HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1882-06-23, Page 2-TRAVELLER,q GUIDE.
Preat"Western Ra wa yc
10ST IIV#01�.
we nmt qi�n peling of dis
to,,% i
oodewidi Townsifill) Colincil,
Council met, at Holmesville on Mon-
'Clinton IM4,scho,01.
t& H42 -on Record
At Bly1h, on 1w, 1�1;i4st" the wife of Air. B. 4 SON
one 61.d..ghl S. FORE[Lo
J to,
OT 0, -R-E
appoill m�nt *iO rekerene-6tty this con-
day last pursuant tG,44journment.
We notice tbat ]Asti week's "New ra,
raiil,4 leiive oliaton station as. und4:--�
stituendy; 'It ii true that ftt�tr oppon-
All, the me befi were present.
]�eeve in t he chair.
makes reference iii.very flIktterin- termsto
ihe; presoge of the Clinton High School� and
On. the 7th inst., by the ftey�'Joqeph Philip, at the 0
sdenee of the bridelo father, Mr. James Smith to,
Go I N;6�
a in. p.m. P. in[
ents ds�,d t116 cry of Mr',, Vorterbeing :
Air. Jbs. Aliller st0ed that lie had
t s d by the success
1 Read I�aster, evince I Of
I and in Its
lts'ex�studeots t1heVinviOrsity,
M Hahnib:Coultei both of'East waw�noqh
At the residence of,tII6 brIde's father, on the Oth
an outside man very largelyi and doubt-
bad in his IwCtse- fo;r thp- past - three
cobelticling--reWarks-says ThtsB are Or-
Inst., by the Rol% Jo�, Philig, Mr. William Archer, of 17
Hullett, to Mfhs Mar Xet, eir ley of Eautwaw-
a. in., f,49
less a,ilticipated effect upon
this ba its
months a feeble eild ma4,,who was, un--
cumstances very Pleasing to
t)iey . credita6le,'alike to
pm� p.m.
Some votes, Sti'll it #ds tlIoixglit that
able tu do Alwthing forbimself and was
�ause are the Stu.
Aent aDcl sch6ol'from they eman
01; ATHS,
Gravid Tr Onk R;MlwaY.
try displayed, b
tbe ehergy'and indus y:
0�6 Coliservative Party &vercome
stance some
Jn Indigent cirellifil s.
discussion, it was i�ioved by Mr-
ated, and the IT ead Master. of the. s<�hool
has c�rtajulyabundan, reason to feel proud
S� ied in Manchester the inf ant son of Thos Miller,
'Died at Summorbill, on, th�, 18th inslt., Mr. Jatne4. IN TQWN.
Whitoley, seconded 4 Air, Vox, that
�tl',e veiy,larze number of successful Stu
Johnston Sr. aged cars;
in P., m p. rq
a. 2.40 p.m. 6.00
tbi -and th*t Mr.- Pbrter 'Wotfld blavib
I I Is -
the Sam of $75- per year be graptect to
dents he 1,ws,starLed'in,lble," �-,Wblle wead-
it 'is
0 1 N G EAST�
been elecped. Tile contest, bas been
I ..
Mr. Miller for tile k�ep of one, Alitler )
iudigebt.—Clarried. Mr. NV bilely
m� that very pleasing, tolearuc that
young men, who for yeitrs have been tolling
&.00 a.m 10.0or Mm 1440�prera 4. it]
well fought out on V,Qtb sides, and 3 It
M. 0. 0a;w6yov cobles ida Wlllvivev by
bp been
-'suggested thalt & medical certi6cate of
th unfitness of the old man to work
� 6 gain 1,60 wiedge; have suepeodcd se -
cliiift 4 �cr6ditiibie poBition Ili scholarly,
attainments; arid while we admit that
Ow ing to "the aidyant of summer, the
usu al quietness �, is - pre,�ailing in all FINE RATED-
29' votes. If thfif major4ty
be procuted ifid presented tothe Council
hetievel'the Head Master of a Highl senool
markets. Oats this week are,quoted
Stin a �Ii a.m.
lionest1v obtained'we are prepared- to
at its next meeting. . !
I I . I
clin point to such ybuqng truth-
fill iy say, It was u uder my tuition the fo un-
one cent lower. Butter and eggs are
kn� 7 m, Bibl� CWJ4, IV a, -in. Sunday school 2
O.m. Serviceon Wednesday, 8 p. in. ltrv.:WILL�lm
Canat& Aletto'dist, Bervices'atlO.�o EL��mi and
bow - submissively to, thei' unbia ssed:
0 1
opinio ri of the� electors. I .If, howeverf
Comrimilication was read� from Jas. i
- -
A. Mclnfosb� Sec-Trea.,q. of the Ronian
Catholic S. 'S., with reference to
dation of their succes�s,wiis laid, he 11 has,
abunda"iw i -eiisou to feel proud;" ' But Is
there, nota danger,lest th& public, and t1re
still advancing. Wool is,coming in III
small quantities apd,brin-ing same fig- NEWEST DESIGNS IN
B.30 in, Sabbath Scil7aol,at. 2.5�Q p m. W.
tlie result. Ila& been brouglit abaiit by
amounts'contribi.ited by the supporters
successful student at the University, should:
feel inchiii attribute his success lame-�
ures asAast wee k
&na&'Fres1yvterian, vices at lla.m; and 6,.,3o
thos6 human Jer�ioes' that Mr. Carp-
'Separate Sell to the general.
of tbi� 01,
ly to, thetraining he;rece ived under able
,V. in. RrV.AtitX,Stiwz
ia,r, Pastor.
eronartd his Mends kni,ow so -well, LOW' 1'seboorl.1faf3d.'
The matter was. left in
and hard working assistant teacbe
Q76rrected every Thursday afternoon.)
Ritle Christian. -Services at 10. 30 a. in. ftn&-'6,.30
to usef it �,Vill be.the duty of the Coll-,
liands. of the Township Treasurer.
the I 1—
eft I as � V 0
miderth4H dM t�' f some other%i�jf I
4 , �
School, i us. to desire to iplue it,
Wheat, fall white,! per bus 8,1 215-Ao 12
Spring, 1 20 6 1 90,
P. iii., Sabbath S1uhool,,2.M p. I.. R8v. R
arty to os
-servative ptot t the. ele�&ion.
11, ved by'Mr. Peacock, seconded by
T 0 - I
Air. Whitel Widows -Afunroe
a� single laurel from the crown of our fIead
Oats 41 to 0 42 b
Barley, to 00,
0 80'
. I Baby .-A0,Amqges
an Ex ress ons
S,ibb�t Schwl;, h. REY.'J. GiVii, PasioK,",
C nservativ6s are Willing iW all - times
to the ded of the maj I
to submi. siOn Jor -
, that,
y .7
Ferrisi and Romp be exempfe7d'-'fFdm
statutelabor this year. Carri6d.
Master, or say anything derogatory to. -the
standing oX, our High'8chool, yet we do ob-
jeetto fiave� a fat ion1go abroad.
se impress
Ileas, 0 70. to
Me- .16 50' to 6 �50 -Re'pairing done Promptly.
D 10' to," b 90
utter 0.,5:
13 to, 0 ifi
ty, unless it can'66 Shown that, the ma-,
jority was' di. y baindt I'l e
Afr.'David Bare banded in a list of
bscribers to the fund for improvi
-u 11194
regarding its:efficiency, -and we thJuk the
paragraph qlioted from the New Era" is
I I . I
more-lil,�,hly colored Lbana strict in�estiga-
1�,ggs; 0 IS' to 0 IS
' aY, ttri -4 od clinton, May 25th, 1882.
Hides; .5 00 to 6 00
Sheepsiins 0 75 to 140
mi ion ceagi�s e ci,vl ille;l aild
sub ss"
kilidw It 6W Air.- Camer'a� n's former ma
11th, Oil leadink to the;:
Maitland, River. Itvas found.by,66�
A �1'00
tion of,,the case will. That our
-ligh Sciwoldoes not qon
it once did anion- other and
-C-011CgIateInSt;i4-te4Of- )uthrld,�is-wp-IL
'Beef - - -
1 6 00 to -7 10
,,ritiothy 3 25 to..3 50
Wool, -0 18 to 1), 20
F R S, �H
110, VANSr CI ARS,
scriptiozis yet uncollected n ue!
a A
k nown,'not iv� 0int6n;-46t'all over
mleat, fa]J bilsh. K a. I
to, 2�T
The'. elect ions are dvee. ' Thd caritest
jo-eity was obtaifito'di'li.e told that bitll-'
ir.Oln the corporation . of -Clinton.:'
this.Sectiou of the country.'Tfie ttendande
Wheat, spring, I 2i to I� so
Di t Importa ons 1
V� fe
has been Abft, sharp ah -d 'hsr e V
tidue 'and if th6se 29 votes-
self t6lbe-J, M )
, , 1 0
Moved by Mr. Laithw,a;ite seconded b yi
is'v�ry s ail in co6parison with what It
6ace was and from,! informa.doilrece
Oats 0,40 to 0 45
0 M to 0 8or
iar ey t
peas, 0 70, 0 75
' I ) � I
dicb�d;at tire result
I ave cost him 'an tbing� like' $14,000-,
.1 y
Air Peacoc k that the be in tr dot�
�ed to notify, tb e dieerent parties to
we are warranted, in � say! ng,., that the
F�otatoegi 60 to 4) 70
L 00ISi DIC r 0 A (j' Impc er,
tflOY may be found to have been dearly
ii their'subscription's be ore he 10th
nulflbf�r on the roll,tbr this term, W,11,�not�
'r -a,�e atte
excccj72,an:C[.the.ftvLi ndande�not
fibn 6 V8ir n 11 -SH
July,next, and that.Mr. Jhn: Knox,'
more thAn 55 or 56, Thetorial nifariber on
er ihe'lmiles th.�we'ie'at stake,fhe
11oltnesville,.i'.1:ld appointed . 'to
Grahain's roll: is flom 8 to 11, on Mr.
Robb'g, 55'.or 56, a on the .oil of tfie
MacwhirteT& Co's �old StLan(l. Clihton.,
0onservatite' Victor s 116t. a ma e
We t uroji.
t1ld amDunts` from P' ivate subscribe rs'
Head M -fr6mj Lop. wilve tile' total.
.4 1
'h -wonderment
for moe he people of
Tile, folllowing.fs the festil- of -thw:
Air. Jno.,41unter�'sa,i,d lie, bad bought
number "of those orn outside of the corpor-
ation is 30, only 5A 4 -this number board in
ed fl�to de
d fi� were call upo bide b'
polling in tile various municipalities o
con . f . rom j' :
lot 6, Maida, d udge'
town, and �upposini that 8o f,�Ctm- outslee
SEALED, Lenders 'add ressed t6 tj . ie, u , rider -StPERIOR
A, C �K'S 0 U."IS
their i, �otes I vAedier :policy 'Under
Thoms. The pla, ce, was assessed for
of Own- an annual fee Qf:410 each
sil d'ancl endorsed "Tender' for.
w,od -vvorkq�" ed unti
be, i0eiv 1
which e�'vc'ry! 4�elaszi' of. the 6'11-lmunity'
11400 and 'three -fourths of -the valu,e
:corporation �tor the sustenatin, or the
THVRSDAY� the 6th day, of: JULY ncxi,�:
f� rospering. should be coutin
o u ed,
Porter. Qatlior6m
b ildibgs.:, Thes n
was in. eo had. bec�
.bdrfit dow if -before be -came, into
'school, would �be� $�Qb -oni thw bove
i a
silo,,%ilb . g, does- it not appear that there I
cl usively,, for the construction 6 p
I ;, , L
y would' r6tur'
-St. John's War 4�2
St 'oi�g'p's.Ward. 37 :32
. I I
session- and a' he bad o . Illy, paid, $600
Sofne,l ling -radicaly- wrong ar
,sc I "but a
hoolaudis it i3otillne that tile ratppav-
4icy that. hadbrotiglit the oil
0 1 1 i I
I 1 1. . I t ,
St Andrew's Wardi.,,, 4' 2 52
forthe property lie,asked to have: ill:
ers, ask.for it sti t linvestigatlon;�witl)ltlje
Collling*ood, SinicbIle Colinty"Onti
O�L Hrl H
Ed There could', be�
St.' J Ines? W '46. 55
a ard,.
a9se.sswent red need. Oil nio'tion of
�s the'Vea's, f
to be -T
but 6116 answer to . sn-cli a 4,uestion,
.- �;. : , �1. I
Mr. Cox' seconded by Mr. Peacock -it
$ ),- �
!its ec e-Alpon the rrust.,ee
d h n] loii� and ur
'B adopt such� measures, a's Nvill r
accorcing-to,a p an n 'L "
seQU. on application at I tile office f, the:, t6ne
A 8
Thepe6pleof Calladadfi Tu'��4ay re-,.
153 .1-81
was,re,�61.ved, to reduce the assessm" e"Lit
I : - ; . - � �
ta $60.
i our High School to the standard it should'.'
r1f S
an. S.-
Town Clerk C611ingwood, where piltited
te q� nee .. of
y e fy, i
-�Pol%Trits,MAJORITIE 8
Mo'V'e.1.by.,MrAaithwaite siecon'6d
occupy, Viewing i,'t as'a commercial en-
terprise, it cannot be coftsiAlerecl 4 cces�. ,
forfils"of can be obtained,
Pe�rsons*ten erin& are
d -notified that ten -
I'llL,whi efe'c'tions werek
AGOderich Towhslif P.-
1 1
byMr. rWhitely, thatDavi'd*%sker-.
I �, 11 , , - -1, _:, ,
and hile we are i ling tcI'admit that tile,
S i2
�Villei be, reftilded $1 from taxes, as ie
valae:of an educationI should hot be esq-
-mated� by dalhirs and cents,yet, Jlle�L rate-
the prihted forin. .�upp)icdj he,'blanks 7
pr9f.erly filled id, and signed: with, th I
Ed to support the. Nationaf
d 2'.
`s:of -$1-400
Ila recenbl'V' a, los
-�: - � I ir agai nst tile,
yers iave,a rig, to �rotest
oil lie week in
l w lines this
actual signatures.
M R -A Y2
by fare and had no
squandering of their money,to keep up an
E, tch(le ied, -b
'y L
Moved fr. Lai th wait�, seco'i ded
institution w4icb, to. the le,
4eqepted.7 bank ch eque, madepayable to
f �t lie Reform par,4. are sensiblv--ad-,
byAir. Whitely, , that motion: NO.L 2
work.'v(ry, int,'fficle�iftiy. Tile
tile orderof,thle Horiorable the Minister-oty
'Troll Hardware Mer
g , ;
ed 'be
vi t I y ma acc.--tpt t iia second' L de_
6 '29
- --
bt. Be co�ni a s
notifyLin - Ro a
tile cost of the gi-oduds buildiags�. and
equlpu�ents, I%, hl& u Ig tlf,e.
f andj
Public wort is,� 11 equal to ffv'e'pei, cent. o -
tile amolit)"I b of: the tefider, 'Which wi�be.,
S e 0, S
-is se ,
final Qnej-,� refu D follow
u, r, !d for. paying salaries, and for iuclden�
d I
forfel Led if the'party ec 114 t6 efiterintaa
'he lead'6f' the Globe. new8naLper and
Total' '185
am utkand John 2. tof,
remove fences aoCoiding L�ay's
tal,expenses� will not fall much: Short, of
$1400 hich the'rdtepayers of Cli nton are'
cohttact;whenLc--iiled upon to do so,or,if
be fall io c6mpl'te, the -work 6�ntritcted June 7th, 18
Sir Richaffl artwright in their fatu7
- 1. t'
Survey, as recorde&in minute b'ok� o
obliged top&yalinually towards he* up
for. 'I f tb�, tender be not accepted 'the
�I:is'pohcy i,obitructio'n and-antag
i, lilt on
July 5tb,� 1880,'be resQinde'd and Al. t
tile 1. The lower and - Second depart-
61 the High: 18chool"Irpresided orb
checipe will e, returned.
The DepArtin -be oun6 IVY60 WANT A CHEAP
cn� wit I, not to
AW %to� ibe picte� IV e an and
the cletkr noti, b re-
fy tl I ie a oveparties to
y able till energetic. t I eachers. ivould b
d e'
accept the lowest Or any ten er,
fir as
,he baing"been'
AShfield T
th .' f
move ei r ences accordinffL to the.
placed by Mr.' T-A'ssmore, as -per,
tile. 1'rom i�liidi: the town
its derive the �reatest amount f beuc�
Pqp L
Byr order, �ody' should i9eer - ur S ot h
MY jk very C
)f L Con
finally. Only by,�ddb
F WaN�anosb, 56,
ilt'.8ibee, piIiny p6l'onts U the t6Iyn send
I, son
tl_ d I
s to tht
Secretiryl �T d. Suits t 16.
Of P Works,
pe fa, P?W6r.in.t1 fu'.
awano�h - 31
McCartney b rid',, !
ii.ei aug ers.
ail 'PA
not 'Vltjl t116 VieW of'' pl�c On
Ottawa, 76h June,
Mre. Gue'-friends had,, ll� good
that bad 'been L built by hipiself and'
'helli for a but that. they
Drk fun am Vle en� t LL" dr.th'm On,
UIL o ea
T t 214
Some -otherii over -Plixtintner's Cree Oil
_rnIJy D( s,anc
io� tii-lit in*thele
h,bra I ncii . es I i i
q&Lt 0
L 8hould,'.seb o1w Serge:
L t �to' and
ley well workiivitia:w
Total niaioritv forr 0 29
6 side to -15, hi
and if in Ltbe dl-Wd��
victo led -�anners.
'upon - their �
con,. fiey hiad Lad top - ut:,,in a great
deal in -ore work than e p�cfed mad'
ut a
partilictit bein 'alny way &1166'
teacher,Ahe pupils'lindc is
- him- 'become. Ill
Suit U r L S
PIP sat'$12 A, War d
Ll N G
rhe b
W I e� is to e coligratu,
List of,Oiitario Illeniberg.
lie thought Council . hould vesozne� re- -
ed, and :and It' Wr6n is.
a, iea testilt. Some good m6n
Conb.ervoi ive.
t ency. t Reforlh.
'Cons itn�
111uneration.� :,Moved by r. White y
em if
�vhi; h they SqrClom
recover, and livi y ca ii testify
1, I
. � OW
Y Lenders, addressed to the under- an
SEAL;P CL :C 'ada:'.T*eed�S ui as:
ts, as 1
both I es live fallen,iii the -battle,
Ajdd:in W. Bell
seconded byr-1vI:r;'C6x, that theL" 8 uln: , 'Of
has been ex , perience o pup�ils w 0.
L : . :, !
si, er for PoA r t
and �Cndorsed I, Tend
in 3 some'new 'ta en is imported in 0
BothyVell. D MLIlls
be gian'ted tOL'Pay Mr� Mced toey:
have atcnilted ou 9hdA. Can the 1'Ne w
Office, &c-;�C 111 be receiveq
hatham. Ont 1, f I out
Only so 0 e a I Will. clear -them
1e.:,House..' We rust fat, all vil 1.
J., S
Brat LN rh 6�rvllle'
Bralit - 8 PaAersou
and -otbet-9L wurk Adne oil this
Inforin lie! tatepap, VS koW
the'sieho6l �Ijfrl- Ic' P!18f�
aW t' U(
his.6 ec'untiI WEDNESDAY;:Abe ..;: � ' L L 20.L00
btll 'A
'Ot 1U for, the
anite in working li.e'aftily f6r.the best
v Wood
Brock' F
fr. Cox banded n, rer
;two Yeal'S ftlid to
Infor thein
High can I in I
erection of%
, % I I . �ever erO(
The best D
mterests ofour cqm, ountr�.
E It, M We, IS
srd"of which had, ',b-e-6nr. 're 117
kOW1 Maill nPOST
ts T H'I,NL.
r e
esale.of' a own6
ulation, were a isfied;W11 a (I
lllized'from ,
A T liu'r''on hag done credit to'itS�Jf
�C ardwell
John Gordon Nbo, had die i�ndij6ljt,
Alaster� and fonlid.1t to atteti&
6, Higli'�Sc'fioo'ls to OW e In
THAT L a :test IMPM
Tom' Farrow. again
Cailcton Sir J. Ma6dqnai&
pr Ili
circumstance all wh fun6ral,
Pe;',tr tL e 'Council Lai pai
ie -gain
which;.ihey- hay d'
he -e tile
'r6 ? In conclu�ioil, ai 'r,a t'e payers
n: be, S
aus an -Speel C Cell at:,
the Deparinient OfL blic-.Work,�,, Ot 07�;-� Bovs
y. a majority 0 1.3 5�`
It W8;S 1 Y.
S Out
0 as te:
card w d omT)r..O el Y
'wil fingtwcolitent-themselves with a second
and Post Office Chatham or and,
pe d I s I vo.b6en
cte t iat the re if t,would"ba,
D sa
un ey
:;Darham E' A T Williams
of Geller I llospital� Toronto say�ll
or. third-rate an
a theL of Jniie� t Bloz s as OOW
�tjl, ,
lo in tbi& South
W Blake'.
' -
that ohn: Chambers would be as well
have a'selloblwhiChr rdfter
should will be
ind, in other, re�j t
to� our growin,� vc,
Persons t6nderi ng iii -e -iii that: tend S
Ill not beLconsidered unlesk made, of) d
a mad or er.
�Elzb',' E L DL r L Wilson
�E G eq E
at hom6 an -1 adv Council 0 se;fid
perous, to 'AYBI�.
prin the' blanks
CL Pit te 6
E 61 r
for ft Over.
Cluitoll, June 28vd;
property fflled in -and witheir
thepedple Of'1L
itb�'re 'rende to tie
ad' lea
allied by'an sour which i more r bhn
rge S t
on, tile', s:pl e'flflid Vot 'a Ve tile
F Ilac
Glengarry'. Macillaster"
fro I concessions and -oil
I'S :bou'se has re -
et ou e ht%- of. any -previcius, y6a'r�
t bank cheque, fna(16"pflyable 'to b!
lei- BARTS
Iloii6rabl TOY
Pois after Ge'neral. The re neven
renvi lb, S Be uso
irming a� suryei nlg��e by, 4r. Pas.
a coats of.: pai :t lat
e t er Minister o,
to:, ve per cent27of
Avas any oubt, -ig,to the.iesult in hmore
y., Dr Spro
Gre �Allan
A, and after, a little
was c6nsidere
in appeara. nee ky
t e allio"t
b Of etend&,� which will be
constitueney,'but onest. John Carling.
IT -
Grey'r 8 Dri,adderkin
, .,
q tead, time nd
discus�;ion W�' a
' r
' ''
its lie' dr li:-� if� llm� , L 1, : �
W a u
46rfeited if thc�party*d&line to enter into a
contract when called upozi t� d C), I<L S,� C3 1'.
"d , " ''r ' ' r ,
has �,goo , reason 6, e the
, ,
D Tidoms on
pasSeq. 11 1
Tlie:follo' n,;acconnts werer pase&
I� : r
P -�LM'iss'Sarah )Vett W b
lia,g,beuil visiting Ili t it vichdLy of Bel-
.: r 0 SO 0 11
lefail w6ik rrOwS
to coin aoons Wheelba
�'fo� f the., tender be not accepted 'tile.
handsome' majority r rolled for
T Robertson
ITuoh Alellraine- repairitlgr bridge Ist
gra ie p, ZN turned
Ve fol
ill etutne'd, ubber balls
bert I
inte igent: workindii of ithe
s ti zl,�s E John White
Ugh Me raine, repafring
bound' to She Ph6to'
The,b6plirtme f4ill not 1, PiotUl;e
ML Bow
Allverb I $2L 45 SkiLin. JDhITS0n,L
Fridlayl Mr� 19: S of t
accept the lowest Orr any tender.
o I r I r of all iids Al'oft 0
did ',noblyr�- No city oi%
Hu'ron West 0, CamLerOnr
11 siII -oad, I st
ulvert, 0 1 1 com,
$3 Wni: Elliott new CL con.,
'i �j t St
6th ClGoderich had. iL bee
drawillO the foundutio if
a -U& W.6 y..
town, in Can ada lias' derived argQr
E ast Farrow L ,
Hnro 'ofith J C M I I I ad
q 5.95 ; Geo.- Young, repairing culvert
erjoe n q a
-barn:wItlich win.'. lit6ly has?,
PA r t ill e b t f P U b 11 W ,
b from �tbe Nationral Polic than
e y � I
�Cellt 1-1
I 1
ISt e6n�, 5 QuIlla
side'road. 57
. r 11 ) Geo. Y
I � r
contracted to" put up s scion, 'as the
0 1 401 Mliy, '1882,
, 2
1. .
-and sh
the� Ambitious City e reL paid
. 1 :4
Kingston. A Gunn
. ;. . I r
side r .1 L $20.25
repIlIrIne 0a( 1,6t Coll
asons are� gone. lle� bad;a: good
tile debt' of- gratitirde,cheerfully a:i 0 id
-Lmbt .1 F !qel�
t putting "d
Young,L in pipe'ron S1 e
dal )s'
y ODe'L
7 7 7
norllbly. M6S JC� I
srs ilvert '.L anc
L allar J Jamelsoil
? .
i tfa,,;gar� (A 6.)'
.3 insoni rpduc
'Ila oiiside road Ist Coll:; $lr7 ; John'
Canadian jbi�tles are. calling ft r:
I .� 1. 1 r . r ,
pro ection � 1,0111 the, r
t r , � "I ruthlbss
r . 0
Time for re6e lvin-0 Lenders C,3r the above -
k. 1, -Viifficy'Goods ate of the n
or 9 :hei-0)y EXTENDED�
f th
Ro ertSon o -w 0 a 'o eir
and ot le a 3rd
I -r vel
, , , r , , , . f ,
'NESDAY - 16th U L
en mous maj6rity to the W6 manner
V j 11'6 rgilson
Geo T' I'
L Q e It S y or
t I A -1617ide, Tepairing
4 1'. 13 Cii
t d a monfopq y to t,r
- ' t)
an the plains st, kid and the. best" qu ity.�
and specifi`�atioils 6an:bb seen and daughter I F
and; after
On PlI,t orge
Ill whicll� ibeir. cause. bas -een cham-
L,nno x :Sir Macdonald
g' in;L be�leq suppression of tl
Th ursday, 029th' i
ploned by 'the $pectqto,� the best i fr ' I r_
Linco 'I nr J C"RykeA
London J Carting
three' ; TSait,116 graii6,: 18-7�
Printing Qo'y,.pri,r�ting, 812.75.
IOr(l er,
formed journal, .,on the trade question
ex, E.�,Vacmiilan
adjourned to'. meet on-
A Bluo, Secrertary;
Mr. -of. the Ur,
111 the Dominion.
J ArinstrouL,
the spearld Alloaday
eau of 1ndustrieq,, Toronto, is ta,6n.g
Department of Public W I(sJ —A—
uttawa, 1�th Spine, 1�982, 15
Middlesex. N,T Cougiiliti
t inie by the forelock
C�LEN� RRY ed as its repre-
M' W
ex G W Ross;
Monck L McCallum
As:Tifn result of.fbe electians e
tile me�i:
thr6ugl um of;school teacher
2 SbIlth of B
U P- T T 0
oe)tafive one of the most talented me'n
Muskoka C,
0 I k J C
:have, tor rec6rd the, loss OV160, ew
sche6ules the farmers whicb. tbey
he are to fill out and re
'r 16 THE' th, 18S2.
In ell cMastef7 is young
Norfolk 8
proin , inen men on tlie-Coiiser-�ativ.
tuii to teach e1<W1lO.i,% allowed th
G�edito n, S'G ott'4
in already' made b s- ar
am lwb�o, har, in k
A., in -tersibfwe
e v ry one of the -is
u atifi, them :%nd
&)'noy 'Ofr tab I sending
Farm &T nTpoporties
in the Local HtS6, an(l I de
E, E Cochfune
In e ma!oritics,
lindso i
'In back. schwfules ask for
. L
oi b' inton, County of ow
be town 001
ser�ed the. ptomoGn 'to a highrr Gold
, "
lom W G Guillet
- I
wb'ile' 'ir Jobrr b as succe0ed in' 'being
inforinatio n concerning acre,%, ;dif
fer e of cr titnated busb
. . . FO R, ALE.
10,-0 00 OF
of labor. Gle h
ngarry as reason to'be
F W Glen,
ret urned for t Ontario cofistituen-
e 1.� of pr6duce.,'fZ �00, also ilifo,
OTICE is �cr.cby thattheabov c. nrn od
N SC034 11 n a5signniont�f all -his estate
ill t
proudr Of I &r gifted Son W, w ake
Ontario, W Geoi
ei6s. 0 a otr)-i"rerr the Reformers
tion concer6ing ' real and pdrsonal
and eif&616 red, inLtrii8t,,for thebeftefit
his' ho At I
ran k agrone of the be t4ebters in the
J,0 Mack 'Intoah,4
ob tit 'a r L
WLI Tasse
clo the ss of Sir Albert Soll
in,, '- '
about, 86 colullills in all. Tile
of creditors, are �q be Tmid'-pfo rat.
Doulinio'n Hoii8e.
Oxford SutheOzml
Oxford,: 8 A Harley
px Angii ir Richard Car tL
and Hpningd
ri b Oil
'I'll .
teachers have' wor o do an& th e
Bure if AS ltbe b
id particulars tba�of; with the usual 8tataLf.or New D 00 S
a )I,, , ry- G d
deelaration" to t t 0 -e.
, I I tj�LUST I , i
r A 1) 1882,
After the T DAY op
Perth Jas Trow �:
- -
g! or) CaS
' a
Th e 'V� Thowas who has been
will proceed tordi�trlbntc the proccedc
f thC'Sllid 0,Stftte, Pro ;ratR, a1116)166f. thl'8C �rcdltors .1 oP?
JL�dwelling', n the e of 'ilviroa nd'Orange Ready-made Cloth�hi'
For lbe,purpme of enli-litei tll�
Pct�rboro' E -J- Burnham
A;�r� John Me'Millan of the 2nd con.,
16�&ging, be6,lasb
St r of th L h6rch here for
t fare-
Al Ir parties indebted to the'kaid 'estate are to settle s , el -1 hno'N6 as tile ount�astic' store." Would be 9
biddbtedn h forth.. 2 for othei, pr6pqr6y, or sold cheap on, long-
th6 bH,8
,iiii, Air Oct at No.
"-G Hilliard
had a I'Vionday'.
oil S afternoon.
the amount of said %j'it me
Ode iOh
4 Polfin(y ub-Diviioh of G r
Prescott -' Lablrosse'
dies werle and thein-
Tha earld
IV. nn(4.r,W. ii. ifats.'and Ca'
Towiiship we �qucte the f 011ONN'i.n g
I E dw'd J'M Platt
S", V's III'making coverin ful dui
The Collgre'a sorr' y, to : Prt
& tile, — L Item blic .
(1111LIng-rooni) eight
rlauseslrotn The oniiiiiofi R16ctioirva'ct
Eenfrew, N Pete W lite
Ina our n6eftirnal-slu-m-bers.
vithL Ili ar a:g,be -elbquunt pre r
innD' icit6hon, panti large collar,,
L for
1874.'' iial learli a by
11,,nfrew. S R, Campbel 1.
Frank Ki Ity r w bo. left . fr.01. ill_
and, by his c6utteous m anner W611, tile
I r
bar �Vell tiRed a'
6 Mid soft nof
gboitrdkn�bomc, painted and
ots nd Sh 6s, nd
0 a 0 a
1 e a, whe-n I that has, been done 1)6
'rk� and
. : M Dickinson
'e, EL 1-1 11 Cook ,
'nipeg ill the beginning of April and
as carpe'ntek.
d 116
hearts all good' will of, all,
. in his nw, sphre of o
lab r mid
hd�ondition. Aply,to the Wner, Be,n'-, -B
EXTENSIV ni-13,'or to the under8igned.
E''SALE 1 0 0,
be in a position to say whether b is
fictions; on t6e, 2,,0th were or' Were riot
St TDCO e. N D Mccarthy
e f3 Tyrwhitt
Was ��pn
whOL 12,
arrivaLat 82 per (lay, has now
will as manyl fri�'ndS as lie, has here.
Lot 825, ary Street, (opposi
romidence) with neat cotthgeof three rooms
�Jlln,6jL iERchen ;L good well.. and poinp; choice
'coi I trary, to-" aw
J us,Beat I ,
ty, jr
a �positlon ill 'a hardware Btore
and �S,
fruit.trees in,g4rden, etc�
-01H E TS 0HOME: T A
SEC. '72.�-Every nd a
Toronto C
We, was tbc -'scrutineer in
a ye 1 met
ietorift Street;
Th e valuable Hotel property on V 2G.
in� attende bee at a plhcq�shall mail)_
Slid aid in M I il I I) g Lhc: 86crecy of
viCt6i Cameron
a, 8, J It D U ndaS
no fear of 1))(, e nig
I ie, Refoi est ii
0. at t &,nt for t1le
�d, four
Mull ery,, T largo hotel buil(ling, driviTiq she,
imbef Stock &c TjWn lots, &e.
pluce'and ball
oil IS clos'C to
ot, e m late is01"JUIN
Waterloo, N it Kranz'
at],; but, has ot abandono pes
T-1`6wwof Cdthifioaq who Swore young.
will be bS, the nridersigh6d tip Huron Street, clintim, formerly field by J. C' le rekardless,0 "COS
AT' W S in ff
EXT, at the h g
any -.person, an'y I litorrafttion as to. whether.
WaUrloo S J Livittggton Forgo n
P&qideptial cleme "y Ve pils8os most
lal NVbOr I
In tbu iftorn(joii, for the ptu'cage of tile Real Millir, no%V ocatuied,by hn J.LAlar�hi
Part of
ny poison Oil th 6 'Voters list Ila, 4 of, baS"not,
Wcllil3gtoll, N r
hi�'tipie in' r'eaffixi,-, tlio BiOe�,'
.tltille(� 31 id
Ile '401�
the est,Ltd and effacts ofOUN scori of 4 & �7 Roads d6de-rich township,- 0-nipri8inig
0 P r6i'a Vallot pap& or i�Qted at that,
'ton, C4_D L Orton
Well'i"I r
pai( tax 17bi
y61ng nian bad notL es 8
ohliraclor. �s 0 11 ssIand, nearly all cleared ad in
the town'bf Clinfoo, C' Thi a pr.6pbrty is 435 ac
buildingW, 'Only
pol In! place.
n, Jaq Innes.
ko to know, W116
conclIti onomfile
well sitoatcion the. good on..'Gobd ct�e, I
from 6. W..Stahon.
this year and what tiis
MOWN TOWN. OF CLINTON,, L t ��I, on p, ton $treat" with 'the dWPTJj ng�bo�jse
Every peron IV) op't ly r indirectly,
bv himself or bY at)y otheri person on his
wor L
tj 8'
York A� McKe'
dical Prof6ssioh a'md all whom
yo Ve 'to cl'6, w1th- la�t� Y'e,
es by,.Nfr. $1mj)s6n, G. W. R. station , �D
And is in way a desirable. (an d. !'Ile promin �ccllpicd
may be inspcctQd �t time, andali iDforiilation agent. Also, Lot. .10 6 Mary street-. aln1tti('1g 4 on
f '4' , , ti
belialf; makes use 6 of, ireatoisto majw
fe'eee, Viol onceoril�estrfthlt, or in-,
y W C w a I I a'c�p
rl X W Xlftlodk
it may concerm
voter S ist Or Wfiat, taxes 11,�Verto� :do
`T`Kq,�J � �';Ilob, a word in
to tile 6a., ,I,r be 111on, plica�ion to: the- -the %!)eye lot. rhe lots 111 b� 8014 CoWether �Oa
043� , - ----- -
�ccr in to ;hLi
tile inflictiObs by him-
a 6d �-upon Sol entific
rd to, if-, 'tho,,6ath.
I Cl ton.
JACXSONj,AsTig n T r1b
ignee. heillotsoandt6t, T'
')I AN]' SPOTT, Solicitors f6f, A 6001,1pied-by Mr, W111. The hodec 0'tain�'
r rby,or through any :other per'
vvays wo
Jiwc 18se-), thirte rooms bcl6w,anel one in tl
.11 y 1 hj n ry, 4 d 11 ni age, 'I "S
lbtln Uponr of�
r cotia, 'returns, 15 Conser
NoVa S
Mr. J)0,,'OfjLJo,4tOIJ'r Mass�, qutes
%V�(, 1'e lJort P 'Crl fo r C
i� Nvdil, &n. Terms eN&y
akl1katlon T he Stoi
�Onj -in order W induce or
'aga Inst any Prel"
'Orr I rro
and 6 114rzirme
New 13e6h�wlek returusS Conservative
ry Sick
ks. 'Vertigo� mid 9�otira;lgi
belongifig Oft .,Norswortby, and now
NOT tE.L npicd,by,�It.
The.vu in
lei) n M
And 8 ReformeiS
blie -v
su�,Ahfq other lot6'a4d bniidtngs� torsate'r. Apply
01' on ACCOuilt
Votf,Lo,�or refrained in� elei
smatiV68 and 4, 1101`6�rhenq,
all Jtill&
e jS 'd,_ I
syste not NIC
I a
, 4�,,877
'he undemigbddi:
indebted to t ALE, lg��o S
All Parties to a aaLr and od an4
btfuction 0, 11 r anyL
tio6,-4)r who, by i (I
fr)(duffnt ocvi�e or co6fl�v'�tncd� impedre."J'
,kow 6r'ollt� riot 62 &�ervatives'lnn(l
1, 1 1 , r, . L '/L--
cine, but A' because it Co
'taillk,oll il'64SOIIN,
so rapid y
lr6'(1) �I'l dy
llar6n St., Clinton I
Will 'be" redelver1kn& r6ceipted
4�4 , Interferes wIth4
'Total top bor, Ard from
vcget&�le- or,
that,tfie pl4tltor �iad in'o LOL eS_'
ce exerelse'of the a ly Voter,
130 con' iies an&&D WWI&
�e r vA
9, n
Cape Ili , t 161t L os,,; is, abOut'
or t iere, y co%pe re
vpon s�ny voter eithei t6�glvo or refrain
but sitnpl',V, PI'mphitieand Elp-
L "'A
'A y
j,,iviog'his. vote at shall-
Allk. airin:e
f �il 60(1
�ni ts, ound (18
sufficient to 601) VllICC(, All
Th o United States Senate ha� �dd
oms'; sulta , bI6 for X i
Two, we'll votiiaW to E04 J0
be to have Committed the o
l3ndUe aXid sbiill be 'gui t of- a
Lr 'd bid 14A but as lie b ad lost
DrciggistPg-ell it., $1. 00 pdr �bule,
T�ill thp, brProt
offieeg in e
toy to learn e'For Yurther nforina-,
the Sum
,11A AV Of L tbeAr4i"400 h 06d,to,
tow Age LI 0
Tomale imoli gra,n&�. e1882,
BLACkE pply t'. J 7 ttb
L'I To N