich TownslAp Council.' RA I PLAY' YOUNG PRESENTS.. & of the Opposition Clhiton, Dec. 14th,.1882' 31ARRIAGES. occur to tbe.leader CHRISTMAS CARDS a Eagt also has rig its wort I pre- T -L �saflbrth oil the 4tb intst. at the r6 t tile ftfj�4 UcAs' olmesvi,lie', Dee. 4(h, 1882 Snow' Shovellingit. regidence'of the brides: father; by the Rev. Vr. ervirig,�'aiid that so long as it' controls Council inet-Acf-day--pursuant to ad-� Afills, Nkr. R., J;:'1Iunb,to,-A1isE Sarah Ann'Lucas of thialatest designg..,, CORE N"OW an 6r, tfie B1'GrRUSIr_ I'Talie, your purchases bef I-TURON RFIC011D. s both of §edfo rth. nearek Cbrlstm" the Dominion it is n6t like ly let US 'jou,inment. , Members all present, Edit or Hitron Record.. 1. DEATHS. 4 Nor isq Mr. of..'. last meeting . read and SiR.�The Council frIiIii-ed'.q. by -la Toys and Noveltidl-hatReIasd6able Prices, friD I g'upqn, those ri- APPLII In Tuokerswith on: the 8th inst. Thos 1 . 14 t, . Id, passe w A ppleb3, L Rg,4 04 yeara. CLINTON, FRIDAY, 'DEC. "15TH, 1882, Greei way' * , : I a' s �'Nos�. '8 &1 9 � for �t h v, for th oourpo, ration niakill' 1, impera, tonon the 8t instFredefftch Ham- - H I' ingenuous erioug] 0 RIS: -JEAKS 9, . a rult t year '.read and; passbd. . Wui. �tive -.. o presen n thfi owners Or accupattits. of &r aged, 19 yrs".,3�xnontlis and 11 dft3's. that tile ailegrd -barter . woul'.have oc- AUTOGRAPH AND FHOW.� ALMSI. -antiA $13 to their'respective prol5efties to ba�,6:the THE RE00RD'.1 Duoif I indi-ent, was gi BIBLES -,:j E0 frientis remainf�d It, bify a� suit, -of )�iinter:'cl.6tIlliLy, X) f I'. .'Snow cteared from -'thei' Sidewalks lint �:curiled , had NOT[OF The City.-BoqkAore. C, Owing t' 6, certa-i n circunistlinces power, and that i0bey obtained- power Wrm McGdbe agreed',.to keep' Wm,, Chat they could be travelled in i I I t er *111ch need. not no in summer but - tbe by w T w I,e given ill detail,. to�m6rrow they coul,not admit the di- Duilli for Qii dollar per'w(ek. Messrs.L as well as AISSOLU 1ON.OF PARTNERS4111P: Wal. Crooks, Geoi' Hastings `Robtrt wou'ld srein to be a aead letter'or per - and tock of tb e -of this re-ibill into -M E'S, the plant, good erii�on�of th�- trade PICTURL FRA JRS,. OTICE is v glven�tliatzthc partnership here- Achegon,,� alt� Robt. baps tile fault' is with 'tile pilleer in 'Ntofore subsistirig,'betwen- its,. the undersignpil, Ri,"COR-D; newspapor and, the . printi.tIg inniDez Tlvws, Hod'ad were cach"refanded' $1 1 flog tax, Ye, whoe trader the -style of Af. inl;T�rg?,RT &-Co.,asFallning Feet W arm a&d' D A ruerica-ii Ul lWdyi on hand o Keep,*Y ur rV clia.rg ver bels. A r naad& to o!der., 7 V cin connection thelowith, is now AnTmaliulacturers in't1le'town of Clinton, has, been dogs' illed or' lost. The �Ulowill-� Tile street committee b by mutual consent. All debts ow! per aps Will" �tbisda��ttli�s(Aviid for ale. .Tile material, circulation tl ifigto the saidpartilii-ship areto bapaid to M hIcTAG- aects. were- paid, v&: , Ja S�. Inrio, inform us'whetber the ;fall t s wi I t the shipare topres' a p in r Chief P �so ented, to the s1lid S1 MCI by boobs way be examined u �ITCIAL TREASURER �IVOOD tionerly"$16.5s ; Clerk's ye� r ost- tilt' ' o aisley thd .44dibs Own—flair Vad6.:Iqp,� . 1,0 -a' plinting 1wholn-r the Saille will be, settled., nagje blame will be p t vember, 1882. V 0 on to the un&rsigned. wl re,' it pr6p�rly 1 DatIIid!Ae.linton,.this 27th day, of No $4.'5,0*j Jag belongs it inust be a rent, to any TVI-ALCOLM cTAGGAIM Te de -eceived: for the -lie -r ppa W i h c" JOSEPH GUIDLEY. T .DEALERS IN' U. WbOD bag doter' d IXra der, gravel, oi,e livi-6a on the front �,streets that -it iNMES', 6Tr.' ALEX M�AIUCHIE. —A— "I e --I no L A 1, ALLKINDS OF 1 to for a 'g.' Ili �$18;08; 1-1. Co,.e�, pe' J Rid t %,love tip till noon, of the 21st day 'of 7.20.-; Jas. Fair, be a.cafididate o8 r I . Oil is vet:y dangerous-io cl ' iildren trayel-tino, above the undersigned desire AL13ERT ST C]�INTON. by the undcrsign�d. elce. grave Andrew Stiven it conr itilature at the apDroacbing gelleral 4 L.oanno:Ll.nee�iotlie�pu�lic�:tliot,tliqbu.sinessofn)anu- ill the, rI of tile' streets with, so. facturiilg7FItnning Mills, heretofore carried oil by the- II[a ten -der neeessarily ac6epted, -e -or in w9gessniefiL 81 ; refund A driv- -going o 6oh. Hi's" seat will thetefore � become asibuch1furiou ing n: all 'the said fIrfiI L cTllI Cot,; will bo;eontinued' time. Hoping e prope Elliott, 1, $�.8,8; Wm. Tichbourne Vh all -led on,by theiii in,tbef�szrne pmniis.es and in' VfANN19G SCOTT � . -grave ffi d cari ion, an Js,pqr tl e sme milliner as hithetb; under the firin'll6me of :B-0 0 �T,�!. Solicitors. ra $17,60 Jos.''Mil tter. A vacant after next segs* d I lerlindi�enf 'at once attend to the tna: S H. folio will be liandd to�.Miotlier. ALEX, McNIURCIIIE. c N inus I rec�ret his S9 Clinton, Dee. 7th,'1882.. Knox, rent of'Rall,' Your8f &0"': ALEX#' McKE ZIE- Wood's 'pol.* Lrthur .-Kii6x, Lwo dayys sititingsi ITIZEN Dittill De .�st 82­�. -ru e: T n Valis court of revision� voter's lists,� Inoii.toiiipiated,.ret.ireiiieiit froni, politicail Clint-)n,'Dec. 14tb, 1882' Jag. Elliott ravel-, 8,- Jos.. GIRLI� NTE'Ds DEATH OF IR HUGH ALLN. ji fe..' 14 e is of: the' Local. Cabinet its 9' 'Our to ck o, ir. t Talland"M Mitl6r, iii(ligent for 9 once� ute Tiade i'�now c6inplet o vath of Sir Hu�ll ..troI itable meniber., bit Of lotbe I sl A. Reply.� 0.60D SERVANT GIRL W r e, and - Re e. s salary $10) eve's Apply to It e RECORD Office Allaiv in- He I is gentle- $1Q;. el fk' forqulity�.aij&s 10,canx�&t be ei eUea. ty in res e pr u I-1 e , ear'�s.-servi66s as sue $22',; D e, Etlinburgh, hag de ' ived Canada of one anly and -var'a'c:io fi n',w,hich p, tJy" P, ty Editor Hurion-Record e,ha-s greatly. the-advilifitageo his R sa j f 'iyed a. letter last Oc� of the most remarkaide nion whosie,fo oN, coun cillor, � SIII '1 1-16, 0 Y. $22' J. Ldithwaite .$22 J.' Peapock, t IALTIES,ARE turies have bvpil connected wi*th t his, IMgUPf;.tbe Provincial &cretar H ober through Mr.-Searle's luwyer, re -i OUR SPEC Robert krfig', indigent, $10 qilesting life to 11 to him $22 iakean'ap6logy 192% lie has been in- tTu, abilities far superior to those of, per- '�T 'E" 0 s anypt�er me6iber of the C vel, $16.32 Tlids �.Gitln made tifig h b e , e e ;T GO D'IN THE MARKET. - for alle edIfals slat mentq to , tuart Plummer, gravel, -$9�.60 Thos b) TO. 'HANDLE tetl in the business of Canada, and bi abinptII�- G i 11ia is-,c'llect,ion Of bmoxespee he has AsProvingluj Treasrer 7h, V optj -inir ell vort and opening gravel apples exhibited. at lt1wrefore seen the de ei e. has been a, pan And t §6 the 'the�LLOWEST P 13LEPitICES ook§, Walteri;, gravel and w� -published -a'cafd 0 all, and t n at lie be.-inninil, of most, of tile marked iniprovem.ent upon Mr. CR at,Clinton, ba.'also 0 . L . . . . I I .. I - road to lak�. f $17,04 J. Elliott, or gl,(-NLt ent,,rprises which have acectm who eiijoys tbe peculiar�..distinctioli of in:tbc Clinton NewWrd'lleade al e- Ij as, a� lairgo Stock -of Lw- A CALL SOLIWAM gravel, :$.7.60 office�.- Printii (1 hood !' wherein: he Plished our national coriBolidation and being the only Canadian Minister able accuses the partv W, TAYLOW& $3.055 Jas. McDonald grvc.1 ;$l:'Ar.30;4,lwlio'��l,ibited.,feuit-,i,ii tile. San cla�s -dTd,, and a.' resident. of God; r ENT, T h-. prosperity. He was born ill Ayrshire, toAeliver ll,b�dget Speech in gucb.a'wAy Jag. Wal�JaCe , road- [I I auliilgara�,el.810�-- lie 5 -,5 r scoun CK. P6 C6�t ni, t for,tas, hat no one, cali,'Understa d­what� be- is -Council adj6uied to meeraain oil the Go, Scotland, and died ill Edinburgh � Scot- t Townsl IN pf telling a barefac'e7d false� 29nd ilist t 9 o'clock in D -'As I am t eL oil y hind claiining iiis Fudies, as Elbe had driVingLat.. Mr.'WOOD.ifla'clearspea a. .,,:. orni 9, J�ood porsoll,.7 lo Which f6p a�-fewl weeks he.wil ons of er, t' iied-he is�easi y- coalpe e, ini an a rrsi cut,., irth. The foundati 011 iiiinatin. J, 0. PATIi!6N,L given him d a-a'a-inst­h d Clerkj.77 sh I ' fore th dispose of, at" of Goderich He s servet is party ,rt,at fortune were laid when lie be. understood. ha' I bi Town ip, t iere party: referrod to inuA be the bub-" came a junior partner in tile, mercantile well hut he would, have served it- bet - scriber.' bouse in which lie had been formerly a ter: had lle,Ldecided, to remain by'the The pi�izp for wbicb'� we competerl- + e Ie- and bis' 24,11king, sbi�- to, the� end. ever; as' Th ore was no. attendance at the was.a e starid-4 offered, by- G IS I ill r and "m a n, Esq.., foe� tile Ile" S T 143 clerk. Ili course of tim Ok public school here��6n Thursday 9t c61160'ion 'pf 11 e i d'C ake, tb. ttie lifeboats' 1 T! VENSO)NI -other,. Andrew Allan, formed a part s un o:, t FAda of,last,weekt: 6wingto,the storm apples. I exhibitki fo6rtei�n, different �lud began their career as' i3supliosed fo'be hoped diat. tli� hr,ioy- U, Ime New, Compound, its WQP.- ADINiG FUNERAL ' '..I � tiolv a. L nd the bad state f the roads. vaijetiois of a'pplvs in. owners, which has led them RItY tO ' w Ilich, in iret vio ation of the detful affinity. td the. Digestiva*. s iiii. ent 8 ulany varieties and in& tb 6 .,dissolving juides,. ieliet, Christ as Tree alitt &ntertaintn ill appoint will- be a fat one� Of Fri '29-1 Iletter specitnens of 'frult-he erl- ingalmost instantli-th III� 15 oit.),,iiii,,Ill)e-iiiiiiiig.%�torea.tf)ossession,§ w ill inst. I C results 'ofDjrspesia, Mr. JAB. YOVNQ, -.6f Nofth Brant, and. Ploy say� they yotr: titled ;to tile' A: would c611ft4 There was hardly a. kv away;,, pr.lze' a!II and the TORPID LTrER'. malzes, Zo verk dak necess4tyAI rk. u Mr. s of one 'YO: favor. if h e.."ty I ,�,ay ,incipal laid do'%vn by Mr. �B St on had a 'E e grown; -Ili my own' orcliar&* Now if,- 'A,�fiaratus. and tlie'LiT�Ier, nareas pr The'peo-ple are all'tialking about th E fhrou�h great risks to, -great fort . u nei T SOME,AT ON, LAiCE ii'e siness company of any conse- Al. Ross., of.Wost Hurofi.w I e oprresp I qlIdelit know Ung', er U deman �vho; ifltend.% btillgillo,, jjis� llas. it puzzlies Hie -to know how so n.iany. E019GE SHARMAN, lwhich&rHu It acts, gentlyand speedily n, 0 d fron'i fo .11ce ill thp comitr first second art . I tl ird best girls i'f.­h V lit I mpeting f Ir Air. WoOD's� po tfojio gel, gh sco i III, aplt �orfive'dwarfed and sic t Ilan Was noi interested Mn Young a's a %we a kii I ess for:pQe. ry j. alshfulness alilc4s; Mai them o k ly Biliousness, ,'Gostiv&nessiI �Head� acli6, lekHeadach'ej D ess a ­DIPALFR IN- of, official of some kind'. Our. and ffnancei He would be quillt afi'a colale� Ile, will have more than ordi- -hich e6w to c b his -6rchan*d, ter Eating,'� d'on I'D RNITUR D E-A L B, R ampri I I i Win thetic' treasui�*;r; Al r., n'&'T leilt lI' if�be`Fdcc' and,as you are aware Ithe, crop as a rtburniPaibs, in -,tbe Side� and RossI c6nibhie4l, "Tact a a ppo, 6ig S tullendo B;�(ak, A tlte..Want�,br4l CH610 Illana, us Undeirtaiking-with patial fai ure,this, 'yea' �E trAm I LY. tile duties of a local bank� g6r with- IT, . - . . , , --t . .1 1 1 . Ile was essentia"ly a business StLim- oil in s vigorates ibe Liver. '6a 0, P'P I T E THE TOWN' HAL YOdrs, busin"s a p6lifi-cian. e is Pdblic life had no ttr 1�13R. zlb�§ off,�all;suplus bile, ro the i, hap. �n ktiovini in,t iis county I t beyond . , pu Godei itch Tp., Pee.. 1 1,8 8-9. the Bqw.61s_and-gves tone to His I charnis. for 0 VI, njUs, If"I t GFo. A. rq , . I. ]']ilu lie ws flat to be telligte'd. Tile fitrnie hem selves,, breakii hii base 1* Ig reads. ine beinIg'arf ullknow mits . I u.man,*.he approach, to, ptlblic 'Ve was his I ,I - I . L , . -tzt,&nd taA-e -it is 0 to clintom —a-1 Elections. Vidgg-ist and get a 10 cent Sample' hiluself,in tile P'lcific rail- Would not �:strengtti6ii t inistrY, Tho.people here�� tt,"nik the' recent Municip a n'edG' t 6.r a large b otile_for 75 cents, eas: Frufts�, C 11 60 f tj ' At r'. YOUNG, 4 -he other'band, is a -re- storal iflus iave -been'. Itailp of a- A fit., Way scheme of '73. The failure o iat Q P Ip PS if I'lug e' 'ten Vour ne.1- TI scberife cot Canadl% a loss of �ev, pre.sentativ �of: one of the BrInts. H i s, ut your corres a f - tf iuniciai efection4.-:- Mr. DI A. - hey -have ��u,t: off:the 0 'el as, w -S of. ,I el Yrester iIIned, by, u th'eProvin4c i-,cretary rppr(�seTfls all- d:,for Reeye.. f -been unov fitful. Is if has chances ai ial S not good e a a6clahiation'for Mayor, all pnient. 1, c Use poll :'thinks 1 Fo is likely to b yea) -velo M is I e aA young, man froni here went.to see. - an p, ity pere.tle resent, -ones allowed W�ls pas""d iii.dotriestic it -would d De' ptlie.r,ri il'I W) jrevicu �0�, the Mve a V Ill n, -lio have- done 'so well the past yeak, (mtiier-in la� MEN,' pri, cy. His family was' very large, "cli do 'to"' Br ll�t twt.: portfolioa� a Uhad 'to -staI tilt' the'storin tol ovrare:botb All the field afi& th. (,,. r o i ll arld Illost of his children are alive and Perhaps, howe'ver buth -oi %v;tq id that ust, A�eivtad__Splendid. Value. doubt but they ill Ufli, be elected :foil bloWs. nobody good." in this country. He will. be, figj)tinI n9thiri1g, as.aft(I all the du an& at, niuz,-h viiiifed as a public bwihies s man.; 9f:86I(!ctiiIg a P. rea, . c are.that ibey' -.611 be, allowed VRED M ro,viliciall quror will hances EATI. to go in a, private man lie w fall to Mr.�,AlhftEPITH. by;, acclarnati6n and a, ill Ile mourn cBrien, of thb.fith con. tin6illors . t,ht;re. Will be r. AT I � I - I A qiiantit ell by Tt is tile f�te of niell 'of as P)r eO :A1 LOUR -.Mr. '!Will.. Jackson, for St. - fu6nced. the. brick, -for a Chai iges as Seathodmmolnse pi e, V1W LOCALI 1, GISiATERE. 66' 1_2LTMEA is o ier, 0 Ward and M�_James Wite'llell A, p son,al affa-ctions are iterested in Lat Wednes -iocid. - I I- t i 141 t I I for t.An-diew's W ave declared 0 or day tile I Leg. S "L to occlipy it Thii(I dbes" 'C advancoda,etoRurvivo alithosewhose I. arm. W, I J T house oil I H rd h' that they do6't ,hitend, to , stl.ek re- 7 Rugh Allaik'ii tat-ge, fanivily. the., ast titne ill ti e. I er* has 's t r u'd k. A I ay�.on.haiid Sir fev' ofhhAND Seems to' beconor left hirn larpreirchiolipersonal friends th t., parl'i tary, te of the'above more and contagious as. 60 Farin, ProdiicO: taken in, Exch wthan Joll ard ,,;t men possess at his age. Life could wis --tile, festivUii s of tile ay. i3eason - a-pproaclies dn& very BELS'j, GOAT:'r..R Nv4n. Clioller owed li�m v, ry titt le ;. it hall givell hill)' sealgory would not tejid to- distract the ] -is tt­ked .,.off4 aw-a d �T6X,t, D�Iilr to, J... H&glna? Pry, Go() attcks- are 11 alii that rnon ofaffaim nsirally dv'sire. 6blie, attention that-�houtdl be given to probabl6 candidate.- as there is�. it] To be obtairidd'at tile' p anticipated -during that-p.eri6d.. � keep. ready' tile nUlliber it! that ward s effeUs r Ifis death, though sudden, wAs one of so, A affair. it away Fitom uThey s�y it 0919LE FIGURES A 'rX, of must; aef out in LOWEST -,-;P N' ST.�) CLINTON. those events which do not take' the pub. The Local Ministers e I afefelt, urnic, life, ALBEWT tile cold. Qeor6e's lic by surprise. ate up III obable l:lublic- ini'liftreneb, MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. Tile conie no .. t �)FROM: THE 0 pl, name of. Donfil: .is tat ted' off v I r�coiitly confessed that '�I. nell,and -I(, with -th'at of Mr. J C' Steveilsolij as their orgal fdr Ree, ei;', between , Mr. S, 'I-, is-lik ef to pre.: aloi Harne'gs' St Maso be a close tw&,whofir6 -- ; �, and they ar ie. ofily MAKMOTW tal k ed offas to bo for O'F� it. calculated upon p c contentment of flli� t 0 , W I"Is tj IjI to cover their 6 cipricies, eon . ceal. duty ley -wi;: e cot'' tile GIrTT papers are wrestli fully tile f0floWill" 0 T�ipaf. lonlor� problem, Ifit a declared f, at lie. is noe & their bvPocrisies, and allow.thern 0, re- D�puby-lt8eve to tile position of ReeVd- . is rit-it for enzie 11 0 their lease of power Ile bas,! given: gene . at - satisfAotioii� NEWTO DENNI as i11ohori, tile a;llovo namerl Boorn Company to receive Ootario hlides� and lie is far ahead of Mr. �Siiell for be our'duty, to, prevent :'so inglorious will m6St likol -be allolII to,ji6� ill ai )d to m%ke Ree ve, ag Mr'1_rS. belongs to the old 'fide'and Mr. Iewal, slid boonis gratuitously, re suit, by. brini by.. acclamation, unless .8 life other 'and t�, Ing, d � 96. iikjuribdiii a awfcy beiiintiLthetitifes t.cidth n re.- �11 per cent, profit out of managing th Illy School, All IS. name are added to tile nbilibor we ufii� hse- 0 beIihir.on . e wrong- so OF.Hollett. look to your expect for 'to, have a ciii KNITTING' tPiefill, exclusive of Mr. ratepayers at V 4 cling -of 'Previous sslGkI as we I as oil interest and' vote for"th&'live,caudid e Wix6h 'Ust ary, why is it wrong for tile Canadian s.pason With! our . ......... contemplated' rong-doin of ihis: snd.,,you' nev . er , bave-, cause to NOW44 t1te time to' et. itilour K'uit-I -011 9 Pacific railway to make tell per-centir There has, N1811 too 6UCII neglect lament what,, you have - done Mr- oof n p d' M thor Of refilse." its investment iiiclusive of the Sala Brittain.. an r., IM ad so-- ardwaire M t our -provi�clial :-,politics. lblic� oon. is Spoken, the' pr6bable 'ft rule We j#1 n@.t oannourecto.the I IL is difficult to see why fifteFn per cell o aE As HE undersignod t ot Clinton and ollndliI4 stirr a h: owing -a hand ome line of ave be' ome 6n.tewhat eyhicalon',46in' Reevegllip le T W, g:, -candidate for , the y h S put' tent M I but Wh�fi asprocuiI good KNITPNG MACHINE an sUould be a pious proll t , Ili le tell pfr ear after year the most glaring hypo., a,fid as they are.16fli good,'. men itis . one t, fat really i� a public- beilefauor' prepared to do WI kinds o� CUSTO181"NOM"fi prices. cent is an unrighteous profit. Probab- Y ER. crisies 0ass-ourrient' for, kood policy, and hard to,say which - the - people of-Hul-' Hayhngs b glit a ny cure, tile 'Cr,�Iluron St., next door to Baptist Ciallrell. y t, or:'Oou- d U t, v to" fropur t t I I I I f6 r I i)j' fifteen pr�r cent: --commends itself to I e ricillors, Mr., sider,ifloui )at.r 31L inc4in pIetvn cA'9tru tti ii and boasting as' I C r j 1, Ilint6n, Nov, �nd, 1882.�' lie Re'form understanding because it is , 0 a. bile of tlfe.old'oneq is, ation twall. prs, are tr, 41y. if it were 4ateanl -hij� Mpnwhohave . to run, bav,f a niost Va ani likely� lie rate iCt which Sir Richard squelftegs nIfiab. to qledicinp, enid; will �'su STOCK ',VI STOVES Od u( In y curp MONEY TO LOAN, disco.ye'retwi !low Weak and how faciIle-a' ackson,,' A ' lro.�v,; McDcloald, Jol life fartners. wall Mr. AIOW14,can be, and who Co'I Wait h' pliti;jIde assoclittion,- oil very -Stomap AL c ll'our.,bwn, m ever of as� prII e:can art0, M N Alq d, V didat-es, when all 6ther remedies fai I.' NV THEGUET-1.1INTAR10, INVEST E T D allch of template. tho6pe tac.le Which I tile k1 ,, . ' 'I JN11S SOCIft, 'A ake at 7 P WHEN the Toronto br for the ratepayers to say who (hey knowI whereof we sp li, find Cat ADVANTAGEOWTERMS, g and r�i�aserg, find, the' is ea ernperance Alha flardy's, �Pardee a owinion T nee passed will'elect for 1883. Ili kvch- So I'd i -sialled I-V appollited 9'li'16ors Ila . ve �ec6mrnend the* I' to rnffr un(ei t,�,c b( Woisted 0 to $24. rpsti)lution containing all fintrue State- 0. 1, for tills (lorapan-N-_ Borrowers can obtin funds vercoats O�a. $1 at fifty. cents'a,b' tfle; by Watts�& C 11 am now:_�rep,areld, to offbr at 16NV.08t Mies a,nd ha,ve mortgragoa araw!1 to suit If' Unk froll —tact wit;00olll politic F 'A. ntlerlian once said to a druni. neilb about &ifurday night closing, it, I Con ge Nodelivs. Lowtalarges. 11ANNIXG & SCOTT 1\1etedith aiid�'biq compatritive il If I was Ili our pfage.1 ent au copy to every refor �nd- Mr., e f 11ow Stov6 -,,Beaver QvIerebatsrom, In paper in - y Mary H 'bat lechirino, ill Phil- tl�TLRS C y small followng haVer b6on 'left, to. would go to the woods and' ha: in IV n B,�., . ookiii 7 'jo I r he proviIII with 6 request tba:t the addp,116, Oil flow 'to a Bal,)y ill a . . I I If Th e answer was "Is y6oz -in- , Clinton, Oct, 5tb, 1882- e . 'Of cou rse' Se.. - city, whdre bvdrants�, and esolution, be publish d 0ly plasti AT A LARGE TAGE 6 to ,2 'alatable an Untrue. was greedily seized, y p , u could iiCg6t. there.,.-. BOARD Ujsfr-et Overcoat from -support tre §b'PjLtifbI ano wit lout receiving that I NG. hey Were ent every whic itied to fro'll' Given Away; l6cturEi of,this kind ikoIild. pay' pon by the Government press. Last, h_t In in W an . '-'he Io6ko seriously oil tflo:go d t hell) noticing, the libeiI A (PAN BE. X0., (I W e can�o t 0 t, C N TLE , M M� ondfty the T. 1B. ofthe Unfirt D. T.' A, -d Lodgings.- OtTei MaI to all 4 ,r bad goveqlnieiktbf�,)ilsc6tiiitrv... inv IS fil:sUffdrelli with BoiI ?IRS IT'S, Huron Sirbeti. three doI %'Cst of' TIOT90. has g6ne4y, Tiie.ait party, has r -o�-cair"E�rifises, Soret b Rhollin provided. n JA cording ijS gAtis otio at learning Store, a, Ve tetter, d4apped Ifai ds�' C lepai ture of it and 'are- YOU a' (I, , TH ssed. anot tier re4 tvioll Oil the SU bif4il- - (,Is N C'very for Con-, The best, sollve in thli world3br"Cu�4. 'Orllortsof a y, t5 4 tile Coniniorel! Hotel, All th SUMpti06 . ro---r7Wqtre.!d7 3, -Viciers, �S.l ognized; the d at Wafts S ind get a ver S6rs, Also, a -full, assotin elit , cri lat. Sir John, did not pilomise to leqi+ ,q if'you rephiriong for a, �ii.iotis delenewof their' Trial Bottlefree of cost,' Uf_ ilblAins .0cril, and 611 Skin E'�U te With a vie�v to opolifngtiern$_6n STRA�Y HEWItk. strongholds, against' the attlick, they' ihg ./with , Consumption, Severe:, 66ns, and poski'v Ply oures piles, it' PI, fer 19 4�1 B I n to th� 6, ))1 lie T , bronto, 11 at a aoic is d el, Coiighs� C614si Asthr�a,Broncbititt Hq guarranteed,16t give pb of,. PlAillut f rtlat cents eLot hm not forwarded copies of t fat i'veeed Wellope,it.wil- 60 -,t ith tilo full rever, Loss f Voice� Roarlidniess; wollek. r,efii,ndIA arioi," fl2etion Of CII, 1, s. per box. Sale by W'ates,' C6 proV6.'Pr6portV, aturday nights. Bbt t We any Tuiwaxe, -ctni'sog of the 117)(Terai solu,jion to,the Grit press fOr ptiblifig- strengthi of tho e throat ifinil, OE SMAS DAVIS., �he, it Will positive uV111 is.thi& thus I. �kli�ll be; U Italy Y:Qu.: L11th Tfullitt.