HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1882-06-23, Page 4�j
r With,'flying �colors,"* wA, M-P UK
GLEA"11 FROM OUR geL Young Udr*,tv who biljoy the sea�Ode:
�ilter sa,W `,wben fie fell -fro 'theL
tbering'r f Or his thamb, Y'
man. in Qoder(ttli, is�Low a membek of and g ftw-ati Qhittle: 6b d,
Mr,,'Thoufas Sttn-dy, furmerlypolice- pleasore of tridulpffig amorig tlid roqks ' the I the I
_a pectilums o ocean life, ladder With oa Otte rld to,
the Winiiipeg Police Force, should, visit the islartift Of ",,.tbe � -Pacific,., jt is, the easiest thing in the"�,�ro
ThOpp,xOcAulary -oula Dee4.,now,adjec- of'brain fVdjA.a'fooIL half jj� r
Tqn,, Robert of" t4O.' 'a
o� - A m4li. of brains never �acts N,,EW, LE -N-`_
tivestoex ress,ttieirfeelitigsa.swaiid�,i- L 'L
P 0 ,q --,e
con. of 'Morris, is busily enga-tild in QRIGINAL
in- oyer the coral.reefs which. rim, these be 'Nraed the wbole st Y'
-�'aud lambs,, for,sbi it C reet,
buying, shepp, pulelit,
isles. tbey� gazed, on. the, tr�asureq ib
at Voma is i 9
I I r�b
A lad nam6d4acksion had' his hands Id ocean. bad i4id at her fee 6W �" says Mrs. E 0 RL E Y 8
t. a P So, sbii is ; and4bouall tT� H
And fa�e,severely hurned at. the fur- tD
o -tb�'pi & mill in Go 'One of thf ould greet 'problem we can never hope to'slok7g, r1 OrS.
6r§t sig, b t s that it Rm jai Z X -A
nacc f S fi;npp lanin OL"
tbein�kti'the,ylooked out froul Tahition isr ofle, that'*&� Shall never,' yieve'r be ..ENGLISII FOOD.- T
the ocean lioirld be the imlliutablo title -9- Willing to afve
Mr.'Carbs�ld,. Manager of'tbe 1�ank
Day af ter day tb ey cibb, all d flow with fill �600AO& SOLD THIS W v, E'x 600 LOS.
of Hamilton., has, been re , moved to Fort A New York Stdte Dian' �ho tried The Subscribers take this opportunity of informing the public
I ity that, nover val'10 R innE macbine of his own itivention
LIM ngbg regu ar
Elgin to takeebarge of tile ag
.1 1 that they have'erecte
ene In Yrcin January to January. d a large. -,t -WE WOOLLEN MILL With a;
It i5 al'vay' last week'bb I no advice to give those: W.
that towill.
1 110. C PRIDE Of T
full tide at.nOoiIday, hild at ividr"gilt" HE VALLFW_
w r6wded, around. All hesaid was capacity three times As' great.. as the Old one, in Clinton,.have
fvlr.,. John o� t Sunrise a'uJ sunset it is 11 Ways t1W TREGRU11 the same with the very bes�,and latest' improved
'Of ifOwick, ekbili,its -�wbhe a lnt',duriied full' s�omeWhere`On JH! !F±1 - 1 I
4,11 1 , ork" fitted -np' ID S MED
u sarople of thisi :season's barley. which low, water. The �rise and,f se d (CINE.
Ty-tuiAb§tone I! Machinery, and.. are preparedlo turn'out 'all kinds of. A IjAjo, (Tlrade, Mark Regl , otered Ns'
1s fully headed,, out and, measures 27 excIall two feet, but once ilT 81-`� ths e assortment . of J. A.
and select r� �881.
The boy who said tbatpinS lid z I . 0 .
inches in iengtb. 1,oljing' iii, and hd saved 'BR T�be only rn�diurn thaLacts at the same,tithe ol� 'Ihv
a uai� ity . sea edme: UCE'S,ehoice
a great many Deople sjiveS by rilot,.swal- Liver, tlw BoWelt anti thoo Kidneys. These Great
Mr. �Ilenry Cook,� 6f, tbe Tith con'i, lie coral reef, nature s CUSTOM WORK-, AND MANUFAOTURING
sweeping p,,ver t jlrcoxt
IoWlfig,--them migh
)Wll'ilA�, left 'with bis, I Vio ently I it. now say that the Organs are theinatural 'clehnaen of file avitem. � a
Goderidb t,I brjt-��ak Sit �n the Gar,,den, and Flower they work well Itealth'Will be porfett; if, th�y becomis
am, %,Vatei,,, bur s on the shortOstmotice._ and. --in- the best. workmanlike "a e 1, dreadful diseases arei sure to follow, withteri
watibr lids sayo.d a good many, boy's lives farin,
Ost o n.' U 411iousneBB, Headache, P�spepida,
fly for the'Nort"li-w Thurs th e Shore. elotge
rib e
-0 ba -the dll.� 'pinning,, Weavino, Manufacturing of all' tipatiorl,lCidney Complaints, Rlieumatic Pablis.
day plie b" colal possiblie� Card 6�7 -S CAS I"Iffering. E
22nd inst. nomenon y its, ell'" too Seeds. 4
ex tta rd iiiii ZMATI
0 111 � . . I and, Aches aredevelop6d because the blood is poisoned
'kinds. Blankets Flannels,- Tweeds, Full ClotU, - H 6rs
-sis have, not exclaililed, Little Willie has been sUmmarly cor- Neuralgia, Sciatica lam witf, the humors that should have been 'expelled
The framework'of the ii6w Gorrie Wbich. s,;iallt, ag e Special prices to Marliet baidenersi natural, PRIDE Oil THE VALEY 310dieloe la a poldtiVi
cure for the above. For Sale by all �principal dinig-
ocet -1 a -etc.,-made to otder
irrs mily at the Society Islands, of rected �by his mciihei for- rbpeated,acts Backache, Soreness of the Chest,. Blankets, Stocking rn,
gfatian�is u�'p and the building will Soon and' kept.,con-
ie principle. Q naug Gout, Quinsy, 80.-6 ThAdat, Swell-�, stantly On hand 'to exchange foi woo or, ell Shrieves,1$611s-
be finisl)61 up TAbiti iliI'tl litineis.11 The , p6mlishment, cheap fok eAsb.� CLOVER AND . TLUOTHY'SEEDS gist& Can�bclhadatj. H-compand-AW
The' contract is -in the- which 9�0
-of the n ins, Bit s and thurst Str . 666, London, Ont., Sole yrojriet�i for the-
b6i ver Papff be sobs, in tone
So Puri al is file rise and fall eing o Jpgs and'Spra rn
hibilldf; of Air. Hood,- of Wroxete ctu� col ted. Highest price pitidt. 1. --United-States and Canad�a,
ves have but to glance of anguish, 11 how iWan Co., T.
al B dily
2 tides,.that aid �ou,ni�iry sue -Ti K
80aldsj Goner o SrPE CLA L
Nfilburn & Co., and Northrup axkd Lyman, of To"tek
_reef0.ku6NvtIjetiLn6 of day. an ill7teinpeied w6i�afi as,�'niif6iaina.?' Pa in 6AV
sold a two'year old lfill� for $14;0'� �"t � the -ulso,Ardlidale Wilson & C6.. of Hamilton. Sam I'
It is a Inarine I "hould'Aink You w Id. feel bad-. .2 packages �5 cents; five for si. P
ch'roiionleter and neither ou T-faving placed in our FAbtor� a complete and -new, ROLL CATIDING 'MACIffXr Ciffitoft, P�bruary 22nd, 188
Ord, o6he sanle townslilp Tooth, Ear'and Headache, Frosted
Mr:' AT. Elf
ly, about l6aving! 'thi
is place 'I said tile farmers may'expect"tIle Bost Rolls it is ITS SbIe to make. Satisfaction, in'tbis
also so�la� fine licirs'e-for the-suin of oses Feet and Ears, and all other
softy to W, Preparation on earth equals ST. JACODS 011;
aS a safe, su?-e, 8imple and :chec�f _Ekterrial EX6
a f Llip over the, reef, during the housemaid to the', departin - line and all others gua ante�d
A ra g book
eigo. Pains and Aches.
of ijiorivitio, and evenino reveals a d on't ;- 11m glad to. 1 ain't "ANGING FOR WOOL.
Mr. V. Homan, a.6- old r*esidellt of, tre , uch as the natura- leave any, 'of you—ekcept, file dog. I entalls but, the "comparatively John: Smith
,,are ti.ove S 'V
a Renii A Itria 4
Bdytield lefi last, week for' C` trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and everyono suffering Farm ers brin y-it.or Exclianti'e for Good A4 IN—
Cass . ItYi irst insy Bud iii, no,other part of. tbe Poor old Tiger,.he always washeld' the . g your Wool',; We will bu s.' Our.Factory
q : . I n U and positive proof,of ita
xicbi,�a.) xvb-Ote,� We, understand, lle vvi�h pal ca, havo cheap
clannii. b- i able of mantifact e hundred thousand poundsof wool in a year,-,
world platesl:for me!" eing cap, uving on
111ten 8 going into thes'6ve DirqctJons in Eleven tanguagoo. -e
-.highest price paid,'.
with, anc sea- n
ly knew IN NEDIOINE.1
quitO a'eha"gedL Mail. �TAILOR
d till. Erik BI to&, Clikton.�
-fisl �et nin, you will always fi nd a. math et. for: your ol inClinton, and
uticall , lly looking star i, gre "I met,.Mr.� Miggles to -day' 116's SQLDBY.ALL =36GIST� AND,DEALE�21 WO
'Usiness. fliteen , arms, 'MERCHANT..
i , , 'i aird r lllilrdv�ar6 'fto c*eries,j)ry,
,,Durifig, the rstorm of bristle .%viih- spik6A,a's large as tingers. Stlitable,fo
him, 1) e's� so'chippQr.. and livel: in- A. VOGELER &.00.,
, ;I
U S�d ay 'bur capacity, bein able to have y' r work done on
Aast,Alie� lightlliii6i� kn8cked If C !�Bal . I I , Goods; or genera bminess. Good
bO lislik6S timovep 2fd.�'U. A. Ae
�r bu�band gravely Stand.
deed,".responded he oil
Of g So great,. you will alway I s beL Son
sonl(�. wooden,ornamehts off,the top AND'
ra ge! I rOad,in
End wee'ones no la��Ier-th�n pi(,eon'.i' IIOW v4�ry,.st n the the shortest notice.
Messrs. Sa,
mwell & Pickard's b1cick, e,.agswIioesUeedIO-Iik spin
es,recal"I full- pAper'Ahat his wife sailed r Europe Qur'MR. CORBETT,baving earried on'the Woollen, Businessfor Ltbe last qev'en Apply, to:
his L.
ipty , , 6 L
rs of lo, , st- week6 "inton, takes tbis 6pp9itun :of thanking many cijsltorn�
Exeter. blown thisti,es.. Amonn, the feele�
years'i n - Cl rs and
r The late. Lord Brou-bam one day, -,-0 la. friends for their liberal patonapin the past, and tb�r new' firm, would kind
al;,ffe L fiid6 lit _,C
M 'J. Vaiiattet�� of tl sea -an om ollc�� -ds a -wasli, b uld - basi n, ly q
;St IL)jal,, he - tiny, '&di , playin General' Unt tell
odoai C h I I a sees -and-
hooked' I n iakin- of. the salary be attaclied 'solicit the patronag6:of I his old custowers and hundreds of new ones� LINTON,
Sp ... al
bass- of tlie'sea�oii. It was caUg I near Calloe -it of a.: new
uY 13 to, to a: runiore4 appointai.ei mu, RRIA'Y CANAL., 'sBlock)
e mouth of dib r e jud ge'ship "said it was"All onsbine.' (Car L son,-
iv'r and -weigbed If thO `l- "'ORBETT BOLES.
floa L tab will and peeN int6t; the'shallow, 1110
1,-I(l Wao,
d to
giA Way re; e . SO) InYL
.4 7 Lord Lyii�llltifa. ill, his dry! . a May.�29iih, 1882.
water, a wond�ir_,world is 7
reveftle -arked, lMayb �OLT T07V -0 TT
"Oil Mondy, the. 12'th iL fj" i , I N"ICE TO. CONTRCTORS
th e ends oV Lord' flarry )u v e a ' Strong' notion
number Of Ellis.
a garden of tin ted coral sea- that ffioollshiiie'jbougli� it�' be, you
S ex- a�supperirl4he Hbn. would lik e I to see the first q anior the UU1R.,\_Y
wi� d KENDA 'S
stati6n inaste�r at �14 ell tertai iled
�quisit iifiniAe butterflies
I L CANAL/! will be. received IN GUR
fl office, until the n
Sall Hbu.Se previou§,* to iiis epartLir6
W 0 1 Nvbb t )ese.bce�n owers,, arrival of the J!"astern wid inails oil AY,
on't jIlL�r6Up,_ iaiiagoes to THE DAY 01, JuFi� NxixT,; for file for.
for all Cl A mail of tact, alway,§L 11
They fl h in and
Catial to connect the he�td watem. of the
The cler 0 'a Riy of Quinte with Pres-ilq'ile Lake Ontariti. The Subscriber hereby thinks his nuniterous custoiners and friends for their liberal" patronage during t1w, las
of, f A Oulig, iianied Vanderlip,,.Pin s lo,al u nt i I lie qeerii5, to I e: lookin- at'6
-aleidoscope. Turquoise A inal) the to, live years',_ and hope liv Arlet close attention to'busineqs to
W 0 ss,it was'to read plans'and
Se 6usine
ploy'ed at Vail S woolell fqct7 �k ue, ------- t__ i ig ii %vin or, to is now,prppaxed lo,'fq.rHisfi.
e-greerr.--p e-
-P e wil d W'. 'A.: 'COOPM
iLishap pal ur Bri�"bton, OL n and.:Lfter1;TJITJR'$DAY, J�IGIJTII DAY
Da, _* I
ter in, vic 1,11 which: the O1'JUNhSl'1XT, �vheruprjnt.cd.;fornis, of teudercan be 11facturer of and:dealdr in all"kinds 6t,
YL ra nd ego oe-
la 0'11itli10 -1 ent uaz e. le 'got violet and a
nioru-coi,ors. M bane -U.
0s, h ach �Abedn
ai`gl�d in sonie�of1h6 ili� el rercquested1olicarin it nd � w EAUSTONES,' MHUMENTS9 FREE TONE
and. scir t a, s iad ti , i hNartle� & .Gtanite�1a emetery
ti�uies, and tiliding-it eX-: mecepted bianlc for. the suin 6f .,,;, I , -
bad his arm,broken at the aMe , Work at fh� res tb t d fy competitiom
for buildings at the clicpe St rateand of tbe:-bpsi worlmianship, '18 buy the beat q iarries; 1:7 tf61�el deach hich suni;.Nvill be forfeited WorK s direct from
N� rist. jese lie noties 3,000 Inust Kendall S sp U'rell,
9 travel tli6 'coral -ledges, if to oiner into contract in America. 111A,111317,1,0 and GRANITL-is-tlilo best As the time is approtLhing for dcor-
Y. jo pronoubco these
iiaw.runbn themt 116, llalne§, be ws�nt through the chapter re- for the execution Of the at t1lb rateS, andbprlees the giaves of your departed r The mostsuccE
T are byheriiiit-crabs.. nds, lose Ito thitio, in leaving, you , r orders ready to be Al.,c) of the (IL 3ssful reniedir ever disc6v6red, as. ii
submitted, sulije t to thG �bnditior s.and on7theliorals put up first Spring. All , . . , : I L. I idn in itei effects and does not blister:�,,Itead
is cert
CIA.L STO'ND for Buildbio piftr
Wiox6tt-x. W I OrLj- inen are coinnionei `1 marked with blue and-. ferring, to.i thein a s, ttlio gOn-L statcdJnttl0 Sp,0qifl=ti0n.' proof below.
the work of f6fliovina: tbb; old"Ilalfi tlemen.' poses alld which hiust
selit. ib be retun �d
Maud What v 0 IFITOR.�, Ito. -tted.— -11 work F REV. P. �N... GRANCERS
n "'' - � I I ' PR P PJ be Seel be apprecit A 'ROL ML
)1d balrs pa Vd vety back-afolind glide ground p . M'.
W station to the d,i6 , , , ; oe SY 11 t ery larn This Dopm-trileirt doet,.not, however, bind itself be
o lie corl branches. WM
Wroxeter. In a .. few o -ive,satisfction. XresidIng bl6r of the St. k1litin's Disiriet.
receive it in, Ill lhamma ave , warranted t
�&)ve Scotch en L IraV b beneath 414is at is fairyland. St. Albans, Vt., jan 20tb, 1880.
W ek a�station. I , . 7 they I L WINGRAul. Deceulb(,r 27th. 1. DRA3. J. KrNDALL &.CO., Gents: -In reply to your
e s both wilfbave 'roifnii lAaniuia 'No I any. arger. By order, .
r s tjwy g ATTI
on tile f, i t lie hiq i Wllare� t, D
e F.. ER N_ letter I will Say that Iny ekperiebce.:*itb Kendall's
Ctfie', has' been �ihry� satisfact . indeed.
Tiie'fri�nds of Thos. Loisbroan r eir 'daily t o r
ich and pool-. seek "th -fo ian, we En�llsli people have Maudio.' ar J)L� I I .. Three or four �yea-rs, agO 1.,procured a bot tle of your
it - Department 61 Carials,
6 -lie' iS- v6iry' At solrl�e St they.:ha�e for,� wlibn with'it,, cp red borse'of' Ijmeness' caused
I le arn at and oil di',6�reef,s brink Ing twit, 22nd Mit r, 1882�
0 tt2 agent, ang
apa a,-kedL the nOw Scutch gardener Co-
�Lrc ahl� to leave',bis. �bed'. 'the billows! few weeks,when he be -
and I! iurned him, out:for-a
nAu rn e about a we"ek from ready to s 'day if he X T T S :.&.0 '0. NV�Ijeu 1, put mpoised
,w9ula take any whisky b caino'bAter, but on'thexciaillub.:
the, You
-when I diseov&ed' thafa'ringbonii was
... . ....... i ie ia st a tooth-, Xpnitob wl)ere-iit, -1 as liveii a:l,[- a worse� "
ers iint ,in el , Ile hanCttititid not T1 ENT NAVIGATION.
'U�e L �j I., , I lei hna:.botbIe'cuied'h1m so that he. Is
b 4,forrild
a f full.; :and I'm- sure papa' the -^^1STS
er to fa near.Blyflij aqd- h S swi anoc8 at.gliti, wl I a. liolited will sta�A yod. d
Ot be UL 616 1 to le�,V6 Si nUe. t,c 0 n CHEMISTS ND D.R:U%X.%X
li alf a at� honw 01TICT
e a torch in the bow attracts the fish with- 11111-ler, give him- more ,than f Rospoo�fqlly,y6ur8j -6 -c to we Feneloh FaALS,
a, .)W rk or us.
of the spear. A his held it I Now is You um! ;vork, in - time only Buckhom Rapids and
A union pic-nic, be k' ,ai Lead-, AT NOrMt-WESTE RN t"rV, LIEGRAP11 OFFICE
ween. - tb tinie,to� the bugiilLss�i _1`011'ea�l GI I tE Burleigil. Qa6'als.
ury -Wi litlitop scli6bls wilf,be ll(�jd Anet which they for 1 6. did 't.spill a drop olne ;Ln d d o the - �tork; � No other busj�i�Ss B. J., KXKDAV I'justivii. to yen
C., M d you ne:irl-vas w0fL No one call fall tojiial�c L & Co. �Gen tji �jj
t- as 6an wad TI n. '� A Ali wlio W b On carLrie and'myself,,j think I ought to let you,'kfidw tbat I
11 une 30t i, in 'I. Lr.. ran < TdXul- le )rnious pay by Costly outfit
.�6. 'I., . eno XLBRIET STREET 0 L 1: N T,60
loeh'scrov� di I- .. 1 1. 1. 1 . L I .. . I . I L : NOTICE 'TO CONTRAGTORS� baveremoved twoborie,spavins with � "Kendall's
fornfiij,, sbmici 6 e ey pproach the Phildd,blphia. hospifm W, life suffering an erms 00e, 11forwy-inadefast, honora.
0 N T.
Spi.tvin Curej' one very'large one, doWt know bow
17. In "Lily-, fi.Ai as they can, Tro-m the effects: '01 f a severe confusion bly. Addrk re.-
-t -of LERS IN
loh-Abe spavin had been the lhave owae4 the
ii�s I . I I . is It k tire four months 'to take:
OrALED, TENDERS; addressed to. the undersign h6r7be eight mouti
water. was asked if he had bee treatedlind-
us .1. b6th vocal. and instrumbnta n and endorsed " Tender for Trent Navigation;" tholargp one off tLnd two for the sinall one� - I have
:2, If. I interested ate, cordiadl' EL tb, reveat this office lifitil the' -arrival of the itsed.ten bottles, � The borso is'entirely well; , not at,
There tliey are s;6opec up In little bAs- IYL while- there; C P. UrO Drq.g.q, 0ye StUN; &rf4irnery,. 'Genuine I-14tent N-edicifies, 8
kets 'and ernptiea into larger cincsAung thingn I I werod 11ave, ern �nd Wusterii 'Alails on WEDNESDAY th� ll stiff'and no litifich to be Seen or felt'. Thi I
attend'. L 1 .1 . .. L I : . t it
Fifth Da� of July forthe construction of, mronderftil It is a ue'w thing here, hu
ltat� the aist. 1,10 Th d 'Cattle Lift. Locke,'Bridge Piers: and other works at renolon it, doO for all whta it has done for'llic.its'sale will be
right iocornplain., � ey amputate Horse�and ed ic in es, drid all Articles.Gene�ally sold by Druggists. Falls ; also, the eongtrueblon of, a Locl; at Bucich6rn �obn \�f6tean', Dt ThbL oill� ' drawback- to t lis se -side both of niy feG�t 'renlovcd my co'llar
a -onstruction of LockS, .1 R'Q
Rapids, or the c , three SpoutfullyY011 Cl AS. E-PAREER.
.t�Ke blood mare 0 Dam and atburleigh Falls.
T.he re'30,1, is that it is So fai a �Vay t d
to a, foal 1 *7" as to bone, cu� off in), riiizlit arrn, repanne -s t each of these pla�es will be,'let Sepi�_
gave birth n t le aftertloofitj at'66cd ith �Uje to t,. oft1it mider j The worl, L HDALL'S SPAYWCURE,
'FA�MILY RE( P E'8 C A F U L L Y PE PAE-ED �ratelj PRESCRIPTIONS AN E w o ipe�,utsA6 b6 S i W aw I JAN. 17, 1M
eW IoUrS" WaS,L ap 6are About We 0 oil a.4plece I
And r aL f I p alld fitps of thb. r,.. pec I left'] b
my JIP one jil %)f'.tl)e works,ean be, Seen t , j)ft,: J; K u, CO.', GENTS' --This lki't6
Xi , pi, &
W EDNLSDAY, L 1he, Tiventy
11arris' G this Ulioti,'
'all, fricilit SIJL.�,suadenly b 'I'le
were wbout to:.;excava e Ve SILX on that I have used Kendil's,
very, i 11, anddied in 'a sh T11 -inted fornis of Ten- �payiin Cure
or ime. e a fife:4,rok'b outin tll6,, e4hblisll- 'der -can -be obtained: A like clisa of iiiformittidn' hought from uus,� Druggist,. Wingharn,
joal 8till'lives and i in a bed I'thy c6ndi�� police go a , way %V,jt 1jile relative 66 the :,It FOIM'011 Falls will be fui- Oijt., and df� without hesitation lironobnee it to be*
olont and, tl 6 t I the auto of Spavilvi Ming.
6ihed at th�iit place, find for those at'1300fliorn: ando
I ',fi, inforhiation inity
1-rur eig be obt; fried ,it hrcsi
tion. I_jjSedjtojrjt�
rest, of my�, body, in safe y. lione sla jnl� F� Louiville Ky.; critl,.I,,ezirsgroii,thv�hicl)it,cotiiplet�ly-'iein(>�ed, and
h- 'Spavin Cur . b fW L _-W-ar'd i utiod uced _c hitiested to tear' in mind, that Dr. Rollins'and Mr. John Parsons cc rd sitfiIlv Say it will renio� any,
IL ELIEL -hdve, also :reeommend- -
if properly, used. I
N sDIZ�'I to use it, ii -bb have done so with Perfect'
of-, Crndit�n fecentl retU iipd L 8 TLnders for th
Y J?I. IOU, 1Vt 'L"
Id a jjj�
from. the Noi ie 'etin ly
Fj'O In L f. ronifinent Phy�Jif suc6ess. 'fgladly,niake public, and Will answay,
D YSPEPSIA, orwar.. hi DROAS wistions or'letters sent, me. T L ours. oic.i
ii" _ .1 GFonoy Bitycir.
17,.."80' BbIGESVON, FLUTTE INd Do Iiiirl6i,nh t avil'idge:'one" cvening last ��e.A, �nd tj r, JAUAIDIeE.
let audience, ri ty t ie. a vertisettlen �of OF T HE A;�d i< these reZective amounts sba1I,be'f()rteltcd
d e
d W 11 ai ul I i i regill i " KERDAWS SPAVIN CURIE,;
EiA� klDITY OF f flie ntritc6.
(lose not,
-the spe
yo ell ljaviij�� a '�alun e its eflects,,mild'in, actions as it
r'ky�ip forthe at the rates and'in'ices submitted, SnIj
WI I i ch �er�y'lar Both g6tirlpmen U, 'Con)LInalld, 'ojoilel,?" spa:vl U re, d b I I L R
I - L: Th was , n I 9ALT HEURII,.- THE� &TOMACH;
qpoL-e in Iii,,Ii terins of praise of Speedy. hors JeLt to the conditions aj ternis stated in blister, -yet it is penetrating an&, powerful to, reach
a too an'd Which' had b6en la YNE8 fluMion , S. every djelo Seated littin or to r6ffibve'afiy hony growth
t I that t I i 06lonel, spun-Ji-ke ofiEWB&RLIV PH RArH My'. ..': . I I.,
�OUJJ tl'Y,L DR s,, in.will Us refurned to the or su'Al asi spavinB. splints
roin a payin eir, i.tE '11 m6rith"il: JL To cheques fhu4� selit
)r, until 'paciii(A sent HEADAOH OF
6 w. , o I d:Sail( Eli ..SKINI dffenare not accepted.
i or botptiOn by. irexpf. i6b cur gliones, eallous, swellingi andany
to YOU And everi'specles of db,.g en itDuncun TlTeDo'6ald who 'inurd,ored Illullir in, explinati6lj�� diseaso' arising fro" This Depiarthiont does not, bind itself,to all Irin trgementsi 6f the joints or litiiiii, dr1or
. I- I 1 1 Arte' L Clint L 'pt the ' lowest or any tonder
IllU, weeit:aLr�,w6ve'd -all disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS� � STOMACH, rheurnatisin in Inan 'or for� any,purpose for will h
-erved t1ja 'Ilia liniment is used for in. east.: It: is now.known'%
neuf,.-an a arge, Sp Int BO Bea er,
V� BRic. k on.
who oft
e a ns agp, and' nii-xed F.. �RXU2 'to be a best linimen for , man' eyer ' used, acting
Y ild and. yet, CL
? atio i r T. -Mluum & Propriefr`;rs, rotary. 'In I tain in �,tS� t,.
See effe
death c6lumbt I t in en t for ahvilys wifortuntlte.to horses: are to- TORONT06 Deptirtnicht ofr pc 0,11.11prison tle RaflL%va3 C,, i n,. t I s, it more So 'than d�y,aS sound, as colts. ..,The olleL 2211 lityj 882ii, Scrid address for f1lustrated circular which we
eljasj�eo �U7 . 1`0
by tlle- G6vern- 9" tIlL to of,ogr
think giVe§rp6Sjbj�'C
was W6r 'file one d� dolld No remedy.
at !tl at tire tiqualifled, succitiss,to it.,
11 e T11PUL it is
I lit lie is ��7.R NEST, F 18H 1: LA TEffT 0 lr'�Ir
_e. -1-0 xpeeted_to VeL, y Price $I,. per bottIL, or � .11 z�qve
your own town. $6 outfit fl*06 'SiX
Y'oUl tl'lj]y n6t giStt itr 6r get it for::you for Ali Drug.
ashort inore "than any othe'r.time in. life c or it will) be sent
-squired. IV i9b V61i evetything- Vilce by -the propri6t6ro,
to any address�on rbeeiptLol
ally, Otl.l(_"r Cil'CULUJ a Ma ( Ily'are fortunes. - Ladies make as much as 'DR.'l3.:J. KFVDALL AND CO., Eno bu��,h rails, TL
Th c CAN T). r) 1'�� 1) CR 1) IT 06,)IPAINNY, To .§
and girls linx -64 p;t� - 9cai .r, if
(t boi s ke"gi .7� IL
W, Ach -you caii make great So D B:Y ALL 1i G19T
I e C6u'rt o SUI US 01 on the see ar t wl
T f
em era w as. 0 t 16te in Its conilection, ronto txtrud to jbiid ii �Iort,
I)9jjQ L rt��, a L RtG
Pepe& 9t:60. Tu es day i' of th�jinic you Nvo�rk, for partienhirg t- qe eX P(.,rl L I I Ce'Las 0 The Best v thd world'for s rliteq o derich, oil. ur est�erniiA fefiow n C
illSt. 'by 'J udoe' Thbins, 01' isCo
i�y twocrim H. �JAL Co., Porth lid, Ila!
Montreal P.: Q.
tclLl Z en, coloil6l TayrB*t* U -1i e,� Sores T -T I c ris -S'alt Rheum, S X a s i, e t, r ti oil
its' 1iiov�n doe's--r3ot get.L t1lino'S Fever' Tetter, 'I�appLed: . liaiAs
r- T I i'e, fi rs t was a!o c, LP6 the C6n,r A I alils,� 'CGtllg nd S in erup tjjIS
tion i�pe Ghilbl all k
o y of� icl I tl I rj"9-
f I ceft-ifv that, 'I and Itis. guar- ALF' PIC, JR CENT C t Illtnee tor,make money.
.1 t jS 11, ant�ed to e -perfect satis actlon� or falce'advantago'ef the goodL
U 0 v 9, fo inaking money that are of.
wiis e, The PiAt, 'A NIN U, 11
oiier q u rheU .V 1) i el, I s One of 661141ira Ic y9arly. F
Of 1879, motley reiund6d. Price 2,5 cents per Pa3�ab oi )mc while tho86 who dt3
throivil otl6L by the,Grai dL to
U 1. y and tried mny . tii Jib' In,61, box. F6 by -1. Coinbe. not Improve slich chance9� joinaill, in poverty, We
r r wUnt nihny itien, wonien,, boys nd girls -to work tot
us.right'in their ownJoettlitics, , Any one citii.dolthd
G. a of St:., 0
C HA M UL LT work proln '0111 file firs
'Uly it tstart. The business will
wage . . Expe
-6 s 0J, ana.coij A� Avoi pa finiore thran ton tinibs oi 8 n'sive
Ut 50� of for jjjii� ob �to trY 'it
urhN6,onc..)�:bo engages lailg to
M 01,0 L all N t I I I J�. t I I aij �y i tjj �jjy Spa v I
niake money mpicii
You Can devote your whole
U an: 'T tiloo,to'the work; or only your spare nioments. Full
C -i. reat: How to invest -a dollar d nak
information and till that ineoAed sent free. Address.
'five -.13dy a bottle K-dildall's Co.,
,rown. up aj toothers, for the
hi's �olls- ill it ed S1161) 'HE MOST POPULAI�,
Se6 spavi 11 '0 0
CD F- A, L_ I -
m4 tT 16 di of A�s tee I pen wy. . I . lot 46 weighty Ilut 0 T & SHO
aol�ing uptbo I oil'(-
16', ,t bo, rd'of of' the very Oil y e :articl ,reviews 6.�%
tS writbert with tiliew.
Re 1� S '"ll o' 'S't� N"� I I "I s t e I rld Gii
to him he fell AK
nveSpoke 'Nvith F; r
chnnot, be overestimat- tl �s of thankin S� H 0 R N
r he Scrofutus, Sote' S, th n 0's -The subscriber- tNkos it g his,
'T wo
NrC*L . , t
te.:. � ;.1 1 1111111crolls for their imtr6tilage for the
'idolentTu'wor nd til� foul Uce, and �18o'would beg. to sti,3' that lie A Full Course of il�structioji in Isam
er,;olj, of the best woritinall Dow. propared
yaciiOW11, -iay by lib combined to fill'all ordersoil the ShOrtoSt notie(i 'd in 01) til hip of about hopingthat iced. ve asliboral
ie waIt, pajjjLtilj� use of Bu'rdock' Blood"Bifters and Rui,ai :11, , TH-E AMERICAN SHGRT�I'AND WRITEI(
piarorjftgti,in�tbe future.
ago for do ONTHLY)
y Qk Healiiify 0iiihnent. YoUr
e 1) 1 v 11 C, is wo 1 h and t SEWELD WORK A. S�EC12�LTY.
Sea' for these infAllible remedies. hd the Exercises of all Cla
froin ,-L Irldder it th heiglit of al-;oLa from hilt oi- ohild, ;aml as a curo for First lesson begins Jan...,,.
10 fee -If You would hve a clear coil) pl'�Xion, 1-1. B E A U Q Al. 'baek number fjjr4I1ISllC(I new Subscribers and.titer-
I d a] � irli U 11'0'1�j :01 id -roctk (joL9ti Vell vS8 R, i1l IBlotches,, P)ol-ls 01 foul Clscsl�orrcL�cd by the pubiishoi-siviien received. The
1>0th 11 r it IV'- world froin Which shortifiand
'll a �,Vri, bS, Q'ii� Oi"'W(L�' ontyperiodical in the
humorR, purify and tile Blood, CIVEN AWAY be learnt without a bator. The lessbris are ex.
tilt ilipuriti(4 thQ'
116 �Will lid up --for. 'some Xv . . it and intor6sting, The Re-
iver, Kidijey and 1�owols with Butt' fac-sithilL not 8 of le il�
I"S DLi)artn10nt C011tRinS Uo retuviied hoine oil Sattlllda-V: and, tlx6 reg U portd
cloolz ]Blood, Bitberil, Trial 'Pottle:s 10 Zimihormaa Fru Dryer Put. lljl) at
L)�5 now, and for Torm 4 Add"
Iof tbo"19611,coll . . .4 c6u)"Itry Stnr�.L YF -n C0.,iCihci nati3O.
11.0 _g t's alld �IMMERMAW 011,01T DR
If Tlio Ixist prevebtie-anc cure for PiTes
I, Yriu (Course Of Lessons,)
as on the 14: Ion,
nd al I di8pa*sps cause'(i by., C0118tipat ONTlifi,
3 fC ()tj r, but
is' 13 n rd o.(, k Blood Purjf�in .-Rowell &,Hickco)i, Puh!iahersi- Poston,
nd, to our t oifi6p, o!r'aqk
U ("I I yj," t .01 it f r- allrd rollje jll, its tj 11 MASS;.
I 11� , . , t 0 V YqU' 11 t t T.A R American -Aen cy for Pi tinan's Shorthan d books and
lia.q a 'fille lollg h Supply Depo. Or I cuh . irs Sol
"woll lip, -widn Co , GG3 Cr,- D U
—A niall nflille.d -b 'at StL",
L tic, , i Uf6l Ty'r' a I 'B'
kneo 121- 'li- Ie b n
2 i ik' 7 NVU11 full tioljs -for-Usi, bt tfes- 10 cent ' Large b6ftles� c, d I ot IOU CU in groat a"onyj
the Colt tj�f_ty UI1iirCr9a1.A�CorA,-
is of lead Ayirn's GiTIIRT'IC PiLLS ate the best
y i 10'[)o�i (ral I %v i 11, poi.soo administered to hilli it]: I of"111 j)UI,gati Ves, for flunil T1
t uge. i:ey
a V e a to ck of "firs t, s P 0 fi- 0 111 t I 10 1 cad i) (v Anleri- are, product of laborious, find,
I t, A I go ai,'t,. I)y his Wite w1lo W arry.
to in
.. .. . ....... . U "it I "� t . r . . . . . _ . , L , . I Mtoil�o for .8 I rda his brother, HAS PO� ALWAY.' G, in
yeste y o4ek, 0'. pftces* to
E q 'if I1s1vc U$e, by"pliysician In
n Also,the celobi*ed tUir b V zed. nit -
just A Use, has at 1"t t beon fou d foi, t je
aA slie.phard 'it) South
a re e.,;-,�ape froin'-i ij. tions, prbv6� them, tli(� 'bcs and niost
c6Wial . purgative ilifl tbat' inedical
a 4ket' f M, f purely , eg;-
call devise. Being
r more n(I tel 0 ant de�atll at Ate 111,�that oc.. doulare t) th �v furiii
. jat h e ab
t le no cill, from thelk
liurdocIr Blood Bitters i,,, Mature's own' ET DOH F. R
Alonn, 'with Alemi AT D V 1`011ONO
a drou-1it, than any pl.ant.
r f th
_lit 1 0 , . 't( n L I - 1,116 Supremacy 0 oll 01,pill lotismit to 0ke. In' intringic. va no
j). IV )Ll' J'11110S 0 Itt I � l' 8U R MS 5' t1l6y dre,
bfiat grows. rho flower bu(Is' are ES
Gi (,.jjj of traill. t 1, (,):1 nS tjl(� sy s A i` p
N'V Irence to O� burnod a id- aI 11 1 0 0 IT A W a I d d
t �fis�ed havi ilinents of the oia'Urinary So- all I c tive powvrs� no offier Pills
aPabi in Siintfl of mck si(los ctc,,(ir I oft
1)() lot
swidoniv f all UN(ON SQ. NtVq, Dij)lojjjjSL at tjjo person, lulowiiig tlipir V�rtueg VAII
sVORK tlienn, needed. Tbeyr
-o. Jill I beT 4 o t ct order nd
A1110 it. Ived keep the ysterh� i1i II1tway 0:nAN
co it d 1) maintain in healthy action the wliole
machinery. of
tefto;�r oi Adlnl�istiratioll, biving ffiiid
CL,�, An thill �jjk thc
, t1le tho '3.001, eetetual, thby 'are t�je 'lVe it1)6
tj III )el'. oO)0 V.Sliate and r TI the &
eds of the igestive apparatus
16vas afstas c r I I d,' 8aill- ctie ow tl o on -c atid to nt; lill' f, it mirac�lllou, I' now dut), or, to, grow'qtl6, must bb pit the derangements of, which they preve
indP ndoroigned,,who is the nrty, sOnY liap aT (I fl. r froill.sup in
the b t alad,'eftr f, Wely taken� The�� ft
elaong,haVing claniis against the, ole, for 'tile Mebralted tk.L . I !. . . , I the best and 9afest pli�sic to 'eftip Oy
i b Clij](Irell
c. oobtaiiiedA'�
e 11 d 1 1, 'for and We
ieratiti6t6d to 6tIld 616'ju 'tr]<C 0015 .) , 11 L I , , I . . pi�&()Tf, WhOt the same Will VC'Pld il"d; 1�- Ci�'Jlft L�
U I a
is oldy t r Drug St tions, where a mild but e0ectual-
llo 11
V A T., SALT Wore and h u W� as* a okv I It 140'.111itY A*Jril i n'i st r9tri W W G XA0HIN It. A. 111tebell" eifilatic, I I , .1 1 �_ -, )� : L' , , . L. , ' . ." , , , t. . I I all dj,Ug_iStS,
-0 ile by
r ON.
I is I I 'tly L Lond Ill,