HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1882-12-08, Page 44 wpm �4 IfIURON CANADIAN NEWS. Th6 best salve in tho'worU, for Cuts, WIT AND, JIU40r- CROCERIES GHEAPER Far'm How dtdtioa. Bruises,: Sores, Vicers, Sal,t Rhe'unly , E 0 1 1 - I I , I I M 'cLPANED VIR02.1 qLrR EXCHAXG S, 'Quel�vc, 11�c� 2. —'The Prov�nc'al, A -lawyer recentI� lost a bride' -es, Tette'r, Chapped than ever at, `1 1 1 Ile itital u re 1) as Fever Sol �FOR - SAWE, There I been seve ,aud 9 , lapentsualipcined to Inca, ill v, poeilliIar -a '(%flblainsi Corns, and all skill EruF-- tha , ' . uty tho u-thi, for ckspatch . of busin , ess January 13611 at the NY .,y. � lie 0 appearei S I �N U C -EM ,N� Si 7 buShels of apples shipped, frcini, 6c1ding, but, on b in- cafled: tions `411d PO " i I les. It is sttive y cures, pi -ent, '1883. to the cerenioav, irc�tn 4eer force of 1Y, CoOlItY alone this seA.son, to diflo J guarrautood togive perfect satisfaction 000PER'SGROCEP I d"thlit lie was no OOD BARQAINS points. The Post Office Dopaitulent will hal)"t proteste t, ready 'Price 25 cents The trug I tole. 1 .5 . of the . I q�lortly il.troduce two cent postal car(ls, to, proceed, aild deinailded delay. or inouley. refunded. --Ol 3il-assels, Jltbtlio d per box., - For sale by Watts dist ebuieb have secured the proalis, of tlil,,y �vill be'similar �o the,repIv clirds A it (1, go the bride g6t mad aud shippL and J. 11. Couibe. I That, well-britilt tbree-storey brlck vt4ire iii 1. dwelling, oil the corner of Hur n 111 0 treats, known as the MountL4011littj reQelitly issurd by it 13 e Im pe, ial The utiaersikned begs toreturn bis:Sin- a a lect iroln ti;e celebrated 1-1ol,. Dr. ivern- hitl.' � �i exchanged for other propeXt 6 'a Y, r re' Wild., of Toxwkto, of"Lile 22ad of jall- inent. A New Yo k 'bride ' ceived among. dere thanks to his numerous customers By Universal Accord, credit, THE R E 0 OR 10' i for their liberal patronage for tho past U li.y:- Two boy",�. inamed' Denny and Mc� lipT presents an_.�Her Jor, twenty -tons Aimn's'CA'rnAI?TIG I'll.'LS are' 'the best That largeand commodious frame dweill 2,'bouse, neartheG. W. R.. -track, lately,occupl:i -�Ilile sliding oil ponds at of coai, which lei "s the Courie?�Jortrjzal oir aii purgatiyes for limilly use. They two years, and as lie intell"ds to,' g`ive by the station aent. Has parlor-, diiihig-roorn ilight'- Last Friday while Mr. Owens, of DIP'luld,, his cu s tome bed rooms, kitch Dulleaullorl, was. vulkitchirig a team at 8idoi�y Alines 0 -B on' 'NN�e&ile�:Jay, to reinark that the tilne when a voting are the, prochlet of loug-, laborious; and rs the Best Value possible ell, pantry.&C., large stone cellar hard andsoft water in builflng, Vvell. suited for for their looney, lie hopes to imeet a A go fam ily,or a board! tig house, Lately pa,niod sind or coal.is suceeksAll chemical investigation, and the stable, otieoftbe.'horsps� In4cle a bro,k,e ' tlI,..0 1) the ice ! and ' we're womall needs twenty tons .1 Z� I I —AND-- N -e recovered. durilio, the �c e their extensive use, In contiluanee of their patronagge. d1c6l dition. Apply to the owner, Mr. G. Bono 7' race for bilp, grifiblU04 -hiin hl 'I 1;�e dravvlIed.__no bodi( s wei ourtship. After that) t,J) oo ' . Z, , or tothe undersigned., y .,their pnictiEe, and by alf"civilized na-� tley ebeek at'id 'tor The Grand Trunk ollrered a large, Illess. he i tions, proves them the best and most 'Lot 82&, 'Mary Street, (opposite Mr. 0. Holysles e a piece of flesh out. yount, man, I -i s wholly desti- -esidence) with neat cottageo three tute of y6latives, is supposed to fUrnish. 3. 11 f , rooms Mr. Hu�h 11cAlliste ation that 'will. Ivad effectual purgative Pill that medical HIS 60 CENT TEA find Gumn!x6r kit hen ; good 'well and punip,� C40100 o, Iq-erclialut at rewaid for inforin, the itiel, eligth tillrowil off Itis old to theiarrest of the party who' fired a science can deHse. "BOng p I urely veg- call )lot A The xaluable Hatel,property'lin VietiorJa reckin, it's Vanderbilt etable no liarm can aristi from tllei_r�­ 8*—* habit of living and has becomd. -,rrapped XL �L. ClIntot., known ag Lane's Hotel, earn fruit tree% in garden, etc. Ethel, has �at I E MAIL Willstill be a Specialty, and bullet.into a train a few evenirims a- L. ­,_ -1 �E - bebeatett in the inark 'f cortirad s use, and being -sinpir-coatvd, they 'are et. N11 Citller -.J.ige h,teI._..buiIdWj,_LdriViiIq abed) four in the matrlaioui�ll muni;l.e. The I i urchin to a group e k . I I I pri.i.; the'.victoritc -,aid a) be,. iappy as I Nv.s ellierging froul Groceries'as low As pq�qible.�' rg Ti%vii lots, &c. 0 - , -,% —r )plqasant'-t6-takd.- `Tn intrin..sic value e Yount- bride is Atiss. Wilhilai who-gnTutiored-hibund to hear his" . y qlld cilYative polvers no btlior Pills Qtclok of'GLA8,8 WARE and CROCK_ That elel, ant two-story frame divelling-houts en Aii'� netion bas b6o. hterod for of a; mail who had just been rescued ,.ran xec:t, ljljtit�u, fla -held by J. Q. Xeleswortb, of Joweiitowii. . e Call he coiiipared,with them'., and every ERY on hand. Also -6 , w ot . , �s Merly. ��10 000 oil bell . alf o person, knowing their virtucs, -supplied I er, n xuAed 6-Ilkii. John P. Martin.' I be om now'untiff Mr. P. Our' the Allan ste'arn' frein drownill-. 'Wily do pel� think Wil tain, of McGilllva,yi bas , � b '1� p_ That choice and well -situated farm, paq of Lot diliposed of his magnificent two-year ship lille, against, the stemney__Q alldo�l so?'. asked one of thein; dose 1 Saw employ thein, whou nc�eded- They * ' ' Q rnprising 6, Huron Road, Goderich township, co I fellow what 11'auled hill) the system in perfectorder, and FRE89 OA T MEA.L, CORIV 111EA-L, 65 of fi,at less land, nearly all cleand and I& I'll give t le maintain in hea3tily action the Whole -old btallion, .National Policy' to a Nvhi�h recently, ran il)to the!Polynesi . an -lie �;mallsu good eontlition."' Oood buildings, ote. Only one Mil& W,J s it HRiif,,.t out a quarter.' -y of' life. mild, searchint, and ianupxy, 18-84 t M-1-70 fromG. W. station. Miebigan buyer for �2,500. 'He i , , X. I I machinei . I I I r i f6r. ::..- .1. ---- No 1 1 haven't known, you. 101- effectual, they are especially adapted' 7 reist; with the dwelling-housa me Mr. Mou i s, reducino, the 'FLOU PO TA TOES, iiiow occupied by Mr. Siriapsoh,.G.W. A. statleat ilinportet-1 from Scotland .,short ti T cz�scau 1� Il tel d", R, OA TS enough,,' she. bbAifully;-shrinking to the needs of the (liggestive apparLitus,' Agent. Also, lot 40 on Al a -o and is a liitn4sonle �east. expenditu)�e of the, de , artments of. the sty stre.et, sibuttingilis �p. - of the derangements. of Which they pre -vent the above let.. The lots eicgr.i%a��. 0 - � awety froin.him into'one coinei will be solditogelh QuellecGoverninent at the forthcounno, Thty are rately Applyto the owner, Mr. Ti linnia 'Whi le Mr. D. . wat"'on, , dentist of and care; if tim0`13' taken. AIM w wl Z employ was driving to Brus§e s J% ew '9;t'Ss orl. 19 s� a 9( l7itche reiluction y s� �11013' aeandL ot, No': on M ary street, now. 'Besides I've for chil0ren and weakened cOnstitu-, 8. on , Thehouse,wit,lai coln at attitude of self def,ence. occupied by Mr. Win. Davis' tree roon n the upper ptorey has �J rri.y lliptt.are all tions, Whe�e a mild- but� 'eiiectual "Give Me a call -and "Ge satisfied. 'tl is below, and one i clays ago, the axle of the htigg�' brok' D ared with hist, year, will1c been eating peaches, al and threw bitu out. 1 1-1 e . was dra"'fld least 50'per cent.. back kitchen, garden, weIr &c. Terms easy. 'N&v The Store and Dwelling on lot 18, Iluron streei,.' stiek�.'- ertholess, the'darifl&_�,olltil -WO I )Nlcl�ichan, am , pfactureir kissed her. Wlietli(-.r the fiei*c:e tires of '1v belonging to if. Noritworthyo and now cc ied isua 0' fle JL F J 4"o'n", for some di�tance ou the hard,ro,d alld Henry 11 all For sale,by all druggists. 19 hall his I,ft arm coiwidf,rably bru rystaI4,res T. COO �kr. A. Bennett. her gen I � . ..". -- : I Z�U'Alsoptlierlbts and buildings forsalo. Appli� Richl C011 al n fo Well as a cut in his heal. nond street. Toronto wAs arrested. The RE D 6 e t the _8a)�io od to 1. 25.. tau about two 'o'clock yesterday chatpd A few-dliys ago, while Mr. Ed: Dur- wHat'she said, was ITT you Say s 0, H. HALE,,�..,, V Huron A:� C intols �,pii,his wife. He admits hirn-' IL Uu uict of firing A 1, go upstairs and wash thelli., nil -Ii orK.t. Helens was huhting In tl,�, with having cownl:tbed au-ravated, Woodl;i, whell in OJT, at � as�,�ttulb ui 0 ady se6od p;ttiently efore the. - tl s e, f that., he atrncl� her Oil the ]lead Dysn squirrvI almost directly civerhead, 'A, epsUil or r(�ceiviil)g�rell(,3r's,win(16w.in a Broadway ,gull 0 . . .... . -,rr Ii were ripped op61 Y NCES, MOVED. fol. -I 7 5 ;b 4E broke nearly everytlii7f g it) tba house in I 1 -13 B, AT W 1, 1 pokrl�-' On Thursday night lie, L I)urqt. I'loino a 'd able barrelled k' the mlf6agnei, ban other dav�, but no one took -r-t4 � - , , SUBSO gun both 1). r ti'll she. attrac ed the br- i�3 7.-vwfwT,�l [it -of (Iruilhenl ra,,e. L-ist -iii-lit he any notice of he t Y and the stock baily shattered. TI I e. MERCHANT TAILO , t tteilticla of the cashier.-by—taplAng- W, .44 r. ia,tyl se t o %14 s -(t there waiii, nothing to -reak. Ize "tzri-. A yon-lig mail escap; d unhurt, the 01 ly with lier parasol� on' tke glass. 'Why in rk b ei I i g a ill i gh t scrit, 10 11 - 0 11 .'t1r6 il r'�- -'Forest Nov, 30.—*Tli"rouo%h A '-lifi s w Al.l.yoli'that.. have Ilead Aehe�and F Ilei don't YOU 'Pa attention. to' ine q'. �aid. 0, )L M. e IaL t S .a ��U_iT�Ierstai)dina of the switchtnan t% '11air, cs,11 at _�1&1= from v9 a clo 1) V 2 6, EVORKS! licad. It wt vo ly, 'Ain sorry ina'aul'. -NIG"AM ..M'A`RB'L ANf;, ,�Ile,. -0�etulallt 2 W f"C""llt tr"L'0$ col"C"'d at, th") stat"011 'but i)�e don't pay,tinything li6re- - Ne -,t -VV`� IS, HARRYTISKER 1`ndl �—;,esiionil here' oil the in',, -was ;qf.­.'�__�,, The Tonsoria Tile pilots of wilYclow, ie the polite re - A Illecii-fliat �Iem, Or r Enterprise. D , red 1 Artist ranturn MUDI 111 - it, les of tile Ewo trains J!Y , I X P are bad I Yi 1),�, sp� 1,� Operatqr, and Ca 7� e latpr, F;xcia �,5 I a- e a ll she 1. T4B front tracks of one aird w e.5; t frill r e track. The is TheSubse?V4 hbicliy thanks his nurn ou 'afrVinage during the las Oe' Door Easi of ille E�press Office; u -ing the we�k c()pi(,,,s* to YOU , , _b i ass o. merit their confidence and 11) e' enaines are ofr th or' s cusimersln nds for their liberal p of file cars, iire also badly:' RnIes, For Love s d Li I (C' r on's Block), five yeairs, and hope IiN� strict close'attention to Lis n t -trade in the futurc�. ilavinic enh Ills premises during this winter lie is now prepardlit6furnish of printed doculli.el ts itisued by 6ULLIQ ff The connections: of the i CLI , NTON, ONT. tj't.y ,;,city crilliliz, livri Oil (11, damaged. 1,Tobody :First catch your,over. CL11 TTON.: T Huld It ith when b u. 'ha I i al. -to� atoll evei-Y t (l to Certaity C, HEADSTONES' 'U" M, E H T S.: & Cil eIi tl or no' -01n, : : The of dip. ti-frific: as Don't 'let l:'o-of him qoug I Oy I -e Sit III c it) I I 4T SHOE ijew kind (if ",11's reaIntile s A�' -300T& iLlterrn'p;ion r (if wIticli ppflars to call liew olie, W hol- Q e.q a 10 ass. t THE EY ITry to ge -lo r roln wery Dec 3. bip, as be buys -direct f rom the�best quarries i-10 ir)Ainp�ica. It pretty well aqquaint6d Work for buildings at the ch6pest rate and of the best As the tinic is approaching for decor- nore y6u iak.w him or i e. 7v atiin,�the graves of,yolli. loso no tilil b(,Lf, 6 hI 1MVIng.your ordor� ready'to be IIter'. confi I �l 111tolld :to: sul I ig in Sprih_ All work guaranteed. 10AKIUNQ.��, Illess you put�qp lr�t thil` follo-,viug V�T.11nng W110 Was aloll� a f w al i -I mut][T - - . * .. 1. . ur.ba the, 7 find out wl.etli'er. lie. c9nis el�0111111.1,0 cvcnih�­ w as "Ayer i(yetinictunt ofst by, oil Ad d ey Ing 'The subscriber takes th* earls li'i thank III .0, supporb you. C I in0 i in Oil Sallie Don't make upyour Lind lie is Cal n1lincrous.friends.for their liberal patroml thi �PR OR' I I I r. O.kv i 13 M SMYrw OFRIET tWV you nity capf-till'? D -had LIIY� to 0 1, 6 twent,�; years, and is-� would beg to.say that ki 1i has ent. �ed.tbe 0 best "arid Is flow prepareit. by woro (;a fill �11' orders 6n the all riest. noticli-irld in firill' slatf. IIIIIIIIInt oil tocl iOne of lktl�t 'p, I yourself off oil �llini as ll the clog,ed ay.ei�lles of tilej IVA,' IN GHA ' Deceinb(r.'2?t1h. Unlock,.; s style, and h6pibg� that%li, may jacdj j6 as jiber;j III `0 You Bowelg, Ki ver. carrying- -a if tdnli�g ai�d%Li 3haroof patronage inthe future�' Qfi activity to ..:off gradually vvithoutL weakcning the illil, ll�ini till nsyslem'. SF , 9 valis CI 1't - 1. i� i in spend his� salary on ors of tbe�_� : . . LTY. n:. titililig? Ifavt.i vo tli-(�n r al I the -iInPLIritieS: and. fou'l hun tlWED it NN Ila III(. .f; you ; that ri-lit.�8,11ou.1d tilt ont tois to tay I e s, ne Correcting any 174 . nsecretions.; at ti rne. tii -t fl. 6. JIF so statv Aldtillity bf the Stomach, curing B H. BEACOM; W N- T C eAho 'if III. oil itni, ollishlis-, Dys lieadaches, Diz;�, t if you, consuie�ntio'us scruples b 0-011 OF -and i.um� -9 :L-6- f, ` zMess, HeNosu�, . 0611stipation", rrying:a man Nvith-a W, T, -11. 11 3. - DrS�niiss of the Skin, Drorisv, Di ni-. Great chance, to' make mone�: Thosild elfms and other IC 6 u,_ 1 0 f t'o ErY6iPeJtqs,, Ser6fula, Fhittering. o inerallYll -liffiewealthy, thosa-wbo-oo­ 7 0 always take advdntage,Lot the Kolld b ess.6f Vision, Jaundi vvil -H AND DRUGG]ST" structid Crculai- say. so`irl t.iui -titat lie 'aia� get rid of V U 0 'whiCh. fe Inakiing,litt that R�o of of qnp.stionq her to &,lige y or I Y'6 f e 6L' to the; Heart, NerV.busness and �General aoeq remain in pover obli,,e as lie thiiiks best. Il6biiit�.;. all the'se ny other simi- lnen,.vvbrnen,,boy8 ayd girls leo'worklor REAT NII 13 ES TE WN TELEGRAP11 6 V FIC E object to secret 11 A M1 v nese VvIll a. NvIlich yoll will: or 'I. r one can do libir, lar Complaints ieId to the hnTipv influence 0 I from the first start. q7be buzi you vO:u d A io tobacco, it'ls I)et((',[' tO'COLIW, out kindly fit; up null of BUkbloCk BLOOD, B�TTERS. Exp ive tl i ioi,e dian tell tivies ordinar wages. enq �e I(--,Ul are Offleo' 1.1'.turn of pos�t, Al I.S. Ai k the INI your 61. now th lit t having O�N B: 1 titfitfurnishod free. No one who endakes falls. to t h 6- C been: so IllaitG ingney You can 'devote youi *kib'N Sainpl e A LB E R T S'T R E.E T L I N7 0 N. T ott, e§ 10c R' �nlar siie $1 antee that Hit, W1 I wit. tor,cultill I ctu 0-i lj� . � 1 1. . . I I L I - . 1 9 � . I � I f1i ilia to the Nvork, or otil l, yonr spare nioments. rum t C011YE.TITION for cur at I lorer happen s fancy a no.oth6r iiiericwi ort; to" hitving heart found Y nfohnation and all that is I . loaded sent free.- Addr you tr, give 'I ill not III(' plit in' Y For s.,L.Te b . alli,deilers. . t , IN. XURIURN i Co., Propriaors, Toroutil & 00. Poftlat d', Main gi%:oIl, to fho puldic but oil IV froin -CeltaiU S111dC, Of' IIftIr' don't color, ()I. power, vvith best quality, foi� W, schools or., '0 1 cle: 11 Ill., t'ryour had,�sj and :n,l sou ular iiiiisitJ in,s to of ties, tit i:nly �.22. on. $30, 6 n. e. Pramier and lie dclen't� 'j5 6.�ft(l Uild Y11C D e es, NvIloin 'YOU ha igs; to you, $� Ve "1 'Pm rugs; Dye SL Pe if� in e C nuine Pa tent Nedicin. V;GETABL :.SlCrLTAN tfAM N 6f t -he u A-0 Illay, "vapt to have YO will Bi_- very sure it is -It inart you III_ in ot t ie c P tiflc combination' PO T1 IIt At t 5 Iiii-I it'of tilore benefib and a, moreju ION -101 %vith3,aiid not the. ciothes he,wtL. )st powerful re'stora 'Horse and -an d l I Artidlas'Generaiiy sold by' rOggists. Had P P: Lit. the. Fort ne arr.1, ashnarelio,fi So crodacirs of U. .46 E� Mill: St., _�-',Qw York' vegctal�le king:dOm. o� or U ON STREET, CLINTON, II gy th ell closed ois I onour is foolish to take a st lisli suit for bt�tte'l' U9 N�abtt it A%lo:, H A, hair to its ori Y as file smile hve (s bin-tIle oil worse. ------------ hmeinb&s of�the G W. .-H C"O."O P E R J tand and 'Local' URED P N Its,, froln Your rellow to-tvii overn it."You ILItend to -keep three ervan s Morphine A 'ED ili casos of all unfoiwoen (ldc)-nii.4bap; C, after ebtlethe iii-atiler bi.4ore- PRES RIPTIONS AINTD 1ILY RECIPES. CAIZEFULLY PRE t or: tli6 hiiir. It fUrn t 11-11i, in 10,16 20 oO-ve to titritive' principle.'by which the 'DAYS tlie-. -it Cemeery 6 CIO Oill - ' : I . I thwsociatioll will. liantl The MABIT .8 to vcu -11 and the ma expect Marble �Gmjlit hai�r, is nour IN il oil the �Ooel' f You* Y, you t your. own By Dr. J. STE10119N.S. tellunitii,, $A �)'Az6hts f or 11i is' 'Gl ye� Cle ished, and supported It. ons 17�t Work at rl�tlrqS th"t dofY Competition. the- hair incyi t, soft and,.gloss rr a an r. isi Ith I was. ling. a �no ------- Y* D! i hnd i,4 itifstirplissed as a'hair dressing. oil. t tly to hurry up a, roposal by' p eenot Q L prepara IOU carryi Iflirtation with souleithor 1 0 VIS t* 71' 9. FrOIAJ STON fitR 1 v -Itioll of OP -t tlladb Of. In ak i I I fqttilles. ,ts "t 6 er offered to the publici AS.Its c ects, ti, nd Cr, tiyls npke'gi-cat ly. �a �ftin a Ion, time, n! Its You. to fill gmat I rem making,. only. an dilr�:re,iit ndtheo.nCi you. w4ut '0 to occasional pplication necessary. , It Is slial I't licit. -0 Off iii a fit ot'jealousy , : L I , warri ' tilOU lip till' JAUT,1�11, �!'C!O..: JUrtl id. used by'�Ieffilhent to ooweLba&c. reqonpincilded an rl;f 0111. Lo. 0: medical' men,, anct cliffidally eitid6rtied bk s�the. State� Ass yel- of M , ssac iusetts. Don't a iu� 1 i find Nve to bl)t:tin a roport AFffe ll)� I �. I 1 11 1 �of 11all's Hair I enewer Tlici po I.; lative to tll�e you thc (�X:18'an�e. is 0 it 1". 6 rity: I It to I, We Tvni'ii, do of, E e has inci with thij,"fost of many it this., doun"try and' in" u rell), III )(j melove. Y foreign lands, and it is now "own and lot- all the I'lla -s.. H ru lie, riyLit,Lul. t 1 t H E S R 'uSe(IL itI ll.the civilized countlilies of. on�, whosit! iti, 11 ay otU I 0 of'inslir etion :it ell 08 th - 1) e, wor i of IFor sa e talt Iat - i I V all �dealer li,tlll(. to I)!. if E to the 1) - eopic of 'Ulintonand '[0�1 sl�lps t� w,,,Il, Ilot tl I e dil" TTE'AUERI'r_,AN. SHORTHAND 111,1EK v(br B b Clintiolie retui-il sin cote Ov. IiIIIIII . .. In . __ In �eop your �evel� o I it i 'g;� to inforill. hfor their li4cr the past; bf h;.Il not lyn put 1.1 Fri. I I I t. 110 IIT Ih 0 rs corrected thro anufa turing this ymt to IQi atoll y6l.r lilay: see, till). coil idtison begins'.1 4'r 'I 'Y; tto; y rec 911, 'F tv tLATESTSTYLES] e 6-trition. �h?,�Nbvld frQiii %vh !eh 12"VIVIP C 0 3,T, E R N S., nize litni; ati, fl Y pbl�icAhc:tl ill I U. �11. A: lip Indng* Ile- KENDALES.� �h It, Ifyou no fatilt to' 60t, wita him -'s Popal-tilltint,contr I C a fancy the befol-I tilt, lot s, f�lca&., -s' 7alinber That lrive sitisfactitin to Ill. oil the fitovs of our t I itiorli i rn(� pro- -jonally fiiialluialy C(JIILCp�IItJoUSl L7 .W IN CURE 131.113SCRI VTTON fril'!Ilk Oil I-ortisilify tilis collre,tir tjhp 6f! t S It, pl,?o �fico of gh-to A YOU call 0-0, Ord art Will golwra tftic(, d 'a t 11 Y 25� I -se oi, 2 u6urb- :Clvot wr is, prubably p . ot �Cou ""(311911 oil, al. 1 (1, -lick R6well 8L, I cox;'Po lisers,, Boston_ b VA T n �1111 to pay. t I e s t 1.00 q tt Y, co! I I I �l to exilez (­llts ill-thf, nioro Ail orders proniliti to. Parties iritend- ing.t() statell)(111 -bf thi I Lo'l, hiL41 Ainer:ctin A!gmiuy for W6111d d0'WC1I to WalilallliCMWAvith nic. to jr pkilowni; t-lian NN, as I, is PRICES' UO E �&TK: r U: it:,, a ao illol-A to t1roijil 'Y D.� AllUILLO.Y, Clinton The'niost; successful 'remedy ever discovered; RD16 Ro its (:It(-, firill)-coul-I WalYer Lil'iton, ,of Watm-11001, Vi! ri�.'' c6biin 16 its effects vLnd aolls'not blister. *4 )roof b6iow, a I, d'8 Yullow Oil :11 tl,� - ito:, e htsH E M 0,ST P -ANCE to w as g 0 F- ` " I , ilvi Ills Wifv� OPULA fROM REV. P. N., �'011 dit io�i Of: l 1), oil twi,ioll of nud rill V not well. +c- tl-rat' otlw� Presiding Elder of,the St.. Allsan'w'Distfick. LII E KWIN Px- MAERIN E 5 jle al,O 8 St. Albans�,,Vt., Jan 20t� 1690 Dit" B. K KENDALL �& Co., Gents:—In rep 1, will lin to ;t lal;tc�'f will say that my experience, with I Core' has been cry satisfactiory irnlee4. y CANTE I I d L PROPRIETOR Ilis (if I 111,11uht, in I hf-, th, Throo.or four o;�rs ago I )rocured a - bottle of your i'll tho agelit, and Nvithit, cured, liorse if larnernin.ciusiod nthorse became very ]&me Lond inted him out for a, few �wcoks wheit, he Ile - oil, 119 3 IN, I el 61ii I tL NF1 0 r,, ;ttoi; bl­t­ im, on. the road ime Ogrow werse, when J., dillcovered that a, ringbone iii -it obsorved ti tl"ia of L, Man 111to w6irst f it i, Ghat aftol. elluP.L.'Ing a wil a Uttle of Kendall's Spavin Cum J"y till, W� tle Lured him so that he Is t to Provilwi ti T I-flas'l o 0 118 p't t 0 k u 11 governed -1, Nvith les6 than ',-I lict I not lanic, neither call the burtatir. be fund� 11 ( re'aiiiiiii ti I 8diii wo;. GHS31 K W.ppotfully yours P N GRA'wozilt. BUGGIES, 0,,PTTERS. WAGKS. -SLEI ILI W hoav of UNllil �er. ice— III-T-ell.— ill tho I Y. i is (11 cor. e of Due. I --E �olltl�lell pe ..W.ILL dURF. Oft RELIEVE, 1ifass.,'ATaFWIflth, 11180. . AU Co.,'Gents --In justice to you nt to , it Nvit I OE RILIOMNE,99, -DIZZINESS, B. J. I - A Fact V and raysell, I think I.ouglib to let you know - hill : , . . , pill I IN G 1, t� of ll AN]) give DYSPEPSI DR OPS Y, have fenitived two bone spavins With 'Ke 'it nd d A know bow done INDIO'ESTION, J LUTTENNG, -0 ;,: Oil 0 tf ptvin, afil very ar Or you,pll�os till 0 one,, long the spavin had li�cn ere. t 1. have owned I" with. JA 11,016E, OF THE HEARI eight inontals. -it toort me four months to tIika' Co'll.11, all a al I Lli r0at all lfc h us RESVLT 01' TAIIIIIN(1 A TIARIt A ;I 9L SVP !�Mcql ooncoffandtwofor'the small one, I 'haTt telidillity toward, P01111, CI ERI�81�kL,49, A61DITY OF the laeg ollary oill."Ll n I, ton bottles.' The bdrs'ia, cntirclv� vot at ALT'RHEU10- 'THE STOMPH, al I stiff, and 110 bit t B;�Lkqalll 'It hj'a new.thing her*,' but It nch � o seen Or felt. This It a z \v BEA1?TI§&RJV,` DfiYI!VF88 CANTELO -S Af Olro, Nov. 0, -Tl'is: norn ol)(� of t!'T' t fl of iny itoL8 foi all what it liva'donto for'mo its title will b4, ,J0P,, THEI, KI rIng Mill . ly Iiflavy whitkoy And every species of d1se4sat - aris from 6 to�' in ti'i ;J r i I Idi3ordtared 0VTR, KIDNPYS, STOMACH, I Wb' is il-ykiii(y wart tike 'a kerne loft ites ,� other Y tW6 wisiti I. FoL, I I BOWELS OR BLOOD, of corn LIS 0AVIN 'CURL KERD'AL -ity Ily a oill.0 III , cove-voc 1.9, v �.Proprielclrs,. . hNv ito T. MILBURN & Go., %vag-,oil, who 11 d RpIvi'i!IItl _fy�jll TORONT06 P0j)q. 13.'J. & '00�1, 01INTS:—Thill 16461 T,) a ce ify I have used Ke�dallls spalrin, oars Wingbam,' 0 and (to "ithout hesitation peonouncli t to' 0 LEND c� of Spa0l�ol;� ihs- s q I 1 (.1 rurpo�(Y-- of, Ifoi the car belies or Curba, I used it on.'s �bonb'§palbi of '0i which i't con)PIcteLy roinoved, 1, Coln ol ell it ll d i o a It t I I Mail p litt ly N T,I'.,N .:,it Nv In Curb 6Y e:t to 1) �B III romove an Spav The �C'O)IPANY, To- 16 -Iigl.- I 1 -have alao recomwelli'l- o I'll i ratioll ha�e done so with perfilaii A�WA It r�vtioli QI E Q' LJ AL is to r 1o, oil tho, sectly., ce, frionds to rise it, to try 114i'dock I'lood jv�&� ,jr,,Las, Alad)y 111iiike this public, 'rid will -itno.*ror . 0!. t Art) q�ic i6rui or totters sent, ine. Y611to &C., otikiiii�s . tha E t 'o�.casioll( I] 0 I I forill 11), 0 West S.T110t, Gaolaiii Bilyci: Lhat,*Lad,,rai t rilJ(;iPa'IJy Clio th often disaidf lolico wovo ill-b-netw, b "I -AST ANN M to hmromIIII(IF-1110 e -KENDALUS SPAVIN CURE to . L . , I I '7� L clately ad Ira hy its 6 it no 1110W Speaks of it il, ET I M E' ed, a ini il er f: otibctd', mild in actions a A NID' It 'CEP X,c 2 rih 1, tho wisl-ion r t r I lis s u R PA 8 s r- 8 Oo,, A IRAiX VL ft is penetrating and lib'werful to rmek I v )OMY grow 0 -to remove anyJ t�j . dLp eated pain o.r f 1�0!�J, PEI it: ANN sach,,liq and iny I&momi* PI _a iand all orfur I I oil )ntq �f the, Joinis -or YoUlY., Val: fL 1-ther cllr i-hotailralsin in, Man or for ally, puriposo f6r wbiA T Y 'E VIV OF J. NNI-Cefliltify AArro,_ 6 (0 8 0:�t [d U all f6f �JL,hn'L&f he R, I f �vill erred WYO UNIO'N linflnen t for wan eyer neall, wAWS I C A 01 1 LL. n)ilfl and i�ob LeAlthi 14 its ftectli b '011 bpttr P0* 410il o, do, f ly, 1: tr clo I, noNv I 0 fIAN' E M6 'is for Ellis her pe, nilidon i( 0' low 0i'l 0 b cuaf�lljnl< gives proof of ito virtues� No Y, r9T allxvlit lilt 11 ffa,,or six battles for.$;S. -All DOW - ALL I call the obe foul it for.Vor, or it yril be mob over, roticlpt,or price by of 61104 t 'Dri. #,, J. t1nosburgh,141h; I of to for im 1111119 ­ w . I til a, I I 1,T1 be obfahie(l of' I 6-S ifl, SO4r�, rabl bpV, [A L E T oD DY,,ALL�DRUQG&T ll N (1, I 2 rht a No I1))" 11 f tt Il I 'QAf LYA S T. o Il(j 0. WIJ d0 a oy, J6% C6, A d tornis n mlal� fa.�f�, caqyantf 'hop;ora-- 4 W of adiviralI R RE TRIAL"" ...... . .... .