HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1882-09-29, Page 2t
w w�t
41v t
'6011413 SOtT
-812 a.ih. 3.54 p�nw.
App q p4c 11,0, is
"7777 tho orde"r' , of Ilid Iii.011iltou, on the 2QL4 ithe Wife O�'
,_ wa_ -R or6a P4 da 'Gorrie, Sep t,,25th, 188,2 `Xr, U. Coll Jet-, or a, son.
8,9me R 'Porilrick ri(,):bas day round ll�erei pr�s6lljt, FJAGK SOU
k o0licil )if ttp-aay'�4 Oax�pbell'sl recelye a limited 8,
'b I �ii fpQlish,,apoV d in the a
ea-mee ingt'',"to, -ha� bel 113 0114tOu,
0,( ghttiwlr"k�)�Acpe t Tliq C A the 20 Inst., t ile'wife of Wishesto nu;nber�:t pupil
for education. She w uld teach SEWIXG
),n as, 411d-', hotel pursuant, to adjourilwent. , X19"a-, Ith,
a''.. a writ, io 7, 044relli o day night
jtob .,,a b g,0ili4qr the' , - Meth�Ai§t,,, 11�'Cllutou; On. the'2ud Just., the Virife 6�j ifde;41red.
at the
'th"the- anniversary- lftst",, Mi, WinAK10, Of a daughter, MR. JAMES-RIDARN, a4d'b
P �P4 '-�wll 11, .
'13,00ag I iou
beri pres�ent Messis� -Cook J
2th lust., the wUe ofil� Clint
a, go 0 the.tr�s't -0 J il'oullett, on the I on,, Sept. Utbi
B. 'Iietip py ate, a . �i , ,, - , .
p he Winnipeg j! ston secoudedby Atr, Jacques, tLa M oi W.�-�Qbu Ai4bf 4 d6u-bteT.
'T a f�,e, wic ad a d - acqges by, 'Mr': J61lif- A A X
d ; fb t
_.atmp u . . _t4- X".
'Orand Trauk RaillwAY.-
,G01" WMT.
1.00 a.m. 2.49'. pan. 0130p.m. 9.00 p.m
'11.00san 10.90 1�.m 1�6.45 p.m 4.15,p.m
ftal'sl0hurdli.—Services on Sunday at 11 a.m.
,qnd 7 p m Bible Cl=.10 maii- Sunday School. i
U4ierv� oil Wed Y, 8 P. in. RNV. WtLLIAN
.. Reclinir
Canada Method Ist. --Services at 10.80 a. in. and
14=- S-AbbathSc-hoolat '-).30 p in. Rxv. WId,
�A"eff, Pastor.
Canatla Presbyterian.- Services at 11 a.m. and 0.3(
V. in. Sabbath School, 2.30 p.- in. Rzv. AL51. STAW-
&F.T, Pasta, X.
Bible Clirtstian—services at 10.30 a. in. and 6.3(
Sabbath School, 2.30 p. in. Env. J. J, Ries,
Bapt,lot Church. —Service it 10.30 a.m. and 6-30 p.m.
'Sibbath School, 2.30 D. in. RoV. 3. Gnkv, I'mitol.
-New Advertisements this Day.
'Fall OpeninZ—Urnib, Macwhirter & Co. r-.'
Grand Display—Pay & Wiseman.
JLuctiou Sale of Thorouall-bred Stock.
Les,sons Iri oil-painting—Mks, Fl,-lhVr.
'Wellan(j flanal—,Nlotice to Contractors.
'Keeting—Clinton Lodge A. F. & A. M.
THE Alin!ster of Finance for I-Iol-
land announcel, a deficit of 2,500,000
florN& Wouder if Sir R. Cartwright
is Dutch on his grandmother's side.
IT is reported that Premier Norquay,
following the example of Mr' Mowat
in 1874, will gerrymander the Pro-
vince of Manitoba before the next
general election.
THE Winnipeg Free Press is insulted
because Hon, J. 0. Aiken, an honest
straightforward politician, and a ci
tian gentleman, is sent, out as Lieut.
Governor, of Manitoba. But some
people are easily affronted. If our
ime,mory serves us right the same paper.,
felt insulted when the odoriferous
6auclion was sent up tofill the same
Quit usually well-informed cotem, the
!3eafortb Ea7mositor, last week made a
docidedly erroneous statement with
Ar4erence to the West'Huron election
TrSt. It Ptaled that the petition
adt"been thrown out of court on the
gypund of informality. The truth of
the, matter is that the technical ob-
jections have not , been argued yet.
They were set down for a hearing on
Triesday last but were then postponed
until , Tuesday next. Our Reform
friends may safely make up their
piinds that the trial will take place in
due time and that if anv irregularities
have occurred the law breakers will
pay.tbe penalty..
ONu. day last week 'the leading organ'
of'tbe"Grit party stated that tk, Local
Government had ordered an inquiry
0 -be madt; into the loss of the,steam-
ad that the Do inion
�ip Asia, and add' in
authorities were so apathetic itliat they
,find taken no action on the 'matter.
On' ibe same day it was announced,
on authority, that Capt. Scott bad been
apputed by the department of Marine
itiq Fisheries to bol& a searching in.
vostigation into the cause of the wreck.
�.'��e�ily it seen -is as though the Globe
do, cry low.,when it will
-.ias scended v
try to make political capital ourt of such
a. sAcired matter as the l6ss of 100 souls
i: 61 THP- Finance Minister who aims at
4.0ing-his-drity ano posselmesa rairsbare
eflibilitY will flild hiniself-now with a
-�mall 11010t, now with w small. surplus,
and will vxerci,�e his .kill in inakiug the
oije bal-Anle the other."—"Globe."
8ir Richard is being seriously worinded
in the house of his friends. If- the
above is the VW)c'e idea of !a model
Fin ' ance Minister, the Kniplit, of the
13razen Shield does not 511 the bill.
I-Ae had deficits all the time, and the7
we�e Kot small either.
OxF of tho best planks in the plat-
form of the Ontario ConHervative party
is the Oue whict calls for the extension
of the frallellise to the sons of' inerdi-
ants, mechanics, and otbers now debar-
red'from voting. 'Mr. Mowat, whili�
he saw fit to confer the voting power
upbri the sons of farmers, would not al.
low the same right to the young men
who dwill in cities and towns. The
r1eason for making this invidious dis.
tinction is quite apparent. It is a Ivell
kinown fact that the people who live in
the centres of trade ami, conlulerce do
4)t, as a rule, look with much favor
u,pon the bogus Libf-ralism of the Grit
party. It will not be contended that
the residents of towns are not as well
qurJified to exercise the franchise as
those who tive in tne country. A.young
man who has neighbours oil either side
of hin) is not 14 -lis intelligent titan one
who dwolls, in an isolatwl building.
The son of a morebant, living with his
father, find assititing in ilia ulanage.
ment of the� bileiness, is, equatly as good
A citizen as tlie'fhxmer's son who, helps
tb work the farm. A mechanic's son
earning his bread by hotiest toil at the
vice or 61le, loom., is not an inferior be-
ing to the yeorn, an's son who guides the
pfow. No intelligent farmer will lay
dairn to any such superiority for I i is
order. Such vicious class di8(inctions
have llieen the bane� the curge of Euro.
pean countries, It wam left to, the sbam
61wrAN who f6rin the Grit party to im.
1wort. dwin into our own fr(,e and denlo.
eratic 1'rovince.
--The Emperor of Auqtria linq still-
11cribed 100,000, flor�inR for the suffer I erq
iAy uie floofis it, tije 'ryrol.
It lk, b oQk take the chai
eupp ,a 4ck�` �;%s fol- ARRIAGES.
Vmovpb �r. :,CarriO Minute,
_Rr � . a ,, I I - n r -of Vir� 0AVTIQNj i
A Comi't of*i0apfkdi4 Ordle 6 of:jast ineethig read aud %'pp'roved-,� At the gethodist,Chureb, J�Jyth,'on the
ei been. organized here-willb.l.
ec6nded bi 210 lust, by file Aev. W� Blrk6i, Mr. iTheo- Whereas, nl� wife, ANN COLE, having
"There is'ho wir.ithing to speli, w of up' Mr. Thos, Nureb. asi W� C.r� Moved by Mr.4olinstoll, s',,
_Ul�eq. St His
Meet Ooie'Dext:er; to Mis
Mr, Jacques, that 'Mr. W,epr-exa,mirte ewart? both left my bed AM board withbut justca,use or
a artles
tl�ii'�s to caution all' p TO NEW PRER
a Howiel and Carrick b4pilldry o proyo, ISES OFP9SJTE THE, TO10 �A
.q T-ganing each at-
(Ador 0 L
I'lege, but we a i n t Friday, vight�
e na wing: t 7' R
4raul�iidouw,pre9s.qmj9 pro�porj y1pa4d niglft' �fbllo 1: 4 1' t at I will.not; be jr�sponsible for debts.coll-.
r ay posite lot 3� Howick, and, if � h.. -
ecerl3plry) , , , Ills$ jptskE
;our barus are bursting, withnt ' J - 1. tracted Ill. my name with6lit'my written, 0
14 by Citrrick,, paying -half 1, p order BENRY COLE;'
outi yield of the harvest. Whe tiquil put, in cu i1b repared to give, lessons in oil -painting?,
of ei Carri d,, by
is responsible for these dire misfo J, a (1,vai,ied,,,,t$sortihe-nt 4
TlIp adjourned Court 4 Revision pci P_ MovcO Mr. ticulars- ;tpply at the residence -o �,Qjiiton, Sept-15th.'I
rtuiles. Mai be _1'6�.st,.,Saturday, I t;coi'yL1e& by �- ri-JolMstop PAO�SPFNUB �Fge,, n
eques, S M
Wheu Xr. Mackenzie Wnsr in po all, J-6dgQ 'flia L t William J.' Iffs C11 2'
-esidino'. milt*oA While tak- . &h 1882,
Tows' pi
rilete was no bondage. f a;v . Dubi� ad ill , be alf lof the inc, the li mest 6119 'out of, the,. hill west� A,, -ft T
h6 W � lAsap Pairty. "Of Purity, 'and , Mr, l?. :W. i nsi a, c T G R,�C, T 1311tegularlVe6itling of Clinton �Lodga, Alloient
locomotives were haW a a fe, d
oU bridge at lanekil fl, imi. G, keep CLIN' ON LODGE NO.� -84 knien � will be heldIn their 11N
D6( co .. I . � order of United Wor
poitvted-lookiiig 1 kbidad IF tride' J oh n ston fortba Cola 'atives., There P r09111% FRIDAY evening, OC 02ER, 6th. A- full
17 ,, f I the roadIna, Pafe'and %P' i� 'I al A B N U
.,,§ery -00 1V
Assab e, colldi-, I -A-- :W. - M_ , " 'A ,TIN IF90
wndanc6 requested.
cars up and down-ti;� ll�embfiii bmilcks' were ni 'great- nuirib ri,,o: ei r
a 4ses, o tried,, � "Mr. Johnst 'i -,handeq, This Order disbursed among,the widowg and,
bile hands of sterling Liberals potter tri4j'� ' The. evidence of Mr. John �'A-RE601iAL11 meeting Of tbl� Lodgp�wlll 'Orphans ofjts� decea§L� nfe4�bers_th6 sumof
over $17'to, trei for tiffiber, 'sold
ed about Selkirk, dreatlaing of carrying Sheppard with reg4d to lliS son, and be beld in tbe,moonle Ha 11, on Priday One - 31illiop, Five Illifilldred'alid
off si&linc 25 and"�6'Cdn. 18,� Moved
the Pacific railway at Some distant fu- M - _jram evening at -8 Yisiting bretliren. T If hottgaftit Dollars
r, as Ross with regard. to lii� by Air. Johnston, seco
are cordially invited to.atteiid. 1�yprqer durin the past Year.
t re away behind Lake Maniti In M fortwo thousand dollokw M LOW Offl.Q. 1 u brother be1bg the principah- We have Jisques, that theReave have a'p'pro�.acbea- of th-e- W 'GOOD, -STOOKir
t ye l
tlio§ie days this was the freest land un-. ti�� 6 heard wlethei to b 6orrie ax�d fillfwt South of T. L. FORTUNE, Seer oni y ments of 6fie, aoMr tbus far
ridge in etary
To monthsof tbeptesent year,
der btaven. It was free froi�u the co- has ga"' a for' RQsS by'�b -a d
dzai�An� to i9in: the -ri Lye one i reereae learn fg1j' W,GME, �HIM A CALL'
ding cares of civilization an We", thetF.,er.o ass with yegard to I fle A*utiVof Dr.`Browlll�e-alld J. ist. .. 11 I I : , 1,
and roughly Hpeaking, free ftom popu Gr6oi! weria laidov.0, till next: nienting. ------
ation. But the moment, Manitoba and
-intpeting. in. Accounts passed., Wm. Robinsqp,,-
A tea option. with
tbe Northwest were dlivered over. to th rF1
the anuiversar services of 0 Bibl`6� '$12,0, for, gravel; C�- Finlay, 191.50, for
the Egyptians of the Syndicatte, by Sir Christian Cliurch was het4, last M0111- -deepening cul-vert*on.,coii,.J4, lo� 6 S.
John Macaonald', these A�caiau A
-avey�- _,,iant and WELLAR" N.AL--
day.niglit w�hien pka prelinto.; bays,
7WW'agrd that 11 of
aCharing vanished. Population b gan to -PTEI - 4BER next; n and- after., the list * Breud
-Th - t o spt �Lubevvs
ir e -Pro-fitww TUT.—Thl —te - at Nwbridgeou con.. 5; Jas. -M �,SU_ we will refuse to sell
pour in. a rairl ovA_.wnspusbed was all that was. desired to tempt the, '600., f or: Spiltps � 'D. �F iA) . NOTWE TO Ticket6 , on Cre�
westward with unexampled speed - and er,. $3.00 for And,%�aliave,,fu�fliot.agiebdr)6t
W8 btf our sliors
t sell biead, eakeg, oe othor arU6
delicat to par-, grave $3. g - eXO6 , l4foreasbondelivei,y
4ppetito of the most. aA P Slles;ko 00, for,� ravel;
the darkneris and desolation was soon, Q:EALED TENDERS, addressed to the und6isigned
take of uni3et which WAL, YOUNOU..
lit by the beadlight of the locomotive. q P I i JOTT
0 and endorse'd'4 Tendera,for Welland Qiiial'� will N R. KENNEDY,
the,tables fairly' groaned.'� Af�ier dis- Thos. Graham,"$6.60 for and be rbceilved at this otlice until the ji7-1valTf Eastern Cliptoh, August Oth,�128t,
Three years ago Winnipeg wa.� no wore nd western malls on FRIDAYj th6 Oth day, (if OCi ARLAND B
in the basement of til'as "thi rl -8 t�es. - Moved- ioi;nstool' T" 013ER next, for fovmi�g; at tho�)V'atelr line, 6'htorfe 7-7—
P 0.51 ns abi
than i -straggling village ; to -day it is a J
man, �qoque, b�,nks 6f the canal on the
e ed iacing'or protection 66 the
city with n. population of 25,000 souls y Mn Ahafth6 Couni:_
which pertain�d to the iphysical , I f to th"QI1, �Jllcere t ollstonlerw� f6i
-e e'l do 1011Ks a be don7ecan, be, seen , i .. I �1� I
ll�.O , ' * at the offlces'6f the 116si�iit 11c tillic woul
and property to �t 'i "T tlie sm
the asse value'of all adjourned to the auditorium whet Ldjour� �o mpbell"s at Thorold .,LEATHER tric-11
6gino . I I . , I . y that the) is
a grand literary feast was.,providect by, el,,� Gorriel .-oil 1. t ie,�, in�t,., --at 2, and'Welland, wbere f6rins �ofrlender, and jeneral T Ivi
$30,000,000, Portage la Prairie and ill did Aiturp (I in the 1-Amosi 'to supp'y Piti%ono� -t6r HARD .0 Q oc P_ql, infoiniation on.subject, ��n be obtined ouan &C , the officials of the church.: Rev. Mr. Carr d'aficr
Braitillon, now triving towns, did MONI�AYtliu25th instarfC,, heNHRY LOWES�11 POSSIBLE FRTC,08� T) rtlinity chair. Clerk.. -Gonfraqto6 roreqiiestsd to-bear'in'. nfinT WJ
dno� the public �rj tbht have
dq strictly
le In.eeting- W -a 8 a A a -re-ss,�ea cy - -fb, e
hulci days and Mori�Zdrvstal City' 'Revs. ai Sabine, -Stawart, (Pres-", f
t,do�s not, howei bind itself to`
eeept,11�6 lowest iny tcnd�cr.,. Dot OXibt. ill those days,, the Indion's Rice, the pastor,. occupied.. thp Wrineaosa,loGladstone, Pilot Molind Th E I 'AP
S. lia-d byteria iy Mid Pascoe, �Prknqf 13- in 6ese'timbs of quack il�ecficifie ad-" Bv oildor
Rapid City and other busy centre
Conference,. A finandial-'statement o A P4 BRADLEY,, BEAVER BLO I(T NEXT DOOR TO. THOMPSON SWITIER'S: 0,90 ER
s,-everL re 1 is' y
ne;ther a local habitation nor a name. Vwbe rul, of ecretary.
n as
- eii cral' Stock: of 'Stoves, Htr�dwd T'
the co'dition of, w dven
Ili tliose days Winnipeg was mainly de- '1 0110 .'renle4y that is Department by Mr. Pickard. Which 'sh6*Qd hat the tO' firic Ott v4, 'Sept6nibet'20tli, 18S2,". 't tile 0 in-t1lb I
qoes� as re-� Our StQ& 11� d sta
pellileilt Oil t1w Stage and the Hudon's worthy -of praise an.&Lr,e'ally. �,"bc epl.ete 14
debt,was entirely provided for. The assorli�ient End q' Our priLes ��vill
Bay cart for communication with the - t 1- 1 .. -Bitt6r8 Cfttl� GREAT AUCTION SALE church choir discoursed . swee �music Of l)i1b.iC;.pL A d: ireliabl OF� P M voutside world, Now she is the centre . of for tile occasion. The proceeds of the, Vouch fo r as being a, I rue.all e -LATFOR a railroad -system which is throwing meetnig amounted to about $Qq, nice� remedy, �abd one,tbat-Lill do a's rccbrn- R, OUGHERED I
out new ar-tils in a men e.c. e�. �-in.variwbly cure om- T
very direction. Fifty -Th;
hum. d, 1, 71 ,
thousand people have,enared Manitoba �a;c'h'dhd UV r'Cornpl'aints,,Dise'!ses Of
d U- diffic ultie.. Wm ST SIGN GA L E
wid the Northwest this season and the ithe"'Kidn S�
qys an rLlPr�
si.us are that not less than 80,000 will and
We know.,where6f we speak-,
-W days The boys have found out, that Koons i BRI`0K.'4T
"can, roll, give t1jew a NUA- 7S
come liere n.ext year., In a fe, y, af BEA ER' BLOCKo A E)
XT'H 1, NN" 1 E,:�-
the road between Rat Portage and Lke' ar kute Kittbns and kant ORE'"
eat fifty, ce- Co�:
its: .,a bottle by WJkttSr &, I . E T TO
every okashun'. Result—no more, late
Superior will be opened for traffic and and J. --ff. Coll)16.'.
eel? I L�
running from Prince Arth lur's Landing B16 FLD.—MrJas, Holi* D� --ON STEEL BAR E
b' this tit-ne next year tiains w1fl be hours.. HUROW QK OCIA
r 'in 'th" Is � � ' ' �'7 1 .1. 1 , I �, :� "o
tothe Rocky Mountains. farme near IS pe,
This is dur boi resOCT,.'18 '182
idage, and may we be threshed 128.box"a of wh WEDKEf�UAY,
i -has iss i lie,
I be about.45 bus -4dd ss to t lia I t
delivered from a Reform MoseS I This'whiin cleaned wit BqLdlitugl u _., nother D17
ip pop e, ys": n,
to the acre. good �ield; XI�OV` MINTON'
th is jarliament�f Ivi I I sit TO'
tu eed"
TY7 BO, "s n,
TnE Manitob C -M
a Pfree regs is nothing The far ' ersere haye finished's �Hur n County, .0ota" n ad a R
A Lieral Conservativ a Xssoci, RAC E
if not practiqal. It invariably pl�tg its ing. The potatoes' bave'rbeen.gAtting a
1011 ith a membership , s', 220, *as
charges against tha'Govern.ment intib`a -raise. They are-a-good.ciop. Appl 0 Horses,. Bulls, Cows, HeifVrK: Sheep and
as Started ill St. Thomas oil Tuesday nigbt*_�S,V�iue; alffr6ilii the 'best �11'6ii'ds In Canada
Iroll;r and: Ilar ware Merebant'
arb.very sci $2.00 a barrel has been M, Meridit - was presenti and' f w . I' nown, -b very specific form. The latest outr4g . I I I I o . 6 -it- reeddrq.
offered. Ai �ered a stirr , in d r ss'of t S (e (r�n",-.Moa ars..". ',,are' attributed -to the N. P. in that much Ae g� die wo ours 6 for piti
12 'o'c 1 6c k n6o n. , TEU'�I
�RvkAAy.-L.On� of Mi.ffall?s.-teams v JX lu6lithS,
given, With
suffering land is tbat--p S 'COA ran krway last�Mond.ay d iLt.,�: IV iil " 'be
tl�lan iib� _t -tl
fire "in wa ford ay teret if the rate of 7 p6r.'cent� per a mo
urne own. a on farol8hing security satisfactory. to ---
rge Sept. �ot %saw
re to manufacture at ham harrows.. Whenibeycau�.6,a mor . nin . g b n. a ut on each side fit they flattened i huttin Iness, p aces
down aloUntr the morlliugof the sale, but,
afidd6str6yed- vtoRerty ��O th Ile Stoel;S will, be offired rot- sa'e
is just ii6w pubilsbing'a., &r, abbu't `2b yards, wheni one'llearne r ; - ., .
a' fencie one of flietiii jamp6d ov6i� a& one . f�_ I *.., sel I or E Will Ile Aceivcd by the
d" d' . I : 1,;
they could -be imported f�r,fro.6 broad, the THE Globe
of '$90' 000. first. Uza I entangled in Ufa rails and fe, 1" Wh�J?7,
record of the Mowat adulinistir'stion. M
.,tr, , plic�tion to".r.the l'ir Secrotr MAMAI
closiA' 'the mcie'. TheUrgd:WMA.:fell� Y feet of lumber Nvorth any- of the reetors. T1, 8ee
in continu�.d-story form. It has 'got Di rAaly Will
ht ira ini be.at Rattenbu'ry's llotel bnr the
t1urf. the other wasrelit on'tho $3�,& thousand Was broug Wh`
was no
to,�aiid.t ic about a� far as su b-see'tion c of claus''e ieg.byz barro�v tooth :but will 'So'bri'lbe pcgrtfli§:se�s�on.� 1�alf Of, tjrji� Cahle f evening prey-lous
t6 Teceive 6utrleq; ba'rowswere wripsota: th6ot rout eewa t- , , I I r , ' ' I il
18, and before the writer gets eintirely all rigbfb . The - r Cl i I way h 0
t "Illy r .
nONV a grrea 11-1
are. rndjrunk -out of wind .*a . would like td c�ll his here(?.
e, esterrn.�.U,
nli�peg an, iund er w;iys,�i) t il The Sundut Sch061 MiA-day'solio"011 :Tl
..'attention to a iitt.le'.'incidei �for the: i es 'enter 66e towil
-here beld'tboir Annual[ plenic orl Mt. D:
purp�le'of. ba' -tlj,, Seorttitry�; JOS ving it, marked down on
Bair!s woods an Fridiii�,,,11.422nd in's'
the record. It b --LA L oudorL paper. has -016 f,0110wilig P. B21NE.1,8eaforth, Auctlo'ne6r
an 0-
d unique- 'a ho
a 'ab s reteience to � small d'altholl"gh the ad re -use
-party of gentlem n bea4ed by 'Tr her
a eas- ing-in the morbiiig,and, is. a lve at"o so�ls
CrLASSES; -with fi) e�
ar Thi Shop' n
urei Wood. and tailed off by U 1). chilly t6re was. over. 200.pregeui-ei NOTIC d* Ek&� I 'the Sal vation ArmVf,r,at t1le
Hay, who in the course� of a five was gerited,. Tho, �&Iagvs a ons,�*�:
'week's the. eVening repast y 'y
"g6cAies, providei t1le, ladiera-Were of ; ff bare,
trip consumed about as. much whisky, Ta., rn., 4 lirTllelujal at.. Clintoll Nrlecl-11111c,�'i
6,-inarket �place- nl6iice on the -I IV, �5 AY,.the .
'10i sharp
brandy, 'soda water,. Bass' ale, fir
superior quality,�lie' nnerinw.bibbthe thf LACRO-S
even a
C"11joll to Al� 'CUP Uavinb� bou lif U, E y table waglaid with*floweri� �in iJ111 P1 U il C c.
R 1S $TTV N ON agR?liqqr1s water, ime uice, cut t -CR'Of
o sp'aks,voi till, a: jilt t 2�:
ay 61garl, &e., —par- the fAir sex ofqld �nm: 4borfi�.od.' 'The, C!" on S ep bacco, 'Henry ul s- -i tho et p a
inoi f ter a
very amugang.ii, g,
-porti,Qn of th er-,
ti u!arly the would enable race's for prize's were n. a ter D a, street to an tf aft.
the whole of Lombard took up thi grea
noon. Those of both sexes toiik,part� nv
ent, an
ou b 1 d o �Of- -tile asoeia ion,L very
-L oil
upon a year's steady drunk., "While in them which a4d�d iiiteiest and
p 1�!ie vik.tuous deeds are bei d ng put ori the Iii g, passed .'off -it-. a p easing'ap.
1119,� or
ctorv. mather. D
-.ELn(, 7: - TERMS,
f Th
slateitma bejuaas well tct chalk don, q :pe k 0 H 'R /0 SON
N Aa M
n :are to�l be dongritu lated 04- J -es 'from.
this vie; i;y,
all the items in that� little" liqbor bill i'li"y Sf,ouJ,in6
the suedes&,,,bf 4hait wbicb- ar�' ,am... pow' -prepare o
1becowiV9 more ppp �r an( t
w bieb'was paid by the industrious to;k Baltimore, itnd- al eY*ja;l d t offer
s.wah s,,y art, n, we
p;ayprs of.Outdy—re'-6. su C11,n,t63,1,.
St 6i(I S fa
yeai by year. o'
g o eS'r
fawifig, lxidicrobs in -ident c6okii V
THic latest blunder of that ebron'. 6 - , r' ' .. I I , r, , , ", I.,
fl R
voricbedi for ftmnt ReUrew. 4 1IT!
ighbour- ast,wee i: (011"W;
buil�glcr, the 11ory. Adauh Crooks is tbe AT LUIGI] l?ERCfl2TAPT_.
luterdicti,lig of the study of'. -Sir W -of St
Soi armion by High SelloQ1 German Worm Re ei and -it U 7
fStu was at first contended e e ual, P
t e want,ed to S
(O'SO ffiltg a 1 -�lzyc, Stalt
h* 0 h Und' r t 'U
n4 at if
I arge u ui b cr of Worihl; frorn ..-niy . li r 60
challenge any of flieJury 'i
that the book was,im' 9bildren, after 9,) 1 so-called. Form..medi- e 0.
moral, but'as this ci as they:pam6 to the'b6ok. to be SNN orli.
fres failei THas McE-LLIGOTT, 51
excuse e
could not be' made -to hold -.�Oeton s&ept,. Montreal.' ,The prisoner r. the, Olc�rk- Wirth
eyed SSO nell Q
nt and-,tien-
water it is stated- that gn jir of a 'fail isb me 4 1.." , r JL;JA Al! o, a full- a rt
Roman Catholics 25 cents- of aili'druggists.. t* 6,5;, CENT thejury. 'S(ack�� was pparen fly Jli a
object to ome p6rtibrii of a' and ns,counse r. e, con
Thir, fiiliing,ikfter Ca-tbolic 1fo' a.. welTt.'to Ill",
to b —Sir 11enry, 1�alford. 'and lbe 'in' f6�'
the Local Cover ority of' the British rifli) 'tea6 sailed C :b f
nni,en.1t is,,. g ttillg to be J you, w
�,Spqso 0 a
joction to our Catholic f' —A riew.transhtla F 'soner d no.(
riends, being ntic cable- is to be r) answer, u contin-
the rights and pri laid between Lisbon 'and 'the Unit6d AaO.'tO eye-, 'th e-. panel i sUrve ing.ieacb
accorded all Y,
for En 1 rday. any of t 'e, men, in e, ox
A serious matter. W ' d h� b
a can have no ob- g an yeste o's' S1 LAS� DAVIS
IF Swa man.
enjoyeid by their Protestant. fellow- L,14 in, nia. of ifi 'te me_if
ounse m1=� T'T!O
re" i. t thero is', any a a CL
citizens they are entilled to that from 7 -An eal� is rat e.
lo 0 app ra or n eminen U� W to,
e t Lab
any and every p OP
'dang**fr',of starvation
Government, but when 3*ing to the fzi
d gh'iies. inatters are carried this far itbe- ure of the crops atill 66 a T
vi� ((hou�btfull
'E ... ......... . ...
'660—Well,� ye.4 I c jaile 'G E T' 80M15 AT 0' Q
ble�.iita , I inge
eornos, ne.onsary to enquire whether 'it is -:-Quebec in,, ceii tlie,be-8-t o`i!t1l'6'm; 'Te.1l'tbe best inan-Jo
:k e ft
�1 r Ilowat or Archbishop- Lynch who a falling flou r seout.
r nark'ei, reduced tha priee St e
is our Proviu6ial affairs. Of bread by two�uents per, wi
the_Tlirofito b�keFsFstilPmainWn their ork—Plen 6f, it!"
Peter X.� call attention to the A' in high tates
dividual ilifluel) and &x 11.1 , r - r .. A s
t we
n 'S ch- �T
-ew AN, EXT
Vv.er have rati,yed frorn:
de ortiva of Mr. —By mutualconq�nt the Matehei 1bq_ .el veries.Qf-n
. . :t�
.9f,mue.1 Aler or. The 11 exertion `� goes tween Edward Hanian, the� champion, k , - ' 1 L 110t Fi'n c
000 to, 2 000 RAORMNAR Y, OFFER
ces fire aotr- e
n n na, present �T N'T,, ine Irish,-Tw ed
advanGei,, eyt� I ' quottaiofi,
d wfjeii we come to the 'indivi�dual.inffd� have br' 064p6ned a til June,, 1883 - - . 3, ,fly� Pri VT1 0 ENt', RY' A6E
owil without much grimace, ' but and Ken'nedy' and Roll respectively, b,
w'hy " Sauimy. ain't dar."-- TRAW COVING..BOXES
—Miebigarf isexcited over tliero&W- The L first silip ROOT. ANO
flector. [6onietimes the R(y7eotor inan -ai- B sl�i6 . from tl�is point Nva -s: -on,,' OCR NC='BJG. "PROPITS4.,
ad discovery 'of gold li f;'. Id. N fA
iirk, Slow, eeds,.
xue a
knows whereof'he writes, and at other Chemists pionoun�q aild Can han Tw F
,the artic a gehum
peas are ncv
times lie write% without knowledge. 611d'it is said the procibut; metall is f6tifid' ly yet ;.'farmt-,rS �tn' to' 60.,holdfilg all Ililp)�inents-used 66 farm, as No
Oil B Rlsli ON FIRST
Fin,'' W-6 ted- Suffings.
in paying,,qualatities il 'th on" these 'grains. Largd qnaii_ Go nd; a� Cliea� as the rs.
Mr. Saixtuel Merrier was M.P. for South In ' a clay, soil. ba'ek
�fitiea'of app as ae eing, xai
"b led, 'W'
Waterloo in the last Parliament and to Dii aturdai t�#re, was' -a'vote,tak F I RST:.0,L A S'S Fin
orue diffi u,lty Js b.il ex _e_,ors-tod—Trotser
on in the village -of YorkVille oti the r'o.*,' but e llgr
the writers personal knowledge it was'
Ei. in, pro.ring,cam., J desirability of having' ihe vi Yasy and 9101"'ible W'01'IC.'
entirely owing to the influence bought np Via "fir.9f, bre; 'k �p 1yerpool
'Fine. 'w
to bear upon the Governme t by that ne3ced. to T-ofonto, ..The vota--`s.t'ood':, e ed.oVerdo ting&
n for atinexat on 229' i UPK ay IMPLEMENT' .)V
6entleman tl)at agrant was placed in. aga ti* 48, $1'000 TO $3,00 0, A EAW
When the price ell fron) 1� sill linfis
�Mr. Dillon --annotmdes, his'* r6tire- to. fl, sll�i CLINTON,. ONTARIO.'. tin
the (�.qtinaates for the imrplose of build
4 Iri 6, W t d`0
n ors gs.
ing a post office in GAt. Tile ridicule ment from Partiament 6wing to continfl*wl 2d,:; whUe_',_4d MADF 13Y 0,UR:: AGENTS.
l6at liars 'n -b,-
should belcast upon the fortiner Grit med iff health, he,says'that� for; the nexC 2d spri n g fdoller to,-T1io_6i'( member, Mr. Jas. Young, who, with all .9 BU in s, C
OQUET .SET F- e W, tar ver qi#�4
few years he will be compelled t ' 6 -re ARnts Started sine§§,,
gu s. his influence was unable to get the "stain from t ki part 'in Iriisb ,a. ing a 7. y, in� Clii(
pLgo, 113
e AT 0 U R RISI�, 'Is,
PolitieS. quota U -T-v# Mackenzie Administration to parform I Yo th 0 ed
this much.needed work. r, 11 - , . , CARTS
—Inex'Prienced sailors, wh ssed Wliv`�r'y to 94c, TOY'
__ I . 'Ir : � ., . I BUSINES d Suit n
0 cro
from Havre in therAmerimn ship. ra' WE MEAN S' oys. Twee
--Arabi denies having had any com. rOW8
daunted, Complained St, New )(o�rlk on. aild .Wleelb
Tliurs(ly 0 YOU
manibation with,tho Sultati'during the D
op., to 5
-t Tliesday, of "horriblecru Ities and 4 o Rubber U111s Se
late �var. lie r�comniends the British wbich they Suffered at the'&Lnds of the t
100' to 100" Shells,; Picture' - an—Pho a v, expects us tor -ply" fq�-
to send all the leaders of the rebellion a6 90 to W05
, t
offirerg and rigular seamraft' t00- in and wagon, cr 0end a, lot:6f Our
or 110 to, I h I k, otme
out of the country, otherwise 6 say's 0 A:4 eleizan ASS
to 0, es &oo(is to b� Paid, for whon, sold, trust to� 110 ty
they will surely take, their revenge atter �O,d - I .
Of every one ho and ti�Lko' such risIcs"
—TheKhedivei to id, W601, JP-061�*
tho departure of the, army of occimpa 0,82 to y
not wVite us. 40 will talo 'It', tl)�4, er �closof '�G 1116ney, for bonl-bllt �ntry intoCair6 on i:inda d I, -t 0 �6l) ro. o 4:1) tile ev y.
1 25 12 01) 0.' A�y one w1lb hi�sn t nionoy 6116lig
y and recei v e ntion. affiendly welcomeJrom his canot got'some Uc�who UnoWsthem to be honab,-to
enou�h tog -trial 6
Tosay that there ig a mir busfn�8s a
a building "boom' 0 c `vYol*elcyj ;the Duke of - C611- 0 1< S 0 1%,Q,-
ormli an we,
at present hut moderately des 0 10 to '0 W Y. 6ffer, 8bofld fiot expect us to -6uA thern.
you, kot $lL and call' sell ibein fo
cribes it. wid, Sir Rdward Mixleb'6 1.7 00, t,(Y -8 00 00,461,01 of goods, r
lathereany word that tonve7s, m4e, the distinction 6f ridlng, in ihokhe�li4, 5 00 to 6 00 "J�Uys 10.0(1� 6re of tll'e now -
i. raurn tlion to us get S -our 6 00 to .7 10 rarm- any one
inenning than 1, boom." If so- lbt u,s carriage. ' Colonel Val We, 'are to Ontine-� B.aker;. to, re at your usual hour fate o tbe 10th Hussars has boehr itiri 0 75, 40 Corwork
have it. You reti al)J6 dperinano)t, and tlfo 1voilts su6i as w
and, if not an immoderately early riser, trusted with the relorg, niZa�ti6n 6f the bigLIvn&S fol'a f�kfr daYa Y01 had- the g - 'Egyptism struiy.,. #or th Wlreitt, fall-i5er bush, 'ko 05
11 , , to 0 P
.,rand view of the Jay be air fit fore Obscured 6V the frime of a new Ponduct of'tbe, campaign General. 8ir. t
d SeynioUr
building. This is the experience of Garnot Wolseloyan
Vicf,�),ia 8t),M, 2 (Io kffli.of
Vo lt0
many—Brandoz, have been, rkisedl to. pho, paekagb UA
-fl-aw" A- E- A-- f—
K, 0,
7AU N C 11 _h I e
i I th,