Huron Record, 1882-07-07, Page 1MANNING, &,WOTTill
ro' Con"
and, Mu=Absce
1 VIintion, May,17tp, 1882. �0
ute- of T ronto,.'Hoi,4or!Qra0uate _Roy.l,,C,0*-,o of
401-tal Surgeons, has removed to the
1, toat s� Block, over W'Taylcir &,So
Ali 'work firat-�Iass. Charge� moderate.
Graduate of the Royal
Collige ofDeutal Su�,-
'6, Ila
g�ons of On'tarl
=ea Yocime,iii Vic
Block, Albert St.'
clinton, where. lie Will
be eQnstantly in getain-
dance, and pieparea to
erform every operlL
tionineonnectionwi h
n qn, April, 21; 8801.
R. REEVE. Office,liatteribury Street, immed,
atelybehindRalisford's llookstov�. RosMeyltlb
p osite the Temperance Hall, Huron fttbet.j Othce.
ones front 8 a.m. to 6 p� rm
Clinton.4 n. 14� 1881.
1DH. DOWSLEY, M. D., -M. R. 0. S4,
. Physiciau,Surgeon,.&c. Officis tffid'residencci
Vilext Molsiln's Ranl,,-mqrket square�
Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881.
LCtioneerl fo��
JAMES HOWSON Licensed Alit io ;� 1
Countyof Huron. Sales attended at reasonable
Clinton, Jan. 14th 1881.
mortgages or personal securiV, at'lthelowest
teurrent rates. 1-1. HALE, Huron Streat� lin�on.
Clinton, Feb. 25, ISSL
call tind Instrumental"Music, Rattendicirvi:Street,"
lncarorganfac6ry. N.B —Singing Class ujiv form,.'
ifiti, Violin Lessons given.
nton, February Ist; 1882.
NSTRUMENTAL MUSIC.—Miss-Welibeir, fr6m the
Boston Conservato,r)\, of iiiii ' sic,will take a , limited
Iiiumber of pupils on the. organ: or pian"o. Paiticular
Ilittention given to thos e w ho wisl I to hiliprov e oil the i r
1priisent style of playing, at residence of L�, 'P.,,: D
'near the oraan factory.
AUCTIONEER, land, loan and insurance , i agents
Dlyth. Salts attended in town and country, on
Yeasonable terms. A list of, fnewsand village tots' for'
sale.L': Money to loan oil real cstate,,atlow I�iitcs of in
terest; Insurance effectea oil all classes of pr6porty,' No
Noteaand debts collected. Goods appraised, iind'sold,
�oncoinmissi6n Bankruptstoe,ks b6cjlA arld gold.,
BlVth� Dec. i6-1880
L., No� 710,-nieets 2nd.)r I ond . it in cacivi I no ntlis,
in Biddleconibe's.11all. Visiting,brethrcii cor- An
24.1y. in Kited. L ; ''I r ..
T.00OPrR,,4%,,c�-. 'biti
C, FLOODY, w. I%i.
f3lintob, Jail. 1881. Col
d -e No. 84, A. F; inee s sell
LINTON L6 g , k� � III �'. ti,
C y. on.or after the fi ll,;nioon.' VNIt,
ling everyFrida) I
1 1881.
inton Jan. 14,
ENTRAL HOTEL, Blyth, Ont_ D. Eriyui,,� prop; 'the
The above house is now refitted and furnished
and affords good accoinin6datio;i to tbd�travel
in Ic '
'ling public. Good Liquors and Oigars.alivays " 't4 ' I tn!
'bar. Good sample roonis. Evory attention Paid to
guests. Good
Blyth_June 23, ISF1..
This Hotel is furnished throughout Nvith great enre
'to meet the wall ts of the travelfing public. Colmllo.
tilious sample roonis. The best of li
qtlorsari& cigars
are always keptat the bite. Good table.' Best siW-,
;sded Hotel in Clinton. Gi�e lis a Call.
JAS. MOOIECR, Prop rietoi.
Winton, June 7bli, 1882,
GALT, OT�TAPilo. -
F'Phis is a I andsoine now flotel, sitcated opposite
Ithe P. O.J111the centre of tile town. , Electric Bells,
Uas, etc. Grounds comprise iilbilut three. acres of
land beautifully laid out, aliA ',With a.strca.m of water-
runnifig,through. ift-L t
ISIDORE 'El, kl"Y"
: .. Les�ee�and Propeictor�
4Galt, Ma�l 17th, 18S2.
At iov rates of interest and upon ternis to siiii her--
�44I,cr. Block, Clintom
'Clinton, May 173h,, 18827., .20
Money oil first..class fimn iavorlable.,
ternis 0 borrowers, can be had
A t--6 pdr cent-,l,pe'.--r_, 'Aninlum,
Apply to
A torney.
Clinton, 'May.5, 1881,
THE M0L80,N!8,.,;18_4,N1(
Incorporated by.Aiet of Pvaliaillient , 181,5
Capital, $2,0,00jQ00'. Rest'
Tflollik$ WOR161'AN, 'Preside
J. H. B. MOLSON, Vlec-Pre"ident.
F.-wOLVEl1STON'rlI0',%lAS, G,cneral'NIaTmger
ca", �Sto��ing wid
Collections inade, Draks issui
9 1
Anitrican Exchan�e bell, 61d, mi'd notes dis-
countedat the lowest current e,ifes.
IT, Fo
31. LOUG Man��gcr,
Feb.,16th 1881.
$50,000 to,L ndat6,perCent.
With extra, priviliges to borrower
Agent for the old Lftncashir� Insurance Co. ryl
.'and .Capital Fifteen Million Dollars
'Agent for first proof saf 8
-elliss fire e —Illaill1fa6tilf,
t; lb!r 061die & McCullough, Gait.
Oi'ihExchange 2,5
Second-hand safes.tak', b�
Clinton, Feb. 18 1981.
tAre now prepared to do all kinds of work' �in their
line. Havinglint in a grain crusher, we,are able
Voilochoppin t �kny lid oil the, sbotitos't llbtic'e
Blyth Dee 17'1880.. 14�;tL
4Engine &,:Machih:e - W0,4�
COWAN & C.0.9,
Iron Founders; and Mitnufacturcis,of.all Iiiindsof,
With all thc1atest iniproAvemeli,ts" T(
'Portable .4nd Stationary,. with., Variable I CutmOff.:
@,.90'HfRTy'& 0i
Are preparod,to pay cArn for
Chetry, 13utternut,,Baswood, Maple
and Pine Lumber, Jndh- thlek',�`,
%ciintdh b` '1881
bcin 7t
Vb.lurr(e 4 No 2T, BLACKI�BY & HAVILL,
TERMS.:-�,�-$J,4ra,per,Annurrt inAdvance, CLINTON., ONT., FRTI)AY 'JULY Publishers.
TH E AN Blp�, 0 F
has been -making coarse plans all tb e
time'and treating. me,with contempt.,
have beo.nAesperately in love with you
front he first.' May I go?
ly quite equ�al to the emergencies of the
dkh�i dn'. , The �oun' ttien Trout Broad -
sheAdded, ruing upon her,
Oota'� ia,l tu
She'iook ed at bim for a ffib�bent in
e a ach
had at one tt en 'ffieibse�lves
with flushing checks and sparkling eyes,
11 tillie in
crodulou�sly.'' !then she faltered
'0 tkst train.,
think that, fertile first my
yl,Barold,' they t6 him 7
life, I am in- a passion—a tet], passion.
She still, looked up �t him, and,then,
iwb� lilmnt, you tell us hliout this I
CHAPT:F,R XXII.—Continued.
I think I sliEt'll never be- bf her
in spite of her ba�piness, or perhaps
Jolly,,�'ood, fellow's you are?, 4pome
im y more. Her delicate were
because of it �sbe s�tdtienly began liq
moo�h*- here for a coup�e 6f, M&ths,
'Very 'differenti I have no, doubt,?
dilate'd, she, bald' her, IleaA up ber
cry softly, and forgot he kAd be., an-
And Keep W �Akl to yourselL'
said, �Burmistqne thoughtfully, ' IWh'ell
I Was a hint
breath came fast." There . I
gr t 11: as be took her into his
y a a
, And th,6n had, come, Lord' Lan&
yoa ay well , brought X*p; by the w'aYi�
of exultation in her . torle. she
strong, kiii�Larms.
Ow ! it(-, who, in crossing 'the- awn'to
a 11lean brought up like
do, yo your
said I am in a passion. And I am
shake barlds with his ]lost. bad been
cousin, Miss Gaston 7"
-lot afraid f_L her at All. - I �will. 90
lobserved to keep his eyes fixed uilon
'There s4 medium,' said B.a'rold,
ho mle'ad tell her what I think.",
one particular point.
lof 11 regret" to say Lady : Theo
And it� is qui.
Lte probable that she
e avina
1131.1rinistone,' he, said aft'r
bld has not*bit arion it.'
'would have done, so, Vvit,for a trifling
his first words, .1who is that
Well, as- you ay,' coulinlelited Mr.
b she
'inei�dent " wltich O'cout a tf , 6 re
The -p I a . rty
morning of the g&'Hen
t all girl in wbite
Burmistone, 11 suppose,'there is ame-
reached Ifer ladyglii P1.
xose b i -lit aAid clear, and Slow�ridge
And inten minutes Lady Theo' I
ba 1i
ttra'ctive 0: d"
o s.,
She walked very fast, a1 ter, slit' 4- t
awakened in a great state of excite-
Mrs. Burnham,,M�, Vrold, dnd-Aivers.
dmir I Assortment.
charming wife she wou-I-d mak
for a tian with aosition to maintain,"
the house. - She wanted to reach Old
clou Ii. befor one wi bei ander
Miss Chickie, having worked
fintil midniolit *t1lat all b er 6rders
-others too� numerous t:6 iffientioh,:,saw
;ht 'd
him 0 la S 81 e,� evi-
tt" :
entioA to Business.
rema rked, Barold, wit A: -shorf And
, cdo-led down, though, sot6bo'W'she felt
that, even w I� en. her anpr
might be couipleted, was *6 o ver�
powiared by l'ier.' la'bors to b �ve to
dentl with no intention pf le'av*i'ng' it.
X�t, Iona -After this, Frap''ci�s Barold
'Oefavia Basseitl""queried -B urmls-
died.out, or courage would not tak e,
take her tea And tuast in beld..
.7' s Bel . i , nda; who
ound 1is way to Mis
tone. 'That's true. But I am afp
fli it'w"th Mr. Dug�ld`Binnie had
At Oldclou'gh, varied uent te
wa, 'o us y drather nervous
ver an
-ig ASE;ortiirent,
she *ouldn't y it �i fL
b--o-o b ---aaa- I s 61 anner WO 11
'Your-mecE -enjoying
porson., dictatorial
chiefly distinguished byan, iniplacable
lie remarked.-
bTou;lli Up in iLbe reaulation'-roove.'
old man; lie� contr�adicted Lady Theo'
-She had chosen-,
rigidit. as an ap-1
Octavia',is most hApPY Vto y
!' exclaimed Brold linpatiently,
11 W. at lie
as not looking at itfto. Point
bald. flatl an
fi niinute;s,' ' d
y -every ve
butlied his but t wa,;
pr6prIiA06 ie�Aa I costume, A fulioral-
b4ack -e by
angw-ere 'd Bel.inda. 1.11 ad�i+
will ieaeb ',Slo'wbri this evenino.,l
of vi 'w �but froull
inan-servant ;
bt it that: Lu A
n -ainst hiL cia's. if di-na-
a � Z� .
an t
r�joii enlivened rna-
sive frin',5-es �trnlen tS OQfAl �_Iier
0 -
She has been looking forward 'tu his
Mr. Burinistone slipped his ll�nd� in
his 'led his eysslight-
arous ed� 'She felt that Lady.
1 .
je' o I ty beink: chalfies jnajla�16s Ot 1
i t
eorning-,vith -gr6at nxie Y.
ompare u
-o r Stock.
po�kets a14 jin 9
as f o r —el 11 lier
ly, ' he, did once., be an ean
Thoobald wa'quit.e capable of suggest�
ing'to hial that Francis,Baroldl would
the bitter, which rattled as she move , -
W ith a sound somewhat suagestive f
11, 9 a i ul ii to d B a r o
- I
Very few I e'undeistand 06
pa��t of this narrative.
iA.11 'Not
be: a good her, and ii she -had
boi . ie.
tavia, Said Miss Belinda. 'I'm not
'sure 'her
..opie g, o'ng...,
! f rom his," lie repeatwl.
froni Irers. poi�nt 'o view wouyl
.done, so, it, sclar(*ly his fault if lie
the id a, ' She under'
liad accepted (I stood,
Mr. D6ugald Binnie, -Who bad' re-
cei�ed,afi iiivitation-,Aiad� as y ei dinia-,
that -1 J,ollo.w All my-
got f Bata I h1all,
diffcr from hers nataally�l
110%, why she had �)eo ii -allowed to -visit'
bly'forborriet to say,whetHT -he would
Pe ople. fancy. She' site, hAs very
Barold flushed d4ittle, and Jook li i-
mvia5 and wJiy (Evers other thinag,
.0 c'
hecept,.it or:�not,: He bad been out
I 3retty ways.' 11 an! very:, fond. of h.or.
ob li�s.moutli, n Uff the
gar from' to k ock
happeried. Site sent �to:
when'M�. Burmistone called, and bad
�i le Is ot as frivolous, as she appeftrs�
with- Francis -Barold had,
not Seen biul.'
-to thos :who (Jon t knoW her well.'
w w p is iec our
thd,t* e- havO A666rn 1-1 -1 desire that is, ro0ni, to�
"A4au1s not'nedessirily a shob,.' he
t - reproached.- w n be' had
When Lady Theolb' d d6gcended� t6
Baroid stood nawin- his'nio stache.
disp* e �stock of
said, lie, is C061 I !ari6gli not -to
not apei@haps 114� .14clysbip had
br*eakfast,, she f6lind him growliii4,oer
and iimde- no r6pl He was
lose'llig head Where Awoman is con:'
b oen'go'o�d enou b to slio-est t,6 hi in
s newspaper,arl. A he-glanad up at
I "11 --used'
corried.., Your can't Ulf J7 a, Wiltnall
that, it Avas, bs, duty 'to furtber,Aiei
her v�ith a Wlite scowl. f� , .
by, late
� . , and'
- , . r
-ali.iV6rsai.atientiou bv�ber co'10,dat.'
�t:struoli,you: that OkAa'VX1 Bas�
was las capable of that., as
of all thin- else wl oil would:ass4st-her
her Tile
"Going to a funeraff lie demall clod, -;
Accompany my grabd 4 to
her ladyship.
tu riled to-,Jondon
- 8te4. of loit-ering in, Sl�Nvbrid,ae; He
had hifn.� -first, but. Ill.
Point., giK's checks,
-sett, would Q'I inqui�ed- Bnrun,%i oijo,.,
y a rip -
re W �r all(! ij*8tter hor e e bi I t-
respo n do-er. t 'is scarcely a joyous Go-
tirne lie had been surprised to
every t ecause e t'
'er-at: s ep,, b -very s ep
casion to. : . lose sonleth ing of, its zest,.
Bakold; petulantty� �Vould. d6e.
I solne new t1,06 -lit her bin s
:*o i,eed to dress yourself like that,
He � il lawn at� the
d elbow' ro'o in" 6-111 -,C'iist.oiii�ters the lieiohth of our
not referring to herin particular. Wily
trcail-I16d, and her heart, boat.
if it isn't' Mr. -BiAnie.
wroup under axertain: beechwtk-ee
as, Ite. dJd Octaviaturiiod,:he� face a
On wbe. fl-Ift every and gentlenian in' th.a:
New -be
should I??-
Ali 1' Burmistolie. II.
q, never be afraid of he� again,'
a as"slie turned tim.corner hito
Why don't yOu silly at home" if. you
on't want -to
d .. 1 1 in -
I ittle-AndsaW -Iiiin. She stood waing
- 1. -
u f,slibuld visit our.. St.o, e,''cand coAvineed'That wo
said . only
tho'UkgIf t; of her because it
the road' 'Never I never
isn't he T.Olice iftill oi the
her fari S'lowly-and sinitir,, him
the b Qhep6s*t Goods in -the County.;
��Tlcf very inonl6nt a gentle-
naril6 of . Burtuistone, myself. one of
�alfti wak,,,w',I?i,ch.,reminded very
that, one 6llll&evet�,160 she bad
-tli ste ppe&��qut of 'the woo& at ber�
lilo, I, I' " ,
the ew decent, fe ws ve met. fj
had first a
mu6h of the time lie. C ught,
he immense- increas6 in 6ili� sales (May beino,130 per cent.
blundered" She- is not easl y
ore Iter.
e this wag the sam'
was -sur e man . I'd
sight of her a t, Lady Tlie6ba'ld's higli�
er -than- thb.�bi&O,est in6ntli'Weliave 'hd) pi7ovcl§' tl)at*
einbarassed.., There* is Asaqi�/
Iii,ch ca
11 W rries t o
go When I �'nd W
lie t16n4es6etded.* to saufi ter over�
ic' 're erly
pub ap� ciate.6ur" enterprise m giving t1fein a.&op
. .. 9
I,Ah!',Aeignedl Barold she bas
ile a
1 id
Bai�W� tone.
..neitti6r. knt�Ve or fool I stick to lli6�.!
Fit to" find -oat.-.
flie gr%ass to wileT16 sl .6tood. atice
0- -ms
te& store, in whilch f act business.
.0id enough and to spare.'.
She %V.ondered it lie b*ad--,.hear ber.,
I, d
hore h`e proceeded to make himself. as
. I
silent for soine tiMe a ber-
. I, . .. I
I I \
Words she fanied 141iad, He:
, I
What Ills
0 n
e as p :ssible, h silent and
ward And atook
hold i -e. handi"
of lier s iakibg
_'Wa� dilliouit �o.jiis o
e e
lofty.way. He felt; it only due'to him -1
on sl e ihis wook, a niao-ni cen 'raiigp -of
Whoi`116 was about to lea�vo the rdoni
mde �an Announce-
and lo6ked own At. ber'6xcite ihwe
\ %a
IT I waife'd.foryoui lie
aareeable a. it of
r, � b s aring t I er over
tho top of Iiii. pap6r,..-and over his din-
iat Jie Ed no ap-
olf tI d� t
prove t�e.uldnni6k in, 0hibli
foVWhich Ilis. ho"it was -not -altor
gether, prepaLe(.
t t P'ossible t 'Somet\
I the quie es o,
ner. Tho only tinte, he bad,.� niadf4 any
Lanscl lowl:ie L
'Ws deucedly oh.his
e, lur d 1
Wheii�the s over, ry,
lowi'.he saio, 'I ultist go b4614 to Lon
tlle�i�lattel�,) I
1-fll 1, P, ould. be ifo use'iii
�e I- n, 6 W e, Nv
to oonqeal - the trui Lill,: And she
coI1!mPnt,,upon,her,.whq the irst time
\ , I
lie sa�V her in thi6, dreg s"she O'P- d
had c le
6o v
. id, ineht'lly., a Olas
sa lie
mean by it?'
dun, And I sbal 1: be done Gdly s orry- t 0
to I Ice t1l;
wa. not in the Blood na e
Led on
Ocfavia on:tbecontrary, did. not ask
do it.'
Look ber6 said that's
effort She scalreely knew li(:rs(,If
: I . f
quite a e e litt'le',laur 1.
She gave fi re
DidnViget,'it here,
'. , .1
it. is an dress I r6modeled,!'An-
whaC ie� ineant'b Sl chb�e t
- Y, I
seem ratber'welt entertined. And di&
ft f
he liest rall-e o -7-
a fiow'id n't itT
in t lave
IN6,., a;i�Lofcr e; been
id., Yo ti -
en n i
never so angry,beforcN,'
s ered 'Lucia, alartniad. "I
-ma, do i it f
not notice that he Was boilla frowned
LdoWn.*:' Tbere.was no reason.wby., she
the,,thip& off from day o (lay.
iny way to hndy Thebbald.:
Doesn't look likelit" he said ruffly.
should. not find Lord
14,019 S
By 9ve 1� I did �not thiak it likely t lat.
I should put it off, Elie day 1: landed'
h 1
lie! d 1) er all( as calinly ba
fom 146 Undi,,r,,,t6oi' a� deal,
..Lucia bad touched up another dr6ss,
an6 I '' * "I ' - ,
-very, ia,ppy. in t ieproi;ipe
aining ; lie was all aar eeablo
-t �
feil�olv, inexila'uStible 'fund of
-And rather uneasil
_9Wl lat,,are you gob to, say'to.'her?
wearin g i gad
t a:t the oil
'.IlYon't call 6n,grandiiiamula' until
good spiritsi 110 - nonsense About
him. He, was, ond of '�aft pieAsa ' fit
he C6iih 210, per I es than EV
She lau,rhed a(vaiii.
a tei said ;,to
novelty',and Octiivia was'a,l'Dlea.�ant
I been flihikin
S h�o`ulil�ti �� Also, lovelyassortieiit of
C 11 A P TL, 11 X I i L!
alll� 9! D1110' to as k her vVhat sT
- �'l
136rini tone.� I:Porhaps site
:t �flle
ty, - He lidd .
nove of
vis 0 e and he
it t Ani'
-1 . I
I � ,
let. s e
Illeans, (,oing -to tell ii
I e file. will be, very allgi
has inar e a arn goincy, a
ain sure.
'asked innunict.�Ab,le con,cern
dehesse S Ati Is
(lay, after this via
Tho very., Octa�,i,6, b'er diat, i a . rti..'not such a
'Ali you 'are not afraid ?",
countiv, alf� bf Which Oetavia..
I � .. I - I.
pened, the fourth'trank, She had iac,
A.0 1 111' goinLy. to tell
herthat.1--clare di,5obey, is"
'N.o,'. she' -answered, am illot: afraid .
'at 'u6t be
I knciw:b�lf it dozen fellowswho have
Sti, 6'r Ile UX
itbronallt dow Irol11,016 Aatret,
11 . . 1 7 1 1
re S u: ill In O� us oil t1fe 'door
L ,
at'T alp t) her, she
ollig to 8 . ay:
tfact, lla d found
. been:tb�ro' he s&i& Xud'they all en-
Q"ton, ap I pea, . rec.
L f
oll(JUded�& ivey _ L, ,
ed her by her deineianor� -:'�I
� , ,
, la'was very,.pale, aiid. ber� larc;ol
He h old her ban'd father,closer.
fi, -r ane - I
, I
bore her Orcest,', e witiuut,qUail-
If you, go to Nqyada,� Y.911
the iiiiiniis at, Bloody Glalch shib' Wd.:
at in_D,,�L yo lig:
§of t� eyes wore a decided. y,: frifflIfOned'
a roll the copse
Lot its t e a� st
Aid qt, is'deli-
6g n least, ar, making any effor
Where 7 be. ejaculated', ay
td.'to have walked fast
c I oot'illere'�-�
loils y c
to'evai:le��!1!2dder her most . scathing
co ninien ts she � was coniplosli(f7an. in-,
rocaded atins,
Sa i
l6thing liad, happened.
anv,io be cool:' sbe.�said...
ov6d. n. Sion f
I'll 0 the�.'firgt occa 0 my
a asse
'Call it. LArgentvilh if
said,. Duoald'
he dre her ently, with Unt, And
c y s, rKerring: to It r p ans :for, lie-
0 u can you
:Binrii618 at Old6lbug�h.,
1,6 is b
\v ev
a fe%v steps took t�;eln, 1 0 e . e
young oa and there
Sll.Xec�i�e'd a:blow fair-
ly'stunne It ..,. The. girl, . from
d '�r rose
would rather,' le replied,.
I wbuld ratbe rtly Elie other, thank
s Div -gran( ui
lade you ery Anry
pliair,' And t'raiglit in
her looked, , ber s
the.fa6e,,unflinchingly, And with. a sug
you,?.' h,e alied.
lau, It' -lids a : m
it a . riou.
I s souli&- Wil they espi 6 i116
Lu,ia, trealu-16usiy.. I)as a
de�l ofmon'e'y'.: GranduiatnnlA�__
gestioil. of not easy to co mfort'
it, . 1�31oody " 0 ulch; Miss,� BasSetf? I
I' -a -1
She stopped short,, and colored,. and
And -tiost -before ..s 16 knew
") bog. you Will, not �Ptlak to' alei bf
. .
I k'I led
lover I man i n, my i f e.'
Barold. turned Walked
drew her, slight figure up' 11 do not
what she was:'dQi6ol, She Was popring
foith the 'of-, her story,
tli�t ag.til I not
liten�? And. turnin- ab6ut, she Walked
and.. awavi.,
igry, -and mor I'
all e' melaiaclio �' t iai� lie,
quite 'Understand Gralidnialain a, Qc-.,-
iliue of it thain had 'told OAavia.
f� -ed" to it
bad not ft� a;ll: I rid
o f fli fob
o e 1111.
ell, I Ad Y. I I i had said; in
yould haro b elte,�ed.
1 . t is tftii� I , eait ba . c to
k London,'.
Our is livays� a to the Mrl�
ale, all(] "this
to, my to, o,in 'to,tAlk t . o
it, '
, p
''I ton6�, n slie,recovere
lie'-clitiiie td p& it,.. lae. �gllis:
ttod P.P .
dence y
broke out`i�idlgllantly' how cou.0 she,
affl to. inarry Francis, Ba -rold,
if Wce "Silo sa6UT
:)f tho'resulis
iss Ootavia Bassett And no',h-
C r �s
!Mr. Fran is- Bt, o
me in. guch a, ni�piner.
;dU'she say ifi�lpired. Oc4,1
1 3�1 I li i wr, rancis
bitter litt'(
'in' r "ll be,ii:sAA
g m 9 el� as �i on'the subjc�t.
'out of spirits" said' A,l Burnham O�
Th'obald.. Lord
I love. \Aiith:
Barold., Who '40. nue ILI
s I in ce.
Lady ie Lnsowne
r. Dresses and 1\1afttles—the, lro-est lhi� ( nd closest i�rices
e sa W1 I
long 6
nie—." YOU
lt0h, dild e, n t.
P�6ves of the 11 here
Slo'wbridge was in move
brilliant pirits than Octai7ia lorib f
ill res wi th his pleasure
ever 8ho'wii by us.
great spirit. J6 took her a; 1,130
t, I � . . I I �
to §ay,tb 11, o, nQt wo I n( o'
etn a,
-which he,__bas
ove, to ne—
Qh tb6. morning, of the: fqm. 136fdrel
a 1p 'A
her I'dysh n it is -scarq(l Y.
lt.wo'uld' baive taken e a hundred
have no
c O'ne, as you ' have oiis
breakfast, lmiss 113olinda .Wag stakled
likely tha AL-Frncis Barold would,
�qruiit I Pleasure to be inierfe red
ars if I had b.een in her place.
wron, to say I 'did' not undet-
11.1olley �0. rny I inake a
f own� but.. if:
In -arriage 'whieli leaes him,' Dugald
the arrival I
by te egram,
'uven y 'tie soti:of the- larquis
with b 1
stand h6r'_1 did—befor6she had fillish-_
. ., .; i,.r
will orot�ably,.Iea�e me It
Bc)Vithi �-pij to,o'ffior,
xow� %�itli Inc, I . 11�. , "I "
of Laud6,rdale,.
�Iio ",Ware,A It
But at, Bafald, as e
To hand this week' tho- latest New� York novelties.
Whie it ouiflib'will be. an:induco-
. ,
passoo) and beckoned o hint.
'What did'yo understand,?,
�I$he_ Was-afeaid to i,ell me in, plai 11,
'llt my CojlSilI_wh6 needs one.
'If inarry hini, or rather be'_rna . rries
On, reading this cominunicatio
Miss Belinda burst into floods ok do -
0 U U R: I I H' IN'S
� . .
words I nQver"saw' her Afraid be.foi e
Theobald thinks Mr. Binnie
but'sbe was,afraid. Site haill'been ar-
be' It does not. ev�en
.Dcar,, d -ear Alakfn !I she wept. 'To
A Way to Measlikre ii Ae"r%."
00yards., of:'Tap6siry, 37,1- wool, ild 1-1 e- Mp
1119 m3r future fer. file and �it does
is pleased or,
6116uld � vieet a
think, that, We; gain
CaXF t etyl'
in (yrea vari Curtain Nets at all-prices.',�
not,' be ' our to I" dare
notand, of ou.t. -of* the
Wily di-(Ilj,t lie 16,t U, knoW lie was on
-,Fo%V farmers know,tbe-size of their
That is beli'ause'she"lulows I A1,11 a cow-
11 that it' will
questio 6ut it is hoped
the Way !�, I should have bee it 'so
eld8 or, liow� many acres they contain.
ard, and I despises we'fbr it' is
PINse Mr... I:'
'anxious tha't'llslitiuld not have slept at
A ffeld had bleen'p'loug*hed and,'rea ed
wh at inake, tlie'� niar-
have, - - the
talked i.t over� nd
1.7 �
by'. corittlaot . .
riage she,,C]160se, 8116 Allin
Bi�naie W�ll 6 aveme I& iu�iiey.
tor. ' 1, d are saV. the4 haVe offerea-'.
.11, to P4 1,aileis -Pry'likel I y re-
who has
-haps lie be
I renmku4 Occavia 'I I sup-
pose at would 11 va' bl�cfi an a( van -:
measur I in,- . it, it � . was f td 'have
e r sin-
but. tw.elv . 4c' It
n who'
ru-n-A-fter a fit, nolt, care lbr:
though, pei niAy
. 0. .
ct, indispensable'for good work, that
nd make my8elf:attractiv�,,: in. die
e le b ill 6in,6--if I
PC d d to rp n am
Suddenly, .'ai:ipr6acliod Miss
a farnior slibu Id. know ho�v niany acres
�n 107blast.- No -ho n, b -at. All e, s ty'l s a' fit t-th
or 'Seen ,
It(,, Will ori d to. in
4o arry
in e niaplea I e
very hunible, and lie, is shown the ad,-
_ge 0 ha 1.�)g Aft-, Binnie's mono Y.
'Belindh, 'her, tin d -:-A-isapp8ared
the agic,.� not
each field , contain's - fd - b'
_�E,nlai r
cannot-appgr I se.ed lu"o lo�
16w Pi ic,es, We qu6te nd the,that
Do vou wonder. that. it.
ed -1 have, no
-add 0
returnince for A,q6artOr of An hour, lo`ok�,
it, nor ean lie, tell :110 w time it
Lad� 'T , it . oob';�ld. a ]oil biiii e
doubt I shall have to be' very! humble
ing 'I t
t atic fit
rather'sof oup and brilliant
should require to., be, plo'6#lied. A
to, say that J t
Well, Octavia, 'you won
That, is w la�. I learved.front
and. itJS
abbot.tho eyes, %whe'n site did return. ,
, -Octa,Vi.% ylas a,matk6d , figure. upon
e, parIT— le
nieflVill'itil-cord'should 15� , OMI
y f rild. he
.1urn ituee of ever a 0 ul,
do it,'i lippse. .1 Wouldn't worry,
wht 11111 oili-to talktb ah oitt.
010, 1at that gatid6n , rty
0110 pyocu re� six ty-sevell, feet. of s6'n 9
o Inarry 'Mr. Ba
Sile.wants you t roidi
s it nough to make one do
'Anothei dro8s� my doari' remartrd
rope, one inch. around, make a loop.
I fleinell 100],
our QVTTI�1'11' Ge' and our
Stipp SO.
you tbitik—is, If enough ?'
_.t . 1, 0
� hel
Burnlia u'"' 'An(t what a clialrn'i-
or fasten a ring of a bar 'tit each'-6nd
late arrivals THE'NOBBIEST NINGS''OUT.
did you',g&e�ss T she
t(. her ieffier
irth"or not,
'bt ib Pllot,
haeeLucia Ing, co or s )a e She is
usuallf paler. rhapa we,,;owe this
�hnd malre thee'precisc y si ix
his -is four ros.
apart., a
Oh I al -Ways kne-W,it. 1. di�
,�t hr s , �nady eyes;
to Lord Larldsowne.'
Plec ked. iau in the con i,,;, lie,
guess. '.And ever iio-fin t
\visit you would
is:becoui1iiqi at nil events
f , ll I
'be a -piece our o
a�re �f grotlu f
Country. frien
gbt, on ri'-'Iit a fiwlt i
ds lose who
ly. �/ 'That is one "of the �eas'dhs Why
she loathe me so, sh(� addedi
le� me lk'to Lady�Thoobald.',
IYonT �lie said,�with a little s.�art.
P ivaeoly t niark6d
bitn, � Whos tastes had not "been !,con-
hecol ds lb)io,' And two and
one- ia fw, ide, e�oal to.,six,tect'. by tell
haVe Butt' r and EL beg to state that"we
ILet .-,iiie go, to
sulte4 about hot own.',
rods, niakiiig, 160 square �ods to dti'e
Will t al�e
�she. reco��hized, at on66, several
eaie tell
hori,. her,
'It is.she wbo i's becotning,"sh'id her
adr6. all" I
�(tv til,"L of -t le, ring or
A be--
things sh.6, �h d be n mystified,by
- a 'y 4 -
iu,rr iti,�r Frftnci�_Bar You will
ot dress so inuchi
I ...
-that o - III(!
I loop, is lie
Ufte'r 'ana. CAIS K
Oil if, is,T If is!' sb6 sai& 'And
wl tsa yes to
ilifiik I call, pf�oulise that ydu
d clotbo� tthviys liavea loolq'-
goine, She's protLiee-than ever to-
, .
alone. by aKving a stdk-6 in the. grbtind
tb w I i i 16 s k A6
she ha th6ught Of, it thd ti"
noo, never be af raid of li an more
day, nd. is enjoying he�,96i i
Ndieft I ever suspected
fio'c' col died out hot,.
r (1 0
She was' -er
which Will prevent it
ake. 4i note of this,particularly, ng we give, you a'disc6urif of "to 1,0 ceilt. oil.
uctav a little a-ain Lucia
chooks, nd th rustled to �116r
'Vran6i8w Bdilold, pbs-aff'�d' 6 the
rolil shrinkitlLy wh 11:
. r P�
p,grellases,, which athe the y -par.,
sat thin king, her hands tlyc)aspedl
a gll�i I callne'herp,' slid said,, at,
oyef raised wa A. ph
thotic look.
d w4s
g!06rnily as s do Apart, Site
enjoy ing much thdb Ole (lid
Th, v 'isof. Stobl' P'Otl'9 A'.Alilifwc�
r* t
ow, a
yotl ill la'St'r b
0ink you
ory for. have,
16�bbt. ce Or
not seeffi' Lt 110 had ftvoid�
I i c'v; I n's' te4dlofl, Ong P 041111 tier
8(i 1 el- Poll Co.,
tnt f6r
more slic ilftdloi�ly t
('11 vory gorry for -f M in ' t id fir s
attolitidn, ital h doien *ere
coil fit) ng', i d,
Vi� b caus 'Mr� irinie� o'
nit '
all) ove W' h you
14 A al ing thofil-
purposes., Tlieir' p6puIai',qtyle§' 6�6+
-r L -J C, r_%ni=A_r i�% V RA
a n r
Black In ir 'a lg& ILv -Wrll
rev�lent, in, Se, afd,rilf.
BrusWs merchaiits hhv�e ad -4t,4 th'e'.
,�irlv C; OSIng in 111
Cptriiderab!'� !i-jYipro04fn'en1ts 1"'R'4
t;eenjuado al6lig 'the 'first '0'0*'n'q'etg'sl.6il.'oT
Mot ii,this year.
East Wswanosli has depitled to 0C.
Pend the sum of $490 in the improve_�
ment of
A n"g' Of tile uron Presbyi-w.k�f
will b� 61a at B�yfield, ; oil flie'li'til, 'A
Mr. -P
the Kinburn AAA`Wrlii�
,Vill make -a geti�'� And obliging; host.
Mr Daniel Sultherlandha§purchaspi
a bIAo`k�"6'p" Al: kitiburn,and wA-
take vossesion ii� -,iiii;6'iit ib�e�
iI. iw,44 4 �iytlii
to Seafortb '*I;6reJio has pu�'h 'fl
0 -0
iiqd r bliqines., f 16'. Th 2.
Mr. 6.'Willett.of.Das d
of one s'l)eep for.$7.56. �lnd _it_,
att4 file electi6fl ib"&.
ill d tit e� oi,i 6" I -Vi
.T� Wab96n`b4,9 9
bl 1 '11.11111 -81-11i,,
aetliffl;10.� f6ii in:1 lyth to kr'. ��e%,,v-'
aft of KinVu"I"It".
Rev. T. J. S.Rhine has be elrlstationeA
the B. :C co'nf
erien'4. 6 Vo bbrr�d
East.Wa,�An*�sli A�riciu16,�41L Sd6i6tk
07 !grave
-6e�6t)er-lit 1892.
Archibald V�,rgug.5on, of flie 7th coll
cession AToKillop; who died I�st�,��k,
�i`M V&n "a 'r-'o-siclenti Of' the 6wi�ihip M�o
. vp' - rl ibir'ty years:.
Mr. G.� Bla6bfllrd. 6�,,,.p'b'rQIiageA
froi�6-.Afr. P.-,McPhilliO 110"iicrea
Iland'.1 pglot,§;��nc6
for $6,000 C' sh.'
The residence of Mr. 1,11.1
ter was 1) '.1 arize .-Ast we'eic
a.t, Exe- . lu rJ - * , "i I- '. -
,S*n(I 35 'cents, in ,iil v:e,r was the alliou"ni
ty secured.
Mr.- Turner.�6f Brwefie,hl, has bal�
I L I , ,
liew woi*ll' s, ale erectt�.d ll�ariiisL
, 1.
III, W1 I be, a gre'a i- coh,ve.n1vil,ee to' the-.
farmers I, I i that;,
Mr. Ge.o.,Burnett, of, HoNN,;. sol(t
ev I-, I 1 1) call cif,baitwiat6i�,,�Weigl i )a
1171265. and I,,350-pouhds,:-
6ne'clay '1�eceti ' tly, will 6 th�`ehi dreft
At, the Sepdi*t'� &h'661 ill ffiil'lki�, werpi-�
I P Ning, one of I about 11
Years,,, daughter , olf-.1vir'. - DIiri�liniek,�'
y I - Of ord'
Re n old,% 1)4d th e at I uii�ie to breatt
her ar
The, . crops in C61horne are look -in$
well'and tbe4if(iteatio'n ii'a're that a wore
ibarl'aVerage c I rop will iatbc�ea' in:
tile' ;6�arin weat] - i6r ' 0 Past tW6
weeics bras �iven ih� spr ing crop a �dl
start. Fall Nvbeat
wt all.4,*011: pr6i bably yie"k."i'r. 3
t6 35 - bushAs, per 'acre.
bliotf;.'one.6� the 61degi�Oranffcl' en in
e l ct;,, ih�'. , i
tbi' s iozi -6 e couti rv. is in WiO:'�
�drahge berii6n9t`�W06h, W that �ONNIII
_'.9on e�. a I, le ' Way
Mopielief 'b:tA
mibh,�4 'j6 Ajio '&tl'j'(�'
.the 12tli:of July:
ii.ed '1011 0 Alexafider
the- fourth concession: of
wrijile'ehoDping in the, buSfi ru('�Wi'l
t it I t'.
.r o
b'r.uise..S.� He"is now& fit & air,.wAy 0,
One day Iftst week as some
were on theTt:w,ay io'lih� 8tePl3en
yard, they coni.lenced -racynp
V_ e t, M
over aCON' b ' 011glllg OL r. orgil , lj�
d6iiig". A cousidbra,06: dainag&'
niatter:was place . d. �i 1 11 , 0011stlible Gill�,
in tie paying or
:tlie co -W IlyA"he 04,6saiil Job' ul�.,
-6 An
While Mis� McKen`�!
Wallis *ere driving .416ng', fho'
.Ilayfield Road' the. b'orgo
iiian 6. an I re Oull"
the,dit&- C�Are-.h�pl�,
to say. slight bru ise.s.- 'a -are., ibe. OnIV
j-P.mKiALE! -sttst . at L 11 ed"alth6tiah th , e
iia�,e: b4n- kill ed� WL 0!Cong'�,�t,�J�t,�
tbembn jeir-'esca e
�J , I " . I . . P
On Tuesday everting, the 130)':"
ibler Gbri talk
after. service in the B
Church, on the 06 'Cuncesslon d.
Hullett,.tbf� members'oftbe conarega-
tion waited:uvon Mi§s.A,nfiibMWoulltalLlk
and,P'r,eseht6d bdl�, Wi i a - beau -if all
r'i,ilver,crue1;.s'tan(i, in �o6'�kriitioll- of fie"r"'
Sol, . vices, as orgall�Sj " in.. tbat.'-6burel,;
ac6i5iiipanie y, a iig it
Oil Friday morning last an al�edlwlly.
na'flieid Be6wn'diieii suddenfy'&�, ie re�jv,,
denc6 of Mr., kn1b6"fi,'V1, TA'ylor, �011, t!
lith con,,e'ssion
resided in the n61ghborhood of,-Dtao11'P-
ton and had�6fily bee I rl� I tip h ere I oil a�
v ' isit for a short time. week"
t,'46 -re her'deAth s!ie�' gus'6,lned �a
6f,par� 'a 11 8 Pleolid One a' feW
whili- �esultnd Jit her I deathl
althou"ll ine(licat 6;�siiitance was c�o
to Bra ili,'
in.' Hor reln4rill% 'I it
W6r(! t�j je
tdii f6i jntertiieti� on Fridavaf tbrino6n; I
wol veri he`- *-d'§'gee,'no'n' Oie far,ln' o'f, `7
Al r; John� 8'proa`t:.,;, Jr,, Tucksmith, bi i
Tvfondii�. - Air. ddii as, pb.sshl`�'r'
V4,1fich -,v q r e.'
61i , 0'���n 9,1(f I fi� w
some clu'llips kishos, and 1, 1 , e * calill,
quite closeto it', before. either no.
the. -other. The ahiinial did, not swi
ill any liur�y to gee olit .6f I the Wly" allf-
All". 9'p�'�at being unarni , 64; whistled aiii-1
loud as -he' Coulld tl� , scare it a.d, t1i i,1
-baii the detlix�4 0feet, �fo� .1� 1.
inid dj:�tn'o. of bushes clos lid, It A,
not been seen sJh6e),, Afth u 11 it",Nv .4
vigkA�fousl' se O�
_ijals. of t,,r,,
civilize 11 i
Kiu-�* Ing ultsweklg��'.
0iiii 966 ill e fa"d 6, flie, 1101fise,
�6!u ed the peddl4�.'
P f I Y 615- Y (011, 6 "a' 11 il n6, �1111`
0,P 6
blind !' still ed the W hittil a(
ah'i4ered'tho b6li
e0b; beg pard6'n.,nit�da6i.-: y6lu iiPe,�
lie ady �f tl'k'6' h6ti'Re1h'6n I'l
'V hiit d' take in K
J am
0-r' Didlyo,P think I N#961 t Ie gent
. ---.,-4_.— 1. . t !1
all Of, the', housF, 0 e tbe i 6� doo 4�
jn&igditbl� Uf the fafltii' 141nds OT
1 j6e'�At, ol�' -c list
the ico' �11'
it yoo�
dflifil't, l!iYa'darill
I .". . " 1, t
ritig1lil Ve� t4e,-yovilgest (laugh er.
Ila l;
f i i fl, " fa (1 lot 6 1.1,15
Go, m, t
& fr
�Al� wil,ell 116" f��.fi file (166'r' -60'P Imli ai`�
di I' 6f 1) 1
b06V latet 11 its`f ac�� �v4 i
li,id hf.g poc6ti;i we�0`011 of M"
i 11 G I I ,
He undel Aoba, bunfan'ii&oo 604 bilt'i 11,
ll�*,Cle, A� L�ood,� d