HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1882-06-23, Page 2-TRAVELLER,q GUIDE. a Preat"Western Ra wa yc 10ST IIV#01�. we nmt qi�n peling of dis to,,% i oodewidi Townsifill) Colincil, Council met, at Holmesville on Mon- 'Clinton IM4,scho,01. t& H42 -on Record At Bly1h, on 1w, 1�1;i4st" the wife of Air. B. 4 SON one 61.d..ghl S. FORE[Lo J to, ITY: OT 0, -R-E B , t appoill m�nt *iO rekerene-6tty this con- day last pursuant tG,44journment. E We notice tbat ]Asti week's "New ra, Al IAGES. '0 raiil,4 leiive oliaton station as. und4:--� stituendy; 'It ii true that ftt�tr oppon- All, the me befi were present. ]�eeve in t he chair. makes reference iii.very flIktterin- termsto ihe; presoge of the Clinton High School� and On. the 7th inst., by the ftey�'Joqeph­ Philip, at the 0 res sdenee of the bridelo father, Mr. James Smith to, Go I N;6� a in. p.m. P. in[ ents ds�,d t116 cry of Mr',, Vorterbeing : Air. Jbs. Aliller st0ed that lie had 4 t s d by the success 1 Read I�aster, evince I Of a': I and in Its lts'ex�studeots t1heVinviOrsity, M Hahnib:Coultei both of'East waw�noqh At the residence of,tII6 brIde's father, on the Oth I IQQING S6011. an outside man very largelyi and doubt- bad in his IwCtse- fo;r­ thp- past - three cobelticling--reWarks-says ThtsB are Or- 'chrohlele',"be-' Inst., by the Rol% Jo�, Philig, Mr. William Archer, of 17 BE $T STOCK 0, Hullett, to Mfhs Mar Xet, eir ley of Eautwaw- y L a. in., f,49 less a,ilticipated effect upon this ba its months a feeble eild ma4,,who was, un-- cumstances very Pleasing to t)iey . credita6le,'alike to pm� p.m. Some votes, Sti'll it #ds tlIoixglit that able tu do Alwthing forbimself and was r Aft6r �ause are the Stu. Aent aDcl sch6ol'from they eman -whence 01; ATHS, I STRINGS 'DICKSON..',!,,,'.- Gravid Tr Onk R;MlwaY. try displayed, b tbe ehergy'and indus y: 0�6 Coliservative Party &vercome stance some Jn Indigent cirellifil s. discussion, it was i�ioved by Mr- ated, and the IT ead Master. of the. s<�hool has c�rtajulyabundan, reason to feel proud 'of S� ied in Manchester the inf ant son of Thos Miller, 'Died at Summorbill, on, th�, 18th inslt., Mr. Jatne4. IN TQWN. 'C 6,01ye, Whitoley, seconded 4 Air, Vox, that �tl',e veiy,larze number of successful Stu Johnston Sr. aged cars; 73y WEST. in P., m p. rq a. 2.40 p.m. 6.00 tbi -and th*t Mr.- Pbrter 'Wotfld blavib I I Is - the Sam of $75- per year be graptect to dents he 1,ws,starLed'in,lble," �-,Wblle wead- it 'is 0 1 N G EAST� been elecped. Tile contest, bas been I .. Mr. Miller for tile k�ep of one, Alitler ) iudigebt.—Clarried. Mr. NV bilely m� that very pleasing, tolearuc that young men, who for yeitrs have been tolling 'lu- MARKET REPORTS. &.00 a.m 10.0or Mm 1440�prera 4. it] P. well fought out on V,Qtb sides, and 3 It M. 0. 0a;w6yov cobles ida Wlllvivev by bp been an -'suggested thalt & medical certi6cate of th unfitness of the old man to work � 6 gain 1,60 wiedge; have suepeodcd se - cliiift 4 �cr6ditiibie poBition Ili scholarly, attainments; arid while we admit that Ow ing to "the aidyant of summer, the usu al quietness �, is - pre,�ailing in all FINE RATED- CHILTIRM jWlkECTORyj 29' votes. If thfif major4ty be procuted ifid presented tothe Council hetievel'the Head Master of a Highl senool markets. Oats this week are,quoted at Stin a �Ii a.m. lionest1v obtained'we are prepared- to at its next meeting. . ! I I . I j clin point to such ybuqng truth- fill iy say, It was u uder my tuition the fo un- one cent lower. Butter and eggs are kn� 7 m, Bibl� CWJ4, IV a, -in. Sunday school 2 O.m. Serviceon Wednesday, 8 p. in. ltrv.:WILL�lm Canat& Aletto'dist, Bervices'atlO.�o EL��mi and bow - submissively to, thei' unbia ssed: 0 1 opinio ri of the� electors. I .If, howeverf Comrimilication was read� from Jas. i - - A. Mclnfosb� Sec-Trea.,q. of the Ronian Catholic S. 'S., with reference to dation of their succes�s,wiis laid, he 11 has, abunda"iw i -eiisou to feel proud;" ' But Is there, nota danger,lest th& public, and t1re still advancing. Wool is,coming in III small quantities apd,brin-ing same fig- NEWEST DESIGNS IN W nv WiD B.30 in, Sabbath Scil7aol,at. 2.5�Q p m. W. tlie result. Ila& been brouglit abaiit by amounts'contribi.ited by the supporters successful student at the University, should: feel inchiii attribute his success lame-� ures asAast wee k &na&'Fres1yvterian, vices at lla.m; and 6,.,3o Ser' thos6 human Jer�ioes' that Mr. Carp- 'Separate Sell to the general. 6 of tbi� 01, ly to, thetraining he;rece ived under able CLINTON. EW J ELLERY ,V. in. RrV.AtitX,Stiwz ia,r, Pastor. eronartd his Mends kni,ow so -well, LOW' 1'seboorl.1faf3d.' The matter was. left in q and hard working assistant teacbe Q76rrected every Thursday afternoon.) Ritle Christian. -Services at 10. 30 a. in. ftn&-'6,.30 �Tifod-Asr to usef it �,Vill be.the duty of the Coll-, liands. of the Township Treasurer. the I 1— eft I as � V 0 miderth4H dM t�' f some other%i�jf I 4 , � School, i us. to desire to iplue it, Wheat, fall white,! per bus 8,1 215-Ao 12 Spring, 1 20 6 1 90, P. iii., Sabbath S1uhool,,2.M p. I.. R8v. R arty to os -servative ptot t the. ele�&ion. 11, ved by'Mr. Peacock, seconded by T 0 - I Air. Whitel Widows -Afunroe a� single laurel from the crown of our fIead Oats 41 to 0 42 b Barley, to 00, 0 80' . I Baby .-A0,Amqges an Ex ress ons "Wqg S,ibb�t Schwl;, h. REY.'J. GiVii, PasioK,", -0 C nservativ6s are Willing iW all - times to the ded of the maj I to submi. siOn Jor - , that, y .7 Ferrisi and ­ Romp be exempfe7d'-'fFdm statutelabor this year. Carri6d. Master, or say anything derogatory to. -the standing oX, our High'8chool, yet we do ob- jeetto fiave� a fat ion1go abroad. se impress Ileas, 0 70. to Me- .16 50' to 6 �50 -Re'pairing done Promptly. D 10' to," b 90 utter 0.,5: 13 to, 0 ifi 10MON RECORD. ty, unless it can'66 Shown that, the ma-, jority was' di. y baindt I'l e Afr.'David Bare banded in a list of bscribers to the fund for improvi -u 11194 regarding its:efficiency, -and we thJuk the paragraph qlioted from the New Era" is I I . I more-lil,�,hly colored Lbana strict in�estiga- 1�,ggs; 0 IS' to 0 IS ' aY, ttri -4 od clinton, May 25th, 1882. Hides; .5 00 to 6 00 Sheepsiins 0 75 to 140 CROQUET, P. LACROSSE 1892y. mi ion ceagi�s e ci,vl ille;l aild sub ss" kilidw It 6W Air.- Ca­mer'a� n's former ma 11th, Oil leadink to the;: Maitland, River. Itvas found.by,66� b A �1'00 tion of,,the case will. That our -ligh Sciwoldoes not qon occupythe,'�Posll it once did anion- other and -C-011CgIate­InSt;i4-te4­Of- )uthrld,�is-wp-IL 'Beef - - - 1 6 00 to -7 10 ,,ritiothy 3 25 to..3 50 Wool, -0 18 to 1), 20 F R S, �H GODERIQII. mus 110, VANSr CI ARS, G HE RESYLT. scriptiozis yet uncollected n ue! a A k nown,'not iv� 0int6n;-46t'all over mleat, fa]J bilsh. K a. I to, 2�T I I The'. elect ions are dvee. ' Thd caritest jo-eity was obtaifito'di'li.e told that bitll-' ir.Oln the corporation . of -Clinton.:' this.Sectiou of the country.'Tfie ttendande Wheat, spring, I 2i to I� so Di t Importa ons 1 'rec V� fe has been Abft, sharp ah -d 'hsr e V . tidue 'and if th6se 29 votes- self t6lbe-J, M ) , , 1 0 Moved by Mr. Laithw,a;ite seconded b yi is'v�ry s ail in co6parison with what It 6ace was and from,! informa.doilrece Oats 0,40 to 0 45 0 M to 0 8or iar ey­ t peas, 0 70, 0 75 ' I ) � I dicb�d;at tire result I ave cost him 'an tbing� like' $14,000-, .1 y Air Peacoc k that the be in tr dot� �ed to notify, tb e dieerent parties to we are warranted, in � say! ng,., that the to F�otatoegi 60 to 4) 70 L 00ISi DIC r 0 A (j' Impc er, t tflOY may be found to have been dearly -pay: ii their'subscription's be ore he 10th f nulflbf�r on the roll,tbr this term, W,11,�not� 'r -a,�e atte excccj72,an:C[.the.ftvLi ndande�not fibn 6 V8ir n 11 -SH purchased. July,next, and that.Mr. Jhn: Knox,' more thAn 55 or 56, Thetorial nifariber on CASES, STETPERIOR , , er ihe'lmiles th.�we'ie'at stake,fhe -ing 11oltnesville,.i'.1:ld appointed . 'to Grahain's roll: is flom 8 to 11, on Mr. Robb'g, 55'.or 56, a on the .oil of tfie MacwhirteT& Co's �old StLan(l. Clihton., 0onservatite' Victor s 116t. a ma e We t uroji. t1ld amDunts` from P' ivate subscribe rs' 7 ''laster, Head M -fr6mj Lop. wilve tile' total. .4 1 �WASHITA S 'ES 1, 'h -wonderment for moe he people of Tile, folllowing.fs the festil- of -thw: Tarried. Air. Jno.,41unter�'sa,i,d lie, bad bought number "of those orn outside of the corpor- ation is 30, only 5A 4 -this number board in NOTICED CONTRACTORS, -4VA .8 ed fl�to de d fi� were call upo bide b' y polling in tile various municipalities o con . f . rom j' : lot 6, Maida, d udge' town, and �upposini that 8o f,�Ctm- outslee . SEALED, Lenders 'add ressed t6 tj . ie, u , rider -StPERIOR A, C �K'S 0 U."IS their i, �otes I vAedier :policy 'Under -West'lluron , Thoms. The pla, ce, was assessed for I t" of Own- an annual fee Qf:410 each the n,e sil d'ancl endorsed "Tender' for. w,od -vvorkq�" ed unti be, i0eiv 1 which e�'vc'ry! 4�elaszi' of. the 6'11-lmunity' TOWN OF CLINTON�. 11400 and 'three -fourths of -the valu,e :corporation �tor the sustenatin, or the will THVRSDAY� the 6th day, of: JULY ncxi,�: Washita f� rospering. should be coutin o u ed, Porter. Qatlior6m b ildibgs.:, Thes n was in. eo had. bec� .bdrfit dow if -before be -came, into 'school, would �be� $�Qb -oni thw bove i a silo,,%ilb . g, does- it not appear that there I I cl usively,, for the construction 6 p I ;, , L y would' r6tur' f'a d -St. John's War 4�2 St 'oi�g'p's.Ward. 37 :32 . I I s session- and a' he bad o . Illy, paid, $600 Sofne,l ling -radicaly- wrong ar ,sc I "but a hool­audis it i3otillne that tile ratppav- BF.EA AKWATER, Stones,. �s 4icy that. hadbrotiglit the oil 0 1 1 i I I 1 1. . I t , " St Andrew's Wardi.,,, 4' 2 52 forthe property lie,asked to have: ill: ers, ask.for it sti t linvestigatlon;�witl)ltlje AT, U, Collling*ood, SinicbIle Colinty"Onti O�L Hrl H f Ed There could', be� St.' J Ines? W '46. 55 a ard,. a9se.sswent red need. Oil nio'tion of �s the'Vea's, f to be -T but 6116 answer to . sn-cli a 4,uestion, .- �;. : , �1. I Mr. Cox' seconded by Mr. Peacock -it $ ),- � !its ec e-Alpon the rrust.,ee d h n] loii� and ur LLI.Clto 'B adopt such� measures, a's Nvill r andspeciAcatio accorcing-to,a p an n 'L " seQU. on application at I tile office f, the:, t6ne A 8 Thepe6pleof Calladadfi T­u'��4ay re-,. 153 .1-81 was,re,�61.ved, to reduce the assessm" e"Lit I : - ; . - � � ta $60. i our High School to the standard it should'.' r1f S an. S.- (is Town Clerk C611ingwood, where piltited te q� nee .. of y e fy, i -�Pol%Trits,MAJORITIE 8 Mo'V'e.1.by.,MrAaithwaite siecon'6d , occupy, Viewing i,'t as'a commercial en- terprise, it cannot be coftsiAlerecl 4 cces�. , forfils"of can be obtained, 0— Pe�rsons*ten erin& are d -notified that ten - I'llL,whi efe'c'tions werek AGOderich Towhslif P.- 1 1 byMr. rWhitely, thatDavi'd*%sker-. I �, 11 ­ , ­ , - -1, _:, , and hile we are i ling tcI'admit that tile, un,6 eth' u: S i2 �Villei be, reftilded $1 from taxes, as ie valae:of an educationI should hot be esq- -mated� by dalhirs and cents,yet, Jlle�L rate- the prihted forin. .�upp)icdj he,'blanks 7 eir pr9f.erly filled id, and signed: with, th I A-c1diti Ed to support the. Nationaf d 2'. `s:of -$1-400 Ila recenbl'V' a, los -�: - � I ir agai nst tile, yers iave,a rig, to �rotest oil lie week in l w lines this actual signatures. M R -A Y2 .37 by fare and had no squandering of their money,to keep up an E, tch(le ied, -b If 'y L Moved fr. Lai th wait�, seco'i ded by institution w4icb, to. the le, 4eqepted.7 bank ch eque, madepayable to f �t lie Reform par,4. are sensiblv--ad-, ...... byAir. Whitely, , that motion: NO.L 2 work.'v(ry, int,'fficle�iftiy. Tile tile orderof,thle Horiorable the Minister-oty 'Troll Hardware Mer g , ; ed 'be vi t I y ma acc.--tpt t iia second' L de_ 6 '29 - -- bt. Be co�ni a s notifyLin - Ro a tile cost of the gi-oduds buildiags�. and equlpu�ents, I%, hl& u Ig tlf,e. f andj Public wort is,� 11 equal to ffv'e'pei, cent. o - tile amolit)"I b of: the tefider, 'Which wi�be., S e 0, S -is se , final Qnej-,� refu D follow :. u, r, !d for. paying salaries, and for iuclden� d I forfel Led if the'party ec 114 t6 efiterintaa CLI NTON., 'he lead'6f' the Globe. new8naLper and Total' '185 am utkand John 2. tof, 13 remove fences aoCoiding L�ay's tal,expenses� will not fall much: Short, of $1400 hich the'rdtepayers of Cli nton are' I cohttact;whenLc--iiled upon to do so,or,if be fall io c6mpl'te, the -work 6�ntritcted June 7th, 18 Sir Richaffl artwright in their fatu7 C PAMEfiQNS MAJORITIES. �'T - 1. t' Survey, as recorde&in minute b'ok� o obliged top&yalinually towards he* up el - for. 'I f tb�, tender be not accepted 'the �I:is'pohcy i,obitructio'n and-antag i, lilt on Goderl6b,.Town July 5tb,� 1880,'be resQinde'd and Al. t tile 1. The lower and - Second depart- 61 the High: 18chool"Irpresided orb 1, checipe will e, returned. The DepArtin -be oun6 IVY60 WANT A CHEAP cn�­ wit I, not to AW %to� ibe picte� IV e an and the cletkr noti, b re- fy tl I ie a ove­parties to a y able till energetic. t I eachers. ivould b d e' d accept the lowest Or any ten er, fir as ,he baing"been' Qolborrie'Townsbip,� AShfield T th .' f move ei r ences accordinffL to the. placed by Mr.' T-A'ssmore, as -per, tile. 1'rom i�liidi: the town its derive the �reatest amount f beuc� Pqp L Byr order, �ody' should i9eer - ur S ot h F I-J*L ENNIS, MY jk very C )f L Con finally. Only by,�ddb F WaN�anosb, 56, ilt'.8ibee, piIiny p6l'onts U the t6Iyn send I, son tl_ d I s to tht Secretiryl �T d. Suits t 16. wee Of P Works, IbW_eit pe fa, P?W6r.in.t1 fu'. awano�h - 31 McCartney b rid',, ! ii.ei aug ers. ail 'PA I not 'Vltjl t116 VieW of'' pl�c On Ottawa, 76h June,­ Mre. Gue'-friends had,, ll� good that bad 'been L built by hipiself and' f 'helli for a but that. they Drk fun am Vle en� t LL" dr.th'm On, UIL o ea T t 214 Some -otherii over -Plixtintner's Cree Oil _rnIJy D( s,anc io� tii-lit in*thele h,bra I ncii . es I i i Public q&Lt 0 L 8hould,'.seb o1w Serge: jrybody, - L t �to' and ley well workiivitia:w Total niaioritv forr 0 29 6 side to -15, hi and if in Ltbe dl-Wd�� �E victo led -�anners. 'upon - their � con,. fiey hiad Lad top - ut:,,in a great 0 wP x deal in -ore work than e p�cfed mad' ut a partilictit bein 'alny way &1166' teacher,Ahe pupils'lindc is - him- 'become. Ill Suit U r L S PIP sat'$12 A, War d Ll N G rhe b W I e� is to e coligratu, List of,Oiitario Illeniberg. lie thought Council . hould vesozne� re- - jfl�lifl`I"rent, ed, and :and It' Wr6n­ is. �L L NOWE TO, .CONTRACTORS. a, iea testilt. Some good m6n Conb.ervoi ive. t ency. t Reforlh. 'Cons itn� Al 111uneration.� :,Moved by r. White y em if �vhi; h they SqrClom recover, and livi y ca ii testify 1, I INTON. . � OW Y Lenders, addressed to the under- an SEAL;P CL :C 'ada:'.T*eed­�S ui as: ts, as 1 both I es live fallen,iii the -battle, Ajdd:in W. Bell seconded byr-1vI:r;'C6x, that theL" 8 uln: , 'Of '$10: r has been ex , perience o pup�ils w 0. L : . :, ! ' si, er for PoA r t and �Cndorsed I, Tend in 3 some'new 'ta en is imported in 0 BothyVell. D MLIlls be gian'ted tOL'Pay Mr� Mced toey: have atcnilted ou 9hdA. Can the 1'Ne w Office, &c-;�C 111 be receiveq hatham. Ont 1, f I out Only so 0 e a I Will. clear -them 1e.:,House..' We rust fat, all vil 1. J., S Brat LN rh 6�rvllle' Bralit - 8 PaAersou and -otbet-9L wurk Adne oil this bridge.—Carried. Inforin lie! tatepap, VS koW the'sieho6l �Ijfrl- Ic' P!18f� aW t' U( his.6 ec'untiI WEDNESDAY;:Abe ..;: � ' L L 20.L00 �: btll 'A 'Ot 1U for, the anite in working li.e'aftily f6r.the best v Wood Brock' F 'T fr. Cox banded n, rer ;two Yeal'S ftlid to Infor thein High can I in I erection of% , % I I . �ever erO( The best D i�Bruce mterests ofour cqm, ountr�. MeNel E It, M We, IS srd"of which had, ',b-e-6nr. 're 117 kOW1 Maill nPOST OFFICE &0 ts T H'I,NL. r e e­sale.of' a own6 ulation, were a isfied;W11 a (I lllized'from , A T liu'r''on hag done credit to'itS�Jf �C ardwell John Gordon Nbo, had die i�ndij6ljt, Alaster� and fonlid.1t to atteti& 6, Higli'�Sc'fioo'ls to OW e In -i�Q'NT., THAT L a :test IMPM Tom' Farrow. again Cailcton Sir J. Ma6dqnai& pr Ili circumstance all wh fun6ral, S Pe;',tr tL e 'Council Lai pai ie -gain which;.ihey- hay d' he -e tile 'r6 ? In conclu�ioil, ai 'r,a t'e payers n: be, S aus an -Speel C Cell at:, Pe.0 the Deparinient OfL blic-.Work,�,, Ot 07�;-� Bovs 4W y. a majority 0 1.3 5�` It W8;S 1 Y. S Out 0 as te: card w d omT)r..O el Y 'wil fingtwcolitent-themselves with a second and Post Office Chatham or and, 'hink." pe d I s I vo.b6en cte t iat the re if t,would"ba, D sa un ey :;Darham E' A T Williams of Geller I llospital� Toronto say�ll or. third-rate an a theL of Jniie� t Bloz s as OOW SETS �tjl, , lo in tbi& South Set!Durham, W Blake'. ' - that ohn: Chambers would be as well 't have a'selloblwhiChr rdfter should will be ind, in other, re�j t to� our growin,� vc, Persons t6nderi ng iii -e -iii that: tend S rs GROQUET J Ill not beLconsidered unlesk made, of) d o a mad or er. a. �Elzb',' E L DL r L Wilson �E G eq E �r�tli at hom6 an -1 adv Council 0 se;fid 'Miifter. R ATE perous, to 'AYBI�. prin the' blanks ;OaFey CL Pit te 6 E 61 r t for ft Over. Cluitoll, June 28vd; property fflled in -and witheir thepedple Of'1L E=S.� itb�'re 'rende to tie ad' lea slli�iilerlixlil allied by'an sour which i more r bhn rge S t on, tile', s:pl e'flflid Vot 'a Ve tile F Ilac Glengarry'. Macillaster" nedOn oaccep fro I concessions and -oil I'S :bou'se has re - et ou e ht%- of. any -previcius, y6a'r� t bank cheque, fna(16"pflyable 'to b! lei- BARTS Iloii6rabl TOY Pois after Ge'neral. The re neven W renvi lb, S Be uso irming a� suryei nlg��e by, 4r. Pas. a coats of.: pai :t lat e t er Minister o, to:, ve per cent27of Avas any oubt, -ig,to the.iesult in hmore y., Dr Spro Gre �Allan A, and after, a little was c6nsidere in appeara. nee ky t e allio"t b Of etend&,� which will be constitueney,'but onest. John Carling. IT - , Grey'r 8 Dri,adderkin , ., q tead, time nd discus�;ion W�' a ' r ' '' its lie' dr li:-� if� llm� , L 1, : � W a u "" 46rfeited if thc�party*d&line to enter into a contract when called upozi t� d C), I<L S,� C3 1'. "d , " ''r ' ' r ­ , has �,goo , reason 6, e the oplete'the , , D Tidoms on Y ­ pasSeq. 11 1 Tlie:follo' n,;acconnts werer pase& I� : r P -�LM'iss'Sarah )Vett W b lia,g,beuil visiting Ili t it vichdLy of Bel- .: r 0 SO 0 11 lefail w6ik rrOwS to coin aoons Wheelba �'fo� f the., tender be not accepted 'tile. handsome' majority r rolled for Kilvert Hamilton T Robertson ITuoh Alellraine- repairitlgr bridge Ist gra ie p, ZN turned Ve fol ill etutne'd, ubber balls bert I inte igent: workindii of ithe c s ti zl,�s E John White Ugh Me raine, repafring -lionle. bound' to She Ph6to' The,b6plirtme f4ill not 1, PiotUl;e City" ML Bow Allverb I $2L 45 SkiLin. JDhITS0n,L Fridlayl Mr�­ 19: S of t accept the lowest Orr any tender. o I r I r of all iids Al'oft 0 did ',noblyr�- No city oi% -Robertson asT Ar Hu'ron West 0, CamLerOnr 11 siII -oad, I st ulvert, 0 1 1 com, $3 Wni: Elliott new CL con., UlVe 'i �j t St 6th ClGoderich had. iL bee drawillO the foundutio if ­ a -U& W.6 y.. §eCreiary town, in Can ada lias' derived argQr E ast Farrow L , -n Hnro 'ofith J C M I I I ad f q 5.95 ; Geo.- Young, repairing culvert erjoe n q a : -barn:wItlich win.'. lit6ly has?, R. AVIL PA r t ill e b t f P U b 11 W , b from �tbe Nationral Polic than e y � I �Cellt 1-1 I 1 ISt e6n�, 5 QuIlla side'road. 57 . r 11 ) Geo. Y I � r contracted to" put up s scion, 'as the 0 1 401 Mliy, '1882, , 2 1. . -and sh the� Ambitious City e reL paid . 1 :4 Kingston. A Gunn . ;. . I r side r .1 L $20.25 repIlIrIne 0a( 1,6t Coll asons are� gone. lle� bad;a: good tile debt' of- gratitirde,cheerfully a:i 0 id -Lmbt .1 F !qel� aJol` t putting "d Young,L in pipe'ron S1 e dal )s' y ODe'L My' 7 7 7 norllbly. M6S JC� I srs ilvert '.L anc L allar J Jamelsoil ? . i tfa,,;gar� (A 6.)' .3 insoni rpduc 'Ila oiiside road Ist Coll:; $lr7 ; John' -and Canadian jbi�tles are. calling ft r: I .� 1. 1 r . r , pro ection � 1,0111 the, r t r , � "I ruthlbss r . 0 ­" Time for re6e lvin-0 Lenders C,3r the above - k. 1, -Viifficy'Goods ate of the n or 9 :hei-0)y EXTENDED� ani's f th Ro ertSon o -w 0 a 'o eir Gren- and ot le a 3rd I -r vel , , , r , , , . f , -in untiI,,WE1DJ_ 'NESDAY - 16th U L en mous maj6rity to the W6 manner or V j 11'6 rgilson Geo T' I' L Q e It S y or t I A -1617ide, Tepairing 4 1'. 13 Cii t d a monfopq y to t,r en - ' t) an the plains st, kid and the. best" qu ity.� and specifi`�atioils 6an:bb seen and daughter I F and; after On PlI,t orge Ill whicll� ibeir. cause. bas -een cham- L,nno x :Sir Macdonald seraper, g' in;L be�leq suppression of tl Th ursday, 029th' i T S ploned by 'the $pectqto,�­ the best i fr ' I r_ Linco 'I nr J C"RykeA London J Carting three' ; TSait,116 graii6,:­ 18-7� Printing Qo'y,.pri,r�ting, 812.75. IOr(l er, formed journal, .,on the trade question ex, E.�,Vacmiilan adjourned to'. meet on- A Bluo, Secrertary; Mr. -of. the Ur, T 111 the Dominion. J ArinstrouL, the spearld Alloaday eau of 1ndustrieq,, Toronto, is ta,6n.g Department of Public W I(sJ —A— uttawa, 1�th Spine, 1�982, 15 Middlesex. N,T Cougiiliti t inie by the forelock ­ hsiddle ,U C�LEN� RRY ed as its repre- M' W ex G W Ross; Monck L McCallum As:Tifn result of.fbe electians e tile me�i: thr6ugl um of;school teacher 2 SbIlth of B U P- T T 0 oe)tafive one of the most talented me'n Muskoka C, 0 I k J C :have, tor rec6rd the, loss OV160, ew t6'r sche6ules the farmers whicb. tbey he are to fill out and re 'r 16 THE' th, 18S2. In ell cMastef7 is young flo Norfolk 8 proin , inen men on tlie-Coiiser-�ativ. tuii to teach e1<W1lO.i,% allowed th G�edito n, S'G ott'4 in already' made b s- ar am lwb�o, har, in k A., in -tersibfwe e v ry one of the -is u atifi, them :%nd &)'noy 'Ofr tab I sending Farm &T nTpoporties W in the Local HtS6, an(l I de E, E Cochfune Nortliumb( In e ma!oritics, lindso i � 'In back. schwfules ask for . L oi b' inton, County of ow be town 001 ser�ed the. ptomoGn 'to a highrr Gold , " lom W G Guillet N - I wb'ile' 'ir Jobrr b as succe0ed in' 'being inforinatio n concerning acre,%, ;dif fer e of cr titnated busb . . . FO R, ALE. -X7 10,-0 00 OF of labor. Gle h ngarry as reason to'be Ontario, F W Glen, 'Wheler ret urned for t Ontario cofistituen- ftkinds e 1.� of pr6duce.,'fZ �00, also ilifo, OTICE is �cr.cby thattheabov c. nrn od as-WORmH N SC034 11 n a5signniont�f all -his estate ill t proudr Of I &r gifted Son W, w ake Ontario, W Geoi ei6s. 0 a otr)-i"rerr the Reformers tion concer6ing ' real and pdrsonal and eif&616 red, inLtrii8t,,for thebeftefit hbo his' ho At I ran k agrone of the be t4ebters in the J,0 Mack 'Intoah,4 ob tit 'a r L WLI Tasse lor clo the ss of Sir Albert Soll in,, '- ' about, 86 colullills in all. Tile of creditors, are �q be Tmid'-pfo rat. arp. GOOD BARGA NSN Doulinio'n Hoii8e. . Oxford SutheOzml Oxford,: 8 A Harley px Angii ir Richard Car tL and Hpningd ri b Oil rpropeytv 'I'll . teachers have' wor o do an& th e T 11 Bure if AS ltbe b id particulars tba�of; with the usual 8tataLf.or New D 00 S a )I,, , ry- G d deelaration" to t t 0 -e. , I I tj�LUST I , i r A 1) 1882, After the T DAY op Perth Jas Trow �: - - g! or) CaS ' a Th e 'V� Thowas who has been will proceed tordi�trlbntc the proccedc 0 f thC'Sllid 0,Stftte, Pro ;ratR, a1116)166f. thl'8C �rcdltors .1 oP? JL�dwelling', n the e of 'ilviroa nd'Orange Ready-made Cloth�hi' alill(y For lbe,purpme of enli-litei tll� �'Of Perth, Pct�rboro' E -J- Burnham A;�r� John Me'Millan of the 2nd con., 16�&ging, be6,lasb St r of th L h6rch here for t fare- uPoterboro, of Al Ir parties indebted to the'kaid 'estate are to settle s , el -1 hno'N6 as tile ount�astic' store." Would be 9 biddbtedn h forth.. 2 for othei, pr6pqr6y, or sold cheap on, long- th6 bH,8 ,iiii, Air Oct at No. "-G Hilliard had a I'Vionday'. biisiod, oil S afternoon. the amount of said %j'it me with. Ode iOh 4 Polfin(y ub-Diviioh of G r Prescott -' Lablrosse' dies werle and thein- jiOn Tha earld IV. nn(4.r,W. ii. ifats.'and Ca' PS Towiiship we �qucte the f 011ONN'i.n g 'Preinep I E dw'd J'M Platt ea8Sjg11ee S", V's III'making coverin ful dui The Collgre'a sorr' y, to : Prt & tile, — L Item blic . (1111LIng-rooni) eight rlauseslrotn The oniiiiiofi R16ctioirva'ct r Eenfrew, N Pete W lite Ina our n6eftirnal-slu-m-bers. vithL Ili ar a:g,be -elbquunt pre r innD'­ icit6hon, panti large collar,, L for 1874.'' iial learli a by 11,,nfrew. S R, Campbel 1. *Russcl Frank Ki Ity r w bo. left . fr.01. ill_ and, by his c6utteous m anner W611, tile I r bar �Vell tiRed a' 6 Mid soft nof gboitrdkn�bomc, painted and or"a ots nd Sh 6s, nd 0 a 0 a 1 e a, whe-n I that has, been done 1)6 'rk� and . : M Dickinson 'e, EL 1-1 11 Cook , 'nipeg ill the beginning of April and L as carpe'ntek. d 116 hearts all good' will of, all, . in his nw, sphre of o lab r mid hd�ondition. Aply,to the Wner, Be,n'-, -B EXTENSIV ni-13,'or to the under8igned. E''SALE 1 0 0, be in a position to say whether b is fictions; on t6e, 2,,0th were or' Were riot St TDCO e. N D Mccarthy e f3 Tyrwhitt Was ��pn whOL 12, arrivaLat 82 per (lay, has now prpsp�x will as manyl fri�'ndS as lie, has here. y Lot 825, ary Street, (opposi oi,%vill romidence) with neat cotthgeof three rooms �Jlln,6jL iERchen ;L good well.. and poinp; choice 'coi I trary, to-" aw J us,Beat I , ty, jr a �positlon ill 'a hardware Btore and �S, fruit.trees in,g4rden, etc� -01H E TS 0HOME: T A P LAN I N G', M I LL E SEC. '72.�-Every nd a Toronto C miper day.. We, was tbc -'scrutineer in a ye 1 met 'i ietorift Street; Th e valuable Hotel property on V 2G. Hhct -0. in� attende bee at a plhcq�shall mail)_ Slid aid in M I il I I) g Lhc: 86crecy of viCt6i Cameron a, 8, J It D U ndaS no fear of 1))(, e nig 'f, I ie, Refoi est ii 0. at t &,nt for t1le �d, four Mull ery,, T largo hotel buil(ling, driviTiq she, imbef Stock &c TjWn lots, &e. pluce'and ball oil IS clos'C to ot, e m late is01"JUIN Waterloo, N it Kranz' at],; but, has ot abandono pes T-1`6wwof Cdthifioaq who Swore young. will be bS, the nridersigh6d tip Huron Street, clintim, formerly field by J. C' le rekardless,0 "COS AT' W S in ff EXT, at the h g any -.person, an'y I litorrafttion as to. whether. WaUrloo S J Livittggton Forgo n 0 P&qideptial cleme "y Ve pils8os most lal NVbOr I L In tbu iftorn(joii, for the ptu'cage of tile Real Millir, no%V ocatuied,by hn J.LAlar�hi Part of ny poison Oil th 6 'Voters list Ila, 4 of, baS"not, 'lied Wcllil3gtoll, N r hi�'tipie in' r'eaffixi,-, tlio BiOe�,' .tltille(� 31 id Ile '401� the est,Ltd and effacts ofOUN scori of 4 & �7 Roads d6de-rich township,- 0-nipri8inig 0 P r6i'a Vallot pap& or i�Qted at that, 'ton, C4_D L Orton Well'i"I r pai( tax 17bi y61ng nian bad notL es 8 r6t.cla ohliraclor. �s 0 11 ssIand, nearly all cleared ad in the town'bf Clinfoo, C' Thi a pr.6pbrty is 435 ac buildingW, 'Only pol In! place. n, Jaq Innes. Notices, ko to know, W116 conclIti onomfile well sitoatcion the. good on..'Gobd ct�e, I from 6. W..Stahon. this year and what tiis MOWN TOWN. OF CLINTON,, L t ��I, on p, ton $treat" with 'the dWPTJj ng�bo�jse SIGN 01 THU, RE F�AM Every peron IV) op't ly r indirectly, bv himself or bY at)y otheri person on his wor L tj 8' York A� McKe' DZIO dical Prof6ssioh a'md all whom yo Ve 'to cl'6, w1th- la�t� Y'e, es by,.Nfr. $1mj)s6n, G. W. R. station , �D And is in way a desirable. (an d. !'Ile promin �ccllpicd may be inspcctQd �t time, andali iDforiilation agent. Also, Lot. .10 6 Mary street-. aln1tti('1g 4 on f '4' , , ti belialf; makes use 6 of, ireatoisto majw fe'eee, Viol onceoril�estrfthlt, or in-, y W C w a I I a'c�p N rl X W Xlftlodk it may concerm TerveFood; fis , voter S ist Or Wfiat, taxes 11,�Verto� :do `T`Kq,�J � �';Ilob, a word in to tile 6a., ,I,r be 111on, plica�ion to: the- -the %!)eye lot. rhe lots 111 b� 8014 CoWether �Oa ra 043� , - ----- - �ccr in to ;hLi tile inflictiObs by him- 12 a 6d �-upon Sol entific p rd to, if-, 'tho,,6ath. I Cl ton. JACXSONj,AsTig n T r1b ignee. heillotsoandt6t, T' ')I AN]' SPOTT, Solicitors f6f, A 6001,1pied-by Mr, W111. The hodec 0'tain�' -o r rby,or through any :other per' Au,�tiiii vvays wo .............. Jiwc 18se-), thirte rooms bcl6w,anel one in tl .11 y 1 hj n ry, 4 d 11 ni age, 'I "S lbtln Uponr of� r cotia, 'returns, 15 Conser NoVa S Mr. J)0,,'OfjLJo,4tOIJ'r Mass�, qutes %V�(, 1'e lJort P 'Crl fo r C i� Nvdil, &n. Terms eN&y akl1katlon T he Stoi �Onj -in order W induce or 'aga Inst any Prel" 'Orr I rro and 6 114rzirme �s New 13e6h�wlek returusS Conservative ry Sick ks. 'Vertigo� mid 9�otira;lgi and : belongifig Oft .,Norswortby, and now NOT tE.L npicd,by,�It. are, The.vu in lei) n M persowliaving And 8 ReformeiS ait!ed -and blie -v su�,Ahfq other lot6'a4d bniidtngs� torsate'r. Apply 01' on ACCOuilt Votf,Lo,�or refrained in� elei smatiV68 and 4, 1101`6�rhenq, all Jtill& lo e jS 'd,_ I syste not NIC I a , 4�,,877 'he undemigbddi: indebted to t ALE, lg��o S All Parties to a aaLr and od an4 btfuction 0, 11 r anyL tio6,-4)r who, by i (I fr)(duffnt ocvi�e or co6fl�v'�tncd� impedre."J' ,kow 6r'ollt� riot 62 &�ervatives'lnn(l 1, 1 1 , r, . L '/L-- cine, but A' because it Co 'taillk,oll il'64SOIIN, Oil so rapid y lr6'(1) �I'l dy I llar6n St., Clinton I Will 'be" redelver1kn& r6ceipted 4�4 , Interferes wIth4 'Total top bor, Ard from vcget&�le- or, that,tfie pl4tltor �iad in'o LOL eS_' apr� ce exerelse'of the a ly Voter, 130 con' iies an&&D WWI& �e r vA 9, n Cape Ili , t 161t L os,,; is, abOut' or t iere, y co%pe re vpon s�ny voter eithei t6�glvo or refrain but sitnpl',V, PI'mphitieand Elp- L "'A 'A y j,,iviog'his. vote at shall- Allk. airin:e f �il 60(1 �ni ts, ound (18 sufficient to 601) VllICC(, All Th o United States Senate ha� �dd oms'; sulta , bI6 for X i Two, we'll votiiaW to E04 J0 L !th esny, be to have Committed the o l3ndUe aXid sbiill be 'gui t of- a Lr 'd bid 14A but as lie b ad lost vie DrciggistPg-ell it., $1. 00 pdr �bule, T�ill thp, brProt offieeg in e toy to learn e'For Yurther nforina-, the Sum ,11A AV Of L tbeAr4i"400 h 06d,to, tow Age LI 0 Tomale imoli gra,n&�. e1882, BLACkE pply t'. J 7 ttb L'I To N